Re: I'd like to do walkthroughs, but I struggle too much with presentation

2021-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'd like to do walkthroughs, but I struggle too much with presentation

Yeah, me too. I used to do streams with various different people, some on my own, too, and I often found that simply having other people to talk to was enough to put me at my ease.Jayde,As a general FYI, literally your entire checklist, all 10 of those things, apply to me, or have applied to me at some point. I do have an Asperger’s/autism diagnosis, got it when I was quite young. I’m what many would consider to be high functioning.


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Re: I'd like to do walkthroughs, but I struggle too much with presentation

2021-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'd like to do walkthroughs, but I struggle too much with presentation

Hey, send that technoshock walkthrough to the rest of us! That's all I have to say. I'm interesting in seeing what you make.What sorta games do you play?Edit:Personally I work much better when I've got people to give me direct feedback, which is why I did my Aurora walkthroughs with Zak, and when he lost interest in the game, I haven't recorded anything.


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Re: I'd like to do walkthroughs, but I struggle too much with presentation

2021-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'd like to do walkthroughs, but I struggle too much with presentation

Hey, send that technoshock walkthrough to the rest of us! That's all I have to say. I'm interesting in seeing what you make.What sorta games do you play?


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Re: I'd like to do walkthroughs, but I struggle too much with presentation

2021-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : khomus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'd like to do walkthroughs, but I struggle too much with presentation

Here's my tip. You say when you're relaxed, you can find where you need to be at. You also say you'd be fine with a lot more stuff being unscripted if you're doing a let's play. So do that and be you.I think scripting really gets in people's way. IMO you see this with people all the time who do stuff like this, they feel they need to be something, you know like a kind of character. Some people can really pull that off, and other people can't.I also think though that you just need to try stuff. Maybe that's just busting out with videos or audio or whatever, maybe that's beta testing it among people you trust, either because you know them or they're people who you feel are giving good feedback. I look at it like learning a song. You start, and you play three notes, then you get it wrong. You do that again. People get frustrated and that's understandable. But that's just how learning songs works, you fail a bunch of times. Or if you don't like failing, let's say it's a simple enough song that you have it in your head, maybe you're trying to add an ornament to it, and that comes out wrong. The only way to stop doing that is to do the song a bunch more.  Put another way and more simply, suppose you want to be a potter and you want to make pots. The way to get good at making pots is to make a whole lot of not good pots. Just do it. Yeah, try and learn, read stuff or watch videos or whatever. But at some point, you gotta make pots. And those pots will not be great. But that's OK, because you're teaching yourself to do a whole new thing.I say if you're the kind of person who makes super crazy detailed game walkthroughs, good. Make those. You do you. I'm not saying you don't take feedback or anything. But I'm saying that if you have somebody like Cheese Wheel up there who just wants short and simple? They're probably not the audience for your stuff, and you shouldn't try to change who you are to please them. Not that GCW was at all saying you should, I'm just using that as an example ready to hand. If super detailed actually helps you, if it's what you want and wished more people did? Do it. Maybe I'm just weird though. I do music, with weird instruments. Every time somebody tells me they like it, usually opening with "oh my grandfather played one of those!", I'm always a little baffled, because I'm just playing what I like you know? It's cool that people like it, and I mean in a way I want them to, but I'm not doing surveys or anything and going "what do the people want to hear"! I'm just doing what I do and following my own interests.


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Re: I'd like to do walkthroughs, but I struggle too much with presentation

2021-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'd like to do walkthroughs, but I struggle too much with presentation

To address the autism spectrum thing:First off, I have no diagnostic authority whatsoever, so let's be clear on that. But with that out of the way...yes, you tick some of the boxes for me.First up: you're detail-oriented. This is a hallmark of Asperger's Syndrome, among many others. Again, not a bad thing, it's just a thing. You like details; they're important to you. It might be more appropriate to say that you like structure. If you go back and reread some of the posts you've made, you'll see something of a pattern I've noticed. When things buck a trend, when they don't go the way you expect, you seem to get a bit flustered, and seem to feel the need to recalculate to a fairly extensive degree. This is not neurotypical behaviour. Oh, everyone has it a little from time to time, but for you, I'd argue that it's a defining characteristic more than it isn't. That's the first big point.Second, you like to plan for contingencies. Again, everyone does this to some extent. But the very existence of this topic sort of proves my point here. You are risk-averse enough that you would rather have a plan for everything than fly blind, as it were. And based on other threads you've made, I think this is because you don't fully trust your immediate emotional assessments of the world around you as it evolves. This is another trademark of high-functioning autism (and I do mean high-functioning here, since you are aware of it and are actively trying to take steps to help yourself). Your emotional connection to people, and the things they think and perceive, is just slightly out of sync. My biggest clue, actually, came from hearing you discuss the people around you and how they might or might not react if you voted, and went against Donald Trump. These are people you live with and are close to, but you were not only unsure of how they'd treat your decision to vote freely, but you were concerned more about that than you were about voting your conscience. Now, I'm not here to weaponize whatever actual choice you made at the time, regardless of what it was. I'm simply saying that you seem to seek more emotional guidance than a neurotypical person would, which is a common facet of high-functioning autism.Here are a few statements to analyze. I don't need answers, obviously, but see how many of these resonate with you. The more that do, the more likely it is that you are neurodivergent.1. I have very specific, sometimes niche interests, and like to enjoy them and/or discuss them at great length.2. I have sometimes been criticized for the lengths at which I will discuss things.3. I have sometimes been criticized for failing to read social cues, especially where they pertain to conversation.4. I have sometimes been characterized as aloof, cold, "overly rational" or unemotional.5. I sometimes find myself wondering why people react so emotionally, when a little common sense might solve a problem.6. I often find myself at a distance from people - the things they talk about, the things they enjoy, the groups they create - and I honestly do not fully understand why.7. I become uncomfortable if people attempt to touch me when I do not expect it. I generally do not appreciate it when people invade my personal space.8. I can become overwhelmed by too much stimulation (sound, touch, smell, even taste). This will either cause me to lash out or withdraw, depending on my temperament at the time.9. Even supposedly everyday environments can seem overwhelming to me sometimes.10. I am a private, shy or reserved person, who will feel uncomfortable if someone attempts to forcibly draw me out of my shell.Now, obviously, this isn't an absolutely definitive checklist, but if you find yourself agreeing with a lot of these, you're probably neurodivergent. For context, two or three of these apply to me, but I have never tested as being on the spectrum; most do not apply to me at all, and those which do are not definitive of my overall life experience.And to the guide? Bring it on, warts and all. I don't care how it looks. Toss it to me whenever you're ready. Maybe host a dropbox link or something, especially if it's longer than my Manamon walkthrough.


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Re: I'd like to do walkthroughs, but I struggle too much with presentation

2021-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : musicalman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'd like to do walkthroughs, but I struggle too much with presentation

Thanks guys so much for your responses!I'll respond to some points:Jayde wrote:I think you being on the autism spectrum is at least a small part of this. You probably care about smaller details more than your average player will. This is absolutely not a bad thing. It's just objective fact, so please don't take it as a criticism.Don't worry, no offense taken. I'm somewhat curious, do you think I'm on the spectrum because I've said here I have suspicions I might be? Or is it, well, a bit obvious somehow? FYI not many people believe I am, so hearing someone acknowledge it sort of peaks my interest and that's why I ask.Jayde wrote:The trick is going to be in hitting the sweet spot between the way you would want a walkthrough done, vs. how you believe others would want a walkthrough done.To that end, I think the level of description should be commensurate with the difficulty and/or the complexity. If you spent five minutes explaining the layout of a set of corridors, and you only actually navigate through them for a minute and twenty seconds, that might be overkill. There's no exact formula to this though.Generally, in my experience, walkthroughs can be of all types. Some are quick and dirty. Others are so exhaustive that no stone remains unturned. I personally tend more toward the latter, but not all the way. My manamon guide is an example of this. I explain almost everything...sort of. I don't tell you exact stats, but I give impressions and outlines of virtually anything you might care about except, like, the various coin-making games in the rocket hideout/casino place.I think you hit the nail on the head here. especially when it comes to finding the middle ground between what I want to do and what my audience wants to see. If I'm relaxed enough I can find said middle ground, but when I'm consciously thinking about it, it becomes quite difficult because then I go into planning mode which means I have to account for everything haha.I actually downloaded your Manamon walkthrough a while back, even though it's not really my kind of game. I intended to read it, to see how someone thorough like you tackles a walkthrough of that sort. I think my Technoshock walkthrough is longer than your Manamon one, but whether that's because of the length/complexity of the games or the difference in style, I'm not sure. I'll have to sit down and read your Manamon guide properly to get a better idea of that.Jayde wrote:I would love to see your TechnoShock walkthrough, by the way.I've been meaning to show it to you for a while since you expressed interest a while back. I'll make a point of getting it into a finished state and will probably send it over private message or something unless you have another preference.octoross wrote:You should play games are turn base, so you can do actions in game and explain at a same time, don't worry, i'm like you at that point. I will explain things and make things goes more, more further as my mmine gone far. So, you'll have a number of fans, me at least, will happy to see. And, btw: can I co-operate with you somehow? Just tell me and i'll be happy to help as best as I could.Thanks for the input and offer! I'm not super into turn-bassed games. The only one I really like at present is Tank Battle Endless Gunner, and the only reason I checked that out was it involved shooting things, which I find fun. I do like the game, so maybe I'll branch off into other turn-based things? It's possible, anyway.GrannyCheeseWheel wrote:You'll find people who vibe with your content. I much prefer simple and sweet. If I have to listen to someone drone on for 10 minutes, especially if they're chasing squirrels most of the time, I'm out.I appreciate your honesty and I totally get it. Personally I'm not like that... Well maybe as i've gotten older I've lost a tiny bit of my patience if the rambling is really lacking, but yeah. Even I have my threshold, so maybe that will help me haha


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Re: I'd like to do walkthroughs, but I struggle too much with presentation

2021-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'd like to do walkthroughs, but I struggle too much with presentation

@1 I start off really well then tend to just lose myself and forget to comment. Great respect to streamers who actually make things entertaining.Though, for me, if you were really good at a game, I'd listen no matter what.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I'd like to do walkthroughs, but I struggle too much with presentation

2021-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'd like to do walkthroughs, but I struggle too much with presentation

You'll find people who vibe with your content. I much prefer simple and sweet. If I have to listen to someone drone on for 10 minutes, especially if they're chasing squirrels most of the time, I'm out.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I'd like to do walkthroughs, but I struggle too much with presentation

2021-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : octoross via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'd like to do walkthroughs, but I struggle too much with presentation

To be simpler, In my opinion at least: You should play games are turn base, so you can do actions in game and explain at a same time, don't worry, i'm like you at that point. I will explain things and make things goes more, more further as my mmine gone far. So, you'll have a number of fans, me at least, will happy to see. And, btw: can I co-operate with you somehow? Just tell me and i'll be happy to help as best as I could. PS: I hope you understand what I mean. Sorry for my poor writing, heh.


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Re: I'd like to do walkthroughs, but I struggle too much with presentation

2021-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'd like to do walkthroughs, but I struggle too much with presentation

A few observations and hopefully helpful pieces for you.I think you being on the autism spectrum is at least a small part of this. You probably care about smaller details more than your average player will. This is absolutely not a bad thing. It's just objective fact, so please don't take it as a criticism. The trick is going to be in hitting the sweet spot between the way you would want a walkthrough done, vs. how you believe others would want a walkthrough done.To that end, I think the level of description should be commensurate with the difficulty and/or the complexity. If you spent five minutes explaining the layout of a set of corridors, and you only actually navigate through them for a minute and twenty seconds, that might be overkill. There's no exact formula to this though.Generally, in my experience, walkthroughs can be of all types. Some are quick and dirty. Others are so exhaustive that no stone remains unturned. I personally tend more toward the latter, but not all the way. My manamon guide is an example of this. I explain almost everything...sort of. I don't tell you exact stats, but I give impressions and outlines of virtually anything you might care about except, like, the various coin-making games in the rocket hideout/casino place.I would love to see your TechnoShock walkthrough, by the way.


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