Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

2015-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

@johnnytoThe game is probably closer to Streetfighter, but nowhere near as complicated regarding inputs (theres no 360 or other strange motions for ultras or any other moves.)A quick update to say that Aria, the final character of Season 2 (officially at least), is due to release today. I am kind of looking forward to trying her out, in spite of the fact that shes seemingly quite tricky to use due to her 3 health bars and all the mechanics they introduce.Let us hope that Season 3 will happen and if it does, that its just as good and enjoyable.


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Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

2015-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

Hello,[[wow]] shes releasing today? Ya know what else that means, new music as well, I will definitely be listening.


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Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : johnnyto via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

Very interested in this game. How do you play? is it like street fighter or mortal kombat in regards to well, does that mean you have to button smash to deal some damage or are there different sounds of hit/miss/jump etc. that is easily noticeable ?anyone know if there is a audio clip or video reviewing the game in an accessibility perspective?sorry, recent to being blind so I am completely ignorant about how to play these games that are mainly made for the sighted lol.


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Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

2015-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

Well, the only game that I can think of right now that has different sounds for light, medium and heavy attacks is SFIV which has a different sound for each of the six attacks, all three punches and all three kicks. Not sure about the fulgor thing as I havent played in ages... dang microsoft for making this game an xbox1 exclusive. Not for the first time am I saying that. hahaha.


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Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

2015-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

Thought Id just share some recent things Ive discovered.Ive been playing online for a little while now and doing fairly well. The issue Im having at the moment is telling lights from mediums based on timing alone. Whilst everyone else can judge based on the animations, those playing without that benefit are at something of a disadvantage I think.I do have some good news though - Cinder isnt as tricky as he first appears. What I think a lot of the guides seem to miss is that to get the combos to connect with bf+ak you have to mash K. This is a thing I found out by chance but am very thankful for.Also Fulgore seems to have a really fast version of an uppercut (it appears similar to Jagos db+hp). I faced a fulgore online who in the first game fought well - using lots of different combos etc. However, in the second game, that turned around and he kept using the same hit over and over again - I
  couldnt break it, I couldnt instinct cancel to get anywhere with it, I couldnt jump it, couldnt block it... I am going to have a look at my blocking controls to see if theyve been accidentally modified.If anyone does know what this normal is, please let me know as I wouldd like to see if I can punish/block it.


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Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

2015-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

Ive now bought The season 2 Combo Breaker addon and the Shadow Jago Community bundle, the latter of which gives you the skin and 7500 KI Gold and goes towards tournament prize pots and is only available until May 14th.Ive been playing around with Jago more now and Ive realised that his range isnt the best unless you can get in close. But if and when you can, hes a formidable foe.The other trouble Im finding is that I cant locate any move lists online that are easy to read.Any help with this would be much appreciated.


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Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

2015-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

Jago has a good zoning game with his fireball. I play him the same way I play Ryu in Street Fighter and it works like a charm. He is definitely better at close range though.


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Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

2015-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

Well, I now have the game.My verdict: Its impressive, allowing casual gamers as wellas those who might be better experienced with fighting games to play together.Im a fan of sabrewulf, as the combos seem to come easier from him. Jago, I managed to win matches with, but I have no real idea how at the moment.Sound design is good enough that you can even play the game on a limited stereo field. Music doesnt change as quickly as Id like, but Ill give more of an idea once Ive played it some more.Ive purchased season one, and enjoy the fact that I have more than 1 free character to play with.Its a shame that the move lists arent very easy to read in a lot of places, otherwise this game might be a little easier.Even though it took what seemed like days to download, the game is a very enjoyable reiteration of the franchise.


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Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

2015-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

Definitely about the same verdict I have! Sabrewulf definitely has some easier combos, but some of his easiest ones are also easiest to break, so watch out for those. Right now since I havent bought the whole game, I havent even gotten to experiment consistantly with one character due to rotation and me not having an xbox live account to buy the thing on my cousins console without using his money. lol To reitterate, Microsoft is evil for not putting this on pc. lol


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Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

2015-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

Hello,@assault: [[wow]]. that, video, was, awesome, even though there was no ultra combo, but it was still brilliant, whoever that player was really pulled out the stop ther, even bating I think it was fullgoard at one point.


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Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

2015-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

Heres a recording of a jago who knows what hes doing! As Jade said, in actual matches most people dont go for 30-40 hit combos, usually in the range of 20 hits or so. Enjoy. Thoughts welcome... and this match was not by me!


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Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

2015-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

Again, not strictly different version of the game, but I digress. lol Thanks for those tips, Jade. From what Ive played, and watched online, the damage cap still exists. And combos are actually not nearly as easy to pull off in this game as they are in gold, because theyve introduced two new mechanics, the counter breaker and the lockout. If you time the breaker wrong, lockout means you wont be able to try it again for a second or two, which means youre going to eat a massive combo if you just sit there and try and break combos all day. A counter breaker is countering someone elses combo breaker with one of your own, which results in the same thing. I think the biggest combo Ive seen mid round was upwards of 30 hits, and that was at a tournament. The longest combo Ive seen to end a match which includes ultras is about 150 hits if I remember right. True about maximizing damage rather than hit count, though. 


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Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

2015-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

I know a lot about KI Gold, Aaron. I was nigh unbeatable with Glacius, and could hold my own with pretty much every character except TJ Combo and Maya.N64 has six buttons on the face of the controller laid out in two horizontal rows of three. The upper row from left to right are B, C left, and C up. The bottom row are A, C down and C right. They really shouldve renamed those buttons.Anyway, the top three are punches, the bottom three are kicks. Going from left to right again, they increase in power from quick to medium to fierce.Combos and linkers work essentially the same in this game as they do in the Xbox One game. So if you jumped toward your foe, hit fierce-kick and then medium punch, youd do a three-hit combo and could, for instance, end it with a special move.If you like button mashing or dont want insane combos, try Sabrewulf. Pretty much all of his moves except super-moves use the back-toward or toward-back motion on the pad (or
  stick if you prefer the stick) to launch a move.Example of an eight-hit combo:back-toward+medium punch, quick kick, back-toward+fierce punchIn that example, youre using a basic move to get two hits (back-forward+medium punch), a linker in the form of QK (which gives two hits), then finishing with an ender, which is a three or four-hit version of a normal move (in this case, four).Great part of this combo, and others like it, is that you can kinda do it without having to know precise mechanics. My nine-year-old cousin just button-mashed and he was routinely getting six, eight, even ten-hit combos for Sabrewulf. They dont do monster damage, but theyre not bad, and Wulfy is pretty relentless. Play the game on its easiest setting for awhile till you get the feel for it. For that matter, go down to Practice mode (not training, thats different) and pound on an unmoving opponent for awhile.Eventually, this is the sort of combo you
 9;ll be aspiring to, if you want to beat the game on higher difficulty with ease:Glacius, eight hits, 59% health takenCold Shoulder+fierce punch+Liquidize Uppercut+Arctic SlamQCF+MP, FP, QCF+MK, HCF-QCB+QPI break the rule here a bit. Instead of following a regular opener or move with a true linker, I use only one hit. This does slightly more damage and makes the combo harder to break because its a little faster. And believe me, foes on higher difficulties absolutely love combo-breaking.I dont know if this has changed on newer versions of the game and whatnot, but old KI games allowed you to get huge numbers of hits in a combo, but they capped the damage. To anyone who plays these games, beware; unless theres proof to the contrary, getting twenty-odd hits in a combo mid-round is probably not near as efficient as getting ten hits. For one thing, twenty-odd hits is just screaming for your foe to use a breaker. Find efficient combos, and 
 dont worry about how many hits youve got in them unless adding one or two more will significantly increase the damage.


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Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

2015-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

Watching online sets today, since its early in the morning and my day hasnt gotten busy yet... so wishing this game was on pc. Dang Microsoft for making it an xbox1 exclusive!


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Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

2015-04-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

I thought Ki already had a story mode... theres clips of it on youtube that just seem to be arcade runs with text between fights. Doesnt sound too exciting... unless theres a more fleshed out story mode we dont know about. though with constantly adding new characters and the like, I dont know what theyre going to do with the plot or the mode.


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Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

2015-04-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

Im okay, but as I said I cant get consistant combos because I dont play the game often enough, and when I do its on an hd tv with input lag, which plays heck with my timing. Here are a couple.Jumpion heavy kick into medium punch, to light punch, to medium punch, to heavy punch, to Endokyuken QCT + PWind kick QCB + K to medium punch, heavy punch, heavy kick, to shadow wind kick QCB + KK, light punch to heavy punch in sequence, shadow endokyukenThose are the only two I can remember off the top of my head, since I havent played the game in about a month. lol but hope thats a start.


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Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

2015-04-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

Ok. First and probably most important question, how are the controls laid out?From what Ive read Id say x and a are lights, y and b are mediums and rb and rt are heavies. Would I be correct?Also, you seemed to imply that you were good with Jago in terms of landing high-hit/damage combos. Would you mind listing some if you can?Additionally, is it back to block?Ill throw more questions here as and when.


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Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

2015-04-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

Thanks a lot, a couple of things:Wondering if you missed my question on controls as that is kind of important when you play a game with this many buttons... Also, by QCT did you mean QCF? an easy mistake to make in some cases.Thanks again for your help, Ill try and let you know how I get on with the game once I sit down and play around with it.On a side note, story mode coming later this year! Looking forward to see how they lay it out.


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Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

2015-04-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

Right... I forgot about story mode. I kind of wish I could just get all the content available in one swoop right now, rather than having to pick and choose each season and characters and the rest of it. And your predicted control set is correct.  Theyre basically the exact same as Ultra Street Fighter IVs, since that is the only other fighting game around with six buttons and originally where they got the idea from back in the 90s. and sorry, QCT does mean quartercircle forward. lolCompletely random note... I love the fact that Hisako, the newest character, actually speaks Japanese... and speaks it correctly!


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Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

2015-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

I can understand your logic. Its a shame that theres no way to find out whos in rotation at the moment as then I might be able to ask you specific questions. Once I get into playing the game, Ill probably be able to ask you character specifics. In a way I kind of wish they kept Jago as a free character then had a second one in rotation so you wouldnt keep playing mirror matches etc...


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Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

2015-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

I dont know enough about all the characters. Most of the character designs dont really interest me, right now the only two I like are Jago and Hisako, and because I dont have an xbox1 to mess around with on a regular basis, I cant tell you as much as I would like about character specifics... only general fundamentals. But its frustrating... because I love the game. I really do. lol


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Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

2015-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

Hello,Ive also tried the n64 version and would like a bit of help with that. Trouble is the FAQs dont say what the controls are in relation to the types of attack they do, so Im finding this particular version much harder to learn. Its the only version I have right now that I can try, but if I get an xbox one or the game comes to the PC Ill certainly be picking it up.


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Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

2015-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

Well, they arent different versions of the same game... youre playing an entirely different game, that being killer instinct gold. hahaha. Unfortunately, I cant help you with that one. I played that game maybe three or four times.


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Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

2015-03-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

@assaultThanks very much for this starting point - ever considered writing a guide on it with a few audio tutorials or something to go along with it?


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Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

2015-03-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

Ive considered it, yeah. but blast it, I dont have an xbox 1... and Im not about to get one just for this one game, as much as I want to. hahaha. But I do know a lot about the game, as my cousin has an xbox1 and I play the game as much as I can when I go over to his place.  Let me know if you have any more questions.


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Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

2015-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Killer Instinct beginners tips

You cant find out that I know of... the rotation is random. But as for different tips...You can learn the basics pretty easily, but the real meat of the game is in the combos, and long ones. There are three types of special moves you need to learn. Openers, enders and linkers. Each characters special moves has one of these three properties... and you can probably guess what they do. Openers allow you to start combos, linkers allow you to continue them and enders end the combo. The default chain is light to medium to heavy with either punch or kick, but you can also go back in reverse order from heavy to medium to light, but if you use the opposing button. So if I perform a chain of light medium then heavy punches, I can go back words if I then follow up with a heavy kick and so on. Or I can go into a linker from the heavy punch and continue from there. Those are just some of the things... there is more, but I am tired and will write more in the morning. Special 
 moves are in the same as every other game, with eex-specials or shadow versions as theyre called in KI done by using two buttons instead of one. 


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