Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

Regarding post 33, It doesn't really make sense for me though. I mean, the plot purposefully stated that the ship has one main destination to land in that planet unless it's something never mentioned at all. And what's about a hundred humans in the ship, +all the mobs and so on? It doesn't really sound like it...


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Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

One thing I never actually worked out, is in the dream sequence about zopolis there is a huge power reactor and the like and the place is full of dragons. I actually wondered if the point (particularly if Aaron was making future games in the series), was that zopolis was actually going to be terraformed for humans, but was okay for dragon halflings in it's unterraformed state, so maybe the next game was the conflict between the two over environmental changes. I don't know, but that would be a nice direction for things to go if there is ever a sequal. We'll now see if Manamon has more of a story. I do hope so, but it's a little early to tell thus far.


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Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

What if the Paladin isn't scheduled to land at Xopolis at all? What if they were simply going to fly over it and escape pod the dragon children out via some secret area of the ship? Perhaps the fifth wing, where nobody except those given special treatment can go?Another plausible explaination for "why are we stopping in Xopolis?" is "Ladies and gentalman, we're sorry for the inconvenience but due to some minor technical difficulties we're going to have to make an unscheduled pit stop. There's no cause for alarm and we'll be back on our way in an hour or so.". As for it being a huge ship, that's simply because that's the business Starwalkers is in. Presumably it's supposed to just be a loop around the galaxy. The ship seems to be more designed for halflings than it is for humans given all the secret areas only halflings and crew can access. I think there are lots of viable places to smuggle them on and off without tr
 iggering alarm bells. As it just so happens we were never meant to find out how they were planning to execute it since the ship was sabotaged.


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Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

My favourite scene in Paladin honestly is the one in the post-game in the Jeffrey Memorial Hall. The DJ Rocky one also could've been good but it felt very...clownish, I suppose. Neat gimick for a boss fight though. I did quite like that.Most of the main storyline just...doesn't do it for me. Moments where I'm supposed to care, I mostly don't. And moments where I'm supposed to be pleased...well, I'm pleased when I finish the Stella and Cruelclaw fights, and that's about it. I think I'm burnt out on Paladin for a good long while. Possibly forever.


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Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

What's not the same, obviously what the previous poster said, is the taste. The more attached players have with the characters, the more dramatic it could go. Sadly though, there's no such scene in paladin. The scene I like the most seems to be the first flashback with Kelly and Jayden. But that was it, and that scene doesn't have much taste either. Well, at least it's replayable anyway despite all boredom I have right now, at least to collect all the galaxy dusts and treasures again.


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Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

Yes, that's true, and I thought that was fairly weak as well.Bearing in mind, of course, that in FF5, the fairly open-ended job system means you can play Galuf/Krile much much differently on each attempt. Lucy/Simon are locked in.Bearing in mind, as well, that Lucy and Simon, and generally the story itself, don't have a ton of depth. So when your link to the story is already tenuous at best, that's not exactly a compelling case.Now I'll illustrate a point:Many people know about Galuf's death, but I would venture that it didn't hit folks too terribly hard.Now look at Aeris's death. That shocked the gaming world. Part of that was the mainstream nature of the title (vs. FF5, which was fairly quiet, admittedly). But part of it was that you'd spent a bunch of time sympathizing with, raising and ultimately being involved with a character, and then bang! she's dead. That was a gut-punch.Paladin couldn'
 t dream of this sort of gut-punch in my opinion. The player isn't nearly as tied to Lucy. Not to mention that once you realize that Simon is your new party member, and takes over all of Lucy's old stats, it feels even thinner.I dunno, maybe it's a case of YMMV (your mileage may vary)? But it didn't do it for me. Not at all. And I'm really not that demanding as far as story goes. I've played many games with fairly thin story (look at all the mainstream pokemon I've played) and what kept me hooked was the gameplay.


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Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

About lucy/simon, Final fantasy 5 did this exact thing. When galuf dies midway through the game, his stats are transfered to his granddaughter.


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Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

it shows that only a few of the passengers and crews are actually halflings...what about the others? completely agree with that. and the whole lucy/simon thing..the dev just use the same character data and it kind of sucks. lucy's actually the strongest character and the most skilled with knife so far...then it's thrown to simon...


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Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

In a post-wartime environment, that still doesn't make sense.If halflings are "officially" supposed to be hated, but are secretly being supported, you'd think they'd pick a better way to smuggle them to Xopolis than, y'know, a hge ship. I suppose you could argue the hide-in-plain-sight thing, but a bunch of rich people asking "uh hey, why are we stopping in Xopolis?" is just too big an elephant in the living room to ignore.Nah, doesn't make sense, not when the game's opening story itself said the Paladin is -bound for Xopolis, which suggests everybody knows it. Just another drop-the-ball thing, oh well.


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Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

Because of the war that took place betwean dragons and humans, media probably told everybody about all the monstrous things dragons have done, and invented a lot of reasons  to hate halflings. The guverment also wants them killed, from what I know (if I didn't misunderstand the story), and that combined with the general fear most people have against unknown can lead to everybody fearing them, which then leads to hate.But then again, there are so many (I'd asoom) humans that want to kill you on that ship, so if I would be those humans I would hate humanity as well.


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Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

My opinion:Halflings should officially all be killed, so it is important that they stay hidden. The paladin, from what I understood, is a normal transporting ship to humans. Maybe Xopolis is just in their way, and they'll just fake something about needing to land because of one or another reason to the humans and unload the dragons there. Or maybe they will fly the humans to wherever they are seposed to go and go to Xopolis with the halflings after that. Transporting halflings is illegal, so they are probably trying to hide it by putting them in a ship full of humans. Not sure how good are the halflings themselves about being hidden.


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Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

So, uh, I just realized something. And I'm probably not the first to realize this, but I think I might be the first to say it right out loud.Paladin is on the way to Xopolis or whatever. A planet where humans can't live, but halflings can.And there are hundreds of passengers on board.And presumably they're not all just visiting Xopolis so they can sit on the spaceship and watch a few select halflings disembark.Which further suggests that maybe Paladin is going to Xopolis to offload halflings.Shouldn't that make, like, everyone on the ship (well, everyone they know about) a halfling?There are over a hundred guest rooms, and many of the people talk about hating halflings, or believing they're scum, or whatnot. That sort of doesn't make sense if they're all halflings.So which is it?Is the ship full of humans who just wanted to take a tour to Xopolis because they have too much cash and too little to s
 pend it on? Or is the craft deliberately heading to Xopolis to offload halflings? If it's the latter, then everyone on board ought to be a halfling, and all the silliness you get by talking to people about how awful the halflings are, really be edited to fit reality a bit better.


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Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

Unfortunately, choicescript seems to be the only coding stuff I can possibly learn to master...right now.Completely agree with Jayd and all of post 17. What makes something advance requires a lot of work. I've never heard anyone who are really good and still have all way to do all of what makes it so. And I ashame my pothetic English since it still doesn't lead me further from what I am.:(Oh yeah right, one huge game and one story to admire, is Shadow line (or rine as Japanese tend to change l to r). That game has another flaws though. Some voices aren't that great, good but not great. But of all that, it doesn't make replay value tasteless in anyway. Paladin, however, I stuck with it for a week and collapsed in front of my laptop due to extreme boredom. Repeating dragon strike skill patern over and over tires me out quicker than anything. I curse at Aaron so many times whenever I try to play that game. Can't it be better? Can't you just
  come up with something at least a percent less boring than this? But that was it. At least it was just luck on my side that I got the game, despite bank issues I have. But even the demo tires me out...think of that.


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Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

When I play games, I want to be able to immerse myself in the game's world, that's not possible with unrealistic sound effects like those in Paladin. Put simply, they break the immersion.Blindside was totally awesome! it's to bad that the author has abandoned it. I'd really like to see it finished, and more games like it published.Right now it pretty much stands alone as a fine demonstration of what's possible.


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Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

I also gave up on Paladin as I actually found it hard to et into, mostly due to the fact there didn't seem to be any navigational aids. In the end I stuck with Aaron's previous release AAC and also the gate. But I definitely give him props for creating an rpg and maybe I'll give it another shot one day.


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Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

True enough, I suppose, although coders who can write are a godsend. I'm partnered up with one on a different project. I write better than he does, but he codes with a very high degree of skill, and I know just enough to know what works and what doesn't, and usually why.As time goes by, I intend to learn to code, at least to some extent. This will make me one of those semi-rare writers who can code.Aaron can code, there's no doubt. But writing is not his strong suit.One thing I'll say though is this. Paladin wouldn't need a top--notch story to make it loads better than it is. It could be full of tropes, and it would still work mostly. If Aaron did the following, the game would look leaps and bounds better from a writing perspective:1. Fix all the grammar and spelling mistakes. "fill free" should be "feel free". Cruelclaw "sat" in the corner, not "set". And for heaven's sake, add commas!
  They're really useful things!2. Kill the supercharged diction regarding speech. I'm not saying stick to "he said, she said" every single time, but when I see words like "argued", "bit back", "moaned", and such used far more often than "said", my first thought is "here is a writer trying too hard to force me to see how his characters sound". Hint: if your characters have character, we will know how they sound most of the time. A little of this is fine, but Paladin's script is choked with it.3. Give each character a unique voice. This wouldn't take much effort either. Maybe make Cecil particularly loud (noted by a lot of exclamations and the like), give Kelly some sarcasm, make Shawna moody (this is hinted at with her defeatist speech near the end, but nothing else), and actually lend Lucy some dialogue that proves she's perky, instead of just sorta telling us. Then make Simon sound, y
 39;know, competent. This wouldn't take a lot of work.In fact, the entire list I just laid out would take someone with high-school English maybe three hours, most of which would be spent correcting the lacking commas and occasional spelling mistakes. It's not like I'm asking for university essay-level writing here, or a 40-hour treatment from a professional copy editor. And I think that's why I'm so passionate about it. You could make a so-so game fairly good just by cleaning those things up.Regarding footsteps, I don't much care that I don't hear them. Footsteps, and navigation in general, isn't integral to the game. Oh sure, if you wanted to make a full RPG with the best immersion possible, you'd want what Shadow Line does, with background sounds, different footsteps and plenty of puzzles/interactables to play with. But you don't absolutely need those things to make a decent game of it.Sorry. I keep going on dia
 tribes. Haha.


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Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ghost rider via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

I also must add, and sorry for not putting this in my original post it came to me after posting it, that the lack of footstep sounds made the game feel... weird. It made me feel like I was flying literally everywhere and it made even the outside areas seem... dry. There was no atmosphere to the game whatsoever.


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Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ghost rider via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

You know, the one thing I never liked about the story was how corny a lot of the scenes were. Being around Gabe and hearing the character interactions brought back visions of kids shows I used to watch. I'm just imagining kiddy music and the others chorusing, "Oh Gabe," then laughing as if everything would be okay.


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Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

I agree on sounds Jayde, indeed I've often had this debate with people who say "I won't play muds without a soundpack"  after trying Alteraeon and assuming there is more like that. yes, of course good sound and music is lovely, but to me at least other elements such as gameplay, story and atmosphere trump that.With paladin though I at least thought the choice of predominantly background music with few sound effects was semi deliberate, harping back to 8 and 16 bit era rpgs as it does, I actually really rather like the music that is there myself. While I don't know if Aaron would give out the engine for Paladin or let others muck with the code to create other games, I did at least expect him to release a second game much as you describe, certainly one with an improved combat system with more on the story. Hopefully we'll see something like that in the future. The idea of an rpg creation engine is an interesting one thou
 gh, albeit I don't know if you could make a system generic enough to create things like unique bosses or a potentially engaging enough combat system as opposed to just minimax all equipment and wail away with the highest damage attack/spell going.


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Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

I tried this game and quit after about half an hour and never went back. Obviously I didn't play enough of the game to form all the opinions Jayde has, but I did form one opinion and it was a deal breaker.With all its beeps, boops, bangs, and bongs, the game sounded like I was miniaturized and put into a pinball machine rather than the spaceship the game's authors would like you to believe. Not one single sound effect was even close to representing the real thing, like they do in Blindside and Entombed.Thanks, but no thanks!


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Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

Right right. It did a few things properly and it was the first of its kind. Entombed was longer and probably harder, but it was also much much more random by its very nature, plus it was full of bugs. And as I said before, Aaron's game was very solid on that front.So my tone is definitely a bit offputting, I imagine. I think this is because, in part at least, I know it doesn't take dozens of people to write a story that makes sense. I alone could, if I had the access and permission and all that, make the story for Paladin of the Sky better. I couldn't clean up everything (I can't code, and the game would basically be rewritten if I tried to correct every issue I saw and pointed out), but I could tighten up a lot of things. I think, then, that my tone (impatience, disbelief and the like) comes down to the fact that many, many of these shortcomings are easily fixed with even one or two competent testers/proofreaders for the script. And in a way, the game

Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

Oddly enough, while I probably wouldn't have voiced them in the tonal manner Jayde does, I do recall some of the same concerns upon the game's first release. In some ways Paladin of the sky feels as if it happens to have things in, character death, romance, boss fights, an afterlife sequence because they were a cool idea at the time or were cribbed from mainstream rpgs, rather than because they were considered in terms of how they add to the story, same goes for enemy names most of which have no description. I also personally never particularly liked the dragon strike system, since while it feels good in principle, in practice I found it devolved to a learn latest scroll boppit style, rince and repeat most of the time. However, all of those points are mitigated by the fact that yes, paladin of the sky is the first game of it's type in audio.Could the plot and design and writing have been better? Certainly, even considering it is not a mainst
 ream game (that point has been made already so I'll not repeat). However Paladin to me deserves respect for the good things it does, the fact that someone even attempted! a game like this in audio, and a game which flaws or not has had a lot of people spending a lot of time and having quite a bit of fun (I definitely enjoyed myself and will likely do another run through of the game in the future). Yes, we've had games with good sound and good mechanics, but rarely anything with a really long play value not based on arcade accumulation. Even Entombed, much as I admire the game, is at rock bottom a combat system with a plot tacked on, it doesn't have an ongoing story, one reason why most of the actual rpg style experiences I've had myself have been with muds or browser games. The only really major regret I have over paladin of the sky, is that it seems Aaron hasn't expanded on the game in the future. At the time of release when such 
 concerns were raised, Aaron's response was understandably that as only his second major game project, Paladin still represents a learning curve and that we'd be seeing more in the future. Psycho strike and the gate are definitely worthwhile as far as they go, but possibly not the direction that myself and others wanted to see after paladin.So, basicaly this all comes down to that eternal cry of the audio gamer when we get a little of what we want but not quite all of what we want: "Please sir, I want some more!" .


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Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

All your game are belong to us! You have no chance to survive make your time!I don't want to do that thing where I respond by going on a tangent about myself, so I'll leave it at that and read some decade+ old notes files.


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Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : roelvdwal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

I think what we need is quality, not quantity. Just think about how many sidescrollers have been made in the last few years: aac, psyco strike, scrolling battles, 2dp, and so on. In order to get higher quality games, devs should probably just form a team of 2/3 devs and a couple of other people for sound design and story writing, maybe 5 to 10 people in total? This would enable people like me who have coding experience but just not enough time or have difficulty with other aspects of creating games like sound design to still contribute to a game.


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Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : coltonhill01 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

on the audiogaming community's status here. I consider it stupid and dead. There's a reason paladin is meh, it's because it was by the same guy who wrote AAC, which is probably worse. Not hating on you aaron, but your story abilities are meh. But then again who has good story writing capabilities here. Ukio? If I had played through the whole game with jgt or maybe a dictionary of the story maybe I would have a better viewpoint on this, but bk3, or pretty much bk series, just seems less about the story and more about the fighting system and in the case of 3, platforming. Because that's all we blindies can come up with. Let's take some stuff into perspective here. Let's take the oldest and most known games on the market, from packman to mario to zelda to pokemon. Packman was the first and most known game of it's kind, an arcade style chase and beat'em'up game, action. That was one great thing a game needed. Action. BUt, oh wait, here come
 s nintendo, with mario! Hey looky this is the best game on the market! It beats tetris by a longshot! Speaking of tetris, that was more of a strategy/i'm bored game. Mario was a platformer, action, beat'em'up and obstacle course, yet the story made no sense. Who the fuck is princess peach, why are you rescuing her, why just you, mushroom kingdom? just, bla. Not even going to continue that. But wait, wait, oh looky, here comes... Zelda! An rpg! A game that would immerse you in it's story and battles for hours or even days on end. Don't know too much about zelda so can't give too much opinion here, sorry for bashing mario back there too, really don't know all these games' stories, probably should have done some research. And then I wanna say street fighter but I really no absolutely nothing about that game. But let's jump forward to today. Those old games were the basis for everything we have today, somewhere in the arcade world the basis f
 or GTA and call of duty and all of them came to life. ANd what do we have. There are a few types of games. There's side scroller beat'em'ups like mario, rpg's like zelda, or big fat fighters with loads of strategy like today's call of duty or whatever, don't know it's basis game. Blindies, only got halfway there. They got packman and mario, but not zelda and whatever it is basis for modern fighting games. That's how I see it. And a lot of us are newbs with game creation, and probably none of us can write story. You gotta remember, these big names like the big N hired multiple writers. That was all they did, write the story for their games. We try to pack game design into one person or a small team of people, and it produces this. Big names have probably hundreds of people or at least dozens working on each and every aspect of the game, from geometrics to story to sound design to music design to voice acting to mechanics to graphics to whatever
  else there is! And there's another issue. Us blindies have gotten so used to our baby food, that we won't tolerate anything more. We can't handle zelda now, not the tipical blindy, which I'm sad to say I'm one of them. And while i'm on this topic, do you know what stw is? Minecraft, knockoff, broke! Sam is a god, gorth's a god though he deserves it, rtr was actually quite close to a good mainstream fighting game, mason has made too many marios, aaron makes games with very odd connections and stories that make no sense, and then a lot of us are newbs. BY this point, muds are the best games we have now, but I don't like muds because they're so non blindy, meaning they're too good and of course they're not audio, but text. If I had a toleration for muds, taking weeks upon months to play, I might actually be a good gamer. But nope, I'm stuck down here with the rest of these blinks, playing redspot and 2dp and up.


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Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

Hi.Interesting read. Well, you can't really compare audiogames to mainstream games. Why? Because there are tons of professionel people working on mainstream games, and most audiogames are made in blind peoples sparetime. So, what do you expect?I see what you are saying regarding the story, and there are a lot of things which don't make sense if you really think about it like you have done. People can't be good at everything. the developer is good at coding, sound design and properly also the music creation. I think the story is interesting but a bit weird, but I don't expect a pro game from someone who is not pro like people who are making a mainstream game. So, you really seem to be awesome when it comes to story writing and combining everything together in a story. Therefore, I'll highly recommend you to contact a developer who are working on a game, to help with the story. That would be fantastic, so we can get a game with a great story, whi
 ch really makes sense.


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Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

2016-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some In-depth Musings about Paladin of the Sky

Hi.One thing I have to say about the greatness or lack of it regarding audiogames.Keep in mind that first, the mainstream comunity of games is existing a little bit longer then the audiogame sector.Also, take in to account that the mainstream comunity is much bigger then the audiogame comunity. I mean, how many developers due we have, Sure there is a certain number, but most of them are starting out or are still testing their abilitys on coding.Also, we are just a small portion of people, so the market is smaller than the mainstream market which has a lot of big developers, smaller studios, or indi developers.I am with you on one thing, i noticed like some others on this forum that audiogames, especially action and fighting games for that matter always have that hear and react system and have no indepth fighting system with combos, dodges, different offensive and defensive tacktics and what not.I don't think that p o t s is a paticulary bad
  game, one thing that anoys me is that it seams to have huge arrias to explore, but almost nothing to interact with.Ok, there is an airhockey table in the gaming room, but for a room which is as big as that? Well, it surely lacks some entertainment.Also, why arent there no sounds for moving? If the developer of this game doesn't have the money to buy big sound librarys, which is completely understandable, there are a lot of good royalty free sounds on the internet, you might need to search longer for good quality sounds, but good sounds are still there.


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