Re: Things You Like/Don't Like About Fall

2014-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Things You Like/Don't Like About Fall

@Cx2, I can actually beat you on snow, what with me being up on the Scotish boarder. sinse in 2010 I was literally snowed in for three weeks, couldn't get out due to cane problems, and had bust heating. It was so cold that the milk in my fridge actually froze solid.I finished up as you said living in one roomm and for a couple of days being seriously short of food, though I was able to get an online order through before that situation became serious.I still have memories of playing core exiles and having to tuck my hands and wireless keyboard under a blanket until my fingers unfroze enough to feel the keys . That was actually one thing I said on my guide dog application "Please give me a dog who can cope with snow! sinse we get so much of it up here" @Tom, Cx2 is right on the tradition thing, most of the Uk public ones I can think of 
 tend to be very local and restrained. There will probably be some public firework displays around Bonfire night, (that's the fifth of November), with people selling hot dogs, jacket potatoes etc, though to be honest those events are so crowded I'd seriously considder whether it would be worth me going or not. Of course in the lead up to christmas there are various carrol concerts and the like, which can be nice though again don't tend to be too overboard. As to Tv, in a way the availability of films has changed things quite a bit. I remember when growing up there would always be a lot of good stuff to watch at christmas, and occasionally halloween as well, for example I remember one christmas in the early 90's seeing Heman the movie and Labyrinth on the same day. Now however I own both films and the majority of the major channels such as bbc and sky just tend to rely on random reality and celebrity stuff,  and don't get me started on the qu
 ality of the Doctor who Christmas specials recently.


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Re: Things You Like/Don't Like About Fall

2014-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Things You Like/Don't Like About Fall

Cinnamon, I completely agree about pumpkin desserts. I am a huge fan of pumpkin flavored desserts, and this time of year is really the only time I can have pumpkin pie, pumpkin rolls, pumpkin cookies, etc. So I generally try to get as much of it as I can while it is in season.I also enjoy getting donuts and apple cider. I love apple cider, but obviously can't drink too much of it at a time. Since I have a son around I generally buy regular cider rather than hard apple cider as I'd rather just not have too much alcohol around with him here.As far as the smell of wood smoke I love that as well. It always makes me think of late fall/early winter. I have many memories of sitting in front of my parents' fireplace roasting marsh mellows and hot dogs while the wind howls and the snow flies outside.Dark, regarding TV we have that same problem over here. Anyone who has basic cable TV or basic satellite service mostly gets crap for TV service. Most of it 
 is stupid reality shows, talk shows, cooking shows, 24 hours news, etc and very little good programming. So I canceled it and chose to go with online programming via Netflix and Hulu instead. I'm not only saving a bunch of money that way I'm not paying for a lot of garbage.While during the month of October most of the movie channels like Show Time, AMC,  and others have horror movie marathons like you I have a lot of stuff on DVD so don't need the TV service to enjoy a good horror movie if I want to. I have most of the Friday the 13th films, a few Nightmare on Elm Street, the Halloween series, etc on DVD and blue ray so I can pop the movie in my player and watch it whenever I want to. It doesn't even have to be Halloween time, but I generally do watch that stuff during the Halloween season just because that's what we Americans do. Its a tradition, and as you said Halloween has caught on in a big way here in the States where it hasn't in othe
 r parts of the world.


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Re: Things You Like/Don't Like About Fall

2014-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Things You Like/Don't Like About Fall

Oh don't get me started on heating. I had so much trouble with my heating and a useless estate agent who blamed it on the landlord not being available to approve work, which was crap because I got to speak to the landlord, and the plumbers being basically hopeless. I spent months with the heating turning itself on every time I ran hot water wasting masses of money and boiling me in the summer, then when winter came it packed in entirely and me and Kirk were stuck without any central heating in the really cold part of winter. I ended up buying a couple of electric heaters and living in just one or two rooms to save on the bills, at one point even just staying in the living room all the time sleeping on the sofabed so I could keep Kirk warm. Being in a town also makes food deliveries a little precarious when the heavy snow hits so I need to make sure to stock up.To be honest I think us Brits tend to be a bit more loose and fast with seasonal traditions than people in the
  US. We'll get involved if we feel like it but we don't really make a big fuss, though we do as a culture often tend to be quite understated which I guess is a tradition in itself. I obviously exclude people on soaps and reality shows who spend all their time screaming at each other.


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Re: Things You Like/Don't Like About Fall

2014-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Things You Like/Don't Like About Fall

I actually didnt' realize this was about the season, sinse calling Autumn "fall" is a bit of an American _expression_ and while it's one I've seen fairly often if someone says "fall" the  first thing I think of isn't this time of year, it's things plummeting downards . About Autumn, I personally like it for several reasons. It is the lead up to halloween, bonfire night and christmas which means there is a lot going on, also sinse most of my social activities are based around the university, when things close down in June I'm sort of left up to my own devices over most of the summer excepting music school which can be rather grim, where as once university starts in mid september there's lots of stuff to go to. Up hear in the Northeast, Autumn tends to rain a lot, which I actually don't mind, I prefer i
 t in a lot of ways to too much hot sun sinse usually both the heat and brightness are a pain, and there is something quite cosy about sitting inside listening to the rain when it's cold but not frozen, and ironically not something I get quite as much in winter with the snow,  sinse snow is nice when it falls for the first 48 hours or so, then it progressively becomes more and more of a pain! indeed when I used a cane going out in the snow was not easy sinse I lost most of my visual and tactile landmarks from the pavement, and was at very serious risk of slipping, indeed I was once literally snowed in one december for almost three weeks! of course this had to be the point my central heating died as well didn't it :d.  Thankfully Reever has fixed that, but that is another reason I enjoy autumn over winter. I also agree with people about the smells of the air, colour of the leaves etc. A particularly nice pleasure i have this time of year is that dawn s
 tarts to be around the same time as I take reever out at 7-30 in the morning, and standing in the large grassy area behind my flat listening to the birds and watching the red dawn in my dressing gown is rather lovely. We don't get the fairs and such over here, indeed most of such things seem to happen more often in summer, though of course as bonfire night and christmas approach there are lots of things going on that I go to with parents and friends etc, actually I will try and persuade my mum to make some bonfire toffee this year! . I think there is more made of halloween in America than over here, sinse there don't seem to be half as many events and tradditions attached to it, mostly it seems to be an excuse for kids to extort money or sweets out of people, --- often I unfortunately have to say in Nottingham where my parents live and likely other big cr
 ime filled cities as well under threat of vandalism such a chucking eggs at people's cars or silly string all over someone's wall. Of course Tv uses the excuse to show lots of old horror films and such, but you actually have to have! a tv for that to matter, and still more to actually care about watching films on tv rather than dvd as I usually do, so that's not something I'm as bothered about. Also,I'll note that last christmas (let alone Halloween), Tv was unbelievably bad, actually all the things my brother and I watched were reruns of old stuff as the new stuff was universally terrible, such as celebrity christmas messages from random people or more reality shenanigans. So, Yes I like Autumn, but more for aesthetic reasons and reasons of actually interesting stuff happening around the university than because of any over all social traditions such as fares or what not.


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Re: Things You Like/Don't Like About Fall

2014-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Cinnamon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Things You Like/Don't Like About Fall

Fall is also my favorite season. It's the feel of the air. Especially here in Colorado near the mountains, you can feel it first in the nights and mornings. I live about 5000 feet above sea level, so when fall hits, it hits. I don't know if people are burning wood fires or what's going on, but starting around early October, the smell of woodsmoke is constantly in the evening air, and that's one of my favorite scents.Though I don't appreciate my dog thinking they're snacks, I do appreciate the crunch of leaves underfoot. I love everything pumpkin, and fall is when the best pumpkin treats start rolling out.There's a hay wagon ride where the riders get to shoot painball guns at zombies dressed up in padded suits. Provided nobody is going to make a big deal about blind people wielding paintguns, I'm planning to go this year. It's Swamp, but for real!Fall means roasting marshmallows, pumpkin beer, buying way too much candy,
  cool, beautiful days, and anticipation.It's like all of fall is leading up to Thanksgiving and Christmas. Spending those holidays with family is good feels, and fall is sort of a buildup to that.Mostly, I associate fall with flames. Burning woodsmoke, flame-colored leaves, lighting candles inside pumpkins, roasting marshmallows in a fire pit, keeping warm on the cold nights. Everything about autumn is beautiful to me.The only thing I don't like is Woodchuck's seasonal hard cider for the fall.


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Re: Things You Like/Don't Like About Fall

2014-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Cinnamon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Things You Like/Don't Like About Fall

Fall is also my favorite season. It's the feel of the air. Especially here in Colorado near the mountains, you can feel it first in the nights and mornings. I live about 5000 feet above sea level, so when fall hits, it hits. I don't know if people are burning wood fires or what's going on, but starting around early October, the smell of woodsmoke is constantly in the evening air, and that's one of my favorite scents.Though I don't appreciate my dog thinking they're snacks, I do appreciate the crunch of leaves underfoot. I love everything pumpkin, and fall is when the best pumpkin treats start rolling out.There's a hay wagon ride where the riders get to shoot painball guns at zombies dressed up in padded suits. Provided nobody is going to make a big deal about blind people wielding paintguns, I'm planning to go this year. It's Swamp, but for real!Fall means roasting marshmallows, pumpkin beer, buying way too much candy,
  cool, beautiful days, and anticipation.It's like all of fall is leading up to Thanksgiving and Christmas. Spending those holidays with family is good feels, and fall is sort of a buildup to that.Mostly, I associate fall with flames. Burning woodsmoke, flame-colored leaves, lighting candles inside pumpkins, roasting marshmallows in a fire pit, keeping warm on the cold nights. Everything about autumn is beautiful to me.The only thing I don't like is Woodchuck's seasonal cider for the fall.


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Re: Things You Like/Don't Like About Fall

2014-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Things You Like/Don't Like About Fall

Agreed. I like the fact that the fall isn't quite so hot. Usually here in Ohio the summer gets up in the high 80's and low 90's, and that is just a bit too hot for me. The fall is usually down to the 50's and 60's which is more my personal comfort zone. All I need do is slip on a light jacket and a hat and I can spend all day outside without being to hot or too cold.Plus as Green Gables pointed out the air is crispier. Its a nice clean taste/smell that only is present at this time of year. The smell of the leaves change, become sweeter, as they turn colors.


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Re: Things You Like/Don't Like About Fall

2014-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Things You Like/Don't Like About Fall

Personally I find the temperature in Autumn easier to handle than in Summer, and there's taking Kirk to the guide dogs stand at the Christmas fair. He loves the attention and it's quite adorable the way he watches the Christmas parade go by, I can feel him tracking right to left as they do. Only thing is he gets a bit of a big head from all of the fuss people give him, and I have to watch he doesn't get over excited and jump up someone.


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Re: Things You Like/Don't Like About Fall

2014-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Things You Like/Don't Like About Fall

I like the fall because of the crispy feel you get in the air. The smells of spring start to diminish and in a way it just symbolises that we must prepair for the cold days ahead.


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