Re: iOs 9

2015-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

Well the MP3 playback support is a component of iOS, so it's just a matter of getting apps using it.I just recently learned that iOS 9 also has the means to open media from network shares advertised by OS X Server, even further changing the game.


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

I don't think iOS will natively play mp3 files if you upload them through iCloud and view them in the iCloud Drive app. I haven't tried this, but I remember when I used to use Airdrop between 8 and Yosemite, it would ask me to open the file in a compatible app like VDR or VLC.


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

The apple news is so so. There is some good points and some bad points. The main don't side not being able to add your own RSS feeds. The lay out is interesting though. The thing that you swipe in from the right on the status bar sort of reminds me of the swipe in from left thing that windows 8 has. If you notest, I said sort of. The contents of the switcher thing is different for one thing. As a side note, how do I get the split view to happon? I have an IPad air 2. LOL. This update seems swipe heavy at times.


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

Lol Sebbi, but I worry about hurting poor macky's feelings, after all she was all set to get hooked up and then I go leaving her for someone else and expecting her to wait for me . Actually as I said the mac isn't out, but it might have to wait. depending upon living arrangements I might also do the mac laptop things rather than the desktop sinse space might be more of a problem than I thought, but as I said, not really a priority right now. As regards the news, what news services does it do currently? if it literally is just news related to exciting apple products I can't see much use, but if it could get some standard news services such as the bbc or papers like the Onion, even if not random rss feeds, that might work. Actually having a similar thing to a news paper on Ios might be nice. While I do catch the news on classic fm each morning, obvio
 usly radio news is limited, indeed the news was  opne of the few things I did sometimes use my tv for when I used to have one.


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

If there is a news ap in Ios 9 that is! something I'd like, sinse I do want to check the news occasionally but can't usually be bothered to do so online . Despite the fact web and xp isn't as problematic as I expected, I am still considering the mac, or at least I've not abandoned the idea, but sinse it is likely I'll be paying for things like flights to pencilvania in the near future (and possibly even scarier stuff), as I said, not really a priority right at this moment, indeed I will confess I haven't been doing my job on site very well as I should do,  but really it's hard to concentrate on anything! else right now, even reading or music let alone games. Yes, I admit this is horribly and worryingly cliche ridden, but before I start telling everyone how much i love her I'd better stop, despite the fact I do,  a lo


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

News uses RSS. In typical Apple fashion, you can subscribe to those feeds Apple has published in its store. Anybody can do this, thankfully, but it would've been nice if Apple had only made the News app completely open and allowed you to specify feed URLs. Later comes a dedicated Apple News format, which is supposedly a better reading experience, though by what means I know not.Worry about you first. You can worry about the Mac later. 


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

You should have a News app, yeah. Check your region is either UK or US (unless, of course, you aren't in those regions). You could also change regions just long enough to set up, as there's an option to get news stories emailed to you.


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

Silly folder names, when you're sharing the SD card with other devices. And I confused $VRDTB with $VRText at some point when trying to read an ePub. Or is it $VROtherBooks? Hmm. I ended up reading the manual again.You're right, the cloud works best for small transfers, although I'm going all out and now use a NAS (network drive) at home, so soon USB really will be inconvenient.  Then again it's hard work setting this stuff up.  I do hope Apple will think about SD card slots in future, now they have a file system. Still, with iCloud Drive so accessible and inexpensive now, and with access being largely offline, you can certainly make things easier for yourself by housing some stuff in there that you need quick access to, like todo lists and so forth. But it's all over to you, really.As for the web, I plan to make another stab at iOSification and will soon have another opportunity to see what the web feels like, especially on iPad wh
 ere Apple have added lots of wonderful shortcuts to open new tabs, switch apps, and so on. I hope they bring them to iPhone though sadly they probably won't. Though I expect while you have a PC and you're happy with it none of this would really matter to you. And it's nice to hear that a Mac isn't entirely off the cards for you, even if you have all that tedious domestic happiness nonsense to take care of first. 


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

is it just me... Or  weren't we supposed to have a news app. I had news stand up until last  night and then it Disappeared, but no news app at all. anywhere


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

Silly folder names, when you're sharing the SD card with other devices. And I confused $VRDTB with $VRText at some point when trying to read an ePub. Or is it $VROtherBooks? Hmm. I ended up reading the manual again.You're right, the cloud works best for small transfers, although I'm going all out and now use a NAS (network drive) at home, so soon USB really will be inconvenient.  Then again it's hard work setting this stuff up.  I do hope Apple will think about SD card slots in future, now they have a file system. Still, with iCloud Drive so accessible and inexpensive now, and with access being largely offline, you can certainly make things easier for yourself by housing some stuff in there that you need quick access to, like todo lists and so forth. But it's all over to you, really.As for the web, I plan to make another stab at iOSification and will soon have another opportunity to see what the web feels like, especially on iPad wh
 ere Apple have added lots of wonderful shortcuts to open new tabs, switch apps, and so on. I hope they bring them to iPhone though sadly they probably won't. Though I expect while you have a PC and you're happy with it none of this would really matter to you. And it's nice to hear that a Mac isn't entirely off the cards for you, even if you have all that tedious domestic happiness to take care of first. 


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

I'm not sure what you mean by "silly folder names" on the stream, sinse the folders all have sensible names, eg, other books, music, podcasts, notes, text, just with a dollar sign in front. The Usb transfer is actually so easy I often do it just for quick things, eg, when I was at aims music school for a week and was given unexpected stuff to do, I stuck specific tracks on my victor to listen to while I was wandering around, a process that probably took less than a minute, indeed that is one instance where a cloud system would've been inconvenient sinse the flats where I was staying didn't have a fast net connection and requested not too much downloading. It certainly is something that might have it's uses, especially with what you say about note taking and word processing on Ios, but I've largely given up on the idea of an Iphone as a device for listening to any media on. Thenn again if I do go with the mac thing I know there is a lot of 
 compatible transfer stuff between Mac and Ios anyway, indeed my brother regularly uses his Ipad as a note taking device and then transfers directly to the Mac.One thing I'd also be interested in with Ios 9 is whether web navigation with vo will improve. When my desktop when capput last month i tried to use this forum with my Iphone, but ran into various problems. Some were obvious like the problem of vo really not working with dropdown boxes and how even with the rotor navigation to find headings I was frequently doing a lot of flicking, but some were just plane buggy, for example I actually couldn't post on this forum with my Iphone because for some stupid reason it was impossible to click on the submit button even when I'd written a post, vo just made the click noise and nothing happened (when I rang Apple to talk about the mac, this is one thing we did test and the chap agreed with me it was a bug). Then again to be perfectly honest I confess my mind 
 just isn't on this sort of thing right now. I'll see what Ios 9 has going, but really it's hard to concentrate on much else besides,  well my lady at the moment, indeed one reason the mac thing is not as much an issue is the desk where I was going to put it I might need for her computer if we decide to live together in my flat.


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

I get a marked reduction in responsiveness when using the siri voices. Yet I can use alex with no slowdowns... go figure


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

Well in your case, Dark, I imagine you'll find iOS 9 much more than about accessibility, since you've now pretty much got the file system of your dreams, albeit that it's in the cloud (where it should be backed up anyway). Doesn't have to be Apple, neither--just install the app for your provider of choice. And iCloud prices have come way down so you can get a terabyte for not very much.But I agree; wait it out. 9.1 won't be so far off with the iPad Pro to be released later this year.


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kool_turk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

@Sebby funny you should mension OS X being executed, since Tim Cook says there's still a place for OSX.I think I saw it on buzz feed.Sorry I don't have the link.I do wonder if they'll slowly merge the two operating systems, despite what they said when Microsoft attempted to do it with windows 8.I guess we'll just have to play the waiting game and see.


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

Oh well, that must mean it's true then. Seriously though, I think it's fairly clear mobile is killing the Mac and PCs generally; pretty sure I remember also hearing Tim Cook saying they devoted all their resources to iPhone and it honestly shows. I think, if the Mac has a future, it will be as a kind of forklift or grunt platform for all those tasks considered too uncommon or specialised to be shifted to mobile. Now iOS is really quite capable of functioning as a productivity tool, so that's that coffin nailed shut. iOS will be the first-class platform and the Mac will be the second-class one. Shame. I'd love to work for Apple so I could change that.


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

Oh well, that must mean it's true then. Seriously though, I think it's fairly clear mobile is killing the Mac and PCs generally; pretty sure I remember also hearing Tim Cook saying they devoted all their resources to iPhone and it honestly shows. I think, if the Mac has a future, it will be as a kind of forklift or grunt platform for all those tasks considered too uncommon or specialised to be shifted to mobile. Now iOS is really quite capable of functioning as a productivity tool, so that's that coffin nailed shut.


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

Well a file system might be nice if it recognizes folder structure and I don't have to prat about with that bloated mess known as Itunes, though uploading anything I wanted to hear on my phone would still be more trouble than using the usb on my victor, and that's assuming it will play media files streight without all the importing artist genre library stuff, which might not be the case.A file system might be good if I ever decided to work process on Ios though, though for that to happen web navigation would need to be improved I think. We'll see. I've certainly not given up the mac idea, though it may well have to wait a while, indeed I'll confess that's not really on my mind much now.


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

I would never give up a mac for production work. I'm sure just about everyone in the audio production field would agree. iOS is ok for your basic person who wants to slapp together a song. But for professional studio work? It's not up to it


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

@Dark: that's the idea, no iTunes. I suppose it'd be nice if they exposed an internal filesystem over USB, but with the new capabilities in iOS 9 just substitute USB for a folder on your hard drive. Software on your computer would then sync it to the cloud, where iOS could use it. Still, there is something very satisfying and effortless about offline media and the stream (silly folder names aside).As for productivity: well try out the new Notes app with a keyboard attached, and note the new text selection capabilities. It's really coming along!@Exodus yep, got you. I guess music and audio production fall into the general category of "Specialised". 


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mario navarro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

hi.warning:do not do the update without know accessibility problems in voice over will in ios9.I advise you to enter here … 16-septembat that address, you'll know all about ios9.When the update goes out, enter this address because there will be an article about the update.cheers.


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : btman16 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

Hello,I just had a look at the page you sent me and couldn't find anything on IOS 9.Were you saying I would find something about the accessibility issues with VoiceOver before it came out?Thanks,Brandon


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

you will find information on that site for sure just wait until the release comes out to the public. it should come today but it depends on the time zone as well... here it's evening already and it seems that there are no news yet hehe..


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : btman16 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

Hi,Thank you for this information. Have any of you tested the beta that might be able to provide me some info on some of the accessibility concerns please? I don't use my phone much so I'm definitely not an expert with IOS.I didn't update my phone to 8.4.1 yet. Someone told me that I don't need to have 8.4.1 before installing 9, is that correct?Also, they said that if my phone shows 8.4.1 is available to install now, when 9 comes out will it just show 9?Thanks,Brandon


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

From Twitter:AppleVis @AppleVis  5h5 hours agoToday's the day! We'll have a wealth of resources available upon the release of iOS 9, plus two Twitter chats using the hashtag #AppleLive. AppleVis retweeted Scott @ScottDavert  4h4 hours agoAll iOS materials r ready for this afternoon in conjunction with the release! B sure to watch @applevis and @visionaware for coverage. #a11y


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

iOS 9 is released. I think the most noteworthy improvements are the iCloud Drive app for managing your iCloud data and the ability to save and add multiple attachments in Mail, the available Siri voices in VoiceOver, the ability to remap the VO combination to another key. Drawback: new keyboard shortcuts for Bluetooth keyboards only for iPad (no surprise there, really). I think I'm justified in my fear that OS X will soon be executed; iOS is where all the action is. And yeah it's a wonder Apple haven't put an SD card slot in the iPad Pro.There are accessibility concerns, specially if you use a headset. Hold off until you have learned about the known issues.


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

iOS 9 is released. I think the most noteworthy improvements are the iCloud Drive app for managing your iCloud data and the ability to save and add multiple attachments in Mail, the available Siri voices in VoiceOver, the ability to remap the VO combination to another key. Drawback: new keyboard shortcuts for Bluetooth keyboards only for iPad (no surprise there, really). I think I'm justified in my fear that OS X will soon be executed; iOS is where all the action is. And yeah it's a wonder Apple haven't put an SD card in the iPad Pro.There are accessibility concerns, specially if you use a headset. Hold off until you have learned about the known issues.


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : btman16 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

Hi there,I read about the bug where you can't answer the phone with VoiceOver. How many of you have experienced this issue? This is the only problem that is making me worry about upgrading.I don't use a headset, just the speaker or built-in earpiece. If it helps, I'm on a 4s.Thank you so much for your quick responses and the valuable information.Thanks,Brandon


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Re: iOs 9

2015-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOs 9

Personally I'll do as I did with Ios 7 and 8, and wait until atleast version 9.1 to upgrade, sinse bugfixes are good and usually access issues crop up in the first release and are fixed in the next one or two.Siri voices for vo is something I've certainly fancied, sinse i do like the siri voice even better than realspeak daniel (it was one of the few things about the Iphone 6 I found attractive, albeit not another 500 squid worth of attractive). This assistant also sounds rather nice, I wonder if it will let me group ap icons into folders or create contacts? Both are things I've wanted to do with siri (especially manipulating aps on screen sinse the dragging method is one of the few things that annoy me with vo). So, I'll be interested to see where things go, though I'll hang fire myself for now I think sinse downgrading would be a miner pest and as I said bugs are not good, plus of course if there are any issues with games and aps and such t
 hey'll likely be fixed sooner  rather than later.


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