Re: space strategy games

2014-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : welshweyr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: space strategy games

Id forgotten about Galaxy Ranger. I seem to remember it was a pretty good game, although kind of simplistic compared to the resource management of RTS or the map complexity of TOC. I also remember that all you needed to do was build a cruiser and youd won. Are the VIP games still available then?Id honestly never thought about Tactical Battles for some kind of mech game. Id love to make a map where you have some kind of robot army. Maybe to make a map where you control Space Marines from Warhammer 40,000.I wonder if Entombed would be a good game for making a mech simulator since it has mechanics for body parts and effects which can enhance or nerf your characters?


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Re: space strategy games

2014-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: space strategy games

Unfortunately limbs and different systems are sort of part of the mech experience. I remember a few years ago I was checking out a prespective java project called megamech which was a computer version of the battletech wargame. sadly that one didnt quite work out sinse sun have basically dropped support for swing access bridge in java and the developer couldnt find good ways of representing things in text, but reading the rules did give some quite interesting ideas for a combat game and something Id like to see. Sadly the only browser game I found about mechs, the game mech commander, was very heavy on the columns of stats, not that interesting and basically just had the usual automatic combat that %90 of these browser games have, which is a shame. Id love to see a real mech stratogy game where you had to respond to what yur enemy did and take advantages of the weaknesses of their mechs to win, eg, shooting off hands to
  prevent them using accurate attacks, or blasting legs to knock their mechs over. MEGAMECH EVEN HAD rules for playing two legged or multi legged mechs which sounded great, especially sinse each mech also had stats like power source, amo, armor etc that needed managing, AS WELL AS RULES FOR DIFFERENT TURRANE TYPES ON THE BOARD.i ACTUALLY REALLY LIKED THE IDEA OF PLAYIG 1-4 UNITS AND MANAGING THEM IN GREAT DETAIL, AS OPPOSED TO A HUGE HOARD ON A COMPLEX SPACIAL MAP.


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Re: space strategy games

2014-07-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: space strategy games

@Victorious, sorry if I wasnt clear, I was more thinking of tactical battle for a mech warfare type of stratogy game, not a spaceship stratogy, sinse programming different attacks, effects and rangers would be great, although i dont know if deeper mech stratogy such as specific damage to different body parts having different effects on your weapons, eg, having a hand blown off decreasing accuracy would be possible. I do see the tactical battle limitations in a space fleet warfare type of game, so I look forward to anything you develop.


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Re: space strategy games

2014-07-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Victorious via Audiogames-reflector


Re: space strategy games

Everything you described would be possible for mech combat, but simulating a limb system would be kind of difficult and clunky at best.


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Re: space strategy games

2014-07-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: space strategy games

Well galaxy ranger is probably going to be your best option for a war stratogy game in literally self voicing terms. If however you dont mind games using sapi or other screen reader output there are more options. Time of conflict is definitely first on the list, sinse it now has a set of startrek maps and units that will simulate a very complex space battle in addition to the original second world war version, and if startrek isnt your thing you could always try creating your own maps. Trek 2000 and Usa games Startrek final conflict are still around as abandonware, though both are far simpler than Toc, and while Traders of Known space is a great space game and self voicing it is far more about trading than combat, (vga are planning a space combat game, and even a strategical conquest game,but neither has been released yet). Ditto with Lords of the galaxy which is best described as monopoly in space, although for me there were some mechanics there that unb
 alanced the game wy too much. lastly, while not a self voicing game, I would recommend smugglers, (especially smugglers 5), sinse you can play as a combat officer or pilot and do no trading, which can lead to controlling your own empire or having fleet battles, the combat is also very involved though its based more on your ship vs the enemy rpg style than on strategical sound rts style management, still its worth trying if your looking for a single player space game, though sinse youve heard my podcast about the game you probably are aware of smugglers. Star traders elite on the Iphone is also going to be a great game once the access is fixed. As far as I know, that is it for single player space stratogy, though if Ive missed anything perhaps people could correct me. Actually thinking about it its a shame there arent more of these, though given the complexity involved in writing stratogy games, especially balanced stratogy
  games its not entirely surprising.Personally, Id love to see a mech stratogy game, where you had a limited number of mechs on the board (perhaps only 3 or 4), but each required complex micro management of various systems and attacks, and coordination of its movements. I wonder if this might be possible with tactical battle?


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Re: space strategy games

2014-07-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : kamochek via Audiogames-reflector


Re: space strategy games

hi.toc: i tryed to play this game but understood nothing.lords, galaxy rangers, traders, i have all these games.and smugglers: how NVDA shows it?i tryed it with cobra, but it didnt showed what i wanted, i think it showed nothing.and it was 3 years ago.kamochek.


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Re: space strategy games

2014-07-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: space strategy games

Well Time of conflcit is indeed a complex game and takes getting used to, but then again stratogy is a complex business. I dont know what cobra is. I do know in Nvda for smugglers you need to use the nvda review curser, go to the articles room and you will find a guide on the subject by Stuee, and that to switch between windows in the game you use nvda key, shift and numberpad 7 or 2.


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Re: space strategy games

2014-07-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Victorious via Audiogames-reflector


Re: space strategy games

@Dark: yes, tactical battle would be a good platform for creating space strategy. However, when trying to make a space strategy map, I keep running into its limitations, which is why my long-term plans are to create my own space strategy game.


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