Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

2017-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

Hi,Thanks for the replies. I am looking into getting it to work with nvda at least.@brian,I have send you a reply with a question. Hope you can help me getting the test to work with nvda Greetz mike


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Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

2017-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : abdullah_mohammad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

hello thereit is a great game indeed, but i have 2 suggestions1 add some more sound effects2 add support for 2 of the screenreaders at least because the sapi voice is crappythanks and keep up the good work


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Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

2017-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : brian . kurosawa via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

I sent you a private message, hope it helps.


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Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

2017-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

Hi,thanks for the feedback guys.About screenreader support ... i have tried to implement it with brian kurosawa, but i thought the conclusion was taht the game should be rewritten from scratch to implement it correctly. So, @brian kurosawa, feel free to correct me if i am wrong.I don't feel like to rewrite the game only for screenreader support if sapi also can do the trick. when it can be added more easy then my asumption is now, then i will be glad to hear, then i will be glad to add it as well.greetz mike


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Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

2017-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : brian . kurosawa via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

Hello Pelantas, and nice to know that you are still developing this game! I tried it and this new version is pretty cool!


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Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

2017-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Giovani via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

I have also one idea. It will be great to support for some screen readers, not just Sapi. For example for NVDA.


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Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

2017-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

Hi,@darki really like the sound of this. And i really will look into how i can make this happen, gives more reality to the game, and that is what i want to have.About the grinding, i rememberred something, when you have entered the number of grane you want to grind into flour, you have to press the g key, the g for grind, after this you should hit the s key, the s for stop, to stop the grinding, when the system notifies you.hthand thanks very much for the suggestions.greetz mike


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Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

2017-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

Hi pelantas. I did try hitting the s key, I used it to stop harvesting but it didn't seem to work, and I didn't hear any announcements that I'd finished grinding, so goodness knows what is happening there. Annoyingly it probably also means that I'll have to restart from scratch again, but there you go. I didn't notice the lag in time to respond to blocking or hitting, mostly I think because the half second is more than long enough, but I wouldn't recommend cchanging this because ewe don't need another boppit style arcade grinder.  I've been having some thoughts about the combat, and one idea might work like this, though it'd need another action called withdraw. At the moment when you or the enemy hit successfully, you get another hit unltil your blocked. Well it'd be really interesting if you had to decide whether to try hitting again or not. My thought is something like this. When a hit 
 is successful, the damage on the next hit goes up, but so does the chance of being blocked, and if your blocked, you take extra damage instead of the enemy. So for example combat starts and you have the initiative. You do between 1-3 damage if you hit, and the enemy has a %20 chance of blocking. On the next hit, you do between 2-4 damage a hit, but the enemy has a %40 chance of blocking, and if the enemy blocks, the enemy's next hit will do 2-4 damage. If you hit again, your third hit will do between 3-5 damage, but have a %60 chance of being blocked, and if blocked the enemy will do 3-5 damage instead. If at any time you want to bale out and reset the damage to zero, you can hit withdraw instead of block. if you withdraw, you will give the initiative to the enemy, however you won't obviously take damage from being blocked. This system also has the potential to increase when you get more combat skills and levels, eg, increasing your 
 base chance of being blocked or of blocking the enemy, or decreasing the chances the enemy blocks your attack (for example learning aggressive fighting might have the chance of blocking start at %15, then go up %30, %45 etc).The other modification I'd suggest if you choose to try this route, would be letting you quaf defensive potions while blocking, since otherwise you could potentially be wiped out in a few hits by enemy's increasing damage, though obviously the same should go for the enemy too. If you do introduce classesI'd personally not like to be locked out from certain skills or certain things to learn by my class, since I've never been a fan of that. So, perhaps a farmer class could start with some extra harvesting and grinding skill, and a warrior class with more combat skill, but obviously either could learn.As to fishing, I'll explain what I mean. When you get a bight, you have a choice of trying to pull it in immediat
 ely, or paying out some slack on your line. If you pay out some slack, the fish might get away, but equally after you pay out some slack the fish will be more tired, so when you try to pull it in, your more likely to land it, and obviously you can pay out slack more than once. So to give some numbers, say at the start with no fishing skill you had a %40 chance of landing a fish if you pull it in. If you give it some slack, it has a %30 chance of getting away immediately, however for every time you successfully give the fish some slack, your chance of pulling it in goes up by %20.This would be an especially good system if you got an idea whether you were trying to catch a big, medium or small fish, eg, you got a strong, weak or medium pull on the line, with big fish harder to pull in without giving them slack, eg, a big fish might have only a %10 chance of being pulled in first time with no ishing skill. Hope you like the sound of this. As I said, I&
 #039;m really interested to see where this game goes.


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Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

2017-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

Hi,@darkthanks a lot for your suggestions. But probably something went wrong in the description, but when you was grinding the grane did you press the s key? to stop the grinding when the system told you you could stop grinding?I haven't ran into this yet, but i will take a look if the description gives the correct key in the code.Secondly, in the combat, the system is based on timers, i have coded it so, that you have a second at max and half a second at mimimal to react to the messages.But how would you imagine the combat system? like when you block, that there also will be a chance the enemy still gets through your defensive stance and you obtaining damage? Another occurance could be, as you mentioned, while you blocking succesfully the enemy will get damage.Something i am thinking of right now, unless you already mentioned it, therefore my appologies, could be that enemies also can do a unblockable attack, you will get the chance as well, see below, how i am imagining this, something like a powermove, they also probably will get the ability to heal themselves, as you are able to as well due to potions.I am thinking of a skill-based skill system as well, not thinking of classes yet, but probably, when i will let my thoughts go about the matter, will build in a skill point system, where you can learn various skills, like bandaging your own wounds, the searching skill, training for a unblockable move for your character, you will get a chance to select one for free, and for  a skill point you can train yourself into another unblockable move, you will lose your first move then of course ...please don't think i will build it in, but i say probably, when i have overthought the style of coding i want to use.About the rats, yes, i also encountered more mushrooms and toilet papers then when i am not looking for rats, funny isn't it? not finding what you are looking for when you look for it ... will raise the chance of finding rats from a chance of 1 to 3, to 2 to 4.Could you please give more detail of what you are thinking of for the fishing system? i quite like the activitie myself when i play the game, but more detail is never bad, and i am more than glad to see what i can do to make it more interesting.The random events are triggered when ticks are passing. A year in the game is based on 80 ticks, and a season lasts for 20 ticks, each time you perform an activitie, like fishing, finishing of an enemy, harvesting, grinding, cooking etc, a tick will pass by, and at certain ticks the random event script will be called ... just a bit of explanation.And lastly, i think ... the music. we want to make it equal volumed. but i will need to look up the music source and make some tweaks in the code, and when i can't find it i will need to ask the person who selects the sounds and the like for me  if she has saved the music package somewhere.Hopefully this was enough explanation, and i am really curious to your thoughts dark, and of course to all oppinions about how to make this game better. It are still bèta's now, so now is the time to give your oppinions. greetz mike


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Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

2017-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

Hi. Well I'm glad to see the game is still being developed, that's good, and I certainly like the new movement system and several of the additions, I think this could be a great game if development continues. First, a couple of miner bug reports. To start, I harvested 3 graine and went into the mill to grind it, but when I went to grind 3 graine the game just hanged. I must've waited a good ten minutes, but finished up having to close the program with the task manager. Then, on a less crytical point the music is way to quiet, it's a shame since it'd be nice when getting those stings for random events if the music was a bit more noticeable, indeed the music in the game looks good for atmosphere, especially now it's necessary to wander around more. I also don't know if it's a bug or just incredible bad luck on my part, but even though i was in the sewer for quite some time and had enough fights to finish the first comba
 t level and get up to 18 experience with the second, I only encountered 3 rats for the quest. If the quest is to be doable, I'd recommend upping the chances of rat encounters, unless again this is a bug given that I encountered the thee three rats relatively quickly at the start then didn't run into any at all.Now for some comments. First, combat: I do like the initiative system, but it needs a bit more to it, since right now it comes down to sitting around, pressing one button and waiting for the god of random numbers to favour you, even if your not going into a really hard core tactical rpg as you said in the first post. The essential problem with combat right now, is that it's all random and there's nothing to calculate or risk. When you hit you just hit, when you block you just block, you don't really get much to think about or worry about, you just wait for the god of random numbers to favour you. My suggestion therefo
 re is to introduce a couple of other options. I don't know how you calculate the current block vs hit chances, but it'd be nice if there were a couple of other options possible. Eg, a different sort of attack that had more chance of being blocked but did more damage, or an attack that was less easy to stop but did less, and likewise a parry or  reposte option for blocking that could damage the enemy but was less likely to be successful, that would make combat require a bit more thinking. You could also think about having cumulative damage type systems, look at kerkerkruip for some great examples, though I'd imagine those would be harder to program, still the more options in combat the better. Fishing I like the idea of waiting for a bight, but again, another option would be good here. What I'd suggest is the choice of whether to give the fish slack or try to land it, rather like real fishermen do. So when you get a bight you can cho
 ose whether to try and pull the fish in immediately, or to pay out line to give more slack. if you give the fish slack, there is a chance of it going missing, but if not, your more likely to pull it in. This might be especially good if the descriptions could indicate how strong the tug on your line was. Looking forward to seeing where this one goes, we could certainly do with a game like this.


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Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

2017-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

Hi,@mataWe intend to make the gameplay very easy, but the idea is that we want the players to do what they want in the game. We are also going to make a lot of quests to challenge the more adventurous kind of players. There is one in already, wich can be found in the tavern and wich is repeatable.But our intent is to build a large open world, with easy to perform activities, also automated ones like harvesting is a good example of, quests, crafting and we're just trying to give the players an experience if they are living inside the world. but we also try to make it a casual game, where you don't have to play hardcore to get the best out of it. But the idea that you also can switch to another application and your character continues harvesting till his/her energy has been drained.We really hope you'll like it. But the official beta 2 release will have the sounds and music fixed, the flying dutchman expanded up on, the random events expand
 ed up on and, i am not completely sure of this one yet ... but a part of the forest build in, with some anew ctivities and probably two more quests.But this is just to give you a taste of the new system.Keep the feedback coming guys.greetz mike


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

2017-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

Hi,@mataWe intend to make the gameplay very easy, but the idea is that we want the players to do what they want in the game. We are also going to make a lot of quests to challenge the more adventurous kind of players. There is one in already, wich can be found in the tavern and wich is repeatable.But our intent is to build a large open world, with easy to perform activities, also automated ones like harvesting is a good example of, quests, crafting and we're just trying to give the players an experience if they are living inside the world.We really hope you'll like it. But the official beta 2 release will have the sounds and music fixed, the flying dutchman expanded up on, the random events expanded up on and, i am not completely sure of this one yet ... but a part of the forest build in, with some anew ctivities and probably two more quests.But this is just to give you a taste of the new system.Keep the feedback coming guys.
 greetz mike


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Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

2017-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

this game can improve a loot more, may be as much to  the level of random adventure roguelike. We lack this kind of game with enough contents really.


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Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

2017-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

Hi all@jasonblaze,Thanks for your feedback. Regarding weaponcrafting, i am planning on to build it in when i open up smithing and mining. As i see it now, a weapon can increase your minimal and maximal damage, but why do you find combat easy now? i know that you can throw shurikens to finish of the current enemies pretty easy now ... and another way of keeping the advantage, but i am very interested in your point of view. But i also can look into magical attacks or as you suggested kicking, uppercuts and the like when you reach certain combat levels as well, but i think combo's will be difficult, for now at least, regarding my knowledge of bgt.Greetz mike


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Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

2017-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

Hi all@jasonblaze,Thanks for your feedback. Regarding weaponcrafting, i am planning on to build it in when i open up smithing and mining. As i see it now, a weapon can increase your minimal and maximal damage, but why do you find combat easy now? i know that you can throw shurikens to finish of the current enemies pretty easy now ... and another way of keeping the advantage, but i am very interested in your point of view. But i also can look into magical attacks when you reach certain combat levels as well, but i think combo's will be difficult, for now at least, regarding my knowledge of bgt.Greetz mike


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Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

2016-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

well I have tryed the game, it's nice the other think that I want to see is you could buy or craft a weapons, (materials from mining maybe?) or... if you not planning to add a weapon, maybe you could add a  diffrent kind of attacks, like kick. or a combo skills.and yeah combat is so easy now...


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Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

2016-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

well I have tryed the game, it's nice the other think that I want to see is you could buy or craft a weapons, (materials from mining maybe?) or... if you not planning to add a weapon, maybe you could add a  diffrent kind of attacks, like kick. or a combo skills


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

2016-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

well I have tryed the game, it's nice the other think that I want to see is you could buy or craft a weapons, or... if you not planning to add a weapon, maybe you could add a  diffrent kind of attacks, like kick. or a combo skills


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Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

2016-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

yo I will try the game, sounds great


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