Re: Reflecting on gaming in general

2018-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reflecting on gaming in general

  Do we want movies and games to be one and the same or should we let movies be movies and games be fun?YES THIS!Who decided that games need to be politically relevant high literature, costing millions to produce? At some point, we need to lose the word "video game" and break it into multiple terms that distinguish interactive movies from ... I think the word would just have been "games" before the line got so thoroughly blurred, but it still feels insufficiently nuanced.Of course, audio games don't have that problem. They have all the other problems. You know, I take back my apathy toward virtual reality. The sooner it arrives in earnest, the sooner the categories will be able to do their own thing without people interested in one side flaming the other side for not meeting their radically different expectations.Wait, no. We're already a tiny, tiny community ("market" would be an exaggeration, ne?). Splitting it even further would probably just kill any hopes of either getting out of the dark ages. The Sim side would at least get more accommodations from the mainstream, I guess. (The troublesome bit is that these don't have to be mutually exclusive. Marvel and Disney have a long history of hit-and-miss games based on their properties, which seems to persist with the popularity of the latest Spider-man game. Square, Star Wars, etc also fit both worlds.)... I should have read the article before replying. [edit]Yep, shd've read it first. Perfect Dark does sound like it gets the best of both worlds. What does "The Market"® think?As for 21st century game characters with any memorability... umm... ... Master... Chief? Altaer? Enzio a deltore? Sora / Riku / Kairi? ... yeah, no, none of them really approach Mario-and-Sonic levels of household name.  [/edit]


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Reflecting on gaming in general

2018-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reflecting on gaming in general

  Do we want movies and games to be one and the same or should we let movies be movies and games be fun?YES THIS!Who decided that games need to be politically relevant high literature, costing millions to produce? At some point, we need to lose the word "video game" and break it into multiple terms that distinguish interactive movies from ... I think the word would just have been "games" before the line got so thoroughly blurred, but it still feels insufficiently nuanced.Of course, audio games don't have that problem. They have all the other problems. You know, I take back my apathy toward virtual reality. The sooner it arrives in earnest, the sooner the categories will be able to do their own thing without people interested in one side flaming the other side for not meeting their radically different expectations.Wait, no. We're already a tiny, tiny community ("market" would be an exaggeration, ne?). Splitting it even further would probably just kill any hopes of either getting out of the dark ages. The Sim side would at least get more accommodations from the mainstream, I guess. (The troublesome bit is that these don't have to be mutually exclusive. Marvel and Disney have a long history of hit-and-miss games based on their properties, which seems to persist with the popularity of the latest Spider-man game. Square, Star Wars, etc also fit both worlds.)... I should have read the article before replying. 


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Re: Reflecting on gaming in general

2018-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reflecting on gaming in general

@KenshiraTheTrinity, post 8:Don't worry; I too can get sucked in by the multi-million dollar machine at times.  To give you a brief example, when MK began making heavy use of the "konquest" mode, which would help you unlock further characters I felt entirely cheated, because I knew there were more than likely things I wasn't going to get unless I managed to bribe someone else into playing that and any other side minigame experiences meant just for that purpose.  I know that's not entirely along the same lines, but we all have our spoiled child self which takes on various shapes, methinks.ON your bit about games and movies, it's not well developed story plots I'm against... I think a ton more could have been done even with Perfect Dark where story is concerned that wasn't.  The heavy use of humans encountering an alien race that resembles what already exists in conspiracy theories is certainly nothing new or sincerely exciting.  No, my real problem lies in some of the more gimmicky things, like telling you that you can seriously help develop a story by the choices you make, but ultimately you find out that there really wasn't really all that much open ended choice to make, especially where morality is concerned.  Then there's sandwitching important aspects of the game such as hints to beating it inside cutscenes, just to make you watch them and ensure that you don't skip them.  Don't get me wrong; if the stuff is well acted out and well produced I too will be suckered into it just because it is, but there in lies much of the issue; some companies can do it while others fall short on many areas from the actors they cast to the story being full of inconsistencies and gaping holes or lack of originality.  This is why I believe that game devs should not try to double as both game devs and film producers.@assault_freak, post 9:Guilty as charged, but there kind of was a reason why fighting games were lumped in with the rest... I wasn't sure if what you said above in post 9 was just a bias on my part or not and I had no real, concrete evidence to sustain it, so I didn't write it from that angle.  Yes, I too feel that fighting games should be in a class all their own in many respects, even with the evolution of MK and the like.  Once upon a time you either picked something like virtua fighter because it felt more realistic, or you picked MK because 15hit combos straight out of the matrix are a thing, even if they're not, and blood and bones all exploding outward and psychotic fatalities and and and...   I could keep going forever!


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Re: Reflecting on gaming in general

2018-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reflecting on gaming in general

Fighting games I feel should be judged by their own merits, as Nocternus seemed to lump them in with everything else. The fact that they are competetive makes them a bit of an exception to the rule, imo, and I still find fighting games to be some of the best when played alone, assuming the mechanics are solid, like SFV: Arcade Edition, Soul Calibur 6, Killer instinct and others, and not chalk full of gimics and extras that sit ontop of a semidecent fighting game *cough* NRS *cough*. Not having characters unlocked at the start is due to the e-sport nature of the game where tournament organizers don't want to have t play through the game to unlock every character before tournaments begin. Good gameplay, at least amongst fighting games, still always wins... judge if you will by those fighting games that have a tournament and playerbase long after release, as opposed to fighting games that come out, are popular for a couple of years then gone fron the scene becase their fanbases move onto the next great game to come out.


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Re: Reflecting on gaming in general

2018-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reflecting on gaming in general

That was a well thought out and written article. Personally I miss the days when buying a full priced game meant you were getting a complete package. Today its ok to release a half baked game at full price and release a patch free or otherwise later on. Yeah I can understand the benefits of habing that option but digitally stored content won't be around when the serbers no longer exist, so your physical copy of street fighter 5 you bought in 2060 isn't going to be the same one we play today, and we are already seeing the death of digital only games that aren't available anymore, like scott pilgrim vs the world. I also agree with your bit about today's gamers lacking patience as it cuts into why all the big fighters except smash ultimate has all their characters unlocked from the start. No one wants to work for them anymore. Admittedly, I've been a bit spoiled by today's quality of games as well and lack patience in other areas. I can remember playing simon's quest on the nes for hours and hours. Neber mind that I couldn't see the obsticles, or read the text or kept dyying in the same spot. I never gave up back then, but today I'd probably walk away if presented with a similar situation and no solution was apparent.As for the thing about games and movies and stories in a game, I guess I personally prefer that my games habe at least a little comprehendable backstory, unless the gameplay is good enough to stand on its own and provides a sence of progression. For example, why am I participating in a birtual basketball or fighting match? If its not against a live opponent, then what is the purpose of winning? If there is no purpose, then all you have left to fall back on is the fun factor, then when thats gone, there's no reason to go back but for nostalgia's sake.Again, good read.


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Re: Reflecting on gaming in general

2018-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reflecting on gaming in general

@redfox, post 4:The point of the article was outlined in the title.  Anything beyond that was mostly speculation after careful and extensive research and fact gathering which I tried to outline through the use of my extensive linkage.  If I hadn't used it, someone else might have come along and said my statements had no evidence behind them.@Haramir, post 5:You say that gaming nowadays serves other purposes; I briefly touched upon that, stating that if you have an agenda or idea you wish to promote as a developer especially it is easier than pie nowadays to get it into a gaming community.  This is also why I concluded that whether or not we should truly be where we are right now where games are concerned has yet to be seen.  Do we want movies and games to be one and the same or should we let movies be movies and games be fun?Supposing chess evolved so drastically that in order to join a chess tournament you had to have a story to tell, how many people would actually join chess tournaments?  If basketball suddenly became a sport in which the only way to win would be to play wearing a company's logo, who would join the NBA or other sports organizations?  Gaming once was, not a sprawling pile of ideas aimed at promoting ideals, opinions or political rhetoric meant for the minds of the young and vulnerable.  Of course, as I also pointed out, I'm a 30 year old has been fully aware that my time is quickly fading.@Arqmeister, post 6:Owing to the various elements of the game that do require your sight, such as the reactor core in the Pelagic II which has color coordinated buttons and a sequence best found through the x-ray vision utility, the answer is no, you cannot, long as you're totally blind beat the entirety of Perfect Dark.  Another mission that quickly comes to mind is the Skedar shrine, which is a hazardous experience containing ledges you can fall off of with the simplest of missteps in the wrong direction.That having been said, much of Perfect Dark is doable, particularly at easier difficulties because of the excelent stereopanning and the use of stock-sound libraries from sound ideas and hollywood edge.  Other things to keep in mind is that when you bump into a wall your footsteps will stop, various gadgets and other items such as satelites have sounds attached to them, and all guards at lower difficulty levels will usually utter some short phrase or another before they start spraying you with bullets.  There footsteps are audible as well.  If your'e not sure what you've run into, sidestepping is an option, which will allow you to navigate through many spaces without much in the way of sighted assistance, and Joanna's dialogues with Karington, Elvis, Jonathan and the like will always help you know more or less where you are.


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Re: Reflecting on gaming in general

2018-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reflecting on gaming in general

As always, super well written, love your perspective as well. I was going to ask, did you beat perfect dark by yourself? I think you had brought up a while back that one could play blind because of the stereo panning.


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Re: Reflecting on gaming in general

2018-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reflecting on gaming in general

Hello folks! Nocturnus, I do agree with the majority of the aspects you've outlined. However besides all the negative aspects of today's mainstream market and how it reflects on the audiogames scene, we should also take into consideration that gaming in general serves other purposes than just having fun. We have heavily artistic games based on spreading messages and feelings. Truely immersive movies or books with all sorts of plot twists, and a rich story to be told. Other games such as Cuphead are more geared towards the oldschool gamers who loved the 80's title and wanted to revive the experience, those are more based on giving people a challenge. We also have funny and casual games such as I am Bread, and heavily competitive ones that are played as ESports and may have a way for the players to make a living out of it. It may open both the audiogaming and mainstream markets for new possibilities, or crash them both due to developers and players alike not knowing what they want or under which scope a new game would be evalluated.To conclude, the gaming scene is so wide that everyone may step in, which is a good thing for developers, but it may end up making the players lost on what and where to look.Best regards, Haramir.


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Re: Reflecting on gaming in general

2018-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reflecting on gaming in general

ok lmao, that was like 30k chars, damn good writing too! I wanta see how many it is with all those headings and random ass links all over the place.Next time I would suggest lestening the links, it made it kind of anoying to read. but otherwise, damn good. I'll admit I didn't understand completely the whole point of it, but I liked it!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Reflecting on gaming in general

2018-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reflecting on gaming in general

A Wall of sound?  A Wall of sound!  If I want a wall of sound, I'll bribe one of you crazies who has money to throw at everything to buy me a Yamaha Montage!Hmmm, where to begin...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Reflecting on gaming in general

2018-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reflecting on gaming in general

I can't respond to the entire article because of how much detail is in it... but I will wrap it all up by saying that I agree completely. Simple games that have you coming back again and again are fantastic. However, for some reason, we don't have any of those at the moment... we have too many young developers leaping into the fray, all guns blazing, and trying to pump out the game with the most sounds and content possible. SF 2, released in 1992 is still considered a classic, even with its lack of flashy gimics and other extras. Yet most gamers complain about it because of the lacklustre graphics, or in the case of audiogamers, the fact that the sound is low quality and in mono. I do think that developers should make games that match accordin to their resources, which is why I have so much respect for the Japanese audiogame developers as that is exactly what they've done. Shadow Line doesn't have a huge wall o sound, nor complex gameplay mechanics, nor even the depest story. But it's deep enough to want me to come back to find the items I didn't find last time, or just to see how fast I can beat it. Yet the game wa developed with small resources by a team of two people.Lastly, props to mentioning JD as that is a prime example of a game that I played again and again. Sometimes it isn't the amount of the things you have to do, but the enjoyment you could possibly get out of the three things that are there.


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Reflecting on gaming in general

2018-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Reflecting on gaming in general

This topic made me consider gaming overall and the various trends that have shaped it over the past 18 years, because I honestly do believe that with the Rise of the 21st century we flipped things around on their heads and did things with gaming that had never been imagined.  With those things came consequences as well as progress, so I got it all off my chest for you to read and critique. Of course, everyone who knows me knows I'm a jerkwad who doesn't want to hear your opinions, doesn't care about your take on gaming overall, simply wishes to see his own ideas being agreed with, willingly pays tons of money he doesn't have to suppress the outcry, and don't you dare comment below this line!  :d


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