Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mohamed via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

i think that Scrolling battles pro  must be  removed from the list now...


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Yes it is.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Was bb solld now? It's gone from the list.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : soren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

[quoXvordan why did you change your name


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : secret_land via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

@Haily, I'd appreciate it if you unblock my skype, it starts with letter F.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

It has died down.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

For the love of Pete! Has grammar and spelling gone the way of the dinosaur or something? I've seen posts in here that wouldn't be accepted by a head start teacher (for children around 3 years old).Also, I could've sworn I logged on to the audio games forum, not 4chan. Why are all of you so hell bent on drama at every waking hour?Kai


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

All I have to say when reading through this topic, is ... at least get a basic fucking spellchecker. I usually don't wine about typos and misspellings, but holy shit. Also @33 my opinions on this topic are my own, but I think giving basic respect to people is necessary to function in a society. You also were well aware of what you said, so if I could, I would thumb you down. Surprisingly enough, I find myself agreeing with Jayde here. Pretend for a moment I legally changed my name and asked everyone to call me by another name, it would be very disrespectful to call me by a name I do not want to be called.And to be perfectly frank, no one gives a fuck about those projects. Not in the big picture anyway. You'd probably do better with a gofundme instead.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

All I have to say when reading through this topic, is ... at least get a basic fucking spellchecker. I usually don't wine about typos and misspellings, but holy shit. Also @33 my opinions on this topic are my own, but I think giving basic respect to people is necessary to function in a society. You also were well aware of what you said, so if I could, I would thumb you down. Surprisingly enough, I find myself agreeing with Jayde here. Pretend for a moment I legally changed my name and asked everyone to call me by another name, it would be very disrepsectul to call me by a name I do not want to be called.And to be perfectly frank, no one gives a fuck about those projects. Not in the big picture anyway. You'd probably do better with a gofundme instead.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

So if you got into a small argument with an elderly person about if video games can make people violent, and you got super angry and said something like: "Well I really hope you fuckin die soon because you really don't deserve to live any longer with a stupid ass opinion like that!"Well would you be surprised if everyone called you an asshole for saying that?Why is calling Haily her old name, even though you know it really hurts her, just because you are mad about a different thing she did any different?Such a serious insult is never good, and if someone insulted your religion or race they would be punished in the same way of course.This is not a joke and the unchanged names is a bad excuse.Tell Haily that you hate her games and her attitude is bad if you want, but at least do not say the most terrible things.And if you don't believe in transgender people because of your religion  or culture? than fine, but say nothing because the people who run this website do believe it, and you are a guest here so you must follow their rules if you want to stay.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

So if you got into a small argument with an elderly person about if video games can make people violent, and you got super angry and said something like: "Well I really hope you fuckin die soon because you really don't deserve to live any longer with a stupid ass opinion like that!"Well would you be surprised if everyone started telling you you are an asshole for saying such a thing?Why is calling Haily her old name, even though you know it really hurts her, just because you are mad about a different thing she did any different?Such a serious insult is never acceptable, and if someone insulted your religion or race they would be punished in the same way of course.This is not a joke and the excuse about unchanged names is not a good one.And if you don't believe in transgender people because of your religion  or culture? than fine, but say nothing because the people who run this website do believe it, and you are a guest here so you must follow their rules if you want to stay.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

JaceK, I understand your point about respect. I don't entirely agree, but I understand.Generally if I want you to really sing my praises, I should earn that. It's not the default for most people, and if given prematurely it feels a bit like unearned accolades, which I'm not at all a fan of for myself. When people call me amazing when I'm just doing the regular adulting things I have to do, it irks me.Now, flip that around though. I think it's fair to say that most of us deserve basic respect. Our choices, our lifestyle, should be off limits to folks unless someone's getting hurt or is about to. So if I really, really like bananas and you really, really hate them, picking on me is not respectful unless I'm trying my best to make you eat bananas, which I'm not doing. I'd say that calling someone by the name by which they wish to be called falls under basic respect. There is little to no reason to ever revoke, as this regards Haily, here's the deal.Yes, she's made some less-than-stellar dev choices, and it's clear that she's still young and figuring herself out in a lot of ways. If that alone makes you disrespect her, I think you have a lot to learn about human interaction, but I digress. By all means, you don't have to be close to her, you don't have to support her projects, but it's easy enough to just stay away unless you're getting attacked.More recently, Haily has definitely been lashing out a bit more. She's since apologized, but what's done is done. Perhaps your assertion that you'll respect her when she deserves it, or whatever it is that you said, is predicated on these outbursts? If so, I'd like to point you at the bit where I said she's figuring her life out. Most of us are, it's true, but most of us are manifestly -not dealing with identity issues on the same level as Haily is. So she's acting out of turn sometimes. Sure, I'll accept that. But some of the people on this forum have been a part of that. They've made things more difficult for her. So while Haily is absolutely on the hook for her choices in this regard, she's also been provoked by people who frankly I would love to have banned a long time ago. Personal feelings and all; that kind of negativity and personal attack just makes me sick, and I don't know how any of you can continue with it in good conscience. Anyway, I think you'd do well to put your disrespect where it really belongs. Instead of telling Haily that she essentially has to earn back your respect because she's losing her shit on folks after being provoked, maybe put your outrage on some of the others who are part of the problem as well.I see this a lot. Person in a minority gets picked on and pestered and generally treated badly. Person in a minority finally lashes out. Everyone focuses on how awful the lashing-out was, and what a bad example of the minority that person is, instead of, y'know, taking ownership for the bullshit that began the downward spiral in the first place. The lack of perspective from some of you (not all, of course, there are many great people here) is kind of staggering.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nefilimul via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

I wrote something in private on the forum.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

She is trying to leave the forum and will when someone buys her projects. So everyone shut up and pretend she is gone. Because once someone buys, she will exit. Right now y’all are trying to squeeze the last out of the botle. Meaning she is standing at the door and before she goes you want to get as much as you can before it is too late. So just shut it. She is only still here to sell the things and dash.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

JaceK wrote:@54: Even before transitioning, Hailey didn't have the best reputation honestly And exactly what do you mean by that? JaceK wrote:(see the fights with Ironcr I'm just going to stop you right there; anybody who calls someone disrespectful when it has anything to do with a conversation between them and him has no idea what they're talking about. Thank you.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

JaceK wrote:@54: Even before transitioning, Hailey didn't have the best reputation honestly And exactly what do you mean by that? JaceK wrote:(see the fights with Ironcr I'm just going to stop you right there, thank you.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

@55: Agreed, but if Hailey doesn't rise to it or give people ammunition...none of this would happen@54: Even before transitioning, Hailey didn't have the best reputation honestly (see the fights with Ironcross f.ex) and the attitude towards certain forum users. This was going on before she came out as transgender, Jaidon.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Hi.Two things:1. Why does so many people even waist their time, writing such bad and negative comments about something, which they won't purchase anyway? Why not just skip it and move on? Or, does people really not have anything else to do?2. @tonio: Thanks for showing us how we should respect you in the future. It's long time since I have seen such disrespectful post in post 33. I look forward to see people talk to you in simuler ways... The worse thing is that you even don't seem to understand the issue.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Did Haily lash out sometimes? Yes, she definitely did. Was it wrong? I mean, yeah, probably. Why? Because of some of you people antagonizing her. You guys want her to respect you? You don't get respect unless you show equal respect and take responsibility for the things you say. It's really that simple. Stop making Haily look like an evil bitch, and maybe she'll be nicer to you and not hurt your precious feelers.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sovs via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Jacek, I do agree with you all though I have to say calling her Charlie just to be in need of better words, rude, is kind of unnecessary.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

You know, jace, Haily won't be carrying on like that if people would stop acting like dotish impses and call her by her actual name. So, yeah. Its a two way street, and until Haily's I'm leaving topic, I haven't seen her outbursted . Haily doesn't just go around saying, fuck you, jace, or fuck you Tonio, she only retaliates when attacked. Learn the difference.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Hailey if you want respect, then you give respect as wlel. It's not all 'oh I am this so I automatically get respect'. Respect is a two way street. Your prior posts and outbursts have shown me that you're not worthy of my respect, and ranting about it won't get me to respect you. Maybe if you mature and get through this, then that may change. But as of right now, this moment. No. I don't respect you from what I have seen of you as of late on this forum.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Oh and because I want to keep my personal views on the more drama filled side of this topic a little bit separate, here goes.Liam, we may not agree on a lot of things, but on this we can 100 per cent agree. You said what I wanted to say and resisted the urge to say what I probably would have said had you not stepped in. Updating everything isn't an easy or fun task. I only very recently updated my facebook because half my family didn't even know that this was a thing. Things like email take even longer because of how many accounts and other things are related. Me not updating everything at once doesn't suddenly give you the right to call me whatever you want, nor does the fact that legally my name has not yet been updated. We all know that that hole process is an absolute hell on earth here in the UK, and also in a lot of states in the US from what I've read.I have a friend who I see at least a few times a day during school. For her own personal reasons she decided to change her name from the name she was given at birth to a new name of her choosing and her last name to that of one of her mother's. I've made mistakes and called her the wrong name in the past, but if I went and did that intentionally I'd be fully expecting a slap for my trouble.Basic respect people. Learn it.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

So, is Ivan gonna continue the development?


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Alrighty, slight update all. The rights to bloodbath are hence forth transferred to Ivan, thus it is no longer for sale. I'll be updating the list shortly.@jacek, you do make a good point. My thing right now is that I at least want to make some money to support myself on the way out. I feel like after all I've done and had to put up with it's justified. I considered just pulling a Danny and disappearing completely, but I also didn't want to see those games entirely abandoned and eventually deleted from my harddrive when I had no further reason to keep them around.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sovs via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Some users on this fucking forum are making me throw up.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

I don't think this is a good idea, Hailey.Mostly because, here's the sell the projects. People will still think it funny to bring it up with you. And you're not the most stable of people, too. See. I think instead of selling, just let the proejcts die and leave them in the past, really. THat way you can make a clean break. But for the love of all that's holy. Don't lash out at people for minor things. It helps nobody. it was a perfectly reasonable request to ask for a list and your 'happy now' post came off as snapping at them like fuck you, I put a list up, are you happy now, type post.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : arjan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

@42: The indicator that she wishes not to be called Charlie anymore is pretty clear, or at least on this forum. Anyone who has been keeping up with the forum should know by now. Could the fact that your last post was from nearly 3 months ago have something to do with it? And moreover, why did you come back only to post on this thread?There could be several reasons why, some of which would probably fall under the category of conspiracy theory, but I'll just say that this all seems very, very deliberate to me and leave it at that.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

double warning lol


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

40. What I really want to say would get me a warning. So I will just say.Calling someone by the name they do not want to be using anymore and have asked not to be called by is disrespectful to say the least. The warning you received was well-deserved. And I would have given you a warning, but Jayde beat me to it by a couple of minutes.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Um, Haily has changed her name on the forum, CJm is down, her name on skype is different, and she legally changed her name. at least I think. Haily, has asked you guys to call her by the name she wants to be called, why do you impses refuse to call her by her name? Simter, on skype your name is Rusty salisk, but your name is Simter on here. Would you like it if i kept calling you Rusty, even though you pleded with me to call you simnter? It seems like it only you two who are still on this banwagon. But what confuses me the most is, Tonio, yiu haven't been on the forum for a while, what possised you to come on here? Was it that you were tipped off by Simter tor someone else? I've never seen or heard of this dennis person.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : monkey999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Gonna buy some bananas and just watch the show


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dennis via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Hi,@33 If I had thousand Computers, I would give you 1000 thumbs up. @36 hm? giving out a warning to someone who just says the truth? That is simply stupid. @39 very good answer @Charlie, or Haily, or who just knows: It is ok that you are a transgender. I say Nothing against that. But if you are wanting that everyone calls you haily now, you should update all your Information. Until that, tonio can Call you Charlie, and if you shouldn't want that, you should update your Elten Account, your Website, your EMail and other. I don't think its so fair if someone says all should Call him with a new Name, but does Nothing to update his old Information. If that happens, everyone should Call him like they want cause there is no indicator that he doesn't wants that.@Admins warning someone and say he has personally attacked someone without the attacked Person saying something, thats simply overfucked. If he wrote to you such as: "warn everyone who calls me Charlie", than it should be ok. But just, , warning someone without a real reason, is simply not fair. @all other users: lets look back at different warnings and bannings of the admins, without a real, understandable reason. Simply let that go to your mind, and decide: are some Actions of the Audio Games Admins really underrstandable?Thank you if you really read this post to the end.Greetings,Dennis


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tonio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

a and @ simter, i would give you 19191919 tumbs up if i could


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tonio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

@ liam, why dont you say wat you want to  say? maibe because there is nothing to say


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

@33 thumps up for the first line.@35 thumps down for a pointless post, well woops i just noticed that this isn't even possible o no i wish i could give you a thumps down.@36 what are you waiting for? Say what you want man i want to hear you awesome destruction of tonio! Come on!


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Actually, Tonio has been here for a while, just not as active.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Tonio. that was extremely disrespectful to say the least.At this moment, you do not want me to say the most.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Moderation:Tonio, you're very new here, yet you apparently are trying to antagonize Haily by calling her by her deadname. This is, in essence, a personal attack. You didn't do it by mistake, you did it very deliberately. Have a warning for your trouble.If this is the sort of impression you want to make here, you aren't going to last long, let me tell you that right up front.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : seb2314 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

At 33 I'm not a fan of the first line of your post. Also, you don't seem to know much about the situation, so in that case you shouldn't say anything.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Tonio, now why did you have to go and try and drag drama in this topic? Also, how do you know? Were you in the development team? Haily, was doing all the work until Ivan volenteered his services. And its not like he didn't get any thanks, because Haily tried to defend him in the topic. Think before you post such insultive rubbish please.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tonio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

hayly, erm i mean, charlie, ofcourse!that wat you are wanting to do is totaly stupit. it doesnt make any sense to sell the projects espicialy bloodbat because if you do that, there will be much clones and so onand ivan is totaly right here, you dit almost nothing in bb it was only ivan doing the lag fixes and wat dit you do? nothingso think about selling the cod because if you do  there will be that cloners again that clone games


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

@jayde, this was done a long time ago and has been the case for some time now.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

So I want to amend what I said last in here. I'm not taking any of it back, just adding something.If Ivan wrote code for some of Haily's projects without talking about licensing rights or anything like that, then Ivan has no rights to that code once it's part of the project, to the best of my knowledge at least. If he walked out on the project, washed his hands of it, then without such a contract or agreement in place, his responsibility, in all senses of the word, was ended right then and there.However, Haily might do well to consider crediting Ivan where his code did make a difference, assuming she hasn't done so already. It's good form to give credit where it's due, even if you have full rights to something. If I wrote you a user manual, for instance, I would appreciate it if I were mentioned as having done so. I don't need controlling interest or distribution rights, but a mention in the credits seems appropriate for someone who's put some of their resources into helping you out.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Haily, on skype, you're displayed as Haily.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Thanks Haily. I sent you a message on Skype.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

feel free to DM me on twitter, @arqeria, or drop me a message on skype, live:charliemerry2003, sorry about the name there but there doesn't seem to be a way to change it so I'll have to make a new account eventually.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Hijacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

@20. It should be exactly how Jayde explained. Ivan knew what he was contributing too and never spoke with haily about the licensing rights. The project however was owned by haily, so he implicitly agreed to contribute code to a project which is owned by someone else by giving away his ownership rights on the code. He could of course have talked to haily and discussed that beforehand. But if you contribute to a project that is not yours and don't discuss the circumstances, you give away your rights regarding this code. The situation would be different if Ivan provided this code for free on the net, but licensed under whatever license and haily would take it and embed it into her project. Or if Ivan didn't even publish it, but haily would use it from whatever source. I am not a lawyer though and am unable to proove my point. It seems that it would however be pretty hard to even proove Ivans point though, he at least provided the pieces of code, but its always hard to proove that the code came from you and you alone and that you have the rights for that piece of mind.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Haily, I apologize, it seems I missed the part where you said you haven't uploaded your contact info on your AGNet profile yet. Please do let me know how I can message you whenever you get the chance. Thanks much.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

I would have taken the BB code, but I'm broke lol.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Sure Haily. You'll receive a Skype message shortly.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

You know guys, the only way clones could come out of this, as said, is if people just give their friends. Like, say, If I bought it, then I gave it to Adel, then he gave Eben, then he gave Ivan, then Ivan uploades the srce to his site, then everyone gets it. Yeah I'm with Jayd on this one. But Haily, I think you should put a note saying Co-developed with Ivan Soto. Just be careful of who you sell it to. Anyway, you can sell it to who you want so.Jimmy, the difference here is, you were selling something that has zero value. 0. Zelch. Zip. Haily's projects are actually worth something, and you could get some form of value to it. Also, she didn't say the whole comunity were winy shits, she said some not all, were shits.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Dan, mind sending me a skype message or twitter DM or something? I don't use that email address anymore and I'm still working on switching everything over to my new one, so for the current moment haven't updated it on ag net.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Haily, I'm interested in making a deal with you. I'm not a coder myself, but I could benefit from purchasing some of these things from you. I will shoot you an email with my ideas shortly, or if it doesn't work you can shoot me an email because I know forum email can glitch out sometimes. My email is on my profile page.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Correct me if I'm wrong. But isn't any code Ivan makes, his in a legal sense, even if it's in another project though? At least that's how I understand it at any rate, regardless of if contracts were/weren't signed. I'm not 100% sure on this, though but...


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Hijacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Thumbs up for Jayde here, expressing my thoughts perfectly .


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

So let me cut to the heart of the matter.Haily is selling off her projects.To my knowledge, Haily never signed any contracts which forbid her from doing so. As such, what she's trying to do is not illegal.People like Ivan - who helped her and then bailed on the project once he'd had enough, for his own reasons - did not, to my knowledge at least, ask for any sort of ownership in any project they might've worked on; this means that in contractual terms, they helped out of the goodness of their hearts.Haily wanting to sell (read: not give away) these projects means that she is selling some code that others built. However, given that this code is part of projects she was spearheading, it's essentially her right to do this.In addition, Haily wanting to sell (read: not give away) these projects means that someone who wants them has to commit to some sort of investment. When this happens, money will be exchanged for goods and services, and legal ownership will pass to the buyer. Haily loses the right to the code, while the buyer gains it. This is not encouraging forking in and of itself unless the buyer is the sort who would then give code access to people who are known to perform unauthorized code forks. If this happens, the game or games in question will end up on the blanket ban list. I see no problem with this.Really, Ivan, what you're saying is sort of like this analogy. Haily was building a pool, and you, who knows more about pool-building than she does, decided to help her out. You did it, got the job a lot further on than it was when you got there. Now Haily wants to sell the pool. And you're apparently upset about this, feel that you have to break from your busy schedule to...what, exactly, imply that Haily is immoral for attempting to unload something she no longer wants a part of? Attempting to sell it instead of just giving it away, so as to minimize the chance of drama? Passing it along so others might continue to develop it? Seriously, your attitude here sounds like Haily should be bound by some arcane code of honour not to sell or redistribute code you willingly gave her. I mean, if she is under contract saying she won't do this, then you've got a case, but otherwise it just sounds like you're a bit sour because Haily may stand to make a little money on something you were a part of. It was never your project though; if you wanted partial ownership, you should have discussed this with Haily before helping out.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : christian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Christian, what the fuck are you posting in here for?ok so here's my opinion on the matter. not like it matters anyways but I can kind of agree with selling the offline projects and all, but the online projects? just, no. no no no. I mean think about it. I can see many, many problems with that. just like other people in the thread said, selling these projects, if in the wrong hands, will cause a new set of clones, and that's the last thing you guys, want. that's all I have to say, so just ignore me.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : manamon_player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

please put prices too


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Vulcan_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Just keep the code, don't sell and buy doing so you will prevent many problems from starting up.  I need not mention any because they are sprinkled throughout the thred.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

lol this is pritty fucked up rofl


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ivan_soto via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Warning, this post is sort of long, probably the longest forum post I've written.I want to address a few things here, and some of you may tell me that I have no reason to come on here and say anything, but at the same time I feel I do as some of the code she is selling is very much my own code.After TK died a rather epicly shitty death, I took a break from the online games and Perilous Marathon and Balloon Master became a thing. I heard about this thing called bloodbath OP was was working on, and decided to give it a try. I have always liked those sort of killing games, so I asked if she wanted some help.She agreed, but the game was still way too much like TK, but I figured hey, let's see what we can do here. This is a good opportunity to start fresh and make a new game with minimal lag seeing as to how the game was written in BGT, so there would probably be some lag. I also over time, developed a number of encryption functions in BGT to try to hide keys from debuggers, so I started contributing code to the project.Some of you remember the extremely old beta group, and we took everything from the old BB and reworked it. The following may seem like I'm complaining but I'm just restating how everything went down, and I would have never even brought this up to the forum have this topic not existed. But around the December holidays I worked my ass off to fix up the game and get it as stable as I could, and yes OP did help out, but after a while she just... vanished. Fine, I enjoy these games, no problem I'll work on them. I'm sure some of you who played the game remember me logging on at all hours of the day working on lag updates to the server and client, but OP was off doing her own thing. No problem, we all need breaks and we need time off.Honestly, at that point the game was not bad, the lag was almost gone, I had listened to ideas from some of the players, sneak and Key, thanks... so lag was a thing of the past.There was an update that was released later on, 1.0 which added lockers, and teams. I recently have been hard at work looking for a job, and thankfully I got an offer, so I left the project. I admit I burned myself out, but I figured now that the lag was fixed and everything was normal OP could handle it.I get it everyone, we all go through some shit, but I just feel like selling the code to bloodbath would for one, give people who like to fork copies of code and call them their own another resource to rip from, and 2, just an easy crashgrab for Haily.Does Haily have a right to sell the code? Sort of, well probably. I just feel like she's making money from code she didn't even work on for that long.As I said, I'm not gonna get in the middle of all this hot mess that will probably follow because I honestly don't have the time to dispute the matter, I just wanted to come on here and make everyone aware of what you're buying and how morally fucked this all is.Before everyone comes down my throat, I know I have done some shady things in the past, I know I know I know, but it's been 5 years now, and i can't keep  justifying myself, all I can do is try to show with my actions that I am no longer into any of this stealing code drama. I feel as if I continue on writing, this will go completely off topic and I don't want to do that.I just came to warn everyone about Haily's very...interesting business practices, to say the least.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ivan_soto via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Warning, this post is sort of long, probably the longest forum post I've written.I want to address a few things here, and some of you may tell me that I have no reason to come on here and say anything, but at the same time I feel I do as some of the code she is selling is very much my own code.After TK died a rather epicly shitty death, I took a break from the online games and Perilous Marathon and Balloon Master became a thing. I heard about this thing called bloodbath OP was was working on, and decided to give it a try. I have always liked those sort of killing games, so I asked if she wanted some help.She agreed, but the game was still way too much like TK, but I figured hey, let's see what we can do here. This is a good opportunity to start fresh and make a new game with minimal lag seeing as to how the game was written in BGT, so there would probably be some lag. I also over time, developed a number of encryption functions in BGT to try to hide keys from debuggers, so I started contributing code to the project.Some of you remember the extremely old beta group, and we took everything from the old BB and reworked it. The following may seem like I'm complaining but I'm just restating how everything went down, and I would have never even brought this up to the forum have this topic not existed. But around the December holidays I worked my ass off to fix up the game and get it as stable as I could, and yes OP did help out, but after a while she just... vanished. Fine, I enjoy these games, no problem I'll work on them. I'm sure some of you who played the game remember me logging on at all hours of the day working on lag updates to the server and client, but OP was off doing her own thing. No problem, we all need breaks and we need time off.Honestly, at that point the game was not bad, the lag was almost gone, I had listened to ideas from some of the players, sneak and Key, thanks... so lag was a thing of the past.There was an update that was released later on, 1.0 which added lockers, and teams. I recently have been hard at work looking for a job, and thankfully I got an offer, so I left the project. I admit I burned myself out, but I figured now that the lag was fixed and everything was normal OP could handle it.I get it everyone, we all go through some shit, but I just feel like selling the code to bloodbath would for one, give people who like to fork copies of code and call them their own another resource to rip from, and 2, just an easy crashgrab for Haily.Does Haily have a right to sell the code? Sort of, well probably. I just feel like she's making money from code she didn't even work on for that long.As I said, I'm not gonna get in the middle of all this hot mess that will probably follow because I honestly don't have the time to dispute the matter, I just wanted to come on here and make everyone aware of what you're buying and how morally fucked this all is.Before everyone comes down my throat, I know I have done some shady things n the past, I know I know I know, but it's been 5 years now, and i can't keep justifing myself. I feel like I continue on writing, this will completely off topic and I don't want to do that.I just came to warn everyone about Haily's very...interesting business practices, to say the least.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

There, topic updated. Happy now?


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

I deleted this post  Or... tried to. It was a bad idea


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

I deleted this post


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

I am selling my private jet.Oh my, you found a dead cat? I forgot about that


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Yeah I'd like to know as well. Genuinely curious what you have contributed and what you are selling. Never knew this until it was mentioned, and I'm probably not the only one, so to make such an assumption of this is an error.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

I thought when someone else, i.e. me, tries to sell something and doesn’t give exact information it’s untrustworthy. You’re such a hypocrite sometimes Jesus


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

@7... don't start. Its been enough already with the, by, post drama from yesterday... Personally, I don't want to see the kettle boil over as it were, again.@Haley, A list would be nice, just so that people are informed, and so that they don't have to go digging around to see what projects you've made and see if they want something.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

@7... don't start. Its been enough already with the, by, post drama from yesterday... Personally, I don't want to see the kettle boil over as it were, again.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

@7... don't start. Its been enough already with the, by, post drama from yesterday... Personaly, I don't want to see the kettle boil over as it were, again.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Lol.Hey I'm selling things!person: What're you selling?It doesn't matter, just buy my stuff!


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Normally I'd agree, but there are a couple factors at play here.First, I think it's reasonable that she could give a list of projects she has for sale. With this community's less than stellar track record of what happens when code changes hands, it would be good to have a public record so that the average person knows exactly who bought what. I agree that the prices are no one's business, but the last thing we need is another he said, she said screaming match where one person says the code is theirs, the next one said they bought it, but has no proof, etc. etc.Second, while I'm willing to believe that Haily said things out of anger in her topic about leaving that she didn't mean, the fact is, it happened less than a day ago. People are understandably going to approach taking over any of her projects after she blatantly called the entire community whiny shits or something similar (I forget the exact wording) with wariness. If they don't, well, that more than likely speaks to their agendas.Bottom line: we absolutely do not need any more clones floating around, or people spreading around code that isn't theirs, because, let's face it, just because someone buys it doesn't mean it will stay with that person. It may, I'm not disputing that, but this whole thing is just too much too soon, in my opinion.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Jesus christ people, take it down a notch.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

A, I already said everything is for sale. That does mean absolutely everything.B, I already said prices vary depending on what you want out of your purchase and of course on what you're buying. The idea here is that you contact me, we come to an agreement.@2, this topic assumes you're already familiar with my various bits of game development work and other things I've done for this community over the years. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you most likely wouldn't be part of the target audience here anyway.


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Patrick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Please give a list of the projects and their prices at least...


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Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Hijacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

And how should interested people even know what projects you are talking about?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Selling my projects

2020-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Selling my projects

Hey all,As I honestly no longer want anything to do with any of these, I'm selling off all of my game related projects, as well as several that aren't entirely game related. If you'd be interested in buying anything, feel free to get in contact with me either via this topic or any other means and we can discuss pricing. Prices will vary hugely depending not only on what you're buying but also what you want out of what you're buying, E.G: If you only want a game's code but not the responsibility for maintaining the game you will pay less as supposed to someone who is paying for the rights to the game as well.All things must go!


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