Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

2016-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : roro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

Hello! Well, good work there, but till now I couldn't know if that network requires a certain software, a certain website or whatever, or if that soft phone you're talking about is paid or free, and how to use it! All these points aren't clear for me, as I never delt with such conference rooms.Sorry if the points I cited are clear to others, but excuse me because, as I said, I've never delt with such things before.Regards!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

2016-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

It requires a softphone or hardphone of your choosing. We do not decide for you what type of software or hardware you use.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

2016-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

To put it another way, this service requires a landline, it might work with mobile phones as well but the cost could be huge. I personally don't know what to think about this idea.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

2016-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

We didn't use that because we wanted to try something new. And no, this doesn't require a landline. You can use a mobile phone as well. The cost will be the same no matter where you are--unless, of course, your long distance. As I said in post 1, your phone carrier will charge you based on their own prices. We will not charge you for using this service unless you purchase your own conference room.If you wish, I can give you general instructions for setting up PhonerLite, a SIP phone. Remember that you won't be able to form an opinion about it unless you try it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

2016-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

Hi.Well, there we have it again, something for the americans again.I see the problem with skype or other messangers there that you can't have more than one channal at a time, you would need to create a whole bunch of chats.Maybe teamspeak could be an alternative? You just connect to a specific server and have a multitude of channals available.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

2016-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : stewie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

Why not just use Skype, Teamtalk, facebook, IRC, Twitter Mumble (all free alternatives by the way)?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

2016-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

Sounds like another blindy social platform, if anything. Except you have to talk, and actually use a phone, both of which excludes tons and tons more people. This is like 8 times more exclusive than something like Klango because of the phone requirement and the fact that you will probably have to pay international charges if you're not in the US,  and it looks like you have to actually talk to people. Which can be hard for non-english speakers to do, a lot more so than typing in English. If you want to talk to your friends, use skype. Use tt. I don't really know about the upkeep costs for this thing for Ethin and his friends but it doesn't seem like it would cost a lot. My advice: create a channel on the tt public server, password protect it, and invite your friends there. You get stereo output if you want, high quality audio, and you don't pay a cent.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

2016-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

Sounds like another blindy social platform, if anything. Except you have to talk, and actually use a phone, both of which excludes tons and tons more people. This is like 8 times more exclusive than something like Klango because of the phone requirement and the fact that you will probably have to pay international charges if you're not in the US,  and it looks like you have to actually talk to people. Which can be hard for non-english speakers to do, a lot more so than typing in English. If you want to talk to your friends, use skype. Use tt. I don't really know about the upkeep costs for this thing for Ethin and his friends but it doesn't seem like it would cost a lot. My advice: create a channel on the tt public server, password protect it, and invite your friends there. You get stereo output if you want, high quality audio, and you don't pay a cent.Edit: I just realized that you don't actually need a phone to connect to this, invalidating the
  argument about the phone somewhat. I still believe the audio quality would be garbage because it's still going through phone lines and they transmit at 8 kHZ. So any pc-based voice chat software is still vastly better.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

2016-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

@Simba, I consider that an insult. Saying "There we go, something for the Americans again" sounds like your jealous or that you hate us. Watch what you say. You might get some people on here very angry towards you, me included. And no, this is no threat. It's a fact. And no, I am not excepting any flame wars around here. Go on another topic and flame all you want.Now, here's steps to get you up and running with PhonerLite:Download PhonerLite by clicking this link: the installation instructions.When you launch the program, the setup wizard appears. Enter the following information for each field:Provider: Manual configurationProxy/Registrar: leave blankUser nam
 e: The extension you received upon application acceptance (e.g.: 1002, 1003, etc).Password: The secret entered when you applied, or the 32-character secret automatically generated for you and sent to you along with your extension information.Authentication name: Leave blankOn the first page after entering the provider information, click the unlabeled button.After entering the user data, click the unlabeled button next to the user name edit field.On the capture page, ensure that your sound devices are configured properly, because you won't be able to change it. Figure out which button is which--I don't even know. Sorry about that...After finding the right button, on the confirm page, click the finish button--you'll know which one because the setup wizard will close.Once done, check the status bar. It should say something like:, and the
 n sip:@ registered. If it does not, reply to this thread.Enjoy!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

2016-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ghost rider via Audiogames-reflector


Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

I had waited to see if this was worth commenting on and now I think is a good time to step in.First, Ethin, I see how you could get offended here but I seem to recall you saying, on several occasions, such is the life of a developer. They will get criticisms, there short-comings will be pointed out, and nay-sayers will be prominent. Second, you're reaction, telling him to go away, was a rather immature thing to do on your part. While KeyIsFull could have re-worded his statement, that does not give you the right to tell someone, who, if he changed his mind, could someday become a user of your network.I would like to say that, while interesting, I don't think I'll be giving this a try. It is an interesting concept that I'm sure took a lot of work, but I'll limit my social interactions to Skype, text, Facebook and Twitter. I wish you luck with this project. And with that, everyone have a great day.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

2016-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ghost rider via Audiogames-reflector


Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

I had waited to see if this was worth commenting on and now I think is a good time to step in.First, Ethin, I see how you could get offended here but I seem to recall you saying, on several occasions, such is the life of a developer. They will get criticisms, there short-comings will be pointed out, and nay-sayers will be prominent. Second, you're reaction, telling him to go away, was a rather immature thing to do on your part. While KeyIsFull could have re-worded his statement, that does not give you the right to tell someone, who, if he changed his mind, could someday become a user of your network.I would like to say that, while interesting, I don't think I'll be giving this a try. It is an interesting concept that I'm sure took a lot of work, but I'll limit my social interactions to Skype, text, Facebook, Twitter, and real life. I wish you luck with this project. And with that, everyone have a great day.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

2016-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : malloc via Audiogames-reflector


Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

I wont' try it because, in my oppinion, the developer is being kind of a dick.I'm not saying the people saying "use this instead," are right, either, but i'm not using their product.  be more professional with your next project, or obtain some public relations skills that bring forth polite responces to people crittisizing.  Good luck.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

2016-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

@Ethin,You are hardly the first to try something of this caliber, and tons of the chat systems in place that have been tried are still around.  Visit and if you're truly interested, both of which have been doing this for quite some time.  Since this is the case, you'll forgive us all if we're just a bit skeptical of what you're doing, why it matters, and how it will differ from all of the other drama filled cesspools.  Experience has taught me that a moderated system of this nature cannot stay moderated without one of two things happening:1.  You become objective and minister to a select few based on said objectivity.  If I may respectfully point back to posts 8 and 10 as evidence for this possibility already emerging, I freely confess I won't be giving this much of an opportunity.2.  You give up moderation and let the place become a free for all, and if that happens, well, see abov
 e mention of drama filled cesspool.You are currently advertising the system as having all of the features a telecommunications system should have, and that's fine, but what makes it different from everything that already exists?  What is your goal and or purpose for this system, and why should we use it as opposed to using something we feel more comfortable with and which has been established for a longer period of time?  Moreover, why on earth sacrifice quality for the sake of quantity?  Sure, you may be able to pull in 30, 50, maybe even a hundred users together on a chatline, but it's been done before.  Rather than assuming that we're bashing on you, why can't you step back and look at the possibility that you're traveling back in time while we're trying to go forward?  If you're conducting a social experiment of sorts to see the disastrous results, I can live with that, but I promise you, you'll either end up
  with a hugely conservative platform that'll be fun for a select few, or a madhouse you'll have no fun trying to control.And where do you stand on the issue of privacy?  Will you monitor everyone's input?  Sit around and eavesdrop on individuals and their conversations?  If you don't, how will you catch older individuals harassing under aged ones, given that you plan on freely inviting everyone?  Do you have a disclaimer of some sort that states that you are not to be held responsible for anything that occurs between people on your system?And then there's hacking!  How are you protecting your system?  How can you guarantee that those who acquire voicemail boxes on your system won't be hacked, confidential messages leaked, and other information about the user accessed?  Do you know what ANI is?  Can you make sure that if your system is somehow broken into this information is not available to other
  people?  Is there any kind of backdoor into your system?  If there isn't, you'd better believe that at some point some member associated with US authorities will more than likely want one because of the tendency for children to be sexually exploited on systems like these.  If there is, more than likely you're already hackable and the matter is not a question of if but when.Assuming you can jump over these daunting hurtles, keep people engaged on a fully functional system and free of huge problems, get a neutral panel of moderators and admins or what have you to police the thing, how long do you expect people to be interested when the world around us is developing?  Can you honestly see sighted people coming in droves to mingle on a chatline when there are flashier services available to them?  If not, who does the system fall to?  Who cares most about voices, about sound, about speech?  How does this not easily and inevitably b
 ecome a blind social circle for those who just, don't wish to use computers or who are ever so tired of the way technology is going, or who have, for all intents and purposes, given up on the world around them?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

2016-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

@keyIsFull, I don't see a problem with 8 KHZ. Yes, it's probably one of the lowest qualities out there, but it's still really good. And I'm kind of offended because you called it a "blindy social platform". Did you even get the word "global" in the name? This is not for just blind people. I'm inviting everyone on here, no matter their disability. I'm not setting up a TT server and hundreds of channels just to create something your satisfied with. If you don't like it, go away, because your not welcome. But don't darken this topic with comments about how you think there are better things and that no one should check it out. If you want to go blathering about how you think it's stupid, go away, because as I said, your not welcome here. I put a lot of work into this and am not taking it down just because of one person who hates it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

2016-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ghost rider via Audiogames-reflector


Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

I had waited to see if this was worth commenting on and now I think is a good time to step in.First, Ethin, I see how you could get offended here but I seem to recall you saying, on several occassions, such is the life of a developer. They will get criticisms, there short-comings will be pointed out, and nay-sayers will be prominent. Second, you're reaction, telling him to go away, was a rather immature thing to do on your part. While KeyIsFull could have re-worded his statement, that does not give you the right to tell someone, who, if he changed his mind, could someday become a user of your network.I would like to say that, while interesting, I don't think I'll be giving this a try. It is an interesting concept that I'm sure took a lot of work, but I'll limit my social interactions to Skype, text, Facebook and Twitter. I wish you luck with this project. And with that, everyone have a great day.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

2016-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

Hi all,For the past couple weeks me and my friends have been working on an online network for everyone. Yes, it's name is "the global developer network" but that's because I originally intended it to be for developers only. The name still stands despite the change. You can either join us on a SIP softphone or call us via your hardphone. We have the standard features any phone system should have: extensions, voice mail boxes, a dial-by-name directory, and some other rather interesting features. Before I give you the details, please note the following rules:No immaturity is allowed. It is rude to, for instance, kick someone off a channel (a.k.a. extension/conference room) just because their not of a specific race, sex, color, etc, or start fights in channels just because you can.On an open channel (that
  is, channels which, by agreement of the administrators, has no user PIN, and, therefore, is open to the public) swearing (profanity) is not allowed. We expect that all sorts of people, of every age, will be on the network. Therefore, a safe environment is necessary. If you wish to swear, either purchase your own conference room or go on another conference room that permits such a liberal environment.If an administrator of the network enters a conference room that you or another person is in, and you or that other person have the administrative personal identification numbers, and are signed in as such, ejection of that newly entered administrator is prohibited unless the following circumstance(s) are met:The administrator is being obnoxious, rude, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, etc. or is showing signs of discrimination or preju
 dice towards someone, a group of people, or the entire conference room.The administrator is threatening or otherwise wishing harm on those who he/she speaks to.The administrator is bullying, hectoring, or otherwise being disruptive to other conversations.While we understand that none of these circumstances can be prevented, we want everyone who sees such actions to report it to an admin immediately. The above circumstances also apply to members and operators as well. To report someone, either dial ext. 100 and select option 9, or dial ext. 600 to directly place a ring grouped call to all administrators. If you wish to speak to an administrator directly without waiting, either dial exts. 111, 112, or 113, or use a different contact method.If an admin of a conference room sets rules for that specific conference room, you are expected to follow those rules. If you think that the rules are too oppressive or violat
 e your rights as a member or operator on the network, contact an administrator to deal with the problem. Do not try and deal with it yourself.That's all I can think of! Let's get down to the main course, shall we?To dial in using your softphone, dial sip:@ (where  is the extension number). Alternatively, you can become a member by applying for an extension by clicking here.To dial in using your hardphone, dial the phone number:(701) 335-8010(Call rates may apply, and long distance charges may be charged to your payment method, as this is a United States of America (USA) phone number using a USA rate center.) So, dial in! The following extensions are currently available for public use:1: open conference ro
 om. Requires no PIN.2: Administrative conference room. Requires a PIN. Normal members and operators should not (ever) access this conference room.100: Interactive voice response (IVR) system (general IVR, handles main IVR calls). Contains major options to lead to major areas of the network.111: My direct dialing extension.112: Tyson Sylvester's direct dialing extension.113: Kaden Calahan's direct dialing extension.411: Phone book, contains all extensions. Instructions are given immediately upon answer.600: Administrative ring group. Rings all administrators.1000: Plays endless hold music.29000: Plays endless dialing tones.If you require assistance getting a softphone working, please contact us, or reply to this thread.


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