Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rwbeardjr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

I understand the licensing thing, but the companies need to do their part and realize that people just don't have the money to throw away for these things


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

When they were henter-joice, things were very, very different. It was expensive still, but it kind of had to be since every application was scripted. Screen-reader automation is no small task today, but it was a lot of manual labor back then since every major application had to be scripted. Both Blazie Engineering and Henter-Joice actually took good customer satsifaction extremely seriously, until the merger into Freedom Scientific. Of course now, they're bought out by vfo which is mostly consisting of venture capitalists. So no, the current FS today is nothing like the individual copmanies as they wer back then.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

From what I have heard, they were much better when Ted Henter ran things. Sadly, those days are gone, just like the potential of VoiceOver and the Mac. Oh well, times change.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

Really sad they went downhill the way they did though. Someone correct me if i'm wrong; I wasn't around dooring the... um, historic time of freedom scientific when jaws was still new lol; but when they started, at least what I want to believe is that their intents where noble and the program was cheeper if not free; but as more time went by and they started getting more and more money out of it, it eventually went into their head. I dunno though, that's what I would like to think this all started but dunno though. Was this how it went down?


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

I said freedom scientific was greedy. I never said the same thing about humanware etc.  That just applied to freedom scientific in my post. Yes, I get it, licencing etc; but they clame to help the blind?  Bullshit. If they operated in other countries besides the US with the $90 plan etc as they did in the US, their argument that their aim is to help blind people may have some grounds; but as it stands now? No, no, no, no, no. Just no. Yes, I get it, licensing, etc, but you cant just say from on the one hand, o yes, we're helping blind people; and the next thing you pull from your ass is something like, o, only this one country will have all the benefits of our software, and since our main bace is in the US, they will have a $90 yearly subcription plan so that they don't have to pay $1000 all at once; etc. As for all the other countries... well they can just go and get fucked. I'm sorry if this was harsh, but this is the way this particular company is. That's why I used the word, greety, to describe freedom scientific, at least, atleast; when it comes to jaws if nothing else.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

I know, I was just clarifying for everyone else who may not be familiar. You're absolutely right about FS though.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

I said freedom scientific was greedy. I never said the same thing about human etc.  That just applied to freedom scientific in my post


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

Also no vender gets a free pass to convention It is super expensive, and I know at ACB they don't even pay for your power there, plus you've got flight expenses and the like. And while Aira has received a lot of mainstream attention and is pretty much an overnight sensation, the same cannot be said about Humanware and company.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

Hi.As a trainee in the salesman department I can understand whz prices are so high, or at leased higher then someone would expect.You have your build costs for the devices, so the general casing for example for a braille need to pay for the braille cells, which are expensive as hel, I don't know any real prices of course because companys keep those under raps, but I heard that one of the piezo electric ones are about 50 euros per cell or per 6 cells, not sure anympore.You than have other costs coming in, I will describe them as fixed and variable costs.Fixed costs are machines to produce certain parts, workers and their monthly wages, power to keep the machines running and in working order and much more.Variable costs can include advertisements, marketing campaigns, trips to fares and conventions to show off the latest tech, and again, more that I could describe.Having these info  and data you would need to calculate the costs of producing one braille display against the against the price you want your customers to pay for the device. Also bare in mind that if ensureance companys don't instantly pay the costs for the device, your company might get into products, because I was working in the field of assistive technology for a while I saw that it might take some weeks or months till a device might be fully paied you see, there are a lot of factors coming into this, so saying that a company is just greedy doesn't really work here.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

You still have the problem of Bluetooth connection drops and battery drains, which can be crippling to a mission-critical task. Fortunately the most advanced notetaker is a tablet, so specialized tech is nowhere near as limiting.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : arjan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

I try not to rely too much on stuff made specifically for the blind for a number of reasons, this being one of them. However, at least our insurance companies and such do a pretty good job here in paying for braille displays.Also, braille displays absolutely do not need to be cumbersome. Especially, as has already been said, if you use your phone to take notes. I personally do not, because I don't mind the laptop+braille display combination right now, but that might change. I would far prefer either a phone or a laptop over a notetaker anyway, since I don't like having a bunch of special tech that's fairly limited in what it can actually do. Granted, notetakers are pretty advanced nowadays, but I'd still much rather use a computer or phone.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

@ignatriay: Exactly. Licensing. These things encur yearly costs, or maybe even costs taken out of the sale. Braille translation? Braille Blaster is the first move towards a universally free braille translation software since Duxbury. Liblouis exists but is a library, not an all0in-one solution that the average Joe can use to transcribe materials. Duxbury has held the patent on its braille translation technology for decades, and it's always been way too expensive. I may not entirely be going all in with everything expressed by this fine group, but in this case, I am in complete agreement with the Free Software Foundation that software patents literally exist only as to thwart competition and monopolize, and are a threat to any developer. They need to go, like, yesterday.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

@13, the first two options, about getting jaws for $90 or getting a able disabilities account; you have to live in the US. If you don't... well then good luck. I mean, they are great options but if one doesn't a US citizen or atleast lives in the US, those options are useless.I do have that at least in the case of Ios having the ability to type in braille... is a huge step forward. Granted its not a braille display of course, but nonetheless its a massive improvement from typing using the regular Ios keyboard so theres that.Also, i'm wundering... For sighted people, well, for blind people too, but from the perspective of sighted people... could phones be considered assistive devices. If not, i'll go for the gps. In any case, I'm just wundering, if a sighted person can get a assistive peace of technology for less than $1000, why do blind people have to pay double, or sometimes even tripple the price? I get get licensing etc, but, why?


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

@13, the first two options, about getting jaws for $90 or getting a able disabilities account; you have to live in the US. If you don't... well then good luck. I mean, they are great options but if one doesn't a US citizen or atleast lives in the US, those options are useless.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

@Chris: Adapting mainstream technology doesn't work with hardware as well if we're talking about an all-in-one solution. Newer mainstream technology will never be modular.As for Narrator? Well, Narrator is getting there and really catching up. They have a-level coders who probably can do a better job eventually than FS's current coders are doing since they are dealing with a codebase so out of date it isn't even funny. Really does make me wonder what the fate of JAWS will be once arm Windows hits business adoption.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

I honestly can't recommend the Orbit Reader. From the very little time that I have spent with it, the refresh rate is just way too slow to deal with, and I need high refresh rate for how quickly I read.Honestly, if you were looking at HumanWare braille displays, I would honestly recommend a BrailleNote Apex just for the terminal in and of itself. It works great, and it doesn't seem to crash that often in the terminal, although the Touch Plus is an all-around better product. I would complain though if they did update the processor or make it run faster—Keyword cannot handle long and complexly formatted documents. Or an overclocking tool, because the battery lasts really long.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : joshknnd1982 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

As far as braille translators go, you could use braille blaster, which is free. Or you could use send-to-braille, which is also free. Or    Which is free as well. If you need special languages such as Japanese, your best choice there is an iPad or iPod touch to get braille access for those languages. As far as inexpensive piezoelectric displays? You could get a brailliant-bi14 or a smart beetle display both selling for around $995. You will have to save up some money for those. And they work best when paired with an iPod touch or iPad. And you can always mute the speech on the iPod or iPad and use braille only. Again, if you can, using an able disability savings account which is free to sign up for, will help you save for this expensive technology.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : joshknnd1982 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

You have some options for buying assistive technology. For jaws pay $90 each year for their jaws subscription service. Your other option is to get an able disability savings account like the one found at      you can save up to one hundred thousand dollars in the account and it will not affect your social security, food stamps or medical benefits you may get. Friends and family can also put money in your able disability savings account with a special code and website that you give to them. You do not have to live in Pennsylvania to sign up for an able account in the state of PA. Your other option rather than getting a brailleNote is, why not get a braille me from for $500. Lots less expensive but it still has a note taker feature. Or why not get an orbit reader20 for $600 from  it too can be used as a note taker. This is how I am going to buy an electric perkins brailler and then later on, a $1500 or so braille buddy embosser from


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

@11, correct. If narrator and freedom scientific where to combine... That would help a bunch of people.  I'm wundering though... I'm currently studying in college in the US, i'm not interested in jaws, I have NVDA, but your post got me wundering, even though i'm an international student since i'm studying at a college in the US, could I still apply for the Jaws student license or not given i'm international? Not that I will, I don't support a company such as freedom scientific. They clame to help; but their actions speak way, way louder than their words ever could. You just made me curious on this. I'm wundering if this would be theoretically possible, or is freedom scientific so narrow minded that this only applies to US citizens alone and wouldn't apply to someone studying in the US internationally?


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

@11, correct. I'm wundering though... I'm currently studying in college in the US, i'm not interested in jaws, I have NVDA, but your post got me wundering, even though i'm an international student since i'm studying at a college in the US, could I still apply for the Jaws student license or not given i'm international? Not that I will, I don't support a company such as freedom scientific. They clame to help; but their actions speak way, way louder than their words ever could. You just made me curious on this. I'm wundering if this would be theoretically possible, or is freedom scientific so narrow minded that this only applies to US citizens alone and wouldn't apply to someone studying in the US internationally?


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

@11, correct. I'm wundering though... I'm currently studying in college in the US, i'm not interested in jaws, I have NVDA, but your post got me wundering, even though i'm an international student since i'm studying at a college in the US, could I still apply for the Jaws student license or not given i'm international? Not that I will, I don't support a company such as freedom scientific. They clame to help; but their actions speak way, way louder than their words ever could. You just made me curious on this.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

I agree with post 9. The fact that VFO only offers the annual license in the United States speaks volumes about their overall business practices and philosophy. Also, why didn't they have this years ago? The student license is only valid if you're a student of a college or other institution as far as I know. I am not a student, and have no interest in enrolling at any of these institutions.Yes, that's the problem with the whole economy of scale. The only reason they get away with it is because agencies, schools, etc purchase these products. Honestly, we need to focus on making mainstream tech as accessible and efficient for a blind person as possible. Yes, JAWS has some nifty features for the workplace, but these could be integrated into Narrator if the right people worked on it and had the time and capability to do so. I've said this for years, but if VFO really and truly wanted to help blind people, they should merge with Microsoft's accessibility team and make great things happen. Oh well, that's a pipe dream.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

I agree with post 9. The fact that VFO only offers the annual license in the United States speaks volumes about their overall business practices and philosophy. Also, why didn't they have this years ago? The student license is only valid if you're a student of a college or other institution as far as I know. I am not a student, and have no interest in enrolling at any of these institutions.Yes, that's the problem with the whole economy of scale. The only reason they get away with it is because agencies, schools, etc purchase these products. Honestly, we need to focus on making mainstream tech as accessible and efficient for a blind person as possible. Yes, JAWS has some nifty features for the workplace, but these could be integrated into Narrator if the right people work on it and have the time and capability to do so. I've said this for years, but if VFO really and truly wanted to help blind people, they should merge with Microsoft's accessibility team and make great things happen. Oh well, that's a pipe dream.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

I agree with post 9. The fact that VFO only offers the annual license in the United States speaks volumes about their overall business practices and philosophy. Also, why didn't they have this years and year ago? The student license is only valid if you're a student of a college or other institution as far as I know. I am not a student, and have no interest in enrolling at any of these institutions.Yes, that's the problem with the whole economy of scale. The only reason they get away with it is because agencies, schools, etc purchase these products. Honestly, we need to focus on making mainstream tech as accessible and efficient for a blind person as possible. Yes, JAWS has some nifty features for the workplace, but these could be integrated into Narrator if the right people work on it and have the time and capability to do so. I've said this for years, but if VFO really and truly wanted to help blind people, they should merge with Microsoft's accessibility team and make great things happen. Oh well, that's a pipe dream.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

Yes, but you need to understand that a great portion of the price is spent trying to break even. It isn't like 3 quarters of that money is actually profitable. So they need to charge as much as they do to break even, plus at least something to make somewhat of a profit. The solution would've been modular mainstream technology with modified software/hardware, but modular design is long gone in the current climate of smartphones and tablets today, as it goes directly against the stranglehold of a marketing strategy most every mainstream phone manufacturer has in the name of keeping customers around.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

@8, yes, but if your not from the US your screwed.@7, I understand that the lesser demand there is for a product, the higher the price... But isn't this a slippery slope in and of itself? I'm referring to this, the higher the price, the less people will buy it, even though the product might not have much demand.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

@8, yes, but if your not from the US your screwed.I understand that the lesser demand there is for a product, the higher the price... But isn't this a slippery slope in and of itself? I'm referring to this, the higher the price, the less people will buy it, even though the product might not have much demand.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

@8, yes, but if your not from the US your screwed.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

@OP since you're in the US, you can either get JAWS for $90 a year or use their student licensing that gives you JAWS for free. That license has been out for quite some time so paying $1,000 for JAWS if you're American is no longer the case and hasn't been for a while now.Re: Braille displays, I use a display originally designed for mobile devices so it's hardly cumbersome at all. I'd imagine most people buying these things out of pocket will opt for this route nowadays.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

The original BrailleNote Touch was an early adopter experiment and should have never been released. They should have waited until the Touch Plus was ready and just stuck with the Apex. As for everything else, I agree with everything that's been said. Also remember the economy of scale principle. The prices are naturally going to be higher when there isn't a lot of demand. In this case, there really isn't.As for assistive technology, I don't care anymore. The only thing I like is the Victor Reader, but I have no plans of getting anymore because Humanware doesn't maintain or upgrade their existing products to reach their maximum potential. As for Braille, I don't want anymore displays until we have an affordable device that lets you read multiple lines of text. I was really excited for the Bristol Braille Canute, but it's ridiculously expensive!I'm happy with mainstream technology for the most part. The only thing I want is a better Braille device, but I may have to wait a lifetime.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

The original BrailleNote Touch was an early adopter experiment and should have never been released. They should have waited until the Touch Plus and just stuck with the Apex. As for everything else, I agree with everything that's been said. Also remember the economy of scale principle. The prices are naturally going to be higher when there isn't a lot of demand. In this case, there really isn't.As for assistive technology, I don't care anymore. The only thing I like is the Victor Reader, but I have no plans of getting anymore because Humanware doesn't maintain or upgrade their existing products to reach their maximum potential. As for Braille, I don't want anymore displays until we have an affordable device that lets you read multiple lines of text. I was really excited for the Bristol Braille Canute, but it's ridiculously expensive!I'm happy with mainstream technology for the most part. The only thing I want is a better Braille device, but I may have to wait a lifetime.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

At the current time, HUmanware literally cannot afford to drop their prices, particularly when the Braillenote Touch has so much expensive hardware in it. They do do good things for the Apex as they get rid of their stock, they massively dropped the price and are giving away traded in units to schools in need in developing countries.Humanware, believe it or not, is keeping a close eye on the new braille technology exhibited by the Orbit. They are not going to adopt it until it's actually mature enough to be adoptable into a product, not to mention licenseable for use in another product. They would much rather stick with the tried and true methods for the time being, because even though they are expensive, they are of high quality and that is what's important for Humanware. You can't imagine how glad I am that Humanware did not choose to go the early adoption route. The early adoption market is a risk-laden disaster waiting to  happen with all these companies coming and going, companies who launch crowdfunding campaigns then vanish, etc. We do not, absolutely do not need assistive technology company selling early adoption experiments as products.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

@jadeAgree there. I use a regular computer myself, although I still have my braille note apex from about... a decade ago maybee? Still working as good as it was when I got it, and though I rarely use it these days, I never know when I might have need of itAs for these products beeing so expensive... I get the why, but these companies have to realise something too, given that its so high priced, not everyone will be able to afford these products, if the price was decreased more people would be able to afford these products and paying off royalties and licensing could become easier given more people could afford this. In humanware's case and others, I get why the high price tag, I mean, royalties, licensing, etc, but I think that now its harder to pay all all of that in the sence that since not everyone can afford this... Its not as easy as if say, their products where more affordable. Granted they wouldn't win as much, but in the long run, paying off all they have to would be easier given that more people could afford their products. Now. In the case of freedom scientific? One word. Greed.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

@jadeAgree there. I use a regular computer myself, although I still have my braille note apex from about... a decade ago maybee? Still working as good as it was when I got it, and though I rarely use it these days, I never know when I might have need of it


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

And on the other side of the tracks, people who want a braille display would and probably should purchase a notetaker rather than the awkword and cumbersome computer and braille display combination. It isn't half as bad as the people who insist on using not only a notetaker, but an ancient Windows CE-based notetaker, and expecting it to be their daily computer, and then complaining when something doesn't go their way. I will never understand that mentality.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

While it is true that a lot of assistive technology is expensive, part of it is just as the prior poster said. Proprietary or expensive technology or licensing issues can muddy the water considerably. Also, we're a captive market.This, incidentally, is why I want no part of a notetaker. I can get everything I could possibly want at a fraction of the price in a business-style laptop, like a notebook. It's portable, it's got good battery life, its performance utterly demolishes anything a notetaker puts out. The only thing it lacks is a braille display, which I personally do not use, do not need and do not want.


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Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is assistive technology so expensive?

Um, you're forgetting that these prices were never really meant for consumers anyway. Braille displays will always be expensive until technology such as what is exhibited in the Orbit can mature and be ready for mainstream adoption. And for the current piezoelectric cell technology, there is almost no competition, and one active manufacturer. And it's like 80 bucks to make and maintain each cell. Plus there's the royalties paid to Alva BV for the patented touch cursor technology, the yearly royalties to Acapela in the case of the Braillenote Touch, the royalties paid to Duxbury for the translation technology, and who knows what else. Profit is far from Humanware's main motivation when they ramp up the price, they practically have no choice in a market like this.


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Why is assistive technology so expensive?

2019-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rwbeardjr via Audiogames-reflector


Why is assistive technology so expensive?

Hello all.So for many of us, assistive devices such as the Braille Note can be very benefitial. There's only one problem. Here in the US, the base eighteen cell Braille Note Touch is almost $4000. I've heard that these products aren't in a high demand, but still. Most people can't say, "Okay Humanware. Here is $4000 for a Braille Note". And I'm not trying to start anything, but JAWS falls into this category. People don't have money to say, "Ok VFO. Here is another $1100 to read my screen, and I will pay you every year". Granted, there are agencies who help us purchase these, but not many people know about this. You'd be surprised if you knew how many people in Florida alone don't know about the Division of Blind Services. If they do, they choose not to use them. That's there choice, but still


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