Re: playing guitar, any tips?

2014-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : welshweyr via Audiogames-reflector

Re: playing guitar, any tips?

I was told by a particularly grumpy Braille teacher that I'd never read Braille again if I played guitar. She said I would have to choose between books and music and on my own head be it. That was nearly 20 years ago and I can still read Braille and play guitar perfectly well with my left hand. The skin is definitely tougher, and I don't play as much as I should so I suppose I don't have particularly calloused fingertips, but it is definitely not a problem.URL:

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Re: playing guitar, any tips?

2014-06-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector

Re: playing guitar, any tips?

For a really cool guitar teacher, Check out which is owned by Mike Gross, a Guitar teacher from Pennsylvania. His web site provides youtube and Skype Lessons.URL:

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Re: playing guitar, any tips?

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tward via Audiogames-reflector

Re: playing guitar, any tips?

Kamochek, the word you are looking for is saliva. That is the wet stuff, the moisture, that usually keeps the mouth and tongue wet. However, as you have indicated those who suffer ED often have reduced saliva production or none at all resulting in dry mouth.I don't claim to be an expert on Ectodermal Displasi a as I am not a doctor, but to answer your question I have heard of it. What little I know of it is really a medical diagnoses covering many different syndromes and can have hundreds of symptoms ranging from dry mouth and dry eyes, as you have described, to an inability to sweat, little to no hair, thick finger and toe nails, and so on. All I can say is its a nasty disease and I don't envy you having to deal with such a rare and nasty condition.URL:

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Re: playing guitar, any tips?

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kamochek via Audiogames-reflector

Re: playing guitar, any tips?

hi.about the braill, i reading only with one finger in the left for cuts and other things like that, i have them usually, because i am not only blind, but i have ectodermal displasia.did someone hared about this desees?with this desees you can:have no hare, have usually dry mouth, have no tears in your eyes, have no tees, have a diferent for dry mouth i mean that on your toung you don't have this thing which i don't know how calling it in english.but without it your toung is dry, and this dryness can go also to your lips and you can have ingeries with that.i have ingeries on my lips and toung one month, from october 21 2013 and at least november 14 2013.there was food which i couldn't eat with that, because it burned my mouth and hurt to it.but someone hared of ectodermal displasia?but i have happy news, on june 29, i going to pass sergurey where they do tees.metal tees.ka

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Re: playing guitar, any tips?

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tward via Audiogames-reflector

Re: playing guitar, any tips?

Dark, your experience with the guitar is definitely not unusual. It has nothing to do with your fingers being overly sensitive, but the fact until a guitar player builds up callas on his/her fingers learning to play guitar can be a quite painful experience. The saying "no pain no gain" definitely holds true for the guitar. I can remember when I was maybe nine years old and having painful blisters, cuts, and sometimes my fingers bleeding from playing my guitar too much, and it was an extremely painful experience. However, after a while though the ends of my fingers toughened up, became hard, and I got to a point where I could sit and play a guitar for hours on end without any pain, cuts, or blisters. It all depends on a person's personal tolerance for pain and how much they want to play that gets him or her through those early days learning to play.In fact, that is pretty much true for any stringed instrument. I have played a little banjo and know people who p
 lay other stringed instruments and painful blisters and cut fingers is a right of passage for anyone who is willing to take the pain to play that instrument. If they can't take the pain then the piano or a woodwind instrument is a better way to go.As far as English folk music that is not my forte. As I have mentioned before my main interest is pop, rock, and some country and in those genres of music sevenths, ninths, and diminished chords are rarely used if ever. Mostly they use major and minor chords with the occasional oddball chord thrown in depending on the song and style.Cinnamon, I have callas on my fingers of my left hand and I am still able to read braille with that hand. True those fingers aren't as sensitive as they once was, but just because they are tougher doesn't mean I lost all feeling and can't read braille with those fingers. Of course, it helps that I am right handed and if reading a book or something I mainly read with my right ha
 nd anyway and the left hand is just there for following along.As for holding down multiple strings and frets at a time is like anything else. Once you learn how to do it its not so hard to do. It mainly requires building up strength in your hand as some chords such as bar chords require a fair amount of stretching and hurt until you are use to both stretching your hand and putting pressure on the strings at the same time. The saying "{practice makes perfect" is a good motto for chording.URL:

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Re: playing guitar, any tips?

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : audioracer via Audiogames-reflector

Re: playing guitar, any tips?

I started playing bass on and off a few years ago when myMom got me my first bass for my birthday in the year 2007. I've had a friend do some one on one tricks with me. THe only thing I could see being a problem is building up callis tips on your fingers and reading braille with that. I am a braille reader. If anyone has any Ideas for protection for that, let me know. But none the less, Let me say I was tapping the fret board alot and I even bend my strings to create a vibroto sound. I also have done some slap bass or tried too. Still work on that and as well as chords on the bass. I just love bass solos. I did a tiny little solo that really isn't much to blab on about. Basically, I plugged my amp in to my line_in jack on my Soundblaster soundcard. Needless to say, I blew it out. So I had to get a new soundcard. Nevertheless, here is flollis bass solo for you. … 20Solo.mp3URL:
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Re: playing guitar, any tips?

2014-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : welshweyr via Audiogames-reflector

Re: playing guitar, any tips?

I think they use doh rey mee and the like in French music but I'm happy to be corrected.I also agree that the best way is to find someone who already plays to teach you. A tutor could be good but expensive but a friend is better since they'll teach you in a more informal way if that's what you prefer.I actually strongly recommend using youtube. Some of the videos aren't accessible but others are extremely good, especially for classical and folk playing.I've been playing for 17 years now and I've used all these methods to learn different techniques. Just try to learn some basic chords and practice them to start with to get your fingers stronger and toughen up your fingertips. Classical guitars with nylon strings are easier on the fingers to start than a steel-strung one but it can still be pretty rough if you don't persever.URL: http://forum.audiogam

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Re: playing guitar, any tips?

2014-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Cinnamon via Audiogames-reflector

Re: playing guitar, any tips?

thanks for the tip about lunar tabs. I'm so excited to check this out to see if I can use it for my bass.As a beginning bass guitar player, here are some thoughts.When talking about notes, Do is C, re is D, mi is E, and so on up the scale. I don't know anything about eastern music, but that's how guitar notes are written, as letters. I'll assume you are right handed. I'm a lefty learning on a right handed bass. if guitars are the same, the string closest to the top is a low mi, or E. Going from the top down, the strings are named E, A, D, G, B and E again. That final e is an octave above the first E at the top.The frets are those bars you feel along the neck of the guitar. You hold your finger down on the string between two of the bars, and that changes the note. So if you strum the low E string while holding your finger between the first two bars at the very top of the neck next to the tuning pegs, it would be an F, or fa. if you move your finger up one more, you would play an F sharp which is a black key on the piano.I think this is all correct. I haven't eaten breakfast yet. Here is the site I used to double check the string names for a guitar. It's kind of cluttered though. … _two_3.htmSince I've started playing my guitar instrument, I find it harder to read braille since I read with my left hand. Stringed instruments are hard on your fingers. I don't know if you could use thin tape on your fingertips to help protect your braille reading.I admire blind people who play the guitar. Holding down multiple frets while strumming some strings, but not others baffles me. That requires some serious muscle memory. The bass only requires one string at a time!I hope some of this was helpful Kamochek. I don't know how much music theory you know.Also, to tune my bass, I usually use my keyboard (the piano kind). I have a tuning app on my phone, but I don't trust it yet.URL:
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Re: playing guitar, any tips?

2014-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: playing guitar, any tips?

I believe Camochek you are using a different form of music theory as Tom said, sinse for a start the notes do ray me etc aren't generally used in western music theory, indeed the only time I've ever heard those referd to is as a basic singing exercise, (and in the song from Sound of music). @Tom, Cord wise you'd be surprised what use 7ths and diminished cords can be even in comparatively simple folk type tunes (I'm speaking hear of course of English folk). I used to be a musician for a group of morris dancers and learnt to play the piano accordian. My sort of semi informal teacher was a man who is a recognized as one of the finest accordianists in the country, and the way he intigrated complex base cords in even quite simple tunes, many of them ones you might recognize such as British grenadeers, Old woman tossed up in a blanket raggle taggle gypsies etc, (you might know them by different names) was absolutely amazing! I have tried the guitar on s
 everal occasions and while I could get the idea of the required frets and finger shapes to create different cord sequences, I just found the process of playing the thing too dam painful,  maybe I have over sensative fingers or maybe I just wasn't motivated enough :d. that's why I admire anyone with the patience to play anything with strings. I can sing sort of a lot, I am a passable pianist and reasonable on the accordian, I can also play a fair few woodwind instruments from pipe and tabor to Flute and recorder (on which I have some qualifications), but strings?  no! .As to learning the guitar, I'd agree with what has been said here. my own experiments were always with either a friend or my mum who also played the guitar, there's no substitute really to learning from a live teacher, particularly with an instrument with so much in the way
  of technique as the guitar.URL:

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Re: playing guitar, any tips?

2014-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: playing guitar, any tips?

I believe Camochek you are using a different form of music theory as Tom said, sinse for a start the notes do ray me etc aren't generally used in western music theory, indeed the only time I've ever heard those referd to is as a basic singing exercise, (and in the song from Sound of music). @Tom, Cord wise you'd be surprised what use 7ths and diminished cords can be even in comparatively simple folk type tunes (I'm speaking hear of course of English folk). I used to be a musician for a group of morris dancers and learnt to play the piano accordian. My sort of semi informal teacher was a man who is a recognized as one of the finest accordianists in the country, and the way he intigrated complex base cords in even quite simple tunes, many of them ones you might recognize such as British grenadeers, raggle taggle gypsies etc, (you might know them by different names) was absolutely amazing! I have tried the guitar on several occasions and while I coul
 d get the idea of the required frets and finger shapes to create different cord sequences on the frets, I just found the process of playing the thing too dam painful,  maybe I have over sensative fingers or maybe I just wasn't motivated enough :d. that's why I admire anyone with the patience to play anything with strings. I can sing sort of a lot, I am a passable pianist and reasonable on the accordian, I can also play a fair few woodwind instruments from pipe and tabor to Flute and recorder (on which I have some qualifications), but strings?  no! .As to learning the guitar, I'd agree with what has been said here. my own experiments were always with either a friend or my mum who also played the guitar, there's no substitute really to learning from a live teacher, particularly with an instrument with so much in the way of technique as the

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Re: playing guitar, any tips?

2014-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : leibylucwgamer via Audiogames-reflector

Re: playing guitar, any tips?

I've been playing for 5 years just about, and have taught myself how to work the mechanics of playing, and using instruction for the practical use of learning material.One thing worth noting is that you don't particularly incorporate music theory when learning guitar.  Especially working with the circle of fifths (beginning with middle C and going above perfect fifths), you normally just use a piano as a reference tool, as you do with most theory.  With guitar, it is mostly finger positions that give you the equivalency of an oral (what you hear) kind of a sense, rather than an enharmonic spelling you'd see on music notation.As far as instruction, I would take Tward's advice and scope around for some local instructors, perhaps ones that you can trust with explaining technique and being hands on to a degree comfortable and workable for you.Regarding videos on instruction, I found them quite boring, and I'm one to skip the bori
 ng parts and jump right in to the fun ones. But don't fall in to the trap I did, and think you can play something, but lack the ability to do so when you skipped the necessities.  Never neglect the basics.  They are key, as with anything you ever learn.  It is quite a simple concept, but one that is forgotten often and used or taken for granted.I could perhaps help by periodically recording some of my techniques, starting with the very basic that I know and how I do things.  Yes, technique for the most part is predominantly stable in the sense you have to do it a specific way, but you will find that you have your own style, which, by the way, is essential in any performance.  I could listen to a song I had never heard of before, and tell you if Santanna, Van halen, etc was the guitarist, by the nature of the song, and by the guitarist&#
 039;s sound.Hope this helped.  My post yesterday was a bit brief.Best Regards,LukeURL:

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Re: playing guitar, any tips?

2014-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : the_ruler_of_dark_forces via Audiogames-reflector

Re: playing guitar, any tips?

Hi.Actually, some videos are quite accessible for us, where the person says, which frets on which strings to finger, but of course it is not always so.For viewing guitar pro tabs I discovered LunarTabs, which works quite well. think Kamochek actually ment intervals when mentioning terts (second), quart (fourth), quint (fifth). In Estonian they happen to be  called similarly, but in english they use ordinal numbers like second, third and so on.URL:

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Re: playing guitar, any tips?

2014-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tward via Audiogames-reflector

Re: playing guitar, any tips?

Kamochek, I am a guitar player and have been for almost 30 years. I might be able to help you although via the forum is going to be limited since that sort of thing really requires one on one help. My suggestion is to try and find a guitar teacher/instructor in your area as you are going to need some one on one time with an experienced player to learn the ins and outs of the guitar since you can't look at books, see pictures of fingering, read tablature and so on.May I ask what is quarta, quinta, sexta, tertsa and so on. By context those are chords, but you must be using a different language. In English the common chords for any instrument are A-Major through G-Major and A-Minor through G-Minor. Plus there are a number of specialty chords for certain types of music such as sevenths and ninths which I have only encountered in Jazz and some classical music, but are rarely used in rock and country music.As Luke says guitar playing and piano playing are fairly differ
 ent experiences. Yes, I play both, and there are some differences to get use to. One big one is that the guitar is tuned to the key of E and the piano is tuned to the key of C. Plus as Luke mentioned their handling is different.URL:

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Re: playing guitar, any tips?

2014-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kamochek via Audiogames-reflector

Re: playing guitar, any tips?

hi.yeh, i totally beginer.but when i was a child i injoyed to play toy guitar.not a guitar with the bataries, but toy guitar like the real but smaller.kamochek.URL:

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Re: playing guitar, any tips?

2014-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : leibylucwgamer via Audiogames-reflector

Re: playing guitar, any tips?

Well, guitar theory really cannot be related to piano as their handling is different.If you're starting out as a total beginner, I would suggest familiarizing yourself with the body and the frets first.  Beyond then, start building the strength in your fingers to play, and build calluses.Best Regards,LukeURL:

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playing guitar, any tips?

2014-06-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kamochek via Audiogames-reflector

playing guitar, any tips?

hi.a week ago i've got a guitar, classical guitar.i want to learn playing a guitar.any tips for that? i'm blind totally.and also i know not all the theory of the guitar, i'm playing piano 10 years, there are names of acords like quarta, quinta, sexta, tertsa and etc.also the notes are: do, re, mi, fa and i know, in the guitar there are some maybe i can learn here from someone here who playes guitar?kamochek.URL:

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