Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

@27Yeah.  The Ambutech graphite folding cane I've got is such that if I grab it at both ends and try to bend it it barely flexes.  Also, if you're replacing your tip every 2 months that seems insanely bad?  What NFB used to sell had tips that would easily last 6 months plus if not longer, and my current Ambutech tip doesn't even have any sign of wear that I can see after 2 years (all be it 2 years of not walking much, but still there should be *something*).@28That's O&M instructors everywhere on every topic.  When I came back after one summer with a head-height cane in middle school because the NFB said, they freaked.@29If your cane is actually jabbing you in the groin and this isn't hyperbole, your cane is way, way, way too short.Also, to you and everyone else who gets jabbed, stop sacrificing quality for the sake of not being jabbed.  You can learn to not get jabbed if you work on it, then that can follow you for the rest of your life.  I guess maybe rolling tips got better since I was a kid so fine, but "I did x because I got jabbed and it made that stop" isn't a very good reason in the same sense as "crossing roads is hard so I never really learned how" way.Also just upgrade to somewhere with potholes or really bad sidewalks like we have here in Seattle and the tip of your cane doesn't matter with respect to getting jabbed because there's bumps and cracks and things that are still way bigger than it.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tunmi13 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

I have several tips sitting in a bag somewhere in my bedroom, and out of all those tips I personally prefer the rolling one, especially for more cracked terrain or places where the cane can get stuck. I used to use a marshmellow tip (or also referred to as a stationary tip) but the issue with those tips is if there was like a crack in the sidewalk, for example, the tip obviously couldn't roll. So two things could happen.1. The cane gives me a nice, hard jab in the groin.2. I have to lift the cane off the crack and set it back down again and continue, which does slow progress, especially if there is more than one crack.I also had a pencil tip, but I didn't really like tapping. I was always tought to sweep since day one, so it's become a 12-year habbit. The technique my instructors tought me is to sweep opposite of which foot you are stepping with. For example, if you are stepping forward with your right foot, sweep left. Left foot, sweep right. Right foot, sweep left. Left foot, sweep right. It was hard at first but then I just adapted.But to conclude, I do prefer rolling tips, and sweeping is my main technique. I really only use the two-point-touch if there is a lot of snow, or I'm in tall grass.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : chrisnorman7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

@15Telescoping canes are a thing of pure fragile beauty. I bought one almost specifically for my wedding, because I wanted the ability to shove it into the pocket of my suit trousers when I was hand shaking and during the ceremony ETC, but be able to run about the place when I was not. Plus, I wanted something shiny and new, so I wasn't dressed to the nines, carrying a cane covered in years' worth of crap.Anyways... The day before when I went to pick up some flowers, I ran for the bus... straight into a metal pole. Suffice to say I turned up to my amazing wedding, dressed to the nines, with a shiny new cane that was now held together with duct tape.@1Longer canes are definitely the way forward. Unfortunately in England, most mobility (O&M) instructors are almost more concerned about the safety of everyone else, rather than that of the cane user. Sign of our blame-and-shame times I guess.I'm personally using a mixture of all the three main techniques: If I'm looking for something specific (a line on the ground for example), I'll drag. If I'm walking fast, it's 2-point touch. If I'm somewhere busy, and I don't fancy bullying my way through (it really is the only way to get through London, really clears a path), I use diagonal.My cane apparently has Kevlar in it, which is supposed to make it seriously strong. I've not tried stopping any bullets with it, but it certainly seems to be bearing up under the strain. It comes up to my forehead also.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

@camlornThanks for the info!  I've been meaning to try that exact cane and tip combo for a while now, but just haven't gotten around to it yet.  It's nice to know they are very sturdy though.The thing is, NFB gives you a free cane every 6 months (not that I get a new one that often) and the tips, while annoying to replace are 2 bucks from the NFB store and I usually only need one every 2 months or so.  So far it's mostly been an economical choice not to try other types of light canes, but I hope to soon.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : r-d-productions via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

I usually do constant contact, my cane has a rolling tip, and I like constant contact more then tap tap tuch simply because I don't have to raze the cane off the ground. But if I'm in an off rode environment. I use tap tap Tuch


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

I was first taught diagonal technique, then shortly after this I was taught touch technique. This is my standard, including placing my right elbow against my breastbone. My cane is just short of my chin, and I don't try to run with it.I will touch and drag if looking for new tactile surfaces, but otherwise it's two-point touch all the way. I'm quite gentle, so you'll hear me coming but I'm not hammering the floor.Rolling tips are great fun and feel nice, but generally they're just heavier. I prefer a folding cane with a pencil tip. It's pretty rare that I get stuck in cracks, and I just pop my arm out to the side in that case. I was taught by someone who drilled me on all the fundamentals. I will never willingly use a rigid cane that can't fold, because the cane I've got lets me pick up virtually anything I'm told an NFB cane does.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

Ambutech is still only like $60.  Shipping outside the US and Canada is probably not so great though.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

Rolling tips do accumulate stuff inside but it's really easy to clean them. Your O and M trainer should provide you with a light screw driver that you can use to change the tip, or clean it. I really like rolling tips as opposed to any other because rolling doesn't require much pressure when swinging the cane. But anyway, I still think the best cane is the one one comes to like. Ambutech canes are really something special, I have to agree. I'm not sure about replacing parts, but I think I saw once in their website that it was possible to replace a broken or damaged part of your cane. On top of that, I don't find them that expensive. Still I am not sure since last time I visited their website was around two years ago, and I don't know if their canes cost 60 or 120 dollars. Anyway, having the ability to customise the cane as you like, it's wonderful. You can decide on the colour, length, handle, tip, roughly everything. Imagining that my cane, which is produced by a company based in Germany called Conde cost 290 dollars, I could get three ambutech canes and have them longer than this one.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

I've had mine for a couple years, and aside from the tip looking and feeling a little beaten up, as it has been over the years, the thing still works perfectly. I get just as much feedback as I've gotten from a marshmallow Kane.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

If you get the ceramic tip like I linked above, or a metal one, it doesn't wear at all.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : drums61999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

I disagree. I've never had a rolling tip not roll, and mine is no bigger than a standard marshmallow tip. I like it because it wears evenly.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

The rolling tips don't really work.  They weigh your cane down like crazy, and then they also don't actually roll either.  You'll get rolling out of the rolling tip for maybe a couple months, then it gets full of grit or whatever and that's the end of that.  Maybe you can maintain them well or something, but you don't get *any* tactile feedback through them which is a problem, and I would say "only for new cane users" is a good way of putting it.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

i used a marsh mellow tip. i really want a roling one though, and i asked about it, but the teacher just said it was for starters or something like that.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : drums61999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

If I'm just going somewhere I know pretty well, I use the old diagonal technique. Holding my cane in my right hand, it's diagonally out in front the tip is out in front of my left foot. If I'm going somewhere I don't know, I use the sweep technique. If it's crowded I use the touch technique because it lets people know I'm coming through.From what I'm told O and M instructors nowadays teach holding the cane slightly offside so you don't jab yourself. That hurts. I like ambutech rolling tips, and I walk fast, so longer canes are more appropriate for me.I did use a large ball tip for a while in college when I did a lot of marching band stuff that required me to cut across grass a lot.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : swigjr23 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

I use constant contact ninety-nine percent of the time. I do use touch and drag sometimes, but my main one is constant contact.I have a huge ball that rolls for a tip, but I am not a huge fan of it. The ball is twice as wide as my cane, and it hits my arm when I fold up the cane and hook it to my belt.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

@14I don't think they are either.  I'm specifically saying I got a cane that isn't an NFB straight cane.  Ambutech has no relation to NFB and is quality.I and my brother did the telescoping canes once upon a time as well.  The outside would literally peal off after a couple months.  I'm not sure why they still make them.  Canes that snap like twigs are not useful.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Turret via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

@12: yes, feathertouch. That's mine. I couldn't remember the name.@13: yes, they are certainly lighter, but it not folding proves to be a huge pain in the ass when somewhere like on an airplane. They tried with the telescoping canes (think a cane that slides into itself), but they were pricey, and I went through 4 of them in 2 months because of how thin the bottom section was. I've used a cane for over 11 years, and have only broken a cane two other times aside from that, so not worth it IMO.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

@12For what it's worth and much to my surprise, my Ambutech folding canes are entirely rigid (I always have 2 canes on hand just in case, so yes, plural).  No wobble at all until you pull them apart to fold it.  I've used the NFB straight cane before so I do have a proper basis of comparison; the Ambutek is able to communicate grout, carpet texture, etc. if you get the right tip. Might be worth a look if you want something foldable at some point.  The NFB straight canes are probably lighter, though.Specifically I went Graphite folding with this tip: … eramic-tipadmittedly an NFB straight cane with that tip might be beyond amazing, but last I checked NFB was still doing the disks.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

I use a non folding NFB cane for the flexibility and feedback it provides.  The inability to make it portable and the need for tip replacements is a pain in the ass, but the lightness makes it mostly worth it, and allows me to use a modified open palm technique (my wrist doesn't turn very far without causing distracting discomfort)I use two tap when I'm moving quickly and constant contact for everything else.  I'm trying to figure out slide tap because two tap just doesn't seem to let me react as fast to things like pushed up sidewalk slabs or small dropoffs on the sides.I'd like to learn feather touch as well (to be gentler on my tips and avoid snags) but it's one of those things that takes a while to get right.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

I use a non folding NFB cane for the flexibility and feedback it provides.  The inability to make it portable and the need for tip replacements is a pain in the ass, but the lightness makes it mostly worth it, and allows me to use a modified open palm technique (my wrist doesn't turn very far without causing distracting discomfort)I use two tap when I'm moving quickly and constant contact for everything else.  I'm trying to figure out slide tap because two tap just doesn't seem to let me react as fast to things like pushed up sidewalk slabs or small dropoffs on the sides.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TheTrueSwampGamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

I was mainly more asking, and I should of put this honestly, but if your just out and about, say crossing the street looking for say curbs, or ridges in sidewalks for driveways, etc.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

You can avoid the jab by learning to hold the cane loosely and with some support underneath, so that it can "bounce" off things.  Anti-jab cane sounds interesting but spring in the handle sure sounds like you can lose a lot of tactile sensation.  Learning not to get jabbed is very doable.  The primary thing is to learn to not hold the cane with a stiff arm/wrist.  That's not all there is to it.  The rest is learning to control it in unusual/sudden situations, but you can only do that if the stiff/rigid grip isn't defeating you from the start.  In the absolute worst case you just yank the cane to the side when it gets stuck and it jabs the air instead, but IMO after a point that's no longer really a problem.  I used to get jabbed all the time, but it just works itself out.Also, the tip matters a lot.  I have an Ambutek with a tip that's a metal half-sphere.  They say it's for advanced cane users and I can kind of see why, but at the same time you can feel *everything* through it.Arm out to the side-ish and covering the opposite side of your body with a wider ark is a good way to avoid getting jabbed.  "Hold this in the center of your chest" is just stupid.  I get why they teach it, being as teaching a blind person consistency is hard, but if anything goes wrong you're going to hate the pain.  I keep mine aligned with my right side almost exactly.  Not enough that I'm wider because my arm is out, but enough that the cane can slip between my arm and my ribs in the worst case.  The key point is only that you're covering your entire path, not that you're covering your path by following the weird instructor-style template.In my opinion everyone should have a cane as tall as them.  The "it's as tall as your chest" thing is lame.  if you're holding your cane way at the top, that's roughly what you should be doing anyway, but it's also probably a pretty good sign that you need a longer one.  Broadly speaking you can always learn to grab the cane more toward the middle and make it shorter, but you can't convince a short one to grow.I think looking for favorite cane techniques is kind of a fool's errand.  Tapping is the only really good option on grass.  Full contact or whatever it's called is the only really good option on a sidewalk.  To be honest I'm pretty sure what I do would give O&M instructors fits.  I imagine that to be the case for most people who have gotten past training for a while.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

Constant contact and touch and slide when trying to find a path or opening. I use a rolling marshmallow tip. For my black dress cane just a regular marshmallow tip.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Turret via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

I actually do it a really weird way. I can't remember what exactly it's called, but all O&M teachers hate it. My hand is way up towards the top of the cane, the tip is just trailing along the ground, and my right arm is bent slightly outwards. I was taught this by a blind person and it's really funny to me that all O&M teachers hate it. It works perfectly fine for me, and it's the way I like using my cane. The tapping method is just too much of an arm workout unless you're using an NFB cane, and I don't have a rolling tip so dragging it across the ground in front of me just annoys me as well.@7: yeah, I hate that. That's why I bought a no-jab cane. It has a spring in the handle to stop that.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

Ugh. I've lost count of the amount of times I've been walking relatively fast, I can't run, and my Kane has managed to get stuck somewhere, a small crack in the pavement or whatever might be, and I've ended up having a, rather painful collide with it. Definitely watch out for that.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : MatthewSmithYT via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

I personally prefer a rolling tip, as it seems to be quieter. I also just roll the cane across in front of me instead of doing the tapping method.I'd think it rewquires more hand strength and would be more uncomfortable to lift it up off the ground at either side of the area I want the cane to go over, if that makes sense.Plus I've always just been taught the rolling method so that's just the way I default to.As post 2 said, you have to hold it kind of away from your body though so if it gets temporarily stuck in a crack in the sidewalk it doesn't come back and poke you in the stomach with the force of I don't even know what.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

@4, if you mean smaller/bigger tip, that's not necessarily the case. Bigger tips are by and large designed for harsh terrains. What makes a good tip is primarily the form and material. The size of the cane should be proportional to your tallness. For instance, I'm 6.07 feet (185 cm) and my cane is around 5.25 feet (160 cm).The most important thing first of all, is if you come to like the cane, then you're good to go. If you don't like it, it's difficult to comfortably walk with it, since it can distract you at certain moments.My preference for canes is having a simple, light and easily foldable piece. No need for extra shiny fancy materials that do not add much to what one is using. When I started mobility training, my trainer, who also provides the canes for me, showed me some canes to see which one I liked. There was a cane produced by a company in Hamburg, Germany. It was extra light but I didn't like the handle and the folding pieces because it just wouldn't fit in my laptop bag. How much did it cost? Well, around 500 dollars. Crazy enough price not to consider it. Then I got one that cost 290 dollars, but of course I didn't pay for it because it was covered by the health insurance company. I'm satisfied with it, but that fancy thing has the price tag on it.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Meatbag via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

are cains with small weels better than normul cains? , I have a normul foldable one but my friends who have the other one say its better because it gives you more information about the ground in front of you and it makes you able to go slitely faster if you wish, is that True?


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Meatbag via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

bare cains with small weels better than normul cains? , I have a normul foldable one but my friends who have the other one say its better because it gives you more information about the ground in front of you and it makes you able to go slitely faster if you wish, is that True?


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TheTrueSwampGamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

yeah, that 2 point technique you mentioned was one of the things, and yeah its useful. I usually hold my cane with the grip, with my  hand going down the side with the writing on it, the more flat side. I usually use sweeping my cane from left-to-right. I have a pencil tip on my cane.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

Firstly, I use a cane with a rolling tip. I find it better than those that require you to tap on the ground. This way I can get more information and the constant noise that rolling makes, although boring, gives me either way more info about surroundings and where I'm walking. I use sometimes tapping instead of rolling, only when the ground is muddy. Then, be aware of how you hold the cane. It is important to hold it lightly so that if you happen to bump into something, you won't hurt your stomach or belly. Then, there's the upright cane technique which is quite helpful when you're searching for something that you might need, such as a door, or trash bin. I particularly like this technique because I don't have to touch everything that lies around. Then there's the two-point technique, quite helpful when you're in front of a building and you want to find the steps.I'm not sure if these are the right terms to be used. Sorry cause I did the training in German and there's a whole different terminology.


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preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TheTrueSwampGamer via Audiogames-reflector


preferred cane techniques?

Hey. SO i'm a freshman who works on crossing streets and using map apps at a  mix of busy and not busy corners with very accessible audio beacons for cross walks, similar to how it speaks what bus stop you're at it speaks when the cross walk light is on when you hit the button, but that is not the point. I was walking with my O&M instructor, when I was thinking, what is your favorite cane technique to use? YOu have constant contact for getting a constant flow of information or trailing things on the ground if you want to do that for driveway ridges, etc. and then two_point_touch, lifting your cane up from side to side a few inches off the ground, opposite to the foot that you moved forward, and tap the ground with  your cane on the side you moved it on. This seems to make me move faster but this might be just me. Its useful for getting some quick peaces of information if you dont' hink you need it all. Again, my question, what do you use and what is your favorite. Or do you use a technique I didn't list? Tell me about it, I could teach a teacher something. Thank you.


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