Re: worried about Madden 21 accessibility

2020-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Addolis via Audiogames-reflector


Re: worried about Madden 21 accessibility

I at least have hope that the current level of accessibility will be maintained in the next release. It could be that if thigns are coded properly, more modes might open up to us. Superstar KO is fully accessible to access, and it required no  special ways to make it work. We'll see.


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Re: worried about Madden 21 accessibility

2020-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: worried about Madden 21 accessibility

This is also why I'm worried, I really hope we can get Karen, or someone from EA, back here on the forum somehow. Advocates like Ian Hamilton are hesitant to recommend us, or were, I don't know the current situation, it does seem more devs are starting to join us. I think there's hope. I think especially after situations like TLOU2, people are starting to get it more, i.e: how much effort it takes. It took TLOU2 two years. Accessibility's not gonna happen overnight.


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Re: worried about Madden 21 accessibility

2020-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mmaslo1124 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: worried about Madden 21 accessibility

#11 you are are so very right. The last thing we should do is alianate the developers.


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Re: worried about Madden 21 accessibility

2020-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: worried about Madden 21 accessibility

@9: I agree completely. We wouldn't be taken seriously as a community when it comes to suggestions and changes,. Even if I disagree almost entirely with the direction many went in (narration over gameplay), it would be a shame to lose that avenue of communication with the company.@10: By behavior I mean the way people lashed out at representatives of EA on the forum because they weren't getting the feature they wanted right away. Don't get me wrong, I fought with people on here about the direction I thought the game should move, but some people took that to an entirely inappropriate level.


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Re: worried about Madden 21 accessibility

2020-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mmaslo1124 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: worried about Madden 21 accessibility

What behavior? I am confused. What exactly has ea done wrong? Is this what you’re trying to ask or saying?


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Re: worried about Madden 21 accessibility

2020-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: worried about Madden 21 accessibility

8: I doubt our actions on this forum will turn EA from accessibility, but if we've lost representation due to a few people's actions then that is extremely disappointing to say the least.


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Re: worried about Madden 21 accessibility

2020-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: worried about Madden 21 accessibility

To be fair I'm pretty sure the opportunity was given to sign up for the closed beta. I personally just missed it because I wasn't paying attention to twitter like that at the time. Also I'm like 99 percent sure EA could stop now with accessibility the way it was and say they've done enough and face no serious backlash. At the same time, I doubt a few people on here will turn EA from accessibility completely. It doesn't excuse the behavior at all, but at the same time every little tantrum shouldn't be worried about at least with the larger studios.


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Re: worried about Madden 21 accessibility

2020-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Addolis via Audiogames-reflector


Re: worried about Madden 21 accessibility

Hello to all, I plan on doing the daily blitz videos once the game is fully released, as I will be spending my time in the trial learning what is new, what is playable, and what isn't. I'll then be able to craft new videos depending on what we can and can not do.The thing is, more and more companies besides the folks who made TLOU are making accessibility part of their what's new features for releases. Why EA does not do this, is beyond me, as Accessibility has become an expectation, not just a possible to-do project later. Yes, we may have to wait until next thursday to find out, but I'll be keeping my eyes open.  Sometimes EA has done things for accessibility in their deep dives articles. They did this for Madden 18, and for Madden 20. Notice that 17 and 19 didn't have a lot of accessibility improvements, so it could be that our improvements are made every  two years on the even number releases. Again speculation on my part, but we'll see.I for one am looking forward to the game for several reasons, and I'll make those things known when I start doing the videos. One last thing before I end this post: If we really want to be involved in the next release of Madden, we need to get access to the closed beta, so we can leave feedback that can be worked on.  If we're going to be in the community of players, we need to somehow get on those beta's.I personally think that we should start sending emails around the time EA starts talking about their next version, trying to get in to the closed beta.Thanks, and I hope to see you  out on the grid iron!


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Re: worried about Madden 21 accessibility

2020-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : singing butterfly via Audiogames-reflector


Re: worried about Madden 21 accessibility

It may be the right thing to do, but I'm not really certain that always, or most of the time, makes a difference. Not to get to OT, but you need look no further than the political arena to see whether people are bound by the right thing to do. Besides, for some weird reason I get the impression assholery hurts a bit more than praise helps, which is unfortunate, but that's been my observation anyway. No, not all blind people are assholes, but my experience is that too many of them are for my comfort level in any case. Liam's right...let's just let sleeping dogs lie and wait until next Thursday and see what's what.


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Re: worried about Madden 21 accessibility

2020-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nolan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: worried about Madden 21 accessibility

Aside: Can we stop flogging blind people at large for the behavior of a handful of ungrateful, entitled assholes? Those of us who care about game accessibility aren't going to be assholes anyway. Those who don't aren't going to be swayed by messages like this.Honestly, while I'm getting tired of all the speculation about whether or whether not we'll see more accessibility, I'm also getting tired of all the "well, what can we expect if a few of us are assholes?" messages. Truth is, EA is a multi-billion-dollar company. Haters shouldn't hate, but we also shouldn't let a multi-billion-dollar company off the hook because they have to deal with assholes. I'm sure plenty of mainstream Madden fans are assholes too, and no one says "Why should Madden keep being developed at all? I mean, if people are just going to *complain* about it..." Truth is, they *do* have to care about it because it's the right thing to do. End of story.


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Re: worried about Madden 21 accessibility

2020-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: worried about Madden 21 accessibility

Please also keep in mind that the work from home situation has many people scrambling. I don't think anyone expected this to happen, everything's kind of turned on its head. I personally believe they've added some kind of accessibility, but even if not I'd understand why.


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Re: worried about Madden 21 accessibility

2020-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: worried about Madden 21 accessibility

correct. Accessibility does not get mentioned.Madden is the one game that I expect accessibility enhancements for for a few reasons.1. It has the largest budget.2. karen who was the launching pad for accessibility is in Orlando with the team who works on madden.3. They made another hire last year of another programmer for accessibility work. this I remember was ont he forum. It's sort of what started the fall out here on the forum.We will have a much better idea of accessibility next Thursday when the trial comes out. until then, anything we speculate will only be that. Speculation.


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Re: worried about Madden 21 accessibility

2020-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: worried about Madden 21 accessibility

Accessibility is never advertised in the features list, besides that of TLU2. EA never put them in the features list.


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worried about Madden 21 accessibility

2020-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : vablus via Audiogames-reflector


worried about Madden 21 accessibility

Judging from what I've looked at just now, it seems Madden 21 might or might not have something planned for accessibility.but with literally no communication from the accessibility director, who could blame her after what the blind community has done to drive her away, there might not be anything at all for blind people specifically. I could be wrong, but the features list for Madden has no mention at all about accessibility of any kind. There are new game modes and new mechanics we'll have to get used to, but no mention at all about what could possibly happen concerning the next edition of the Madden franchise. And who could blame them?  We, right now at least, aren't entitled at all to have any accessibility, despite companies claiming it to be a human right. They have to do all of the heavy lifting, and for something like a video game that isn't as important as work, perhaps, they might not be as willing to take up what they did before considering the general lack of praise from many people who have basically hounded them on their next game. I could be wrong, but don't be surprised if Madden 21 won't be accessible at all. I'm not expecting the slightest in accessibility personally, and i think that us being blind people, we shouldn't get our hopes up too much either. Remember, we're a pretty small majority who offers just a small amount in the coffers of EA's sport's division, we're nothing. So, considering that, I'm just grateful they did anything at all for us, because they sure as hell did not have to do anything. They could've said fuck the law and payed the fines associated with it no problem. Just my thoughts.


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