Re: Using apps to walk independently

2019-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Using apps to walk independently

Hello,I used many apps: BlindSquare, Google maps, Apple maps, Ariadne GPS, Nearby Explorer Online, VioptaNav, Seeing assistant move, Blindscape, Dot Walker PRO, even checked Loadstone GPS on the old Symbian phones  Actually, they have a bit different methods how they work and where they can / cannot help. Some just save your own created points and let you decide how you should find them, and others give you turn-by-turn / step-by-step instructions when and what to do. One of the best methods for myself was the Dotwalker method, when turn-by-turn instructions were coming from Google maps and added as the points list and when you reach the first point, app automatically redirects you to the next and till the end. Sadly, the developer discontinued this app for meaningful reasonds and we dont have this functionality anymore. By the way I think it was only for Android phones.Now I am developing an app that lets you to navigate around and there is simple implementation so far in alpha test mode, but I see that noone is interested in this yet. However I didnt enter to conclusions so quickly, because I am implementing Google maps turn-by-turn instructions, Trafi API to get public transport schedules and so on.Now I am on vecation / holiday in Bulgaria - Golden sands and me and my girlfriend checking this app on real conditions. I can say, that it works much better than I even expected and if you are interested, I give you some notes what can it do:You enter an address / some known name of the place, pick the transport you are traveling - public transport / transit, or by car, or perhaps you go on foot. Than app gives 1 or more route suggestions how to get to the given destination. Here you can preview the routes - check turn-by-turn directions to the place and pick the route that is most suitable to you. Then if you choose to navigate, it says where to go in such manner: go easy left for 27 meters, then turn right. Such directions might be given only when you are walking, because then app gets your coordinates and decides in which direction you are going. If app does not know your moving direction, it says something like Go east for 21 m. Then turn slight left at chocolate street. When you move, it fixes direction by saying go straight or go easy left or whatever.I implemented compass as well, so you can spin your phone around and it says in which side your next direction is. I mean it says hard right - that means it is on your right behind you. Then you spin a bit to the right and it automatically speaks - right. Then you spin a bit towards right and it says easy right. Than you spin again and sound plays, phone vibrates to indicate, that point is in front of you. That is how you can find correct direction where to go. Then you just follow the instructions that app gives to You. However there is a slight problem that this app is not a regular app that you are use to know, it is just like a website, with extended functionality - Location, TTS support and so on. Since there are some inconsistancies among browsers, Compass does not work well with IOS devices. It works well on Android. But I almost found a way to fix such a problem by creating function that I called Automatic direction corrections. It constantly follows your movement and calculates direction towards the next point and if your direction changes acording to formula, it anounces that for instance by saying go left for 100 m. if you turn left and move ahead a bit, it says go straight for 95 m. I guess this should solve the Compass problem. You can always turn this feature on or off.App even says when to get off the public transport at the right bus stop if you picked prefered route by public transport. I mean it gives turn by turn steps how to reach the bus stop, which bus is prefered, says how many stops to go and when you are in the public transport, it detects that automatically as wel. And then only informs the distance toward the bus stop you need to get off. I made an algorithm to detect when you are in vehicle by measuring your moving speed.If your city supports Trafi, it can give you meaningful information about the stops: transport that goes in the stop, schedules, also the real-time upcoming transport indicated by GPS or just a schedule time and app says if info goes through GPS or not.If you are interested, I come back next week and could make a podcast about my newest achievements.By the way sorry for mistyping or something, because I wrote this message with my phone.


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Re: Seeing Assistante Move: An alternative to Dot Walker?

2019-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seeing Assistante Move: An alternative to Dot Walker?

I'm still creating an app and managed to integrate google maps directions. Yet it's web app, however I concider to use Cordova to make it a native app. If you are interested what I achieved, just let me know and I'll make a podcast how it is changed since the start. GHowever newest version is nowhere to be able to test yet.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Seeing Assistante Move: An alternative to Dot Walker?

2019-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seeing Assistante Move: An alternative to Dot Walker?

I'm still creating an app and managed to integrate google maps directions. Yet it's web app, however I consider to use Cordova to make it a native app. If you are interested what I achieved, just let me know and I'll make a podcast how it is changed since the start. However newest version is nowhere to be able to test yet.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: who's using what to store and generate passwords?

2019-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: who's using what to store and generate passwords?

I use an app of my own making and it's algorithm is rather simple: you enter the word or something with digits, alpha or whatever and app mixes that, then adds it's own runtime generated salt and gives as a suggestion for a password. You just need to remember 1 password that unlocks the software, because that password is used to encode all the data of my passwords and usernames, even with website names and so on. Algorithm is rather simple:Just take each password character and each character of the data and add them together and when compareing, just subtract the character of the password in a row.


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BlindOX turn-by-turn navigation - podcasts

2019-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


BlindOX turn-by-turn navigation - podcasts

Hi guys,I continue my project of web based turn-by-turn app. For those who wonder what am I talking about, read this: … n-the-way/I changed app name on purpoce, because now I achieved more and there will be 2 a bit different projects if you think that's needed to exist.Achievements:1. Turn-by-turn steps based on Google maps service: it gives routes on foot, driving and by public transport.2. Trafi API integration for public transport: nearby stops, schedules / upcoming transport, info if expected to arive vehicle detection based on GPS or schedule.3. Compass (for Android devices only): it says where to spin your device to the left or right side, sound indicate if you are pointing your device towards the direction you need to go or not. For IOS users, I created an additional function called Automatic direction corrections. When you turn it on, it says where to go each time your direction changes by using  GPS coordinates, so you need to move toward any direction do know the actual direction.4. Route preview before navigating.5. Alternative routes.6. Nearby places by category. There are more than 50 categories.7. If you pick a route by public transport, it says when and where to take the bus / trolleybus / train / whatever, when to get off the public transport, where the needed bus stop is and how many stops to go.8. I prefer less TTS speaking policy, I mean it says directions by easy manner: go straight, left, right, easy left, easy right, hard right, go back, hard left. If app can't detect your moving direction, it gives cardinal directions: east, west... There are by clock directions as well, but they'ren't spoken automatically.9. Smart TTS info repeat: app measures your movement speed and if you go faster, it repeats information about the current step rare enough. If you suddenly walk or ride slower, it automatically speaks more frequently to help you on the way. When you approach the point, it vibrates and tells not only maneuver you need to do, but the next point direction from your current location based on your moving direction, to help you to get the better view.I'm lazy, so created 2 podcasts just to show you what you can expect from it and how it works. I didn't edit them and I don't speak in those podcasts, only using TTS for quick understanding. If you have any questions related to the project, don't hesitate to ask.First podcast demonstrates how this app looks and how to find something by category, check the schedules, enter the address or the name of the place and more: podcast demonstrates how I walk by using this app: hope it will be useful. Tell your opinion in comments, but first listen the podcasts.


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Re: Seeing Assistante Move: An alternative to Dot Walker?

2019-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seeing Assistante Move: An alternative to Dot Walker?

If you need more information or wish listen to newest podcasts, follow this link: … -podcasts/electro wrote:Wow! Thanks for the information Arbuz.About SAM, I've finally contacted with the team to translate the Android version into Spanish. They said that the IOS version had a Spanish version but was not updated quite a time. Anyways, they're contacting the developers to start the translation.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: requesting a little nvda addon

2019-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: requesting a little nvda addon

If there is only question about functionality, you can use NVDA commands to move mouse and force it to be clicked. For example I on my laptop keyboard layout use capslock (insert) + shift + m to move mouse to the place where my current / carit currsor is and by pressing insert + 8 (not num-pad I guess), your mouse will be clicked.rory-games wrote:Hello everyone,I'm really sorry to have to have someone else do this for me, but I really need it for something for school. I need an addon, in which, every time you enter an edit box, it puts the mouse on it and clicks it. Thanks so much in advance!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: BlindOX turn-by-turn navigation - podcasts

2019-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BlindOX turn-by-turn navigation - podcasts

Compass for IOS phones finally implemented as well. Of course you should use Google chrome instead of Safari in order to gain that benefit.


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Re: BlindOX turn-by-turn navigation - podcasts

2019-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BlindOX turn-by-turn navigation - podcasts

That's actually the point.UltraLeetJ wrote:well this sounds amazing, it somehow fills in the gaps that other apps simply do not have


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: BlindOX turn-by-turn navigation - podcasts

2019-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BlindOX turn-by-turn navigation - podcasts

Hello everyone,I turned on testing of my app that works with Google maps service on Just create your account if you don't have one and see what you get. It will be on for a day or two, I ask if you can to write an honest review in this forum topic. Thank you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: BlindOX turn-by-turn navigation - podcasts

2019-08-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BlindOX turn-by-turn navigation - podcasts

Updates to my beta application:1. If you choose walking directions, route will be calculated by trying to avoid tolls, fairies;2. If you choose route by transit / public transport, app searches for a route with less walking criteria in mind if it's possible, because I assume that for a blind person is easier to go by public transport than walking through unknown places;3. If your device screen is turned off and when you turn it on and app realizes that it's far away from the previously known location, it searches for a nearest point in your route and automatically redirects to it. It doesn't do this if you're in the public transport;4. Keep screen awake is improved a bit as well. So if you turn on this function, you can put your device to your pocket by turning screen to the side of your clothes to avoid physical body touch and can use it without the problem that screen turning off automatically;5. You can use Compass on IOS as well as on Android devices, however you should use Google Chrome browser to have a best experience with this app. Keep screen awake works on IOS as well;6. I updated directions as follows: Go forward 20 meters, turn slight right and go 20 meters, turn right and go 20 meters, turn around and go slight right 20 meters, go back 20 meters, turn around and go slight left 20 meters, turn left and go 20 meters, turn slight left and go 20 meters;7. Detection if you are in public transport or just waiting for the vehicle to arive is rewritten as well by checking if you at least once during this route were nearby the point of the stop or not. If you were nearby the stop and app fixed that, then it checks if you are nearby the stop still or at least 50 meters away. If you are away 50 meters from the stop or more, then that, then app assumes that you already going by transport and showes you when to get off the transport. If you are nearby the stop you need to get out, it redirects you to a next step, however it worns you when to get off if you don't turn off your screen. If you know that's far away the stop you need to get out, then you can lock the screen and when you turn it on, app automatically recalculates the distance toward the end stop you nead to get off. Yeah, I could use speed, accuracy and more stuff to try to similate detection of transport, however all the algorithms I wrote and tested, this one seems to be most efficient. If something goes wrong, then you can click next step or previous step button to get to the point you want;8. From now on, you can enter an address to your destination as well as an adress of your current location. If you do so, app doesn't take your current location as a starting point, but exactly that specified address. This is very useful when you're in a building and want to get an exact route from an address. Also you can use this if you know that you'll be somewhere in the near future and will be important to know where to go.That's all for now.You can test it in here:


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Re: Any tips for user moving from windows to linux?

2020-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for user moving from windows to linux?

I used Ubuntu for 3 days or so and decided not to. Main reason is that it's accessibility is really crappy and Orca is not that well maintained as NVDA on Windows or VoiceOver on MAC and as it seems, no buddy cares much about it, so only terminal is completely accessible, but when we're looking into GUI apps, it's a different storry though.My choice is Windows and Vagrant + Virtual Box with Ubuntu on the top of it or WSL2 + Ubuntu, but all these choices due to development / programming reasons, not because of usage. Acording to the computer that's been revived as a post author mentioned, I guess Linux is the way to go, although nothing very good in case of accessibility can come from that kind of stuff.


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Have someone tried Microsoft surface pro?

2020-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Have someone tried Microsoft surface pro?

I'm just curious if it's worth to buy it when I'm totally blind, but want really powerful and portable solution.


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Re: Have someone tried Microsoft surface pro?

2020-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Have someone tried Microsoft surface pro?

I decided to buy Lenovo Laptop with 10th gen I7 1.8ghz up to 4.9ghz processor, 8 gigs of ram and 256 gb ssd, intel motherboard and 14 inches, so if I need more ram, I can pay about 45eur and be pleased with it and I payed only about 1000 eur for that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: BlindWalk [testers needed] new navigation app is on the way

2020-07-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BlindWalk [testers needed] new navigation app is on the way

Hi guys, I just found this post today and remembered my atempts to create navigation app. I can continue to implement Mapquest if you need it, because my Google maps subscription is over 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Are Lenovo Laptops Safe?

2020-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Are Lenovo Laptops Safe?

It's absolutely fine, I considered which computer to obtain and few days ago I baught exectly the Lenovo one and I can estimate that it's fantastic. It has a good performance, good looking, confortable. It's l14 so perhabs you need more power then you can pick something else, although it's efficient and safe to use.


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Re: best gps apps for android

2020-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: best gps apps for android

You can always use my own app developed it for myself, it is a web app, but really useful and works on a both platforms.


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Small and light PC

2020-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Small and light PC

I need an advice on getting a new pc. It should be portable, light weight and powerful. Does it worth to choose something like Microsoft Surface Pro? I'm completely blind and use NVDA as my default screen reader, also virtual machines are important part, so it should be really powerful in the job and small as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: best gps apps for android

2020-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: best gps apps for android

Yeah, I could port it though I see no reason for it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: is there any accessible smart watch aside from apple watch?

2020-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: is there any accessible smart  watch aside from apple watch?

Hello,I found that watches like Ticwatch PRO 3 and Fossil gen 5 are accessible for the blind. Both of these watches have Android wear OS installed with 1GB of ram and Snapdragon chipset. Since both of them are with wear oS, Talkback definitely works, because there are speakers as well and not for calling only. There is videio on Youtube about accessibility options on them and you can hear Talkback responsiveness as well as magnification gesture: watched a comparison between these and decided that Fossil gen 5 should be better to me cause of it's water proof and compass feature, which is not available on the other one though. Although Ticwatch pro 3 has only water resistance IP68 rating, it's battery lasting much longer acording to the reviews I watched, also it supports LTE as I heard, but on the other hand since I need compass and this watch doesn't have it, I consider to buy Fossil gen 5 and sacrifise battery duration instead.Maybe some of you have an experience of using these devices?One friend of mine had some Huawei watch which was laggy as hell so I don't recommend it. But instead there is Samsung Galaxy watch wich is accessible, but there we have Tysen OS instead of Android so you will find no Talkback here, but instead there's Voice Assistant, which has a cerious problem due to it's decision when app should be considered as accessible and when it is not.By the way I am waiting for Oneplus watch which should arive nex year I believe. Though there are no official info about the hardware or the software they'll use, but as a matter of fact they use Android with Oxygen OS on the top of it and experience of smartphones they offer are near the stock Android, so perhaps we can expect something good as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: is there any accessible smart watch aside from apple watch?

2020-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: is there any accessible smart  watch aside from apple watch?

Even Samsung watches work with IOS as far as I know.


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Oneplus 8 - opinions?

2020-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Oneplus 8 - opinions?

I recently baught Oneplus 8 smartphone and tomorrow it should arive. I'm exciting and really interested in your opinion about the phone.


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Re: Braille keyboard on Commentary Screen Reader?

2021-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braille keyboard on Commentary Screen Reader?

ABK is really a great work, I used it for no less than half a year, but now I have a Talkback keyboard. If I will decide to switch into Commentary screen reader, this ABK will be my current keyboard no doubt. But I really like Talkback keyboard and see no real reason to use Commentary. On slower devices it might be a benefit, but my Oneplus 8 really does a great job in terms of smoothness.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible Markdown editor?

2021-01-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible Markdown editor?

No, you don't need any extensions to use this feature.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Mobile versus web apps, What do you all prefer

2021-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mobile versus web apps, What do you all prefer

For me it doesn't matter which way to use things. Although as I tried to create web app and a regular native app as well, I can say that people usually prefer native app. I understand that if you make a web app you make it cross platform, however sometimes native is just better, due to services, staurage, permissions and other stuff. It depends on the app as well, I mean what it should do, but native fits all so perhaps that's easier.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

2019-07-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

Hello,For a quick start, there is a quick podcast to see what's coming if you need it: … k.mp3?dl=1I know this is not the highest quality navigation app for the blind around, but anyway, I think I'll share my idea with all of you.Some time ago I created an app called Walk helper for blind. It was a simple application where you were able to save your own points and then get direction by clock and compass towards them. I lost my source code and decided to let it go... But I really need an application that would be able to tel directions by clock, cardinal directions (east, northwest etc.) and of course, go forward slight left 122 meeters... I mean - just a simple human language where the next point is and when to turn afterwards.I was looking for an option to get something at least for the smartwatch to help me find a way towards the see shore, but many of the apps are useless for such a purpose on the watch. Then easy, but the same way - sharp mind came to my head - why not to try to use browsers functionality for this task? There is an GEOLocation API already supported on many browsers, so I wrote simple _javascript_ code to get the location and it was with a really high GPS accuracy - 30 meeters or even more... Then I read the documentation carefully and got it around with 3 meeters ;D it's fine now. But Samsung smartwatch was quickly forgotten because of it's inaccessible WEB browser... Perhaps you know the watch which has an accessible browser or it could be installed by the way? If you do, please let me know.Another problem, which I wasn't able to solve last time when I created Walk helper for blind was the turn-by-turn navigation / guidance function. Now I did a bit of research and found out about MapQuest API, which is based on Open Street Maps and it gives turn-by-turn instructions from the server through HTTP request, so few AJAX requests and wow, we got what we needed...Then I turned on my server and as an additional security, in order to be able to get user's location (even by his or her own permition), it still requires to have an SSL (HTTPS) layer to request for a permition. Installed the SSL and it works By going forward I managed to create working algorithm to walk across the points and get instructions on the screen and read by TTS. Some as well may say it's impossible on the web, however we can use ARIA (accessible rich internet applications) standard and screen readr speaks what do we tell it to say By walking outside I thaught the compass is what I need to be happy now... Yes, there was the biggest problem in this simple and dirty project... Compass was like mission impossible to me... I got alpha, beta and gamma values by listenning to orientationChange event and then calculated the compass heading, however after some Googling and physical testing on a real device, I realized that the data which is coming from a hardware implementation is inaccurate, because these days web is coming the way as all the ogmentid reality goes, so the initial point that is considered to be 0 is the point, which was fixed at the moment when the JS code requested deviceOrientation for the first time when page was loaded... Oh, it's the nightmare... Some time ago, browsers had another value - an absolute alpha, which pointed to the true north / bearing, but not now... Deep in the shadows of the web I found that Google Chrome V50+ lets to access this absolute alpha value by requesting it other way, which is not the standart, but supported on android. So I solved the compass problem by doing some math and we came to a phase where there are results like these:1. Turn-by-turn navigation by entering an address or well known location;2. Direction towards the next turn by clock, geographical and easy humanized form - on your left, on your right, slightly on your right behind...;3. Distance in meters and kilometers;4. Moovement speed;5. GPS accuracy;6. Route preview - to get an instructions just to help you to imagine where you would need to go if you would. Some of the instructions report the maneuvers more explanatory than just turn left or right;7. Compass (cardinal directions - east, west and degrees). Additionally it does another important function as well - you can spin your device around and when it points straight towards the direction you need to go, it vibrates in some pattern. Then if you point your device to the wrong direction afther that, it vibrates in another pattern to let you know. You can turn on or off your compass on the main routing menu all the time.8. TTS says what to do in each 30 meters.It's still an experimental version / prototype, because actually I'm working only less than a week around this project yet. Yes, there are main conciderations so far:1. An application would work on the web, so you don't need to install any software, any updates, just to remember website address.2. 

Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

2019-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

hurstseth405 wrote:So I'm wondering can you still use a compass even if your phone doesn't have a cumpass? I have a samsung J3 running android.If you have no compass on your device, you still will be able to use my app, because since you start moving outside, my app gets your current location and tracks it in order to get the direction you're moving and says which direction you're going and which direction you need to go.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

2019-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

electro wrote:Wow (interesting). I know it's komplicated and it takes time, but can it be a Dot Walker'ish successor? I'm kinda curious.Guess I have many words corrected dah so in that case if my orthography deserves it the one that the one that the... Oops... Sorry!I onestly didn't get the question I guess. But if you're talking about the developer of Dotwalker PRO, then I can say that we're not related with one another. Or perhaps you wish to know if it works like dotwalker PRO does than I can say that in some ways it does, but in some ways it's not.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

2019-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

Munawar wrote:Hi,Great work with this! I've never used MapQuest API, only Google Maps API for geolocations. I'd imagine they're pretty similar.If you want to make it cross-platform (your comment on iOS development is noted,) might I suggest Cordova / PhoneGap. is what I've used in the past to make cross-platform mobile applications. The iOS community generally frowns upon it but that's only because you're not coding in whatever their new language is nowadays, and they tend to hate on people a lot. But PhoneGap and Cordova are both mature technologies and have been used enough to be declared "tried and tested."Thanks for the suggestion, I'll definitely will check it out.Perhaps you wish to help on a development process?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

2019-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

Angel wrote:Good luck with this and sure, I would try it, but in small places cause it is weird for me to have my 6 inkes phone in my left hand, in the right the cane and the sunu on the left, the idea of doing this feels abit weird to me.If you could make locking some how touches from the pocket that would be cool, cause I personaly always use a bluetooth headset with these apps.Or I guess you can put your phone in your pocket carefuly, like I do when I listen to music on youtube in class, don't do like I do.Yeah, I know what you mean, however it's not so easy to do it in the browser, because then all the UI freezes.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

2019-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

SLJ wrote:Hi.Wow. I would like to try this as well.Regarding browsers: Google Crome on IOS does work when the screen is locked. It can play podcasts etc. in the background unlike Safari. Maybe you'll find this information useful.Yeah, this info is useful, thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

2019-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

electro wrote:arbuz wrote:electro wrote:Wow (interesting). I know it's komplicated and it takes time, but can it be a Dot Walker'ish successor? I'm kinda curious.Guess I have many words corrected dah so in that case if my orthography deserves it the one that the one that the... Oops... Sorry!I onestly didn't get the question I guess. But if you're talking about the developer of Dotwalker PRO, then I can say that we're not related with one another. Or perhaps you wish to know if it works like dotwalker PRO does than I can say that in some ways it does, but in some ways it's not.Wow, thanks for that answer. I mean, for example, forsquare support or something. BTW, I didn't talked with the developer of Dot Walker Pro eaven when he didn't pay google's subscription. I guess he has the source somewhere... but he didn't uploaded in a git platform.Today i'm going to improve an algorithm of redirection to the next point. It works, but my intention to make it better if I can, so we will see what I can acomblish.Furthermore, since this app is based on JS, all the code will be accessible to each and everyone of you if I wouldn't plan to compile it on some platform, but I guess that's rmain to be seen. I'm considering to make this platform totally free, but the biggest gamble is the payment for the server. If some of the users will be able to publish it on their systems if they have some kind of srws, I would be glad to hear from you...To answer to your curiosity about the Forsquare, my intention is to use the same MapQuest API and try to integrate categories of bars, shops, busStops and some others if I'll be able to. I'm planning to do it quickly enough, but we'll see what will folow.`


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Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

2019-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

ironcross32 wrote:Sounds like a cool concept, I'm an iOS user though, plus, I wouldn't use an app that needed a browser and needed the phone to be unlocked because even with the screen darkened, it would still burn through battery, and it's just one more thing I'm having to hold.Thanks for your answer. You're indeed partly correct about the battery. It burns not faster as any other app does which uses GPS at it's part. Sighted people use their phones and almost constantly checks their screen if they have no clue where to go. So my own asesment is like this: if you really need to walk somewhere and can't find a proper tool to do so, you can use almost anything to comeback, isn't that right?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

2019-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

bee_songkran wrote:Hey guys!Wow it was sound so interesting.I'm sure I will test it.Anyway keep up the good work.Best!Bee!Thanks. Now I'm at the stage to test an improved algorithm that I wrote few minutes ago My intention is to impruve automatic redirection between points and then I'll try to implement something like nearby places - the categories like transport, shops, food etc.


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Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

2019-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

Hi guys,I finally turned on a testing environment for an BlindWalk application for a while.If you wish to try it out, please create your account on will not be long online because of the further works I'm planning to do with it. I need your feedback as  much concrete as possible.This application is based on directions from MapQuest API so I hope you enjoy it.As usually, would you use it, would it be confortable and so on?


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Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

2019-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

hurstseth405 wrote:Is there a way you could do a app? I'm not really good on using chrome on my droid?One of the members of this forum noded that there is a way to compile JS + HTML + CSS - WEB based content to a native app, so that remains to be seen what I can do. I turned on the testing environment, so I guess it depends on bunch of feedback and some other things as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

2019-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

hadi.gsf wrote:1. I would test and provide feedback for sure!2. It would have been great  if it was an app, but since you have already started working on it, i'll be interested to see what you'll be doing! and you're right,  maybe  it wouldn't be that bad to use a browser if you need its functions thats not provided anywhere else.3. I don't have any technical skills for making apps so sorry, wouldn't be able to help.but yeah i'll be watching for the alpha/beta to testThanks though. My intention is to make some tool to help when you have no idea what to do. I know it's sounds inconfortable to use it via browser, but since it's good, perhaps it's not the worst case? You can test it here: https://justbest.euLooking forward to get the responce.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

2019-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

electro wrote:Well I was only hopping for only an app, instead of using Chrome on my android with commentary or Talkback feels so sluggish.Perhaps you wish to try it out:


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Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

2019-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

Munawar wrote:I'd gladly host it if you'd like me to. I'm already paying for a server anyway.It would be great. I guess we can discuss about it when at least some testing will be on the way. There are of course features to implement, but you can test it and see how it goes:


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

2019-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BlindWalk, a new navigation app is on the way if you would need it

Piciok wrote:Hello there,Yes, of course, I would be. There is actually a larger community of blind navi junkies in Poland so you would receive a bunch of valuable feedback.The argument with holding phone in your hand vs. in your pocket is an important one. We use navigation for other things than sighted people sometimes. Often I wished I had a way to carry my cane in one hand, a bag of shopping in the other and still be able to handle my navigation as I find my way from that shop back to home, to the hotel etc. I don't know much about what is possible in web-apps and what is not so I can only keep my fingers crossed.One thing I found always missing, especially when I was beginning my adventure with accessible navigation, was a system of meaningful messages telling me how to interpret the data I receive, for instance, based on my bearing direction I wished I could hear things like "You're going wrong, turn around" or "You're back on the right path, carry on". This could be a special beginner's mode thing and could be disabled by those who feel advanced enough.Also, it would be great if using the available POI from OSM, the next turn announcement could carry more contextual information E.G. in order to reach your turn, you will have to cross the street to the other side on the way or that there are stairs to be taken, fixed obstacles on the way that are noted in the database etc. just so that the user knows what to expect on the way. It could also determine which side of the sidewalk to take based on the heading direction and available map data. This could be useful again for people just learning how orientation works but somehow I feel I would use that too.How doable are voice commands for hands-free operation? Of course at a later stage, when you're comfortable with the basics.Have you looked into Microsoft's mapping API's. Those could be less expensive than Google.Also, spatial sound seems to be a thing with navigation now. Have you seen GRMapa for instance?http://grmapa.zlotowicz.plA lot of users seem to be happy with how it lets you imagine the correlations between streets.I know this is a lot but I am really curious how far this can go.Looking forward to releases.kind regardsPawełHi,It is really valuable info you posted here.Since now I have no other option than keep your screen on and use navigation, I thaught perhaps it's worth to buy some closable  / coverable case for the device and use it by putting your device into the pocket?Where are these blind navi junkies as you mentioned? I need some testing feedback.Your point about the wrong direction is smooth so I'll think about it's implementation a bit later, there are some major things to do, but that's the way to go.I tried to take an information about the stairs from OSM and it works as much as they have info about it. Another major thing is the side of the street. I would be able to calculate the side of the street perhaps, but since distance from the point towards the current location can be big enough, it makes this problem, because when straightest line towards the point from the current location is long, then angle becomes not such exact and I don't know if really it's possible to calculate such thing this way. Perhaps I would need some other points to get and then try to calculate the side of the street, however OSM provides such information when makes a route. Problem stays still, because their provided info about side of the street are usually unknown Of course if you GPS data is not so trusted, amongs the jumps of the bearing, you will hear different instructions about the sidewalk e.g. left or right side to take and then it decides differently, you will not feel very delighted.Voice commands perhaps could be implemented as well, because as a web developers, we may ask for a users permission of the microphone, but I need to check it out to be sure.Spatial sound sounds great to navigate through all the area, but since my requests to the MapQuest API are rather limited, it hardly can be implemented with the technologies that are in my hands so far. Perhaps I could download all the planet from OSM and put into the database, but all the services would crash instantly.I could try to include them as a separate xml files for each region, but there is really a lot of work for one person, so navigation through all the map is something I'll perhaps not do.Microsofts mapping APIs are also priced, however I'll make a research and decide.If you whish to test it, there is the first implementation:


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Re: BlindWalk [testers needed] new navigation app is on the way

2019-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BlindWalk [testers needed] new navigation app is on the way

Since now, I implemented the feature of nearby places. Those are taken from OSM via MapQuest API, so you can test and say how it works for you:


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: BlindWalk [testers needed] new navigation app is on the way

2019-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BlindWalk [testers needed] new navigation app is on the way

frastlin wrote:Please checkout how cross-platform apps can be created using browser technology.This should solve the problem of not working when the phone is locked.Thanks. I decided to go with Cordova, but first, I'll implement some few good algorithms, because I integrated Trafi for the public transport, nearby places and a lot good stuff. In few days or even sooner I'll post a podcast about the progress I'm in, because I didn't update public testing environment long enough.


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Re: Dot Walker: Is it just me or something technical?

2019-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dot Walker: Is it just me or something technical?

It's developers' business where to put the source and share or not to do so with others and if he didn't want to spend his own money for the project, so be it, because subscribtion is not so cheep after all and if he lives in the country where economics aren't developing well, so how could he? By the way it's just asumtion, not the fact.If he decided not to share the source on a Github, perhaps there is something behind - new project or something, however I'm just keeping myself guessing, nothing more.Although Dotwalker PRO was a really good app, I'm developing my GPS app as well and I plan to use Apache Cordova to make *.apk executable / native Android app and progress is going well enough. In few days I plan to share another podcast how my achievements have changed since my first post.


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Walk Helper for Blind is now on Google Play

2015-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Walk Helper for Blind is now on Google Play

Hello,I have finally made my "Walk Helper for Blind" app.Walk helper for blind is an application adapted to phones with Android system. The main goal of this program is to help blind users finding their ways in the physical world. By using this program blind users can create routes by selecting necessary places and saving them to the device memory by typing names, which reveals some important information about the place. This app in fact is not a substitution for white cane or guide dog, it's just like an attachment to improve personal independency when travelling.This orientation tool can become a perfect assistant when someone takes the bus, because if he have saved the necessary stations in his route, then he is able to check which nearest station is in front, which station is behind, what object is on his left or right side. It gives an opportunity to travel by public transport more relaxed and less thinking about how not to miss the required station.This application can help those who are learning a new route, or maybe for those who had already learned it, but still doubt to do it.Walk Helper For Blind also can become very useful for those who just got lost. In order to try to go somewhere when blind person is in unknown place, there is a necessity to memorize all long way, because otherwise he would not be able to return. However by using this application and a white cane or guide dog together, the user may have more safe moves. A blind person can just save location from which he wants to move and then is possible to turn back without memorizing turn by turn route.Main functions:• Ability to create a routes and save necessary points for future use;• Compass;• Look around;• Moving speed detection;• Distance between your current location and active point;• Direction to active point by clock or degrees;• Auto redirection to point by moving direction.Please carefully read "Help" section of the app before starting to use it! You will find that section in app's local context menu.If you are interested in this kind of thing, you can find it it "Google Play" by opening this link: … _for_blindComments are very welcomed.


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Re: Walk Helper for Blind is now on Google Play

2015-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Walk Helper for Blind is now on Google Play

No, you need only your GPS turned on.


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Braille display "Esys 24"

2015-09-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Braille display "Esys 24"

Hello,I consider to buy the braille display "Esys 24" and I have a couple of questions about it:1. Can I read *.docx and *.pdf files directly without converting them to *.txt?2. How to convert *.pdf files to *.brl files? Yes, I saw a few applications that can do it, but all of them are paid as I noticed.3. Can I read a math equations with this device?4. Could you tell your own opinion if you used this one before or you're using it right now?Thanks for your answers in advance.


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Awesome navigation APP on Android - Dotwalker PRO

2017-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Awesome navigation APP on Android - Dotwalker PRO

Hello guys,I just copy my post from Eyes-free group belowYesterday I tested really great GPS navigation app for the blind on Android, called "Dotwalker PRO".I can say that it is really worth your attention if you're blind like me, or at least a visually impaired. It gives you exactly what you need to know to get to your destination in really great manner. I don't intent to tell everything about it, however I wanna show the main strengths of that stuff. SO lets get start it:You can get turn-by-turn Directions from your current location to the destination, and therefore directions are provided by "Google Maps" API so you get everything as the sighted people would, but in the way, that blind people would appreciate. It will say to you everything as "Google Maps", except that your TTS will inform where these points actually are, acording to the clock directions. In case to be more concrete, I'll give you an example. Imagine that you're standing in some place, but somewhere far away from the street and you're not even sure where you can find one, but by entering some address (I mean your destination, such as "Chocolate Street 3, Wellinghborough", ), you get turn-by-turn directions like this: head east on Sweets Street towards Cookies street, 26 meeters at 3 o'clock. You may ask, what a heck you're talking about buddy? Oh, it's simple, I promise, if you read this carefully, you'll get use to it soon.I don't know have you ever seen the old braille clocks, that can be opened and you can check where the arrow is landing at the time, in case to know hours, but I can instruct you here quickly enough. 12 o'clock means in front of you, 1 - slightly to the right, 2 - a bit more to the right, 3 is exactly 90 degrees on your right - if you would stretch out your right hand to your right. 4 and 5 - these directions are behind, you on your right, so 6 is exactly behind you. 7 and 8 - are behind you on your left, and 9 is exactly on your left. So we have 10 and 11 left. These would be in front of you (still on your left) and the last hour on the clock - 12, is exactly in front of you. So we have a circle there. If it is more simple, you can imagine the circle and divide it into 12 equal parts. In case circle around itself has 360 degrees, we can do the math and get that 1 of our 12 parts consists of 30 degrees, so these clock instructions represents directions in 30 degrees of accuracy. Now when you are more awared what I'm talking about, imagine you are looking straight ahead towards north. So north east are in front of you, diagonally, east are exactly on your right, south - behind, west - on your left side. SO it is mostly the same, but directions, sutch as east, south east and so on, divides this circle around you into 8 parts - 360 / 8 = 45 degrees to the part, so clock directions are even more exact as we can see.Ok, so now we know. What do we ganna do with that? We just buy Dotwalker Pro, go outside and try it out  OK OK, I'm joking, firstly read this one till the end to check if it is the stuf you're looking for.So I said it tells the direction to the point, distance and the name of the point. This Software identifies your bearing acording to you movement (it's evaluated by GPS), so if you are standing somewhere, how to be sure where to go? You know GPS direction can't be trusted in case you're not moving... Solution is really simple:Just click on Compass, Approach to point and spin your phone around (it will say  direction by clock all the time when your compass direction changes, so you'll be informed, how to turn it to point your phone exactly to the active point). When you'll point your phone exactly to that point, it beeps and says distance in meeters. Oh, and the feature that you sure will be happy about is that when you're standing somewhere and you're not sure where is the street you need to go, this app automatically draws the exact straight line from your location to the street, that you need to go to, so compass will saves the day there certainly.When you at last are on the correct street, you continuesly get further directions, like turn right on jokes street, 74 meeters at 12 o'clock. When you arive to the current point, Application automatically starts to navigate you to another one and informs you about that, just to be sure where to go.I think you are finally excited to check it out, so I don't intent to disturb you and talk about it no longer. Just a fiew more features below and you're good to go:1. Turn-by-turn instructions from "Google Maps";2. Destination can be found in "Google Places", you just need to click a button that says "From Google Places" and you can select the category that you're interested in. After sum time it gives you a lots of nearby places to go, even bus stops;3. It allows you to even create your own custom routes, where directions can't be provided, for instance - forest and so on. It is done by fixing the turns you mad

Re: Awesome navigation APP on Android - Dotwalker PRO

2017-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Awesome navigation APP on Android - Dotwalker PRO

I'm not sure why it does that, however it is really good for turn-by-turn directions. I know the way to get around this, just find your place with simple Google Search Query, and then enter the place address in order to get instructions. If you want to get all the places around you, use Google Maps and then enter an address to the Dotwalker PRO to guide you.


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Short Demonstration of DotWalker PRO

2017-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Short Demonstration of DotWalker PRO

Hi guys,As I promised, I've made a short Podcast about DotWalker PRO. It is not a tutorial how to use dis APP, it's just very quick Demo what you can expect from it. There are plenty of features that I even didn't mention at all, however I hope at least for someone it will be useful. I think if at least one person will be more confident when travelling, APP developers will be more happyer and my Podcast won't be made just for nothing.Link is below and it should start to play / download .mp3 file automatically: … n.mp3?dl=1


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Short Demonstration of DotWalker PRO

2017-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Short Demonstration of DotWalker PRO

Hi,You can use some headphones like Aftershockz that implements bone conduction technology to pool sound through your cheackbones to your inner ears, it leaves you with hands free and holds on your head very tightly. Where to buy and more about the technology: app has its own various settings that can be adapted to your unique needs, so you can check a checkbox and it will anounce the nearest adresses all the time. If I'm not mistaken, these adresses are taken from OSM (Open Street Maps), but when you're using Turn-by-Turn directions, it gives you data from Google Maps, I can say - just makes the point-by-point route to your final destination from your current location. I also checked the checkbox that should anounce the intersections either, but it doesn't seem to be working at least for me. It works if you will download OSM points around you, intersections will be anounced then I suppose, 
 but I'm not sure yet.You can also create your own custom routes and App will track your turns and they will be aded to your route. After that you will know the exact turns to make and the adresses that are nearby.If you need more podcast about this app, please let me know and I'll try to record something more about the settings, routes and so on and so forth, but I just need more people to be active in this.Reguards


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Short Demonstration of DotWalker PRO

2017-06-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Short Demonstration of DotWalker PRO

This APP should be available in Germany, there is a link: … twalkerproAnd of course, the manual that shows what you can expect from this:


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Is the improvement need for the "Apple Maps"?

2016-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Is the improvement need for the "Apple Maps"?

Hello,What do you think about the "Apple Maps" if it would show for the blind users an intersections between the streets and direction to the given address as a clock-face? For instance, if you got an instructions to go 100 meeters to some street and then turn right, it would additionally given direction as a clock-face, like "Move 100 meeters to  street, at 1 o'clock and then turn right", or something like that. Maybe we need to ask Apple for the help with this? It would be really confortable in my opinion.Comments are very welcomed.


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Good Navigation App suggestion?

2016-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Good Navigation App suggestion?

Hi guys,I am looking for an App on my IPhone that would be like Seeing Eye GPS, but I live in country where it is not supported, I mean they aren't selling it here and there is no reason for that, but there is as it is. I have BlindSquare, but it doesn't fill my needs.Thanks for the suggestions and have a good day.


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Re: Good Navigation App suggestion?

2016-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Good Navigation App suggestion?

But it don't tell the exact direction by clock to the needed streets intersection, that is what I need.


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