Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 24/192kHz capability for Transporter

2009-10-17 Thread cmarin

Mr. Farrel, 

The better musical experience reported by some listeners (including
professional critics) of higher resolution files in resolving systems
IMHO is well documented. 

My concern, and I believe the concern of most audiophiles, is simply to
have a more enjoyable musical listening experience; not to brag that
their experience is better than yours or to engage in endless arguments
about why a listener's subjective listening experience is fraudalent
because it doesn't fit a particular view of the universe.

The added musical enjoyment could be a placebo effect, but it is real.
And to me, that is all that matters.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 24/192kHz capability for Transporter

2009-10-17 Thread cmarin

ralphpnj;473473 Wrote: 
 Quick question:
 Since it appears that you are familiar with and have actually
 read/followed the musings of the Computer Audiophile, what the hack are
 doing asking questions on this forum about the lowly mid-fi SqueezeBox
 products? Doesn't iTunes and the Airport Express do it all?

Actually the only question I posed was whether anyone knew if Logitech
had plans to upgrade the Transporter to handle 24/192 files. I figured
this was the appropriate forum to ask the question. Perhaps I made a

For what it's worth, I find the Transporter to be an excellent server
and use it to send its digital output to an outboard dac. My own model
is a modwright transporter with a wonderful tube/analog output section.
If it could handle 24/192 files, IMHO it would be an excellent
alternative to other high resolution music server solutions that are
being proposed. That is all. 

The argument, and one which I do not wish to engage in, is whether you
believe that the ability of a serve to output 24/192 digital files, or
anything higher than 24/96, is relevant or not to the music listening
experience. You seem to suggest that there are clearly better forums for
that. However, I did not raise that question. Someone else did.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 24/192kHz capability for Transporter

2009-10-16 Thread cmarin

I might have missed previous posts, but does any one know if Logitech
intends to upgrade the ability of the Transporter to handle higher
resolution (e.g., 24 bit/192kHz) files? I'm currently feeding my
modwright transporter's digital signal to a playback designs DAC and
would like to have the ability to play back files with resolutions
higher than the Transporter's current 24bit/96kHz limit. Thanks.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 24/192kHz capability for Transporter

2009-10-16 Thread cmarin

Who is the manufacturer of the Touch? And does it provide 24/192kHz


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 24/192kHz capability for Transporter

2009-10-16 Thread cmarin

I am familiar with the blue smoke music server that handles 24/192kHz
and provides on the fly upsampling conversion as well; and of course you
also have computer based severs. Too bad about the limitation on the
transporter. I guess the economics are not sufficient to compell
logitech to upgrade the Transporter. Sad because it's a great piece.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 24/192kHz capability for Transporter

2009-10-16 Thread cmarin

If you're interested in learning more about the quality of high
resolution files please go to You will also
find discussions/links on the relative quality of music files at
different resolutions from 16/44.1kHz to 24/96 and higher, as well as
how to setup players to optimally playback high res files. I would also
direct you to the January 2009 issue of The Absolute Sound's articles on
Reference Recordings' high res files and the review of the Berkeley
Alpha dac. I believe that the superior quality of high resolution files
in resolving systems is well documented.

Below is a partial listing of sources for High Resolution files:

Reference Recordings - offers 176.4/24 HRx WAV files (DVD-R)

Reference Recordings - offers 176.4/24 HRx (DVD-R)

Linn Records - offers 192/24 and 96/24 or 88.2/24 FLAC files

2L - offers 192/24 FLAC files  also some gratis 192/24 FLAC files

Chesky Records - has 192/24 (DVD-R)

Granted, the selection is still limited, but increasing. And IMHO high
res files are the wave of the future. 

As to whether my system is resolving enough, you can be the judge:
modwright transporter (digital out) playback designs MPS5 (dac -
capable of 24/192kHz)   dartzeel pre  dartzeel amp  magico v3


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter word-clock function

2008-08-05 Thread cmarin

seanadams;325967 Wrote: 
 Glass fiber for a 44.1KHz word clock signal is downright goofy. If it
 doesn't have a BNC output, you should contact Wadia and ask what they
 suggest to convert it to an electrical signal - that's the de facto

I'll contact Wadia. Thanks for your help.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter word-clock function

2008-08-02 Thread cmarin

seanadams;324445 Wrote: 
 Yes, the file (WAV, FLAC, whatever) contains in its headers the
 information that _normally_ Transporter would use to select which of
 its internal oscillators to use. This information is also indicated
 (passed through, you might say) in the s/pdif channel status bits.
 When word clock is enabled, Transporter plays at the word clock input
 frequency no matter what the source file indicates that the sample rate
 is supposed to be. However, the information from the source file is
 still passed through untouched to the s/pdif channel status bits.
 So to rephrase (I think) your question, the problem is how does the
 Pace-Car know what sample rate to send the Transporter if it has yet to
 receive those s/pdif channel status bits? Well, it can't know until it
 gets them. So if you're playing along at 44.1 and all of a sudden some
 96KHz content comes along, what will happen is that you'll have to
 switch your internal clock source as soon as you see 96KHz in the
 channel status. At that point there would be some brief drop-out of the
 signal while the PLL on Transporter's side resycns. I forget how fast
 that is but I think it's pretty quick - 10ms or something. Add to that
 perhaps some time for the s/pdif receiver to resync, which usually
 takes a bit longer.
 I don't know how noticeable it might be. I've never had an external
 clock source on-hand that could change its output word clock depending
 on the s/pdif information. What I do know is that Transporter will have
 no problem changing clock rates quickly - the way the PLL works
 inherently creates a clean transition.
 One thing that is fun to try, if you have a function generator, is to
 feed that directly into the word clock input and then turn the knob to
 hear what it does. Between about 20KHz and 100Khz it should have no
 problem. Above or below that range it will break in obvious ways.


I recently heard my Transporter through a three box Wadia 9 system (1
control unit and 2 stand alone DACs). The sound was glorious. The Wadia
has a glass fiber optic out to send the world clock signal to digital
sources (Transport). My question is what modifications if any would be
required on the Tranporter in order to use the Wadia's clock signal
with the Transporter? Thanks. C Marin


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