Re: [aur-general] TU application - bastelfreak

2020-11-01 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general

On 2020-10-18 17:39, Tim Meusel via aur-general wrote:

* puppet [1]
* puppet5 [2]
* facter [3]
* libwhereami [4]
* ruby-deep_merge [5]
* ruby-httpclient [6]
* ruby-sync [7]
* ruby-puppet-resource_api [8]
* ruby-semantic_puppet [9]


As a trusted user I would like to co-maintain those packages, enable
tests on the PKGBUILDs where tests are currently missing (for example
ruby-puppet-resource_api, ruby-semantic_puppet and Puppet), fix the
remaining namcap warnings (for example on facter and libwhereami) and
also import some other Puppet related tools into the official
repository. Some of them are already in the AUR (not all maintained by

* fluent-bit (not Puppet related) [10]
* ruby-gettext-setup [11]
* ruby-minitar [12]
* ruby-puppet_forge [13]
* ruby-rr [14]
* ruby-cri [15]
* ruby-test-unit-rr [16]
* ruby-fast_gettext [17]
* ruby-gettext [18]
* ruby-locale [19]
* ruby-text [20]
* ruby-colored2 [21]
* r10k [22]

It's great that you'd like to improve the quality of the Ruby ecosystem! 
Do you have any experience with documentation? I think it'd be nice to 
have someone experienced make sure the Ruby/Puppet documentation is up 
to snuff.

Are you also interested in maintaining any other types of packages, or 
only the Ruby ecosystem?

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Re: [aur-general] TU application - bastelfreak

2020-10-22 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general

On 2020-10-22 23:24, Tim Meusel via aur-general wrote:


On 21.10.20 23:41, Jelle van der Waa wrote:

On 18/10/2020 17:39, Tim Meusel via aur-general wrote:


Some notes on your AUR packages:


* choria-io


  - systemd unit could have some systemd hardening applied, see the wiki
or 'man systemd.exec'

thanks for the hint about hardening. To get this working I only copied
the unit file that upstream uses as well (but it's not bundled in the
source code). I will take a look here and see which options make sense
in the unit file and submit them to upstream and the AUR.

I greatly appreciate the upstream-first attitude: Any hardening done 
will benefit all distributions.

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Re: [aur-general] SGE Orphaning

2020-10-19 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general

On 2020-10-19 12:59, Manhong Dai via aur-general wrote:

Dear Trust User,

I submitted an Orphaning request in both comment area and
ticket system. Feel free to let me know if there is anything I need to
do to follow up.

My email address is , just in case I missed
any emails.


It's been made clear that you're not willing to listen to TUs and would 
rather engage in what appears to be bordering on harassment with the new 
maintainer. If you had demonstrated a clear attempt to actually 
understand the responses to your mails in this list then there might 
have been recourse. As it stands, you're merely digging your own grave.

If the new maintainer wants your help, he'll add you as a co-maintainer. 
If they do not, then leave them be and put your PKGBUILD elsewhere.

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Re: [aur-general] TU application - raster

2020-08-23 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general

On 2020-08-23 21:34, David C. Rankin wrote:

On 8/23/20 8:47 AM, Eli Schwartz via aur-general wrote:

I approve this TU application. Looking forward to seeing you on the team
soon. :)

I have no approval authority, but the age, history and experience is the exact
type that is beneficial (if not outright mandatory) for maintaining and
advancing a disto (smartly). Though it means little, +1 here.

Could you elaborate on what you meant by what you meant by "age"?

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Re: [aur-general] Being an asshole to package maintainers is a bannable offense, and that's okay (Was: EQ And Community Kindness)

2020-01-15 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general

On 2020-01-15 17:09, Eli Schwartz via aur-general wrote:

On 1/15/20 4:17 PM, michael Bostwick via aur-general wrote:

This is my first time writing the mailing list, to be honest I would
have preferred anther way of bringing this up, but *I didn't see an easy
way to bring my concern to someone who's empowered to fix this strong
comment or make it better.* I was looking into a package to solve a complex
programming task when I encountered a rather jarring pinned comment . ( )

Hi people, this is your regular reminder to SHUT UP about validpgpkeys
checks and complaints about the fact that test suites exist.

This package is doing the correct thing, and there has been a great deal of
pointless moaning and whining about it, but there is also multiple pinned
comments explaining why every one of those complaints is not only null and
void, but retroactively ridiculous.

The banhammer is ready and waiting in case you *still* want to ignore all
this on top of the Trusted User warning."

I really hope no one was banned by the writer of this comment,and I really
hope as trusted users in the future you guys would *be a little more kind*
to members of the aur community.

The package in question has suffered to a very surprising degree from
tremendous quantities of abuse heaped upon the maintainer.

Since that pinned comment was added, users have stopped being mean to
the maintainer. As a result, no one has needed to be banned.

If you had moderator privileges on the AUR and could see the contents of
the deleted comments -- of which there are many -- I suspect you'd
rapidly understand why people are at the end of their tether.

The only directly mean comment I see is one from 2018-09-30 where 
someone elegantly wrote:

Stop beeing arrogant , and help, if not shut up! Sometimes talk toa 
human is a lot better way of learning !

All the other comments seem to be the typical fare for those that 
expect Arch to support AUR helpers/make the experience "easier". Perhaps 
I missed some.

It appears that the pinned comment in question was indeed added after a 
small uptick in the undesirable comments. I have doubts as to whether it 
has actually stopped any sort of behavior - adding one more comment atop 
a pile doesn't seem effective to me, and comments have since occurred 
despite the new pin.

I'm not discounting the probable possibility that the maintainers 
received some nasty emails, but the deleted comments I can see are tame 
(if tiring to look through). The Arch Linux community has issues with 
interacting like human beings; however, I find the pinned comment in 
question to be tame (if colorful).

Many linux users may be familiar with
Linus Torvalds writings on his mistakes with EQ, I hope no one in aur has
to experience that.

I'm not even sure I recognize the abbreviation "EQ", but given it's some
sort of Linus Torvalds reference I'm fairly positive no one has been
personally attacked or called names on that AUR page.

I came across

Some people who were behaving very impolitely indeed, were given an
ultimatum that their behavior was not an acceptable way to treat people,
but more on that later.

Hmm, I wonder: does that make me the champion of community kindness,
here? Is my attempt to enforce that, now being met with objections from
you, who would like to defend the right of users to be as offensive as
they want without having to suffer the consequences of being banned for
their behavior?

While I think that your pinned comment is acceptable, I'm not sure that 
deriding a user from trying to help the community is. I see where this 
is going, and it'd be good to just stop it now before it becomes another 
drama train.

For those trusted AUR members that have been kind I say *thank you for your
hard work*, and for those that mean well but are harsh please keep in mind
when you see a package the first thing you see in the pinned comment (and
alot of context that is missed), and that speaks loudly to your impressions
of aur.

I have been kind... to the AUR package maintainer. This is more
important than being kind to users, because the package maintainer is
the one who does the work, and therefore we would like him to continue
doing the work rather than being chased away by ungrateful users heaping
abuse upon him because he wrote a PKGBUILD for software that takes a
while to compile, and users apparently hate maintainers that don't offer
instant gratification.

Futhermore: the so-called "unkindness" you speak of is simply a warning
stating that users are not permitted to complain about two very specific
things which are simultaneously correct to do *and* which the package
maintainer has very patiently explained the purpose of and the makepkg
options to disable them if the user optionally chooses that they don't
wish these things to happen.

Despite these very patient, 

[aur-general] Packages that include other project code

2019-07-15 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general

I'd like a sanity check!

Waybar has a dependency on a C++ logging library called spdlog. This 
project depends on fmt and by default uses an included copy. I've raised 
a ticket about removing this but it doesn't look like the developer is 
interested [2].

In this case, I feel it expedient to patch out the logic to use the 
bundled headers [2] and outright remove the directories [3]. Am I 
correct in this conclusion or is this too far-reaching?


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Re: [aur-general] Spam account

2019-06-16 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general

On 2019-06-16 20:24, wrote:


this account is spamming the AUR with stupid unrelated online game invotations.

Please consider deletion and ban

Done. Thanks for reporting.

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Re: [aur-general] Trusted user application: Drew DeVault

2019-03-06 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general

On 2019-03-06 17:27, Christos Nouskas wrote:

This thread has started giving political correctness the bad name it
deserves. Not so long ago another applicant had to go through a humiliating
interrogation, strong words and insults included, and not many apologies
were issued by his accusers; now some others are demanding (politically
correctly, thankyouverymuch) from Drew DeVault to act as others before him

Drew DeVault handled all that pressure with overly due composure and high
professionalism, a strong token of his ethos, rarely found in some of his
impeccable inquisitors, which obviously wasn't enough because they kept
coming back for more. Even his sponsoring TUs had a hard time defending
such an apparent felon.

Next time, demand a copy of the applicant's juvenile criminal record, a
signed forgiveness from the Vatican and a sworn statement of adherence to
The Rules. Oh, and ten hand-written pages of "I shall be a good boy",
because nobody wants to work with a degenerate like

This whole "TU application" procedure has proven itself flawed because it
allows anybody, in full impunity and immunity, to slander, bully and abuse
applicants, to the point of making them regret they had applied in the
first place.

I feel that by conflating applicant vetting with political correctness 
you're letting your own political viewpoints get in the way of a proper 
applicant screening. Some of the criteria of a TU involve interfacing 
with the community; What users will think of Arch. How is it 'political 
correctness' to judge fitness of a position based on past behavior? I 
agree that he held himself well during the application process... but 
anyone that's been in a hiring position can tell you that applicants can 
be very good at hiding their faults when in a position of scrutiny. 
That's the process, after all: Applicants dress themselves up and the 
hiring staff look for the cracks.

The TUs with questionable behavior are being discussed at this very 
moment - how can you suggest that DeVault was given unfair treatment? 
Just because a developer is well-known doesn't mean that they're fit for 
every role.

Please provide examples of bullying and slander towards the applicant 
during the TU process. Addressing each instance would be helpful in 
dissecting the issue. As a recent TU addition, I felt that my 
"inquisitors" treated me quite well during the process.

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Re: [aur-general] rfc: pkgbuild for prospect releng-tool

2019-03-05 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general

On 2019-03-05 23:53, Brett Cornwall wrote:


I don't see this license in the project. It needs to be in the 
project, and if it is indeed BSD licensed you need to copy the license 
to "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/" [1]

Oops... I suck at computers and managed to end up in the 
releng-tool-examples repo. I should go to bed. So I see that the license 
is indeed in upstream and you've included it in the package. Derp.


I see that you're the maintainer of upstream; Why not create a release 
on Github and then download the tarball here? Typically, pulling 
sources via git is for '-git' packages.

You should use the release tarball instead of relying on git then, which 
would be another dependency in this package.


Having a tarball release will mean that you can have checksum 
verification as well.

^Still applies.

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Re: [aur-general] rfc: pkgbuild for prospect releng-tool

2019-03-05 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general

On 2019-03-06 01:24, James Knight via aur-general wrote:

Hello -- new user to AUR and hoping if anyone is willing to review a
PKGBUILD [1] definition for me. I have been reading PKGBUILD [2] and
"AUR - Submitting packages" [3] documents, which the latter document
suggests to "... submit the PKGBUILD to the AUR mailing list ... for
public review before adding it to the AUR".

Hello, and welcome!

Great job doing your research. You've already gone above and beyond with 
the above.


I don't see any releases on the upstream github. Where'd you get this 

pkgdesc='tool to assist in the release engineering of a project'

Capitalize the T!


I don't see this license in the project. It needs to be in the project, 
and if it is indeed BSD licensed you need to copy the license to 
"$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/" [1]


You're using python-setuptools, so you'll want to set that in 
makedepends instead of python.


I see that you're the maintainer of upstream; Why not create a release 
on Github and then download the tarball here? Typically, pulling sources 
via git is for '-git' packages.


Having a tarball release will mean that you can have checksum 
verification as well.


package() {

The depends() should just go to the top alongside makedepends for this 
package. You probably saw this in the examples for the python packaging 
standards, but this is typically used for a 'split package', i.e. using 
one PKGBUILD to build versions for both python2 and python3. Since 
you're only building for python 3 depends() should go to the top.

 cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
 python install --root="$pkgdir" --optimize=1

Go ahead and add a --skip-build here since you already built earlier.


 install -dm 755 "$pkgdir/usr/share/bash-completion/completions"
 install -m644 scripts/releng-tool-completion 

No need to create the directory beforehand; This can be shortened into:

   install -Dm644 scripts/releng-tool-completion 

Check out the 'namcap' package in [extra] if you haven't already. It's 
certainly a fallible tool but it can help with maintenance quality.

Also, check out the Python packaging guidelines:


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Re: [aur-general] Trusted user application: Drew DeVault

2019-02-26 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general

On 2019-02-27 02:09, alad via aur-general wrote:

Considering some recent issues regarding team behavior [1] in Arch, I'm
going to have to ask on some of your previous interactions with the
community, and open-source in general. I had two examples in particular,
the MineTest community [2], and interaction with other Arch users on
ArchWiki [3].


By definition, a TU has to interact with users of community packages
(bug reports, emails, coordination with the rest of the Arch team, ...),
and users of the AUR in general (AUR requests, peace-keeping,
interactions with previous maintainers when promoting packages, ...).
This means that if aggressive behavior such as the above is part of some
general theme, there is a clear problematic.

Note that this is _not_ meant as a witch-hunt of any sort - nor do I
have any kind of personal involvement here. I do however value healthy
communication in the Arch community, and believe any TU candidate should
value it as well.

I would also chip in with the following from early 2017:

(I am also not in any sort of witch hunt, just thought this would be relevant.)

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Re: [aur-general] Trusted user application: Drew DeVault

2019-02-24 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general

On 2019-02-24 18:24, Drew DeVault via aur-general wrote:

Hiya! Jerome convinced me to finally apply for TU, and Sven-Hendrik
agreed to co-sponsor my application (both Cc'd).

I must jokingly admit that my first instinct is to vote against your 
application so that you'd spend more time on wlroots and Sway. You're 
not allowed to work on anything else, slave!

I maintain the following AUR packages:

Here's a PKGBUILD review:

## In general
* Prefer sha256sums over sha1sums and md5sums [1]
* "$srcdir" can often be omitted as the PKGBUILD functions all begin in 
"$srcdir" already - this will make PKGBUILDs much more readable
* MIT-licensed packages are not installing their licenses. [2]
* i386/i686 architectures should be removed.
* update python-distribute makedeps to python-setuptools
* source= lines should save sources to a "$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz" file, e.g.


## knightos-sdk
Python distutil packages should be built and packaged separately [3]:

   build() {
   python build

   package() {
   python install --root="$pkgdir/" --optimize=1 --skip-build

## madonctl
* I'm never fond of overly abstracting random things in $_variables 
unless it serves a purpose. This is more style/opinion, though.

## python-activipy-git
* No need to include the GPL3 text, it's one of the included licenses in arch.
* Quote your variables!
* makedepends should include python-setuptools
* source and url have https, so use it!
* I'm seeing an apache license in the repo as well as gpl3

## python-flask-markdown, python-haxor
* source has https, so use it!

## python-pystache
* see madonctl.
* `|| exit 1` is useless here.
* URL should use https

## python-spam-blocklists
* fill that depends() list, I'm sure it needs something.

## vgo-git
What's with these custom functions? Why not just put this stuff in 
prepare() like the packaging guidelines? [4]


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[aur-general] Policing AUR content (Was: Handling coincidental name collisions)

2019-02-09 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general

On 2019-02-09 14:49, Xyne wrote:

On 2019-02-09 14:36 +0100
alad via aur-general wrote:

The "original" lsf looks like a joke/troll package to me, rather than
"trivial". I'd have deleted it even without community duplicate.


To me it just looks like the package of someone discovering bash programming
with ANSI escape codes and wanting to share. The fact that it's on github with
a and a preview is an argument against it being a joke/troll.

Agreed. This is pretty clearly not a troll package. It's an easy-to-run 
script that could easily be featured in one of those 'Top 5 things the 
Linux terminal can do' articles.

The discussion is important because we need to have a general consensus on
deletion criteria. Rogue TUs can't be allowed to roam the AUR deleting whatever
they personally don't find useful on a given day.

"All art is quite useless." -Oscar Wilde

I'd propose that malicious/spam packages get deleted in this manner, and 
nothing else. We can't police what people want to do with their 
installation. Scripts like this may be trivial but they're bound to give 
enough people joy. Occasionally I zen out to asciiquarium (admittedly a 
much more involved program but no more useful than lsd) every now and 

The point is, it was a legitimate program and should be welcomed in the 
AUR like any other (with the naming conflicts resolved).

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Re: [aur-general] Spam comments on lltag

2019-01-19 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general

On 2019-01-19 20:40, Cedric Girard wrote:

The user williamdthomas [1] is making spam comments on lltag page [2].

Thanks for the report. Comments are deleted and accounts suspended.

Re: [aur-general] [PATCH][tu-bylaws]: raise threshold of sponsors to two

2019-01-09 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general

I apologize for contributing to this sturm und drang.

On 2019-01-08 12:33, Eli Schwartz via aur-general wrote:

Rules without a process to ensure they actually achieve a useful result
don't do the thing they are intended to do. I guess if people are
dissatisfied with the application process, then a moratorium might be
considered a valid alternative, but I think most will agree it is not a
*good* alternative.

Historically, reviews happen by a maximum of one person, and it's
almost always either me or Levente. And I'm no longer interested in the
pressure. Now we're getting recent cases where no one reviews at all,
or someone does but only on the last day of the discussion period.

Bottom line is that perceptions of inefficiencies in the application
process can only be solved by changing the people doing the voting.

I agree. I will help share the load and hope the wider TU community 
will join.

The original sponsors should have done this and more in the first place.
I don't want to vote for a candidate simply because I cannot find any
compelling objections -- I want to vote for a candidate because s/he and
sponsor(s) gave me a passionate reason to believe in them.

I would like to highlight dvzrv for being very effective - well before 
my application he was helping improve my PKGBUILDs, during my 
application he helped me prep, and even after my acceptance he has 
continued to give great feedback.

Re: [aur-general] TU application: a-wing

2018-12-24 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general

On December 25, 2018 12:50:41 AM MST, Metal A-wing <> wrote:
>I want to push `ruby-rails` and `ruby-*` packages to the official repo

Who is your sponsor? Can you tell us more about why you should be a TU?

Re: [aur-general] TU Membership Application

2018-11-16 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general

On 11/16/18 08:11pm, David Runge wrote:

The results are in (the vote ended nearly an hour ago)!

Thank you all.

To those that voted 'No': Feel free to send me a message with your 
feedback. Your concerns would be a valuable asset for me to keep in 

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Re: [aur-general] TU Membership Application

2018-11-07 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general

On 11/07/18 09:28pm, Santiago Torres-Arias wrote:

Hello Brett.

I took some time to randomly sample your PKGBUILDs and give some

- ags:
   - it appears that you use sed to change CFLAGS in the makefile
 definition, although it appears that the Makefile itself lets you
 overwrite them. I'd advice trying to use native tooling as
 possible, and to try to get familiar with the toolchain of each
 package as much as possible.

I will admit that I didn't think to go through those lines when I 
inherited it. You're totally right, there's no reason to do it that way.

   - The optdepends description on wine is a bit confusing in my

I removed it. There's little reason to have it there anyway. The 
optdepends isn't a good place to inform people about that anyway.

   - I marked the package as out-of-date, as there appears to be a new
 version ( as of almost two months ago.

Long story short, that was pretty much exactly during the time when I 
accidentally clobbered my urlwatch file. Thanks for bringing that up to 

   - I noticed that you didn't add a LICENSE file for this package.

Artistic2.0 is a uncommonly used common license! 

- hib-dlagent:
   - I see that you backported a patch on this and ags. I was rather
 surprised to see that neither patches were added to new
 tags/releases. You could, however, cherry pick the commits rather
 than depending on the github api (which can change) to compute the
 diff for you. For this, you could use the git transport on

That would bring another dependency on git, though. I can surely do if 
if it's more 'correct' but I wouldn't imagine that Github would change 
that API anytime soon.

Or would it be better to just carry the patch locally in the repo?

   - I noticed that you didn't add a LICENSE file for this package.

Yikes, the project doesn't even have a license! I should have checked 
that when I inherited it (the packager just slapped a GPL2 on it). 
Really, I had just uploaded it so it wouldn't have been lost after the 
AUR 4 migration.

I'll bug upstream about it.

- gam-git:
   - I'm not sure if this would work when built in a chroot due to
 those touch calls.
   - After reviewing the package I doubt this doesn't need a build()
 step. Otherwise I'd label this package a -bin. This is something
 that we should take special consideration of, since we could be
 unwittingly be introducing binaries that aren't hardened when
 (I could be wrong on this one, since it for some reason vendors
 many well-known packages inside of it. Good job for not pulling it
 those vendored deps :D)
   - I'm confused as to why needs to be put inside
 /usr/share/gam and add a .sh entrypoint for it in /usr/bin. The
 file seems to have a shebang and be executable...
   - I see that here you *also* are providing a patch. I also could
 find that you submitted an issue upstream for said patch (but not
 the patch itself)[1]. I like your initiative! Do try to keep the
 number of backported patches to a minimum to keep things
   - I noticed that you didn't add a LICENSE file for this package.

Of all the packages you had to click on that one. :(

I know it doesn't really excuse it but gam is sort of a "WIP" because 
it's... oddly written. I've been meaning to set aside some time to get 
some patches in to make it more palatable for packaging. The patch is a 
complete hack right now just to make the package "work" (when I 
inherited it it was FUBAR).

I will probably send more feedback, but I also don't want to overwhelm
you with this and all the other reviews around.

I really appreciate the feedback! It always sucks when so many little 
things become so glaring after the fact but 

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Re: [aur-general] TU Membership Application

2018-11-07 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general

On 11/05/18 07:48pm, Levente Polyak via aur-general wrote:


I've had two AUR requests queued up for some time now; deleting this 
package is one of them.

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Re: [aur-general] TU Membership Application

2018-11-07 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general

On 11/05/18 07:48pm, Levente Polyak via aur-general wrote:

some small questions and hints first:

I'm nearly done with following your excellent suggestions but I have 
responses and questions.

It looks like several packages have different issues preventing to build
in clean chrooted environments properly. Did you take a look at the
devtools package and building packages in clean chroots so far?

I must sheepishly apologize. These new tools simplify everything.

What software/tool do you using to track all the new ustream releases?

urlwatch on a daily timer.

You still seem to use `mksrcinfo` for generating SRCINFO files, it was
deprecated in favor of native `makepkg --printsrcinfo` you may want to
use that in the future.

Thank you, switched!

I have noticed that mostly all git packages lack sufficient
provides/conflicts on the basic non-git name schema and/or makedepends
on git itself, would be nice to keep in mind

A silly oversight that will be enforced now that I'm learned in the 
ways of proper tooling.

Also i notices there are multiple packages that store a tarball in the
AUR source repo that contain things like icons, please don't miss-use
the AUR as a storage for tarball artifacts.

I should have known better and - at the very least - removed them before 
submitting my application. I've taken care of nearly all of them and 
have bowed my head in shame.

- don't think pkgdesc should ever end with a dot

The descriptions are often sentences, so would it not reason to end them 
with a period?

- not a big fan of fiddling with PKGEXT even if its "just the AUR" but 

For a package destined for the repositories I would not fiddle and 
endeavor to reverse such fiddling; however, the compression time for 
large games is enormous only to decompress right after. Should it, for 
the sake of correct-ness, be reversed even for the packages doomed 
forever to live in the AUR?

- is there a reason to have interception- prefix? imo ctrl2esc-git would
 be the better naming here plus provides/conflicts on ctrl2esc

I normally agree (and I originally had it named that way), however...

- This is an 'interception tools' plugin... not reason enough to have the 
package name change, but..
- caps2esc is an older X program, so interception's variant had to be 
named 'interception-caps2esc'. Naming this 'interception-ctrl2esc' 
follows the pattern for consistency/less confusion.

With that said, should it still be named ctrl2esc?

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Re: [aur-general] TU Membership Application

2018-11-06 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general

On 11/05/18 07:48pm, Levente Polyak via aur-general wrote:

Hi Brett,

some small questions and hints first:

Thank you for such a thorough vetting, Levente!

I'm fixing these ASAP.

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Re: [aur-general] About bullying in our community (Was: TU Application)

2018-10-30 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general

On 10/30/18 02:51pm, Ethan Rakoff wrote:
Remember that as technical people working on a project that spans the 
world, we communicate almost exclusively through text, and it can be 
easy to misinterpret the tone of someone else. We should all make an 
effort to remember this in writing and in reading.

Never attribute to malice that which can be attributed to ignorance or 

This went beyond a simple misunderstanding in medium. It's dripping with 

I understand - and actually prefer - truth and correctness when 
soliciting help from others. Blunt is fine: It's quick and to-the-point. 
I am not fond of overly-inclusive communities that effectively censor 
criticism because it might hurt feelings.


I spent so long formally submitting my application after the initial 
mix-up because I wasn't sure I wanted to get reamed in a similar manner 
- "Does everyone react this way?", I thought. I had urges to speak out 
but I was afraid that this was just 'how it is'. When things went off 
the rails I considered withdrawing.

Perhaps I won't make TU status but it might be of value to this 
community to know that this made an applicant think twice about joining.

I do appreciate Eli apologizing on the other thread. I can relate to the 
anger stemming from caring too much - I sometimes have to walk away from 
my keyboard for the same reason.

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Re: [aur-general] TU Membership Application

2018-10-26 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general

On 10/26/18 08:44pm, Levente Polyak via aur-general wrote:

can you please fix this and make your gpg key available somewhere?

I've pushed 0F8E620A up.

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Re: [aur-general] TU Membership Application

2018-10-25 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general

On 10/25/18 10:22pm, Jelle van der Waa wrote:

What kind of tasks/roles do you handle for LibreOffice in the infrastructure 

I've been working with the team for a few years now. I'd say the 
majority of my work would be converting the legacy, manually-configured 
environments to Saltstack states and de-dockerizing some stuff. I've 
also been helping out with overhauling monitoring/alerting since it was 
previously not functioning very well.

A good overview can be seen in our monthly meeting minutes:

Our git repos are private, unfortunately - more of a precaution than 
damning us for bad security practices. :)

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[aur-general] TU Membership Application

2018-10-25 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general

I am being sponsored by dvzrv.

I've been working in the AUR since 2014 as 'Ainola'. I've had a few of 
my packages adopted into [community], such as gnome-mpv, csound, and 
qutecsound (the latter two being adopted by dvzrv).

I am also an active contributor to the LibreOffice infrastructure team.

I would like to get valuable tools promoted into [community], such as 
residualvm or the 'pass' plasmoid (after prodding upstream to have a 
formal release). Other packages that I do not maintain in the AUR would 
be ripe for picking as well, such as sc-controller or ttf-lato. I would 
also work with dvzrv on maintaining pro-audio packages, many of which 
were abandoned when SpepS left.

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Re: [aur-general] Greetings and Documentation Proposals

2018-10-08 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general

On 10/09/18 01:09am, David Runge wrote:

On 2018-10-07 20:06:47 (+0200), David Runge wrote:

I hereby ACK my sponsorship!

Let the discussion begin :-)

As there has been quite a misunderstanding on my side, regarding when
and how Brett wanted to apply to become a TU, please disregard my last
e-mail. (I should stop replying to mails on my phone, when only

In case he does apply in the future though, I'd be happy to be the

I can happily apply right now :)

As I said earlier in the thread, I'm interested in raising the general 
availability of packages for the average Archer. I'm also interested in 
helping David out with some of the pro audio packages - there are a lot 
of them! My first migration over to arch was slowed because the tools 
that I wanted (namely csound) was non-functional (Speps had started to 
disappear at that time, IIRC). It's great to see csound (and by 
extension, qutecsound) availability into [community]!

Vote for me and we can make the world a better place [1].


(Did I do it right?)

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[aur-general] Greetings and Documentation Proposals

2018-10-07 Thread Brett Cornwall via aur-general
Hello, fellow Archers. My name is Brett and I've been making PKGBUILDs 
for the AUR for some time under the moniker 'Ainola'. A number of these 
packages have been kindly pulled into [community] by David Runge. I've 
since had a desire to get some of my other packages into [community], so 
I'm interested in working towards getting TU status. I'm also involved 
in the LibreOffice community (I just got back from the conference in 

David has been kind enough to give suggestions to my current packages; 
I'd love to nab some other packages throughout the AUR, improve them, 
and get them included in the repositories for mass consumption.

I would also like to improve the documentation for the devtools: There 
are no manpages, /usr/share/docs/ items, or wiki articles. Unless I'm 
mistaken it appears that the only documentation that currently exists is 
just invoking the program with -h. I'd like to fix that. :)