[AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Priestly Handwriting...

2010-04-20 Thread JR
I don't know where you could find such a list, if at all. However, if
anyone in your family was in the records of Azores, before or many
years after 1900, any reference to a professional or person of rank,
of any kind, would automatically be noted in the church records, along
with their names. The only way you will ever know the parentage of
people with parents or father unknown, is if later someone comes
forward and makes such a declaration. In such case, the priest would
make a notation on the margin of the record. Suffice to say, though I
am sure you would rather have your complete ancestry, almost all
people from the Azores are interrelated. The same holds true of
Madeira and Mainland Portugal, though there are more exceptions in the
mainland because of foreign influence.


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[AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Priestly Handwriting...

2010-04-20 Thread mnk
I made some changes directly below for you. I did not add any to the
end of the document, because the last few sentences are a formality
and nearly always the same in many baptismal records.
Sorry I do not how to type in diacritical marks.
Maria Natalia

 In the CCA baptismal records for Urzelina I came across the following
 record I believe to be Manuel  (because the birth date matches and he
 was from S. Jorge):

 Urzelina, Baptismos 1871-1879  Livro1  sjg.ve.ur.b- Livro 

 I have transcribed as follows (using the original 19th C. orthography)
 what I could make out (and I read Portuguese fine, so the meaning
 isn't a problem, just the handwriting), but try as hard as I can to
 decipher it, some of the text remains inscrutable to me (i.e.,
 wherever I have question marks):

 No. 1   Manoel

 Aos veinte oito dias do mes de Janeiro do anno de
 mil oito centos setenta e quatro n’esta Igreja
 Parochial de São Mattheus da Urzelina, Con-
 celho da Villa das Velas, Diocese d’Angra , puz os Sanctos Olios n'um 
 individuo de sexo masculino,
 a quem dei o nome de Manoel, e que foi bapti-
 zado em caza, por perigo de vida, por Maria Thereza
 viuva, moradora d’esta freguezia, filho natural de
 digo, e nasceu n’esta freguezia as seis horas da
 tarde do dia veinte seis do referido mes e anno,
 filho natural de Ignacia Augusta Januaria,
 solteira, fiadeira, natural d’esta freguezia onde
 é parochiana, moradora no Caminho de [Cima],
 neto paterno de avós [sic? why not avôs?] occultos, e materno de
  João Botelho, e de Francisca Ignacia.  Foi padrinho Au-
 gusto de Medeiros, solteiro, trabalhador, natural da
 freguezia de Santa Cruz, Concelho da Lagôa
 na Ilha de São Miguel, Diocese supra referido,
 morador nesta freguezia de São Mattheus, e madrinha a invocacao da Nossa 
 Senhora das Dores
 com cuja corôa tocou cabeça do baptizado José
 Antonio da Silveira Barcellos,viuvo, theizoureiro( sp?)(treasurer)
  d’esta freguezia, os quais todos sei ???
 os proprios ??? em duplicado
 este ???, que depois de [dez?] dias ? referido
  e padrinho comigo e não ?
        O Conego Vigario Antonio [Nunes?] de ???

 In addition, the reference to the padrinho from S. Miguel, Augusto the
 laborer, makes me wonder whether he was in fact the natural father.
 There's apparently no madrinha; would this have been unusual, naming a
 padrinho without a madrinha?  I believe it was Pat Amaral who told me
 years ago that the biological father, if of some social stature, was
 often the padrinho, even when the father might be listed as pai
 incognito...  Have others of you found that to be true?

 I'm fully prepared to accept that Eduardo da Silva and Jorge da
 Silva, the judge and the lawyer, may simply be family history
 fictions created to soften the illegitimate births of Manuel and Luiza
 and raise their perceived status.  Being the first known lawyer in my
 family, though, I confess part of me hopes one or both of them was a
 judge or lawyer, a kindred spirit across the years...  But is anyone
 aware of how one could find out the names of all judges and lawyers on
 S. Jorge during, say, the 1870's?  If I could find such a resource, I
 ought to be able to locate any Eduardo da Silva and Jorge da Silva, if
 they actually existed...  I'm thinking of contacting the Ordem de
 Advogados in Ponta Delgada to see if they have records back that far
 for all of the islands, but thought I'd check here first rather than
 reinvent the wheel.

 Finally, if anyone has come across an Ignacia Smitz (possibly moved to
 California) or a Bento and Isabel d'Oliveira in their research, please
 let me know; it is an enduring mystery in our family as to what ever
 happened to my avô's two avós.

 Any assistance anyone can offer in deciphering the missing text (or in
 correcting my transcription), or with the other questions, would be
 ***greatly*** appreciated!

 Com os melhores cumprimentos.

 David da Silva Cornell
 Miami Beach, FL

 ps -- Other lines of interest to me, in this case my maternal
 grandmother's lines:  Macedo and Silveira Cardoso from Lajes do Pico,
 Pico (became Enos in the U.S. and Chile); Terra from Faial (became
 Hurd in R.I.); and Freitas, Coelho, and Lourenço from Flores.

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