Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] Problems to add Batman-adv in wlan0 Nanostation M5

2012-07-31 Thread gtolon

Hi Esteban,

I don't see in the link that you pasted that they use opkg. I think they 
compile batman-adv before installing the image to the router, right?. 
Maybe this thread could be useful to you:

After installing batman-adv you can use the file /etc/config/batman to 
configure it.



El 31/07/2012 01:41 p.m., Esteban Municio escribió:

Hi all

I`m working on a academic develop project for improve the networks in
rural areas in Peru. We are doing some test with 6 Nanostation M5 for
create a mesh network.

I tried Commotion software with OLSR and all was Ok. Now, we are
testing BATMAN, with OpenWRT and batman-adv module, but I have some

I have compiled OpenWrt Backfire r32751 (Load: 0.09 0.10 0.05) and
installed batman-adv with opkg following this

When I put:
lsmod | grep batman
I get
batman_adv 67936  0

and seems to be load in the kernel

But when I try to add the interface wlan0 for activate batman in it,
the Nanostation remains locked and i need to reboot.
I have tried this with:

echo bat0  /sys/class/net/wlan0/batman_adv/mesh_iface


batctl if add wlan0

with the same bad result.
What am i doing wrong?

That are my configuration files:

root@OpenWrt:~# cat /etc/config/network
config interface loopback
option ifname   lo
option protostatic
option ipaddr
option netmask

config interface lan
option ifname   eth0
option type bridge
option protostatic
option ipaddr
option netmask

#config interface wan
#   option ifname   eth1
#   option protodhcp

config interface wan
option ifname   eth1
option protostatic
option ipaddr   my ip public for internet access
option netmask
option gateway  my ip public gateway
option dns

root@OpenWrt:~# cat /etc/config/wireless

config 'wifi-device' 'radio0'
option 'type' 'mac80211'
option 'macaddr' '00:27:22:52:71:a7'
option 'hwmode' '11na'
option 'htmode' 'HT20'
list 'ht_capab' 'SHORT-GI-40'
list 'ht_capab' 'TX-STBC'
list 'ht_capab' 'RX-STBC1'
list 'ht_capab' 'DSSS_CCK-40'
option 'channel' '161'
option 'txpower' '0'
option 'country' 'US'

config 'wifi-iface'
option 'device' 'radio0'
option 'network' 'lan'
option 'ssid' 'OpenWrt'
option 'encryption' 'none'
option 'mode' 'adhoc'
option 'bssid' '00:27:22:52:71:A7'

root@OpenWrt:~# iwconfig
lono wireless extensions.

eth0  no wireless extensions.

eth1  no wireless extensions.

br-lanno wireless extensions.

wlan0 IEEE 802.11an  ESSID:OpenWrt
   Mode:Ad-Hoc  Frequency:5.805 GHz  Cell: 00:27:22:52:71:A7
   Tx-Power=3 dBm
   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
   Encryption key:off
   Power Management:on

root@OpenWrt:~# ifconfig
br-lanLink encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:27:22:53:71:A7
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   RX packets:9489 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:9584 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
   RX bytes:989861 (966.6 KiB)  TX bytes:3510637 (3.3 MiB)

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:27:22:53:71:A7
   RX packets:9511 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:9597 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
   RX bytes:1124441 (1.0 MiB)  TX bytes:3512820 (3.3 MiB)

eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:27:22:53:71:A8
   inet addr:my ip public  Bcast:my ip broadcast broadcast
   RX packets:13086 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:4552 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
   RX bytes:4041054 (3.8 MiB)  TX bytes:797392 (778.7 KiB)

loLink encap:Local Loopback
   inet addr:  Mask:
   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
   RX packets:16 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:16 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
   RX bytes:1556 (1.5 KiB)  TX bytes:1556 (1.5 KiB)

wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:27:22:52:71:A7

Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] link alternation when radios are not on batman-adv router?

2012-07-17 Thread gtolon

Hi Guido,

In both configurations described, there's one router running batman and 
the other connected via ethernet which is not. The function of the 
latter is just to forward batman packets between ethernet and wifi. That 
way the batman routers see alternative paths to their neighbours through 
their ethernet interfaces.

For this to work, however, it's necessary to do something in the router 
which doesn't run batman, because a normal ad hoc interface using 2 MAC 
addresses doesn't work in a bridged configuration. That's why Simon 
suggested the 4-addr mode in ad hoc, but unfortunately, we found that 
with ath9k it's not possible to use that mode. So we began with the 
configuration 1) where we didn't use ad hoc, but instead we tried with 
ap and sta using wds (a mode with 4-address for access points and 
stations). As mentioned previously, the problem with this configuration 
was that as we were using both ap and sta bridged in the same non-batman 
forwarding router (to achieve alternative paths between all nodes), the 
batman broadcast packets were being forwarded directly.

That's where we tried with ebtables + ad hoc (config 2). This way using 
ebtables and the cloned MACs we don't need 4-addr mode, and the batman 
routers see the alternative paths through their ethernet interfaces. But 
for this to work, the batman routers need to use ebtables also, not just 
the forwarding routers, because we change the dst MACs in both the 
forwarding and the batman routers. And for using ebtables in a router 
running batman, we had to add eth0 to a bridge, and then add the bridge 
to bat0, that's what i was saying with that sentence. Look at this thread:

By the way, we're using batman-adv 2012.0.0

Anyway, all this was just to achieve link alternation using two routers 
with 1 radio each. With 2 radios it would be much better i guess. Please 
tell me if something is still unclear.

Best regards


El 14/07/2012 06:35 p.m., Guido Iribarren escribió:

Ah, i missed this sentence
In the normal configuration with batman managing eth0 it doesn't work.
why? How was the setup? Which batman version?
I came across something like this (reported in a previous thread) but
so far i haven't had spare time to reproduce it again to debug it.

On 7/14/12, Guido Iribarren wrote:

You can try taking eth0 out of the bridge and adding it to bat0
that way you wouldn't need to mess with ebtables?
As there would be no bridged interfaces, batman would be the only one
forwarding packets between eth0 and wlan0. With hop penalty.

On 7/13/12, wrote:


We've been trying two different configurations to use link alternation
with two routers conected via ethernet. In both cases in each pair of
routers one runs batman and the other only forwards traffic between
ethernet and wifi, as Simon suggested:

1) First in the forwarding routers we configured an AP and a station,
both using wds. The idea was to form a chain of pairs of routers, where
each forwarding router were connected to the previous and the next
forwarder using those sta and AP interfaces, as can be seen in
conf_1.png. Unfortunately we found that with this configuration the
broadcast batman packets were forwarded through all the chain without
any batman processing. For example, Batman 1 sends an Originator which
goes out through its ad hoc interface, and also through ethernet, then
Forward 1 sends it through its sta to Forward 2. In Forward 2 the sta,
ap and ethernet interfaces are bridged, so the Originator goes to Batman
2 via ethernet (that's ok) but also goes directly to Forward 3 without
the hop penalty applied. As a result Batman 3 sees the ethernet
interface of Batman 1 as a direct neighbour with a good quality. In a
longer chain the result would be the same.

2) A solution to the first configuration could be use some ebtables
rules, but using ebtables we directly tried with normal ad hoc
interfaces. So we used the configuration seen in conf_2.png. We cloned
the MACs of the Batman ethernet interfaces to the ad hoc interfaces.
That way the packets destined by Batman to the ethernet interfaces of
their neighbours enter through the wireless interfaces because they have
the same MAC. Once inside the Forwarding routers we use this rule:

   ebtables -t broute -A BROUTING -i wlan0 -d MAC1 -j dnat --to-dst
MACX --dnat-target ACCEPT

So changing the dst MAC the packets are forwarded through ethernet. In
the BATMAN routers we used this rule to change again the dst MAC:

   ebtables -t broute -A BROUTING -i eth0 -d MACX -j dnat --to-dst
MAC1 --dnat-target ACCEPT

For using ebtables with Batman we had to attach eth0 to a bridge, and
add that bridge to batman. In the normal configuration with batman
managing eth0 it doesn't work.
For the reverse path, packets entering to Forwarding routers from Batman
routers it wasn't 

Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] link alternation when radios are not on batman-adv router?

2012-07-13 Thread gtolon


We've been trying two different configurations to use link alternation 
with two routers conected via ethernet. In both cases in each pair of 
routers one runs batman and the other only forwards traffic between 
ethernet and wifi, as Simon suggested:

1) First in the forwarding routers we configured an AP and a station, 
both using wds. The idea was to form a chain of pairs of routers, where 
each forwarding router were connected to the previous and the next 
forwarder using those sta and AP interfaces, as can be seen in 
conf_1.png. Unfortunately we found that with this configuration the 
broadcast batman packets were forwarded through all the chain without 
any batman processing. For example, Batman 1 sends an Originator which 
goes out through its ad hoc interface, and also through ethernet, then 
Forward 1 sends it through its sta to Forward 2. In Forward 2 the sta, 
ap and ethernet interfaces are bridged, so the Originator goes to Batman 
2 via ethernet (that's ok) but also goes directly to Forward 3 without 
the hop penalty applied. As a result Batman 3 sees the ethernet 
interface of Batman 1 as a direct neighbour with a good quality. In a 
longer chain the result would be the same.

2) A solution to the first configuration could be use some ebtables 
rules, but using ebtables we directly tried with normal ad hoc 
interfaces. So we used the configuration seen in conf_2.png. We cloned 
the MACs of the Batman ethernet interfaces to the ad hoc interfaces. 
That way the packets destined by Batman to the ethernet interfaces of 
their neighbours enter through the wireless interfaces because they have 
the same MAC. Once inside the Forwarding routers we use this rule:

 ebtables -t broute -A BROUTING -i wlan0 -d MAC1 -j dnat --to-dst 
MACX --dnat-target ACCEPT

So changing the dst MAC the packets are forwarded through ethernet. In 
the BATMAN routers we used this rule to change again the dst MAC:

 ebtables -t broute -A BROUTING -i eth0 -d MACX -j dnat --to-dst 
MAC1 --dnat-target ACCEPT

For using ebtables with Batman we had to attach eth0 to a bridge, and 
add that bridge to batman. In the normal configuration with batman 
managing eth0 it doesn't work.
For the reverse path, packets entering to Forwarding routers from Batman 
routers it wasn't necessary to use any rule, we just saw many warnings 
advicing that packets with own address as source address were received.

We had read in openwrt forum that ebtables could cause performance 
issues on routers, but we didn't notice a great difference in the tests 
we've made with iperf up to now.

The problem that we are facing now is the impossibility of increasing 
the MTU of ethernet interfaces in the routers. We saw this patch:

and thought that maybe we could increase a bit more the MTU, but we 
couldn't. So the other possibility is to decrease all the other 
interfaces MTU to 1470 and let the ethernet to 1500 right? We guess that 
could cause IP fragmentation in some cases.

I hope my explanations are understandable.

Best regards!


El 18/06/2012 03:46 p.m., escribió:

Hi Simon, thanks for your reply!

El 15/06/2012 06:55 a.m., Simon Wunderlich escribió:

On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 04:51:01PM -0300, wrote:


 we are interested too in interface alternating, so we made some
tests to understand how it works. As you can see on the attached
sketch.png, we connected two pair of routers using their ethernet
interfaces, E6 with E7, and E8 with E9. All of them have eth0, and
an ad hoc interface, wlan0-1, managed by batman. E6 and E8 are in
channel 11, whereas E7 and E9 are in channel 1. Besides we used two
other routers, E12 and E13, both in channel 11, with their tx power
set to just 0 dbm, to avoid a direct sight between them.

 Then we sent traffic from E12 to E13. We expected that packets
travelled from E12 to E6, and that E6 forwarded them to his eth0 to
use the interface alternating feature, making traffic flow to E7,
then E9, E8 and finally E13. But instead, we observed that the
actual path was E12--E6--E8--E13. The resulting routes for each
router are attached in a text file, and also the graph from the
batctl vd dot command.

 After this result, we read again the thread mentioned by Guido,
specially in this part: 

And if we understand correctly, the alternation feature works
after the batman path has been selected. So in our case, E12 looks
at his table to know where to send a packet to E13, and finds E6.
Then E6 receives the packet and looks in his own table, finding that
the best path to reach E13 is E8. At this point, the alternating
should work, but there's only one interface directly connected to
E8, so the packet goes there, and so on. We think that if E6 and E7
were not two different routers running batman-adv but they were 

Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] newbie error or repo misconfig?

2012-07-10 Thread gtolon


This page explains how to compile it together with Openwrt:

I hope it's useful for you.

On the other hand, i think that once i installed batman-adv after  
installing openwrt. I compiled the batman package using menuconfig  
(after installing the feeds as described in the page), searched for  
the corresponding ipkg package on /bin/ar.../packages and then copied  
the ipkg to the router to install it.



Tony Godshall escribió:

root@OpenWrt:~# opkg install kmod-batman-adv
Installing kmod-batman-adv (3.3.8+2012.2.0-2) to root...

Collected errors:
 * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies
for kmod-batman-adv:
 *  kernel (= 3.3.8-1-65fa3307447a560c3a618c4d54bfa4dc) *   kernel
(= 3.3.8-1-65fa3307447a560c3a618c4d54bfa4dc) *
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package kmod-batman-adv.

This is my foray into batman-adv land, with a freshly flashed
TL-WR703n that has been configured and tested functional as a wifi
access point

Can the list direct me to-
1. do I need to set up toolchain and build batman-adv myself against
this kernel?
2. do I need to set up toolchain and build my own kernel?
3. can I instead point configure for some other repository

I've perused the batman-advanced documentation wiki but the documents
there seem to kind of skip over this bit

Best Regards.

Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] link alternation when radios are not on batman-adv router?

2012-06-18 Thread gtolon

Hi Simon, thanks for your reply!

El 15/06/2012 06:55 a.m., Simon Wunderlich escribió:

On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 04:51:01PM -0300, wrote:


 we are interested too in interface alternating, so we made some
tests to understand how it works. As you can see on the attached
sketch.png, we connected two pair of routers using their ethernet
interfaces, E6 with E7, and E8 with E9. All of them have eth0, and
an ad hoc interface, wlan0-1, managed by batman. E6 and E8 are in
channel 11, whereas E7 and E9 are in channel 1. Besides we used two
other routers, E12 and E13, both in channel 11, with their tx power
set to just 0 dbm, to avoid a direct sight between them.

 Then we sent traffic from E12 to E13. We expected that packets
travelled from E12 to E6, and that E6 forwarded them to his eth0 to
use the interface alternating feature, making traffic flow to E7,
then E9, E8 and finally E13. But instead, we observed that the
actual path was E12--E6--E8--E13. The resulting routes for each
router are attached in a text file, and also the graph from the
batctl vd dot command.

 After this result, we read again the thread mentioned by Guido,
specially in this part:

And if we understand correctly, the alternation feature works
after the batman path has been selected. So in our case, E12 looks
at his table to know where to send a packet to E13, and finds E6.
Then E6 receives the packet and looks in his own table, finding that
the best path to reach E13 is E8. At this point, the alternating
should work, but there's only one interface directly connected to
E8, so the packet goes there, and so on. We think that if E6 and E7
were not two different routers running batman-adv but they were two
radios of the same batman-adv router, and the same for E8 and E9,
the alternating would work, because the unique router would choose
the best path, and then would find two possible interfaces to the
same next-hop, changing the interface.

This is entirely correct - batman-adv has only one link to choose from
(E6 -  E8) to reach its best nexthop E8, so there is no way to
alternate the interfaces.

 We'd like to know if this interpretation is correct, and in that
case, if it were possible to use interface alternating in a case
like this, with two routers connected to work together. Thanks!

Mhm, with the current implementation - no, unfortunately not. We would
need some kind of multipath routing to select between routes, this is
much more complex.

Ok, i understand.

An alternative might be to use the routers E7/E9 as secondary routers
without batman, but only forwarding traffic between Ethernet and
WiFi. Then the primary routers (E6 -  E8) would think they have
an alternative route via Ethernet (because they don't see the
intermediate hops E7/E9). This comes with some caveats however, e.g.
4-addr mode in Ad-Hoc, you need some very simple ethernet forwarder,
and most probably other things I forgot.

We had tried with something like that using ap and sta modes in E7 and 
E9, and it hadn't worked. Thanks to your suggestion we noticed the 
necessity of the 4-address mode, so we are now trying with wds:

Unfortunately, we haven't found yet a way to use 4-address mode in ad 
hoc. Apparentrly, it's not possible:

Best Regards


Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] Traffic Control in batman-adv

2012-05-03 Thread gtolon

Guido and 3zl, thanks for the replies!

Regarding packet marking, i think it's a good idea, but when i tryed it 
i had some issues with the interaction between iptables/ebtables and the 
bridge, i'll read more about that.

I've heard about gargoyle, didn't know it was based on backfire. That 
active congestion check sounds great!

In this link there's an abstract about that assolo method, interesting:

Best regards


El 27/04/2012 07:34 p.m., 3zl Trizonelabs escribió:

measuring bandwidth we test with assolo packet in afrimesh repos
(builds ok with trunk)

maybe also have a look at

   TBF with netem discussed here


Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] Traffic Control in batman-adv

2012-04-27 Thread gtolon

That's a very good diagram!

Resuming the thread, Sven said that adding a qdisc to wlan0-1 makes no 
sense. I don't understand completely why, but i guess that once bat0 
manages wlan0-1, the latter can't work anymore at IP layer, right?

So i've done some tests with bat0. I realized that maybe when i had 
applied a SFQ qdisc to bat0, the bottleneck was still on wlan0-1, and 
for that reasons packets were dropped on wlan0-1. Then using a HTB qdisc 
i limited bat0 rate to a minor value than the wlan0-1 actual output 
rate, and added some classes inside with SFQ. This way i could see 
dropped packets at bat0 and SFQ working as expected (and no dropped 
packets at wlan0-1). However, for this configuration to work, the limit 
value rate for bat0 has to be smaller than the output rate of wlan0-1, 
but this value is not fixed in a wireless link. I don't know if it's 
possible to use another configuration in which it's not necessary to set 
a fixed limit value to allow bat0 to control the bottleneck.



El 26/04/2012 01:04 p.m., 3zl Trizonelabs escribió:

Hi Marek,
since WBM Athens, where i met you guys,i decided to prepare some stuff
and organize it on a collaborating site for batman-adv applications
Everybody is  welcome to join.
I'll add your email to the Mindmono Mindmap site to get some ideas how
to organize the site. ( would be nice)
Have a look at the mindmap

2012/4/26 Marek

On Thursday, April 26, 2012 22:49:24 3zl Trizonelabs wrote:

maybe pic this will help


that is a very good graphical explanation of the setup! Do you happen to have
more of those ? Maybe we should create a page talking about possible network
setups and include your stuff there ?


Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] Traffic Control in batman-adv

2012-04-26 Thread gtolon

Hi Sven, thanks for replying.

El 25/04/2012 05:51 p.m., Sven Eckelmann escribió:

On Wednesday 25 April 2012 17:27:03 wrote:


First thing: Don't reply to random messages when you actually want to start a
new topic.


We are doing some tests with Traffic Control (tc) in routers with
Openwrt running batman-adv, want to be able to share the bandwidth with
some degree of fairness between users, so we think that SFQ could help,
differentiating the flows depending on ip addresses and ports.

The problem is that when adding the SFQ qdisc to the wireless interface
managed by batman it doesn't work as expected. We tested the SFQ in
other configurations and it worked fine, in full queues, the dropped
packets affected the big flows, allowing the others to pass, but in the
interface managed by batman-adv when packets are dropped, the result
affects all flows almost equally. We thought this could be related with
the bridge we use to connect the batman with the non-batman interfaces,
but in a wireless Acces Point bridged to bat0 it also worked fine. Maybe
it's related with the way bat0 works with it's managed interface? We'd
appreciate any advices. Thanks in advance!

Why do you add the sfq qdisc to the wireless device instead to the bat0
device? It doesn't really makes sense to me.
I also tryed with bat0, but the packets continued to dropp on the 
wireless device, not in bat0, so i thought that the qdisc of bat0 was 
not being used. Anyway, i'll try again.

Also your statement about batman-adv bridged with non-batman-adv doesn't
work, but batman-adv bridged with non-batman-adv interface works statement
is slightly irritating. Please explain it a little bit more verbose to help us
understand what is the difference.

Sorry for the bad explanation,what i wanted to say is:

We have a bridge with bat0, eth0 and wlan0 attached. wlan0 is in ap 
mode. There's another wireless interface, wlan0-1 in ad-hoc mode, 
managed by bat0. When SFQ qdisc is applied to wlan0, it works as 
expected. When it's aplied to wlan0-1, it doesn't. In both cases there's 
a bridge involved, that´s what i was trying to point. I hope now it's 
more clear.

Best regards


[B.A.T.M.A.N.] Traffic Control in batman-adv

2012-04-25 Thread gtolon


We are doing some tests with Traffic Control (tc) in routers with 
Openwrt running batman-adv, want to be able to share the bandwidth with 
some degree of fairness between users, so we think that SFQ could help, 
differentiating the flows depending on ip addresses and ports.

The problem is that when adding the SFQ qdisc to the wireless interface 
managed by batman it doesn't work as expected. We tested the SFQ in 
other configurations and it worked fine, in full queues, the dropped 
packets affected the big flows, allowing the others to pass, but in the 
interface managed by batman-adv when packets are dropped, the result 
affects all flows almost equally. We thought this could be related with 
the bridge we use to connect the batman with the non-batman interfaces, 
but in a wireless Acces Point bridged to bat0 it also worked fine. Maybe 
it's related with the way bat0 works with it's managed interface? We'd 
appreciate any advices. Thanks in advance!


Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] problem with mesh network

2012-01-11 Thread gtolon

El 10/01/2012 12:17 p.m., Marek Lindner escribió:

On Tuesday, January 10, 2012 21:14:38 wrote:

Yes, we suspected it could be a TX dma problem, because occasionally we
found that error in the logs, so we followed some openwrt tickets
related with that, but we're not sure that's the problem, and anyway it
has not been solved yet. We've also asked on ath9k list about the driver
debug files in case we could find something there, but they did't
answered, I guess it's hard to explain in a mail list. We haven't asked
to linux-wireless, maybe it would be better, since it could be something
on top of the driver.

You can post the links to the specific tickets / open bug reports here. Maybe
somebody has some information about it. Generally, the wifi lists are the
better place to discuss these bugs.

Here are the mentioned tickets:

We were thinking in a script that managed the stations to connect to the
different APs to avoid configuring each router manually. However we
realized that with just one managed interface, each router could connect
to only one AP, so if we wanted that every router could connect
bidirectionally to others we should use a number of managed interfaces
enough to connect to all neigbours,  shouldn't we?
In any case it would be just another test to see if the results are

Correct, managed/AP is a one-to-one connection. If you want a router to
connect to several APs you need an additional managed interface per




Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] problem with mesh network

2012-01-10 Thread gtolon

Hi Marek, thanks for the reply.

El 10/01/2012 08:00 a.m., escribió:

Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2012 20:22:37 +0800
From: Marek
To: The list for a Better Approach To Mobile Ad-hoc Networking
Subject: Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] problem with mesh network
Content-Type: Text/Plain;  charset=iso-8859-1


  We are using batman-adv 2011.2.0 with Openwrt Backfire-rc6 on D-Link
  Dir-615 routers (2 Antennas, 1 single radio), each router with an adhoc
  interface managed by batman-adv for the mesh network and an Acces Point
  interface bridged with bat0 and ethernet to allow non batman-adv clients
  to connect. The problem is that sometimes all works fine, but sometimes
  we get very poor bitrates between routers, even using just two routers,
  testing with iperf. We don't know where the problem is, specially
  because it's a very erratic behavior. If any of you have used this
  configuration with openwrt and ath9k driver we'd really appreciate some

this does not sound like a batman issue. Did you try contacting the
ath9k/linux-wireless/openwrt developers ?

Yes, we suspected it could be a TX dma problem, because occasionally we 
found that error in the logs, so we followed some openwrt tickets 
related with that, but we're not sure that's the problem, and anyway it 
has not been solved yet. We've also asked on ath9k list about the driver 
debug files in case we could find something there, but they did't 
answered, I guess it's hard to explain in a mail list. We haven't asked 
to linux-wireless, maybe it would be better, since it could be something 
on top of the driver.

  By the way, the D-Link Dir-615 is an n router, but for some reason
  related with hostapd the ap vif gets configured in g mode, and the adhoc
  in n mode, no matter what we set in the uci files. So in case the
  problem were related with the adhoc and ap virtual interface, we were
  thinking about the possibility of setting the mesh network without using
  adhoc mode. In that case each router should have one ap for non
  batman-adv clients, and two additional interfaces, one in ap and the
  other managed, these two used to connect with other routers via
  batman-adv, would that be correct? In that case, you think this
  configuration could be more or less stable than the other using adhoc

batman-adv does not care how you configure your interfaces. Using managed/AP
with batman-adv on top works as well. However, you will need to configure each
managed/AP setup manually which will be cumbersome in a larger network and has
no failover. A single failure in your managed/AP chain will bring down all
nodes depending on it.
We were thinking in a script that managed the stations to connect to the 
different APs to avoid configuring each router manually. However we 
realized that with just one managed interface, each router could connect 
to only one AP, so if we wanted that every router could connect 
bidirectionally to others we should use a number of managed interfaces 
enough to connect to all neigbours,  shouldn't we?
In any case it would be just another test to see if the results are 


[B.A.T.M.A.N.] problem with mesh network

2012-01-06 Thread gtolon

We are using batman-adv 2011.2.0 with Openwrt Backfire-rc6 on D-Link 
Dir-615 routers (2 Antennas, 1 single radio), each router with an adhoc 
interface managed by batman-adv for the mesh network and an Acces Point 
interface bridged with bat0 and ethernet to allow non batman-adv clients 
to connect. The problem is that sometimes all works fine, but sometimes 
we get very poor bitrates between routers, even using just two routers, 
testing with iperf. We don't know where the problem is, specially 
because it's a very erratic behavior. If any of you have used this 
configuration with openwrt and ath9k driver we'd really appreciate some 

By the way, the D-Link Dir-615 is an n router, but for some reason 
related with hostapd the ap vif gets configured in g mode, and the adhoc 
in n mode, no matter what we set in the uci files. So in case the 
problem were related with the adhoc and ap virtual interface, we were 
thinking about the possibility of setting the mesh network without using 
adhoc mode. In that case each router should have one ap for non 
batman-adv clients, and two additional interfaces, one in ap and the 
other managed, these two used to connect with other routers via 
batman-adv, would that be correct? In that case, you think this 
configuration could be more or less stable than the other using adhoc 
mode? Thanks in advance!


Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] B.A.T.M.A.N Digest, Vol 59, Issue 21

2011-11-18 Thread gtolon
Thank you for the advice Marek! We've setted the mcast_rate in 18000 
using uci and it's quite better! Unfortunately we've found a problem 
apparently related with ath9k driver, so we couldn't go on with more 
complicated routes tests. Thanks!

-- Message: 4 Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2011 
11:30:05 +0800 From: Marek Lindner To: The 
list for a Better Approach To Mobile Ad-hoc Networking Subject: Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] Problem 
to find better Route Message-ID: Content-Type: Text/Plain; 
charset=iso-8859-1 On Wednesday, November 16, 2011 01:59:11 wrote:

  Thank you for your answers. I copy the Originator's tables for the three

  This is a typical state of the tables. We tryed setting the hop pennalty
  parameter to 1, but the behaviour hasn't changed.

The TQ values are quite close, so I can imagine that batman has a hard time
finding the better path. You could try to set the broadcast rate to a fixed
value (5.5 or even 18) to force the driver to not send the broadcasts at such
a low rate.



Message: 5
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2011 09:32:11 +0100
From: Antonio
To: The list for a Better Approach To Mobile Ad-hoc Networking
Subject: Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] Problem to find better Route
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 11:30:05 +0800, Marek Lindner wrote:

  The TQ values are quite close, so I can imagine that batman has a hard time
  finding the better path. You could try to set the broadcast rate to a fixed
  value (5.5 or even 18) to force the driver to not send the broadcasts at such
  a low rate.

Can you really do that?


-- Antonio Quartulli ..each of us alone is worth nothing.. Ernesto 
Che Guevara -- Message: 6 Date: Wed, 16 
Nov 2011 16:49:46 +0800 From: Marek Lindner 
To: The list for a Better Approach To Mobile Ad-hoc Networking Subject: Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] Problem 
to find better Route Message-ID: Content-Type: Text/Plain; 
charset=utf-8 On Wednesday, November 16, 2011 16:32:11 Antonio 
Quartulli wrote:

  On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 11:30:05 +0800, Marek Lindner wrote:

The TQ values are quite close, so I can imagine that batman has a hard
time finding the better path. You could try to set the broadcast rate to
a fixed value (5.5 or even 18) to force the driver to not send the
broadcasts at such a low rate.
  Can you really do that?

Yap. If you want to find out how: google is your friend.:-)



Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] Problem to find better Route

2011-11-15 Thread gtolon
Thank you for your answers. I copy the Originator's tables for the three 

A)   (MAC: b2:48:7a:c8:a2:65)

root@OpenWrt:/# batctl o
[B.A.T.M.A.N. adv 2011.2.0, MainIF/MAC: wlan1/b2:48:7a:c8:a2:65 (bat0)]
  Originator  last-seen (#/255)   Nexthop [outgoingIF]:   
Potential nexthops ...
16:d6:4d:3a:3c:3c 0.790s   (213) 16:d6:4d:3a:3c:3c  [ wlan1]: 
16:d6:4d:3a:3d:d8 (193) 16:d6:4d:3a:3c:3c  (213)
16:d6:4d:3a:3d:d80.810s   (255) 16:d6:4d:3a:3d:d8 [ wlan1]: 
16:d6:4d:3a:3c:3c  (190) 16:d6:4d:3a:3d:d8 (255)

B)   (MAC: 16:d6:4d:3a:3c:3c)

root@OpenWrt:/# batctl o
[B.A.T.M.A.N. adv 2011.2.0, MainIF/MAC: wlan1/16:d6:4d:3a:3c:3c (bat0)]
  Originator  last-seen (#/255)   Nexthop [outgoingIF]:   
Potential nexthops ...
b2:48:7a:c8:a2:65 0.840s   (235) b2:48:7a:c8:a2:65 [ wlan1]: 
16:d6:4d:3a:3d:d8 (236) b2:48:7a:c8:a2:65 (235)
16:d6:4d:3a:3d:d80.640s   (253) 16:d6:4d:3a:3d:d8 [ wlan1]: 
b2:48:7a:c8:a2:65 (205) 16:d6:4d:3a:3d:d8 (253)

C)   (MAC:  16:d6:4d:3a:3d:d8)

root@OpenWrt:/# batctl o
[B.A.T.M.A.N. adv 2011.2.0, MainIF/MAC: wlan1/16:d6:4d:3a:3d:d8 (bat0)]
  Originator  last-seen (#/255)   Nexthop [outgoingIF]:   
Potential nexthops ...
16:d6:4d:3a:3c:3c0.060s   (208) 16:d6:4d:3a:3c:3c [ wlan1]: 
b2:48:7a:c8:a2:65 (182) 16:d6:4d:3a:3c:3c (208)
b2:48:7a:c8:a2:650.090s   (234) b2:48:7a:c8:a2:65 [ wlan1]: 
16:d6:4d:3a:3c:3c (182) b2:48:7a:c8:a2:65 (234)

This is a typical state of the tables. We tryed setting the hop pennalty 
parameter to 1, but the behaviour hasn't changed.


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2011 00:43:13 +0100
From: Antonio
To: The list for a Better Approach To Mobile Ad-hoc Networking
Subject: Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] Problem to find better Route
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Hello Gabriel,

On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 04:53:22 -0300,  wrote:

  Hi. We are using batman-adv 2011.2.0 with Openwrt Backfire-rc6 on D-Link
  routers, and we're making some tests with iperf to measure bitrate
  capabilities between nodes. When we put three nodes aligned we notice
  that the obtained bitrate between the extreme nodes strongly depends on
  the batman path between them. To make it clear, we have:
  A -- B -- C
  With a dinstance of about 20 meters between A and B, and the same

  distance between B and C. The problem is that sometimes, A and C get
  connected directly in terms of batman-adv protocol (checked with batctl
  o), and when that happens, the bitrates are very poor (less than 1Mbps),
  like if B wasn't there. In fact we disconnected B and obtained very
  similar results.
  Then we reduced tx power settings on A and C, forcing the B hop between

  them, and we got much better speeds (~20Mbps). We've read about ELP and
  think that maybe simple OGM messages are not good to measure link
  quility between A and C in this example, could that be the problem? In
  that case is there a way to fix this with actual batman-adv algorithms?
  Thanks in advance!

I think other people will give you better answer than this one, but just as
start: OGM are sent in broadcast, which by definition uses a low rate that
implies better transmission than higher rates.
Therefore a link having an high TQ doesn't necessarily has a good quality at
high rates (as you are experiencing).

In my opinion the problem resides in the fact that batman-adv uses broadcast
packets to measure link qualities which leads to the aforementioned problem.

I don't know if ELP would help in this sense because as far as I know it still
uses broadcast packets.

Please guys correct me if I am wrong.


-- Antonio Quartulli ..each of us alone is worth nothing.. Ernesto 
Che Guevara -- Message: 5 Date: Tue, 15 
Nov 2011 09:40:36 +0800 From: Marek Lindner 
To: The list for a Better Approach To Mobile Ad-hoc Networking Subject: Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] Problem 
to find better Route Message-ID: Content-Type: Text/Plain; 
charset=iso-8859-1 Hi,

  With a dinstance of about 20 meters between A and B, and the same
  distance between B and C. The problem is that sometimes, A and C get
  connected directly in terms of batman-adv protocol (checked with batctl
  o), and when that happens, the bitrates are very poor (less than 1Mbps),
  like if B wasn't there. In fact we disconnected B and obtained very
  similar results.

would you mind sharing the orignator tables of the involved nodes ?

  Then we reduced tx power settings on A and C, forcing the B hop between
  them, and we got much better speeds (~20Mbps). We've read about ELP and
  think that maybe simple OGM messages are not good to measure link
  quility between A and C in 

[B.A.T.M.A.N.] Problem to find better Route

2011-11-14 Thread gtolon
Hi. We are using batman-adv 2011.2.0 with Openwrt Backfire-rc6 on D-Link 
routers, and we're making some tests with iperf to measure bitrate 
capabilities between nodes. When we put three nodes aligned we notice 
that the obtained bitrate between the extreme nodes strongly depends on 
the batman path between them. To make it clear, we have:

A -- B -- C

With a dinstance of about 20 meters between A and B, and the same 
distance between B and C. The problem is that sometimes, A and C get 
connected directly in terms of batman-adv protocol (checked with batctl 
o), and when that happens, the bitrates are very poor (less than 1Mbps), 
like if B wasn't there. In fact we disconnected B and obtained very 
similar results.

Then we reduced tx power settings on A and C, forcing the B hop between 
them, and we got much better speeds (~20Mbps). We've read about ELP and 
think that maybe simple OGM messages are not good to measure link 
quility between A and C in this example, could that be the problem? In 
that case is there a way to fix this with actual batman-adv algorithms? 
Thanks in advance!


El 14/11/2011 08:00 a.m., escribió:

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Today's Topics:

1. Re: [PATCH] add make install (Sven Eckelmann)
2. Re: [PATCH] add make install (Sven Eckelmann)
3. Re: [PATCH] add make install (Alexey Fisher)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2011 11:21:12 +0100
From: Sven
Subject: Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] [PATCH] add make install
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

On Monday 14 November 2011 10:38:07 Sven Eckelmann wrote:

On Monday 14 November 2011 10:11:32 Alexey Fisher wrote:

Signed-off-by: Alexey

  Makefile |3 +++
  1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)


NAck: Sven

And also Nack for not updating the README [1]

Kind regards,

-- next part --
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Message: 2
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2011 11:29:36 +0100
From: Sven
To: Alexey
Subject: Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] [PATCH] add make install
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

On Monday 14 November 2011 11:19:19 Alexey Fisher wrote:

Thank you,
so you will send your patch? I prefer last version, to make testing easier.

I personally don't care. Feel free to fix your patch and send a new version
(but think about adding the : after install -- the character magically
disappeared when I wrote the mail).

And don't forget the documentation part as it is always hard to remember
everything on the day the release is made, but easy when you just made the
patch. :)

-- next part --
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Message: 3
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2011 11:37:55 +0100
From: Alexey
To: Sven
Subject: Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] [PATCH] add make install
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

On 14.11.2011 11:29, Sven Eckelmann wrote:

On Monday 14 November 2011 11:19:19 Alexey Fisher wrote:

Thank you,
so you will send your patch? I prefer last version, to make testing easier.

I personally don't care. Feel free to fix your patch and send a new version
(but think about adding the : after install -- the character magically
disappeared when I wrote the mail).

And don't forget the 

Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] Multiple DHCP Gateways

2011-08-15 Thread gtolon
Thank you for your answers. I understood clearly how the system should 
work, but i´m not using the git repository but the 2011.1.0 version. 
I'll try with the repo to see what happens.

Best regards


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2011 18:02:20 +0200
From: Antonio
To: The list for a Better Approach To Mobile Ad-hoc Networking
Subject: Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] Multiple DHCP Gateways
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Hello and thank you for sharing your gw experience with us,

On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 02:52:06PM -0300, wrote:



However, when the original gateway becomes
worse than the alternative, and the client chooses the new one as
preferred (observed with batctl gwl) i noticed that the subsequent
request DHCP messages are sent to the original server, even if it
doesn?t have the best link.

I guess that?s because these subsequent DHCP requests are made as
Unicast to the original server and so Batman doesn?t redirect them,

Unicast renewal requests are dropped only if the TQ towards the destination is
smaller than the current_GW_TQ - GW_THRESHOLD (GW_THRESHOLD = 50).
To clarify:

In your topology you have three nodes: A, B and C. A and C are GWs. A is the
current best GW for B and B got an IP from the DHCP server running on A. Then
the link A--  B becomes worse than B--  C. At this point Batman-adv will
drop a DHCP unicast renewal request directed to A

if and only if TQ(C) - TQ(A)  50

Is this condition verified in your topology when your are observing the renewal
DHCP packets?

I hope I've been clear. :-)

i wonder how this behavior affects the network balance, because the
computers would get tied always to the original DHCP and IP default
gateway even if they moved, right?

As above. Clients will keep the same GW as long as the link is still usable
(difference on TQs greater than 50)

Thank you very much

Thank you too,


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2011 19:22:28 +0200
From: Marek
To: The list for a Better Approach To Mobile Ad-hoc Networking
Subject: Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] Multiple DHCP Gateways
Content-Type: Text/Plain;  charset=utf-8

On Friday, August 12, 2011 18:02:20 Antonio Quartulli wrote:

In your topology you have three nodes: A, B and C. A and C are GWs. A is
the current best GW for B and B got an IP from the DHCP server running on
A. Then the link A--  B becomes worse than B--  C. At this point
Batman-adv will drop a DHCP unicast renewal request directed to A

if and only if TQ(C) - TQ(A)  50

Be aware that only happens if you use the git repository. The DHCP request
drop feature was not released yet.

What version are you using ?



B.A.T.M.A.N mailing list

End of B.A.T.M.A.N Digest, Vol 56, Issue 15

[B.A.T.M.A.N.] Multiple DHCP Gateways

2011-08-10 Thread gtolon


I´m testing the Gateway roaming capabilities of Batman-adv (using 
2011.1.0 version). I setted two computers as Gateway servers with DHCP 
servers running on them and other as Gateway client, configured as class 
3. Then i stressed individually the Gateway server´s links to make the 
client choose the not stressed one. I confirmed that when te client 
sends a layer 3 broadcast DHCP request, Batman redirects that request 
only to the best gateway. However, when the original gateway becomes 
worse than the alternative, and the client chooses the new one as 
preferred (observed with batctl gwl) i noticed that the subsequent 
request DHCP messages are sent to the original server, even if it 
doesn´t have the best link.

I guess that´s because these subsequent DHCP requests are made as 
Unicast to the original server and so Batman doesn´t redirect them, but 
i wonder how this behavior affects the network balance, because the 
computers would get tied always to the original DHCP and IP default 
gateway even if they moved, right?

Thank you very much