Re: [Bacula-users] Problem with compression

2006-06-12 Thread John Gerritse

Do you have software compression on? If so, turn it off. Two types of 
compression (eg software and hardware) are inefficient. Other then that, 
I have no idea.

Kind regards,

  John Gerritse

  (linux) Systeembeheer
  ICT Services
  Sogeti Nederland B.V.


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Andrea Soracchi wrote:
 I have a HP Dat Storage 72/36 (DDS 4) and I have installed Bacula
 1.38.9 (02 May 2006).
 Bacula works very well, but I have a problem with compression hardware
 of my DAT.
 If I check compression of my DAT with the command mt -f /dev/nst0
 datcompression (after a umount command from bconsole) I get:
 Compression on.
 I have a Backup of 38 GB (There are various type of files (doc,xls,mpeg...) ).
 When I run the Job for that backup, I must
 insert two tape!!!
 In the first Tape there's a 36GB, and remaining GB in the second tape.
 The compression seems not to work.
 How can I check if the compression is active and working during a job?
 Can you help me?
 Andrea Soracchi
 Netbuilder S.r.l.
 Bacula-users mailing list

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Question about Messages directive

2006-05-12 Thread John Gerritse

Hi all,

I have a quick question someone might be able to answer:
Is it possible to send an email report to two defined Messages sources?

I have created several sources;
* Standard - goes to my personal mailbox
* ICTS - Goes to the departments mailbox
* DBA - The database guys
* EA - another department we backup some servers for

For example, I backup server 'LINUX01' and I want the email to go to 
both me and DBA. I've tried Messages = DBA, Standard but then the DBA 
guys get the mail, but I (Standard) don't.

How is the syntax for several entries in the Messages resource, if 
possible at all?

 Met vriendelijke groet,
 John Gerritse

 (linux) Systeembeheer
 ICT Services
 Sogeti Nederland B.V.


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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Backup to disk then tape

2006-05-01 Thread John Gerritse

Hi all,

I work in a ICT company and we are looking to replace Amanda. I figured 
Bacula would be te best solution, but we hit a snag.

A feature my boss feels is paramount to a back-up package is write the 
data to disk, then to tape. Bacula does that in a way, but data 
spooling does only that; spooling. I need it to write to disk, then 
copy or migrate the data to tape. According to the documentation, that 
is a feature planned for the future. Unfortunately, I need it now.

I've considered simply backing data up to disk volumes, then copy that 
to tape by other means, but I'm puzzled how a restore would work in that 
sort of situation.

Is there a workaround someone has successfully used in the field, on 
production servers? Hating to have to reinvent a proverbial wheel, I 
figured I'd ask the community. I really love Bacula and I would love to 
use it in stead of giving Amanda a version bump and a fresh install on 
our shiny new backup server.

So in short; I want backups on disk, then copy them to tape (with 
Bacula, other backup software, commandline script, whatever). We run a 
schedule much like the one explained in the manual (a daily, weekly, 
monthly tape usage example).

Thanks in advance!

 John Gerritse
 Sogeti Nederland B.V.

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Blank screen on Bacula-web

2006-02-15 Thread John Gerritse

I've been trying out Bacula for about a week now and it works great.
Today, I wanted to install the (latest) Bacula-Web (version 1.38.5), but 
all I get is a blank screen.

I passed all the tests of test.php and all but the BMP image tests 
(logical because BMP isn't supported by GD). I've changed the lines in 
the configs/bacula.conf file to:

title = Bacula-Web 1.2
root = /
IndexReport = 0
mode = Lite
lang = en_EN
host = localhost
login = root
pass = secret
db_name = bacula
db_type = mysql
# db_port = 3306
I followed all steps in the manual 
( and I am 
reasonably sure my database settings are correct and MySQl is running. I 
checked this by trying it manually:

# mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p bacula
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 3 to server version: 4.0.18

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

But when I point my webbrowser to the server; root dir or index.php 
page, I get a blank page, even completely without any source code.

I did have a problem with PearDB, namely that eventhough I installed it, 
it failed the test. I made a symbolic link in the /srv/www/htdocs/ dir 
named DB.php to /usr/share/php/DB.php file, that made sure DB passed the 

Archive_Tar  1.3.1   stable
Console_Getopt   1.2 stable
DB   1.7.6   stable
HTML_Template_IT 1.1.3   stable
HTTP 1.4.0   stable
Mail 1.1.9   stable
Net_Socket   1.0.6   stable
Net_UserAgent_Detect 2.1.0   stable
PEAR 1.4.6   stable
XML_Parser   1.2.7   stable
XML_RPC  1.4.5   stable
I'm running Bacula on a SLES9 SP3 server.

Hope someone can point me to whatever I am doing wrong or is going 
wrong. Google hasn't been much help unfortunately.

Kind regards,

John Gerritse

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