Re: [Bacula-users] sanity check on a distributed local backup strategy?

2011-02-26 Thread Dan Langille
On 2/25/2011 11:15 PM, Mehma Sarja wrote:
 On 2/25/11 2:50 PM, dev001 wrote:
 Sanity check?
 It is an excellent idea and efficient usage of resources. I have a
 laptop user who rarely gets backed up - a local storage solution would
 be ideal for delayed copying.

Backups are initiated by the Director.  Connectivity must exist.  The 
Dir contacts the FD and tells it: backup this File Set to this SD.

If you have no connectivity to the Dir, backups will not be run.

Dan Langille -

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] sanity check on a distributed local backup strategy?

2011-02-26 Thread Mehma Sarja
On 2/26/11 1:19 PM, Dan Langille wrote:
 On 2/25/2011 11:15 PM, Mehma Sarja wrote:
 On 2/25/11 2:50 PM, dev001 wrote:
 Sanity check?
 It is an excellent idea and efficient usage of resources. I have a

 If you have no connectivity to the Dir, backups will not be run.
Oopsie, looks like that is an accurate assessment. Nothing against any 
backup scheme, nor any solution be it Bacula, Amanda, etc - but these 
things are designed for always-on, always-connected systems. Enter a 
mobile email device, a roaming laptop and things get harder to backup. 
There should be a way to backup a laptop to a cloud like dropbox. So, if 
a mobile device can run a complete dir. fd and sd then it can backup. 
non-windows laptops can.

Is anyone doing something like this?


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[Bacula-users] sanity check on a distributed local backup strategy?

2011-02-25 Thread dev001

to date, my backup strategy across many, geo-distributed desktops (all
Linux, fwiw) has been the usual hodge-podge of local  remote rsync
scripts, gui-driven LuckyBackup runs, etc.

having grown organically, it's now an unweildly mess.

Bacula's my primary 'contender' for a solution.

i've read through much of what it CAN do. certainly flexible, with
countless options ...

i'm seeking advice/opinion on whether what i'd like to do is a sane
application -- namely, every desktop being setup as both a -fd  -sd,
with frequent backups going to localhost  neighboring -sd, less
frequent  to local file-servers, and occasional to centralized servers.

my primary goals are: leverage existing assets, increase redundancy of
storage  decrease WAN traffic

atm, I'm considering a tape-less  environment, backing up only to
spinning hard drives.

in particular, with such an immense amount of cheap storage in each
desktop (2TB is nickels-n-dimes these days), and, tbh, most of it
unused, I'm considering doing 'frequent' backups from one machine to
numerous others within a given single office workgroup, followed,
perhaps by immediate or otherwise scheduled CopyJobs, by additional
backup to centralize, global storage.

chatting in #bacula, i gather that there's no harm, no foul
(functionally, technically, etc) with each machine being both an fd  an
sd, just with the common-sense admonition to think it through 1st.

Sanity check?


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