Re: “The World Religion A summary of Its Aims, Teachings and History by SHOGHI EFFENDI"

2014-01-25 Thread John Bromberek
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
At 04:30 PM 1/25/2014, Don C wrote:
>I recently found an old pamphlet entitled “The 
>World Religion A summary of Its Aims, Teachings 
>and History by SHOGHI EFFENDI Guardian of the 
>Bahá'i Faith” as reprinted Jan 1941.

The first two paragraphs from the statement 
appear inside the back cover of each issue of 
"The Journal of Baha'i Studies", which is 
probably where people are most likely to have encountered it.

I see that there is a reference to the statement 
on the Lincoln, Nebraska Web site, where they 
refer to it as having been written in 1933:

Following up on that I noticed that a single 
phrase from the statement “scientific in its method,”[121] is referred to in:

"Shoghi Effendi’s The Dispensation of Bahá’u'lláh: A Theology of the Word"

by Jack McLean

Published in Lights of Irfan, Volume 9, pages 
239-280 (Wilmette, IL: Irfan Colloquia, 2008)

This document is also online as a formatted PDF; 
download from

The footnote (121) indicates the origin of the statement as:

"[121] Shoghi Effendi, letter of June 1933 to the 
High Commissioner of Palestine. Extract from 
Compilation of Letters and Extracts of Writings 
 From the Guardian Published in the Baháí News of 
the United States (December 1924 – November 1934), no. 85."

"This letter provides a cogent summary statement 
of the teachings of the Bahá’í Faith."


Likewise, the first two paragraphs are also 
referred to in a compilation on "Science and 
Technology" put together by the Research 
Department of the Universal House of Justice:

And the source is again identified as:

"(June 1933, from a letter written by Shoghi 
Effendi to the High Commissioner for Palestine)"


The entire statement is also online, but without 
identification of its source, at:'i/Authoritative_Baha'i/Shoghi_Effendi/Summary%20Statement%20-The%20World%20Religion.aspx

Possibly this rendering has its origins with the pamphlet that you found.

John B.

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“The World Religion A summary of Its Aims, Teachings and History by SHOGHI EFFENDI"

2014-01-25 Thread Don Calkins
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
I recently found an old pamphlet entitled “The World Religion A summary of Its 
Aims, Teachings and History by SHOGHI EFFENDI Guardian of the Bahá'i Faith” as 
reprinted Jan 1941.  
Poking around, I find it is  Appendix II of Martha Root’s “Tahirih, the Pure” 
which had been published in 1937.
see of 
Tahirih (Martha Root)[64].pdf
But I can’t find it printed anywhere else as such, tho’ it appears to be a 
formal statement, perhaps to the British Mandate.  Mr. Giachery notes, “we must 
remember the friendly relations he maintained in brilliantly conceived letters 
to the authorities of the British Mandate in Palestine and, after 1948, of the 
State of Israel, activities which greatly enhanced the prestige of the Faith, 
as did his communications with outstanding leaders and personalities in various 
countries of Europe.”  So there are obviously materials that has never been 
Several paragraphs are cited individually in the BN of July 1934, and Ives 
quotes one sentence in Portals to Freedom.
Perhaps Shoghi Effendi sent a copy of a statement to the NSA which it did not 
publish as a single document?  Any suggestions?
¶1- BN 85 - July 1934 - page 1
¶2-BN 85 - July 1934 - page 4-5
¶3 -> 5 - Found only in Appendix II
¶6 - The first sentence is also found in Ives’ “Portals to Freedom”, first 
published in SOTW Dec 1934; otherwise not found elsewhere
¶7 - Found only in Appendix II
¶8 - No. 85 - July 1934 - page 7

Don C

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