Re: Russian Organic Farmers WANTED

2002-03-14 Thread Steven McFadden

 Does anyone have contacts
 with experienced Russian organic farmers.  Or would you please direct me to
 someone who might have such contacts.

Try calling Trauger Groh in Wilton, NH.  He has been over to Russia several
times to consult with farmers.  His number is 603-654-6316

Good luck, Steven

Off: Mandated vaccinations coming

2002-03-08 Thread Steven McFadden

Although this is off topic, I feel it is important enough to circulate.
If you seriously have to have some question about this answered, try
contacting [EMAIL PROTECTED] (the email of the person who puts out
the survival alert list).

News-Alerts-Specials Mailing List
from The Survival Center
Box 234 McKenna, Wa 98558


Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 7:47 PM
Subject: Fw: [CIDSNetwork] Mandated Vaccinations Bill Passes House!

WI: Mandated Vaccinations Bill Passes House
By Pat Owens 
Published 03. 4. 2002 at 18:14 PST

This Emergency Health Bill - Mandated Vaccination and other demands, is
in every state, but under different names. Department of Health and
Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson said that all Americans should
know that they have their name on a vaccine shot in our inventory.
Hope you can stop this in your state-- we couldn't. Sponsored by Rep.
Greg Underheim and Rep. Frank Urban-Wisconsin

The Montanta Assembly Bill # 849, 850 without a name or titled, (Mandated
Vaccinations/Emergency Health Powers Act ) was passed under Rep. Greg
Underheims directions. Underheim deserves all the credit for the passage
hence we should call it the Underheim Black Helicopter Bill. It his
words, We don't care what you think, the bill will be attached to the
budget bill.

For those in states, in which this bill has not been passed, this is how
they did it in Wisconsin. Underheim sent out a fax approximately 3 weeks
ago, calling it then the Bio-Terrorism Bill relating to the Emergency
Health Bill. However, the bill did not come out of the Legislative
Bureau until Monday night, 2/25. It was posted on the Internet on
Tuesday, 2/26. On Wednesday morning 2/27 it passed.

The hearing started Wednesday morning with Underheim waving people into
two groups, one the professionals, made up of public health officials,
funeral directors, and attorneys. With a sardonic, arrogant tone and
temper by Underheim, the mood was set. For those who believe in Black
Helicopters sit over there. Underheim kept dashing in and out of the
hearings, and at the end of the short hearing, again he cited, It
doesn't matter what you think, it's going to be attached to the budget
bill. This is how the bill was passed in Wisconsin. No further
hearings, it's cut and done, not any of the other elected
representatives and Senators will vote on it.

One of the requirements of this bill is: The Wisconsin Department of
Health Services may order any vaccination series and may isolate anyone
who does not take the vaccinations, or unwilling to take them. It calls
for a $10,000 fine and/or nine months in prison for those who do not get

For those of us who wonder who some of these elected representatives are
and what they represent, well they answered this question. Perhaps Rep.
Underheim should appear on statewide television and tell the people that
they will received vaccines or face mandatory prison and/or $10,000 fine
if they refuse. But like pre-war Germany, there will be no
announcements, only dictates. Underheim alluded to the fact that he was
being called a Nazi. Well whoever called him, well they're close to that

Being caught up in political correctness, one has to be attuned to the
fact, that emergencies to one group may mean the complete loss of
freedom to another. There are many questionable programs initiated by
the Federal Government, and when our government uses terrorism to remove
our Constitutional ways of life, and our legislators accede to their
demands, well then the terrorist have won.

Permission to reprint/republish granted, as long as you include the name
of our site, the author, and our URL. All Sierra
Times news reports, and all editorials are © 2002
(unless otherwise noted) SierraTimes.comT A Subsidiary of J.J. Johnson
Enterprises, Inc.

Clyde Smith
for the News-Alert

Please feel free to pass this on to a friend
The Survival Center

New Planet X page

Re: Off: Mandated vaccinations coming

2002-03-08 Thread Steven McFadden

Bioport, the Michigan based private company which has manufactured anthrax
vaccines for the government since Desert Storm is own by the Bush-Bin Laden

Actually, it is not owned outright by them, but the Carlyle Group (Bushes
and cronies) are investors in BioPort.  the Bin Laden family withdrew from
the Carlyle Group shortly after 9/11.

Best, Steven 

Re: Radionics (Drought update)

2002-02-20 Thread Steven McFadden

 I wish you'd comment on this info a bit more. What intentional particles?
 And intention--who's and how to counteract this?

Hi All -
 I would first observe that, from the point of view of Western Tropical
astrology, both Uranus (Cosmic Shakti)  and Neptune (Cosmic Waters) are in
the dry, yang air sign of Aquarius.  That to me seems to be a major Sky Sign
of all this.

Uranus in particular will exactly conjunct the USA Moon (27 Aquarius in the
July 4, 1776 horoscope - Sibley version)  three big times this year.  The
Moon is a major player in our nation chart, for we are founded under the
sign of Cancer, ruled by the Moon.

The three exact conjunctions are :
March 29-31, 2002
Aug. 10-12, 2002 (but in truth Uranus goes slowly over the Moon all summer
in close orb)
Jan 19-21, 2003.

Since the Moon is the primary ruler of the physical waters, it would seem
the year-long conjunction of the drying, shocking  Uranian  impulse will
continue to hit us in the belly and breast (Moon), the heart (Sun in the
Moon's sign of Cancer), and the ankles (Aquarius).  What does that mean in
terms of a nation's physical being?  Your speculation is as good as mine.

We seem collectively unable to handle the Shakti shocks, which are
altogether drying in addition to everything else, and the waters - in all
respects physical, emotional and etheric - are toxic.  All this seems
entirely likely to be intensified in the months ahead.

I could go on at length about the Big Planetary Sky Sign of the year (Saturn
in Gemini opposite Pluto in Sagittarius), but I will suffice to say that
this influence - which has been dominant since 2001, is waxing toward
fulfillment in late May, 2002.

Without trying to be glib, I feel the best any individual can do is to
follow our visions with integrity, and hoe carefully our own little acres.
Larger forces are at work.  Yet our responsibilities to hold the vision and
work toward their realization continue.  But I am getting preachy, so I will
close this section with a short expression of hope.  I feel we (all of us)
are going to come through all of this - ultimately - much more wide awake
spiritually, and much more ready to build a culture that is honoring of all
the beings who are part of the Sacred Hoop of life on Earth. That is good.

 Also, Steven, you're a Reiki master, are you not? I was hoping you too could
 share a couple of stories about vibrational healing with us if you don't

I have been a Reiki practitioner since 1977, and a Master since 1990.  I
studied with John Harvey Gray, 89, the longest-practicing Master in the
West.  He's great.

I've had dozens and dozens of wonderful experience giving Reiki over the
years, for it is in truth an effective aid.  I served as a firefighter for
years in my small town, and often was able to effectively comfort and
support people in extreme trauma at accidents and fires.

Most recently I arrived to visit at the home of my old friend Sherry
Jennings in Wilton, NH (she has taught the K class at Pine Hill Waldorf
School since forever).  Sherry had just fallen and twisted her ankle
wickedly.  She was in excruciating pain.  The Reiki (and a Medicine Song)
helped enormously.  She was able to sleep comfortably all night, and,
thankfully, next day the X-rays showed no damage.  After the treatment she
never felt any pain, nor was she at all hobbled in her walking.   Sherry was
amazed.  (And truth to tell, so was I - I always am amazed, over and over,
for I'm a skeptical kind of guy. But there, once again, was fresh evidence
staring me in the face).  Yay Reiki !   It's good stuff. Not the answer to
all health issues, but a definite aid. Should be a part of everyone's
Medicine Bag.

Watch who you approach as a teacher, though.  Lots of people have gotten
Wildly Creative with Reiki in recent years.  Some of the innovations are no
doubt worthwhile, but some are dangerous.  Best, I feel, to start with just
the simple basic energies teachings and then work with them for several
years before getting too experimental.  It's good to cultivate humility in
this miraculous realm, and know how little you (and often others) know.

Best, Steven

Steven McFadden, Director
Chiron Communications
7 Avenida Vista Grande  #195
Santa Fe, NM 87508   USA

Re: Radionics (Drought update)

2002-02-18 Thread Steven McFadden

This just in - research on disturbed rain patterns worldwide.  Sigh, Steven

New satellite data shows tiny airborne particles are changing rainfall
patterns around the world, researchers said Sunday.

The man-made particles, mostly from burning fossil fuels, make it more
difficult for clouds to form and less likely to rain if they do form,
researchers said at the annual meeting of the American Association for the
Advancement of Science.

Because they block sunlight, these tiny particles slow down evaporation from
lakes and oceans, said conference participant Daniel Rosenfeld of the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem. So they suppress clouds in the first place, he

What's more, he said, the particles are too small to form the seeds of
raindrops, so the clouds that do form ... have a hard time to rain.

The analysis, he said, is based on new data from a joint American-Japanese
satellite that uses radar to examine particles in both shallow clouds, near
the Earth's surface, and the large, high clouds that contribute most of the

Steven McFadden, Director
Chiron Communications
7 Avenida Vista Grande  #195
Santa Fe, NM 87508   USA

The planets move forward

2002-02-08 Thread Steven McFadden
Title: The planets move forward

Fellow Earth Dwellers,

I entreat you to look up. The beautiful sky is above you. A picture is painted upon it.

Actually, today the picture is just a quick reminder that Mercury, from the point of view of Earth, appears to stop in the sky (Feb. 8-9, 2002), cease its retrograde motion, and start forward. In the Tropical Zodiac the action is at 28 Capricorn 39 - the very top of the mountain. Always worth remembering that Capricorn is a yin, feminine, Earth sign. A nanny goat.

By Valentine's Day (Feb. 14) Mercury will be back in the yang air sign of Aquarius, where the 3-week long retrograde phase began.

Because Saturn also made its direct station yesterday (Jan. 7, 2002 in mid-Gemini), THINGS are going to begin to chug forward. Soon, they will be moving fast. Our task is to rightly anticipate the good THINGS, and open spiritual and physical pathways that they might come to fruition.

As Saturn moves forward in Gemini, it will head toward its 3rd and climactic opposition to Pluto in Sagittarius - exact on May 26, 2002.

The Saturn-Pluto opposition began in 2001, and was the dominant astrological signature of the year. Last year we saw the two beginning phases of the cycle; from now till June the opposition waxes toward fulfillment.

So take a good look around, size up your resources, and get your seed order in. Planting time - in the Spiritual Zone - is now underway. 2002 promises to be a remarkable year. 

With celestial felicitations, Steven

Steven McFadden
Chiron Communications
7 Avenida Vista Grande #195
Santa Fe, NM 87508 USA 

Re: Any news on the Dalai Lama's Condition?

2002-02-07 Thread Steven McFadden

 Dalai Lama's condition sense he
 went into the hospital. Has anyone else?

He's out now, and feeling much better according to the news reports i have
seen.  - Steven


2002-02-07 Thread Steven McFadden

 As much
 as these stories stir deep within me, they are not mine to tell.

Just to clarify, the story of Wollombin, was given to me specifically to
tell and to tell in written words.

Best, S

Re: Friends in Oz: are there REALLY 2,000,000 acres downunderinBD Cultivati...

2002-02-06 Thread Steven McFadden

 I'd like to know more about Wollombin.
 How is this mountain woven into the Dreamtime - and do you know the

Well, that's a vast subject.  Here's a brief sketch of the tale  as I had it
recounted to me by Alinta (Lorraine Mafi-Williams, who alas, has been dead
just one year now).  Alinta was a clever woman, and the helper and
interpreter for Aunt Millie, who was  keeper of Wollombin, or Mount Warning
(and also Tooloom Falls, Nimbin Rocks, and Crown Mountain). She said  the
mountain is indeed one of many great features of the dreamtime.

Alinta told me tale over the course of several days while she was visiting
Grandmother Twylah Nitcsh on the Catarraugus Reservations in western New
York. I just happened to be coming by on my way back from Ohio, and stopped
in for a visit.  Grandmother introduced me to Alinta, and I pitched my tent
and broke out my tape recorder.  Later,  I wove the tale into my book,
Legend of the Rainbow Warriors (2001 - Chiron Communications).

As Alinta told it, Wollombin is the place where the Rising Sun strikes the
earth first in Arunta, the Land of the Everlasting Spirit, Australia . The
rays of the morning Sun are said to activate a large rose-quartz crystal
within the mountain. In turn, the crystal is said to send the rays to to
Uluru (Ayer's Rock), which is directly linked by rays to a sacred mountain
in Tibet.  Just part of the overall Earth Grid, but an important part.

As held in the memory of the mountains keeper, Wollombin was once part of
the continent we now know as North America (Turtle Island). This was back
when all the world's land masses were crowded together (Pangaea).  But then
came a time of Earth Changes. There was much upheaval.  The land mass we
know as Australia began to drift toward its current located, but as it went
a piece of the North American plate broke off and went with it. That is
where Wollombin is.

According to Alinta, two other crucial things happened then. A White Buffalo
ran upon the fragment of North American land, and so charged in a sacred
matter with the mountain.  And a great high Indian shaman who lived upon the
mountain, Waugatha, also came along.

That was all a very long time ago.  There is much more to the story, but
that should give the general flavor.  As I understand it, the whole matter
bears not just upon the past, but also upon the present.  The mountain and
its Circle of Life is to be approached with only the highest respect.

As for the Songs I carry, Wollombin is not among them, save  telling the
tale that was told to me.

Best, Steven

Steven McFadden, Director
Chiron Communications
7 Avenida Vista Grande  #195
Santa Fe, NM 87508   USA

Re: Friends in Oz: are there REALLY 2,000,000 acres downunder inBD Cultivati...

2002-02-05 Thread Steven McFadden
Title: Re: Friends in Oz: are there REALLY 2,000,000 acres downunder in BD Cultivati...

I am a small land holder (20 Ht) on the far Nth coast of NSW. 

Allan Emerton. 

Hi AllanE,
Are you near Wollombin (Mount Warning) ? 

That mountain holds a crucial place in the lore of Aboriginal peoples of Australia and North America. A tale for the times !

Welcome aboard Earthship BDNow, Steven

Steven McFadden, Director
Chiron Communications
7 Avenida Vista Grande #195
Santa Fe, NM 87508 USA