Re: Agri-Synthesis ® short-lived and overpriced ? was Re: Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

2002-03-11 Thread Glen Atkinson

Moen Creek wrote:

  This a posting curious given we are at the tail end of
  Mercury's conjunction with Uranus.  {%*)

Uranus is in opposition to Persephone, (the planet not asteroid) now as
well (early March, late September and keep an eye on January as Mars 
Chiron and Athene all get in on the act as well. ) 
The Uranus Sqr 90 Persephone was in 1978 ish.. The planetary form of
that time is now being actively aspected by Pluto. 

Definitely a great time to speak of consciousness issues. 


  Love  Light

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site

Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was Re: Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

2002-03-10 Thread Gil Robertson

Glen, I have no problem at all, with those who can, dealing direct with what ever
level of information gathering. My point is that for many people, I can teach them
to dowse with accuracy and verifiable (by another dowser) results. I for one, can
not teach anyone to talk to Devas or what ever, in a couple of hours, but I can
set some one on the path to dowsing in that time.

Glen Atkinson wrote:

 Lloyd Charles wrote:
  More from the land of oz  - I found this lurking uncompleted on My desktop -
  (Delete is just above the left cursor key if its too out of date)
   Gil Robertson wrote
  While one can undoubtable wait for devine revelation, if
   with a few acres in one situation, but if one is working with many
  properties, as
   Hugh and James are, there is a need to get accurate answers, quickly.

 In HAstings NZ last weekend I was chatting with Joke Bloksma from the
 Louis Bolk Institute in Holland, who is here seminaring on Geothean
 observation. I wish to honour her part in the stimulation of these words
 rather than quote our conversation.
 We were discussing the difference between direct perception and dowsing.

Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was Re: Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

2002-03-07 Thread Wayne and Sharon McEachern

Please read on.

Glen Atkinson wrote:

 It is not that dowsing is bad so much as a starting place and that one
 needs to progress thru to the personal experience of the awareness as
 quickly as one can.
 Today while talking with someone about the inner nature of the 8 pointed
 star, I said I can give you an experience of the answer in 3 minutes or
 I can tell you the answer immediately.* There is a world of difference
 in the knowingness of the person from this choice.
 This process is just another muscle we need to exercise to get
 functioning. However the first step on the journey must be taken.
 Try directly receiving the answer first and then check it with dowsing.
 I sure this will speed the process up.

That is great Glen!  I am not as fluid with this as Sharon is -- like you suggest,
she hears the answers and when working with checking for 300 or so vibrational
essences to make a custom essence solution -- she will have the process complete
in a matter of a couple minutes.

Being more a dowser myself -- and not so quick in the intuitive as perhaps you and
Sharon -- I use the pendulum to back up what I am hearing.  I completely relied on
the dowsing at first -- but now -- I find that I am hearing the answer before the
pendulum swings -- just as you say.

I believe that it is still important for folks who do not trust their intuition
(hearing) to use some type of tool for communication.  The tester may find that
dowsing is good for them -- or maybe they will find that kinesiology is better --
whatever  But these communication techniques are good for starting -- and with
practice, a person will  then begin hearing and trusting their intuition more.
But -- the main thing is to learn that this level of consciousness exists and we
need to use it in order that we work much closer to the Source.




Sharon and Wayne McEachern


A Divine Program for Healing and Transformation


Expressing the Light

A Ministry Dedicated to the Divine Process


Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was Re: Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

2002-02-26 Thread Gil Robertson

Hi! Glen/ James,
I think you hijacked James' statement and tried to turn your self into some sort
of victim. He was not as you suggesting you should feel threatened in the manner
you practice, that which you do.

James was taking about Field Broadcasters, which, by there very nature, are
designed (if that is the term) and sited, using dowsing. They are also operated
using dowsing, as dowsing allows a quick and reliable way of accessing
information, which come from we know not where. Some need to climb a mountain and
talk to a burning bush, some talk to the little people, but some of us choose to
use a pendulum. While one can undoubtable wait for devine revelation, if playing
with a few acres in one situation, but if one is working with many properties, as
Hugh and James are, there is a need to get accurate answers, quickly.

In my BioRegion, there are five and a half thousand farmers, each cropping two and
a half to four thousand acres per man, as well as running stock. If we are to help
some of them, we need the certainty and accuracy that dowsing affords.


Glen Atkinson wrote:

 James and Barbara Hedley wrote:
  How any body can use a field broadcaster without dowsing skills is beyond my
  Sincere regards

 Through conscious observation and understanding.

 Nothing personal James but as a good example this statement could also
 be How can any body use Biodynamics without dowsing skills is beyond my

Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was Re: Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

2002-02-25 Thread James and Barbara Hedley

Dear Hugh,
Both Lloyd and I have found that the mixtures of reagents can change from
day to day, let alone from year to year. As for dowsing it is an easily
learnt skill as the participants at our dowsing workshops at Sattwa Park
can testify to.
How any body can use a field broadcaster without dowsing skills is beyond my
Sincere regards
- Original Message -
From: Hugh Lovel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was Re:
Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

 Dear Glen, et. al.,

 Your post confirms what Lorraine has found. Mixes are often specific for
 the situation, time and weather circumstance.

 That's why we tailor our broadcaster reagents to each and every farm. And
 change them at a minimum of every year. So what we have found is the
 expertise rather than copying of remedies is the important thing. One has
 to be able to tell (Lorraine does this by dowsing) what potency of each
 remedy she puts on the reagent vials for our broadcasters. Commonly one
 farm is quite different from another.


 Hugh, Alan, Gil and Chris
 Thank you for your thoughts and suggestions. I see the value in Hugh and
 Alans approaches and will work with them and see what I can do with
 Gils comments on 'unknowing messing around' are true to a point however
 dowsing and a radionics box could do some wild things. The uniqueness I
 see is in the original mixing for a specific task.
 This was a question that needed to be asked publically for the community
 to consider.
 While I have made general mixes of things, with our 'personal clients'
 the mixes are most often specific for the situation, time and weather
 circumstance. These would be silly to generally copy.
 I am sure there is a way forward, just in a different direction to that
 already travelled and that imagined to be travelled. Sounds like another
 bit of 'life' taking place.
 Chris Shade wrote:
  Glen has a good point, and frankly, I was surprised
  that Allan so openly suggested that.
  On the flip side, though, most people (who dont'
  already make some of their own preps), won't be in a
  position to make good copies of Glen and Greg's
  potencies.  And if radionic theft is the issue, it
  would have always been the issue with any prep.  You
  just have to figure that your market is those who
  aren't radionics or homeophath jockeys and who need
  some good preps.
  Wishing you market protection and good will from your
  --- Glen Atkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Allan Balliett wrote:
A question I have for everyone is Can't Greg's
   remedies be readily
propagated infinitely? Since they are potentized,
   are they not now
the 'mother' for endless batches of equal remedy?
   I would think they
are, but I'd appreciate insights from you more
potentizers. Myself, I assume that once you buy a
   unit from Greg, if
you don't spill it, you need never purchase
   another, but simply dose
your own units from that point on.
   This does not necessarily hold to be true. Firstly
   these are compounds
   which when further potentised can change their
   effectiveness and
   secondly potentising develops in waves and so
   further potentising can
   indeed make them less effective. We have definitely
   found that reducing
   the desired application rate leads to reduced
   effect. 'Stealing them'
   thru a radionics device, without changing the
   potency should work within
   that sphere I guess.
   This is an opportune moment to bring a thought to
   this discussion. With
   Greg and my potencies ( and thus our lives work)
   being 'potentially' so
   easily stolen from us, what incentive is there for
   us to continue
   working on furthering preparation applications. Why
   would we bother? and
   how are our overheads and life expenses to be
   covered by the community
   benefiting so freely from our work?
   in anticipation of the solution
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games
 Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
 See our web site @

Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was Re: Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

2002-02-25 Thread James and Barbara Hedley

Dear Glen,
The question of radionic potencies being stolen from me has never entered my
mind, however as you and Greg point out this is a possibility. However I
think that the point of view which has surfaced on this list that you dont
own something that is in the public domain.
The number of people who use agricultural radionics is very few compared to
the number of potential customers in conventional agriculture. Build your
market by promoting yourself and your product into a far larger market than
just BD practitioners
The local area around here is renowned for the quality of their wines,and
grapes. The going price for Mudgee grapes is somewhere about $1200 per
tonne. biodynamic grapes bring $8000 per tonne with the result that there
isa growing demand for BD preps and information.
Stretch your horizons, increase your market and promote the specific skills
which you have which can be applied to conventional agriculture.
Farmers will change if there is something in it for them, we have a client
growing 1100 acres of soybeans, amongst other farming activities. The use of
BD preps with our custom prepared insect peppers and homoeopathic stock
wormers has cut his chemical usage down from $1.5 million dollars to
$200,000. Barbara and I will be going up there shortly to prepare 44,000
litres of spray for green vege bug, all prepared from insects on the place.
A while ago you mentioned your thought that the insects needed to be taken
from the place where they are to be used. So far the jury is out on that
one, however I would say that as a general rule  that you do not need to
have the insects or pests off the property. What we have found is that the
peppers need to be succussed after posting or if using diluted peppers they
need to be ran through flow forms to re-energise them after transport as the
radionic potencies sometimes get what I would call sick from travelling.
James Hedley
- Original Message -
From: Hugh Lovel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 12:54 AM
Subject: Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was Re:
Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

 Allan Balliett wrote:
  A question I have for everyone is Can't Greg's remedies be readily
  propagated infinitely? Since they are potentized, are they not now
  the 'mother' for endless batches of equal remedy? I would think they
  are, but I'd appreciate insights from you more experienced
  potentizers. Myself, I assume that once you buy a unit from Greg, if
  you don't spill it, you need never purchase another, but simply dose
  your own units from that point on.
 This does not necessarily hold to be true. Firstly these are compounds
 which when further potentised can change their effectiveness and
 secondly potentising develops in waves and so further potentising can
 indeed make them less effective. We have definitely found that reducing
 the desired application rate leads to reduced effect. 'Stealing them'
 thru a radionics device, without changing the potency should work within
 that sphere I guess.
 This is an opportune moment to bring a thought to this discussion. With
 Greg and my potencies ( and thus our lives work) being 'potentially' so
 easily stolen from us, what incentive is there for us to continue
 working on furthering preparation applications. Why would we bother? and
 how are our overheads and life expenses to be covered by the community
 benefiting so freely from our work?
 in anticipation of the solution

 Dear Glen,

 As I have observed in the past, your expertise in developing and knowing
 the signs of what this and that potency do is your real strength. Once you
 make a remedy and put it on the market it is like a Michael Jackson CD,
 Chinese will copy it with no payment of royalties.

 Since Greg is on the verge of acusing me of copying his potencies, I will
 no longer have anything to do with them, good though they are. The truth
 they should be copied far and wide, and Greg needs to grow up. Everyone
 should copy them and enjoy! But Greg is trying to sell his weaknesses
 rather than his strengths, so I refuse to buy into his weaknesses. Let him
 carry these to the grave.

 Please figure out how to sell your strengths. No one can copy them. Tailor
 your remedies to each locality and kind of crop. Make making endless
 generation of most appropriate remedies your forte. Then you show up the
 copiers for their absurd lack of appropriatness. And encourage good
 copying, as this will make your reputation. Look at the fashion industry.
 All the knock-offs of Christian Dior, Robin Williams and so forth. It has
 made Christian Dior and Robin Williams wealthy. Go for it, dude.

 Best wishes,
 Hugh Lovel

Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was Re: Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

2002-02-24 Thread Allan Balliett

Hugh said:

Please figure out how to sell your strengths. No one can copy them. Tailor
your remedies to each locality and kind of crop. Make making endless
generation of most appropriate remedies your forte. Then you show up the
copiers for their absurd lack of appropriatness. And encourage good
copying, as this will make your reputation. Look at the fashion industry.
All the knock-offs of Christian Dior, Robin Williams and so forth. It has
made Christian Dior and Robin Williams wealthy. Go for it, dude.

Glen - I, too, have been fishing for similar words. You are your 
greatest strength. Your preps may make your name, but it is a 
relationship with you that is essential for growers to get the deeper 
effects or the individualized effects.

Your 'voice,' your demeanor, your intelligence and presence all speak 
for one who knows much more than he is telling.

I hope your confidence in yourself and your future financial 
relationships becomes strong enough that you have no fear of sharing 
what you have brought into the culture with everyone.


Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was Re: Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

2002-02-24 Thread Chris Shade

Glen has a good point, and frankly, I was surprised
that Allan so openly suggested that. 
On the flip side, though, most people (who dont'
already make some of their own preps), won't be in a
position to make good copies of Glen and Greg's
potencies.  And if radionic theft is the issue, it
would have always been the issue with any prep.  You
just have to figure that your market is those who
aren't radionics or homeophath jockeys and who need
some good preps.

Wishing you market protection and good will from your

--- Glen Atkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Allan Balliett wrote:
  A question I have for everyone is Can't Greg's
 remedies be readily
  propagated infinitely? Since they are potentized,
 are they not now
  the 'mother' for endless batches of equal remedy?
 I would think they
  are, but I'd appreciate insights from you more
  potentizers. Myself, I assume that once you buy a
 unit from Greg, if
  you don't spill it, you need never purchase
 another, but simply dose
  your own units from that point on.
 This does not necessarily hold to be true. Firstly
 these are compounds
 which when further potentised can change their
 effectiveness and
 secondly potentising develops in waves and so
 further potentising can
 indeed make them less effective. We have definitely
 found that reducing
 the desired application rate leads to reduced
 effect. 'Stealing them'
 thru a radionics device, without changing the
 potency should work within
 that sphere I guess.
 This is an opportune moment to bring a thought to
 this discussion. With
 Greg and my potencies ( and thus our lives work)
 being 'potentially' so
 easily stolen from us, what incentive is there for
 us to continue
 working on furthering preparation applications. Why
 would we bother? and
 how are our overheads and life expenses to be
 covered by the community
 benefiting so freely from our work?
 in anticipation of the solution

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Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games

Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was Re: Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

2002-02-24 Thread Glen Atkinson

Hugh, Alan, Gil and Chris
Thank you for your thoughts and suggestions. I see the value in Hugh and
Alans approaches and will work with them and see what I can do with
Gils comments on 'unknowing messing around' are true to a point however
dowsing and a radionics box could do some wild things. The uniqueness I
see is in the original mixing for a specific task.
This was a question that needed to be asked publically for the community
to consider. 
While I have made general mixes of things, with our 'personal clients'
the mixes are most often specific for the situation, time and weather
circumstance. These would be silly to generally copy.
I am sure there is a way forward, just in a different direction to that
already travelled and that imagined to be travelled. Sounds like another
bit of 'life' taking place.

Chris Shade wrote:
 Glen has a good point, and frankly, I was surprised
 that Allan so openly suggested that.
 On the flip side, though, most people (who dont'
 already make some of their own preps), won't be in a
 position to make good copies of Glen and Greg's
 potencies.  And if radionic theft is the issue, it
 would have always been the issue with any prep.  You
 just have to figure that your market is those who
 aren't radionics or homeophath jockeys and who need
 some good preps.
 Wishing you market protection and good will from your
 --- Glen Atkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Allan Balliett wrote:
   A question I have for everyone is Can't Greg's
  remedies be readily
   propagated infinitely? Since they are potentized,
  are they not now
   the 'mother' for endless batches of equal remedy?
  I would think they
   are, but I'd appreciate insights from you more
   potentizers. Myself, I assume that once you buy a
  unit from Greg, if
   you don't spill it, you need never purchase
  another, but simply dose
   your own units from that point on.
  This does not necessarily hold to be true. Firstly
  these are compounds
  which when further potentised can change their
  effectiveness and
  secondly potentising develops in waves and so
  further potentising can
  indeed make them less effective. We have definitely
  found that reducing
  the desired application rate leads to reduced
  effect. 'Stealing them'
  thru a radionics device, without changing the
  potency should work within
  that sphere I guess.
  This is an opportune moment to bring a thought to
  this discussion. With
  Greg and my potencies ( and thus our lives work)
  being 'potentially' so
  easily stolen from us, what incentive is there for
  us to continue
  working on furthering preparation applications. Why
  would we bother? and
  how are our overheads and life expenses to be
  covered by the community
  benefiting so freely from our work?
  in anticipation of the solution
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site @

Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was Re: Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

2002-02-23 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 2/23/02 9:02:42 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 This is an opportune moment to bring a thought to this discussion. With
Greg and my potencies ( and thus our lives work) being 'potentially' so
easily stolen from us, what incentive is there for us to continue
working on furthering preparation applications. Why would we bother? and
how are our overheads and life expenses to be covered by the community
benefiting so freely from our work?
in anticipation of the solution

Hold out and I will make you a stirring machine...sstorch