RE: Healing Modalities

2002-03-26 Thread Stephen Barrow

So much for America, the land of the free!  

I have been shocked to see all this correspondence re USA bills being proposed etc - 
makes me pleased that I don't live in the States

Stephen Barrow

Re: Healing

2002-02-26 Thread jsherry

Dear Tom,
I don't know if you saw Sharon and Wayne's response about MAP last week or
so...check the archives if necessary.

PS: I think those in the so called White Brotherhood should change their
name!! That one just doesn't work anymore!

Best Regards,
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 6:45 AM
Subject: Fwd: Re: Healing

Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 22:27:40 -0700
From: Thomas Schley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Healing

Dear Sherry, et al,
Has anyone had any experience with or heard of any successful
experiences using Machaelle Small Wright's MAP (Co-Creative White
Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program)?

Fwd: Re: Healing

2002-02-21 Thread bdnow

Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 22:27:40 -0700
From: Thomas Schley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Healing

Dear Sherry, et al,
Has anyone had any experience with or heard of any successful 
experiences using Machaelle Small Wright's MAP (Co-Creative White 
Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program)?

Re: Healing

2002-02-21 Thread Wayne and Sharon McEachern

Dear all.

Paul Fieber wrote:

 Even with this incredible device, my personal opinion is that healing iteself must 
begin within us first.  We must have a desire to want change and take responsibilty 
for this change. All the healers or instruments in the world will have no meaning if 
we don't first look within ourselves for the answer.  I have found that most all 
diseases have an unresoved emotional confict as the underlying cause of disharmony.  
This is especally true with Cancer.  It is so easy to run to the doctor and get a 
pill which only masks the symptom and never addresses the real problem.

 True healing begins with loving ourselves as we are and to express love in 
everything we do.  If we were to say everyday to someone I Love You it would change 
the world.


Paul, thank your insight here.  You are absolutely correct with your statements on 
emotional baggage and its affects on form.

At the very start -- or at least what we perceived as our start on the path to higher 
consciousness learning -- was a health challenge that was experienced by Sharon some 
17 - 18 years ago.  She was diagnosed with a malignant cancer.  That one will 
straighten you right up

It was interesting -- on the day that she was told of the biopsy results, I broke down 
in heavy tears.  I remember her having the face of determination and realization.  I 
couldn't understand her complacent approach to the whole thing.  When I asked her 
about this -- she told me what she had heard.

While in the doctor's office, hearing his words -- she heard in her head -- You did 
it -- and you can fix it.  From that point on, life has been an obvious miracle 
(obvious to us).  Books and spiritual work came our way and Sharon soon realized that 
her emotional feelings which she had projected on her parents' relative to her 
negatively perceived way of raising her (mind you, I said her projected feelings) -- 
created a very toxic condition in her form which then manifested in that very 
debilitating meeting at the doctor's office.  (Debilitating for me)

Anyway, that experience is such a prime example of how negative thoughts and other 
negative energies (sometimes out of this lifetime) manifest in negative physical 
conditions in our present form.  At this point, everyone should know that Sharon is in 
wonderful health and enjoys the work which was designed for her which was made known 
to her not too long after the universal shock award was given to her.   :-)

Folks should also realize that the reason that it is said that allopathically treated 
cancer often returns within two years of its first visit -- is because the origin and 
cause of the disorder is never addressed.  It is a personal evolutionary 



Sharon and Wayne McEachern


A Divine Program for Healing and Transformation


Expressing the Light

A Ministry Dedicated to the Divine Process


Re: Healing

2002-02-21 Thread Moen Creek

this is from Dimensions of Radionics
by David Tansley



Conditions arising in the emotional body of man are one of the most potent
sources of disease that the practitioner will have to consider. The activity
of this body, when it becomes unduly agitated or tensed has a deleterious
effect upon the etheric body which is quick to mirror the disturbances at a
subtler level. In his book The Astral Body Arthur Powell says:

A developed man has five rates of vibration in his astral body: an ordinary
man shows at least nine rates, with a mixture of various shades in addition.
Many people have 50 or 100 rates, the whole surface being broken into a
multiplicity of little whirlpools and crosscurrents, all battling against
another in mad confusion. This is the result of unnecessary emotion and
worries, the ordinary person of the West being a mass of these, through
which much of his strength is frittered away.

An astral body which vibrates fifty ways at once is not only ugly but also a
serious annoyance. It may be compared to a physical body suffering from an
aggravated form of palsy, with all its muscles jerking simultaneously in
different directions. Such astral effects are contagious and affect all
sensitive persons who approach, communicating a painful sense of unrest and
worry. It is just because millions of people are thus unnecessarily agitated
by all sorts of desires and feelings that it is so difficult for a sensitive
person to live in a great city or move amongst crowds.


Dr. Edward Bach was one such person who, due to his increasing sensitivity,
finally had to leave London and seek the quiet of the countryside. So acute
did his quality of sensitivity become that when he placed the petal of a
flower upon his tongue, the emotional and mental imbalances that the bloom
would cure, manifested themselves in his own being. Although unpleasant and

distressing it did enable him to gather together those medicines~i
which later became known as the Bach Remedies.i

Powell continues:

The perpetual astral disturbances may even react through the etheric double
and set up nervous diseases. The centers of inflammation in the astral body
are to it what boils are to the physical body‹not only acutely
uncomfortable, but also weak spots through which vitality leaks away. They
also offer

practically no resistance to evil influences and prevent good influences
from being of profit. The condition is painfully common: the remedy is to
eliminate worry, fear and annoyance.

Alice Bailey in her book Esoteric Healing says of the astral body:

Wrong emotional attitudes and a general unhealthy condition of the astral
body must be a potent factor in producing discomfort and disease
Agitation in that body, any violent activity under stress of temper, intense
worry or prolonged irritation will pour a stream of

astral energy into and through the solar plexus center, and will
galvanize that center into a condition of intense disturbance. This
next effects the stomach, the pancreas, the gall duct and bladder.
Few people (and I might well ask who is exempt at this particular time in
the world's history) are free from indigestion, from undesirable gastric
conditions, or from trouble connected with the gallbladder.

So the prime factors to be considered by any radionic practitioner when he
does an analysis, are those which may exist in the astral life of the
patient. If hatred, anger, a sense of criticism, fear, superior and
inferiority complexes, violent dislikes and a whole host of other emotional
forces cloud the clarity of the astral body, then there must be a careful
scanning of these points and treatment must be aimed to help the patient
drop as many of them as possible from his consciousness. The Bach Remedies
are an excellent form of treatment for astral disturbances as we shall see
later. On the patient's part the cultivation of an attitude of harmlessness
in thought, word and deed will go a long way
towards cleansing the astral body and allowing the life forces to flow
through unhindered.

When a person's ambitions are bigger than their accomplishments and
frustration pervades the astral body for a period of time, a peculiar
interaction is set up between the energies of Life and Consciousness that
are anchored in the heart and head respectively, and flow along the length
of the spine, and the pranic forces entering through the spleen in the
region of the solar plexus chakra.

Try to visualize the energies of Life and Consciousness streaming downwards,
and those of solar prana coming in through the spleen at right angles to
them to form in effect a cross made up of energy streams. These meet in the
area of the solar plexus which is the seat of the individual's astral life;
if that person has thwarted ambitions, the charge of energy which would flow
out normally if such ambitions were realized, begins to back up and
accumulate because it is unexpressed. Now because 

RE: Healing

2002-02-20 Thread Paul Fieber

Hi Jane
I am a holistic practitioner and I have been involved with vibrational energy healing 
over the past two years.  I use EAV ( Electro Accupuncture by VOLL) instrument.  This 
is a non-invasive, computer based, biofeedback device which measures energy flow 
through the body's accupuncture meridians (energy channels).  It is based on the 
Chinese medical theory that improper energy flow through these meridians causes 
imbalances, which in turn can lead to disease.  

The Chinese model stresses that symptoms are not the disease; they are only messengers 
telling you a problem exists and needs to be addressed.  The BioScan biofeedback 
device has he unique ability to interpert what the messengers are saying.  The cause 
of the problem can then be examined and dealt with.  

A major advantage of the BIoScan over traditional methods of evaluation is that 
thousands of energetic measurements can be produced in less than 5 minutes.  Computer 
printouts of these evaluations then guide the practitioner in confiming energy 
imbalances in the body.  These imbalances are then alleviated with the use of 
homeopathics and herbs as well as mediatiation, yoga and nutrtition.  

Biofeedback and Bioenergitic screening is considered to be one of the most significant 
and advanced brealkthroughs in health care in many years.  It is widely accepted in 
Europe and Canada as a primary method of evaluation for health conditions.  

A total of 12,000 energy vibrations can be measured in a very short period of time.  
It scans all of the major body systems as well as chemicals, heavy metals, geopathic 
stress, yeast, industrial pollutants and allergies along with more than 50 other 
categories.  It also has the ability to look at miasms, which show energy patterns 
from our ancestors.  The energy blocks that are discovered cause the symptoms that 
manifest themselves as disease.  If we free these energy blocks it prevents the 
disease process from occuring.  A big component of the scan is vibrational emotions.  
It will show emotions that have been buried deep in the body for a number of years.  
The Bach Flower Remedies are used to correct these emotional imbalances.  

I quess a better way to put this into easy terms is that it literally looks into our 
future and gives us a picture as to where our health is going.  It is amazing what 
reveals itself in the scans.  We also have the ability to do scans by simply placing a 
hair sample on the instrument and then using ourselves as a proxy which always show  
the energy imbalances on the DNA of the hair sample.  This has also been very 
succesful with pets as they can be scanned using the same procedure.

Even with this incredible device, my personal opinion is that healing iteself must 
begin within us first.  We must have a desire to want change and take responsibilty 
for this change. All the healers or instruments in the world will have no meaning if 
we don't first look within ourselves for the answer.  I have found that most all 
diseases have an unresoved emotional confict as the underlying cause of disharmony.  
This is especally true with Cancer.  It is so easy to run to the doctor and get a pill 
which only masks the symptom and never addresses the real problem. 

True healing begins with loving ourselves as we are and to express love in everything 
we do.  If we were to say everyday to someone I Love You it would change the world.


From:   jsherry[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, February 20, 2002 6:59 AM
Subject:Re: Healing

Dear Peter, Barbara et al,

Peter, I am the last person you should ask to define terms like ego
according to the many systems which use such terms: Freud, Theosophists,
Jung, and Steiner all mean something slightly different. Perhaps you or the
many others well read and versed in anthroposophy can discuss 'ego' within
the context of Steiner's work, I however am not qualified to do this.

When I talked about the ego, I meant the part of the self  that has been
constructed by us in order to 'hide' the deeper soul parts of ourselves. The
part that allows us to function with our peers and society with a
superficial persona that we wear like a mask. Many folks actually have
constructed very elaborate personas in order to justify the ways in which
they harm others daily just by going to their job, and the ways in which
they harm themselvs and loved ones through the many intricate and societally
acceptable ways there are in which to do this.

The ego in occult terms is the part of personality that must 'die' in order
to be transformed. The initiate would go through a 'death' experience of
that constructed part of the self that is not the true Self.

Barbara, as for 'going with the flow' I mean not robot-like but being in the
moment, being fully present, Mindful.

Thanks for your eloquent message about 'quantum' healing, Barbara! Any
examples of working with the blueprint

Re: Healing

2002-02-18 Thread Aurora Farm

Dear Wayne and Jane and Sharon et al:
Well the human body is the perfect alchemical vessel and any 
healing that is done to another is not for real. It is only when we commit to 
opening to our own alchemical process that we can take quantum leaps and let go 
of all the garbage that has prevented us from connecting up our own dots in this 
living/dying process we are all involved in.
For some, sitting and meditating is very healing and gets them 
on the Red Road, for others something different will apply and for the 
healer(not too many real ones out there) they need the discrimination and 
sensitivity to be empathic to the healees energy field. The healer need also not 
work directly on the "problem", but rather help the other to become and see(as a 
witness) their own energy blocks and begin to do their own healing. A kind of 
diffuse, lateral and cool energy is what is often called for and there is a 
necessity for both the healer and healee to create a safe container for the work 
to proceed. And most important of all we all need to step back and free up 
others for their own soul's lessons .
Our own true medicine or blueprint 
on what we came here to do is built into the DNA and it is 
readily accessible with a certain type of breathing , sound and movement. And 
that junk DNA is not peripheral to the process, it is part and parcel of what we 
are all about at this time on Mother Earth. It is all about listening and being 
guided by the ancestors who are only a breath away, our birthright and authentic 
baptism with the energy of the water molecule. All this other stuff is 
side-stuff, a major distraction from the heart of the matter which is love and 
the unconditional kind. 
Any arrogance stops the alchemical process which was promised 
to us to evolve into compassionate and humane beings.

A little aside here Jane "going with the flow " is great for 
part of the time and we also need not to be perfect flowing robots. Harnessing 
the energy along with the flow helps us to integrate and build from the root up. 
And yes work with the edge, the wave , the arc and all of those feminine shapes 
that help the blinders come off.


Aurora Farm is the onlyunsubsidized, family-run seed farm in North 
America offering garden seedsgrown using Rudolf Steiner's methods of 
spiritual agriculture.

  -Original Message-From: 
  Wayne and Sharon McEachern [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
  Monday, February 18, 2002 8:37 AMSubject: Re: 
  HealingDear Jane and Barbara, 
  Jane wrote: 
  I do still
stand by the notion that the human is a perfect vessel and can self heal.
  This is a very interesting concept. And question would be -- 
  HOW? And -- through some process -- we will be healed -- or 
  I wish that there was an easy answer to this -- but I don't think that it 
  currently is "sit down and meditate and I will self heal or evolve 
  Here is what (as best as I can offer) Sharon has said many times in her 
  work. She works with a wide range of folks who have wide ranging 
  experience from doing no vibrational healing work -- to those who are 
  practitioners of various protocols in repatterning through performing various 
  energy work protocols. She works with people who have never done 
  anything (literally) -- Lots of folks. 
  What she has described about her experiences in sessions where she is doing 
  work on these various people is that once she has "entered their 
  consciousness" she experiences varying degrees of "wading through a 
  swamp". Some are more swampy than others -- and some folks will load her 
  down to where at times she has to struggle in order to maintain her energy 
  level through the session. Then there are about 4 people -- and only 
  about 4 that she works with that she refers to as clear -- open -- and whose 
  consciousness is available for her to work easily and quickly through in her 
  process of eliminating the out of balance thought patterns / conditions and 
  running the frequencies which are requested in order to do the release work 
  that the subject is wishing to have accomplished. Golly, I hope that 
  made sense to some.. 
  Anyway, the point is -- in order to heal yourself and evolve -- you still 
  need a method to follow in order to accomplish that end. 
  Sharon and Wayne McEachern 

  "A Divine Program for Healing and Transformation" 
  Expressing the Light 
  "A Ministry Dedicated to the Divine Process" 

Re: Healing + New Member

2002-02-18 Thread John- Michael

Greetings Barbara and all,

This e-group is quite a find for me and I've been
enjoying the postings as of the last several days.

Barbara, would it be possible for you to say more
about what/(or who) you are referring to when you say
promised to us in your most recent message: ...the
alchemical process which was promised to us to evolve
into compassionate and humane beings.?

My recent joining to this list resulted from my
following up on a message concerning Shanti Yoga's raw
milk Notice. I read the news through the
native-nutrition e-group.

Looking forward to learning more!

Weston A. Price Foundation - Local Chapter
representative in Grass Valley, California

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games

Re: Healing + New Member

2002-02-18 Thread Aurora Farm

Hi JohnMichael:
Greetings and welcome and tell us who is the native-nutrition e-group?
The who or what I am referring to is our own DNA that holds each and every
individual blueprint for our creative creation process. The inside out
process that begins when we open ourselves to our cosmic earthbound journey,
listening to and witnessing our liquid light that emanates from every cell
of our being reminding us that a promise is a promise. And that promise
comes through the sensitive chaos that is at the cellular level and is
accessible through a certain type of non-linear movement, and sound which is
slightly irritating pushing us into that creative, moist, frog-like place
out of which ideas arise and something is created.
Make any sense?
Aurora Farm is the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.

-Original Message-
From: John- Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, February 18, 2002 12:48 PM
Subject: Re: Healing + New Member

Greetings Barbara and all,

This e-group is quite a find for me and I've been
enjoying the postings as of the last several days.

Barbara, would it be possible for you to say more
about what/(or who) you are referring to when you say
promised to us in your most recent message: ...the
alchemical process which was promised to us to evolve
into compassionate and humane beings.?

My recent joining to this list resulted from my
following up on a message concerning Shanti Yoga's raw
milk Notice. I read the news through the
native-nutrition e-group.

Looking forward to learning more!

Weston A. Price Foundation - Local Chapter
representative in Grass Valley, California

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games

Re: healing + native-nutrition

2002-02-18 Thread John- Michael

Thank you Barbara and all!

The native-nutrition e-group primarily relates to
nourishing ourselves with nutrient dense foods (i.e.
BD grown)  plus the preparation techniques advocated
in Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon and to the
work of Weston A. Price. 
For more information see:

What you wrote Barbara indeed makes sense to me. I've
been remembering and grappling with that promise for
just about thirty three years now. 


Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games

Re: Healing

2002-02-17 Thread jsherry

Dear Hugh, Sharon, Gil, Peter et al,
The healing thread works nicely here in conjunction with the radionics

As Peter says, healing is quite personal and as Sharon indicates, a
willingness to move through the many layers is essential for healing. As
Hugh doesn't like quick fixes (actually I thought that's what the pipe was
for, but we'll leave this for now)--

I wanted to add that when western medicine performs quick fixes in the form
of cutting out the problem, as with say, cancer, often the problem comes
right back in the form of more cancer, when the issues that created the
cancer in the first place, have not been addressed, understood and cleared.

Time is a tricky one, as on the earth plane, we can often take years and
years to get to one moment in ones' life and then, in just that one moment,
one 'aha' moment, then everything can shift. But many subtle changes usually
have already taken place for such a quick shift to happen. (Or an outmoded
foundation has already crumbled in order for new paths to emerge toward the
shaping of a new foundation).

Barbara says that true healing can only occur when there is no ego present
rather a humility that allows one to
surrender to their own bullshit. This is true and also I think/sense/have
experienced that there are many levels of healing. Some of us have more
bullshit than we think. Removing the ego is like any other kind of human
spiritual strip mining. Sometimes it's out/off in one quick chunk, and for
others it's the onion process of unraveling, understanding and releasing
layer after layer. Much like personal healing, each layer of the body is
often impacted (mental, emotional, soul  physical) so even if ego is
present in varying degrees, there can be degrees in healing.

I think more than anything, the MOST important part of healing is examining
the belief systems. It's extraordinary how people buy into consensus
realities about disease, aging, illness, even so called flu season. People
often curse themselves with diseases, aching pains, or unhappiness. I had a
friend once, who swore she would never change. Our language is a direct
result of our belief system. Change that and one can effect profound change
first in the subtle bodies, then the physical.

One can see immediate and direct results in changing what one thinks, says
and creates for their reality. Actually, this list is a good point in
demonstration. For many of us who have been on this list for years, this
thread about healing and radionics is one we revisit a couple of times a
year it seems. But I also recall many years back when the conversation would
have been accompanied by much rancor and personal confrontations. It seems
we have all come to believe that Bd-now is a very rich, complex and
diverse source of deep information from the most subtle and cosmic in nature
to the very practical earthy advice and collective experience. As a
community, there has been some healing and more compassion exists within
this subtle community. (and not so subtle!)

I for one am very grateful and thankful to this polyglot and rich community
and feel blessed to be a part of it. Conversation on this list somehow
continues over the years to nourish and inspire me and help me grow.

Thank you all with Blessings and Love,

(more on the radionics thread later...)
- Original Message -
From: Hugh Lovel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2002 11:10 PM
Subject: Re: Healing

Sharon writes:

this is Sharon speaking

. . . an exciting and effective way to release and cleanse the body of

Re: Healing

2002-02-16 Thread Aurora Farm

Dear Paul and List:
I love to hear this kind of approach to healing methods. We all have been
blessed with the ability to heal ourselves and some of the healers amongst
us have only a little to offer.Mainly, they know that true healing can only
occur when there is no ego present rather a humility that allows one to
surrender to their own bullshit.
Getting oneself to the point of becoming the tool i.e. spiritual warriors,
would seem to be key for all human beings. I have heard, through the
grapevine, that it is very simple and comes with no bill of sale.
Blessings, Barbara
P.S. Do we all know the story of the Frog Prince?
Aurora Farm is the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.

-Original Message-
From: Paul Fieber [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, February 16, 2002 9:57 AM
Subject: RE: Healing

Dear Wayne and List.

At our conference there were over 50% of the people that received no benefit
from the healing method.  The security during the confernence made us all
feel very uncomfortable.  When you say pay the price I don't believe the
God I know requires me to pay any price he has already taken care of this
for us.  I simply say to everyone be very cautious as there are many healing
methods today that are very skeptical and this is one of them.

From: Wayne and Sharon McEachern[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 5:11 AM
Subject: Re: Healing

File: ATT3.htm
Dear Paul and List..

please read on.

 Paul Fieber wrote:

My wife had a personal session and afterwards there was no healing
   of any kind.

Paul, I wish that you could have experienced something more positive in the
workshop that you attended.

Dr. Yuen openly admits that there are somewhere around 20% of those that he
works with that will state that they see no benefit from this protocol.
There are some reasons for these experiences -- and these are general:
Perhaps the subject's belief system will not support or allow this healing
event.  Perhaps there is a karmic issue behind the person's malady that
blocks the healing from taking place as the person
has yet to pay the price or they are yet to experience the benefit of the
illness.  I have seen people who have come to tremendous realizations that
people love and support them -- and this realization came about as a
result of the illness.  And, perhaps the most important realization in this
type of healing is we are layered (as an onion) with psychological baggage
which can be accumulated in this lifetime
-- past lifetimes -- think how dense life is in our existence here on
EarthFor many, believing in God is difficult.  We are separated
from the Divine through the veils of our various layers of consciousness and
being able to believe in something that is not 3D is so very difficult.
But, this is in fact the Earth challenge which is before us to overcome so
that we are then able to experience the

If folks will visit the Yuen Energetics website, as mentioned in previous
email, you will find wondrous lists of testimonies.  These are real

As we have been associated with various energetic healing modalities over
the years, it was easy for us to understand and work with Yuen Energetics.
And, as mentioned yesterday, this is only one aspect of the work which our
ministry supports.

I will close by saying that -- if we are experiencing any kind of challenge
whether it be a cold coming on, or we have an animal which has a
challenge, or anything -- the first line of defense will be this healing

There is one event that I will share from recent personal experience.  And,
I could share many from the experiences of ourselves and others -- but I
will not make health claims in this alternative area of healing -- Dr. Yuen
can offer his experiences with clients because of his credentials.  But, we
have a young dog, Maya, who is about 1.5 years old.  About two weeks ago,
she experienced a seizure.  She was running
in the kitchen and fell to her side and was writhing on the floor.  I called
to Sharon -- Sharon came over and quickly made a connection -- then, started
doing what she refers to as running numbers.  This is a quick version of
the basic class protocol which is learned in the intermediate class.  Once
Sharon started this process, Maya almost immediately started rising to a
standing  position -- still shaking
somewhat -- but conscious at this point.  Within a couple of minutes, the
effects of the seizure wore off.  You can see and witness the same results
with people.

We fully know that not everyone will come to use this healing modality.  How
many people can handle farming with throwing manure water on the ground and
expecting things to grow.

Peace be with you..


Re: Healing

2002-02-16 Thread Wayne and Sharon McEachern

Dear Paul and List,
this is Sharon speaking
please read on..

Paul Fieber wrote:

I simply say to everyone be very cautious as there are many healing methods
today that are very skeptical and this is one of them.

Just thought that I'd take a minute and pass along some information
based on my years of experience working with Nature and Energy / Frequency
Healing Techniques. Energy work -- like Dr. Yuen's and other protocols,
is an exciting and effective way to release and cleanse the body of thought
patterns -- which eventually manifest in the body as illness (colds, flu,
virus), disease (cancer, MS, arthritic, etc.) and pain.
The concepts work well, but. Since we are complicated Souls, I have
found that most issues require many sessions, to clear complicated (intertwined)
patterns of thought.
Dr. Yuen and most healers can address simple issues in one session;
but, this is not the case in most people. The protocols are guideline..
and the intuition, skill, and clarity of the practitioner adds to the success
of the treatment. Also, the willingness of the recipient to continue
moving through the many layers of the issue. Healing is a life long
journey for those of us on a path to enlightenment and requires constant
work. Clarity is a byproduct of continuing energy work -- results
are wonderful. Keep working at your issue -- success comes
when it is least expected.
In light,
Sharon and Wayne McEachern
"A Divine Program for Healing and Transformation"
Expressing the Light
"A Ministry Dedicated to the Divine Process"

Re: Healing

2002-02-16 Thread Hugh Lovel

Sharon writes:

this is Sharon speaking

. . . an exciting and effective way to release and cleanse the body of thought patterns -- which eventually manifest in the body as illness (colds, flu, virus), disease (cancer, MS, arthritic, etc.) and pain.
. . . Also, the willingness of the recipient to continue moving through the many layers of the issue.  Healing is a life long journey for those of us on a path to enlightenment and requires constant work.  Clarity is a byproduct of continuing energy work -- results are wonderful.   Keep working at your issue -- success comes when it is least expected.


Dear Paul, et. al.,

As an earth healer I ain't much--yet.

But I do know people are complex, so are their problems, which Steiner describes as resulting from the astral (consciousness, desire, thinking) working too strongly on the etheric and physical.  I've seen plenty of evidence of people superimposing their expectations, hopes and fears on their bodies--and the results. I, myself, am a living proof.

Acknowledging I cause my own problems, how do I fix things? First I might unravel them, which I guess is what Sharon is aluding to here. Whatever the level we're on, unraveling our problems seldom is a simple, one-stage process. At least this is not true for chronic problems. Acute problems, yes, there's more play. They may be here today, gone tomorrow. But long-standing problems--which we often seek yet another quick fix for--seldom yield thus.

In a way I would it were otherwise. On the other hand, with my usual philosophical aplumb, I like it this way. We have to get to the bottom of things and quick fixes are little help.

Clarity is defined as unobstructedness. Unobstructedness is truly a result of continuing energy work--when this works. If it doesn't work it stands to be continuing. If it works first try? Okay! You are blessed--but also exceptional. Generally about the time you give up hope success occurs. There is some sort of law of the minimum working here.

Ain't that ain't a lesson in keepin' on keepin' on?


Hugh Lovel 

Re: Healing

2002-02-15 Thread Wayne and Sharon McEachern

Dear Paul and List..
please read on.

Paul Fieber wrote:

 My wife had a personal session and afterwards there was no healing benefit
 of any kind.

Paul, I wish that you could have experienced something more positive
in the workshop that you attended.
Dr. Yuen openly admits that there are somewhere around 20% of those
that he works with that will state that they see no benefit from this protocol.
There are some reasons for these experiences -- and these are general:
Perhaps the subject's belief system will not support or allow this healing
event. Perhaps there is a karmic issue behind the person's malady
that blocks the healing from taking place as the person has yet to "pay
the price" or they are yet to experience the benefit of the illness.
I have seen people who have come to tremendous realizations that
people "love" and "support" them -- and this realization came about as
a result of the illness. And, perhaps the most important realization
in this type of healing is we are layered (as an onion) with psychological
baggage which can be accumulated in this lifetime -- past lifetimes --
think how dense life is in our existence here on Earth
For many, believing in God is difficult. We are separated from the
Divine through the veils of our various layers of consciousness and being
able to "believe" in something that is not 3D is so very difficult.
But, this is in fact the Earth challenge which is before us to overcome
so that we are then able to "experience the kingdom".
If folks will visit the Yuen Energetics website, as mentioned in previous
email, you will find wondrous lists of testimonies. These are real
As we have been associated with various energetic healing modalities
over the years, it was easy for us to understand and work with Yuen Energetics.
And, as mentioned yesterday, this is only one aspect of the work which
our ministry supports.
I will close by saying that -- if we are experiencing any kind of challenge
whether it be a "cold" coming on, or we have an animal which has a challenge,
or anything -- the first line of defense will be this healing protocol.
There is one event that I will share from recent personal experience.
And, I could share many from the experiences of ourselves and others --
but I will not make health claims in this alternative area of healing --
Dr. Yuen can offer his experiences with clients because of his credentials.
But, we have a young dog, Maya, who is about 1.5 years old. About
two weeks ago, she experienced a seizure. She was running in the
kitchen and fell to her side and was writhing on the floor. I called
to Sharon -- Sharon came over and quickly made a connection -- then, started
doing what she refers to as "running numbers". This is a "quick version"
of the basic class protocol which is learned in the intermediate class.
Once Sharon started this process, Maya almost immediately started rising
to a standing position -- still shaking somewhat -- but conscious
at this point. Within a couple of minutes, the effects of the seizure
wore off. You can see and witness the same results with people.
We fully know that not everyone will come to use this healing modality.
How many people can handle farming with throwing manure water on the ground
and expecting things to grow.
Peace be with you..

Sharon and Wayne McEachern
"A Divine Program for Healing and Transformation"
Expressing the Light
"A Ministry Dedicated to the Divine Process"

RE: Healing

2002-02-14 Thread Paul Fieber

Dear List

Please be advised that my wife and I went to one of Dr. Yuen's seminar's at at cost of 
$900.00.  My wife had a personal session and afterwards there was no healing benefit 
of any kind.  We talked with several others at the conference that were actually up on 
the stage for the healing and they also received no benefit from this man.  We 
personally, as well as serveral others felt that we were taken advantage of. 
I would strongly caution anyone to think twice before getting involved.

From:   Wayne and Sharon McEachern[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, February 14, 2002 8:43 AM
To: Bio-Dynamic List

Hi Folks!

As we have hit a healing thread here, and I need to get this said so
that I can get on with my personal list of things to do -- I need to
share some special information with you regarding healing.

First, I want to encourage all of you -- no matter your interest in
being a healing practitioner or not -- to visit the following website:

The website is one of those with lots of movement -- and once you find
out who Kam Yuen is, you will understand why the movement.  Also, the
website is a little picky -- it doesn't accommodate all browsers -- it
does work with MS Explorer.  Even if you are not using MS Explorer, you
most likely have it available on your computer if you have a PC.

Visit the site and spend a day reading the testimonies.  Yes, it could
take that long

Sharon has completed the three levels of classes which Dr. Yuen offers
and now is starting on her second time through in order that she
complete the Mastery program next year which would enable her to teach
this protocol.
I have not started take the three levels of classes as I am impressed
beyond wordsThis is the beginning of our full time ministry
which includes working and promoting this protocol.  I would encourage
anyone -- whether you think that you could be a healer or not -- to take
the classes.  Yes, you can do it.  There is a very well defined protocol
that is easy to learn and follow.

The ministry which I am speaking of actually began about two years ago
and will include the above as well as supporting our continued work on
the Land in Quantum Gardening and Ag.

I need to add one more thing.  Sharon's work is a little different in
some manners than what you will read about on the passed along webpage
above.  She has actually incorporated Dr. Yuen's work into her
practice.  She is quite gifted and very intuitive and works with a
subject to identify the out of harmony aspects of the subject -- sends
frequencies (all of which are at her disposal) which will she is guided
to direct throughout the energetic fields.  These frequencies have a
very interesting effect on the subject which falls into a category of
healing on all levels.  If I were to define her work with one word, I
would call it evolutionary.

All of this work can be performed local (in person) or in phone sessions
-- or without phones.

Feel free to contact me / us with questions and / or comments.




Sharon and Wayne McEachern


A Divine Program for Healing and Transformation


Expressing the Light

A Ministry Dedicated to the Divine Process

