this is from Dimensions of Radionics
by David Tansley



Conditions arising in the emotional body of man are one of the most potent
sources of disease that the practitioner will have to consider. The activity
of this body, when it becomes unduly agitated or tensed has a deleterious
effect upon the etheric body which is quick to mirror the disturbances at a
subtler level. In his book The Astral Body Arthur Powell says:

A developed man has five rates of vibration in his astral body: an ordinary
man shows at least nine rates, with a mixture of various shades in addition.
Many people have 50 or 100 rates, the whole surface being broken into a
multiplicity of little whirlpools and crosscurrents, all battling against
another in mad confusion. This is the result of unnecessary emotion and
worries, the ordinary person of the West being a mass of these, through
which much of his strength is frittered away.

An astral body which vibrates fifty ways at once is not only ugly but also a
serious annoyance. It may be compared to a physical body suffering from an
aggravated form of palsy, with all its muscles jerking simultaneously in
different directions. Such astral effects are contagious and affect all
sensitive persons who approach, communicating a painful sense of unrest and
worry. It is just because millions of people are thus unnecessarily agitated
by all sorts of desires and feelings that it is so difficult for a sensitive
person to live in a great city or move amongst crowds.


Dr. Edward Bach was one such person who, due to his increasing sensitivity,
finally had to leave London and seek the quiet of the countryside. So acute
did his quality of sensitivity become that when he placed the petal of a
flower upon his tongue, the emotional and mental imbalances that the bloom
would cure, manifested themselves in his own being. Although unpleasant and

distressing it did enable him to gather together those medicines    ~i
which later became known as the Bach Remedies.    i

Powell continues:

The perpetual astral disturbances may even react through the etheric double
and set up nervous diseases. The centers of inflammation in the astral body
are to it what boils are to the physical body‹not only acutely
uncomfortable, but also weak spots through which vitality leaks away. They
also offer

practically no resistance to evil influences and prevent good influences
from being of profit. The condition is painfully common: the remedy is to
eliminate worry, fear and annoyance.

Alice Bailey in her book Esoteric Healing says of the astral body:

Wrong emotional attitudes and a general unhealthy condition of the astral
body must be a potent factor in producing discomfort and disease....
Agitation in that body, any violent activity under stress of temper, intense
worry or prolonged irritation will pour a stream of

astral energy into and through the solar plexus center, and will
galvanize that center into a condition of intense disturbance. This
next effects the stomach, the pancreas, the gall duct and bladder.
Few people (and I might well ask who is exempt at this particular time in
the world's history) are free from indigestion, from undesirable gastric
conditions, or from trouble connected with the gallbladder.

So the prime factors to be considered by any radionic practitioner when he
does an analysis, are those which may exist in the astral life of the
patient. If hatred, anger, a sense of criticism, fear, superior and
inferiority complexes, violent dislikes and a whole host of other emotional
forces cloud the clarity of the astral body, then there must be a careful
scanning of these points and treatment must be aimed to help the patient
drop as many of them as possible from his consciousness. The Bach Remedies
are an excellent form of treatment for astral disturbances as we shall see
later. On the patient's part the cultivation of an attitude of harmlessness
in thought, word and deed will go a long way
towards cleansing the astral body and allowing the life forces to flow
through unhindered.

When a person's ambitions are bigger than their accomplishments and
frustration pervades the astral body for a period of time, a peculiar
interaction is set up between the energies of Life and Consciousness that
are anchored in the heart and head respectively, and flow along the length
of the spine, and the pranic forces entering through the spleen in the
region of the solar plexus chakra.

Try to visualize the energies of Life and Consciousness streaming downwards,
and those of solar prana coming in through the spleen at right angles to
them to form in effect a cross made up of energy streams. These meet in the
area of the solar plexus which is the seat of the individual's astral life;
if that person has thwarted ambitions, the charge of energy which would flow
out normally if such ambitions were realized, begins to back up and
accumulate because it is unexpressed. Now because there is such a close link
at this point between the heart center, the blood and the pranic life-forces
which must circulate in the blood, the excessive energy charge that is
present begins to have an effect upon the blood which under certain
conditions may result in malignancy. It is inevitable that a build up of
mental, astral, etheric and pranic matter must attract physical matter and
so a tumor can be built as a means of expressing the energy of thwarted
ambition. This of course is a simplification of the dynamics of some
malignancies, there must be any number of other factors and variables which
enter into the picture. The cure for many astral conditions including this
one is to be found in the cultivation of an attitude of acceptance.
Acceptance of what you are, where you are, and the conditions you exist
under, not in a negative sense but a dynamic one which hands the reins of
your being over to the will of the inner man and allows Life to express Its

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