Re: Perl and Berkley DB - troubles

2002-08-19 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Mariusz [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*1. I have installed perl (perl-5.6.1.tar.gz)
*2. I have installed Berkley DB (db-4.0.14.tar.gz)
*3. now, when I try to run a Perl script, it says:
*Checking for installation of Berkely DB or GNU DB capability...
*No DBM package was successfully found or installed at
*/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.1/ line 14.
*Compilation failed in require at ./ line 40.
*What's wrong? is present in the proper directory, but the
*script keeps moniting... Should I recompile Perl with some options or
*install DBM first?
*I also tried to install DB from .rpm and as perl modules (cpan) as well but
*it didn't change anything.


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Re: Time and Date

2002-08-19 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

A Taylor [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Also I have had to add 1 to the hour var: $hour ++; even though my web 
*space providers are in the same country as me - does anyone know why this 
*is - I am probably being a bit daft - well it is 1am, and I have been 
*perling for about 16 hours now !!! Gulp ^_^

As far as I know, gmtime() returns hours in the range of 0..23 :)

You might want to check out the core module Time::Local too.


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Re: perl CPAN modules

2002-08-17 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Pfeiffer, Richard [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Wondering what list I should send a question to regarding CPAN modules, in
*particular, the intitial config file.
*Ignore the rest of this lengthy diatribe if this is not the correct list.

There is no list sadly but installing modules can be topical on
nearly every perl related list so don't worry about it too much. 

*When I loaded my first module, actually a bundle, I used: 
*perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::Bugzilla'
*It then prompted for a series of answers, ranging from what mirror sites I'd
*like to use to where gzip, make, etc., are located.
*Well, since doing that, I have installed a diffent make and am trying
*desperately wanting/trying to tell perl/CPAN this, but not sure exactly how
*to go about it.   Everytime I run or re-run a module installation, it still
*runs from the old location and bombs with errors such as:
*I see that there are two files ( and ) in the
*perl installation dir located at:
*I saw that the make setting is located there and I am about ready to try
*just tweaking it manually by editing those files.  However, I can't imagine
*that's the proper way to do that!  Any ideas?  Tried install on the
*CPAN::FirstTime module, but that just returned an everything is up-to-date
*Then I did a recompile CPAN::FirstTime module.  Went through everything, but
*no prompts for locations, mirrors, etc.

In the pod is a description of all the configuration parameters. If you do
something like 

cpano conf make path to new make
cpano conf commit

it should fix the problem. If it doesn't, go in as a last resort and edit
it manually. You can also try the tactic which will override
the system config.

There is a 'grok-cpan.pdf' in
that you may find helpful.

And, you may want to get aquainted with if you feel like 
giving it a try. It's still in development but it may make your life


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Re: Mailing list for Tk users?

2002-08-16 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Octavian Rasnita [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Hi all,
*Can you recommend me a mailing list for Tk module users?
* if there is such a thing.


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Re: Anyone know what Perl Jaguar is coming with?

2002-08-16 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Eric Plowe [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Jaquar is shipping with 5.8.0

No, it is not. Jaguar went gold several weeks before 5.8.0 was released.
Jaguar will be shipping with 5.6.1.


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Re: PPM3 Repositories

2002-07-03 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Nigel Peck [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Are there any other PPM repositories worth noting other than the
*standard ActiveState ones? (I know about the Mod_Perl one)

Since I don't do Wintel I don't know much about PPM but I'm aware of a few
things that may be helpful.

CPANPLUS is a 'still-in-development' replacement for the current
and it also has a feature for making packages, including PPM. You can try
it at your own risk but I'm sure the dev team would appreciate any
constructive feedback should you find the PPM package maker doesn't do
what it should.

The latter discussees the testing interface.

are also good resources.

One can also complain to ActiveState since it is their product afterall
and they may be more responsive if more people expressed an interest in a
current PPM archive. I know that one of the AS people _does_ keep such an
archive somewhere inside the organisation, but I don't recall if it is
publicly available or not. It may be just part of the 'premium' service
they sell but it can't hurt to ask about it.


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Re: Processing text

2002-07-03 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

*The original file was saved on a windows machine, and i copy/pasted it through a 
linux text editor. I noticed when i edit the original file using vi, down the bottom 
next to the file name is [dos]. Im thinking this has something to do with it.

You can also simply use the unix utility 'dos2unix' which comes with most
flavours of unix these days.


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Re: CPAN viruses

2002-06-08 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

*Just downloaded my first CPAN module (woo-hoo).  What risks are
*associated with installing these modules?  Are they checked for viruses,
*etc. before posting?

No more than with anything else you download from the net and install onto
a system. Modules aren't audited upon upload but an MD5 checksum is
generated which you can use either manually or with to verify
the validity of the distribution but, again, this isn't a foolproof
guarantee of secure non-malicious code. The CPAN Testers tend to validate
and test quite a few modules to catch such problems early. Identifying
malicious code in perl modules would also prove to be a daunting task
considering the volume and range of skill.

Over the last 7 years, we haven't had any problems of this nature and
hopefully it will remain that way in spite of the fact that, with over 200
independent mirrors around the globe, it would be very easy to distribute
such a file and very difficult to provide a system that would safeguard
against it if the point of origination was PAUSE. So far people seem to
respect the space and find other things to entertain themselves with. We
have discussed such things as a fingerprint database but, again, it
wouldn't be 100% secure.

As with everything, caveat emptor.


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Re: Modules

2002-05-29 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Shishir K. Singh [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Wanted to know the modules that are already present in the standard stable.tar.gz 
distribution. I had a Active Perl distribution. Now I need to install the 
stable.tar.gz and wanted to know the additional modules that I may have to install.


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Re: Crypt:: or ???

2002-05-25 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Teresa Raymond [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Which module is the easiest to learn and offers the best 
*encryption/decryption?  There were so many that I did not feel 
*capable of choosing one at CPAN.  Encryption/decryption for username 
*and passwords

Unix passwords use what is known as DES which is a 'one-way' encryption 
scheme so if this is for system password encryption, I'd recommend you use
Crypt::DES or Crypt::Blowfish if you use OpenBSD though the crypt function
in perl is suitable for encrypting small amounts of data like passwords.

Also, DES has been replaced with AES or Rijndael as the new 'Federal
Standard' which you might find interesting


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Re: Perl/linux sysadmin question...

2002-05-23 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Ron Powell [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*I was recently reading Linux Administrators Handbook (by the same folks who
*wrote Unix System Administrators Handbook) and it mentioned that you could
*write a perl script to add users, set their passwords, etc.
*The question is, could someone point me to a faq (faq only, please - I'm
*keen to try it myself first) containing the appropriate information?
*Originally, I was going to write a shell script that used expect...  but
*I'd much rather use perl for it.

The Perl FAQ,,
covers parts of this, CPAN has a scripts section that has a few examples, and
usually most Unix variants these days come with 'useradd' or 'adduser' or
some other similarly obfuscated name :)


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Re: Perl in a Nutshell

2002-05-15 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Denham Eva [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*I see a number of mails about Perl books. Most of them mention the O'Reilly
*Does anyone use Perl in a Nutshell? Is it any good as a reference book?

O'Reilly cornered the Perl book market pretty early so they have most of
the current worthwhile perl books on the market though there are other
books out there published by Addison-Wesley, Manning, et. al. that are
often better than their ORA counterparts but aren't as well known.

The Perl Nutshell was...less than stellar but there is a 2nd edition in
the works right now which may improve the book. If you just want a
reference then the only book I'd consider would be the 3rd Edition of the
Camel, a.k.a. Programming Perl.


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Re: Books

2002-05-15 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Jim C. [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*There was a lot of stuff removed from Learning Perl 3rd Ed that was in
*2nd.  It has been kind of cool to see what was removed.  I guess they
*thought that some of the items were a: not important or relevant b: more
*advanced or c: deprecated (tm).  I haven't seen anything added to 3rd
*that wasn't in 2nd though, I admit I don't reference that book that much

Much of the stuff that was removed was due to the change in authors and a
bit of spiffing up though you may all send roses and chocolates to the
Editor who didn't include the goofy dialogues between TomP and Randal
throughout the book :)

I don't have the Llama's handy but as I recall the 3rd had a lot of new
material and I remember there being far fewer references to the
Flintstones :) Overall the 3rd Ed. is a major improvement especially for
anyone who may have been previously intimidated by the 2nd ed.

And the 3rd. Edition Camel is similarly an improvement over the 2nd ed. as
there is a new and improved index, a reference section and a lot more
useful information in general. has them for 30% off most of the time so stay off
the pizza for a few days and get the 3rd editions.


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Re: Perl Tut's

2002-05-15 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

  Czar [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Any recommendations for Beginner's Tutorials web pages ?


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Re: Installing modules without a C compiler

2002-05-14 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Craig Moynes/Markham/IBM [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Ok that seems to do the trick, the only thing I am worried about is during
*the installation to the real directory some data is appended to
*perllocal.pod. The documentation for MakeMaker say you can disable this
*with pure_install, but I can't find anywhere that explains the use of
*A quick look at its contents show multiple copies of modules I have
*installed locally (due to not uninstalling I imagine).
*Does anyone know about the need for perllocal.pod ?

perllocal is a crude but effective accounting system for perl. You aren't
really supposed to use it per se as it isn't really useful for anything
other than looking to verify that $module was, in fact, installed on
$system at any given time since there are easier and more efficient ways
of obtaining the list of installed modules. So, unless you have a burning
need to fiddle with it, it ain't broke so don't fix it :)


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2002-04-26 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Bryan R Harris [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*This is the beginners list, right?
*I heard that you could find code for almost anything at CPAN.  How do you
*go about this?

The front page of CPAN lists a number of search engines for CPAN and a

*For example, say I want to recurse through a directory and all
*subdirectories creating an index text file in each directory containing a
*list of the text files in that directory.  Can CPAN help with that task?

The FAQs are filled with questions and answers even though most people
think their situation is unique or that it has never been asked before..


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Re: web automation - where to read?

2002-04-25 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Martin A. Hansen [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*im trying to write a scipt that crawls a website. however, with only the 
documentation from the perl cookbook and some no_good manpages from the LWP modules, 
im stuck!
*where can i find som documentation (pref. online) ?
*or even some examples ?

I don't know if any examples are online as robots can be a dangerous
menace when done poorly or incorrectly but you'll want to have a look at
the RobotUA module in the LWP distribution,

Also the book Perl and LWP,, should be out soon
which has a whole chapter on spiders and includes a working example.


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Re: How to find module dependencies

2002-04-25 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

sharan [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*How to find the module dependencies? I have used many modules in  my tool
*development, and i given all the modules used with my tool package. But when
*the tool is installed on Windows at the customer places they are getting
*problems as some of the module use some depenedent modules. Is there any way
*to find out what are all the modules that are dependent. has a number of module
tools you might find useful or which is pretty darn


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Re: How to find module dependencies

2002-04-25 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Michael Lamertz [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*PS: I've made the mistake to install quite a handful of modules via
*Debian packages instead of CPAN and they are *NOT* installed in
*'site_perl' but somewhere in '/usr/local/share' and are also *NOT*
*registered in perllocal.  That's *NOT* funny, Debians!

Do they turn up with or ExtUtils::Installed? Not being in
perllocal isn't that awful since it's, more or less, an internal
accounting file for Perl that is hard to manage if you remove the packages
and leave the perllocal intact. 


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Re: browsing html pages

2002-04-21 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Martin [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*As a Perl rookie I've got a serious problem trying to find out how to write
*a code which should do the following stuff: connect to specified URL using
*HTTP, send GET / PUT messages and process the output (web page) from the
*server. I went throug my Perl guidebook but found nothing according to this
*subject. Can anybody give me a hint (and/or suggest a good reference guide
*Perl on the internet) ?

If you can wait until July Perl and LWP,, is an outstanding book
for this sort of stuff. 

There is 'perldoc lwpcook' as well.


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Re: Examples of POD

2002-04-17 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Kevin Old [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Hello all,
*I was wondering if anyone had a couple of scripts that showed uses of POD 
*among Perl code?  
*Any help is appreciated.

Perl includes a little utility called 'podchecker' which you can use to
check your POD for validity once you get it written.


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Re: Question about this list

2002-04-15 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Kevin Meltzer [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:

Which reminded me to finally add the nntp stuff to the listings so, etc. should do for
future reference.


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Re: More HTML::Template help

2002-04-12 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

A Taylor [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*My question is where do I run these commands from - I have downloaded and 
*un-zipped the HTML-Template fron CPAN but am having difficulties installing 
*it. I was hoping that it would be as easy as TELNETing in to the server 
*space but I cant even do that 
*I need to install it locally as the web hosting compny I am using wont 
*install it.
*Please help as I have been working on this for too long 

If your ISP won't install it and you don't have access to a shell then
getting that module on the box is not an option.


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Re: Parsing emails in mailbox

2002-04-12 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Ankit Gupta [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
* I need help to parse emails for their From, UID and message text fields
*from a local mailbox file (unix type). I am using Windows Me and any sort of
*help in this direction would be highly appreciated. If someone can provide
*some sample code, that will be really very nice.

You didn't mention what you wanted to do with the Unix mail but MHonArc
will convert it to HTML.


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Re: problem sending mail

2002-04-10 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Aman Raheja [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Hi all
*I am trying to send a mail with the following code and the last print 
*statement doesn't print, ie, the mail is not sent.
*This code is called on submitting a form on the web
*open(MAIL, /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t) || die Can't open mail;
*print MAIL END;
*To: amancgiperl\
*Subject: News
*all the message goes here
*print The mail has been sent successfullyBRBR;
*If I remove the -oi -t switch from the first statement, the print statement 
*works but the mail is not sent.
*Please help and let me know what could I be missing, in or above the code.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

open(MAIL, |/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t -f foo\ || die Can't open
print MAIL 'DNE';
To: amancgiperl\
Subject: News

all the message goes here



Other than the obvious changes you should *always* add -w and use perl -c
$programname whenever you find something works. Also, END is a reserved
word so never use that in a 'here' doc.


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Re: Perl on the Palm OS?

2002-04-10 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

*I would like to write a program in perl which can be run on a Palm OS
*powered handheld. Any idea how I would go about doing this, or if it's even
*possible at this point in time?

PalmOS - no known ports

So, no, it's not possible at this point.


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Re: Net::FTP

2002-04-10 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

*I can not install any Net::FTP module from . I
*can not uncompress any  downloaded  Net::FTP modules. Does anyone have
*any idea what problem can be?

Well, you have to uncompress them before you can install them. Check to
make sure you have 'gzip' or 'gunzip' along with tar and that you have a
platform agreeable to the module, e.g. Win32:: on windows, not on Unix. 

You should also read the FAQ with
particular attention to the module sections.


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Re: why wont html templates work with perl ???

2002-04-10 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

A Taylor [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*I have been trying (and trying) to use the code below as I need to use HTML 
*templates in perl, and I keep getting the same error.
*Can't locate HTML/ in @INC (@INC contains: 
*/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503 
*/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005 .) 
*at /home/sites/site171/web/ibglda6kekkd/ line 5.
*This looks to me as though the server that provides the web space that I am 
*using doesnt support 'use HTML::Template;'. Is this correct or have I 
*really lost the plot ? (Probably both !!!) - If so, what is the 
*alternative. There has to be another way of using templates in PERL  I 
*have been told by the company that provide the web space that I cant upload 
*modules - is this true - and can I upload the HTML::Template module ?

It means precisely what it says - it cannot locate that module in any of
it's known library paths. So, you can either ask your ISP to install that
module for you or you can read teh section on the CPAN FAQ,, about how to install a module in a
different location and how to use it. Given the above, you'd probably be
limited to asking the ISP to install it for you.


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Re: Scope of my() declared variables WAS( Re: -e $filename...)

2002-04-10 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Timothy Johnson [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Here's the part I still don't understand, and maybe some of you can show me
*the light.  What is the difference between local() and my()?  I have never
*used local(), the only examples I've ever been given involve scoping $_, and
*if I am ever tempted to do that, I can usually trace it back to a bad

I always found the local, my, our mess pretty confusing and the best
explanation is MJD's Coping with Scoping

Make good note of the text in red :)


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Re: problem sending mail

2002-04-10 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Aman Raheja [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Hi all
*I am trying to send a mail with the following code and the last print 
*statement doesn't print, ie, the mail is not sent.
*This code is called on submitting a form on the web
*open(MAIL, /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t) || die Can't open mail;
*print MAIL END;
*To: amancgiperl\
*Subject: News
*all the message goes here
*print The mail has been sent successfullyBRBR;
*If I remove the -oi -t switch from the first statement, the print statement 
*works but the mail is not sent.
*Please help and let me know what could I be missing, in or above the code.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

open(MAIL, |/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t -f foo\ || die Can't open
print MAIL 'DNE';
To: amancgiperl\
Subject: News

all the message goes here



Other than the obvious changes you should *always* add -w and use perl -c
$programname whenever you find something works. Also, END is a reserved
word so never use that in a 'here' doc.


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Re: Location of SendMail

2002-04-09 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

@fro @ndy [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*My friend said that you cant use sendmail on a Windows machine so i am asking if 
this is true. If it is true are there any sendmail programs out there that would work 
with my current OS?

Not true but you'd have to install it and, as I recall, it's a commercial
product these days. Try Mail::Sendmail instead.


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Re: DBI results help

2002-04-08 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

rory oconnor [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*I'm trying to write some queries to export MySQL information to a file,
*and I'm a bit of a newbie.  I'm querying the database for fieldnames,
*and then field data.  then I want to write the data to a file in a sort
*of key:value format:
*and I guess I can do a second query to select the data, but I am stuck
*at how to write them out in sort of key-value pairs.  and i'm not even
*sure this is the most efficient way.

I'm not sure what you had there but try the following with your fields and
query inserted where applicable. 

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use DBI;
use strict;

open DBSET, dboutput or die can't open dboutput: $!;

my $dbh = DBI-connect( dbi:mysql:dbname, username, passwd );
my $sth = $dbh-prepare( 
SELECT field1, field2
WHERE field1 = ''


while ( my ($field1,$field2) = $sth-fetchrow_array ) {  
print DBSET $field1 is a part of $field2\n;

close DBSET;

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Re: DBD for mySQL

2002-04-08 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Bob T [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
* Will someone point me to the Win module for DBD:mysql..

The CPAN FAQ,, lists a number of
resources for ActivePerl modules.


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Re: perllocal.pod

2002-04-07 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Robert Brandtjen [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*contains only about 9 of over 100 installed PM's - how can I update it 
*to see all of them ?

You shouldn't ever need or want to manually edit perllocal yourself. 


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Re: PERL Modules

2002-04-05 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Jonathan E. Paton [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Correct, they are standard modules - apparently not available any other
*way... I presume so that you know the standard ones are working for a
*given version of perl.
*You *could* download Perl 5.6, and transplant them... and fix the minor
*problem that OO wasn't properly implemented until 5.005_03.  Honestly,

Yes, you could, but it wouldn't work and the sysadmin would break your
knuckles, lovingly, one at a time just to hear you scream.

*upgrade to 5.6 something, or even 5.8 (is it out yet?) - even if you

5.8 should be out by July.


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Re: how to get version values from other code?

2002-04-05 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

drieux [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*My real concern is grovelling through old grot to figure out
*like what it Thinks It is dependent upon.
*This way folks could self grovel their code and be able to
*provide their basic 'my code needs' foo info when presenting
*questions about the code

Well, try pmtools



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Re: Strip Carriage Returns

2002-04-04 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Glenn Cannon [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Illegal character \015 (carriage return) at line 2.
*(Maybe you didn't strip carriage returns after a network transfer?)
*Is there a simple way to prevent/cure this?

Several. Most modern Unixes have 'dos2unix' available or you can use Perl


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Re: Find all files that end in .jpg

2002-04-04 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Naomi Arries [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Help I'm struggling to have these two pieces of codes do
*what I want it to do
*With code (1)
*I'm trying to recursively decends into directories to find
*all the files that end in .jpg.

use File::Find;


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Re: sort by field

2002-04-04 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Bryan R Harris [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*I'm very much a beginner, I guess, the perldoc page on sort doesn't make
*much sense to me.
*I've got a tab-delimited file read into an array, now I want to sort it on
*the contents of column 3.  Could someone point me in the right direction?


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Re: module / driver install question

2002-04-04 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Johnson, Shaunn [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Anyway ... how can I tell if the driver is installed?
*Also, why am I getting this error?

perl -MDBI -e 'print $DBI::VERSION\n'
perl -MDBD::PG -e 'print $DBD::PG::VERSION\n'

If you don't get a version number, it isn't installed.

You also have to have PG installed prior to installing the PG module.


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Re: converting html to text

2002-04-04 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Paul Tremblay [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*I am wodering if there isn't a CPAN module already written.
*Converting html to text seems like such a common task, that there
*ought to be some robust scripts out there. Interestingly enough,
*I found many scripts to convert html to rtf and LaTeX and every
*other format, but not plain old text!

That's what the search engine is for


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Re: perl6

2002-04-04 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Timothy Johnson [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*At the risk of beating a dead and bloated horse, I have no doubt that I will
*enjoy and take advantages of the improvements in Perl6, but I still don't
*see the logic in changing operators.  I mean, why make old code unusable?
*If you can make a Perl5-6 converter, why can't you integrate Perl5 code
*into Perl6?  Like I said, I have no doubt that I will use the many new
*features of Perl6 and enjoy them, but I think that sums up a lot of the gut
*reactions of people that I have spoken to.

Why worry about that which doesn't exist yet and won't for a long while?
And Perl5 is not anywhere close to being dead.

If your old stuff ain't broke, don't fix it :)


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Re: perl / database question

2002-04-02 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Johnson, Shaunn [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Yes I am very new at this ... I was hoping I
*could learn from some examples floating
*around ... but I'm not sure where my results
*should merge with the code (successfully).
*The 'while' statement: I want to say 'while
*reading from this list of tables, create
*a scrolling window and populate it with
*the results from the sql query from above'.
*Are there any examples as to how to 
*do this?

There are precious few out there as I went looking for a bare bones
example of something very similar for the CPAN Mirror page since I am not
a Web/CGI person and came up completely empty save for the examples from
the Perl DBI book

I use MySQL but I think the Postgres fretchrow is very similar to the
MySQL fetchrow so you'll have something like:

my $sth = $dbh-prepare( 
SELECT name,summary
FROM list
ORDER by name

while ( my ( $name, $summary ) = $sth-fetchrow_array ) {
print EOF;

similarly for a select list/pull-down menu list

my $sth = $dbh-prepare( 
FROM list
ORDER by category
my %categories;

while ( my ( $category ) = $sth-fetchrow_array ) {
@categories{split(' ', $category)} = ();
for my $category (sort keys %categories) {

OPTION  VALUE=$category$category/OPTION
PINPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=Category/P

where you make the query then dump out the contents in a while loop with a
HERE doc. Your mileage may vary, but that's basically it :)


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Re: Two Strategies for Delivering Modules - or why ppm et al

2002-03-31 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

drieux [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*At one facility we just 'home rolled' a solution in the
*'build system' that outputted solaris packages - with
*all of the stock versioning in it so that people on
*the 'production network' could simply do

Solaris packages aren't really 'home rolling' and take a bit of skill to
put them together properly with pre- and post- install scripts. When
combined with the 'autobundle' feature of and jumpstart it becomes
a very easy way to distribute consistent packages of perl around the
network. You can do similar things with the BSD ports and I'm sure PPM is
also capable.


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Re: Using a module in the current pwd

2002-03-31 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Archer [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*how can I use a module that is located in the same directory as my .pl file? 
*I'm searching for an equivalent to the C++ #include headerfile.h directive, 
*which includes a header located in the current pwd.


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Re: about the Readme file for CPAN modules

2002-03-30 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

drieux [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*My concern is whether anyone here understands the stuff about
*how to do a proper README file for a CPAN module - and I thought
*i would ask folks who might know what they like and what is
*just too much writing.

A README can be anything you like but most authors duplicate the POD from
their module in it or just have a brief description of the module.

may be helpful.


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Re: Which is better?

2002-03-21 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Ken Cole [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*My question, in my experience NFS is not the quickest program around.
*Will it be faster to use say LWP or Net::ftp or similar to put and get
*the files in question than writing and reading from the NFS
*exported/mounted directory or shouldn't I worry?

There are a number of benchmarking tools for NFS out on the net so you can
get an idea where the bottlenecks are that you seem to be experiencing
since it could be anything from your CGI, slow disks, slow network,
slow OS or anything inbetween and not excluding misconfigurations.

I'm pretty sure that a properly configured NFS relationship over a private
netowrk is going to be far faster than anything you can write in perl to
transfer over ftp/http. NFS on linux is async though and may be slower
with the SCO box if its NFS is sync. Tuning NFS has been a career for some
people :)


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Re: Net::FTP::Common - get(RemoteFile = ?)

2002-03-21 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Brian Volk [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Hi All,
*I'm trying to have perl get a file from my web hosting account.  I 
*searched around and found Net::FTP::Common.  I get logged into my ftp 
*account and can perform a ls but I get an error when I try to get a 
*file.  Here's the error:  

Since you cut and pasted the program from the module POD perhaps you
should direct this question to the module author or read the documentation
a little more carefully.


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Re: Installing my own modules

2002-03-20 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

*It would be nicer if I knew how to put Image::Size or any other module I want 
*in my own cgi-bin.
*How do I make perl find the modules I upload?


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Re: Making my own error.logs

2002-03-20 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

*My new web hosting service at doesn't have error logs 
*for each site. What do I do?
*Is there a way for me to create my own logs for my perl files?

You probably would benefit from buying 


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Re: Perl Modules

2002-03-19 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

*Hi All,
*I would like to use perl modules.
*I downloaded the module ( and I copied it to


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Re: LWP binary file retrievals?

2002-03-18 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

siren jones [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Is it possible to use LWP::Simple to retrieve a binary file (i.e. a .netCDF 
*file)?  Using the following code I can retrieve what I'm guessing are parts 
*of the file.  That is, what is retrieved is always 3871 bytes even though 
*the file is actually much larger.  Worse, I can not read the .netcdf file 
*once it is retrieved.   Any ideas why this may be the case?  Or better yet, 
*how to grab a binary data file off the web?

I don't know what a .netCDF file is but I have no trouble getting .jpg,
..gif, .tar.gz, etc. files with LWP::Simple. 


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Re: Attacking this wrong? Syslog sort extract question

2002-03-17 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

swansong [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*I'm fairly certain I'm attacking this incorrectly, so any advice is
*greatly appreciated...

Well...there are easier ways to do it. Let syslog do the work for you
and add

'kern.debug /var/adm/kern_debug.log'

to /etc/syslog.conf [ the space must be a tab ] and restart syslog.
This will direct kernel messages and only kernel messages, such as reboot
information, to that file thus making your job a whole lot easier.


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Re: Simple LWP web retrieval question

2002-03-15 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

siren jones [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*I tried the following code to retrieve netCDF data files from a website.
*use LWP::Simple
* getstore(source_url/, input_filename);

perl -MLWP::Simple -e 'getstore,foo;'

works like a charm.

However, yours, with the addition of -w and 'use strict;' 

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use LWP::Simple
getstore(;, ouput_filename);

generates the following with 'perl -c program name'

Bareword found where operator expected at foo line 5, near ,
(Missing operator before ouput_filename?)
Bareword ouput_filename not allowed while strict subs in use at foo
line 5.
syntax error at foo line 5, near , ouput_filename
foo had compilation errors.

Modify the program by reading the errors...

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use LWP::Simple;
getstore(;, ouput_filename);


which works fine.

Always use -w and 'perl -c program' is always a good way to ferret out
the easy mistakes.


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Re: FW: How long can $_ be?

2002-03-14 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Anette Seiler [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
* This got me wondering.  Is the behavior you see caused by limitations
* for $_, or by limitations of the print function?  You might try:
*  print strlen( $_ ), \n;
*My Perl doesn't know what strlen is. Is it part of a module?
*I don't think, it is a limitation of the print function. I am not able to 
*find a string with a regular expression before I print something.

It is a limitation of the Sun terminal. It is a bug. 

You must work around it or use another OS.


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Re: How long can $_ be?

2002-03-13 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Anette Seiler [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*From the command line I start the script with perl Now I 
*have to enter some text. I just enter any text, either by typing or by 
*cutting and pasting. I do not enter any strange characters or 
*newlines. I just type in some text. I even take care to just use 
*normal characters - no numbers, umlaute or anything else strange. 
*As you can see, I did not play with $/.
*As I wrote in my initial mail, the answer I get is not the answer I 
*expect. Whenever my input is more than 256 character, instead of 
*printing everything I entered, it prints only the last part of what I 
*entered, everything after character 256. The first part is chopped off.

I believe you :) It's a 'feature' of Sun's terminal driver which only
allows lines of 256 characters.

A workaround would be to force a linewrap at 74 chars or read $_ from a


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Re: Microsoft Word Documents

2002-03-13 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Michael D. Risser [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*I have searched CPAN, but so far no luck. Does anyone know of a module or 
*Perl script that can parse MS Word .doc files?
*I'm trying to add the ability to display these files in a web browser to a 
*document managment system I found on the web.



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Re: Writing to beginning of file

2002-03-10 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Troy May [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*How do you write to the beginning of a file?  I see only 3 options to open a
*file:  to read, to overwrite, and to append to the end of the file.
*I tried seeking to the beginning before the write, but it doesn't work.
*Seek must only work for a read.
*Any ideas?

The FAQ should be your first and second idea, always. perldoc perlfaq5 or
see the 2nd question in


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Re: suidperl problem

2002-03-10 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Patrik Schaub [FMS] [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*hi johannes,
*could be a sollution - thanks
*but i really wonder why a perl script which is
*setuid root and setguid root wont't do a simple

Check the filesystem and make sure your SA hasn't gone and done the wise
thing of mounting the volume -nosuid. If your're the SA then try
truss/trace/dtrace/etc. to see what's happening. 


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Re: problems installing a module

2002-03-08 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

*Hello everyone,
*I'm trying to install my first module, and after one fairly embarrassing 
*mistake with nmake, I seem to be having more trouble.

If you have ActivePerl use the ppm utility. If not you might find helpful.


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Re: A training program on pdf scripting

2002-03-08 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

*Basically what I am looking for is manipulating pdf files (create
*bookmarks, extract and insert pdf sheets) without using AcrobatExchange or
*any pdf related packages. is the SDK


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Re: Updated Perl to 5.6.1

2002-03-08 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Robert Brandtjen [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Ok - I have very little experience with CPAN - other then a simple download 
*and install of a new module.
*Now that I have iupgraded from 5.6 to 5.6.1 (on RH7.2) is there someway to 
*automate the updating of all those perl mods that are listed under 5.6 but 
*not 5.6.1?
*WHat I mean to say is, can I ussue either CPAN or perl a command which will 
*update those modules to 5.6.1 either as a group or individually?

use the autobundle feature of


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Re: Perl for Mac

2002-03-07 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Michael Kelly [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*BBEdit (Not BBEdit Lite,
*mind you, the full version.)
*IMHO, it's the best $120 any Mac
*programmer/webmaster/doing-anything-involving-text-er will ever spend on a
*3rd party app.

BBEdit is really well worth the price.

They've been very supportive of Perl and it always is nice to do a little
quid pro quo when you can.

Also, there are quite a number of macperl lists that would be more
appropriate for mac editor questions. See


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Re: Anyone familiar with Perl for Netware

2002-03-05 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Louden, Chris [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Hello, just joined the group looking for some help with Perl. I used to have
*an NT box running Perl from Active State, it died in a most gruesome way.
*Now I have a Novell 5.1 Server. Trying to reconfigure some of the scripts to
*run in the Novell environment.


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Re: Running a command Remotely on another Host

2002-03-04 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

norishaam [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*  I've been trying to figure out the above, maybe someone has some
*experience...Below is the scenario:-
*1. I have an executable, update.exe, that can run locally to update the
*service pack.
*2. I am trying to write a perl script to have this update.exe to run on
*multiple remote machines, excuting it from my machine.
*3. There isn't any option for this update.exe that allows it to run on
*remote machines that I specified.
*4. Is there any perl module, or perl way that I can get this done.

I've always been fond of Network Shell. It's a commercial product but it
does a terrific job and scales well.


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Re: strip first space

2002-03-01 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Tanton Gibbs [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*The regular expression

 s/^\s+//g; would be even better as it would remove all whitspace at the
beginning of a line and it would replace all matches to the pattern
instead of just the first it finds.


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Re: strip first space

2002-03-01 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

*$string =~ s/^\s+//;   Removes leading whitespaces
*$string =~ s/^\s+//g; /g (GLOBALLY) is redundant in the
*case of leading whitespages

For a beginner, it's a not a critical detail.


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PSA - unsubscribing from this list

2002-02-28 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton


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PSA - unsubscribing from this list

2002-02-28 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton


I've gotten about 20 requests at [EMAIL PROTECTED] asking to 
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Re: Image Gallery

2002-02-28 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

meyersac [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*I am designing and creating an image gallery for a class.  I
*am having users upload images, but I need the ability resize
*these uploads, and save them, for the use in thumbnails,
*using ImageMagick (PERL) but I have no clue where to start. 
*I am invisioning that this would be accomplished on the
*server side. I am writing the pages in both HTML and
*Coldfusion tags.  If anybody could help, I'll be greatly
*appreciative. for thumbnails for web gallery

As much as I hate to give Randal's ego any more help, after an extensive
search through the web late last year his is the best simple flexible
little photo album thingy out there. All you need is modperl apache and a
few other apps. and

will have a lot of useful resources. 

Also, a perl conference is coming to WU later this year that you might
attend since it's just down the road from SLU. See for more details. Usually there's at least
one of the perl grahics geeks in attendence.

Salutations to Fr. Beyondme :)


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Re: ftp module

2002-02-28 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Wagner-David [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*  I believe it is part of the libnet, but usually comes as part of the base Perl 
install. If wrong the Perl gurus will let us know.

libnet is not part of the core perl package and will not be until perl


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Re: Image Gallery

2002-02-28 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Randal L. Schwartz [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*On my near-term todo list is to re-write that little image handler to
*get the descriptions from a database and to display the data using
*Template Toolkit for much greater flexibility.  People keep wanting
*next 5/next 20/all buttons, and the current code is sideways
*enough that I wouldn't try it.  If I rewrite it as a Template plus a
*plugin to provide the data, then people can use it inside their own
*Template-based websites with ease.

One of its most attractive features is that it's simple and easy to use so
if you do rewrite it keep that in mind :) HTML::Template is a lot more
simple and easy to use than TT2. 

*There's apparently a Slashcode plugin (also Template-based) that is
*already similar.  I haven't seen it yet.

All the overhead of Slash is silly if all you want is a nice little photo
album. Slash, like GD, is not for the undetermined. But yes, there is a
plug-in but it isn't in the Slash distribution yes.

*And in spite of your spite (:-), thanks for the links.

:) I tried very hard to find something else around the net written using
mostly perl or better that I liked better but failed. Simple is good,
especially when you have 500+ digital photos that really don't require any
more trimming to add to the visual soup.


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Re: suidperl -- how to??

2002-02-27 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Ansh Kanwar [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*I am trying to compile a program which needs suidperl. What option do I
*specify while compiling from source so that suidperl can be built?
*I am compiling stable-5.6.1 on a Solaris 8 machine.

sh ./Configure -ders

make test
make install

I would highly recommend reading the perlsec manpage as suidperl can create
bigger problems than the ones it solves.


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Re: Perl question

2002-02-27 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Allison Ogle [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*I am a beginner trying to write a program which will read information from a
*log file and write it to a spreadsheet for easier viewing and organization
*but I'm not sure how to do this or how to get started.  ANY help would be
*appreciatd.  Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Thanks so much,

is a place to start. Perl comes with a buttload of documentation and there
are a lot of books out there as well to get you started. It is much easier
to answer a specific question than to ask an incredibly broad question
that a book would do a better job of answering.


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Re: Installing perl

2002-02-27 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Nikola Janceski [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*actually you want 5.6.1 (stable release) you can find it on at
* is the appropriate and correct address to refer
people to when they are looking for the perl source code and when they are looking for binaries.

*there should be release notes, but there are many bug fixes and new
*functionality added, nothing spectacular, but if you knew the differences
*between Perl4 and Perl5 this is half as much of a change.

All source distributions have 'Changesversion number' to detail the new
features as well as the perldelta.pod.

And the changes between 5.6.0 and 5.6.1 can be seen by doing 'perldoc
perldelta' under the surprisingly obfuscated header Summary of changes
between 5.6.0 and 5.6.1 at the very top.


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Re: Installing Perl Help

2002-02-26 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Scott E Svendsen [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*I am currently running perl 5.6.0, I am trying to install 5.6.1 with the
*-Dusethreads option enabled.  
*I have read the install file, and followed it to the letter, except using:
*sh Configure -Dusethreads
*Then I answer all the questions it gives me and says it is installed.
*Except there is no indication it did anything.  Doing a perl -v gives me
*the same old version.  Doign a search doesnt turn up any new 5.6.1

You probably need to type 'make' to build it, 'make test' to check it and
'make install' to install it. If these don't look familiar I can guarantee
you didn't install it.


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Re: regex to parse HTML files

2002-02-26 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

sachin balsekar [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Hi ppl,
*I have one HTML file per News story...i got to fetch some data (first
*few lines) out from a HTML file and display it as an abstract for the
*said story...
*The HTML file have the following issues...
*1. There could be a HTML table at the very beginning..(can i strip out
*the whole table..i mean TABLE  /TABLE ...but may cause probs in
*nested tables...(trying regex for the same)...
*2. I need to pick up first 1/2 lines..( i look for a '.' and pickup
*data) but fails for acronyms/ numbers.. (Ltd. or 5.8% etc)
*These two issues solved could get the almost thru with the prob..


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Re: Installing Perl Help

2002-02-26 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Scott E Svendsen [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*I am currently running perl 5.6.0, I am trying to install 5.6.1 with the
*-Dusethreads option enabled.  
*I have read the install file, and followed it to the letter, except using:
*sh Configure -Dusethreads
*Then I answer all the questions it gives me and says it is installed.
*Except there is no indication it did anything.  Doing a perl -v gives me
*the same old version.  Doign a search doesnt turn up any new 5.6.1

You probably need to type 'make' to build it, 'make test' to check it and
'make install' to install it. If these don't look familiar I can guarantee
you didn't install it.


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Re: CGI-Perl list

2002-02-26 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Naika - EV1 [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Can someone direct me to the cgi-perl list for beginners? I'm trying to find
*it but am unable. If anyone has the subscribe headers for it that will do as
*well, thanks.


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Re: net::smtp and timestamp?

2002-02-26 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Jonathan Chan [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*when using sending an automated email using net::smtp the time stamp is not 
*set correctly and the date line is not included in the headers.
*is there a way to include the correct time stamp in the headers?

should illuminate the errors in your script.


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Re: Book suggestion

2002-02-22 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Anidil Rajendran-Raj [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Hi team,
*I am unix admin trying to learn perl. How is the book LEARNING PERL BY
*EXAMPLE by Ellie Quigley

Though that book isn't mentioned specifically, I recall that Dave Cross
helped to improve the book immensely and is a good book from what I've


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Re: Problem With Make on Solaris 8 (Date-Calc-5.0)

2002-02-20 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

*I received the following error while attempting to install Date-Calc-5.0 on
*Solaris 8. Date-Calc-4.3 behaves the same way. However, I'm able to do a
*make successfully of both packages on Solaris 2.5.1. gcc is installed on
*both platforms. Could you please shed some light on what is causing this

Solaris 8 ships with perl. However, unless you have the Forte C/C++
compilers you should simply leave this perl alone as the system uses it
for kstat and go get gcc and perl from which
will install them both in /usr/local whereupon you can change your PATH to
make the /usr/local perl first. 


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Re: bleedperl , Berkeley DB-4, BerkeleyDB

2002-02-20 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

zentara [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*I'm trying to install the newest version of 
*Berkeley DB, and get the perl module
*for it going.
*I'm getting an error saying bleedperl not found.
*All my searches on the net seem to indicate that bleedperl
*is the latest version; but the BerkeleyDB docs say
*it will need only perl version 5.004; and I have v5.6.0.
*What is bleedperl?

If you don't know what it is you probably shouldn't be using it. Bleedperl
is the uncooked and unfinished development of Perl 5.8 which isn't stable
and not usable for anyone but the perl porters. Go get perl-5.6.1 and
install it and delete the bleedperl version.


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Re: bleedperl , Berkeley DB-4, BerkeleyDB

2002-02-20 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

zentara [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*All my searches on the net seem to indicate that bleedperl
*is the latest version; but the BerkeleyDB docs say
*it will need only perl version 5.004; and I have v5.6.0.

Oh..I misread that. If is
the module you are using and received the 'bleedperl' error you should
probably email the author since that error probably is not a feature
intended for mass distribution.


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Re: bleedperl , Berkeley DB-4, BerkeleyDB

2002-02-20 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Dean Theophilou [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*  I'm interested in finding out more about what's planned in Perl 5.8.  Could
*someone direct me to the proper site?  Thanks.

perldelta.pod in the 5.7.x distributions will tell you or you can find it


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2002-02-14 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Shaun [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*I have a Linux Box and I am attempting to install perl 5.6. I can get onto CPAN but 
it wont find
*the perl 5.6 distro. When I search I see it but i can't find the 'keyword' that it 
will like to

5.6.1 is the latest stable release.


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Re: modules install

2002-02-10 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Eric R. Jones [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*I had problem installing mods and getting them noticed.

Since you didn't mention anything at all about the problem, I'll suggest
you read the FAQ at 


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Re: Password Generator

2002-02-10 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Mike [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*IS there a perl password generator out there?

CPAN has a scripts section


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Re: snmpwalk with net::snmp

2002-02-08 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

*i've gotten to be somewhat comfortable using net::snmp. at the very least 
*i've used its get_request and set_request methods. however an oid used by 
*cisco seems to need to be called using 'snmpwalk' rather than a get or set 
*request. net::snmp has a get_next_request and a get_table, but i'm 
*confused if these are really the methods that would suit my purposes. is a 
*true snmpwalk capable with net::snmp?


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Re: Date

2002-02-08 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Mayank [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Hi all
*Is there a module/or some function to do calculations on date e.g. if
*today is 1st March, and i want the date for previous day (i.e. 28th or
*29th Feb)


If you can be bothered to view the front page of CPAN you'll see several
search engines listed to help you in the future or you might consider

may also prove helpful.


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Re: Perl FAQ

2002-02-05 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Jenda Krynicky [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*The question is what should a beginners FAQ look like? I bet if 
*anyone started writing one he would find himself banging his head 
*against the wall and crying RTFM RTFM RTFM ... pretty soon.

Probably like a mailing address with an Eliza back-end that will reply
with the appropriate answer from the FAQ that people invariably will not
read. I lost count of the number of times I've replied to a question at
cpan with a FAQ URL only to have the guy email me back to ask the question
directly following the one I pointed him at...the one I made sure followed
it so it would get read. is one of the better resources in the way of FAQs
for beginners.


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Re: Perl Binaries question

2002-02-05 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Nikola Janceski [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Currently I am running perl 5.6.1 on SunOS 5.6,
*I am going to be using SunOS 5.8 also very soon.
*I was wondering if I should do another install of perl on the new 5.8
*machine, with all the modules I use, or if I should have no problems using
*the perl I built on the 5.6 machine on the 5.8 (accessed through a common

Theoretically you could use the perl binary on both 5.6 and 5.8 but doing
this through automount or NFS is not ideal if your only reason for doing
this is being too lazy to install a new version and modules on a local
filesystem :) has a solid perl5.6.1 package for 5.8 and read
the section about Bundles on the CPAN FAQ at as it illustrates how you can use to make duplicating system installs of perl rather easy.


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Re: OT: Perl classes

2002-01-28 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Johnson, Shaunn [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*My management is thinking about signing up the department
*for Perl classes (maybe introduction to Perl).
*Is there a list / company that has such a site?  I went to
* and did a search and didn't see much in the
*way of Perl classes and criteria.

You might try


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Re: CPAN locks up my hard drive.

2002-01-24 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Shaun [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*I have used the CPAN network at least 6 times and every single time, about 2 hours 
after I finish
*I my hard drives lock up and the system goes down. It is a Maxtor 7200 RPM 30G 
drive, on Red Hat
*It has a 1.2 Ghz processor and loads of memory.
*Can anyone think of anything that I could do to stop this problem? 

What does this have to do with CPAN?


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Re: Perl Module for Server Statistics

2002-01-22 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Andre' Solomon [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*I'm looking for a Perl Module that would allow me to determine some basic server 
statistics such as uptime, CPU usage per process, total CPU usage, disk usage, etc.  
Can someone point me in the right direction please.

If you are using Solaris Orca or, if not,


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Re: ^M's in file

2002-01-09 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Tanton Gibbs [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*This question is asked many times in similar there a perlfaq for
*this?  If not, we need to look into submitting one.


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Re: perldoc under HPUX

2001-12-19 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Michael Fowler [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*On Wed, Dec 19, 2001 at 10:23:40AM -0500, Messier, Jean-Francois wrote:
* This might seem like a beginner's question, but I saw several
* messages ending with something about perldoc. I tried this command under
* HP-UX v11, and first it did not work. I found where the program actually
* was, and retried. I then got a reply saying something linke Superuser must
* not run /opt/perl5/bin/perldoc without security audit and taint checks..
* Nice, but this server is used only by root user, and is *not* a production
* system in any way. Do I really need to create a dummy user ID just to use
* this function, or can I still use it ?
*Unless actually administrating the system, you should always run things as
*a non-privileged user, regardless of whether or not the box is in a
*production environment.  So, to answer your question, yes, you should create
*a dummy user ID, and consistently use it.

This works great in a textbook, not at 3am when some programmer is getting
their beauty sleep and their program has crippled the system leaving you
with single user and no other choice.

perldoc -U will get you what you want.

Also, works great in a pinch.


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Re: which mailing list?

2001-12-19 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Marc Grober [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*I was using CPAN on aix433 with perl5.6 and was installing MD5 when I 
*got this error
*make:cc_r: Command not found
*make: *** [MD5.o] Error 127

That's not really enough information to go on. You should probably check
your path to make sure your c compiler is in there as well as the makefile
to see if everything is ok there as well.

*To which of the dozens of perl lists should I post to find out what 

There isn't an AIX list but has a bunch of others
to choose from. 


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Re: installation under aix

2001-12-19 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Marc Grober [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*I have installed perl 5.6.1 under aix via an lpp from the Bull 
*distribution. The file indicates that CC='cc_r' but
*there is no such file. If I create a link from /usr/local/bin/gcc
*the make runs but it bombs with compiler errors. Does anyone know:
*a) if aix requires perl to be compiled with something other than gcc 
*(seems I had seen that somewheres) b) where to file the configure 
*command in the lpp c) whether there is some way to set gcc to do the 
*make successfully and d) which of the now gazillion lists is intended to 
*address such issues (I have already posted to aix-l)


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Re: get list from database, email list

2001-12-14 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Johnson, Shaunn [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*Hi again:
*This is my first attempt at trying to pull info from a
*database ... but this is my goal:

Examples are likely the best and fastest way to get a handle on something
like this. I use the following hack to select cpan mirrors out of the db
and mail out a notice to the mirrors that match the criteria. It's ugly,
but it works :)

I also highly recommend the DBI book and all
the examples from the DBI book are on-line


#! /usr/local/bin/perl -w

use DBI;
use strict;

my $dbh = DBI-connect( your connect info here );
my $sth = $dbh-prepare( 
SELECT name,contact,retiredate,status
FROM yourtable
WHERE retiredate='' AND status='good'

while ( my ($name,$contact,$retiredate,$status) = $sth-fetchrow_array ) {

open(SENDMAIL, |/usr/lib/sendmail -t -f your\@email.address)  ||
  die(can't fork SENDMAIL: $!);

To: $contact
Subject: Grod send mail to you

Dear $name,

blah blah blah
close (SENDMAIL);


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