perl modules

2006-06-07 Thread yue lu
I am a unix user, but I am not a superuser, so I tried to install more perl 
modules, I have to install in my local directories, I used CPAN to install 
them, but some module depend on other modules which I already installed before, 
and they always complain they can't find it.
please give me some advice how to install perl modules in your local 
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Re: perl modules

2006-06-07 Thread Shaun Fryer
Hi Emily,

From your shell, you can execute...

export PERL5LIB=/path/to/your/perl/module/install/directory

...or it's equivalent (see `man your_shell`).

You can add it to your .bash_profile or equivalent in case you
don't want to type it in manually every time. Or, if you are running
a local apache instance (w/ mod_perl), you may also add the following
to your httpd.conf.

PerlSetEnv PERL5LIB /path/to/your/perl/module/install/directory

Hope that helps.


On Wed, Jun 07, 2006 at 11:24:57AM -0500, yue lu wrote:
 I am a unix user, but I am not a superuser, so I tried to install more perl 
 modules, I have to install in my local directories, I used CPAN to install 
 them, but some module depend on other modules which I already installed 
 before, and they always complain they can't find it.
 please give me some advice how to install perl modules in your local 

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Need help with making a Modules

2005-11-27 Thread Lou Hernsen
I am studying modules.. I am seeking a mentor to help.
I have very simple questions like ...
Do I need to pass vars into the mod?
Do i need to declare vars in the mod?
What is our? something like my and local?
Do I need to return vars?

The code I am writing creates part of a web page,
so I can print it in the mod or in the main.
(I wold prefer to print it in the mod.. if possible)

I have been reading for 2 weeks now and can't find a simple working model
to disect that I can understand all the parts of.

I have read what CPAN has, and a CGI101 and Visuals Perl book and O'Rielys
Mods and objects(or something like that) .. and I can't figure it out.

Please reply 

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Re: Need help with making a Modules

2005-11-27 Thread David Dorward
On Sat, 2005-11-26 at 19:48 -0800, Lou Hernsen wrote:
 I am studying modules.. 

perldoc perlmod (and perlmodlib, and perlmodstyle)

 Do I need to pass vars into the mod?

No, but you might need to pass them into subroutines you define in the
module (depending on what you want to do).

 Do i need to declare vars in the mod?

That depends on what you want the module to do.

 What is our? something like my and local?

perldoc -f our

 Do I need to return vars?

The module itself needs to return a true value, this is usually achieved
by sticking 1; at the end of it.

Your subroutines may or may not return variables depending on what you
want them to do.

 The code I am writing creates part of a web page,
 so I can print it in the mod or in the main.
 (I wold prefer to print it in the mod.. if possible)

Its possible, but I find that building a data structure that represents
the page, then dropping it into a template (using Template-Toolkit of
HTML::Template) makes things more manageable.

David Dorward
Anybody remotely interesting is mad, in some way or another.
 -- The Greatest Show in the Galaxy

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RE: Need help with making a Modules

2005-11-27 Thread Charles K. Clarkson
Lou Hernsen mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

: I am studying modules.. I am seeking a mentor to help.

What do you mean by module? I ask because many people have very
different ideas about what one is.

For example, some people think about a library.

require ';

When I say module, I am usually thinking of an object.

use TemplateVariables;

my $vars = TemplateVariables
- new()
- select_categories();

Others think of a library of subroutines and variables.

use CGI qw(:standard center);


In your own words, define module.

: I have very simple questions like ...
: Do I need to pass vars into the mod?

That depends on what you are attempting to do. It also depends
on what you want the module to do. The CGI example above passed
variables into the module to tell it which subroutines should be
exported. An object may require variables to be added when it is

: Do i need to declare vars in the mod?

It is often very difficult to write an entire module without
declaring a variable, but it is not impossible.

: What is our? something like my and local?

 Yes. Have you read perlfunc?

: Do I need to return vars?

Not usually. Most modules return values.

: The code I am writing creates part of a web page,
: so I can print it in the mod or in the main.
: (I wold prefer to print it in the mod.. if possible)
: I have been reading for 2 weeks now and can't find a simple working
: model to disect that I can understand all the parts of.

Give us  a more detailed idea of what you are attempting and
perhaps we could write an example for you.


Charles K. Clarkson
Mobile Homes Specialist
254 968-8328

 . . . With Liberty and Justice for all (heterosexuals).

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Re: Need help with making a Modules

2005-11-27 Thread Lou Hernsen
This small piece of the Stats sub calculates the
speed at which you are traveling.
I have in the main program.

use stats

and I call on it just like a regular sub
or should it be

When I call on the entire mod, i want the whole thing to run.
I could just put all the subs in the mod into one sub and call on that.. i


ps.. i know my coding sucks.. i'm a beginner
its the best i can do given my understanding

package stats;

   use Exporter();
   @ISA = qw(Exporter);
   @EXPORT = qw(Speed)

sub Speed
 $v0 = 1+$Army+$Hero+$Spy;
 $v1 = 1+$Army+$Hero+$Spy+$Wagon;
 if  ($Wagon  1  $Horse = $v0
   $Saddle = $v0  $Blanket = $v0
   $Load = 100)
{$Speed = 1.5;}
 elsif ($Wagon == 0  $Horse = $v0  $Load = 100)
{$Speed = 2;}
 elsif ($Wagon  0  $Horse = $v1  $Load = 100)
  {$Speed = 2.5;}
 elsif ($Wagon == 0  $Load = 100)
  {$Speed = 3;}
 elsif ($Load  100)
  {$Speed = (int(.3 * $Load))/10;}
 else {$Speed=3;}
return 1;


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RE: Need help with making a Modules

2005-11-27 Thread Charles K. Clarkson
Lou Hernsen mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

: I am trying to create a module that will print the Stats of the
: player of my on line game.
: all it should do is take the vars, do some calulations and print the
: since the Stats is used in every time i don't want to duplicate it in
: each program.

So there is just one subroutine.

: The main program has all your players vars loaded...
: the Stats subroutine (which I want to make into a mod)
: puts the HTML code in the BODY of the web page...
: from what I have read this should not be a hard things to do.

No. It is pretty easy.

: Module= a piece of code that is repeated in several programs.

That's what I thought you were after, but I wanted to be sure.

: Each location in the town is a separate program
: If I can't get this to work I'll just leave the sub Stats()  in
: each program and not worry about it.

Many people use copy and paste to reuse code. The problem is
you may need to make a change. Either you have to write a program
to make the changes in every file or you resign to not making the
change. A module is definitely the right solution for you.

package Stats;

# No need for BEGIN. Read the Exporter docs for details.
use Exporter 'import';

# Any element of this array will be imported into
# calling package namespace (probably main::).
@EXPORT = qw(Speed);

sub Speed
 $v0 = 1+$Army+$Hero+$Spy;
 $v1 = 1+$Army+$Hero+$Spy+$Wagon;
 if  ($Wagon  1  $Horse = $v0
   $Saddle = $v0  $Blanket = $v0
   $Load = 100)
{$Speed = 1.5;}
 elsif ($Wagon == 0  $Horse = $v0  $Load = 100)
{$Speed = 2;}
 elsif ($Wagon  0  $Horse = $v1  $Load = 100)
  {$Speed = 2.5;}
 elsif ($Wagon == 0  $Load = 100)
  {$Speed = 3;}
 elsif ($Load  100)
  {$Speed = (int(.3 * $Load))/10;}
 else {$Speed=3;}

 # Do your HTML stuff

# This is more common than using return 1;

In your program do this.

use lib '.';# Point to the directory where you placed
# your module.

#use Stats; # This is fine, but
use Stats 'Speed';  # this tells you where Speed() come from.




Charles K. Clarkson
Mobile Homes Specialist
254 968-8328

PS  Please, please, please, don't use global scoped variables in your
subroutines. Lou is stubborn, but the rest of you are not off the
hook. Pass all variables into the your subs and pass all variables
out of your subs. Do not operate (or depend) on variables which
are external a subroutine.

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Re: Help w/Modules

2005-09-27 Thread Bill Stephenson

On Sep 25, 2005, at 2:01 PM, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

That's why I created CGI::Prototype::Hidden... to lazy-load the code
for the particular step of the application.

Randal, this really piqued my interest and after a little poking around 
I found this link;

and read these articles;

Introduction to CGI::Prototype (part 1) (May 05)
Introduction to CGI::Prototype (part 2) (Jun 05)
Introduction to CGI::Prototype (part 3) (Jul 05)

and what you're doing here started to sink in a bit. The way 
lazy-load works is still magic to me, but it seems to perfectly 
answer the problem I was worried about. But I learned more than that 
and I just love the logic used here...

  The state is used to select a particular class for the controller, 
along with the default template for that class. Once a state has been 
selected, the corresponding class is loaded into the program (unless 
already defined), and used to determine the next step in the program. 
This ``lazy loading'' behavior permits a minimum of loading for CGI 
programs: at most, two different state-named classes are loaded per web 

I read this right after a few hours of playing with an easier way to 
get the name of template I wanted after a user submits a form. I came 
up with a solution that I thought worked pretty good, then I realize 
that you've done away with the problem altogether. I can use this logic 
in any cgi application I make, it's so simple and makes such good 

I'll read the above articles a few more times and then create a small 
app with CGI::Prototype in a day or two. I'm pretty slow at absorbing 
this stuff but I must thank you for helping me better understand where 
I need to go and how to get there with my cgi applications.

BTW, how's the Cookbook coming?

Kindest Regards,
Bill Stephenson

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Re: Help w/Modules

2005-09-25 Thread Bill Stephenson

On Sep 24, 2005, at 10:59 AM, Bill Stephenson wrote:

I'm trying to understand how to convert my CGI scripts to use modules.

I worked this problem out. Reading the docs and this page 
( for CGI::Application 
has helped me better understand how to use modules, but I'm still left 
somewhat confused on the subject of efficient web application design.

My original question had to do with How big is too big and I don't 
see the advantage of creating a large module accessed by a small 
Instance script,  as compared to a a single, large, cgi script that 
uses sub-routines, to process run-modes. What happens when your 
module or script grow to over 1 megabyte?

Wouldn't it be more efficient for the server to run a small script that 
contains only the set-up and sub-routines needed to process a single 
run-mode instead of loading all the data needed to process all the 
run-modes used in an entire application?

Also, the above article implies that web applications created with 
CGI::Application are ready for mod_perl. I've never tried creating a 
script that would run with mod_perl but if this is true, I'd like to 
try it out. Any feedback on using CGI::Application would also be much 

Kindest Regards,
Bill Stephenson

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Help w/Modules

2005-09-25 Thread Bill Stephenson
I'm trying to understand how to convert my CGI scripts to use modules. 
My first step is to create a SetUp module where I can store common 
stuff. I put together a module and script to test it with but it 
doesn't work. It doesn't display the first (default) and last options 
correctly and I can't figure out why.

Does anyone here see what I'm doing wrong?
Bill Stephenson

 start script

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp('fatalsToBrowser');
use SetUp;
use strict;

my $SETUP = new SetUp;
my $P = new CGI;

my $c_state = $P-popup_menu(-name='c_state',

print $P-header, $P-start_html, $P-start_form;
print $c_state, $P-p, $P-submit;
print $P-end_form, $P-end_html;

 end script

 start module
package SetUp;

use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.01';

sub new {
  my $package = shift;
  return bless({}, $package);

sub states_values {

return my @states_values=('Select',
'AL', 'AK', 'AS', 'AZ', 'AR', 'CA', 'CO', 'CT', 'DE', 'DC','FL',
'GA', 'GU', 'HI', 'ID', 'IL', 'IN', 'IA', 'KS', 'KY', 'LA', 'ME',
'MH', 'MD', 'MA', 'MI', 'MN', 'MS', 'MO', 'MT', 'NE','NV','NH',
'NJ', 'NM', 'NY', 'NC', 'ND', 'MP','OH', 'OK', 'OR', 'PW','PA',
'PR', 'RI','SC', 'SD', 'TN', 'TX', 'UT', 'VT', 'VA', 'WA', 'WV',
'WI', 'WY', '--', 'AB', 'BC', 'MB', 'NB', 'NF', 'NT', 'NS', 'NU',
'ON', 'PE', 'QC', 'SK', 'YT', '---', 'AG', 'BJ', 'BS', 'CP', 'CH',
'CU', 'CL', 'CI', 'DF', 'DG', 'GR', 'GJ', 'HG', 'JA', 'EM', 'MH',
'MR', 'NA', 'NL', 'OA', 'PU', 'QA', 'QR', 'SL', 'SI', 'SO', 'TA',
'TM', 'TL', 'VL', 'YC', 'ZT');

sub states_labels {

return my %states_labels=( 'Select'  ='== Select State ==', # this 
displays Select

   'AL'='AL - Alabama',
   'AK'='AK - Alaska',
   'AS'='AS - American Samoa',
   'AZ'='AZ - Arizona',
   'AR'='AR - Arkansas',
   'CA'='CA - California',
   'CO'='CO - Colorado',
   'CT'='CT - Connecticut',
   'DE'='DE - Delaware',
   'DC'='DC - District of 
   'FL'='FL - Florida',
   'GA'='GA - Georgia',
   'GU'='GU - Guam',
   'HI'='HI - Hawaii',
   'ID'='ID - Idaho',
   'IL'='IL - Illinois',
   'IN'='IN - Indiana',
   'IA'='IA - Iowa',
   'KS'='KS - Kansas',
   'KY'='KY - Kentucky',
   'LA'='LA - Louisiana',
   'ME'='ME - Maine',
   'MH'='MH - Marshall 
   'MD'='MD - Maryland',
   'MA'='MA - Massachusetts',
   'MI'='MI - Michigan',
   'MN'='MN - Minnesota',
   'MS'='MS - Mississippi',
   'MO'='MO - Missouri',
   'MT'='MT - Montana',
   'NE'='NE - Nebraska',
   'NV'='NV - Nevada',
   'NH'='NH - New Hampshire',
   'NJ'='NJ - New Jersey',
   'NM'='NM - New Mexico',
   'NY'='NY - New York',
   'NC'='NC - North Carolina',
   'ND'='ND - North Dakota',
   'MP'='MP - Northern Mariana 
   'OH'='OH - Ohio',
   'OK'='OK - Oklahoma',
   'OR'='OR - Oregon

Re: Help w/Modules

2005-09-25 Thread Randal L. Schwartz
 Bill == Bill Stephenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Bill Wouldn't it be more efficient for the server to run a small script
Bill that contains only the set-up and sub-routines needed to process a
Bill single run-mode instead of loading all the data needed to process
Bill all the run-modes used in an entire application?

That's why I created CGI::Prototype::Hidden... to lazy-load the code
for the particular step of the application.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095 URL:
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

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installing modules

2005-09-05 Thread Adriano Allora

hi to all,

my server-administrator told me I cannot use ssh to install some 
modules (LWP, HTML) on server.

How I can do it using only ftp?

thank a lot,


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Re: installing modules

2005-09-05 Thread Edgard Padilla

Adriano Allora wrote:

hi to all,

my server-administrator told me I cannot use ssh to install some 
modules (LWP, HTML) on server.

How I can do it using only ftp?

thank a lot,


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Re: Alternative Modules

2005-04-27 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Mike Blezien wrote:
 we are currently using the Mail::Audit module to resend piped incoming
 emails to a particular domain then sends it to various aliases emails
 from a database. I'm trying locate a similar module but doesn't put alot
 of the header garbage into the body of the email. Then Mail::Audit
 doesn't really remove certain headers from the actual body of the email.
 Is there a module that works similar as the Mail::Audit, but extracts
 the actual body content of the email without some of the headers
 included in it??

This is a rather confusing description of what you are doing, if you can
 clean it up a bit we might be able to give you a better solution.

Although it has a very steep learning curve, there isn't a lot that the
Mail::Box suite can't do.  If I wanted to do anything remotely complex
with mail (and I have) I would use it hands down.  It has incredible
documentation, though that too has a little bit of a learning curve :-).

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Alternative Modules

2005-04-26 Thread Mike Blezien
we are currently using the Mail::Audit module to resend piped incoming emails to 
a particular domain then sends it to various aliases emails from a database. I'm 
trying locate a similar module but doesn't put alot of the header garbage into 
the body of the email. Then Mail::Audit doesn't really remove certain headers 
from the actual body of the email.

Is there a module that works similar as the Mail::Audit, but extracts the actual 
body content of the email without some of the headers included in it??

Thunder Rain Internet Publishing
Providing Internet Solutions that work!
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Re: Variables in Modules

2005-04-14 Thread Sergio Pires de Albuquerque
David Dorward wrote:
On Wed, Apr 13, 2005 at 05:14:31PM -0300, Sergio Pires de Albuquerque wrote:

Thanks, but when I call another script from script1.cgi the value has 

HTTP is stateless. Each time a user requests an HTTP resource provided
by a script, that script is run from scratch. If you want to make data
persistent from one HTTP request to another, you either have to get
the browser to pass it back (by encoding the data in the URL
(typically with the query string, or (with the help of a form) in a
POST request - either way it can be accessed with the param method of
the CGI module), or by storing it on the server and asking the client
to pass a token about (typically in a Cookie) to identify which set of
data belongs to the user (this is usually done with sessions: )

Thanks a lot David, I didn't know about that. I'll get that module and 
try to do.

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Re: Variables in Modules

2005-04-14 Thread Sergio Pires de Albuquerque
Lawrence Statton wrote:
Dear Guys,
I4ve been trying to develop an application that consists in about 8-10 
scripts that should know about module variables (not OO yet). I read the 
docs and found that I can use a module variable (declared with our) in 
scripts that 'use' that module. Ok, there are:

module1.cgi   (declare and define var1)
main.cgi (declare and initialize var1)  use module1
script1.cgi (read and alter var1)   use module1
script2.cgi (gets var1 with undefined or previous value) use module1
I tried with our, importing that var and fully qualified it, but always 
it get the previous value. My question is: Which method is common to  
share data among apps? What Am I doing wrong? Also, I always use 
strict and warnings.


Well, first -- I wouldn't name your modules *.cgi  *.pm is what
everyone expects to see, and in absence of a Good Overriding Reason
you should follow the Principle of Least Astonishment.  Naming your
module module is also a terrible idea - unless you expect only to
have one ever in your life.  Give it a meaningful name.
That said:
The simplest way to create and use fully qualified variables from
another package is just to fully qualify them.
So, you've got some module Segrio's First Module:

package SergioPrimo;
our ($foo, $bar, $baz); 


Now, down in your .cgi file, you can use those variables by their
names $SergioPrimo::foo $SergioPrimo::bar etc.
If you want not to have to fully qualify the variable name, you can
use Exporter ... something like 

package SergioPrimo;
use base 'Exporter'; 

our @EXPORT_OK = qw / $foo $bar $baz /;
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( all = [EMAIL PROTECTED] ); 

our ($foo, $bar, $baz); 


Now you can say down in your CGI

use SergioPrimo (':all'); # import some variables
$foo = 123;  # sets $SergioPrimo::foo

NOW ... all that being said:  

It looks like your more serious problem is:  You're trying to store
state in Perl from different contexts, which is surely confusing you
no end.
If you're using just plain-old-CGI, then each and every time your web
server handles an inbound request, a brand new Perl interpreter is
instantiated, SergioPrimo::foo gets built fresh (as undef) and your
.cgi files may or may not set that variable and use them again later.
If you're using some persistent-perl-like product (e.g. FastCGI,
mod_perl) then you will find that SOMETIMES SergioPrimo::foo has the
last value it had, and sometimes it doesn't.
Perhaps you should take a step back and try to explain what you're
trying to do.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
	Lawrence Statton - [EMAIL PROTECTED] s/aba/c/g
Computer  software  consists of  only  two  components: ones  and
zeros, in roughly equal proportions.   All that is required is to
sort them into the correct order.


Hi Lawrence,
It was a mistake. The module ends in .pm and not named module, it was 
only to demonstrate. And yes, I'm trying to save state information 
across pages. I'll try a CGI::Session and, for now, I want only to thank 
all of you for the help.

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Variables in Modules

2005-04-13 Thread Sergio Pires de Albuquerque
Dear Guys,
I´ve been trying to develop an application that consists in about 8-10 
scripts that should know about module variables (not OO yet). I read the 
docs and found that I can use a module variable (declared with our) in 
scripts that 'use' that module. Ok, there are:

module1.cgi   (declare and define var1)
main.cgi (declare and initialize var1)  use module1
script1.cgi (read and alter var1)   use module1
script2.cgi (gets var1 with undefined or previous value) use module1
I tried with our, importing that var and fully qualified it, but always 
it get the previous value. My question is: Which method is common to  
share data among apps? What Am I doing wrong? Also, I always use 
strict and warnings.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Variables in Modules

2005-04-13 Thread Ovid
--- Sergio Pires de Albuquerque [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tried with our, importing that var and fully qualified it, but
 it get the previous value. My question is: Which method is common to 

 share data among apps? What Am I doing wrong? Also, I always use 
 strict and warnings.

You're talking about global variables and, in general, using them is a
bad thing as it makes code more difficult to maintain.  I won't go into
that, though, as there's plenty of info elsewhere about that.

In your case, don't give access to the variables.  If you're not going
to go OO, give access to subroutines which can read and alter those

  package Foo;
  use strict;
  use warningsl

  my $var = 7;
  sub var { $var }
  sub set_var {
my $new_var = shift;
unless (defined $new_var and $new_var =~ /^\d+$/) {
  require Carp;
  Carp::croak(Argument to set_var() can only be digits: ($var));
$var = $new_var;

With techniques like that, you can at least ensure that there is one
canonical place where the data is being fetched and altered.  This
gives you some measure of protection to ensure that naughty code isn't
doing things it should not be doing and, if it ever gets set to a bad
value, you have only one place to put your debugging code.


If this message is a response to a question on a mailing list, please send
follow up questions to the list.

Web Programming with Perl --

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Re: Variables in Modules

2005-04-13 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Ovid wrote:
--- Sergio Pires de Albuquerque [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I tried with our, importing that var and fully qualified it, but
it get the previous value. My question is: Which method is common to 

share data among apps? What Am I doing wrong? Also, I always use 
strict and warnings.

You're talking about global variables and, in general, using them is a
bad thing as it makes code more difficult to maintain.  I won't go into
that, though, as there's plenty of info elsewhere about that.
In your case, don't give access to the variables.  If you're not going
to go OO, give access to subroutines which can read and alter those
  package Foo;
  use strict;
  use warningsl
  my $var = 7;
  sub var { $var }
  sub set_var {
my $new_var = shift;
unless (defined $new_var and $new_var =~ /^\d+$/) {
  require Carp;
  Carp::croak(Argument to set_var() can only be digits: ($var));
$var = $new_var;
With techniques like that, you can at least ensure that there is one
canonical place where the data is being fetched and altered.  This
gives you some measure of protection to ensure that naughty code isn't
doing things it should not be doing and, if it ever gets set to a bad
value, you have only one place to put your debugging code.
I agree with what Ovid said, but in the case where the data won't need 
or shouldn't be changed, you might consider using constants, which have 
a global nature but are considered less messy than global variables.

perldoc constant
Though I would still drop them into their own module that can be 'use'd. 
This works well for DB DSNs, base URLs, etc.
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Re: Variables in Modules

2005-04-13 Thread David Dorward
On Wed, Apr 13, 2005 at 05:14:31PM -0300, Sergio Pires de Albuquerque wrote:

 Thanks, but when I call another script from script1.cgi the value has 

HTTP is stateless. Each time a user requests an HTTP resource provided
by a script, that script is run from scratch. If you want to make data
persistent from one HTTP request to another, you either have to get
the browser to pass it back (by encoding the data in the URL
(typically with the query string, or (with the help of a form) in a
POST request - either way it can be accessed with the param method of
the CGI module), or by storing it on the server and asking the client
to pass a token about (typically in a Cookie) to identify which set of
data belongs to the user (this is usually done with sessions: )

David Dorward

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Re: Variables in Modules

2005-04-13 Thread Lawrence Statton
 Dear Guys,
 I´ve been trying to develop an application that consists in about 8-10 
 scripts that should know about module variables (not OO yet). I read the 
 docs and found that I can use a module variable (declared with our) in 
 scripts that 'use' that module. Ok, there are:
  module1.cgi   (declare and define var1)
  main.cgi (declare and initialize var1)  use module1
  script1.cgi (read and alter var1)   use module1
  script2.cgi (gets var1 with undefined or previous value) use module1
 I tried with our, importing that var and fully qualified it, but always 
 it get the previous value. My question is: Which method is common to  
 share data among apps? What Am I doing wrong? Also, I always use 
 strict and warnings.

Well, first -- I wouldn't name your modules *.cgi  *.pm is what
everyone expects to see, and in absence of a Good Overriding Reason
you should follow the Principle of Least Astonishment.  Naming your
module module is also a terrible idea - unless you expect only to
have one ever in your life.  Give it a meaningful name.

That said:

The simplest way to create and use fully qualified variables from
another package is just to fully qualify them.

So, you've got some module Segrio's First Module:

package SergioPrimo;

our ($foo, $bar, $baz); 


Now, down in your .cgi file, you can use those variables by their
names $SergioPrimo::foo $SergioPrimo::bar etc.

If you want not to have to fully qualify the variable name, you can
use Exporter ... something like 

package SergioPrimo;
use base 'Exporter'; 

our @EXPORT_OK = qw / $foo $bar $baz /;
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( all = [EMAIL PROTECTED] ); 

our ($foo, $bar, $baz); 


Now you can say down in your CGI


use SergioPrimo (':all'); # import some variables

$foo = 123;  # sets $SergioPrimo::foo

NOW ... all that being said:  

It looks like your more serious problem is:  You're trying to store
state in Perl from different contexts, which is surely confusing you
no end.

If you're using just plain-old-CGI, then each and every time your web
server handles an inbound request, a brand new Perl interpreter is
instantiated, SergioPrimo::foo gets built fresh (as undef) and your
.cgi files may or may not set that variable and use them again later.

If you're using some persistent-perl-like product (e.g. FastCGI,
mod_perl) then you will find that SOMETIMES SergioPrimo::foo has the
last value it had, and sometimes it doesn't.

Perhaps you should take a step back and try to explain what you're
trying to do.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
Lawrence Statton - [EMAIL PROTECTED] s/aba/c/g
Computer  software  consists of  only  two  components: ones  and
zeros, in roughly equal proportions.   All that is required is to
sort them into the correct order.

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Re: Extracting links. - without modules

2005-01-17 Thread Alexander Blüm
On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 18:36:09 +0500

 I am trying to extract links along with HTML tags a href=blah from a
 list, but it's not working on my XP machine with Active State Perl
 5.0.6 Kindly help.
 my @array = qq|
 bodya href=;img alt=Free Hosting,
 Freebies border=0
 src=;/a|;#extract LINKS
 (no image links) only a href=;
 my @get = grep {/a .*?/} @array;
 print @get\n
 ### CODE END ###

this is also possible _without_ any modules, except maybe strict.

# this will replace the contents of each match in @get
  my @get = $_ =~ /a href=(.*?)/g;


# this will add each match to @get
my @get = ();
  push @get, $_ =~ /a href=(.*?)/g;


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Re: Extracting links. - without modules

2005-01-17 Thread Chris Devers
On Mon, 17 Jan 2005, Alexander Blüm wrote:

 this is also possible _without_ any modules, except maybe strict.
 # this will replace the contents of each match in @get
   my @get = $_ =~ /a href=(.*?)/g;

What happens if the url has a doublequote followed by an angle bracket?

It's not likely, but it can happen, and it can work.

And if such a URL is discovered, this regex would break.

What happens if the url isn't wrapped in quotes at all?

This is much more likely, and again will work fine in browsers.

But again, this regex won't find it at all.

This kind of problem is why HTML (and XML) is really best processed 
using pre-written parser modules, such as HTML::SimpleLinkExtor. A 
parser has a much better shot at getting a proper view of the document 
than a simple regex pattern match.

Yes, you can approach such problems using simple regular expressions, 
such as what we have here, and in many cases they'll work, and maybe 
even work faster than the parser version would. On the other hand, this 
approach is much less generally robust: minor changes that don't break 
the HTML may break the regex, so you end up having to constantly adjust 
it to handle all the special cases that come up over time. 

If you just parse it at the outset, such as with HTML::SimpleLinkExtor, 
then the code should be simple, robust, and useful for a long time.


Chris Devers
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which modules to use?

2004-09-06 Thread Ing. Branislav Gerzo
Hi all,

I am really new to CGI, my 1st question is, which Perl modules should I
use for creating XHTML documents ? Write me, which one are good, where
I can read more about this...



Skontrolované antivírovým programom NOD32

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Re: which modules to use?

2004-09-06 Thread Chris Devers
On Mon, 6 Sep 2004, Ing. Branislav Gerzo wrote:
I am really new to CGI, my 1st question is, which Perl modules should 
I use for creating XHTML documents ? Write me, which one are good, 
where I can read more about this...
I believe that recent versions of should emit valid XHTML, which 
is nice, because it means you don't have to think so much about the 
document markup and can focus instead on what you're trying to do.

Speaking of which -- what are you trying to do?
If you want flat / cached XHTML, or are trying to do some other kind of 
non-interactive work, then something else might be more appropriate. But 
for the common case -- CGI scripts  mod_perl modules -- something like should do the job just fine.

Chris Devers
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RE: which modules to use?

2004-09-06 Thread Charles K. Clarkson

: I am really new to CGI, my 1st question is, which
: Perl modules should I use for creating XHTML
: documents? Write me, which one are good, where I
: can read more about this... is a good starting point. Some of us later
abandon it for a tem plate package like HTML::Mason
or HTML::Template which allows for CGI scripting
without embedded markup.


Charles K. Clarkson
Mobile Homes Specialist
254 968-8328

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Installing modules

2003-10-16 Thread Octavian Rasnita
Hi all,

Does anyone know how could I install the DBI and DBD::mysql modules under
Red Hat if I don't have root rights?


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RE: Installing modules

2003-10-16 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia

On Thu, 16 Oct 2003 14:18:49 +0300, Octavian Rasnita [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 Does anyone know how could I install the DBI and DBD::mysql modules under
 Red Hat if I don't have root rights?*hl=enlr=ie=UTF-8oe=UTF-8group=perl.beginners.*selm=200309101906.h8AJ6To30565%40smapp01.siteprotect.comrnum=2

See if that helps. You will have to have the mysql-devel libs installed already. 
Assuming you do then you can fire up CPAN, set your make destination directory and it 
should do the rest. If you have to install the mysql stuff yourself and CPAN isn't 
picking up the includes then come back with the error message that you get and I (we) 
can probably get your CPAN sorted.  It has a lot of options and switches which can be 
confusing, but in the end it is pretty powerful.   Of course perldoc CPAN yourself if 
you want to try to make sense of it all. I learned through that and trial and error...

Obviously with root privileges there are RPMs provided by RH 9, but you said you 
didn't have those [privileges].

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2003-09-10 Thread Rodrigo Daniel de Lira

Can I to call a function that is in another script?



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Re: modules

2003-09-10 Thread drieux
On Wednesday, Sep 10, 2003, at 12:14 US/Pacific, Rodrigo Daniel de Lira 
Can I to call a function that is in another script?
sorry interrupted. Allow me to illustrate a bit better

So we start the Module off with

package OurModule
VERSION = 1.01; # since you will have finished beta on it
sub new
   my $type  = shift;
   my $class = ref($type) || $type;
   my $self = {};
   bless $self, $class;
 } # end of our simple new

# the subs go here
sub my_first_sub {
my $me = shift; # to get the reference
1; # so that the use will see a happy return
Then each of the two cgi scripts can do the simpler

use lib ../lib/;
use OurModule;
my $obj = new OurModule;
my $first_thingie = $obj-my_first_sub(@arglist);

and one is out and away... No Mus, No Fuss.

Ok, so you COULD have done the Dilbert Class Solution of

use lib ../lib/;
use OurModule;
my $first_thingie = OurModule-my_first_sub(@arglist);
Which ever makes you feel happier.

I would of course HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you get
Schwartz's Learning Perl  Objects, References  Modules.
for all the detail clarifications that are useful
above the standard
	perldoc perlsub, perlmod, perlmodlib

The alternative to that is to have some funky interface
into the script with the function that will understand
that it is being called in some weird way that it should
pass the data to the function, and then return it out,
oh, say STDOUT. Trust me it can be done, but it is such
an ugly path that it should be left for the strictly
obfuscatory Perl Contest.

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Installing/Uninstalling CPAN modules

2003-08-26 Thread Greenhalgh David
This may be the wrong forum to ask this...

How do I uninstall a module downloaded from CPAN? Specifically, I 
cannot get the DBD::MySQL driver to install under OS X. It refuses to 
find the mysql_config file, and when I run Makefile again with the -L 
and -I switches it won't work after install.

I am running the Complete MySQL distribution which has worked before, 
but since this installs into /usr/Library and not /usr/local, I am 
wondering if the module ignores symlinks to /usr/local. Hence I want to 
pull everything out and reload the MySQL AB distribution and try again. 
A quick search shows DBD in dozens of places, in perl/ in DBI/ in 
mySQL/ etc etc, which ones do I trash?


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Re: Installing/Uninstalling CPAN modules

2003-08-26 Thread Greenhalgh David
You may have better luck in the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list since OS X likes 
to do all kinds of weird things with its Perl, and with regards to 
DBI/DBD in [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Typically removing a Perl module is 
not as easy as installing them, removing the associated files is only 
one step...

Sorry I can't provide specifics I haven't tried this and don't have my 
PB with me

Thanks for that macosx link, that list passed me by somehow. I will ask 


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RE: Installing/Uninstalling CPAN modules

2003-08-26 Thread wiggins

On Tue, 26 Aug 2003 19:20:03 +, Greenhalgh David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This may be the wrong forum to ask this...
 How do I uninstall a module downloaded from CPAN? Specifically, I 
 cannot get the DBD::MySQL driver to install under OS X. It refuses to 
 find the mysql_config file, and when I run Makefile again with the -L 
 and -I switches it won't work after install.
 I am running the Complete MySQL distribution which has worked before, 
 but since this installs into /usr/Library and not /usr/local, I am 
 wondering if the module ignores symlinks to /usr/local. Hence I want to 
 pull everything out and reload the MySQL AB distribution and try again. 
 A quick search shows DBD in dozens of places, in perl/ in DBI/ in 
 mySQL/ etc etc, which ones do I trash?

You may have better luck in the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list since OS X likes to do all 
kinds of weird things with its Perl, and with regards to DBI/DBD in [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Typically removing a Perl module is not as easy as installing them, removing the 
associated files is only one step...

Sorry I can't provide specifics I haven't tried this and don't have my PB with me

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Re: mod_perl books, cpan modules. (fwd)

2003-03-23 Thread Lincoln Stein
Someday I will write a new edition.  The problem is that almost everything has 
changed and so it is basically a new book.


 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: 20 Mar 2003 09:33:56 -
 From: entius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: mod_perl books, cpan modules.

 I want to learn mod_perl and there're two books who talk about this.
 Now a third has arrives and it's talking about 2.0 mod_perl but i am a
 Lincoln Stein fan and i want the Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C.
 But the last edition is still about 1.3, anyone knows anything about any
 intention about making a super-new edition about 2.0??

 Another question about cpan modules, only very few are really classes
 aren't them? i mean, oop is still rare in cpan? or i'm wrong and all new
 modules get rid of

Lincoln Stein
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
1 Bungtown Road
Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724
(516) 367-8380 (voice)
(516) 367-8389 (fax)

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mod_perl books, cpan modules.

2003-03-21 Thread entius
I want to learn mod_perl and there're two books who talk about this.
Now a third has arrives and it's talking about 2.0 mod_perl but i am a 
Lincoln Stein fan and i want the Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C. 
But the last edition is still about 1.3, anyone knows anything about any 
intention about making a super-new edition about 2.0??

Another question about cpan modules, only very few are really classes 
aren't them? i mean, oop is still rare in cpan? or i'm wrong and all new 
modules get rid of

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RE: mod_perl books, cpan modules.

2003-03-21 Thread wiggins

On 20 Mar 2003 09:33:56 -, entius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I want to learn mod_perl and there're two books who talk about this.
 Now a third has arrives and it's talking about 2.0 mod_perl but i am a 
 Lincoln Stein fan and i want the Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C. 
 But the last edition is still about 1.3, anyone knows anything about any 
 intention about making a super-new edition about 2.0??

I don't do a lot of mod_perl but I would think that the basis for how the various 
steps in a request/response are handled, etc. are very similar between the two 
versions, so the underlying core of the book mentioned above would still apply, with 
various changes in syntax for the interface, etc.  I will comment that when I went 
through the book a little over a year ago it was excellent for anyone with a good 
background in Perl and its use on the web.

 Another question about cpan modules, only very few are really classes 
 aren't them? i mean, oop is still rare in cpan? or i'm wrong and all new 
 modules get rid of

This I would disagree with currently, though I couldn't say when a critical mass was 
reached, though obviously I feel it safe to say that much of the OOP is concentrated 
in newer modules.  And part of the beauty and flexibility of the Perl OOP model means 
it only requires a little more effort to make a module both OOP and non-OOP.  the is a perfect example, for those from the old school they will find CGI fits 
their purposes and provides all of the same functionality, that it does to those that 
prefer the OOP approach, through virtually the same interface.  Some other examples 
include the Mail::Box module for all things mail oriented, it is extremely extensive 
and uses Perl's OOP tactics to the fullest.  POE, Crypt::OpenPGP, DBI, and then the 
obvious examples of things like Class::MethodMaker that handle building much of the 
OOP interface for you (isn't Perl grand!).

I think it is dangerous to think of OOP and using the exporter as mutually exclusive 

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Re: ISP won't install Perl modules

2003-01-19 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
I thought CPAN inherited the PERL5LIB as it's install location. If this 
is not the case on of the configuration parameters given to CPAN is 
something like Additional options for Makefile which you can set to 
include a directive such as PREFIX=/path/to/lib/dir that will then get 
passed to the make command so that the module will be installed in the 
proper location.

At the cpan prompt you can type h for list of commands, then you want 'o 
conf' and then set the 'makepl_arg' as described above.

Octavian Rasnita wrote:
But wouldn't this command try to install that module in the default
How can I specify the right path where I want to install the module?

Will the CPAN module ask me this each time?

Thank you.

Teddy's Center:

- Original Message -
To: Beginners-CGI List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 4:52 PM
Subject: RE: ISP won't install Perl modules

On Fri, 17 Jan 2003 15:18:42 +0100, Rene Verharen

Hi all,

My ISP won't install some Perl modules I want to use (Email::Valid and
Is there a way to install these modules in some directory I have access to
so I'll be able to use them ?

You didn't state whether you can login at a terminal prompt, so I will
assume so, but this isn't necessary either. At a terminal you should be able
to set PERL5LIB environment variable in your shell to point to whatever
directory you wish the modules to live under, for instance HOME/lib where
HOME is your home directory, then just run perl -MCPAN -e shell and install
as normal. Then in your scripts you will have to add a 'use lib' line,
similar to:

use lib '/HOME/lib';

Before you 'use' any of the modules in that directory.

This is the easiest way, if you must install by hand then you will most
likely need to pass a PREFIX=/path/to/lib/dir directive to perl,
and if you don't have a terminal, then you should be able to install a local
version where you are doing your development and then just recursively
upload the directory, but this is dangerous as you must make sure the two
environments match before installing.


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ISP won't install Perl modules

2003-01-17 Thread Rene Verharen
Hi all,

My ISP won't install some Perl modules I want to use (Email::Valid and 
Is there a way to install these modules in some directory I have access to 
so I'll be able to use them ?

Kind regards,

Rene Verharen

Please DO NOT reply to me personally.  I'll get my copy from the list.

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RE: ISP won't install Perl modules

2003-01-17 Thread Scot Robnett

If it is a pure perl module (I believe Email::Valid is), you can put it in
one of your directories and push/unshift it into @INC. In some cases you may
have to do that push or unshift inside a BEGIN so that the interpreter sees
that action before reading @INC.

Another option is to find a web host that willingly installs modules for
you. I'm working with one now that is great about this. If you'd like more
info, e-mail me offline from the list. Thanks!

Scot Robnett
inSite Internet Solutions

-Original Message-
From: Rene Verharen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 8:19 AM
To: Beginners-CGI List
Subject: ISP won't install Perl modules

Hi all,

My ISP won't install some Perl modules I want to use (Email::Valid and
Is there a way to install these modules in some directory I have access to
so I'll be able to use them ?

Kind regards,

Rene Verharen

Please DO NOT reply to me personally.  I'll get my copy from the list.

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Re: ISP won't install Perl modules

2003-01-17 Thread Alfred Wheeler
Similar (If it is a pure perl module) -
If you are using cgi-bin as is typical, you can place the module into 
your cgi-bin


and refer to as usual in your perl script, i.e.

use Email::Valid;

(This can clutter up cgi-bin..., but it worked for me.)

Scot Robnett wrote:


If it is a pure perl module (I believe Email::Valid is), you can put it in
one of your directories and push/unshift it into @INC. In some cases you may
have to do that push or unshift inside a BEGIN so that the interpreter sees
that action before reading @INC.

Another option is to find a web host that willingly installs modules for
you. I'm working with one now that is great about this. If you'd like more
info, e-mail me offline from the list. Thanks!

Scot Robnett
inSite Internet Solutions

-Original Message-
From: Rene Verharen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 8:19 AM
To: Beginners-CGI List
Subject: ISP won't install Perl modules

Hi all,

My ISP won't install some Perl modules I want to use (Email::Valid and
Is there a way to install these modules in some directory I have access to
so I'll be able to use them ?

Kind regards,

Rene Verharen

Please DO NOT reply to me personally.  I'll get my copy from the list.

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Solved: ISP won't install Perl modules

2003-01-17 Thread Rene Verharen
Hi all,

At 17-01-2003 15:18 +0100, I wrote:

My ISP won't install some Perl modules I want to use (Email::Valid and 
Is there a way to install these modules in some directory I have access to 
so I'll be able to use them ?

I installed the modules in a different dir and solved the problem this way :

   push(@INC, /path/to/my/modules);

Thanks for your response.

Kind regards,

Rene Verharen

Please DO NOT reply to me personally.  I'll get my copy from the list.

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listing modules installed with CPAN

2002-10-18 Thread Justin Cook

How can I tell what modules I've installed using CPAN? When I type in 'b' or
'd' or 'm' I seem to get everything, I only want to know what modules /
bundles I've installed using CPAN.

Thanks in advance,


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Re: listing modules installed with CPAN

2002-10-18 Thread William McKee
On 17 Oct 2002 at 14:15, Justin Cook wrote:
 How can I tell what modules I've installed using CPAN? When I type in 'b'
 or 'd' or 'm' I seem to get everything, I only want to know what modules /
 bundles I've installed using CPAN.

Read the section about autobundle in `perldoc CPAN`.


 Lead Developer
 Knowmad Services Inc. || Internet Applications  Database Integration

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libwww-perl and URI modules for 5.005_02

2002-07-10 Thread H. Victor Lim


I am working on a Solaris platform using version 5.005_02.  Could
someone point me to libwww-perl and URI modules that would work with
5.005_02?  I searched through and the earliest versions
that I found are:


After installing these modules, I tried to run my program and got the

   Missing base argument at .../lib/site_perl/5.005/HTTP/
line 102

I also searched the following sites which were listed under CPAN's FAQ
for Where can I find older/obsolete versions of Perl or Perl
 - only has perl1 to perl4
 - only has perl1 to perl5.003_08
 - only has perl1 to perl4 - for old versions of
 - contains the following links:
   GAAS   -  
   libwww-perl-5b6.tar.gz -  

   but following these links all resulted in HTTP 404 - File not

It seems that upgrading from 5.005_02 to 5.6.1 is inevitable, but this
process would require additional time and resources to recertify all
of our existing programs on 5.6.1.


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Re: libwww-perl and URI modules for 5.005_02

2002-07-10 Thread Peter Scott

At 06:42 PM 7/10/02 -0700, H. Victor Lim wrote:

I am working on a Solaris platform using version 5.005_02.  Could
someone point me to libwww-perl and URI modules that would work with
5.005_02?  I searched through and the earliest versions
that I found are:


After installing these modules, I tried to run my program and got the

Missing base argument at .../lib/site_perl/5.005/HTTP/
line 102

I also searched the following sites which were listed under CPAN's FAQ
for Where can I find older/obsolete versions of Perl or Perl
( - for old versions of
  - contains the following links:
GAAS   -
libwww-perl-5b6.tar.gz -

but following these links all resulted in HTTP 404 - File not

I had no trouble with navigating from the above link to downloading

It seems that upgrading from 5.005_02 to 5.6.1 is inevitable, but this
process would require additional time and resources to recertify all
of our existing programs on 5.6.1.

No, it's not supposed to be that difficult and I don't believe it 
is.  I just tested the latest HTTP::Request and URI against Perl 
5.004_04 and it had no compilation problem.  The error you cite is a 
run-time error that is not indicative of using too old a perl.

Recommendation: use the *latest* libwww and URI. (Get 
Bundle::LWP.)  You haven't shown your program here so we can't tell how 
the error might lie there, but here's a hint: if the GET program 
supplied with libwww works, the problem is in your code.
Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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Re: Running Modules

2002-06-25 Thread David vd Geer Inhuur tbv IPlib


Don't forget to close the FH :


Regs David

 Greetings All,
 I have the following code, from which I attempt to call the module
 ### Program name:
 ### Created By:Theresa Mullin
 require cgi.lib;
 ### Include the CGI stuff
 use CGI qw(:standard);
 ### Include the database access stuff
 use DBI;
 ### Push location of user created packages onto @INC array
 use Test;
 ### Force no buffering for output
 $| = 1;
 ### Parse the arguments sent in from the browser
 ### Open log file
 open DEMO_LOG, /home/tmullin/demo_log||die unable to open log file;
 print DEMO_LOG Begin processing...\n;
 print DEMO_LOG array INC:  @INC\n;
 print DEMO_LOG Database selected is:  $dbase\n;
 …Here is module Test:
 ###  Program Name:
 ###  Created By:Theresa Mullin
 ###  Date:  5/20/02
 package Test;
 $dbase = TEST;
 print And to all a good night \n;  
 The code appears to execute, and no error messages are generated.
 However, the value of $dbase is never written to the log file.
 Any advice you can give would be helpful.
 Theresa M. Mullin
 Administrative Computing
 Northern Essex Community College
 100 Elliott Way
 Haverhill, MA  01830
 (978) 556-3757

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Running Modules

2002-06-24 Thread Theresa Mullin

Greetings All,
I have the following code, from which I attempt to call the module
### Program name:
### Created By:Theresa Mullin
require cgi.lib;
### Include the CGI stuff
use CGI qw(:standard);
### Include the database access stuff
use DBI;
### Push location of user created packages onto @INC array
use Test;
### Force no buffering for output
$| = 1;
### Parse the arguments sent in from the browser
### Open log file
open DEMO_LOG, /home/tmullin/demo_log||die unable to open log file;
print DEMO_LOG Begin processing...\n;
print DEMO_LOG array INC:  @INC\n;
print DEMO_LOG Database selected is:  $dbase\n;
…Here is module Test:
###  Program Name:
###  Created By:Theresa Mullin
###  Date:  5/20/02
package Test;
$dbase = TEST;
print And to all a good night \n;  
The code appears to execute, and no error messages are generated.
However, the value of $dbase is never written to the log file.
Any advice you can give would be helpful.
Theresa M. Mullin
Administrative Computing
Northern Essex Community College
100 Elliott Way
Haverhill, MA  01830
(978) 556-3757

Re: Running Modules

2002-06-24 Thread drieux

On Monday, June 24, 2002, at 01:09 , drieux wrote:
 use Test;


there is also a 'name space' clash here already exists as a real module
in most of the perl releases.

cf: perldoc -m Test

So you may want to get into h2xs a little sooner -
so that you can feel safe about doing things like

h2xs -AX tmullin::Foo

which will get you a safe name space to work on
the stuff you wish to spin up.



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RE: Running Modules

2002-06-24 Thread Bob Showalter

 -Original Message-
 From: Theresa Mullin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 2:30 PM
 Subject: Running Modules
 Greetings All,
 I have the following code, from which I attempt to call the module
 ### Program name:
 ### Created By:Theresa Mullin
 require cgi.lib;
 ### Include the CGI stuff
 use CGI qw(:standard);
 ### Include the database access stuff
 use DBI;
 ### Push location of user created packages onto @INC array
 use Test;
 ### Force no buffering for output
 $| = 1;
 ### Parse the arguments sent in from the browser
 ### Open log file
 open DEMO_LOG, /home/tmullin/demo_log||die unable to open 
 log file;
 print DEMO_LOG Begin processing...\n;
 print DEMO_LOG array INC:  @INC\n;
 print DEMO_LOG Database selected is:  $dbase\n;

I assume you want $dbase to have the value set below, right?

 ...Here is module Test:

Don't need this. The shell will never run

 ###  Program Name:
 ###  Created By:Theresa Mullin
 ###  Date:  5/20/02
 package Test;

Add a use strict here.

 $dbase = TEST;

Since I told you to add use strict, you need:

   our $dbase = TEST;

 print And to all a good night \n;  

Modules need to end with a true value, so it's customary to have
this as the last line, which is always a true value:


 The code appears to execute, and no error messages are generated.
 However, the value of $dbase is never written to the log file.
 Any advice you can give would be helpful.

The reason is that in, you set the value of $Test::dbase,
while in your main program you access the value of $main::dbase.

So, you have two options:

1. Refer to the variable as $Test::dbase in your main program, or

2. Export $dbase to your main package.

Perl has a simple mechanism that allows modules like to
export symbols into the calling namespace, such that when you
access $dbase, you actually are getting the value of $Test::dbase.

To do this, you would add the following lines to, typically
right after the package Test line:

   require Exporter;
   our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
   our @EXPORT = qw($dbase);

Now when you use Test in your main program, the $dbase symbol
will be automatically exported to your namespace and everything
will Just Work.

n.b. if you are creating a module for use by others, it is now
considered impolite to unilaterally export symbols like this.
The preferred method is to use the @EXPORT_OK array instead of

   our @EXPORT_OK = qw($dbase);

Now, the symbol will only be exported if explicitly requested on
the use line:

   (in main program)
   use Test qw($dbase);

All the poop on this is in:

   perldoc Exporter


P.S. why use both and CGI? The former is deprecated and
the latter should be used exclusively...

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Session modules to use

2002-06-22 Thread Niko Gunadi


I was thinking to use session for my application. But there are so many
options of the modules in CPAN. Apache::session and PHP::Session are
ones of the options. As i programmed in PHP before, i'm quite interested
in using PHP::Session as it's simple and easy.

I would like to know the positive and negative from both modules or
maybe there are other better modules than this ?

maybe this would be useful, i'm using apache without mod_perl (gog to)
in win2k.


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RE: Sort of Conceptual, Syntax, and modules related questions

2002-03-23 Thread Timothy Johnson

1.  It will only read the first line.  The time you want to be careful with
 is when you are assigning it to a list.  For example, @myarray =
INFILE; will assign the entire contents of the file, while $myscalar =
INFILE; will assign only the first line.

2. In Windows, the endline character is interpreted as two characters, \n
\r.  This should not be an issue when dealing with binary files, since by
definition you should not be dealing with them on a line by line basis
(unless I'm forgetting something obvious).

3.  This is a scoping issue.  First, I'll write it out so it's easier to

#version 1
sub any {
   for (@data) {
  my ($a, $b) = split (/=/, $_);
   # $a and $b don't exist here anymore
   return 1;

#version 2
sub any {
   my $a, $b ;
   for (@data) {
  ($a, $b, $c) = split(/=/, $_);
   # $a and $b still exist
   return 1;

4.  It shouldn't matter as far as I know.

5.  I don't think you can, but I might be wrong.  Usually There's More Than
One Way To Do It.

6.  I'm not sure what you're getting at.  If you don't want to use
something, just don't include it in your script, for the most part.  Perhaps
what you're asking is how to delay useing something until you really need

# s///e treats the right hand side as code to be evaluated first.
$year = It is .;
$numYear = 2002;

$year =~ s//sprintf(%04d,$numYear)/e;  
#$year is now It is 2002.;


$year =! s//sprintf(%04d,$numYear)/;
#$year is now It is sprintf(%04d,$numYear).

# s///g replaces all instances of the match
$sentence = One must always watch what one says in public.;

$sentence =~ s/one/two/gi;
#$sentence is now two must always watch what two says in public.


$sentence =~ s/one/two/i;
#$sentence is now two must always watch what one says in public.

8.  Not sure on this one.

9.  Check CPAN

Whew!  Good questions.  I hope this puts you on the right track to a whole
new mess of questions! :)

-Original Message-
From: Connie Chan
Sent: 3/22/02 1:30 PM
Subject: Sort of Conceptual, Syntax, and modules related questions 

Dear All, 

I have sort of questions, would you please give me some hint, even
refering me to a perldoc would be nice too.

1. When I open a text file with *lines, however, I just want to read the
first line, would this be a good idea ?
open (FILE, textfile.txt); $firstline = FILE; close (FILE);
would this process run till EOF, or terminated after read $firstline ?

2. I am using Win32 system , would you tell when is \n apprear and when
is \r\n apprear ?
What about this when dealing with binary files ?

3. Is this different for this 2 scripts ?
version 1 :  sub any { for (@data) { my ($a, $b) = split (/=/, $_) }
return 1 }
version 2 :  sub any { my $a, $b ; for (@data) { ($a, $b, $c) = split
(/=/, $_) } return 1 } 

4. Is that reading binary data faster then reading text file ?

5. How can I write multiple line if remark like /* and  */ pairs,
instead of using # at every line ?

6. Is that any syntax for local call about  'use' and 'require', so as
something like 'not require', 'not use' expressions ?

7. Would you give me some short examples for //e, and //g ? I am
confused for their usuage.

8. Any modules can help to check connecting threats for a certain page ?
or if I run $alive = `ping $ip` a good idea ?

9. Any modules can help to read and write the ID3vX for mp3 files ?

Any ideas and respond will be very very helpful. Really urgent for a
project design and development.
Thank you very much =)


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RE: Sort of Conceptual, Syntax, and modules related questions

2002-03-23 Thread Timothy Johnson

Oops!  The exclamation point in number 7 was a typo.

-Original Message-
From: Timothy Johnson
Sent: 3/22/02 1:59 PM
Subject: RE: Sort of Conceptual, Syntax, and modules related questions 

1.  It will only read the first line.  The time you want to be careful
 is when you are assigning it to a list.  For example, @myarray =
INFILE; will assign the entire contents of the file, while $myscalar =
INFILE; will assign only the first line.

2. In Windows, the endline character is interpreted as two characters,
\r.  This should not be an issue when dealing with binary files, since
definition you should not be dealing with them on a line by line basis
(unless I'm forgetting something obvious).

3.  This is a scoping issue.  First, I'll write it out so it's easier to

#version 1
sub any {
   for (@data) {
  my ($a, $b) = split (/=/, $_);
   # $a and $b don't exist here anymore
   return 1;

#version 2
sub any {
   my $a, $b ;
   for (@data) {
  ($a, $b, $c) = split(/=/, $_);
   # $a and $b still exist
   return 1;

4.  It shouldn't matter as far as I know.

5.  I don't think you can, but I might be wrong.  Usually There's More
One Way To Do It.

6.  I'm not sure what you're getting at.  If you don't want to use
something, just don't include it in your script, for the most part.
what you're asking is how to delay useing something until you really

# s///e treats the right hand side as code to be evaluated first.
$year = It is .;
$numYear = 2002;

$year =~ s//sprintf(%04d,$numYear)/e;  
#$year is now It is 2002.;


$year =! s//sprintf(%04d,$numYear)/;
#$year is now It is sprintf(%04d,$numYear).

# s///g replaces all instances of the match
$sentence = One must always watch what one says in public.;

$sentence =~ s/one/two/gi;
#$sentence is now two must always watch what two says in public.


$sentence =~ s/one/two/i;
#$sentence is now two must always watch what one says in public.

8.  Not sure on this one.

9.  Check CPAN

Whew!  Good questions.  I hope this puts you on the right track to a
new mess of questions! :)

-Original Message-
From: Connie Chan
Sent: 3/22/02 1:30 PM
Subject: Sort of Conceptual, Syntax, and modules related questions 

Dear All, 

I have sort of questions, would you please give me some hint, even
refering me to a perldoc would be nice too.

1. When I open a text file with *lines, however, I just want to read the
first line, would this be a good idea ?
open (FILE, textfile.txt); $firstline = FILE; close (FILE);
would this process run till EOF, or terminated after read $firstline ?

2. I am using Win32 system , would you tell when is \n apprear and when
is \r\n apprear ?
What about this when dealing with binary files ?

3. Is this different for this 2 scripts ?
version 1 :  sub any { for (@data) { my ($a, $b) = split (/=/, $_) }
return 1 }
version 2 :  sub any { my $a, $b ; for (@data) { ($a, $b, $c) = split
(/=/, $_) } return 1 } 

4. Is that reading binary data faster then reading text file ?

5. How can I write multiple line if remark like /* and  */ pairs,
instead of using # at every line ?

6. Is that any syntax for local call about  'use' and 'require', so as
something like 'not require', 'not use' expressions ?

7. Would you give me some short examples for //e, and //g ? I am
confused for their usuage.

8. Any modules can help to check connecting threats for a certain page ?
or if I run $alive = `ping $ip` a good idea ?

9. Any modules can help to read and write the ID3vX for mp3 files ?

Any ideas and respond will be very very helpful. Really urgent for a
project design and development.
Thank you very much =)


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Sort of Conceptual, Syntax, and modules related questions

2002-03-22 Thread Connie Chan

Dear All, 

I have sort of questions, would you please give me some hint, even refering me to a 
perldoc would be nice too.

1. When I open a text file with *lines, however, I just want to read the first line, 
would this be a good idea ?
open (FILE, textfile.txt); $firstline = FILE; close (FILE);
would this process run till EOF, or terminated after read $firstline ?

2. I am using Win32 system , would you tell when is \n apprear and when is \r\n 
apprear ?
What about this when dealing with binary files ?

3. Is this different for this 2 scripts ?
version 1 :  sub any { for (@data) { my ($a, $b) = split (/=/, $_) } return 1 }
version 2 :  sub any { my $a, $b ; for (@data) { ($a, $b, $c) = split (/=/, $_) } 
return 1 } 

4. Is that reading binary data faster then reading text file ?

5. How can I write multiple line if remark like /* and  */ pairs, instead of using # 
at every line ?

6. Is that any syntax for local call about  'use' and 'require', so as something like 
'not require', 'not use' expressions ?

7. Would you give me some short examples for //e, and //g ? I am confused for their 

8. Any modules can help to check connecting threats for a certain page ? or if I run 
$alive = `ping $ip` a good idea ?

9. Any modules can help to read and write the ID3vX for mp3 files ?

Any ideas and respond will be very very helpful. Really urgent for a project 
design and development.
Thank you very much =)


Missing modules

2002-03-03 Thread GsuLinuX

Hi from stanbul,

Anyone knows a free server that i can test my perl scripts?  I've already find some 
but the modules that i need aren't installed. I prefer the one that all the perl 
modules are installed if it exists:)



Get stuck when using modules

2001-12-15 Thread Perl Beginner

Hi all, I am using Windows 98 and active perl , and now I have 2 problems here :

I am trying to use CGI module to output a GIF, but I found that it is fail .
However, my purpose is to output multiple GIFs, just something looks like a counter.

Would anybody have suggestion for a better module or have some live example can give 
me ?
Thank you very much.

Is there any module is suitable for read  modify Excel file ? I have try the 
Spreadsheet module, 
but its not quite what I want  Any other suggestion ??

Re: Perl modules on web host server

2001-12-11 Thread Jack Daly

On Sat, 8 Dec 2001, Hoenie Luk wrote:

 Hi, I'm new to cgi-programming with Perl and I've been looking for answers 
 for the following questions:
 1. How do you find out if the web host supports certain Perl modules?
 2. If the web host does not have certain modules installed and I need to 
 use them for my Perl cgi-script, what can I do?

I'm guessing you're talking about your ISP as your web host, if so, the
only way I know how to do it is to actually put the use statement in an
cgi script and see if it works. Like:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI qw(:standard);
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use ?::Module;

print header, start_html(test), h1(Add test.);


Where ?::Module is the one you need. Bit of a long way to go, but
the server will let you know if the module you need isn't installed.  
If it's not, what you could do is:

1.  Download and install the module on your home machine

2. Copy all the subroutines from the module (or just the subroutines you
actually need into your cgi script.  Again, a long way to go, but it
worked for me. You could use:

perldoc -m ?::Module  test.cgi

Substitute your own headers, and put your code after the subroutines,
delteing everything else.  Should work the same the same as using the
module.  In my case it worked fine with Sort::Fields

good luck,

Jack Daly

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RE: Perl modules on web host server

2001-12-10 Thread Bob Showalter

 -Original Message-
 From: Hoenie Luk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2001 2:52 AM
 Subject: Perl modules on web host server
 Hi, I'm new to cgi-programming with Perl and I've been 
 looking for answers 
 for the following questions:
 1. How do you find out if the web host supports certain Perl modules?

perldoc ExtUtils::Installed

 2. If the web host does not have certain modules installed 
 and I need to 
 use them for my Perl cgi-script, what can I do?

If you have a shell account, you can install modules under your home
directory and reference them from your scripts.

perldoc -q 'How do I keep my own module/library directory?'

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Re: Perl modules on web host server

2001-12-09 Thread nafiseh saberi

hi dear.
you use to install redhat linux in one server..
in it exist many perl madule ...
I think with this your problem will solve.

  Best regards. Nafiseh Saberi
Beaty is in the eye of the beholder.
- Original Message -
From: Hoenie Luk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2001 11:22 AM
Subject: Perl modules on web host server

 Hi, I'm new to cgi-programming with Perl and I've been looking for answers
 for the following questions:

 1. How do you find out if the web host supports certain Perl modules?

 2. If the web host does not have certain modules installed and I need to
 use them for my Perl cgi-script, what can I do?


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Re: Perl modules on web host server

2001-12-09 Thread Francisco J. Valladolid Hdez.

test ..!

--- nafiseh saberi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi dear.
 you use to install redhat linux in one server..
 in it exist many perl madule ...
 I think with this your problem will solve.
   Best regards. Nafiseh Saberi
 Beaty is in the eye of the beholder.
 - Original Message -
 From: Hoenie Luk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2001 11:22 AM
 Subject: Perl modules on web host server
  Hi, I'm new to cgi-programming with Perl and I've
 been looking for answers
  for the following questions:
  1. How do you find out if the web host supports
 certain Perl modules?
  2. If the web host does not have certain modules
 installed and I need to
  use them for my Perl cgi-script, what can I do?
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# _
Francisco Valladolid Hernandez
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
print Unix, Hardware, Web, Perl, Comics ..;
print Taking initiative ..!;

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Perl modules on web host server

2001-12-08 Thread Hoenie Luk

Hi, I'm new to cgi-programming with Perl and I've been looking for answers 
for the following questions:

1. How do you find out if the web host supports certain Perl modules?

2. If the web host does not have certain modules installed and I need to 
use them for my Perl cgi-script, what can I do?


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Re: Using custom modules

2001-12-07 Thread Gerry Jones

On Friday 07 December 2001 12:49, fliptop wrote:
 Gerry Jones wrote:
  I want to use a module I have created and stored in cgi-bin directory. It
  holds a few commonly used functions. I remember having done this before,
  but can't remember how I got it to work, and my error log says the module
  did not return a true value. Somebody please save me from wading through
  all the documentation.

 make sure your module returns a true value.  for example:

 package Foo;
 use strict;
 use SomeOtherModule;

 sub bar {
   ...some code here...

 sub baz {
   ...more code...

 1;# all modules should return true


sound of hand smacking forhead

Thanks ;-)


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where to get modules? and any gui for win32?

2001-10-10 Thread Eric Wang

Hi people,

Where do I get some of these cool modules like www, DBI... etc?
and is there a module to write gui programs using perl in win32
environmrnt? (WINNT or 2k)



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Re: where to get modules? and any gui for win32?

2001-10-10 Thread Brett W. McCoy

 Where do I get some of these cool modules like www, DBI... etc? is the definitive repository.  Many assume the availability
of a C compiler and proper development tools like make or nmake.  On
Win32, you can use VC++, or the CygWin environment, which gives you a lot
of GNU tools.  ActiveState also has a repository for pre-built modules
(PPMs) that you can install, but it is not comprehensive like CPAN is.

 and is there a module to write gui programs using perl in win32
 environmrnt? (WINNT or 2k)

The Tk module works very well under Windows, and best of all, you can move
the code to another platform (Mac, Linux, Solaris) and run it with little
or no modification.

-- Brett

Humor in the Court:
Q: Now, you have investigated other murders, have you not, where there was
   a victim?

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Re: where to get modules? and any gui for win32?

2001-10-10 Thread Eric Wang

You know where I can get nmake? I used to have it and it works great! but
I just lost my HD on my labtop (w/o backup) and I forgot where I got it


On Wed, 10 Oct 2001, Brett W. McCoy wrote:

  Where do I get some of these cool modules like www, DBI... etc? is the definitive repository.  Many assume the availability
 of a C compiler and proper development tools like make or nmake.  On
 Win32, you can use VC++, or the CygWin environment, which gives you a lot
 of GNU tools.  ActiveState also has a repository for pre-built modules
 (PPMs) that you can install, but it is not comprehensive like CPAN is.

  and is there a module to write gui programs using perl in win32
  environmrnt? (WINNT or 2k)

 The Tk module works very well under Windows, and best of all, you can move
 the code to another platform (Mac, Linux, Solaris) and run it with little
 or no modification.

 -- Brett
 Humor in the Court:
 Q: Now, you have investigated other murders, have you not, where there was
a victim?

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RE: where to get modules? and any gui for win32?

2001-10-10 Thread James Kelty


-Original Message-
From: Eric Wang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 2:47 PM
To: Brett W. McCoy
Subject: Re: where to get modules? and any gui for win32?

You know where I can get nmake? I used to have it and it works great! but
I just lost my HD on my labtop (w/o backup) and I forgot where I got it


On Wed, 10 Oct 2001, Brett W. McCoy wrote:

  Where do I get some of these cool modules like www, DBI... etc? is the definitive repository.  Many assume the availability
 of a C compiler and proper development tools like make or nmake.  On
 Win32, you can use VC++, or the CygWin environment, which gives you a lot
 of GNU tools.  ActiveState also has a repository for pre-built modules
 (PPMs) that you can install, but it is not comprehensive like CPAN is.

  and is there a module to write gui programs using perl in win32
  environmrnt? (WINNT or 2k)

 The Tk module works very well under Windows, and best of all, you can move
 the code to another platform (Mac, Linux, Solaris) and run it with little
 or no modification.

 -- Brett
 Humor in the Court:
 Q: Now, you have investigated other murders, have you not, where there was
a victim?

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RE: where to get modules? and any gui for win32?

2001-10-10 Thread Eric Wang

that version only has no nmake for winnt systems.

Thanks for the help thou

On Wed, 10 Oct 2001, James Kelty wrote:


 -Original Message-
 From: Eric Wang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 2:47 PM
 To: Brett W. McCoy
 Subject: Re: where to get modules? and any gui for win32?

 You know where I can get nmake? I used to have it and it works great! but
 I just lost my HD on my labtop (w/o backup) and I forgot where I got it


 On Wed, 10 Oct 2001, Brett W. McCoy wrote:

   Where do I get some of these cool modules like www, DBI... etc? is the definitive repository.  Many assume the availability
  of a C compiler and proper development tools like make or nmake.  On
  Win32, you can use VC++, or the CygWin environment, which gives you a lot
  of GNU tools.  ActiveState also has a repository for pre-built modules
  (PPMs) that you can install, but it is not comprehensive like CPAN is.
   and is there a module to write gui programs using perl in win32
   environmrnt? (WINNT or 2k)
  The Tk module works very well under Windows, and best of all, you can move
  the code to another platform (Mac, Linux, Solaris) and run it with little
  or no modification.
  -- Brett
  Humor in the Court:
  Q: Now, you have investigated other murders, have you not, where there was
 a victim?
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RE: where to get modules? and any gui for win32?

2001-10-10 Thread James Kelty

Ok, then try here next.

Or you could just to:



-Original Message-
From: Eric Wang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 3:38 PM
To: James Kelty
Subject: RE: where to get modules? and any gui for win32?

that version only has no nmake for winnt systems.

Thanks for the help thou

On Wed, 10 Oct 2001, James Kelty wrote:


 -Original Message-
 From: Eric Wang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 2:47 PM
 To: Brett W. McCoy
 Subject: Re: where to get modules? and any gui for win32?

 You know where I can get nmake? I used to have it and it works great! but
 I just lost my HD on my labtop (w/o backup) and I forgot where I got it


 On Wed, 10 Oct 2001, Brett W. McCoy wrote:

   Where do I get some of these cool modules like www, DBI... etc? is the definitive repository.  Many assume the availability
  of a C compiler and proper development tools like make or nmake.  On
  Win32, you can use VC++, or the CygWin environment, which gives you a
  of GNU tools.  ActiveState also has a repository for pre-built modules
  (PPMs) that you can install, but it is not comprehensive like CPAN is.
   and is there a module to write gui programs using perl in win32
   environmrnt? (WINNT or 2k)
  The Tk module works very well under Windows, and best of all, you can
  the code to another platform (Mac, Linux, Solaris) and run it with
  or no modification.
  -- Brett
  Humor in the Court:
  Q: Now, you have investigated other murders, have you not, where there
 a victim?
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  For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: use of modules with

2001-06-21 Thread fliptop

Susanne wrote:
 does anyone have sample code that would educate me on credit card
 processing with  tia.

try this module from cpan:

use of modules with

2001-06-20 Thread Susanne

does anyone have sample code that would educate me on credit card
processing with  tia.

RE: using modules installed in local CGI bin

2001-06-08 Thread Timothy Kimball

Al Hospers wrote:
: I changed the setup to
:  #!/usr/local/bin/perl
:  use CGI qw(:all);
:  use lib ./libnet;
:  use Net::FTP;
:  print header;
: ...
: now I get this error
: BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at weather_ftp.cgi line 4.

I presume this is from the server's error_log. Is that the complete
error, or is there something before it?

Do you get the same error when you run it from the command line? If
not, then it may be a permissions problem: CGI scripts run as someone
else, usually nobody, and it may not have read pemission on the

-- tdk

RE: using modules installed in local CGI bin

2001-06-08 Thread Curtis Poe

 if ($#path  0)
 @paths=split /:/, $ENV{$key};

Should be
 if ($#path  0) {
 @paths=split /:/, $ENV{$key};

Your content type should be (space after the colon)

print Content-Type: text/html\n\n;

--- Al Hospers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 is this correct?
 print Content-Type:text/html\n\n;
 print EndOfHTML;
 htmlheadtitlePrint Environment/title/head
 print I am at  . `pwd` . br\n;
 foreach $key (sort(keys %ENV)) {
 if ($key eq 'PATH')
 @paths=split /:/, $ENV{$key};
 if ($#path  0)
 @paths=split /:/, $ENV{$key};
 if ($#path  0)
 print $key = $ENV{$key}br\n;
 print PATHS are:brcenter\n;
 foreach $path (@paths)
 print $pathbr;
 print /center;
 print $key = $ENV{$key}br\n;
 print 'pbINC follows:/bp';
 foreach $b (@INC) {
 print '$INC[' . $i++ . ]= $bbr\n;
 print /body/html;
 I am getting the following command line error:
 Array found where operator expected at env.cgi line 13, at end of line
 (Missing operator before ?)
 syntax error at env.cgi line 13, near )
 syntax error at env.cgi line 28, near else
 Execution of env.cgi aborted due to compilation errors.

Senior Programmer
Onsite! Technology (
Ovid on

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RE: using modules installed in local CGI bin

2001-06-08 Thread Moon, John

Sorry Al,

the script should be ...


print Content-Type:text/html\n\n; # w/o space works OK on my server :) 
print EndOfHTML;
htmlheadtitlePrint Environment/title/head
print 'I am at ' . `pwd` . br\n;
print \$CGI_HOME = $CGI_HOMEp;
foreach $key (sort(keys %ENV)) {
if ($key eq PATH)
@paths=split /:/, $ENV{$key};
if ($#path  0)
print $key = $ENV{$key}br\n;
print PATHS are:brcenter\n;
foreach $path (@paths)
print $pathbr;
print '/center';
print $key = $ENV{$key}br\n;
print 'pbINC follows:/bp';
foreach $b (@INC) {
print '$INC[' . $i++ . ]= $bbr\n;
print '/body/html'; 

-Original Message-
From: Al Hospers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: June 08, 2001 16:05
Subject: RE: using modules installed in local CGI bin

 Oops ... too much paste ...

sorry John. does not compute? grin


RE: using modules installed in local CGI bin

2001-06-08 Thread Al Hospers

tdk wrote:

Did you just copy the file into this area, or did you actually do
the install? i.e., something like

perl Makefile.PL prefix=/myinstall/directory
make test
make install

I just deleted the entire libnet folder  started over.

so, first I did:

 perl Makefile.PL prefix=/libnet

it seemed to work. the installer asked me a number of questions about hosts
etc. for testing, to which I said no to all as I didn't want it to test my
hosts. I will worry about if the names are OK in my script. at the end it

 Writing libnet.cfg
 Writing Makefile for Net

so then I said:


and I got the following error on the command line:

 make: Warning: Can't find `make.rules': No such file or directory
 mkdir ./blib
 mkdir ./blib/lib
 make: Fatal error: wait() failed: Interrupted system call



RE: using modules installed in local CGI bin

2001-06-08 Thread Al Hospers

  the script should be ...

thanks John. OK got it working. so what am I looking for? here is some of
the info:

PATHS are: /bin /usr/vde/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/gnu/bin /usr/ucb
/usr/css/bin /usr/local/cvbin


$INC[1]= /usr/local/pkg/perl5/libbr
$INC[2]= /usr/local/pkg/perl5/lib/site_perl/sun4-solarisbr
$INC[3]= /usr/local/pkg/perl5/lib/site_perlbr
$INC[4]= .br