Re: New Puppy Pictures

2002-11-03 Thread Ray & Pat Burgett
Just got the pictures of the puppies at three weeks of age loaded to our


Ray & Pat Burgett Eaglecap Bernese
Talee,Lexi,Boomer,Bell & Max
Draminski Ovulation Detector Rep

Re: BERNER-L digest 4094

2002-11-03 Thread Lindgrenmt
Hello all,

I have a two year-old berner named Hugs, who has a nasty E. coli infection that we 
haven't been able to lick. She was on Baytril and Clavamox, and is now on an 
antibiotic labeled SMZ TMP??? I have taken her to Fort Collins for a workup, where 
they could find no anatomical issues to consider in relation to this problem. Does 
anyone have any suggestions, stories, or other pertinent information to impart on this 
subject? Anything remotely helpful would be gladly appreciated. Thanks!

Lindsey Lindgren & Hugs

peeing on bed

2002-11-03 Thread Mary-Ann Bowman
I absolutely agree with Vilma -- dogs do not seek revenge or act out to "get
back" at us -- those are human activities. Why is the dog peeing on the bed?
Who can really say, and frankly -- who cares? Just shut the door :)

The problem with thinking that the dog is seeking revenge is that thinking
directs actions/feelings. If one thinks the dog is doing it "on purpose"
that dictates very different actions, feelings and attitudes than thinking
that the dog has separation anxiety or that the bed has some smell that
triggers the peeing. Our reaction is much kinder when we imagine the poor
dog is stressed because we are away than if we think that devious, dastardly
dog knows EXACTLY what she was doing and is just mad because we left her

I do not really understand power struggles with a dog -- why create conflict
when you can train cooperation???

Mary-Ann Bowman
U-CD Emma, CDX, DD, CGC, retired
Abra of Many Titles, on maternity leave
Maize, TD, NA, DD
The Ten-pack, currently practicing down stays (and doing very well!)

Re: peeing on the bed

2002-11-03 Thread Brnrmom
Personally, I dont believe dogs think "screw you" when they do things like 
thisthey are much too simple and pure to be so devious and "plan 
revenge." They just do what feels good, what they see as in their best 

 They do commonly suffer from seperation anxiety, however, which can explain 
some behavior such as destructiveness and housesoiling that only occurs when 
left alone.

Dogs also love pee and poop they are fascinated w/ it.they wouldnt 
see it as an insult or a mess like we do! They use it to mark their property. 
You and your bed are her valued property and perhaps she wants everyone to 
know it!

Vilma Briggs 
Mt. Gilead, OH
U-UD Mocha Java Slurp, UDX, HIC, TT
Ch. Brighteye Expresso Bean, UD, NDD, TT
U-CDX Our Little Buddy, UD, NA, TT
and rescue Berners: Charm (Thirdtym's A Charm CGC) and Willow

in need of a large stuffed berner

2002-11-03 Thread Andrea Brin
anyone living on the east coast and able to send me a costco berner? we
don't have any stores here and my relatives tried and did not succeed.
andrea, woofit and chi

shavertown, pa

(stuffed) BMD rescue from Costco

2002-11-03 Thread Marjie

Yesterday  4 (stuffed) giant Berners were liberated from Costco
in Roseville, CA (near Sacramento.)  They are now content and
sleeping on my antique couch.  They grow 'em big at Costco, these
guys are -giants- with huge paws!  They're very well behaved,
though, much better than the 3 more animated resident Berners.  I
left 3 sleeping on the store's shelf, but saw a woman snap one up
after me.  They won't last long.

We sure got a lot of smiles and comments while going through the
rest of the store and check-out line.

(Peggy--one of these giants is for you!)


Costco Berners

2002-11-03 Thread Karen Alexander
I don't have a Costco within 200 miles of me so I decided to email them
requesting  an online purchase. Everyone thinking of this forget it.  The
online store does not duplicate the store items and special items like our
Berners don't even exist online. Someone please send me a picture of one of
these stuffed cuties.  If you do, realize I might ask you to mail it to me.
I feel so left out. Now I understand what our overseas L members must feel
Karen Alexander
Pensacola,  Florida

Stuffed Bernese on Television

2002-11-03 Thread Coral and David Denis
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* This post contains a forbidden message format   *
*  (such as an attached file, a v-card, HTML formatting)  *
*Mail Lists at Prairienet only accept PLAIN TEXT*
* If your postings display this message your mail program *
* is not set to send PLAIN TEXT ONLY and needs adjusting  *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

magnetic pads

2002-11-03 Thread Andrea Brin
hope this helps. i actually like these better than the one in stores

Howloween Berner Costume

2002-11-03 Thread jean cheesman
Hi All,

Just uploaded the funniest pics from Carol and her 4 month Berner Puppy.
They went to a Halloween Party and met a little boy dressed as Annie!

Find on the latest updates for Friends' Gallery! Enjoy!

All love,

Jean, Sunny, Simmy, Barney and the Gang

OT-Labmed auction

2002-11-03 Thread bernese
As you probably read a bit ago, Labmed has been unable to
accept new applications due to lack of funds. I wrote about their plight
recently and how they had been so wonderful when BEHAF was getting
going...helping with tax-exempt status and such.

Well for all of you that have labs...know someone who has a lab...or just
care about another organization that does  very, very good things [ they
provide medicical assistance to rescue labs]their auction has started.
It only runs through the 9th of Nov, and there are many "general" dog items
available [beds and such]. Please take a moment to check out the auction or
pass this e-mail on to those who know people with labs.

As I mentioned before, their crew was so very helpful to the folks at  BEHAF
when we were beginning. They gave us advice and all their best wishes. If
anyone can pass this message along to their lab friends who don't know about
Labmed, or just check it out for some general doggie would be
most appreciated. They were wonderful to us.



also visit BEHAF

Bloating and burping

2002-11-03 Thread bernese
Hi all

I was just wondering if anyone had associated some of the instances of bloat
with whether or not a dog gives a good burp after dinner. I ask because it
occurred to me tonight after dinner, that our babies always come to us for a
"congratulation" that they ate their whole dinner, we give them big thumps
on their sides "good boy, good girl" and , invariably get a big old BURP
from them [kinda like burping a baby?].

We've fed BARF for 3 years or so but I remember doing this before also.

Anyone think there might be an association between the two?

Just wondering.

see our babies at

BARC rescue site

2002-11-03 Thread MBlake1595
In case you haven't already received a reply one link is

Marilynn and  Barc's Shining Bright Star

Pictures, Watchung at Duke Island

2002-11-03 Thread Hugh Hayes

Re: BERNER-L digest 4096

2002-11-03 Thread David Oliver
I signed up for this mailing list while at a friends home,when she was
looking for Bernese rescue-I thought that there would be a link in the
mailer to let me go to the same site she was on...but there is no
links-could someone please post a link to the Bernese rescue site? My father
owns a Bernese back in Scotland,and I thought it would be great if I could
offer a home to one of these beautiful dogs.
Thank you,
 David Oliver
- Original Message -
From: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 02, 2002 10:01 PM
Subject: BERNER-L digest 4096

> BERNER-L Digest 4096
> Topics covered in this issue include:
>   1) Would like to receive the list again
> by Ugo Innocenti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   2) Normann and Baxter went to the Bridge
> by "Laura Lopez Mendez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   3) Re: Berner behavior question
>   4) Re: Anyone paiint with acrylics
> by "Dr. William B. Neff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   5) peeing on the bed
>   6) RE: Would like to receive the list again
> by "Pat Long & Paul Dangel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   7) Another Berner in a local shelter!
> by "Carl Seibert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   8) Seeking New Puppy
> by Zurich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   9) Re: Berner in Williamsburg shelter
> by "Carl Seibert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  10) Re: BERNER-L digest 4095
>  11) Re: Seeking New Puppy
>  12) magnetic note pads
>  13) Photos and Video for 2004 National Specialty
> by "Ray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  14) Re: dogs for sale in Atlanta paper
> by "Mary Shaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  15) Introducing new puppy "Timber!"
> by RM Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  16) Re: Introducing new puppy "Timber!"
> by "Mike Alexander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  17) Health Clinics~ east
>  18) Re: Berner butts
> by "jean cheesman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  19) Re: Berner behavior question
> by "jean cheesman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  20) Re: Spaying...Opinions, Please, Regarding Timing
>  21) Re: magnetic note pads
>  22) Re: BERNER-L digest 4094
>  23) Dee Newman
> by "Mary-Ann Bowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  24) Re: Berner in shelter
> by "Carl Seibert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  25) Berner sighting-Purina Winter Dog Games
>  26) Re: BERNER-L digest 4094
>  27) dog door opinions anyone?
> by Julee Strahler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  28) your other dogs & the new puppy
>  29) Hip Dysplasia in Large Breed Dogs (long)
> by Patti Whyte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  30) Re: BERNER-L digest 4094
> by gayle gramstad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Berner behavior question

2002-11-03 Thread David Nowell and Susan Burnham
When our Matilde (15 month old spayed BARC girl) was being housetrained as a
puppy, she would have "accidents" almost exclusively on her two dog beds.
At the time, we thought that she just didn't like her beds and that was her
way of telling us.  We ended up creating a "bed" for her that was made up of
blankets and she never peed on it.  We recently re-introduced one of the dog
beds in an effort to clean up our bedroom (the blankets can look a bit
disheveled).  The other day, under extenuating circumstances, our
wonderfully housetained girl peed on her bed!  (We were trying to get her
into her halloween costume and the stupid humans didn't listen to the poor
dog who needed to go out, we are very very sorry.) This was really confusing
to us - that out of all of the places that a dog might *have* to go, she
would go on her own bed that she's been sleeping on for over a month.  Our
theories included 1) She got used to going where she slept from her pre-BARC
days of being in dirty pens and crates; 2) She is so considerate of her
humans, even when we are dumb, that she thought it was better to soil *her*
area than mess up any other section of the house (we realize this theory is
a bit anthropomorphic); or 3) She really doesn't like the dog bed.

I'm really interested to hear what other theories people have - I also heard
that dogs never go where they sleep, but it seems like it doesn't work that
way for some Berners.  Mattie can't get up on our bed by herself (and is
only allowed up on a permission basis for short cuddle sessions, never to
sleep at night) so we've never had a human bed soiling problem, but I think
that the same principles that govern dog bed soiling would probably apply.

Sue Burnham and Matilde
Santa Fe, NM

Re: your other dogs & the new puppy

2002-11-03 Thread Eileen Morgan

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, November 02, 2002 7:35 PM
Subject: your other dogs & the new puppy

> .  so i yelled at him a lot, made him do a down, put him
> in the crate and he seemed scared and i felt like it was all fine.

>we all
> went out later and they sort of played together--they have played EVERY
> morning and love each other and were fine, but for some reason today, he
> hating her.  so later i was playing with a toy with her and was in between
> them and wanted him to grab the other end of the toy, but he snapped at
> again like i've never seen him be with her--she cried and ran away--he
> touch her that time, but i think she was scared...he got punished again,
> he doesn't even want to be near her...i made them play a little on the bed
> but he keeps leaving from wherever she is and just staring at me.

Ok, first of all, he does NOT hate her. That is a human thing, not a dog
thing. She is getting to be a bigger pup, so he is less tolerant of her
having first crack at resources. If you punish him for being the boss and
telling her she can't have the resources first, you are going to make things
worse. They won't be able to work it out if you send mixed signals to them
about the pecking order. If he is really being tough on her, consider
separating when you are not around. We kept Nessie the Newfie baby gated
into the kitchen when we were away, or in her crate, until she and Mic the
Berner boy had stabalized their relationship at about 1 yr (her) and 2 yrs
(him). As a puppy she would make stupid social mistakes that he didn't
tolerate well, so we just made sure everyone knew their place in the order,
and kept them apart when we were gone until she wised up.

Some things to do:
~~Pick up all high value treats. No bones, no pig ears, no rawhides. They
may have these things while separated (in crates, one in and one out,
~~separate for feeding. Feed in order of boss to bottom pooch.
~~Don't just toss treats to the dogs. Have everyone line up and sit, and
then hand them out.
~~Treat the boss like the boss--boss gets first choice of toys, but then has
to stick with what they have picked. No stealing randomly. Boss gets first
walk, first treat, etc. Go in pecking order from there (I hand around treats
for four this way).

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FW: BERNER-L digest 4096

2002-11-03 Thread Sylvia Katvala
Email messages like this is causing a bunch of errors to peoples servers and
a lot of extra work to people on the Error Crew.

Already two people asked why they cannot get their whole digest. This is
why. I'm not picking on this person, but use it to illustrate what is going

Please, have your Virus scan up to date, and do not post in HTML.

Sylvia Katvala
On Error duty last week with 75 logged Errors.

Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2002 11:04:34 +0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd))
To: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: BERNER-L digest 4096

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X-Mailer: IncrediMail 2001 (1800838)
From: "gilmargirls" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-CNT: ;
X-Priority: 3
To: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List--

Re: A visit to the vet

2002-11-03 Thread Lucy & Yogi
I had the pleasure of taking my two crazy kittens (now three year old wild 
cats) to the vet, and having a well-meaning tech take both out at the same 
time to weigh them on the scale in the lobby.  Crazy kittens were having 
none of this, and while one went up on top of the LED screen they have 
displaying upcoming events, requiring a long search for a tall ladder to 
retrieve him, the other went under the shelving unit, which necessitated 
taking all the 40lb bags of food and cases upon cases of food tins OFF the 
shelf in order to be able to move it enough that we could get her back.

Lesson learned - weigh cats on the smaller scales in the individual offices 
with closed doors!

Cessi and Tucker (BMDs)
Lucy and Yogi (good 6yr old mellow cats)
Oscar and Molly (crazy 3yr old cats in the above story)
The Black Cat (moved in last Devil's Night '01 and hasn't left)

He was such an embarassment. Insisted on carrying his lead in his mouth.
Tried to climb on my lap in the waiting room (several times and my lap isn't
big enough for a 50 kg pup). Went round everyone trying to scrounge
attention. Tried to steal a hoof from the vet shop. Then climbed up a rack
in an effort to get at a stuffed hedgehog. Finally tried to steal a stuffed
cow from another display. He made a lot of new fans, though :-)

Can't help loving them, can you?

Re: peeing on the bed

2002-11-03 Thread DreamLine Berners
I too did not see the original post, but I have had some experience with 
this problem with my 8 y/o Samoyed Jammers.  I don't know the particulars 
with this dog, but with Jammers it's stress and the sammy attitude of "Screw 
you". She gets angry and upset that she has been left alone.  It's a real 
obvious "Screw You"  She will not pee while left in her crate, and she won't 
pee anywhere else in the house when left alone, except on my bed.  She does 
the same thing in the car, if you leave her more then 15 minutes loose in 
the car, she will pee on my seat, regaurdless of whether or not you just 
pee'd her.  She is just making her emotions known, as a good Sammy would.  I 
don't know whether or not this is the case with the Berner, but it may be 
stress related?


From: "Susan Berlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: peeing on the bed
Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2002 06:26:34 -0800

Hi -- I didn't get the original post on this (just some of the replies)
becuse I get the digest and it's often truncated. So I don't know all the
circumstances, but I do have one comment: my Maggie peed on the bed once --
though she was a fujjlly-grown dog at the time -- but she did it *in her
sleep*. I took her to the vet at once, and it turned out she had some liver
enzymes way out of whack, probably indicating hepatitis. Apparently,
hepatitis can produce urinary dysfunction. Fortunately, it resolved by
itself (we did e-rays, repeated the tests, etc.) so all ended well, but I
thought people would want to know of this possibility.

Salt Spring Island, BC

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Re: stuffed berners from Costco

2002-11-03 Thread Teresa Dominguez
I checked at my local Costco stores and found that the Bernese Mountain Dogs
are on order .. actually Backordered .. they were suppose to be in 10/28.  I
was given a # to call to find out when they will arrive .. one store is
getting 22 the other 20.  I can't pre-buy them .. I can't have them hold
them for me .. but hopefully they will call me when they get them on the
floor .. so I can stuff my VAN FULL .. ok maybe not that bad .. but I do
want a few.

Teresa, Patriot, Romeo and foster pup Sweetie Petey...
Albuquerque, NM

Re: peeing on the bed

2002-11-03 Thread Susan Berlin
Hi -- I didn't get the original post on this (just some of the replies)
becuse I get the digest and it's often truncated. So I don't know all the
circumstances, but I do have one comment: my Maggie peed on the bed once --
though she was a fujjlly-grown dog at the time -- but she did it *in her
sleep*. I took her to the vet at once, and it turned out she had some liver
enzymes way out of whack, probably indicating hepatitis. Apparently,
hepatitis can produce urinary dysfunction. Fortunately, it resolved by
itself (we did e-rays, repeated the tests, etc.) so all ended well, but I
thought people would want to know of this possibility.

Salt Spring Island, BC

Re: Early/late S/N

2002-11-03 Thread Mary-Ann Bowman
Thank you for sharing your experiences with early s/n. I am interested to
know if there is any evidence or even experience that early s/n results in a
difference in orthopedic clearances, and/or urinary tract issues.


Mary-Ann Bowman

Re: Early/late S/N

2002-11-03 Thread Ray & Pat Burgett
With our Freedom litter of 13 last year we Spayed and Neutered at 8 weeks of
age and had the chance to see the comparison between the two left intact and
the ones Spayed or Neutered at 8 weeks. We had seven of the 13 at the 1 year
old birthday party.

The only difference that could be seen is what you see in any litter at  1
year of age. Some had the Dams characteristic's and some the sires.

As was mentioned in other post's on this subject is the fact that it is much
easier on puppy than a adult dog. They were up and at it like nothing had
been done as soon as they were back with their littermates.

The major factor behind doing this is the fact that none of these Berners
will end up in an ill advised breeding program. Our current litter will done
the same way.

Ray & Pat.

Ray & Pat Burgett Eaglecap Bernese
Talee,Lexi,Boomer,Bell & Max
Draminski Ovulation Detector Rep

Plush Berners

2002-11-03 Thread Carol Bradfield
There was an add in Sunday's paper from CVS.
It showed 7 inch plush Berner for $3.99 with Hallmark
Card purchase of $4.99 by itself.

Will check it out later today.


Do you Yahoo!?
HotJobs - Search new jobs daily now

Berner Plush

2002-11-03 Thread Carol Bradfield
An add in Sunday's paper from CVS shows a 7inch plush
Berner for $3.99 with purchase of Hallmark Card or
$4.99 without.

Will check it out later today.


Do you Yahoo!?
HotJobs - Search new jobs daily now

Plush Berners

2002-11-03 Thread Carol Bradfield
In the Sunday Paper a flyer from CVS shows a Bernese
Mountain Dog 7 inch plush for $3.99 with purchase of
Hallmark card, or $4.99 without the card.  I am 
heading to CVS later today to check it out.


Do you Yahoo!?
HotJobs - Search new jobs daily now

Re: BERNER-L digest 4096

2002-11-03 Thread Carol Bradfield
How do I submit, I am confused.  I have answered two
questions to the actual email listed in the topic, but
how does the answer show up in the newsletter?

--- Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List
>   BERNER-L Digest 4096
> Topics covered in this issue include:
>   1) Would like to receive the list again
>   by Ugo Innocenti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   2) Normann and Baxter went to the Bridge
>   by "Laura Lopez Mendez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   3) Re: Berner behavior question
>   4) Re: Anyone paiint with acrylics
>   by "Dr. William B. Neff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   5) peeing on the bed
>   6) RE: Would like to receive the list again
>   by "Pat Long & Paul Dangel"
>   7) Another Berner in a local shelter!
>   by "Carl Seibert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   8) Seeking New Puppy
>   by Zurich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   9) Re: Berner in Williamsburg shelter
>   by "Carl Seibert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  10) Re: BERNER-L digest 4095
>  11) Re: Seeking New Puppy
>  12) magnetic note pads
>  13) Photos and Video for 2004 National Specialty
>   by "Ray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  14) Re: dogs for sale in Atlanta paper
>   by "Mary Shaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  15) Introducing new puppy "Timber!"
>   by RM Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  16) Re: Introducing new puppy "Timber!"
>   by "Mike Alexander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  17) Health Clinics~ east
>  18) Re: Berner butts
>   by "jean cheesman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  19) Re: Berner behavior question
>   by "jean cheesman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  20) Re: Spaying...Opinions, Please, Regarding
> Timing
>  21) Re: magnetic note pads
>  22) Re: BERNER-L digest 4094
>  23) Dee Newman
>   by "Mary-Ann Bowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  24) Re: Berner in shelter
>   by "Carl Seibert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  25) Berner sighting-Purina Winter Dog Games
>  26) Re: BERNER-L digest 4094
>  27) dog door opinions anyone?
>   by Julee Strahler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  28) your other dogs & the new puppy
>  29) Hip Dysplasia in Large Breed Dogs (long) 
>   by Patti Whyte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  30) Re: BERNER-L digest 4094
>   by gayle gramstad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> ATTACHMENT part 2.1 message/rfc822 
> Date: Fri, 01 Nov 2002 22:18:28 -0800
> From: Ugo Innocenti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "List, Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing"
> Subject: Would like to receive the list again
> Somehow I was dropped from the Berner-L.
> I would like to receive it again
> Ugo Innocenti

> ATTACHMENT part 2.2 message/rfc822 
> From: "Laura Lopez Mendez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List"
> Subject: Normann and Baxter went to the Bridge
> Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2002 02:33:47 -0600
> Today my two boys went to the Bridge...
> I found Normann peacefully sleeping in the patio
> this afternoon, he had an
> internal bleeding and just faded away.
> Baxter, my almost 13yo yorkie, was at the hospital
> since Thursday and his
> body was  shutting down on him, so I helped him and
> he went to sleep in my
> arms.
> I have so many wonderful memories and so much to
> thank them for all the
> happiness, company and love they gave me!
> Sleep well, my sweet angels, enjoy your regained
> health and strength until
> we meet and hug again!
> Your mom,
> Laura
> Normann "Swiss Star Knight of a Viking" Aug 22nd 92-
> Nov 1st 02
> Baxter (Bakas-Lopez-Mendez) Jan 14th 90- Nov 1st 02

> ATTACHMENT part 2.3 message/rfc822 
> Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2002 06:23:36 EST
> Subject: Re: Berner behavior question
> In a message dated 11/1/2002 1:00:45 PM Eastern
> Standard Time, 
> > This must be it (vs. urninary tract infection) as
> both posters mentioned 
> >  specific activites of peeing on the bedvery,
> very odd! Even if it was 
> a 
> >  dominance thing, don't they normally pee outside
> of where they sleep? (at 
> >  least, if these dogs are allowed on the bed?)
> True...when they've matured, but I've always found
> that the very last place 
> my pups were trustworthy in their house training was
> on a dog bed (the people 
> beds are the only place in the house 'off limits' to
> the dogs).  
> I have no idea's just always been where
> they have their last 
> accident.  Of course, knowing that...I aways put the
> bed(s) away until I 
> think the pup's house trained.  No help, they hit it
> whenever it comes out 
> .
> -Sherri Vend

Re: Hip Dysplasia in Large Breed Dogs (long)

2002-11-03 Thread BernerFolk
In a message dated 11/2/2002 8:00:48 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> What can a pet owner of a large breed
>  dog do to help their dog REMAIN with them as a good pet, without
>  crippling pain and disability,...if hip replacement surgery is not a
>  viable option, for what ever reasons?  Has anyone had luck with early
>  supplementation and other types of surgeries other than hip replacement,
>  such as grinding of the hip bones?  

Keep the dog lean.

Keep the dog well muscled.  
Give plenty of free running exercise, preferably on a daily basis.  Swimming 
is an EXCELLENT way to gain fitness without stressing the joints.  Look for 
an aqua therapy facility for winter workouts-frequently connected to horse 
facilities.  Talk with the breeder about refunding up to the purchase price 
(instead of "replacement" pup) to help cover cost. 

Start the dog on a top flight joint supplement BEFORE it's symptomatic, 
there's decent research indicating a prophylactic affect.  The products with 
the most research to back them up are Cosequin DS and Glyco-Flex II or III, 
they are also the most costly.

Keep in mind...
A friend's berner was recently xrayed for something else.  While they had her 
under, they shot her hips.  Vet's comment "It doesn't get any worse than 
this".  This berner just celebrated her 13th one ever knew she 
had no hip sockets.

~ Sherri Venditti
P.S.- Why Virginia for surgery?

Re: BERNER-L digest 4096

2002-11-03 Thread gilmargirls

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