travel ?

2002-12-13 Thread Jeanne Schoech
Has anyone traveled to Las Vegas with their dog(s).  If so, any
recommendations on lodging?  Thanks.  Jeanne


2002-12-13 Thread KendyBo
Hi all,

Sorry to post this again, but I'm looking for resources for Siwash harnesses. 
 I've asked this before, but I can't find my hard copies or the whole thing 
on the archives.  I think this is this year's Christmas present for Jackson.
I was also wondering about starting my Sallie.  She's 14 months old, with a 
history of some leg problems.  Her back legs are kind of "loose", and bow 
out.  Her hips seem OK, according to xrays.  I think they are this way as a 
result of poor nutrition, chronic Lyme's, and a few injuries, all between the 
ages of 2 months and 7 months.  Anyway, she has the most energy and biggest 
spirit of any dog I know.  I think she'd love to pull a cart, maybe one of 
those aluminum ones.  I wonder, though, about getting her a harness- will she 
outgrow it in the next year?
Any advice and resources are greatly appreciated.  Feel free to email 
privately so we don't take up space on the list with this again.
Thank you,
Kendra, Jackson, and Sallie

Christmas comes early!

2002-12-13 Thread Patricia Tackett
We just got an order from PetEdge (formerly New England Serum Co)  they have these 
cute little fleece bears that only run .99  The Tackett household is noisy with 
the sqeezing of the teddy bears making squeaky noises, all the playing back and forth 
between the various new toys.  Tex is a hoot he can't decide between them -- first the 
Orange Teddy, then no lets swipe the Purple one from Molly -- then it's pounce on th 
Orange Rabbit with floppy ears --- OH NO Molly has the Orange Teddy  I MUST HAVE IT!   
 Back and forth it goes.   Such a clown to brighten my day after a hard day at work 
and dealing with cranky patrons -- what blessing our dogs are!

Hugs and tailwags to everyone -- hope you all have great holidays!

Pat Tackett & Texas Gang
Tex & Molly (Sheltie)

Happy Christmas virus warning

2002-12-13 Thread jane heggen
Hi, I just got a virus from "swissmiss"-of course I doubt it actually came
from there.  The reason for the warning is the subject is Happy Christmas,
which is temping to open coming from an address that looks so familiar.  My
virus scan caught it.

jane heggen & the boys of iowa

Scottie sick-Update

2002-12-13 Thread Carol Bradfield
Thanks for all your emails. To answer some of the
questions.  The vet only did one blood test for Lyme
Disease and this was positive.  She said it was a lung
infection, but I agree with you all that it probably
is CHF.  I work for the pulmonary doctors and am
familiar with the terms.  She is very fragile right
now.  She is still drinking a little water and will
urniate, but I'm still not sure about bowels.  Vet
said they sounded ok.  She did take her medicine with
a piece of hot dog tonight so we can only hope for the
best.  If shes not doing better by Monday, she will
have more blood work done and more iv fluid, I
suppose.  It is a terrible time of year for this to
happen.  On last vet visit he said she had a little
arthritis (she's 12), but now we find out that it is
lyme disease.

You are all great for letting me go on an on about

My Berner girl-Heidi is being very good about not
getting all the attention.  I guess she knows Holly
doesn't feel well.

Carol, Heidi and Holly
York, PA

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Anyone from Galveston?

2002-12-13 Thread Liz Bradbury
My better half, Malcolm, is travelling to Texas on business tomorrow
morning; he'll be in the Holiday Inn, Galveston from Saturday evening
(14th) until 17th.  He'd be delighted to meet any Texan Berners who
might be in the vicinity, especially on Sunday, which is, as far as
he knows, a day to get over jet lag!
If there is anyone out there who could give him a Berner fix (he's
away from home a lot, so misses out on his Berner kisses) I could
ring him and let him know.
BTW, in case you're wondering why I've left it till now to ask, we
didn't know until Wednesday that this trip was happening before
Christmas! That's what I love about his job, we never know what's
happening from one day to the next, sure keeps me on my toes!
Liz Bradbury in Scotland, with Roxie (2 years) the bouncing Berner;
Newfs Toby (6 years) and Maggie (13 months); & the 6 Feline Fiends.

Fw: Petland Class Action Suit

2002-12-13 Thread Ruth Reynolds
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Re: My Berner Babbles

2002-12-13 Thread Annes4
My Berner is not a talker; the most he does is groan with pleasure when his 
ears are massaged.  However, I had a male Samoyed that was a real talker!  He 
would greet us in the morning with "Harow" (as close as he could get to 
Hello), and then woo, grumble and chatter all day long.  I forgot how much I 
enjoyed that and have missed it.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 3/4 yr.)
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Eye Think This Will Be of Interest

2002-12-13 Thread Lisa D Allen
I got this in the US mail:
Changes to "Ocular Disorders Presumed to be Inherited in Purebred Dogs" 
2000-2002   Genetics Committee A.C.V.O.
It says for Berners that for Distichiasis and Cataracts, mode of inheritance 
is not defined
Breeding advice for cataracts is NO
Breeding advice for distichiasis is breeder option

Lisa Allen

MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.

Re: BERNER-L digest 4180

2002-12-13 Thread THOMAS SLIDER

> --
> From: "Jennifer Graves" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Can your Berner Babble (talk)?
> My Berner lives in the desert of AZ but was born in TN.

Hi Jennifer...
May I ask where you got your berner (you did not tell me his name or how old he
is) in Tenn?? My almost 6yr old berner-boy is also from TN...Carolyn Moore in
Bristol. His father, Diesel is quite a talker too!!

RE tallking berners

2002-12-13 Thread catherine green
Well, Mickey doesn't really talk. But when I was a kid we had a family
dog (cocker spaniel/lab/something)that knew lots of tricks, among
them were "speak" and "talk." "Speak" meant to bark. And "talk" meant to
sort of go "woo-woo-humma-humma-hoo-awoo..." Cutest thing. He could also
"sneeze" which was to give a little snort and duck his head and look up
at us.

Mostly what Mickey does is groan and grumble like a dinosaur when he's
sleeping. Done it ever since he was tiny.

Catherine Young
Cross Plains WI
Shadow & Mickey & Jenny

E-Mail Address Change

2002-12-13 Thread Strodesu
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Re: BERNER-L digest 4172

2002-12-13 Thread Arden Johnson
I saw an ad."PETS" in the San Francisco Chronicle SundayBernese puppies
for sale...   this is the first time I have seen an ad in the paper here,
for bernese puppies.   arden johnson
- Original Message -
From: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 1:59 PM
Subject: BERNER-L digest 4172

> BERNER-L Digest 4172
> Topics covered in this issue include:
>   1) Aeryn antics
> by "Susan Wilkinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   2) fencing woes
> by "Susan Wilkinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   3) Michaela's problem
> by Rhona Vantine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   4) systemic histiocytosis
>   5) Kidney screening?
>   6) Re: shrink sheet material
>   7) Bruise?
>   8) RE: neutering poll
> by Rose Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   9) Bernese in Petshop
>  10) chasing tails
>  11) Challenge Amounts and another New Painting for the BARC LOC Challenge
>  Fundraiser
> by "Dr. William B. Neff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  12) osteo and cats
> by Wendi Giordano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  13) Champion Budman
> by Wendi Giordano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  14) re: language -- not from me!
> by Tracey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  15) behavior training
>  16) Re: BERNER-L digest 4169
> by Mountain Goods <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  17) Carob
> by Dennis Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  18) dandruff problems
> by "Glenn or Peggy Timbol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  19) Re: Champion Budman
> by "Maria Crifasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  20) (no subject)
>  21) Re: BERNER-L digest 4171
>  22) New e-mail address
>  23) Re: "You should take such good care of yourself" & a grandmother's
> by Maureen Barry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  24) Re: New e-mail address
> by "Laurie Montoya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  25) Re: Neutering Poll
> by "jean cheesman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  26) Berner-less NO MORE!
> by "Valerie Whitman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  27) Bernese in Petshop update
>  28) RE: Bernese in Petshop update
> by "Karen McFarlane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A Swiss Story - How Yodeling Began

2002-12-13 Thread Vicky Whitney
I'm sorry guys, but I just *HAVE* to pass this story on -- too funny.  It's 
about Switzerland, so I'm stretching it to make it Berner related -- the 
farmer must not have had a Berner to guard his home and family.  Enjoy!
Vicky Whitney
Bozeman, Montana

Have you ever wondered where and how yodeling began?
California? Oregon? Switzerland? Most believe it originated in
Switzerland.  Actually it did and here's how it all began...
Many years ago a man was traveling through the mountains of
Switzerland. Nightfall was rapidly approaching and he had
nowhere to sleep. He went up to a farmhouse and asked the
farmer if he could spend the night. The farmer told him that
he could sleep in the barn.

As the story goes, the farmer's daughter came down from
upstairs and asked her father, "Who is that man going into
the barn?"

"That's some fellow traveling through," said the farmer. "He
needs a place to stay for the night, so I said he could sleep
in the barn.

The daughter said, "Perhaps he is hungry." So she prepared
him a plate of food and took it out to the barn.

About an hour later, the daughter returned. Her clothing
disheveled and straw in her hair.Straight up to bed she went.
The farmer's wife was very observant. She then suggested that
perhaps the man was thirsty. So she fetched a bottle of wine,
took it out to the barn, and she too did not return for an
hour. Her clothing was askew, her blouse buttoned incorrectly
and her hair all messed up. She also headed straight to bed.
The next morning at sunrise the man in the barn got up and
continued on his journey, waving to the farmer as he left.
When the daughter awoke and learned that the visitor was gone,
she broke into tears. "How could he leave without even saying
goodbye," she cried. "We made such passionate love last night!"

"What?" shouted the father as he angrily ran out of the house
looking for the man, who by now was halfway up the mountain.
The farmer screamed up at him, "I'm going to get you! You had
sex with my daughter!"

The man looked back down from the mountainside, cupped his
hand next to his mouth, and yelled out, "LAIDTHEOLADEEET."

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RE: How much to feed ?

2002-12-13 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Jackie,
Does Solid Gold have a Large Breed Puppy formula, if not then I would
either switch to a brand that does, my choice is Eukanuba, or switch to the
Solid Gold Adult Maintenance Formula. You need about 26% protein and 14%
fat, regular puppy kibbles are often higher in ratio and therefore higher
in calories which will promote rapid growth which is undesirable in our
breed. Two cups a day is not much bulk for a puppy and I feed between four
to five cups a day to a four month old male. Monitor your other treats and
remember that rawhide is very high in calories and not a particularly good
treat for puppies and dogs.
In a food that is dense in nutrition you can feed a lower quantity but you
do need to be sure the balance of vitamins and minerals are also in tune
with the needs of a large breed puppy.

How much does your puppy weigh, I find it unusual that he doesn't readily
finish such small meals unless he is having too many other treats?

Rose Tierney

Re: BERNER-L digest 4177

2002-12-13 Thread FlowerPower216
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RE: Breeding at 9 months

2002-12-13 Thread Rose Tierney

In the large breeds the bitch is too young at nine months to carry a
litter, she is still needing her body reserves for her own growth and
development.  Her growth plates haven't even closed at that tender age.  I
have heard of people in small breeds using their bitches earlier than two
years but it is not that common. Xrays for joint soundness on middle, large
and giant breeds is advisable and these can't be properly evaluated before

Sounds like this person is motivated by greed and maybe the best reason to
give would be to liken it to having a baby when you're twelve years old.
Just because your periods started doesn't mean you're ready physically or

If they want to preach the "nature" theory then inform them that in nature
young bitches often have their puppies killed by a leading bitch which in
turn saves her from having to raise them.

Rose Tierney

RE: Nose Bleeds - Rhinoscopy?

2002-12-13 Thread Rose Tierney
Is Griffin neutered? Has he ever had any surgical procedures? The reason I
ask is that you might need to test him specifically for VWD, a clotting
disorder that has been noted in Berners. Another thought is are you feeding
raw egg whites as these destroy Vitamin K which is important for clotting.
Any chance he's eaten rat bait ie Warfarin?

Has he been checked for any retro-bulbular masses. I lost a dog to cancer
that orignated in her sinus cavity that eventually resulted in a
retro-bulbular mass and at that time she started with a nasal discharge
tinged with blood.

Wishing you all the best


-Original Message-
From: Cecilia Ståhl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: December 12, 2002 4:28 PM
To: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List
Subject: Nose Bleeds - Rhinoscopy?

Does anyone on the list have any experience of nose bleeds in their dogs?
3 year old male, Griffin, has had a nose bleed about once a week since the
end of October. A number a blood tests were taken, all of which appeared
normal. Finally, an ehrlichia serology proved highly positive and Griffin
was put on a course of Doxycycline. His nose bleeds have persisted,
We were at the vet today,  and Griffin is now scheduled for a rhinoscopy.
The vet feels that perhaps the erhlichia is not the cause of the nose
and wants to have a look around in there. We are going to do another 3
on the Doxy in the meantime. I'm worried sick, I thought the erhlichia was
bad enough. Now I'm scared they are looking for a cancer. Is an ehrlichia
infection a contra-indication for anaesthesia? Has anyone ever had a dog
that has had a rhinoscopy?

Thanks for any ideas out there : )

Berner Hugs & Merry Christmas
Cecilia Ståhl & Griffin in Stockholm Sweden
ps: sorry for not getting to all the questions that my post about the
Swedish Breeders' Code of Ethics, but I've been too busy with Griff. I will
get around to answering all as soon as this matter clears up, if not
: )

Re: BERNER-L digest 4180

2002-12-13 Thread FlowerPower216
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My Berner Babbles

2002-12-13 Thread Nobles.Carrie
Our Willie is a babbler, too.  When he was a puppy he would lie in his crate
at night and chirp and grunt to himself, sounding for all the world like a
baby chimpanzee.  Now he belly-grunts and oof-woofs when he's content, and
in the mornings when it's time for him to wake up the old folks, he emits
this high-pitched keening sound that starts down low then runs up the scale
finishing up at a loud high-C squeal.  He repeats this as many times as
necessary to wake us up, then jumps up on the bed and smiles at us.  Our
breeder, Cathy Burlile, said Willie was the most vocal of his litter, and
he's sure a talker.

Carrie Nobles

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Re: New Puppy!!

2002-12-13 Thread Ruth Reynolds
> Hi all, I'm new here and also the proud new owner of Frank (our first
berner). All I can say is I'm in love. Cute little (not for long) guy just
can't resist the cool marble in front of the fireplace (without a burning
fire)and has seemed to adjust quite well (minimal crying, lots of tail
wagging and talking!!!). If anyone has any hints/tips specific to berner
puppies it would be greatly appreciatedthanks

Frank's going to change in his appearance rapidly so take lots of pictures
and note the date/age on the backs of them or in their titles if they are
digital photos.  Let us know when he reaches the muffinhead stage where his
head is the shape of a muffin because of the fuzz across the top and on his
ears.  It happens around 3.5-4 months of age usually.   That's my favorite
Berner "look."


Ruth Reynolds

Kennedy goes to the Rainbow Bridge

2002-12-13 Thread Wexford96C
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Willem's Paintings

2002-12-13 Thread Kelly
Willem did a wonderful job in capturing Dillon. If you haven't seen Willem's
paintings, please do go and look because they are wonderful. Dillon is not
alone at the Bridge anymore, my grandfather is now at the Bridge with him.

But please do visit the site with the paintings that Willem has done.

Kelly Weir and Hope

Email me privately if you want to get off the list

2002-12-13 Thread Sylvia Katvala
Think I forgot to add my email address the last time(: Shesh cannot believe
I did this.

If you want to be removed from the list, email me at


Sylvia Katvala
Berner-l Error Crew member

BARC LOC winners' packages are ready to mail....

2002-12-13 Thread Dr. William B. Neff
I got up at 5 a.m. this morning so I could get the winners' prizes ready to 
mail to them and to finish some other odds and ends before I leave for the 
weekend this morning.   Please let me know when your prizes arrive safely 
at your home next week if you won something in the Pre-Holiday Drawing last 
night.   I also didn't announce the amounts we have last night when I 
announced the winners, because I was waiting for a few people to tell me 
how they want to split their money between BARC and LOC.   Here is what I 
have so far as the money that we've raised:

BARC  	=	$648.50
LOC	=	$517.50

Thank you all!!!We still have some time to get those numbers WAY HIGHER 
since the fundraiser will end on Jan. 15th.Don't spend all of your 
money at Christmas - save some to donate to our BARC LOC Challenge 
Fundraiser.Some tickets for the fundraiser would also make a nice 
Christmas/Holiday present for your Berner Friends.

Here is the website that Karen Pickel made for us.   She will be posting 
the winners of the pre-holiday portion of the raffle real soon!

NowOff to pack some things before I leave at 9 a.m.!!

Joye Neff and Winston (Samantha and Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

remove from list

2002-12-13 Thread katrina
please take me off the list.
= Original Message from Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at 12/12/02 8:59 pm
>   BERNER-L Digest 4179
>Topics covered in this issue include:
>  1) Recent loss to histiocytosis
>   by Tracy Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  2) Re: christmas visitor
>  3) Talking berners
>   by Lindsay Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  4) rare berners
>   by Rhona Vantine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  5) Re: rare berners
>   by "Ruth Reynolds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  6) Re: Dealing with a teenager 
>  7) Happy Christmas
>   by marym3 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  8) My Scottie is sick
>   by Carol Bradfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  9) RE: Bones to feed ?
>   by Rose Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 10) Lunging at others!
>   by Rose Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 11) RE: New FAA ruling
>   by Rose Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 12) RE: Northeast-Health Clinics--Thanks
>   by "Nancy Melone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 13) How much are the calendars ?
>   by "J.M.S" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 14) RE: SARD
>   by "Nancy Melone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 15) RE: BERNER-L digest 4170
>   by Rose Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 16) RE: Can your Berner Babble (talk)?
>   by Rose Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 17) Its finally happened!
>   by "Claire Carpenter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 18) RE: christmas visitor
>   by Rose Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 19) Theobromine
>   by Rose Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 20) Re: Email needed
>   by "Ray & Pat Burgett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 21) Breeding at 9 months
>   by "Ed and Denise z" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 22) Re: Breeding at 9 months
>   by "Ruth Reynolds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 23) Re: Breeding at 9 months
> 24) Re: Vilmas Address
>   by "Ray & Pat Burgett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 25) Re: Berner Babbles
>   by "jean cheesman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 26) look at us!!
> 27) Nose Bleeds - Rhinoscopy?
>   by =?iso-8859-1?Q?Cecilia_St=E5hl?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 28) Goodbye my friend
>   by "Liz Rilstone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 29) Last chance for the Pre-Holiday Drawing for the BARC LOC Challenge
> Fundraiser
>   by "Dr. William B. Neff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 30) BARC Back
> 31) Re: BERNER-L digest 4178
> 32) End subscription
>   by "Sarah Jarrett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 33) re:SARD
> 34) test with old aol

Katrina E. Roberts
Business Development Specialist
Greater Burlington Industrial Corporation
60 Main Street
Burlington, VT  05401
(802) 862-5726 ext. 19

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Sad News for Charlotte

2002-12-13 Thread BernerFolk
Posted for Susie Folk:
*** PLEASE respond to Susie at [EMAIL PROTECTED]***  I'll be out of down so 
unable to forward messages.

Today we found out that our 7yr old sweetheart Charlotte has growths in her
chest and suspicious lymph nodes in her abdomen by ultrasound.  The aspirate 
report came back malignant histiocytosis. 
We are heartbroken but know from this web site that it is not uncommon for 
Bernese.  She has lost 5 lbs in the last month and doesn't eat well at all.   
Please forward any advice for caring for her and making her as loved and 
comfortable as
possible.  ...any advice?   

Susie Folk and family

New Puppy!!

2002-12-13 Thread kathleen mcguire
Hi all, I'm new here and also the proud new owner of Frank (our first 
berner). All I can say is I'm in love. Cute little (not for long) guy just 
can't resist the cool marble in front of the fireplace (without a burning 
fire)and has seemed to adjust quite well (minimal crying, lots of tail 
wagging and talking!!!). If anyone has any hints/tips specific to berner 
puppies it would be greatly appreciatedthanks

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[no subject]

2002-12-13 Thread William R Alger
How do I get off this mailing list, please help!!