Re: puppy paws and snow HELP

2003-01-05 Thread Tom Jaskiewicz
Many years ago, we got our first Berner (Kibo) in early April.  As luck 
would have it, a late winter storm had given us an inch or two of snow, 
so on our first morning with him I went out and shoveled a patch of 
grass to use.

Kibo really appreciated my efforts.  The first thing he did was climb to 
the top of my pile of snow and lay down on it.  He loved it!

Joe, it's your cold feet!  The hardest thing about getting a puppy this 
time of year is that you should really go outside with him to praise him 
when he does the right thing.

A Berner who doesn't like snow is probably defective.

--Tom Jaskiewicz   From New Hampshire, where the bitches are
 (& Gita & Kepler)strong, the dogs are good looking, and all
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]the puppies are above average.

Hemangio sarcoma

2003-01-05 Thread romantimea

Dear All,
my boy, Max, was diagnosed with hemangio sarcoma. He had a 
surgery, and the lump was removed. According to what the vet said to 
me, the tumor could be removed with its roots and he doesn't think 
that the cancer has spread already. I try to believe it, but I can see 
that Max is not doing well. He was VERY well after the surgery, playing 
and running around, but now he is sleeping al the time and don't even 
wants to go for a walk. Of course I consulted our vet, but he said, that 
only 1.5 month after the surgery he can't do anything, but wait. 
So my question would be, if you know about anything I could do for 
him. Any special treatment, nutrition, etc. 
Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated!
He is my one and only, I would do anything for him!!!
Thank you so much,
with Max & Balu

Hemorrhagic colonitis update

2003-01-05 Thread Carol Bailey
 Nika is still with us.  She's still swollen and stiff.  We've stopped all
meds.  She still refuses to eat.   Just wants water and ice cubes.  We've
offered her hamburger, chicken, eggs, cottage cheese and rice.   She just
turns her head.  She'll spit it out if we force feed her.  

Now I'm trying pureed food and putting it in ice trays.  Any ideas?

Carol Bailey

Re: Winston Poo bear

2003-01-05 Thread dawsonl
Dear Joye and family,
so sorry to hear of your loss. I'm glad you have those wonderful memoriesto warm your 
heart, but am so sorry you didnt have more time together.

Re: Glucosamine/Chondroitin

2003-01-05 Thread Bernershel
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Re: Tribute to Winston Poohbear

2003-01-05 Thread Dr. William B. Neff
Hi Johanna,

I am so sorry to learn of your loss.   It sounds like Greta was a very 
special Berner.   I know the pain that you are experiencing now, but also 
know that the pain in your heart will someday be replaced with many happy 
memories of time that you spent with Greta.  She is now at the Bridge and I 
know that Winston would have run to catch  up with her to let her know that 
he was going to accompany her on their journey.   Berners are a gift from 
God for us to love and share our lives with while we are both here on 
Earth.   The sharing of time here together has just been temporily 
interrupted - it will continue at the Bridge someday for a much longer time 
~ in fact, an eternity.   She will have plenty of wonderful company to 
enjoy while she waits for you and I know that Winston will help her meet 
some of his friends who are already there.May Greta live in your heart 
and soul forever...

Joye Neff (Samantha and Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA
In loving memory of SeaVaRidge's Winston Poohbear (Jan. 8, 1998 - Jan. 4, 

Tribute to Winston Poohbear

2003-01-05 Thread Ekobob
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Re:afraid to read anymore

2003-01-05 Thread Dr. William B. Neff
Hi Arlene,

 I'm not naive and I acknowledge the fact that a lot of  berners live 
well into their early teens, but I honestly have to admit - I am  now 
freaking out and I am now scared out of my skin.
*  I'm one of the people who have just experienced the sadness of losing a 
wonderful berner who was not quite 5 years old.   Winston was diagnosed 
with Malignant Histiocytosis on December 31, 2002 and was euthanized 
yesterday.   Despite the fact that I am grieving for him, I know that 
someday I will again have a berner to love and hold.   The five years that 
I had with Winston were absolutely wonderful and I treasure each moment we 
shared doing all kinds of things - like obedience, drafting, visiting 
nursing homes, going to berner club meetings, walking together, pulling his 
cart in parades, giving my granddaughter cart rides, just being a berner 
and a very happy owner.   We were always together and he showed his love to 
me by the way that he looked up at me with the sweetest expression on his 
face.   I wouldn't trade the time with him for 20 years with another breed. 
It is the quality of the time spent with a Berner that is the important 
thing.   We hear the tragic stories on the berner-l, but people don't write 
in to say - hey, my 13 year old berner is still jumping up into the back of 
my Jeep (that was our friend's berner) or "my 12 year old berner and I 
just got back from our daily walk"... those are normal day to day things 
and they just happen.   But you don't hear about those things - and there 
are many of those things that are happening each day, so just relax and 
enjoy your Berner.   Take each day one day at a time and know that you are 
giving love to each other and that is what counts.

Although Winston's life was way too short, he is alive in my heart and soul 
and will always be with me.   Some day we'll meet at the Bridge.

Hugs to you and your berner,
Joye Neff

Re: Ben's Rubber Stamps

2003-01-05 Thread Dr. William B. Neff
Did you look in my shopping at the specialty - if you didn't I'll pull out 
the disc and send you the info.


--On Sunday, January 05, 2003 4:12 PM -0500 Pat Long & Paul Dangel 

Does anyone know if Ben's Rubber Stamps are still in business, and how I
would contact them?

Pat Long (& Luther)
Berwyn PA

Re:afraid to read anymore

2003-01-05 Thread SLOANYGIRL
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red eye socket(s)

2003-01-05 Thread Terry & Cathy Bering
My berner pup has a chronic red eye (socket) condition. The vet and
breeder do not feel it is a problem. I noticed some berners, pups and
even adult dogs at a local berner event had the same condition. She has
to have her eyes wiped sometimes, especially after she wakes up. She
appears to have no vision problems or pain. The breeder said this can
occur early in the berner's life and it will eventually clear up. The
vet gave drops initially then told me to discontinue the eye drops when
she did not have her eye socket clear up. I am not overly concerned by
their mutual assessment but am curious if this is common with bern such
as a heredity problem? My puppy does not seem affected in any way other
than being bothered that my wife pay extra attention and  clean around
her eyes. Terry

Ben's Rubber Stamps

2003-01-05 Thread Pat Long & Paul Dangel
Does anyone know if Ben's Rubber Stamps are still in business, and how I
would contact them?

Pat Long (& Luther)
Berwyn PA

Mary Merrel

2003-01-05 Thread Pat Long & Paul Dangel
Sorry List, but I have no other way to do this!

Mary, I keep deleting your email address because all of the messages to
you are rejecting as errors. Either you are using the wrong email
address, or something else is wrong. None of us who have tried to notify
you about this have been able to get the messages go through.

I'm going to keep deleting your email address until we can figure out
how to make it work, sorry!

Pat Long (& Luther)
Berwyn PA

wonderful food/supplement site

2003-01-05 Thread K.Jacobs
Hi All.
  I just wanted to share a wonderful site for superpremium pet foods and
supplements with excellent personal service.  The site is
  The owner of the site and Priority Pets is Melanie Woolley, who has
tirelessly answered all of my questions on superpremium foods and
supplements.  She is very knowledgeable about many quality products on the
market and offers home delivery.  The company is based in Canada, but
products can be shipped to the US.  If anyone is having trouble getting the
premium foods that have been discussed on the L or any others, contact
Melanie.  Priority Pets also caters to cats, birds, and horses.
  I am in no way affiliated with Melanie or Priority Pets.  I just wanted to
share an excellent resource with service to match.
Happy New Year!
Karen Jacobs in MI with Zeus and Titan

Potomac Valley BMDC 2003 Specialty

2003-01-05 Thread Robin Disler
Only 60 days away to the social event of the year here in the PV
Region of the BMD world! :)

Hope to see you there - Robin & Juniper
> The Potomac Valley BMDC will hold it's 2003 Specialty
> >
> >
> >
> > Saturday and Sunday, March 8th and 9th, 2003.
> >
> > The show will be INDOORS at the Catoctin K.C. Training
> >
> > Facility at Point of Rocks, MD.
> >
> > This Site is about 15 minutes South of Frederick, MD
> >
> > and about an Hour West of Baltimore.
> >
> > Ms. Celia Cuellar will judge Sweeps on Saturday.
> >
> > Mr. Kenneth Nagler will judge Obedience on Saturday.
> >
> > Ms. Debbie Wilkins will judge Breed and Junior Handling on
> >
> > Sunday. Our "Parade" will include titleholders, Veterans,
> >
> > Therapy Dogs as well as Rescued Dogs.
> >
> > Entries and Premiums : Rau Dog Shows : 
> >
> > Email for Premium requets : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > Show Secretary : Michael O'Hara [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 410-521-9473
> >  4205 Deer Park Road
> >  Randallstown, MD 21133
> >
> > Many fine Hotels and Motels in Frederick, MD.
> >
> > We hope to see many of you at our show.
> >
> > Cross posting is requested.
> >
> >   Michael O'Hara
> >   PVBMDC
> >   Show Secretary, 2003 Specialty
> >
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

Recent Losses

2003-01-05 Thread Jessi Braga
It seems like that wretched time of year again when there are quite a
few people having to say goodbye to their furry soul-mates.  It is with
tear-stained cheeks that I read each one of the tributes to the ones who
have gone, and I know that even if Toga were to shatter all records and
live to be 50, it will still be too soon to say goodbye to her.
Realistically, I know that at 5.5 years old, with autoimmune concerns,
we're halfway there at best.
I would just like to say thank you to everyone who has made and kept
that final promise to allow their dogs to go with "dignity" when the
time has come.  So often I have seen animals whose owners refuse to let
go and prolong the suffering of the pet for their own selfish needs.  

I know I will be devastated when the time comes for Toga, but I have
promised her that I will override ever fiber of my being that wants to
keep her with me forever and I will do what is right and allow her to go
when she tells me it's time...  Cathy B... I know there're kangaroo,
horse and mountain goat in the woodpile... any chance of there being
tortoise too?  ;o)

Hoping for records, but preparing for reality,

Jessi and Toga (geez Mom, lighten up!)
Anchorage, AK

Re: A Tribute to Winston Poohbear (1998-2003)

2003-01-05 Thread Ilene

January 8, 1998 ~ January 4, 2003

We're so sorry for your loss, what a "joy" it has been to hear your
tales about Winston and his accomplishments.Even in his passing he's helping
Berner's yet to come.
O my I think I see him, over the Bridge, Butterfly on his nose, running
to greet those gone before.
Sierra, Cheyenne & Ilene

RE: Loss of pigment on nose

2003-01-05 Thread Jessi Braga

I have experienced pigment loss several times through the years with
Toga.  She has Immune Mediated Poly-Arthritis (IMPA), and has lost the
pigment on her nose and around her mouth with the onset of each bout of
the IMPA flaring up.  It took several episodes for me to realize the two
were connected, and I always made the connection after the "crash".
(sort of like when Toga is acting very strange all morning and we have
an earthquake a couple of hours later and I say "duh" no wonder she was
acting weird)

I now keep a very close eye on her pigment since it seems to act as a
barometer and allows me to gauge when another flare-up is coming long
before she actually crashes.  This way my vet and I can be proactive and
adjust her treatment at the first sign of trouble, rather than being
reactive and treating the much more serious crash itself.  Knock on
wood, but we have been pretty lucky in the past year and a half at
preventing any major flare-ups, just a few minor ones along the way.

I'm sure there are plenty of other things that can cause pigment loss,
but I know several people who have reported the same symptom in IMPA
dogs.  Toga was two years old when she had her first crash, and she lost
not only the nose pigment, but her lips went from black to translucent
gray in the months preceding the actual crisis.

Best of luck to you and your Berner boy that his pigment loss is due to
something much simpler.


Jessi Braga and Toga
Anchorage, AK

Re: A Tribute to Winston Poohbear (1998-2003)

2003-01-05 Thread Liz Steinweg & Crew
Joye --

We weep with you as we have rejoiced with you in the past, and will again in
the future. I know Toby was there to greet Winston and that neither of them,
nor the many others who died much too soon, are in pain anymore.

We, who are left behind, feel the pain and mourn the loss. We will rejoice
again when we meet our loving companions at the Bridge.

Liz Steinweg & The Crew
Blue Moon's Baloo Berry Torte "Baloo"
Bobby Sox (husky-x), Figaro (20+ lb Forest Cat)
Rio & Sahara (the "Rat Cats")
and in loving memory of my 1st BMD - Toby (6/29/97 - 6/30/00 lost to MH)
Colorado Springs CO

Re: A Tribute to Winston Poohbear (1998-2003)

2003-01-05 Thread Sue German

I know that Shelby was on hand to welcome Winston at the Bridge, along with
a lot of other Berners with bright eyes and wagging tails. I know they'll
take good care of him until you're able to be together again.

Sue G. with thoughts of my wonderful Shelby-bee, Memories Shelby V Pioneer,
CGC, CD, NDD, BNDD Reg. Therapy Dog taken too soon by malignant
hemangiosarcoma (1993 - 2001)
Chino Valley, AZ

Re: puppy paws and snow HELP

2003-01-05 Thread Eileen Morgan

- Original Message -
From: "Joseph Spada" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I am about to get a puppy in a week.  I live in New England.  We just
> received a lot of snow.  I would prefer to housebreak directly outside ...
> but am concerned about puppy feet and the snow.  also concerned how to
> socialize the puppy if he can't go out in the snow/cold.  I have read a
> of books and thought I was prepared - I will Barf diet, minimal vaccines,
> clicker train ... I don't know if it's my cold feet or the pups but how do
> people train in winter?

Mic the Berner boy was housebroken during a PA winter. We went right on out
into the snow, which he loved to play in. Lliira the Pyr girl was also a
winter puppy. I have wonderful memories of her doing head rolls into the
snow drifts. They are good winter dogs, and as long as you don't keep them
out for hours on end, a healthy Berner should be perfectly fine playing in
the cold and snow during potty breaks and outside play time. Just be careful
about traction with ice! You don't want the puppy falling!

Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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puppy paws and snow HELP

2003-01-05 Thread Joseph Spada
I am about to get a puppy in a week.  I live in New England.  We just
received a lot of snow.  I would prefer to housebreak directly outside ...
but am concerned about puppy feet and the snow.  also concerned how to
socialize the puppy if he can't go out in the snow/cold.  I have read a ton
of books and thought I was prepared - I will Barf diet, minimal vaccines,
clicker train ... I don't know if it's my cold feet or the pups but how do
people train in winter?

Re: Malignant Histiocytosis - Winston Memorial

2003-01-05 Thread BernerFolk
In a message dated 1/4/2003 10:59:37 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> I don't know if they will send a note to Joye for any memorial
>  donations, but you could call to ask - and let us know too?

The AKC/CHF BMD Donor Advised Fund DOES acknowledge memorial donations, just 
put a note in with your check providing the person's name and address.  

-Sherri V.