Re: Rally Obedience 2004

2003-06-18 Thread Sharon Montville

 Hopefully, Rally will be a titling venue by the time
 of the 2004 Specialty.  It was recommended by the
 AKC Obedience Advisory Committee.  The best guesses
 so far is April of 2004 when it will officially
 happen.  The current thinking is that it will be a
 whole separate venue from Obedience.  Of course, all
 of this might change.
 It was the biggest obedience event for the 2003
 Specialty and was financially quite successful.

Hi Marjie,

Were you not aware that there are too many of those
annoying performance events at the National Specialty?
Shame on those members who want to show their
versatile dogs, or those members who want to compete
and have fun with their dogs who are not as gifted in
the conformation department - all you do, is create
work and headaches for the specialty committee.  Get a
life, and make sure it is in the conformation ring.

Tongue in cheek,
Sharon Montville - Firstrax - Colorado

P.S.  I have heard it suggested that there should be 2
national specialties - one for conformation, and one
for performance.  What a lovely plan for encouraging 
the development of separate performance and
conformation lines within our breed.  NOT.

Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

Mast Cell Tumors

2003-06-18 Thread SONRISEBMD
Good morning everyone:

It's been quite some time since I posted to this list.  I hope that you all 
are well, and your Berners healthy!

This week we received the news that our beautiful Heather, who is now  five 
and a half years old, has cancer.  She had a grade 2 Mast Cell Tumor removed 
last week.  We, as you would all expect, are devastated.

I would appreciate anyone who has personal experience dealing with the same 
situation emailing me with thoughts and suggestions.  We need to make some 
decisions on how to proceed, and hearing from those who have navigated these 
waters before us would be a huge help.  I am specifically interested in hearing 
about your experiences with chemo/radiation, and what the results were for you 
and your dog.  I want my girl's time left with us to be happy and as pain-free 
as possible.

My 13 year old daughter is beside herselfthis is her dog.and she 
wants to know why there isn't a pill we can give Heather to make this with my husband being out of the country on business since before 
saga began, and not due to return for almost another 2!

Very sad this early morning in MI...

Jaye Carl, Heather and Lucy, the Sonrise Girls

RE: Mast Cell Tumors

2003-06-18 Thread Pat Long Paul Dangel

I'm sorry to hear about the tumor, but hopefully it will not be a
problem for her going forward! I did write an article about the topic
some number of years ago when my Maggie had one removed as well, and
that article also compiled a number of List member experiences. You can
find that and many other articles about Berner health issues on in the Health section. (Maggie had a tumor removed from
her front leg when she was 6.5 years old, we didn't do chemo - which for
mast cell is typically prednisone - nor did we do radiation. She had no
recurrence of the mast cell and lived another 3 years.)

One thing that will help people respond - does the vet think they got
good clean margins when they removed the tumor? And where was the tumor?
(Location doesn't really matter except that it does help with getting
wide margins in some areas rather than others...)

You hug Heather and Lucy for me, and share some bellyrubs with them too!

Pat Long ( Luther)
Berwyn PA

-Original Message-
 This week we received the news that our beautiful Heather, who is now
and a half years old, has cancer.  She had a grade 2 Mast Cell Tumor
last week.  We, as you would all expect, are devastated.

May I be franc?

2003-06-18 Thread Lisa D Allen
I am curious as to how many francs are equal to how many USA dollars; in 
other words, how you convert.
Second, an idea for a shirt:
one that displays three or four of the most important websites or phone 
numbers for people to secure information regarding Berners.
Lisa Allen

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Re: BERNER-L digest 4466

2003-06-18 Thread Tschuggen
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A Bell?

2003-06-18 Thread Maria Crifasi
I firmly recommend putting a bell on your dog's collar.  Daisy has a small
one and Buddy has a larger one so that I can hear who is who.  Outdoors it
lets the trespassing hunters know that the fiercesome bear is a
domesticated animal. Indoors you know where your dog is.  The bells ring in
a very obvious manner when a dog tries to countersurf.  Unfortunately Daisy
has learned to press the bell against the counter -- she is just t
sneaky.  When walking in the woods, I always know where they are.

I think I bought them at  -- they are very reasonably

Maria Crifasi
home of Daisy and The Budman
Catoctin Mountains, Maryland

RE: Brewers yeast

2003-06-18 Thread Rose Tierney
I give canned pink salmon in addition to Eukanuba Fish and Potato to my
allergy dog and everything stays calm and the skin is good and elastic and
the coat very shiny, while living in Denmark I noticed the lustrous coats
on many breeds and a favorite dog treat there is dried herring and
sardines, stinks to high heaven but the dogs love it.

I agree with Susan that some dogs may have special requirements but if a
dog has perpetual skin and coat problems then a full thyroid panel needs to
be done. While the Berner tends to be on the low side of normal there are
dogs that have clinical signs of dysfunction and need to be supplemented
and checked regularly.

Rose T.

RE: Pet Insurance- Consumer Report

2003-06-18 Thread Rose Tierney

Be careful when reading these types of articles and remember that they are
talking in averages. Your average dog maybe lives to twelve years, middle
height and middle size with just the basics of problems. NOW let us
consider the Bernese, much as I love the breed the big health issues that
can quickly bankrupt an owner are hip and elbow dysplasia, sock eating with
resulting intersusception of the bowel, bloat with torsion, ACL stifle
injuries, and cancer.

Whether to buy or not to buy insurance is like playing Russian Roulette,
just as with our health plans if we grow old with no health concerns and
die in our sleep one night then those premiums are lost. BUT one big health
issue and at least you don't have to scurry around to see if you can afford

Murphy's Law:-) If you have it you don't need it and if you need it you
don't have it!

As a breeder I strongly recommend my buyers invest in insurance, not
because I anticipate health problems but it provides a cushion of financial
comfort if the need arises.  With a good plan one doesn't have to go cheap
on veterinary care.

Rose T.

Re: weather viens

2003-06-18 Thread Molly Bass
Sorry Liz for the previous blank message

Aren't these the weather vanes that were auctioned in WV?

Hi All
Came across these today:

They're expensive but very beautiful.

Liz Murray
Calgary Alberta

Re: Dog Bells

2003-06-18 Thread Liz Steinweg Crew
Try There
is a good, loud one there for only $4.00 and it includes a nylon collar

Liz Steinweg  The Crew
Blue Moon's Baloo Berry Torte Balou (11/06/95)
Bobby Sox (husky-x 10/31/93)
Rio  Sahara (the Rat Cats)
and in loving memory of my 1st BMD - Toby (6/29/97 - 6/30/00 lost to MH)
Colorado Springs CO

- Original Message - 
A Swiss - or any - bell attached to the collar will help. At least you can
hear the dog  will know what direction to run towards! Pet Edge used to
one that clipped on  off easily yet securely but I haven't been able to
it for about a year. If anyone else knows where to get ont of these, I'd be
most interested. Thanks.


2003-06-18 Thread Christine Kabler
Hi, Pam, Very sorry to hear about Tilly.

I had a girl who died of histiocytic sarcoma (a form of MH) more than
three years ago.  She too had anemia that would not respond to drugs
(diagnosed initially as AIHA), inappetence, swollen spleen and liver. 
She was transfused three times (a universal donar at a vet teaching
hospital), but could not hold onto her transfusions for very long; they
were done to keep her alive so that hopefully a diagnosis could be made
and she could then be treated successfully.  Many tests were done,
includng bone marrow tests.  Except for the hemacrit and the platelets,
her tests were often normal.  She also tested postive for a tick borne
illness (Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever), but when retested, she tested
negative.  I suspect the test picked up on the autoimmune disease
process and that's why we got the false positive.

Two pathologists disagreed regarding the bone marrow samples that were
done.  One said the samples were normal.  The other said that a process
called hemaphagicitis (sp?) was going on.  Hemaphagicitis is when white
cells start eating red cells--which leads to the anemia that cannot be
controlled with drugs or even with spleen removal although perhaps pred
can slow the process down a little.  I think the spleen swells because
of all the damaged cells and because of this process.  Hemaphagicitis
occurs in infections and in cancers.

A food tube was installed (fairly minor surgery) so that she would not
starve to death before a diagnosis could be made.  Since she was not
healing from this surgery, the vets decided to not remove the spleen. 
Also since her platelets were low, operating to remove a spleen would
have been dangerous.

She eventually was euthanized (the anemic part of the disease process
was about two months but the fussiness regarding eating occurred about
five months before that) without a diagnosis but after necropsy and
examination at the vet teaching hospital (no cancer was found), I asked
the tissues to be preserved at the teaching hospital.  I then asked that
tissue samples be sent to UC Davis for examination when I learned that
the folks at UC Davis were specialists at diagnoses MH.  I knew that MH
was a common cancer in berners and someone else on the list had gotten a
diagnosis for her girl from them and her girl had had similar symptoms. 
UC Davis diagnosed histiocytic sarcoma in a couple of weeks.  Maybe you
could call them and ask them if you could have your vet send them some
bone marrow--and ask if that would be sufficient for a diagnosis--I
don't know if it will be.  Contact Peter Moore.  You might end up with
an inaccurate diagnosis or a superficial diagnosis without their
help--or the help of an institution that is similarly knoweldgeable and
equipped to diagnose this disease in berners.

Again, very sorry to hear about Tilly's condition, Pam, and best
wishes.  Hope it isn't histiocytic sarcoma and that you can get an
accurate diagnosis about what's going on as not knowing can add to the
heart ache. If you do transfuse, try to find a universal
donor--sometimes this is tough if you aren't at a teaching hospital or a
big urban area. A universal donor (usually a greyhound) will be less
likely to cause a reaction in your dog when the transfusion is done. 
Also try to transfuse before her hemacrit drops below 15.  With my girl
the transfusions became progressively less helpful but it was still nice
to see her perk up and feel better for a little while.  You probably
will need to be testing her red cell level once a day now to know when
she has dropped too low.

Christy Kabler

need help with research

2003-06-18 Thread Beverly Arnold
If anyone can help me with the following please email me privately.

1. Is there anyway to research pedigrees on line?
2. Nesselacker is a very familiar name in a lot of lines.  I assume V
Nessalacker or von Nessalacker refers to a kennel in Switzerland.  Is there
anyway of finding out more about this line (kennel)?
3.  I have heard there is a show berner list but have not been able to find
it, could someone clue me in.

Thanks guys, I really need to find a job, I am making up my own research
now.  But I figured that I could make better use of this down time to find
out more about the breed and try to understand the genetics better.  I have
some really good books but they just make me want to know more.

Beverly Arnold, Han and Liesl
Gainesville, Fl

OFA Heart

2003-06-18 Thread Karyn Waugh
Good Afternoon Everyone:

I'm just curious how many people do the OFA Heart screening for their 
berners?  We're taking Patch (Apachi) to the vet this week to get his OFA 
x-ray for his hip and elbow, however my vet doesn't do the heart exam.  Or 
at least he's never been asked to have it done before.  When I asked him to 
do it for us, he recommended that I go to a cardiologist to get it done to 
ensure it's done right.  I know it's not necessary to do the Heart exam, but 
it's something I would like to have done if I can.

If you have done the OFA Heart exam with your berners, is there anything I 
should watch out for in terms of finding the right vet to do it?  My big 
concern is whether or not the dog ever has to be anesthesized.  From what I 
read on the OFA site, it seems like the entire Heart exam has to be done 
while the dog is awake and alert.

Someone also mentioned to me that they sometimes have clinics at dog shows 
that do these exams.  Has anyone heard of that?  I've only heard of eye 
clinics being available at dog shows.

OH!!  By the way, Apachi is 2 years old today!!!

Karyn Waugh
STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

Re: weather vanes

2003-06-18 Thread berner1

Yes, that company DONATED a weather vane for the Health Fund Auction we had in West 
Virginia. They are just beautiful!!

Pat Long ( Luther)
Berwyn PA

- Original Message -

Aren't these the weather vanes that were auctioned in WV?

Came across these today:

Check any e-mail over the Web for free at MailBreeze (

Re: Silverfish (DE)

2003-06-18 Thread Andie Reid
DE can also be purchased at most home improvement stores in the pool 
section or at a pool supply store and it's usually cheaper there. Do be 
careful not to get it in your eyes - it's a very fine powder and flies 
everywhere and if you get it in your eyes it won't feel good at all!

Andie Reid
Wilmington, NC

Sharon -
One of the safer ways to eliminate crawling bugs is to sprinkle 
Diatomaceous Earth, available at gardening stores, in the dark places they tend to crawl. 
DE is a non-toxic powder.  It is composed of the microscopic glass shells of 
aquatic plants and is used in things like swimming pool filters and 
toothpaste!  However, if it gets wet, it loses its efficiency and needs to be 
reapplied.  I would sprinkle it along the baseboards in the basement, under the sinks 
and other damp spots.  It works on bugs by making tiny cuts in their outer skin 
and they dehydrate to death; purely mechanical - no chemical toxins.  It is 
also pretty inexpensive.

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDI, 8 11/12 yrs. old Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yr. 
old Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   Annes4, Corr. Sec. BMDCA


Re: vaccines ??

2003-06-18 Thread Molly Bass

My next question I have is over Vaccines..What are your opinions on the 
frequency of giving them? After the first initial puppy shots, should the 
usual annual boosters be given every year or every 3 years? Also I have 
read that I should wait till my girl is 6 months to give a rabies shot ?? 
any truth to that ??
Hi Lisa,

I am a strong believer in less is best! I work closely with Jean Dodds of 
Hemopet (she has a web site) to determine the frequency of my vaccines. 
When I have a litter of pups I only vaccinate for parvo and distemper, 
first one no earlier than 8 weeks of age, then no more frequently than 
every 4 weeks for a total of 3 vaccines (8, 12, and 16 weeks). I wait until 
6 months for both rabies and microchip - rabies for the strength of the 
pup's immune system and the law, microchip because there is more space to 
put it - but that is solely a personal preference.

I recently attended a seminar with Wendy Volhard where there is new 
evidence that the pups can be protected up to 10 weeks depending on the 
mother's own immunity. They have found that vaccinating before the mother's 
immunity has faded can actually negate the first vaccine and make the pup 
more vulnerable than less vulnerable. She recommended that dams should be 
titred within either 2 weeks prior to whelping or two weeks after whelping 
to determine how long the pups are protected by her immunity. It also has 
some relation to how long the pups nurse. I intend to learn more about this 
prior to my next litter.

When my younger male was 2, I had him titred instead of vaccinated - all 
his levels showed ample protection. I have not vaccinated my 11 year old 
since 1998, except for rabies, and I have skipped my 6 year old and will 
titre the 3 year old and the 20 month old. I do give the one year boosters 
although I am tempted to titre the pups at one year versus vaccinating. 
Basically next summer everyone will be titred.

Congrats on your new pup.

Molly and the gang
Charlottesville, VA

Re: Oozing Cyst!

2003-06-18 Thread Jean Cheesman
Hi Laura and Baka,

Good to see that Baka's lump has gone down even if is messy at the moment.

our appointment with the vet is friday. in the meantime,
 does anyone have any home treatment suggestions - anything i should do
 to take care of it, prevent it from getting infected, etc? or should i
 just let it alone till friday?

You can just swab with ordinary human antiseptic, TCP or whatever, however
if is still oozing, I would be very inclined to treat with hot (but not too
hot to scald) salt water. Just moisten a pad and hold against the sore spot
to help draw out any nastiness remaining in there. Repeat several times and
clean away any yukky stuff. Do this several times a day until looks  like
it's clean and drying up. The salt is a natural antiseptic and won't hurt
Baka if she goes licking at the spot.

All love,

Jean, Sunny, Sim, Barney and the Longlease Gang

Consumer reports article

2003-06-18 Thread Andrea Stefanac
Hi all,

First let me say that I have no personal experience
with the pet health insurance so I am not commenting
on that portion of the article.  However, just for
another perspective on the Consumer Reports article,
it would be worth your time to really think about this
article before running off to the vet with it.  This
article is basically telling people to shop for vet
care for their living, breathing, loved pet in the
same way that you would shop for a stove or sofa, an
inanimate object.  Being in the veterinary field, I
know that Dr. John Doe down the street offers
significantly cheaper prices than my clinic does.  I
also know that the level of medicine there is low
quality.  The guy doesn't even recommend heartworm
preventative for our area, where you definitely need
it and had assistants doing cat neuters!  The saying
you get what you pay for comes to mind with this
article.  I'm not saying don't go get second opinions
or anything (I myself have taken Chance for 3rd  4th
opinions), but listen to what your vet is telling you.
 Depending on a pet's problem, there may not be time
for 2nd and 3rd opinions.  It also states that many
vets run extra, unneeded tests in order to make the
bill highter.  In the 4 vet hospitals that I've worked
in, this has never been the case.

This article was written with the wrong emphasis.  It
should have talked about getting value for your money
at the vet hospital, not how cheap can you get the

For the American Veterinary Hospital Association's
take on the article, please visit-

Sorry for venting,
Andrea Stefanac, LVT (those vet fees pay my salary!)
 Chance  Barkley
Richmond, VA

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Re: Silverfish (DE)

2003-06-18 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 06/18/2003 1:32:02 PM Central Daylight Time, 

 DE can also be purchased at most home improvement stores in the pool 
 section or at a pool supply store and it's usually cheaper there. Do be 
 careful not to get it in your eyes - it's a very fine powder and flies 
 everywhere and if you get it in your eyes it won't feel good at all! 

The fineness of the pool filter grade is the reason I suggested getting the 
type found in the garden center, garden grade is somewhat coarser.  The pool 
filter grade is not as effective for bug killing as the nursery type.  In any 
case, like any fine powder, don't get it in your eyes or breathe it.  It is 
quite irritating to mucus membranes, for the very reason it works on the bugs.

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDI, 8 11/12 yrs. old Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yr. 
old Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   Annes4, Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Re: Rally Obedience 2004

2003-06-18 Thread Marjie

Susan (co chair of 2003 specialty) was very supportive of Rally in Long Beach. 
She helped immensely with set up and anything else I asked, (remember the sod
incident ?)  Susan even managed to show her dog in obedience, all the while
running around like a crazy woman to make sure everything was perfect for the
attendees.  How she kept sane, I'll never know!

As I understand, she is not a member of the 2004 committee and so would not have
had any input into the 2004 agenda.  Including her name in this discussion was


Pat Tackett wrote:
 Those were my arguments with the 2004 Show committee, I was blasted out of
 the water though for even quizzing about it being offered.  Maybe others
 can sway Cindy Still, Helen Thornton, Denise Dean and Susan Henderson minds
 about being open to offer Rally Obedience  -- they all say there is not
 enough time to offer it :-(
 Pat T.

Re: Rally Obedience 2004

2003-06-18 Thread Seleya8
Is it really fair to second guess every decision a Specialty comittee makes? 

I can understand the concerns about the Lancaster County issue -- I'm not arguing the 
merits of the boycott, I'm much more concerned about the potential of people being 
unwilling to attend because of it. But now that a NEW performance event isn't being 
offered, people are vocally up in arms again and calling for pressure to be put onto 
the *volunteer* comittee?

Specialties are major projects for the comittees and sometimes hard choices have to be 
made. Occasionally, new stuff will be tried -- some will be popular, some won't. With 
Rally so new and so few people having had an opportunity to see or participate in it, 
it may not naturally have been included in the original schedule plan (which would 
have been in the works _well_ before this year's Specialty). Added to that the time, 
space and WORKER constraints endemic to specialties, it seems somewhat unfair to make 
such an issue of this at this time.

Want Rally at BMDCA specialties in the future? Lobby for it and, as an added carrot, 
volunteer to help make it a reality. Make comittees lives miserable by telling them 
what they're doing wrong on a regular basis and you'll have to content yourselves with 
whatever is left on the local level since no one in their right minds will wish to 
subject themselves to the intense scrutiny, abuse and ridicule.

If something had to 'give' to allow time/space/volunteers for Rally, what would you 
give up? Maybe Veterans Obedience? Drafting? Futurity? Preferred Agility? Puppy 
Sweeps? Specialties are notorious timehogs and there will be plenty of the inevitable 
laments about the Specialty requiring too much time for it to be attended in its 
entirety. Sometimes something old has to move to allow the new. But traditions are 
hard to break and even the 'old stuff' has its supporters.

Push (politely) for change but please don't allow one omission from ruining the 
Specialty for everyone. By this time, even adding Rally could be difficult at best 
even if the comittee decided to do so. It's no as easy as simply deciding to make it 

All my hopes,

Vicky and the Horde

Re: BERNER-L digest 4467

2003-06-18 Thread Kenneth L Babcock
HI these postings come out frequently!
- Original Message - 
From: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 5:02 PM
Subject: BERNER-L digest 4467

 BERNER-L Digest 4467
 Topics covered in this issue include:
   1) Re: Rally Obedience 2004
 by Sharon Montville [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   2) RE: Archives, on CD
 by Pat Long  Paul Dangel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   3) Mast Cell Tumors
   4) Silverfish
 by george hasenauer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   5) RE: Mast Cell Tumors
 by Pat Long  Paul Dangel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   6) May I be franc?
 by Lisa D Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   7) Re: Mast Cell Tumors
   8) Re: May I be franc?
   9) archives??
 by Andrea Brin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  10) Re: BERNER-L digest 4466
  11) A Bell?
 by Maria Crifasi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  12) RE: Brewers yeast
 by Rose Tierney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  13) Guess who is 10!
 by Beatriz Insausti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  14) RE: Pet Insurance- Consumer Report
 by Rose Tierney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  15) weather viens
  16) Re: weather viens
 by Molly Bass [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  17) Re: Dog Bells
 by Liz Steinweg  Crew [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  18) Tilly
 by Christine Kabler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  19) need help with research
 by Beverly Arnold [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  20) OFA Heart
 by Karyn Waugh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  21) Re: weather vanes
  22) Berner weekend...
  23) Re: OFA Heart
 by Ruth Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  24) Re: Rally Obedience 2004
 by Pat Tackett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  25) Re: Silverfish
  26) Re: Silverfish (DE)
 by Andie Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  27) vaccines ??
  28) Re: Pet Insurance- Consumer Report
  29) Re: vaccines ??
 by Molly Bass [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  30) Re: Oozing Cyst!
 by Jean Cheesman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  31) How to stop barking
  32) Consumer reports article
 by Andrea Stefanac [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  33) Re: Silverfish (DE)
  34) Re: Rally Obedience 2004
  35) Re: BERNER-L digest 4466
  36) Re: Rally Obedience 2004

Silverfish help

2003-06-18 Thread george hasenauer
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Water change-?

2003-06-18 Thread Karen
BlankDear Listers,
Well Stevie and I are making the final big move into the city this Friday
afternoon, (2 more sleeps!!). I would just like to ask if anyone has any
experience in regards to changing Stevie's drinking water. Of course, Stevie
and I have lived in the country the whole time he has given me the
priviledge of being his Mum, so I am a little concerned with making the
change. The city water would have chemicals in it that he is not used to,
would this cause him distress? Such as upsetting his stomach or his bowels?
Bottled water has been suggested, but since I am on sick leave (still!) and
have a very fixed income now, I just don't think that it would be
financially affordable, also I don't think that I am able to handle the big
bottles by myself any longer. It will be a big adjustment for both of us,
going from living in a huge 6 bedroom house with 2 and a half acres of yard,
to a 2 bedroom apartment, with very little yard and no freedom!! I see many
walks in our future. It has been very difficult indeed trying to locate an
apartment that actually accepts dogs, especially as big as my gentle giant,
does anyone out there have any experience in dealing with having a Berner in
an apartment? There are definite pros and cons I am sure, I am quite aware
of the cons, but just need some reassurance about the pros. Wish us
luck!! I think we will need it for the first little while.
Berner hugs
Karen and Stevie
NB, Canada

allergy help

2003-06-18 Thread Bree Fergueson
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2003-06-18 Thread Pam Pearson
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Re: mast cell cancer/francs

2003-06-18 Thread Lisa D Allen
When my sweet and sensitive Berner, Jorda, was four years old, a mast cell 
tumor was removed from her foot.  Our regular veterinarian removed it; he is 
a skilled and talented surgeon who has tremedous experience with many 
Bernese and has been doctor to my dogs since 1983.  I do not know the grade 
of the tumor.  Jorda was put on a medicine whose name begins with a t,  to 
the best of my recollection. This was back in 1990.  Every six months until 
she was ten years old, our veterinarian would do Xrays to ascertain there 
was no return of the mast cell cancer.  It turned out that it had been 
surgically cured as it never returned.  Jorda crossed the Bridge at age 
thirteen years two weeks two days (large cell lymphoblastic lymphosarcoma).  
If you would like more information about her treatment, I can give you our 
DVM's clinic number.
Thank you for the information about francs; a friend asked me about the 
conversion and I had no idea.
Lisa Allen

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Pet Insurance

2003-06-18 Thread MikeDeanna
Consumer reports aside, we are VERY glad to have signed up for pet
insurance. We're with PetPlan in Canada, and took the Champion plan (while
he'll never see a show ring, Vandal's a champion to us). It includes
coverage for preventative measures (vaccine, microchip, dental) as well as
neutering (in just six short days Vandal - lick 'em while you got 'em!).

Anyway, to date we have received from PetPlan over $1300 in refunds, beyond
the annual $200 deductable and 20% co-insurance. We've had some (okay -
many) gastro-intestinal issues to sort through, so trips to the vet have
been more frequent than we would like. Our monthly premium is $65. Sadly, we
have been informed that while we still have coverage for life, the
co-insurance will be bumped to 50%, meaning that they will only cover half
of all costs effective July 1, to be reviewed every 6 months. Even at 50% we
would have received our premiums back this year.

Still, the peace of mind alone is worth $65. We will never make a choice
based on cost, only what's best for Vandal.

Mike, Deanna and Vandal
p.s. hi Tess - 1st birthday coming soon!

BMD in Las Vegas

2003-06-18 Thread Ghwieser
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2004 Rally Obedience

2003-06-18 Thread Susan Downing-Thompson
Okay, no flames please, this is just a personal opinion.

I would hope the 2004 committee could find a time slot for Rally Obedience.  
Maybe it could be offered at a time when other 'optional' events are 
offered, such as the 'rodeo bbq dinner'.  Give folks a choice as to what 
they might like to do.

Hmmm, I will volunteer to help with this as long as I can still compete.  
Rally-O is such a positive obedience experience.  Hope it can be added but I 
understand if it is to late.

What would be the proper channel to follow to try to make Rally-O a part of 
future specialties.  Seems it's not so long ago that agility was in this 
same boat?


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tag on upper jowl!

2003-06-18 Thread lisa stucke
Hey L'ers!

My six month old  pup Rudy has a skin tag or something on his upper jowl. It
looks like a sea urchin made out of skin. Ideas or thoughts on what it is or
what could be the cause?


Lisa Stucke Toronto

Re: 2004 Rally Obedience

2003-06-18 Thread bernerhaus
If rally obedience was offered at the 2004 specialty I'd help out too.  The
only reason I wouldn't do rally is if it conflicted with another performance
event I entered.

Kathy Schmitz, Woodstock, Georgia
Brighteye Meine Liebe Greta OAP, NJP, CGC
Mattie Matterhorn Princess CD, NA, CGC   Gunner  (in loving memory and
together again at the bridge)

Re: need help with research

2003-06-18 Thread Craig
Hi Beverly
There are a couple of sites where you can research pedigrees.
Try these 2 for starters

Craig Phillips

hot weather haircut?

2003-06-18 Thread tlamberton
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Re: Water change-?

2003-06-18 Thread Annes4

I might suggest you fill several containers that you can lift (1 gal. of 
water weighs approx. 8 pounds!) to take with you when you move.  This way you can 
gradually switch Stevie over to new water.  Instead of buying bottled water, 
you might look for the water filters that either fit on the sink spigot or the 
pitchers that filter the water.  They do remove the chemicals but not 
microbial contamination - at least most of them don't filter out the bugs - but if you 
are using city water, the chlorine added will have taken care of that anyway. 
 I have a 1/2 gal. Britta pitcher and Flash definitely prefers the water from 
that over the sink tap water.  The filter must be changed every 8 weeks but 
it only costs about $5 US on sale if you buy in 3 packs.  Good luck on the move!

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDI, 8 11/12 yrs. old Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yr. 
old Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   Annes4, Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Re: hot weather haircut?

2003-06-18 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 06/18/2003 11:17:41 PM Central Daylight Time, 

 I was wondering what peoples thoughts were on giving my neutered 1 1\2 
year old Quinn a summer trim.  I would appreciate peoples feedback and hearing 
about other's experiences. 

Because of Chicago areas high humidity and temperatures, plus the fact I do 
not have air conditioning at home, I have Flash's belly and inner thighs shaved 
in the summer so that when he lies on the tile floors or the damp soil, he 
has as much skin surface contacting the cool area.  I also comb and brush out as 
much undercoat as I possibly can, leaving the outer coat to protect his skin 
from sun and bugs.  I used to do the same thing with all my heavy coated sled 
dogs in the summer.

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDI, 8 11/12 yrs. old Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yr. 
old Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   Annes4, Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Re: hot weather haircut?

2003-06-18 Thread Marjie
Sterling gets the same thing that Flash does.  After his summer trim, I see him
laying on the hearth rocks to absorb the coolness.  I add one area, however. 
The, ah, undertail area also gets shaved.  Sterling has a very heavy coat and as
he gets older, that area isn't as daisy-fresh (apologies to Maria) as it was. 
Shaving helps with keeping things clean :-)  



 Because of Chicago areas high humidity and temperatures, plus the fact I do
 not have air conditioning at home, I have Flash's belly and inner thighs shaved
 in the summer so that when he lies on the tile floors or the damp soil, he
 has as much skin surface contacting the cool area.  I also comb and brush out as
 much undercoat as I possibly can, leaving the outer coat to protect his skin
 from sun and bugs.  I used to do the same thing with all my heavy coated sled
 dogs in the summer.

Re: tag on upper jowl

2003-06-18 Thread Fran Jones
Hi Lisa

Rudy's sea urchin is very probably an oral wart which is the result of the 
canine papilloma virus. These oral warts are very common in young dogs and you 
may find more of them appearing in the next little while.
Sisco contracted the virus when he was about 8 months old and had warts in
his mouth and on his tongue.  His were never so bad that they caused him
any distress.  We were told, and confirmed through research and our
vet, that this condition will spontaneously clear up after about 2 - 3
months and then the dog will be immune to further outbreaks, and in
fact, this is exactly what happened with Sisco.  Some dogs will develop them in 
the throat or other locations which really bother them, and in that case, the 
vet can take them off in a simple procedure, but most of them are never a 
problem.  I would just confirm with your vet that this really is the c.p.v. and 
then wait it out.

One thing we learned is that Vitamin C seems to aid in clearing it up.
So we supplemented him with daily C as well as a Multi-vitamin.
Sisco's case took about 3 months to disappear entirely and he's never
had a recurrence.
Fran Jones
West Vancouver, BC

SportSound Music:
Phone: 604-926-0084  Fax: 604-926-9543

Friends please read from Karen Alexander

2003-06-18 Thread Karen Alexander
 I am sorry, but a virus has been passed on to me by a contact.  My address
book was infected.  This virus does not come in as an email.  Since you are
in my address book, there is a good chance you have been infected also.  The
virus called,jdbgmgr.exe is not detected by Norton or McAfee anti-virus
systems.  The virus sits quietly for 14 days before damaging the system.  It
is automatically tramsmitted by the adress book, whether or not you sent
emails to your contacts!  Here is how to check for the virus, and how to get
rid of it:

1. Go to Start, click on find or Search option

2. In the file folder option, type the name jdbgmgr. exe

3. Be sure you search your C: drive and all subfolders and all other drives
you may have

4. Click find now

5. The virus has a Teddy Bear icon with the name jdbgmgr.exeDO NOT

6. Go to edit (on the Menu Bar) and select delete.  It will go to the
recycle bin.

7. If you find this virus, you must contact all the people in your address
book, so they can eradicate itin their own address books.

8.  To eradicate do the following:
  a.  Open a email message
  b.  Click the icon of the address book next to the TO
  c.   Highlight every name and add to BCC
  d.   Copy and paste this message or retype it into the email and click

Again, sorry about this.  I got the virus the same way as everyone else.  It
was hiding in my c:\Windows\system directory.

Karen Alexander

Berner L member 
Camellia Club member and Newsletter Editor
Renew member
BP Latenite member