counter surfing

2003-08-14 Thread Jan Ward
Here's an idea that MIGHT work for the counter surfing furkids, at least 
when cooking or bringing in bags of groceries. When making dinner, and the 
counter is full of food (especially Sunday morning breakfast), I take a big 
slice of his favorite treat (Natures blend lamb roll) and let him see it, 
make it very clear that he is going to get it. I put it somewhere he can't 
reach it but can see it (in our case on a high shelf in the kitchen). I tell 
him to sit and be a good boy. He patiently watches me cook, or go get more 
groceries from the car, and hasn't jumped up on the counter since, even if I 
leave the room, he is too concentrated on his treat sitting on the shelf, 
wondering when he is going to get it. Of course, when I am through, he gets 
his treat and a huge hug and praise. He only counter surfed two disasterous 
times, and ever since I tried this method, he stopped completely. Either it 
worked or I don't have a "die-hard" counter surfer on my hands. Maybe give 
it a try?
Janice Ward
Titan Faust
Pgh PA

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my dog star

2003-06-06 Thread Jan Ward
Have some braggin to do. I just saw a copy of Dog Fancy magazine that has 
the articles about Berners. Well, as I flipped through the pages I was 
surprised to find my Titan's picture in there!!! I guess my breeder really 
liked the photo I sent her, and now he is in print for all to see!!! So 
proud of my baby, but wish I would have known he was going to be in there! 
He's in the ad for DeGrasso's Breeder, in the photo is the caption "I'm 
Titan, you can't get cuter than this."
Janice (proud mom)
and Titan Faust (I told you I was special)

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Nitrogen levels

2003-03-10 Thread Jan Ward
Does anyone know what would cause an elavated nitrogen level in my Berner's 
blood work. Last year around this time Titan had eye surgery and we had a 
complete panel done on him. I was cleaning out some old files yesterday and 
took a better look at the blood work and saw that his nitrogen level was 
listed as "high." The vet never pointed this out to me so I never questioned 
him about it at the time. Any info?
Janice Ward (Titan Faust)
Pgh PA

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2003-03-07 Thread Jan Ward
"Playing devils advocate, just what is so special about a Bernese Mountain 


Okay, this is just one example of how loving a Berner can be.
EVERY evening, when I sit down to read or watch TV, for some reason my big 
126lb Titan decides that it is time to try to fit on mom's lap. He doesn't 
fit! but it is the most adorable thing. Once he feels comfortable enough, he 
lays his head back against my neck/shoulder and sighs. This big black fur 
ball melts my heart, you'll understand the differences when you are blessed 
with your little one!
Janice (and Titan Faust)
Pgh PA

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2003-03-04 Thread Jan Ward
Does anyone know of web sites that you can submit pet-poetry to?
Janice Ward
(& Titan too)

Janice Ward"; width=12>

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eating poop

2003-02-28 Thread Jan Ward
"The age old problem that I know has been discussed before on BernerL,
however, it is now happening to us and both our dogs, Mocha 5 and Kona 9
months are doing it regularly. "

I got this trick from my breeder. Get a spray bottle and fill it with 
vinegar. Everytime they go, spray it and let is sit for a while before you 
clean up the mess. We did this for about 3 weeks with our Berner and he 
eventually associated the nasty taste of vinegar with eating it. He didn't 
quit completely, but he has tried to eat it only once or twice in the last 6 
months, which is a great improvement. By the way, this will kill your grass 
so be prepared for some brown spots until the dogs decide to stop. You can 
always hose the area after you clean up their messes, to get rid of the 
vinegar. Hope this helped. Janice (& Titan)

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Funny Habit

2003-02-12 Thread Jan Ward

"Lily has a funny habit, and I was wondering if anyone could shed somelight on why she does it.Whenever my husband comes home, she races around the house to find abeat-up old stuffed duck they dogs play with."
Hi Julia, I can't give you any advise as to why Lily does this, but our Berner, Titan, has a ritual of retrieving his bone when my husband comes home from work, he will run around like a maniac looking for it. When he finds it he runs to my husbands feet, lays down wagging his tail, and chews. We are now in the habit of saying "show dad your bone titan!" Don't know why this behavior started, but it is rather cute. I wish my greetings were as gentle, I generally get big berner hugs when I come in, that is, front dog legs wrapped around my upper body and lots of kisses! Lily sounds special! 
Janice Ward (& Titan)
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2003-02-10 Thread Jan Ward

Hi, I have a general question that hopefully someone can answer. What is the reasoning behind separating the Parvo and Distemper shot for a Berner. Usually this shot is given in one dose, however, we have been advised that it is best to separate these shots. We have done this since birth, but just never really knew why. Any information? Thank You

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Berners and Bones

2003-02-05 Thread Jan Ward

Hi Cindy, saw your question about Berners and bones. We have been giving our Berner, Titan, raw soup bones to chew on since we brought him home. We give him the ones that are about 4 to 5 inches long and rather thick. He eats/licks the marrow out of the bone, naws a little bit, but never eats the bone itself because it is too hard to bite through. Maybe the kind of bone you are giving your Berner may be the problem. I gave Titan a knuckle bone once and he also ate it completely and then threw it up. After that I stuck to the thicker style long bone and we never had that problem again. I always take a good look at the bone and if there are any pieces that look like they may break off, I don't buy it. If you want to try again, I would suggest trying this style of bone and just watch her closely. Hope this helped you. Jan

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