Dog Food Recall

2003-05-27 Thread Peg McQueary
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Re: Had Enough

2003-03-11 Thread Peg McQueary
Hi Everyone,
I wanted you to know that I've spent the last 2 1/2 days talking with the
woman who wrote the post about looking for a berner puppy and her
frustrations as such.

What I've found is that this person is the direct opposite of what her post
implied to many on the list. What prompted me to contact her is that I felt
she needed help and education about our breed. Having been in her shoes
before with the snobbish way some breeders can come across as, sent me a
"cry for help" of sorts. I'm glad I contacted her.

She's received MANY replies to her post, with most, just the way she
described in her original email, rude! She's forwarded many of those to me.
Most eye opening to say the least, the names from these emails to her didn't
surprise me however what did is the fact that most of these folks claim to
be the biggest supporters of BARC and educating potential puppy owners here
on the "L"! Ya, go figure!

 I understand the puppy mill comment threw alot of us for a loop,
and she has since come to understand the "true" meaning of puppy mills. My
thanks to BARC's website and Jim for their nice
and understanding email to Melissa of such.

The very last thing I want to do is cause another outbreak of insulting
posts and or useless thread over her email, but do want to point out that
when we see posts like this, take the time to be understanding and to find
out information
about the person on the other end. A simple "Hi, is there anything I can do
to help" will get a receptive response as opposed to "SHAME ON YOU"
That's the only nice, if you will response she received and about the only
one I can actually write here due to language/content.

In closing, as a breeder and owner I have no worries over
placing one of my puppies with her and her family. Nor have I held back any
names of who she should contact for reputable breeders in her immediate

I hope this helps to smooth over the uproar.


Dale & Peg McQueary
Thundering Pines Bernese Mtn Dogs
Northern California U.S.A.

Where Did You Get Your Dog

2003-03-01 Thread Peg McQueary
Bobbie, thank you for your wonderful insight into
what we (all) should do and say to those that gave us our start in the
berner world.

Bobbie gave my family and I the most wonderful gifts of all. She gave us
Branson & Zorro. And, it comes with a story of heart-break, love, friendship
and unselfishness.

When Branson passed from MH 3 years ago. I received a phone call about a
week after his passong from Bobbie. She said that she had a litter of
puppies just about ready to go home and she wanted me to come up and pick my
choice. I wasn't sure if I was ready for another berner but thought, Ok I'll
*just* go and look...

So, with that I went to look. After spending a few hours with Bobbie and the
puppies, I came home in tears because this wonderful friend of mine,
(Bobbie) wanted no money for this new puppy. All Bobbie wanted was to fill
my heart with love and laughter again after my incredible heart-break over
losing Branson. Bobbie knew how much we loved this boy of hers, she knew the
dog show travels and money spent on Branson, most of all, she knew what
Branson gave to our life. Our joy, also brought happiness to Bobbie.

Please know that nothing could fill the place in my heart reserved just for
Branson, however what Bobbie & new baby Zorro did give us is, the bond of
friendship, while always there with Bobbie & I, it only solidified that bond
and no matter what it will always be, the gratitude I have for Bobbie is

With this These friends/breeders know how I feel but to continue with my
gratitude I want to thank the following for giving me, my story of: "Where
Did You Get Your Dog?"

Candy Roper: One of my best-friends. She gave us Durra and our start to this
wonderful journey with BMD's.. I'm forever indebted to Candy for who I am
and what I do today, it is because of you & Dura that I have laughter in my
heart and all these friends to share it with

Bobbie Hefner: Also my friend & confidant... For Branson and now, Zorro. The
advice, friendship, laughter, pain and tears are and will always be,

Ruben & Kim Gaeta: What can I say? The two of you are simply wonderful... No
two friends could be closer than Kim & I... For "Cinder" & "Little
Raisin/Wee Raisin"...

Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine: Here again, what can I say?
No one could EVER fill your shoes
It's the bond that Mary & I share, nothing and no one could ever take that
away. For "Sierra".. Our pink toed, skunk belly, pretty princess
   ;-)  Look out world cause Sierra's on her way out to steal your

April Rifenburg: For being "surrogate mom" to all my berners.. Branse shines
through Nitro.
Our friendship is priceless!!!

Finally, to all the breeders who give their time without hesitation to us
berner owners! We wouldn't have or know this unconditional love without

Big Berner Hugs To All..

Dale & Peg McQueary
Thundering Pines Bernese Mtn Dogs
Northern California U.S.A.

Fw: intact female/bonding

2003-01-08 Thread Peg McQueary
- Original Message -
From: "Peg McQueary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 7:31 AM
Subject: re: intact female/bonding

> All 3 of my females had their 1st heats right at 6 mos. old Two of
> had such a foul odor that a month before their subsequent heats I put
> them on Chlorophyll tablets ( under the advice of my boss/vet) to keep the
> smell from their heat cycle from running us all out of the house.
> This is *NOT* to say that there could be another reason for the smell, and
> highly recommend this girl being checked by a Vet, however, I do know many
> owners who are sensitive to the odor of a intact female..
> Just another side of the coin... Hope it helps...
> Peg.
> Dale & Peg McQueary
> Thundering Pines Bernese Mtn Dogs
> Northern California U.S.A.

Treat Recipe

2003-01-08 Thread Peg McQueary
"Barkin' Good Honey Vanilla Cookies"
From: Pet Lovers Canine Cookbook..

2 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
2 cups all purpose white flour
1/2 cup honey
1/4 cup vegetable shortening

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Mix all ingrediants in a bowl. Roll into
walnut-sized balls and flatten alittle with a fork or spoon.
Place on a baking sheet and bake approx. 20-25 mins,
until golden brown. Let cookies cool then store them in an airtight

My dogs love them and know when I'm baking their homemade treats... Have fun
& happy doggy baking!


Dale & Peg McQueary
Thundering Pines Bernese Mtn Dogs
Northern California U.S.A.

Soft Treats

2003-01-07 Thread Peg McQueary
I agree with Marjie with the string cheese. It's a wonderful training treat,
keeps well in your pocket or treat pouch,
dosent smell up your van like forgotten pieces of liver,
(don't ask, haha)
and best of all, it's a small snack for yourself on those long hikes,
drafting work, parades etc
We use them as bait in the show ring. They're perfect, store easily in a
sandwich size zip lock bag and
most dogs will do back-flips for cheese...  :o)


Dale & Peg McQueary
Thundering Pines Bernese Mtn Dogs
Northern California U.S.A.

Oooppss Sorry Lynne

2003-01-06 Thread Peg McQueary
Now this is what I get for jumping into over-drive, totally panic striken
that I only had a few weeks to get my ad done, donations sent, on top of
pictures completed, entries filled out etc
I neglected to scan the rest of the "L" before my email..
Whew! So glad it's still the 15th for these deadlines, but
s sorry to the list and Lynne for my panic laden 2003 deadline post.

Dale & Peg McQueary
Thundering Pines Bernese Mtn Dogs
Northern California U.S.A.

2003 Deadlines

2003-01-06 Thread Peg McQueary
Hi Lynne,
I just read your post on berner-l and have a few questions.

>From the forms that I printed off the 2003 site, it says catalog ad deadline
is Feb 15th...

Trophy donations are due by the 15th as well..

Were these recently changed? If so, please let me know
ASAP Thanks  :o)

Dale & Peg McQueary
Thundering Pines Bernese Mtn Dogs
Northern California U.S.A.

Carl Seibert

2002-12-28 Thread Peg McQueary
Looking for Carl Seibert however the email address that I have
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) keeps bouncing back.
Sorry to the list for this post.
Any help locating Carl would be greatly appreciated..

Dale & Peg McQueary
Northern California U.S.A.

Does Your Berner Babble? (Talk)

2002-12-11 Thread Peg McQueary
Our Zorro, Swiss Stars Fooln' With Thunder says,
plain as day "Mom, Mom, Mom".

This is no joke, you have to hear it to believe it.

And, if I'm not paying attention to him, he'll sit and babble "mom, mom,
mom" until I do pay attention to him or he'll just come up to me, get in my
face and say "MOM!"...

It beats all I've ever seen or heard from any dog. His timing is always
right on, so I believe, this dog knows what he is talking about and
saying... ...

Plain as day, not kidding...  ;-)  And, his baby, "Indy" is picking it up


Dale & Peg McQueary
Thundering Pines Bernese Mtn Dogs
Northern California U.S.A.

Histio Roll-Call

2002-11-22 Thread Peg McQueary
With heavy heart 
Swiss Stars Days Of Thunder CGC "Branse"...
3/6/97 ~  4/19/00
The light in my eye and the love of my life!

Dale & Peg
Thundering Pines Bernese