Heather's update

2003-08-23 Thread SONRISEBMD
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Help and Suggestions needed, Long

2003-08-03 Thread SONRISEBMD
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Mast Cell Tumors

2003-06-20 Thread SONRISEBMD
Good morning, everyone:

I'd like to thank everyone who has emailed us with encouragement, support, 
suggestions, hugs, belly rubs, cookies, and especially prayers!  What a 
wonderful group you all are.  I'm overwhelmed by the number of emails sitting in my in 
box waiting to be answered.  I'll get to them as soon as I can and respond to 
each one personally.

Heather's incision site continues it's slow healing, two steps forward, one 
step back, sometimes two.  We found ourselves back at the vet again yesterday, 
as the retention sutures/stent in place over the tumor site continue to cause 
the surrounding skin to slowly come away from the site.  Her drainage has 
slowed somewhat, but it's still a considerable amount, and we're having the vet, 
with whom we have a good rapport, keep close tabs on everything.  He changed 
the protocol we were using to cleanse the site, and has decided to delay 
removing her sutures until things look a bit more healed.  Barring any further 
problems, we won't see him until next week, and Heather will remain confined to her 
x-pen, with her NoBite Collar in place, taking her antibiotics, and getting 
lots of love.

Hannah and I are finally at a point where we can look at each other and not 
fall apart crying.  We're determined to put on a happy face for the dogs, while 
figuring out how to heal our girl.  My husband's message from Guam when he is 
apprised of each day's progress: "Eee".  Thanks, honey!  LOL...

Again, thank you all, and we'll be in touch with progress reports.


Jaye Carl, Lucy and Heather, the Sonrise Girls

Re: Mast Cell Tumors

2003-06-18 Thread SONRISEBMD
Thanks for your email and encouragement, Pat.  Doesn't it seem like just 
yesterday we were in Leila's garage, taking photos of my newest little baby 
Heather...watching her explore...I think she was about 8 or 10 weeks old at that 

The tumor was on her side, near the lower end of her rib cage, 3-4 cm. in 
diameter.  Unfortunately, with dirty edges.  No other apparent involvement that 
the vet noted while checking her over.  Nodes are OK, nothing remarkable there, 
but of course the dirty edges are a huge concern.  Heather is her usual 
happy-go-lucky self, smiling and wanting to play, but we're keeping her quiet.  Her 
appetite comes and goes, which also causes us some concern.  She is now day 8 

Our vet took quite a bit of tissue surrounding the tumor, so Heather has an 
almost 7 inch incision on her side.  It's been boggy since we brought her home, 
which is to be expected, as the body shuttles extra fluid to the area for 
healing.  Yesterday morning, however, she had a large amount of bloody drainage 
suddenly (where she had not had any up to that point) and now she is in a 
collar, on antibiotics, and confined to her x-pen.  Back to square one!  She hates 
the confinement.

The first place I went for info was berner.org.  I abandoned that, however, 
because I couldn't read my screen.  Something in my eye.

I appreciate your help and support (from everyone) and Lucy (who is almost 
9I can't believe that, either!) and Heather say thanks for the hugs and 
belly rubs.

Jaye Carl, Lucy and Heather, the Sonrise Girls

Mast Cell Tumors

2003-06-18 Thread SONRISEBMD
Good morning everyone:

It's been quite some time since I posted to this list.  I hope that you all 
are well, and your Berners healthy!

This week we received the news that our beautiful Heather, who is now  five 
and a half years old, has cancer.  She had a grade 2 Mast Cell Tumor removed 
last week.  We, as you would all expect, are devastated.

I would appreciate anyone who has personal experience dealing with the same 
situation emailing me with thoughts and suggestions.  We need to make some 
decisions on how to proceed, and hearing from those who have navigated these 
waters before us would be a huge help.  I am specifically interested in hearing 
about your experiences with chemo/radiation, and what the results were for you 
and your dog.  I want my girl's time left with us to be happy and as pain-free 
as possible.

My 13 year old daughter is beside herselfthis is "her" dog.and she 
wants to know why there isn't a pill we can give Heather to make this 
better...plus with my husband being out of the country on business since before 
saga began, and not due to return for almost another 2 weeks.help!

Very sad this early morning in MI...

Jaye Carl, Heather and Lucy, the Sonrise Girls