Re: What a beautiful dog . . .

2003-07-29 Thread Margareta Strand
So sad reading about your precious Silla, I can feel every word in the poem
you include. 
Lots of Bernerhugs to you and your dogs in days of darkness and memories,
Margareta and Vincent

Re: Harnesses Haltis?

2003-07-29 Thread Margareta Strand

My experience is I prefer take a walk with each dog instead of having
trobles with 2 or 3 walked in the same time.
It is also always necessary for dogs to go for a walk on their own - not
always with company of other dogs. They behave differently and need time for
No special collars are needed if you walk only with one. Sometimes I walk
with 2 and I know these 2 dogs quite well and we choose the way we go, try
to not confront other dogs I know are aggressive or outspoken. I am not a
friend of Halti and prong collars are forbiddenand even if they was not
forbidden I would not use them. The feeling of the best for the dog is
always the most important, more important than my own convenience.

Bernerhugs to all, 
Margareta and Vincent

FW: Harnesses Haltis?

2003-07-29 Thread Margareta Strand
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FW: frequency of breeding evaluation (long)

2003-07-28 Thread Margareta Strand
 I think this information is very, very interesting! It sounds like things
 work as they do in Sweden because of an informed/educated public and a Code
 of Ethics with some teeth behind it -- and the public disgrace aspect
 probably helps as well. When this COE was developed and  implemented, was
 there resistance? If so, how was that handled?
Hi all,
I think Cecilia is at work at the moment, she will answer later/tomorrow.

I have experience first from living with my parents and siblings, my parents
bought their first dog about 45 years ago. I had my first dog, a German
Shepard - his name was Oscar,  raised by myself when I lived at one
apartment for students about 35 years ago and in my own home, my own family,
Berners the last 24 years.

SKK (The Swedish Kennel Club) has been important all the time. The Code of
Ethics all see like a very good rule and I can not remember any resistance -
all welcome to breed in as good way as possible. SKK stands for the best
standards in caring of dogs. Always if their are any discussion in our
society around dog issues they ask the chairman of SKK.

The Code of Ethics is seen like the best progress and developement when it
comes to breeding dogs - all serious breeders and dogowners like to be more

Of course their are or have been some unserious breeders, but they have
great difficulties selling their pups because registration in SKK has been
the most normal for a pup. You can say it is the dogs passport or compare to
being a citizen with your own passport.

And you can all go to SKK:s website.
They are also in English:

Margareta Strand 

Re: Mixed in shelters?Re: frequency of breeding evaluation(long)

2003-07-28 Thread Margareta Strand
Hi Sylvia and all,
We have one shelter in Stockholm and I think there are some others too in
the country. There are organisations trying to find a new home to dogs if
they cannot stay with the family or owner of some reasons.
I learned from you on the list some years ago the big problem with many dogs
in shelters in the US.

We do not have a problem with almost wild dogs or dogs running around with
no home. But there have been a bigger problem the last years.
I looked at Hundstallet in Stockholm and their figures for 2002 is:
Dogs found and left by the Police:  266
Dogs left of others, the owner:  42
Dogs who has got a new home:136
Dogs who has been put down.  12

The Police leave dogs there if the dog have been running away from home or
found in families with problems - sometimes the dogs have been treated bad.
Dogs left from the owner can be of the reason they cannot care for a big
dog, the dog can have behavior problems - allergies in the family et cetera.

If you look at the figures you understand many owners have been to
Hundstallet and picked up their dog who has been missing and found of
someone or of the Police.

There are a private organisation who are helping dogs (and families) finding
a new home, they are called HOPP - HOPE in English.

We have a bigger problem with SUMMERCATS, the cat-homes use to be filled
with a lot of kittens and older cats.

We have a special law on prevention of cruelty to animals.

About mixed breeds. Yes we have mixed by accidents and they who prefer a
mixed bred dog, they belive mixed breeds often are healthier than purebred

We have to learn from each other as you say and incorporate the good from
all around the world.

Margareta Strand

 Från: Sylvia Katvala [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Svara till: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Datum: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 12:17:51 -0700
 Ämne: Mixed in shelters?Re: frequency of breeding  evaluation (long)
 Hi Margareta,
 Your system seems to be working well for your area.
 Does this mean you don't have shelters?
 What about mix breeds?
 We do have a big problem in the US with too many animals in shelters and a
 large percentage purebreds. They also have to put a lot down, because they
 shelters are full.
 When I volunteered about 10 years ago at an German Shelter, none of the dogs
 were put down. Maybe I was not with them long enough.
 Wish we could all incorporate the good from all around the world.
 Sylvia Katvala 
 Tucson, AZ

re.breeding bitches

2003-07-27 Thread Margareta Strand
I think many countries has the breedingrule bitches would be 2 years old
before any breeding.
And after the first litter you must wait until 12 months to let the whole
litter be x-rayed and look at the results. It can be some hidden reason why
a bith would not be having another litter...and of course the most of us
have our dogs because they are good companions and pets in our family.

An old rules human doctors said many years ago for humans was a woman should
have 2 sunny summers between every child.

To let the bitch be carrying pups over and over again sounds a little like
starting a puppy-mill?!

Some countries already have too many dogs and pups - so lets be careful with
our beautifully and furry friends.
Margareta Strand

Lovely barkers, hello!

2003-07-26 Thread Margareta Strand
All dogs do not bark so lovely, maybe we could help them with a tape to
listen to?

In the news here in Sweden today they tell about young cocks in a
chicken-run. The old cock in the farm had a very low voice and did not crow
as beauty as ordinary cocks, he was a bad teacher for the youngsters.
A man found out they made a tape with a very beautiful crowing and they
played this tape every morning, at noon and in the evening.
After a while all the young cocks had learned to crow very, very lovely with
a wonderful voice.

We all need god teachers - even if they are taped. So if you like your dog
to bark more lovely - you know how to do!
Margareta Strand and Vincent - who barks only at rare occasions, but the
voice is lovely - or?

FW: fat berners

2003-07-24 Thread Margareta Strand
Maybe you are right?
Many we meet think Vincent is fat, but he is not -  he is not the tall
Bernese more the compact built one and also the type of Berner I like. With
all the fur the heavier he looks.

It is not possible to compare Berners to Flat Coated Retrievers or German
Shepards, they are built in different ways.

And the Berners I have seen, in general, are not fat. I have seen fat
Taxhounds and Labradors. You can also choose between less food/light food
and more exercise if your dogs need to loose in weight. The last days we
have learned our dogs, in the heat many countries have, whould not be
exercized at all.

I know some Berners having problems, they need to eat more and gain some
extra pounds or kilos.
So there are many kind of weight problems, for us all - both dogs and
Bernerhugs from,
Margareta and Vincent

 Most berners I know are too fat, and I really do not get it. Being
 overweight is linked to shorter life and a variety of health problems -- why
 would anyone let his/her loved dog be fat?! The solution is very, very
 simple -- less food, more exercise. It doesn't require a different food
 necessarily -- just less food. Since owners control the food intake, there
 are very few excuses for overweight dogs.
 I have performance dogs and I keep them nice and thin by watching their diet
 and making sure they exercise. You can easily feel their ribs -- something
 that you cannot say for most berners :)
 Mary-Ann Bowman
 Emma, Abra, Maize and Halo -- Four Svelte Berners

A deaf dog, can probably learn to howl and sing too?

2003-07-24 Thread Margareta Strand
You are talking about howling and singing dogs?

Just to inform you all we had on our news in Sweden a woman who discovered
her newly arrived pup was deaf (not a Berner). She did not like to leave the
pup back to the breeder, she had already falling so much in love with the
pup. With help from a special trainer this dog now is learning commands from
sign language.

So there are also rather silent languages to teach our dogs.


2003-07-11 Thread Margareta Strand

 He is on the BARF diet and loving every meaty bite.
About this little big pup.
I am not familier with BARF, I am a kibble-mother, but hope it is not only
meat your pup got. Too much protein make pups grow faster. Said without
starting i BARF-kibble-discussion.
About pups and the growing we in Sweden use to say small bernerpups grow a
kilo each week, means about 2 pounds a week. We also have a rule pups can
leave their mother and the breeder at 8 weeks not earlier.

The most breeders also recommend to give Bernerpups food for adults, of the
reason the pup should not grow too fast.

All kind of pain in dogs means visit to the veterinarian.
Good luck with your little pup and give Alex soft cuddle from us,
Margareta and Vincent

Re: berner gallery

2003-07-06 Thread Margareta Strand
And I always just adore these puppy pictures when the pup laying asleep on
the back. Makes me remember my own puppietimes and the very soft and warm
little stomach.
Thank you for charing so lovely pictures!
Margareta and Vincent

the funnel//Re: baka's lump - update

2003-07-04 Thread Margareta Strand
About your words:  wear that silly funnel on her head.

Many years ago when we had our first Bernerboy Chaplin a young fellow said
when Chaplin was having a funnel after a surgery.

 Has Chaplin rigged out himself to be a lily of the valley?

So there are different ways to look at this funnel. Vincent do not like it
at all - so we never use it one him, we try to watch to see what he is up to
and telling him not to lick on certain areas.
So far it has worked.

Bernerhugs to you all from,
Vincent and Margareta

Re: Good Boy

2003-06-24 Thread Margareta Strand
Thank you! Vincent has a little dog (toy for dogs) who is singing the music
from the film, he got it several months ago. I did not know until now the
music was from this coming movie.
Margareta and Vincent

 the trailer for the film is now up on the Good Boy web site -- the Berner
 has the greatest voice -- adorable!
 Can't wait to see the film!

Hit by birdpoo

2003-06-14 Thread Margareta Strand
We, Vincent most, was attacked by a black-backed gull or was it just a gull?
It was in the afternoon about 100 meters from our home between the houses 3
big birds was cirkulating around and they sounds angry at each other and 1
stuck out from the 3 and rusched towards us from front and back. We was so
scared and other people on the street also run away very afraid - well the
only thing which hit Vincent was a lot of poo from that angry bird.
I was thinking about the film Hitchcock made, The Birds.

Earlier I only have met jackdaws in the park who has been pooing on the
dogs, it has been at the time when the birds have young birds. And we also
have a big crow who always follows us and other dogs when we are going at a
certain area around our Museum of History. Some weeks ago that crow took the
leash of a little dog who belongs to an old lady, she is over 90.
The crow was out for a walk on the leash with her little dog. And it has
happend several times now. This crow got small pieces of kibble from us
dogowner in the wintertime, perhaps he feels connection with the dogs.

But, have anyone been attacked by birds, dogs or humans? I know eagles have
been taking taxhounds but Berners?

Re: discouraged by breed post

2003-06-12 Thread Margareta Strand
Hi Pat,
Excellent post!

Are we going to the vet more often nowadays? In our country we do, earlier
(15- 25 years ago?) it was just to put the dogs down if they was very sick.

If we go to the vet more often now a lot of new diseases are seen and
discovered in the breed. Perhaps the illnesses had been discovered earlier
if we had went to the clinics as frequent as we do today. There are also
better educated veterinarians, thanks God!

And about going for walks in town with your lovely Berner. I love to see all
the love Vincent gives to all who just are looking at him. He gives their
hearts a warm hug with his friendly look. Meaning Vincent gives a lot a
better life just when he walks around in our world.
Bernerhugs from
Vincent and Margareta

Re: Neutersol -neutering/progesteron

2003-06-11 Thread Margareta Strand
I have taken part of all your post on Neutrosol, read the articles.

Sometimes the hormone progesteron are given in injections under the skin on
the back to males with testosterone-problems: aggressiveness, prostatit et
cetera. I do not know if it also means the males get sterile for some weeks
or months?
Sometimes these injections are used to see if the dog will change behavior
and if surgical neutering would be one idea to try later on. Pups are not
neutered/spayed at 8 weeks, we do not yet have the problem of too many pups
being born - very often the opposite instead.

My Vincent got an atrophy of one of the testicles two years ago. We was
scared it could be something malignant so he was castrated through surgery.
Giving hormones or perhaps Neutrosol will always make you worried if these
products will end up in cancer in some years.
Going through surgical neutering would be the best choice if it is done at a
good clinic. I left Vincent in the morning and he came home in the
afternoon. The stiches was taken 8 days later.
Margareta Strand

Re: Collars for Berners

2003-06-08 Thread Margareta Strand
But there are always two - one in each end of the leash. I am a human being
and I hope I sometimes is a little bit more educated than the dog when it
comes to intellectual thinking. I am the one who can decide not to be a
strength in one end causing my dog a damage.
We are many, also many on the list, who very well know the kind and soft
methods of training without any pinches and jerks will give you a so much
happier and healthier dog.
I am also one of them who is quite uninterested in obedience classes or
training for my dog. My dog got a close human natural training in everyday
life and I do not enjoy competitions in general and not competitions in
I see no need for prong or pitch collars or no other cruelty to animals.

I leave this topic and will in the future concentrate on the positive things
discusssed on the list and how we as humans can help our Bernerfriends.
Margareta Strand

 It is not the collar that
 causes the injury but the human on the end of the leash.

Re: collar issue

2003-06-07 Thread Margareta Strand
Can anyone explain to me the differences to all these collars? I have a
leather collar for Vincent, has always had and I do not understand the
differences between all these types of collars you are talkning about.
Are there a picture of them all somewhere?
My dog need a confidence for me, not a special collar? I choose a collar as
soft and gentle as possible for my dogs neck. The most important is he not
going to be hurt and no jerk who would cause damage to his neck. Just a soft
collar for the dogs best secure.

 I thought the consensus has been more for the Gentle Leader than for the
 prong collar for training.  I prefer the Gentle Leader to the Halti collar.
 Once the pups or adolescents Berners show a tendency to pull I change from
 a buckle collar to the Gentle Leader collar.
 The introduction to the Gentle Leader though must be positive and gradual.
 Sherri Venditti  Lisa Baldwin can you re-post your fine pieces on using
 the Gentle Leader collars.
 Barb Lindman  owner of Berners Kari 13 1/2 years and Anja almost seven years
 Oxford, Iowa   

prong/pinch collars is forbidden to use in our country

2003-06-07 Thread Margareta Strand

I got information on prong or pinch collars.
It is forbidden to use these kind of collars in Sweden.

We saw them sometimes many, many years ago and noone would even dream of
using this kind of torture for their pets or members of the families as the
dogs are. 
Very sorry to understand these collars are discussed for use on dogs among
serious owners of Berners.
Margareta Strand

Re: Babies and Berners/Dogs

2003-06-05 Thread Margareta Strand

Hi Karyn and the listers,
I was reading this article because I very strong felt: Of course you should
spent as much time as possible with your dog.

May be someone will try to frighten you with this article? Berners are known
as very friendly with both kids and babies, normally. If your Berner have
aggressive problems, some has, you will be very careful - as you always have
to be with an aggressive dog - towards both humans and other animals.

I can only speak from my own experience and I must say living with a Berner
has always been one of the most positive parts in life for my 22 years old
son Mattias.
23 years ago I was waiting my Mattias-baby, my first Berner Chaplin was 1
year and 5 months old when the baby was born. During the time before the
baby was born I took part in a group studying phychology of dogs. The
teacher told me babies and puppies both smells about the same, a smell of
sulphur. Meaning dogs like the smell babies have.

Some weeks before Mattias birth I called our best and most wellknown dog
trainer and dog psychologist Anders Hallgren (he has also been working in
the US) - he is a trainer using very soft and kind methods.
I called becuse there was people who tried to scare me up: How is Chaplin
going to tolerate a baby in the family? Would it be better if you let
Chaplin move to a new home? I was going to be a single mother so it was
Chaplin and me in our small family.

I had heard parents with a newborn baby and also with a taxhound, they had
also put the dog up on the nursing table - to avoid the dog being jealous.
Doing the same with a Bernerboy was a bit difficult.

Anders Hallgren told me how to introduce the baby to the dog, he said: Let
the dog say hello to the baby. Lay the baby down on the floor or on the bed
and let Chaplin smell and introduce himself to the baby. Very simple and so
simple it was. The little baby and Chaplin could sleep beside each other on
the bed or on the sofa. And they had to live very close to each other
because these two boys was my two children. Mattias has been very glad he
always have had a Berner in his family. After Chaplin we had Haendel and now
Vincent. Mattias nowadays live most of the time with his girlfriend and he
often come to take care of Vincent and to spend time with him.

We both sat on the floor beside Chaplin at the vetclinic when Chaplin had to
go to the Rainbow Bridge, the same when Haendel went over the bridge.
Mattias is 22 and has now done his 4th year of studies in medicine to become
a doctor. Our Bernerboys have always been very important for him.

Do not let anyone frigthen you up dogs are dangerous to babies or to
children. Some, very few are, but not all. And of course children have to
learn how to behave with dogs.
Kindly and softly Bernerhugs to all,
Vincent sleeping on the floor beside med, dreaming of Mattias!

Re: Realities of puppies

2003-06-04 Thread Margareta Strand

I use the newspapermethod. If the pup can have his/her own toilet indoors,
for a while, it will make the puppyhood so much easier for you all.
All bernerpups grows very fast and sooner or later they all will use the
outdoors toilet.
I think it takes a little longer time for boys, but all are different.

One trainer told me many years ago, never say good girl/good boy when the
pup are doing what they should outdoors. It just make the pup very confused.
Just let it happen and fine. Save the praises for other occations.
And, of course, do not be unkind to the pup when accidents happens away from
the newpaper toilet. Pups are just babies and never naughty.
Enjoy every minute of your pups first weeks in your home...times will come
when you long for these weeks of puppyhood caring and sometimes sleepless
nights. And to sleep beside the pup on the floor the first weeks will give
you a close friend forever.
Love and hugs to all dogs, both pups and adults!
Vincent and Margareta

Re: Poisonous flowers

2003-06-02 Thread Margareta Strand
I read in my book about poisonous plants and  impatiens and petunias is not
known as poisonous.
But always try to see what your pup is eating or taking in his mouth. Could
you put the pots on a table instead of the deck?
Lots od hugs to your baby,

dogs who pant rather much

2003-05-30 Thread Margareta Strand

Hi Karen,
Vincent is a panter, he has panted rather much since he was a little pup.
He panted much more when he was under medication for Syst. Histio.
Why he normally pant very much has never got an explanation, all are
different - also dogs. Ultra sound, of other reasons, has not found any
trouble with his heart.
I believe it just is his personality to be a panter.
Bernerhugs to you all,
Vincent and Margareta

Re: Dogs and Bikes

2003-05-30 Thread Margareta Strand
I know some bikes with their dogs to exercise the dog. When I see people in
town, with a dog beside the bike, I feel it must be very bad for the paws.
Of course there have been many accidents. I would not go biking with
Vincent, I think it would not be a walk for him to enjoy, he likes to smell
on every flower in his way and he is also to heavy...and not exercised and
built for this type of constantly running.
He is running when he plays with other dogs, then he runs - stop for a while
- run again. And he himself always decide when to run around a play.
Sounds like your laws in Calgary are great.

Re: what age do puppies start drooling?

2003-05-30 Thread Margareta Strand
Saw your post. All Berners are different, some drool a lot, others less. You
never know what kind of drooler your pup is going to be.
We have our third berner and we have never been thinking the drool is a
problem, even if there are a lot of drool making slippery floors in our
kitchen very often.
Berners drool and you will find black hair everywhere, it is a part of the
life when you have decided to love a companion of this breed.

Myself I do not think drool is a problem, but Berners are not like Goldens -
even if Goldens also are happy dogs.

If you like a constantly very cleaned home Berners are not something for
If you like the warmest and most loving companion on earth, choose a Berner.

Bernerhugs from Vincent, 4 years, who has been bathing today in our
bathroom. He stands on the floor and there he got shampo and showers, over
and over again. And the days after the bath you will find the softest black
hair everywhere.

Ang: Re: Ang: Re: Karen and Stevie-Collars.

2003-05-27 Thread margareta . strand

It will be a heat between the collar and the skin. Wounds like chafes  in
the armpits, close to the dogs chest.

Re: fruits and vegetables

2003-04-06 Thread Margareta Strand
You can serve cabbage, but very small amounts - because dogs has
difficulties digesting cabbage and many other vegetables as well.

 I've never heard that a dog shouldn't have cabbage. Is that just a personal
  Jennifer Lennon

My dogs have also loved fruit. They often like the food I like for myself
even if I give them special dog food for their meals.
I am not so found of cabbage so it has never been given to my dogs.
Margareta Strand

giving drugs/Griffin update : )

2003-04-04 Thread margareta . strand

I put the drug deep in the mouth, one by one, Vincent swallow between each
- cuddling under the troath and afterwards something good to eat.
It use to work, we also have these huge drugs at the moment.

An hour ago I had my hands in his mouth of other reasons - Vincent took in
his mouth something big from another dog, we had snow in the morning and
this dirt  was under.

Think I still have stinky hand´s   -   . my dog is very natural child!

Histiocytic Sarcoma

2003-04-04 Thread Margareta Strand
Disseminated Histiocytic Sarcoma - the same as Malignant Histiocytosis?

I saw a notation Disseminated Histiocytic Sarcoma is what earlier was called
MH? Am I right?

Stockholm - our town had snow in the morning, in the afternoon sunshine!

Re: When your dog is lame

2003-04-03 Thread Margareta Strand
 I would strongly suggest that before anyone considers various supplements,
 treatments, therapies, diets for lameness, Xrays and perhaps various other
 diagnostic tests be done. There are so many things that can cause lamemess,
 such as, but not limited to, dysplasia, autoimmune disease, and bone cancer.
 Lisa Allen

Lisa´s word of wisdom once again!

You have to see a veterinarian with knowledge and experience, let diagnostic
tests be done. 
Because your berner is worth the best therapies and treatment.
Margareta Strand

Ang: Raffle/check as payment

2003-04-03 Thread margareta . strand

About check´s as payment. In Sweden nobody use check´s any more - we use
card´s or cash.
My monthly salary goes directly to the card.

I asked the bank for a check to the Raffle, it would cost around 28 US
dollar to buy a check at the bank to send to the USA.
Margareta Strand

Ang: Berner Allergy or Cold

2003-04-02 Thread margareta . strand

Please visit your veterinarian as soon as you can, it looks like the
systemic reactive histiocytosis.
Can be treated!

You could read information about the disease on the list yesterday and also
useful websites was mentioned.
Let us know what happens!

Your names seems so Swedish, do you live here in Sweden too?
Margareta Strand and Vincent

colourproblem in berners

2003-04-01 Thread Margareta Strand
we have been on our morningwalk and I must say I have a bernerproblem I hope
some of you can help us with.
Overnight Vincent changed colour so the bernerwhite is brown, the brown is
black and all the rest in brown.

Have he eaten something wrong or is it common in his age, he will become 4
in the end of this month.
Please help!
Vincent and Margareta

Ang: Griffin: bad news and good news

2003-04-01 Thread margareta . strand

Hi all,
I will also be in the choir If it weren´t for the list.
My Vincent was diagnosed with systemic reactive histiocytosis in December
2002 and I got so very god information from many of you on the Berner-L, I
will mention and say thank you to:
Pat Long
Marion Brown
Terrill Eckert
Heidi Parker
Cecilia Stahl
Peter F. Moore
Verena Affolter
and the wonderful veterinarian Kerstin Bergvall, DjurAkuten in Stockholm.

The wonderful new vet was full of optimism. She said that Griffin's lymph
nodes were not enlarged and that as long as he tolerates the med combo
(cyclosporine  ketoconazole), everything will fine.

You know what?

If it weren't for this list, I never would have found the histio site,
recognized the symptoms and persisted with my suspicions.

If it weren´t for the list and you all, all over the world, my bernerboy
was not a rather healthy boy today!
We started the medication with ketaconazol and cyclosporin A the 6th of
December 2002 and now Vincent feel good with less medication for every
The biggest and warmest bernerhugs -
Vincent and Margareta Strand
Stockholm, Sweden

FW: Systemic Reactive Histiocytosis

2003-04-01 Thread Margareta Strand
Hi Anne,
Here are good websites were you find a lot of information. The second one Dr
Peter F.Moore´s website at ucdavis have a lot of useful information upon the
systemic reactive form of histiocytosis.

Some count the disease as a form of cancer, a tumour disease - often
treatable if you be in time at your veterinarian and if you meet a
veterinarian with knowledge in this special form of histiocytosis.

You will se swellings, like bumps on the nose - very red eyes with
corneaoedema - there can be other symptoms as well.

Perhaps Cecila will add more later on, she is so much better in the English
language than I am.

And again Thank heaven for the Berner-L and all the listers! I got help
and courage from all of you and I feel so thankful!

And big hugs to Griffin Cecilia!
I know he will feel so much better very soon,

Vincent and Margareta Strand
Stockholm, Sweden 

digging dogs

2003-04-01 Thread Margareta Strand
We have a golden around the corner, Kolan is her name - she is a digging

In the summertime at their house at the countryside Kolan is digging her a
big hole - it will be colder to lay there. A new hole each summer. Her
family use to fill the hole with earth in the autumns.

Sometimes Kolan has another golden retriever friend with her for some weeks
and she then digging a hole for her friend also.

They must be good friends
and perhaps we will meet Kolan at our nightwalk very soon.

Vincent and Margareta

Re: To make your house BMD tail-safe!

2003-03-31 Thread Margareta Strand
we do not have any low table in front of the sofa - then it is easier for
Vincent to jump into the sofa.
We only have dinnertables or tables in the same sizes for work, writing et

But we also have a berner who likes the dinnertable in the kitchen as a bed
in the summertime. It was his own choice to lay on the table when we was
away from home last summer.
This habit maked me taking away flowers and other things from this special
table when we left home for some hours. More because my bernerboy could be
hurt from broken glasses - his safety is number one, the belongings can
always be put away in a cupboard.

My first bernerboy Chaplin was very found of books, he took his paws and
picked out books from the bookcases. We arranged the furniture so he
couldn´t reach the books - we have very many bookcases so I remember it was
a bit of a problem. Chaplin lived 1979 - 1989 and now when I see some of the
books with marks from his teeth I remember Chaplin with warmth and love,
these books has a higher value!

Lots of hugs from
Margareta and Vincent

Re: re tail safe/lovely words

2003-03-31 Thread Margareta Strand
  Your pup 
 will never change how it expresses its happyness.

Thank you for these wonderful words!
You can later on change to:

Your Berner will never change how it expresses its happiness.

The Berners have these wonderful
expressions undtil the very last day!

Our lovely dogs, the biggest hugs to all of them!

Vincent and Margareta

Return of The Fun Survery!!

2003-03-25 Thread Margareta Strand
1 --- Do you live in?
 a) city
 b) suburbs
 c) country
 d) on Planet Berner
In the City of Planet Berner.

 2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?

Beside one side of my bed, later on the other side of my bed - sometimes in
my bed. He wake himself up and also me by laying in the bed when he ask for
cuddling. He think it is too warm to sleep all night in the bed, he use to
say so. He is free to sleep were he likes to, it is his home as well as mine
and ours.

3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?

He has a lot of dolls. Vincent call all his toys for dolls - he is a real
boy! He love all stuffed animals and the last he has got is the one he use
to run after to show when friends are coming home.
He often have a toy in his mouth.
He loved the little bear who sang Oh Susanna... and when we sang the song
he run after the right animal toy. Just wonder were the Susanna toys are -
probably in a bag waiting for surgery?

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in the blank)

His ears, we use to say our berners has silky ears. His forehead, the
forehead of a very great philosopher!
Also when he comes to me in the kitchen, sitting on the floor he says -
smiling and with the head marks and pointing out  Mummy, I like some of the
tidbits I have in my pot!
And also his body:
His front legs and his paws, his front legs are like log´s. Also his whole
body of kindness when he smiles and say hello from his nose to his tip of
the tail.

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog?

No, we have no car. We live very central in Stockholm and we can see all
with cars driving around in the evenings to find a parkingplace, sometimes
they drive around for hours. We use buses and trains and take a cab or get
along with our friends in their car. We like to walk. Vincent has decided
not to take a driving licence.

6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog

Parties - he like going to birthday parties, the cakes use to be very good.

7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.

Vincent is not a naughty boy. He used to lay on the table in our kitchen
last summer when I was away from home, but naughty behavior - I think just
it was a rather cold place?
This morning he tried to wee-wee on another dogowners leg when we was out on
the big field there our dogs run and play, but naugthy - dogs/males
sometimes use to wee-wee like that.
Vincent is not a naughty boy - he is kindness personified.

LOVE from your mum Vinci!

Ginseng for dogs

2003-03-20 Thread Margareta Strand
read today in our newspaper abour Ginseng for dogs. Anyone who has tried
Ginseng for their tired dogs?
Boehringer Ingelheim has made a study on 358 dogs in Switzerland. 65 % saw a
positive difference - dogs who was more alert and felt better.

And what about if the dog has high blood-pressure (as I have). I am told
Ginseng would not be given to them with high blood-pressure?

More knowledege out there in Bernerland?

Margareta and Vincent

Re: Olive Oil

2003-03-20 Thread Margareta Strand
I use olive oil and some days a week rape-oil. Just teaspoonful every second
Always the best qualities to both my Bernerboy and to the family.
These are the two kind of oils we always use to our meals.

Vincent now eat the senior food (dry) from Science Plan (Hill´s), lamb and
rice. He get 2 cups in the morning and 2 cups in the afternoon/early
evening.  I add also a hand full of oats. I put a little water to the food
and after about 15 minutes I serve.

Vincent is 4 years soon, he get senior food because it contains less protein
and phosphorus. We can also share a banana or a sandwich with mozzarella and
tomatoes, different from day to day. Meaning he also can get something else
to eat. I like to share meals with Vincent.
His senior food,lamb and rice-meals with oats and olive oil/rape-oil are the
same every day - just for him, not for me.

We have a special CUP my mother got many years ago from her aunt who moved
to Seattle from Varmland (Sweden) 70 - 80 years ago. I am so proud over the
cup and remember both aunt Hulda and my mother when I use it every day!

Margareta Strand and Vincent
 Does anyone add olive oil to the food? I usually do this once a week.
 Esta Dalsass

Ang: Re: Frontline/BIOSPOT

2003-03-18 Thread margareta . strand

I used Biospot 2 summers ago to my Vincent. I called Bayers in Sweden and
they did not like to tell me what Biospot contains of,  it was a secret.
They said,  maybe ecalyptus - but no real answer.

I saw ads - how natural Biospot would be.

Biospot didn´t work and it also hurt the skin. Meaning I just used it once
and not again.
Think I will try garlic this summer.

Margareta Strand

I was looking into a product called  Biospot  that I saw in the Drs
and Smith catalogue. It's supposed to kill fleas, ticks AND mosquitos.
maybe they mean repellent in the case of the mosquitos. Has anyone used
to any effect ?? It's also a LOT more affordable than Frontline. I always
use Frontline , and haven't seen a flea in years. On the tick side of
, I've been lucky with the dogs. Lyme is a BIG concern in my area. I've had
it and wouldn't wish it on a dog :-(. Any opinions on this brand , Biospot
???Thanks !! Laurie Montoya  S. Central PA.

get dog to drink/eat

2003-01-06 Thread Margareta Strand
I sometimes use to but a little butter (easily melted) and/or flings from
Dextrosol(dextrose,grape-sugar) to give a little energy. It makes both water
and food taste.

It is worth a try! Hope it works,
Margareta Strand

Merry Christmas ...and now healthier days!

2002-12-26 Thread Margareta Strand

Will also tell you that my bernerboy Vincent, diagnosed with systemic
reactive histiocytosis the first week in December, now feel so much better.

After some weeks with Cyclosporin A (Neoral) Vincent is happier again, even
if we/he have to continue the medication for quite a while. We has also
recieved the test kit from Fred Hutchinson and going to get a blood sample
when we see the vet again the 7th of January.

Berner-Christmashugs to all of you, especially to you and you and you who
has been such a god help for us! What did we do without you all and the
knowledege amongst many on the Berner-L?!

Vincent and Margareta Strand

PS. But we miss Mattias, 22, my son. He is on his 4th year of medical
training to become a human doctor and for some weeks they study Global
health. Mattias and other students went for 3 weeks to Cuba the 22th of
December. Cuba is wellknown for very good healthcare and medical

systemic histiocytosis

2002-12-09 Thread margareta . strand

my bernerboy Vincent 3 1/2 year was last week diagnosed: systemic reactive
Would very much like to be in touch with others out there with experience
from this disease in their dogs.

The veterinarian and I decided to try Sandimmune as therapy. Prednisone can
help but research says only 10% will be helped and the sideeffects are too

The SYSTEMIC REACTIVE HISTIOCYTOSIS started with bumps in Vincent´s face 3
weeks ago, then his eyes become more and more red.
He eat well and behave normal and gladly like all berners - probably a
sad from all the visits to the vet clinic (but they have smapp pieces of
very good things in a  bowl at the reception desk at the clinic!).
Margareta and Vincent

histiocytosis, sites to visit?

2002-11-27 Thread margareta . strand
Hello all,
would be happy to know the best websites to get information on the
histiocytosis that berner´s often get.
Margareta Strand

bumps in dogs face

2002-11-15 Thread margareta . strand

since some days my 3 1/2 year old berner Vincent has some bumps in his
face, like swellings.

Have someone experience of maybe bruises in dog´s skin or face, these small
swellings feels a bit hard.
He can have been hurting himself when he the other day had paniced when he
was alone at home (he do not like very high sounds like from drilling if
some of the neighbours in the house drill).

 I found a very wet window and a wet dog, he had salivating a lot ( do
dog´s do this salivating when the stress is like panic?).

He had jumped on a big table close to a window and can have been hurting
his face in the jump - if he has turned his face in the window handles, my

Send an answer if you know anything on bruises in dogs, how they feel - if
they are impossible.

Margareta Strand