Hugo update?

2003-03-12 Thread Terri . Shields
Have I missed an update on Hugo?
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My Hugo (Sad)

2003-03-12 Thread iguanalove
Dear list, I have been struggling to write this note.  Hugo's beautiful quad
chair arrived thanks to all of you and after getting him used to the sight
and smell of it and having him wear the supports, we put him in.  He was
such a good boy about cooperating with our clumsy efforts to hook him up.
Once inside, he had a wonderful happy look on his face like, look mom, I'm
flying. He was delighted to be in the position he had not enjoyed for two
months, standing up like a dog should.  All of our spirits were lifted from
some recent difficult days.  The next day, Thursday, he had an amazing
victory at hydrotherapy where for the first time he moved all four paws in a
swimming motion to cheers from faithful onlookers.  That night he wagged his
tail for the first time in weeks, a sign that he was able to.  We all
thought now with these great results from the chair and hydrotherapy that he
could be walking in weeks.  Everything we had done, all the money we spent
and the time devoted seemed to be finally paying off.  Hugo would be all
right.  He slept very soundly that night.

The next day two friends took me out to a birthday lunch and when I returned
I discovered he was having a massive nosebleed.  He had two miniscule
nosebleeds earlier in the week but we had thought it was due to the
depletion of Vit K from the Cephalexin he had earlier for diarrhea. We
rushed Hugo to his vet who immediately said this did not look good.

They ran some blood tests to see if his blood was able to coagulate.  But
the signs all pointed to a brain tumor - the fact that it was only from one
nostril was a big clue that it was not just systemic.  And of course all his
other symptoms of late.  We waited and sure enough, the tests showed his
blood was coagulating fine even though he was continuing to bleed profusely.
His gums were barely pink and had been pale for a day.

At this point it wasn't a choice anymore.  He looked at my husband with a
very pointed look he'd never seen before and we felt he was asking to be let
go peacefully.  

You all know what it has been like this last year and especially these last
two months.  But because the day before had been so promising this turn was
a surprise to us and I have been in shock since then.  It appears that Hugo
may had more than one thing wrong with him, and so we were getting mixed
signals.  We should have done the MRI so we could have known what we were up

At least he was able to regain his pride in the pool his last full day.  He
was so proud of himself that he was able to finally swim like the other
dogs he gave us the berner smile.  It was a beautiful, victorious moment I
wish you all could have shared.

I have to thank all of you for your wonderful, kind support.  This group was
my main comfort through all of it. I am making arrangements to get this
wonderful chair (the people are the best) to the person
keeping the berner lending library so the next berner in need can benefit
from it.  I hope it will be known as the Hugo chair because without him it
wouldn't be there, that is the good that has come out of this.  He was such
a brave fighter.  He taught us how to kiss his nose, to feed him the tip of
the banana, and to listen to him as he would often explain things that had
happened in amazing detail.  He was not only overflowing with personality
and as stubborn as a two year-old, but he also took his job of protector and
guard dog very seriously and did it better and with more love than any dog
I've ever known.  I never knew my heart could be so broken by an animal.


Hugo' address

2003-03-06 Thread Dino Candelaria
Dear Hugo,

Please have your mom send me your address, I have some donations from you special 
friends on
the L to send to you.


(mascot) for BEHAF

PS you can send you address to our Treasurer, Dino at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Did Hugo move his paws in the pool?

2003-02-19 Thread iguanalove
We had to postpone Hugo's second hydro-therapy session due to diarrhea and a
possible infection.  Today with the vet's blessing we returned to San Diego
with high hopes.  My friend Dawn was sure that he'd move his front paws this
time because he has been moving them slightly, on command, when lying down
this past week.   

The therapist first used an electromagnetic impulse machine on him and we
got the contraction reaction we had hoped for.  But in the water he was like
last time, just letting his legs hang down lifelessly.  My heart sunk.  I
was completely in the pool this time helping and holding Hugo's head up when
suddenly I hear a scream from behind me.  Dawn was beside the pool with her
back to the water, squatting to pick up the treats when she lost her
balance.  She tried to throw her weight forward but went up in the air and
-- fully clothed -- flipped backwards and landed head first in the pool.  I
didn't see any of this, I turned to see her tennis shoes on her feet
sticking out of the water like some cartoon.  Surprisingly she didn't
resurface immediately.  It was that horrible moment, the moment that's often
the subject of jokes or conjecture, where you have to choose between your
dog and your friend.  I confess, I hung onto Hugo, keeping his head out of
water while the therapist grabbed Dawn by her legs.  She came up smiling,
thank goodness, and proceeded to stay in the pool with us, fully dressed,
cheering Hugo on. 

Maybe it was the shock of all this but for whatever reason Hugo started
*kicking* his back legs.  It was beautiful, you can imagine, a lovely
swimming motion which he repeated for several little laps while the
therapist held and moved him along.  On his last lap he added the right
front paw to the thrill of all of us.  By now there were several other dog
owners there as well as the wonderful person who had originally recommended
this therapist, and a host of dogs all marveling at Hugo's first baby
swimming steps.

Donna and Hugo, 8 yr old, 4/02 surgery for ruptured neck disc, recovered
95%, 12/02 second neck disc surgery, possible spinal stroke; Feb 1 setback,
stopped moving legs; now working hard to come back  

RE: Hugo

2003-02-14 Thread Dino Candelaria
If you wish to contribute to Hugo please do not use the Pay Pal, I am the new 
treasurer and
I think it is still hooked up to our old account which has been closed.  I am checking 
into this
but to be safe please just send a check to:
25421 Wagner Rd
Caldewell ID 83607

I will let you all know when it is okay to use PayPal again.

Thank you for your Patience.

Dino for BEHAF

hugo, behalf, and rehab

2003-02-13 Thread Andrea Brin
as many of you know we have successfully raised enough money for a chair for
hugo. this chair will be passed on to any other berner who is in need of it.
it has been suggest to donna that she get another mri for hugo. this would
establish what hugo's neurological status truly is and would give
rehabilitation guidance.
obviously after the two surgeries, multiple mri's etc the cost is
prohibitive. we have made hugo a special fund of behalf. what that means is
that if you would like to contribute money to help with hugo's mri you can
send a check to behalf with that purpose clearly stated. the money will then
go to help foot the bill.
25421 Wagner Rd
Caldwell ID 83607

Or use your Visa or MC to instantly send your donation via Paypal:NOTE: if
you wish your Paypal donation to be applied to a specific BEHAF fund, please
send us an e-mail with your instructions.

thanks for helping hugo

andrea, woofit and chi

shavertown, pa

Hugo says... wow to you all

2003-02-12 Thread iguanalove
I came back (all wet) from being in San Diego with Hugo and was overwhelmed
to see how you guys have been working so hard for Hugo - all of you -
Andrea, Pat L., Pat T., Rusty and Sylvia and everyone who's emailed me and
others I don't even know about - I truly thank you.  We're both extremely
touched and grateful and humble that you all have such heart and faith in
Hugie.  He's going to try his best not to disappoint you.

Hugo says the chair does not belong to him, it belongs to any berner who
cannot stand.  

About today, Hugie must have thought I'd gone crazy taking him to a pool in
the pouring rain.  Trish from Cutting Edge K9 rehab was waiting for us as
the other clients cancelled due to rain.  But we were determined.  It took 2
1/2 hours to get there but Hugo tolerated the drive just fine.

We carried Hugo on his stretcher out to a hydraulic platform by the heated
pool.  Trish lowered the platform while I was knee-deep in water, keeping
his head out of water.  Once he was in the pool, with her supporting him,
she put a life-jacket on him.  She held him by a handle on the back and as
he hung there floating, he had the funniest quizzical look on his face,
like, Boy, this is new.  I'm flying!  (you know how expressive they are).
Surprisingly he was not scared but relaxed.  It was nice to see him in an
upright dog position again even if it was just due to the water.

She worked his legs and floated him for 1/2 an hour and although we did not
get the magic response we all would have loved, she said it doesn't always
happen on the first time but could happen later. She was glad to see he
seemed to be processing new sensations as she was moving his paws, as if he
was making the connection that these were *his* feet. We're going to try
again this weekend.

We noticed once he was home that for the first time in 10 days he was
exceptionally relaxed and limber... and very tired.  :)

Donna and Hugo 

Donna and Hugo

2003-02-12 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Donna,
You mentioned in an earlier post that your specialist had suggested an MRI
but that you decided against it because you had decided no more surgery for
Hugo. I respect your decision about the surgery but got to thinking that
the specialist might have suggested the MRI as a tool to establish Hugo's
status. It would be useful to know if he has any further spinal
deterioration or potential tumour status, with the disabled dog it would
help to know what other conditions/if any might be presenting themselves.

Rose T.

RE: BEHAF Special friends -- Hugo Quad Chair?

2003-02-11 Thread Dino Candelaria
Dino here for BEHAF.

BEHAF will take donations for specific dogs and send those funds to the owner unless 
owner specifies otherwise(as has happened before) If you wish to donate funds for a
specific dog please send a note or write on the check who you wish them to apply to.
The Special Friends fund is driven by you folks here on the L.  If you wish to make
a berner a Special Friend we act as the collection point for those funds. We then have
our Webwizard put up the story and pics of the dog(so Donna if you can email me a pic 
Hugo and a short run down of his story-I can forward it on to her.)
So if you don't have a credit card or just wish to send a check, we would be glad to 
collect them and get them to Donna.(Donna, I will need your snail mail address)

Donations can be sent to:
% Dino Candelaria
25421 Wagner Rd
Caldwell ID 83607

 Andrea Brin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/10/03 02:55PM 
they are working on a refurbished one for him. i have been in contact with
them and a few other manufacturer, so there will be a big discount. i too
would like to see behalf gift him this and the berner community in general.
if we get a chair then when he no longer uses it we can keep it for another
candidate. i would like to see a lending library for this kind of equipment
and would do anything i could to facilitate it.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Patricia Tackett
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 4:11 PM
Subject: BEHAF Special friends -- Hugo  Quad Chair?

I've been following Donna's posts about her boy Hugo
and looking for help with a Quad chair.  I believe
Doggon' Wheels (MT) 1-888-736-4466  is the company
that makes a Quad chair for canines.  Does anybody
know if he has become a BEHAF Special Friends yet,
does Donna need to ask BEHAF Board personally or can
we as friends get this started?  A Quad Chair will run
close to $800 for Hugo  surely we can open our hearts
and pocket books to help this grand fellow!  I've
heard he is lifting his head, eating and pooping  THAT
has to be a wonderous feeling for Donna to behold!

Just wondering what's going on and wanting to help a
fellow Berner owner.

Pat Tackett

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now. 

Hugo and His Stroke, is there a chance?

2003-02-11 Thread Rusty C Wingate
A lot has gone on with this big sweet fella and I just wanted to put my 2
cents in.

I have not dealt with dogs and strokes as much to my regret I listened to
the vet when my Max was 17yrs old and had a stroke.  He would get up and
fall over etc.  Even tho' he was seventeen yrs old up until the stroke he
acted like a puppy, never ever sick.  I know in my heart today, there was a
chance, as since that time I had the pleasure to help many a stroke patient
,human , work their way back with the proper tools! and encouragement and
The emergency with Hugo is his size and down for this length of time.  He
must get mobile or the organs will fail and time is of the utmost
Doggone was so nice in setting up this account as they know the importance
of Hugie's being mobile.  They have never done this before but jumped right
in as I feel they love dogs, not just in it for profit, and know the urgency
of this chair for this giant!
Donna is the one looking in his eyes and seeing a spark still there.  I have
a pic taken January 30th , prior to the Robaxin, which shows his sparkle
there in his eyes.  And once again Hugie is fighting to come back to Donna
and we can give him the chance.  We can all pull with love in our hearts and
help this fella before it is too late.
It takes two weeks to build a chair...a chair that can help this buddy in
his fight.  Then it will be there for the next furkidJust think the next
one may be yours and what that two week wait can do!!
Bless you all for your kindness and support of Hugie and Donna.  I only wish
I had given my boy a chance, now I want Hugie to have his!
Rusty C praying for that small miracle

Re: Hugo and His Stroke, is there a chance?

2003-02-11 Thread Jeff Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear berners

Our Andi was active as could be, ran so fast up 4 steps and across the deck
that she'd come sliding into the house out of control.
She was over ten years old.
Just overnight she became like a person who had spun in circles and then
tried to walk. She wobble  then crash. He head had a slight tilt.
We went to the vet, ran tests, etc.
We were told she had suffered a stroke and would not get better, probably
soon would have another and worsen.
After some time we decided she was losing her dignity unable to hold her
urine, wetting herself. We made the awful decision to let her go.
She was 10 years, eight months old.
Several months later I was talking to an ole timer vet and described Andi's
stoke and how we'd had to put her down.
He said, Honey, I hate to tell you this but strokes are not that common in
dogs. What you've described sounds like Old Dog Vestibular Syndrome and it
can be successfully treated.
I was heartbroken.
I researched the disease and thought it was important to get out the word so
that Andi's possible premature death would not be in vain.
I sent the info. to Elizabeth Pearson  it was published in the Alpenhorn.
As then, I hope now this info. could help Hugo, and other Bernese who may be
incorrectly diagnosed and given a premature death sentence.
I would have spent any amount of money to save my girl, but I did not know
about this ailment in time.
I will look up the info. and post the address to the list. It may not be of
help in this case, but if it saves one Bernese it is worth sharing to me, in
rememberance of: CH. Blue Mt. Andi Dasso's Swissmiss - Our Andi girl. In our
hearts forever.


Jeff  Mary Chapdelaine
SnoBear Berners
N. California, USA

When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.
 Wayne Dyer - Psychotherapist, Author and Speaker

Re: Hugo and His Stroke, is there a chance?

2003-02-11 Thread Rusty C Wingate

- Original Message -
From: Jeff  Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear .
 I will look up the info. and post the address to the list. It may not be
 help in this case, but if it saves one
Oh, Mary, I cried for you ...and me...the if onlys  they are hard to bear.
I would love to know this info, Please do share.

Rusty C  Good Company

BEHAF Special friends -- Hugo Quad Chair?

2003-02-10 Thread Patricia Tackett
I've been following Donna's posts about her boy Hugo
and looking for help with a Quad chair.  I believe 
Doggon' Wheels (MT) 1-888-736-4466  is the company
that makes a Quad chair for canines.  Does anybody
know if he has become a BEHAF Special Friends yet,
does Donna need to ask BEHAF Board personally or can
we as friends get this started?  A Quad Chair will run
close to $800 for Hugo  surely we can open our hearts
and pocket books to help this grand fellow!  I've
heard he is lifting his head, eating and pooping  THAT
has to be a wonderous feeling for Donna to behold!

Just wondering what's going on and wanting to help a
fellow Berner owner.

Pat Tackett

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

Hugo is going swimming!

2003-02-10 Thread iguanalove
The surgeon gave his ok so we're off to San Diego tomorrow to try the
hydro-therapy.  I am very excited but not looking for immediate miracles
(one friend said, I hope he just walks out of that pool! s).  Just
moving one paw a little would be a big deal to me but even if he just learns
to relax in the water tomorrow, that would be our first step.  She says most
dogs get over their fear after the first lesson.

I am very encouraged today because after I propped up Hugo this morning, he
relaxed down, put his head on the grass and stayed like this for 15 min.  He
even moved his head around in different positions.  It was so good to see
him in a position other than lying down on his side, he looked so much more
like himself and seemed much happier.

I am getting such wonderful encouragement from the emails, I thank you and
Hugo thanks you for all your good thoughts.  He'll report back tomorrow

Donna and Hugo, Southern Calif. 

RE: BEHAF Special friends -- Hugo Quad Chair?

2003-02-10 Thread Patricia Tackett

I have word from another Berner-L friend that Doggon
Wheels is willing to take donations (credit card) for
Hugo's chair, I'm not sure if it is a refurbished as
you talk about or completely new -- once they have 75%
of cost of chair in donations they will begin work on
his chair.

Soo everyone here's the # to call 1-888-7-DOGGON
(888-736-4466) (US and Canada) or 406-222-5574 outside
the United States or Canada,  they are Mountain time
and can be reached Monday - Friday 8 am - 4 pm being
sure to tell them it is a donation towards Hugo's

I thank you for your generosity, I know Donna thanks
you and most of all HUGO thanks you!

Pat Tackett
--- Andrea Brin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 they are working on a refurbished one for him. i
 have been in contact with
 them and a few other manufacturer, so there will be
 a big discount. i too
 would like to see behalf gift him this and the
 berner community in general.
 if we get a chair then when he no longer uses it we
 can keep it for another
 candidate. i would like to see a lending library for
 this kind of equipment
 and would do anything i could to facilitate it.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Patricia Tackett
 Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 4:11 PM
 Subject: BEHAF Special friends -- Hugo  Quad Chair?
 I've been following Donna's posts about her boy Hugo
 and looking for help with a Quad chair.  I believe
 Doggon' Wheels (MT) 1-888-736-4466  is the company
 that makes a Quad chair for canines.  Does anybody
 know if he has become a BEHAF Special Friends yet,
 does Donna need to ask BEHAF Board personally or can
 we as friends get this started?  A Quad Chair will
 close to $800 for Hugo  surely we can open our
 and pocket books to help this grand fellow!  I've
 heard he is lifting his head, eating and pooping 
 has to be a wonderous feeling for Donna to behold!
 Just wondering what's going on and wanting to help a
 fellow Berner owner.
 Pat Tackett
 Do you Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.


2003-02-01 Thread Dazyr
There are several wheelchair companies on the net, just type in Dog 
Wheelchairs. The one I had was from Wheelchairs for Dogs. Com. Mary Heald 
bought mine from me for her
Henry last August. If you want her address. Please e-mail me privately, she 
may still have it. 
But another thought is to look on E-Bay for the Quad chair, as I found 
another dog
wheelchair on E-bay which gave me an idea of what to charge for mine.
Chance and I continue to hope for Hugo's recovery, glad the acupuncture is 
we had good results from it as well,
 Daisy and Chance

Hugo - Does he believe he'll walk again?

2003-01-29 Thread iguanalove
My heart goes out to Thia and to Denise and Paul Vickers, prayers for
Drachmboui.  Thanks to all the wonderful berner-lovers who sent emails of
support and ideas for sweet Hugo.  He's depressed today maybe because, at
the doctor's suggestion, we tried to get him to stand by holding him by the
sling and he couldn't/wouldn't put any weight at all on his feet.  I feel so
bad for him.  I wonder if he believes that he'll ever walk again.

If there's a true hydro-therapy facility for dogs in the LA area, they're
keeping it the best-kept secret around.  But someone from this list who uses
a San Diego facility emailed me.  Hearing personally from someone made me
feel like the drive could be worth it.  I just have to take the large car
into the shop first (minor problem I suspect but it's finding the time) and
then find someone to help me load the 112 lb. big boy Hugo on my stretcher
before that 2-3 hr. drive.  Problems that wouldn't be obstacles if he were a
poodle!  I understand what you meant Ruth when you said the trimmer berner
gals are a lot more manageable...

Donna and Hugo (8 yr old BMD, ruptured disc, surgery 4/02, surgery 12/02
bulging disc, stroke)

Merry Christmas from a recovering Hugo

2002-12-24 Thread iguanalove
We're grateful that Hugo is recovering so well.  After the first few hours
of stiff legs he finally started moving them.  We're not sure if it was the
fear and trauma that subsided once he was home and safe again or whether it
was the change in drugs (they put him on prednesone and a patch). As you all
know, it's a lot of work taking care of an invalid (and a grumpy, demanding
old man at that) but we're thrilled that the outlook is optimistic.  We've
changed vacation plans for him but he's worth it.  Merry Christmas to all
the berners and the berner-lovers.

Donna and Hugo, SoCal

Hugo pain medication question

2002-12-19 Thread iguanalove
Hugo is having a very slow recovery, still at the hospital, not making any
real progress.  They were concerned about an irregular heartbeat today and
did an ultrasound.  The cardiologist there felt his heart was structurally
sound so they decided not to be alarmed about this, that this is common in
large breed dogs.  I mentioned that I didn't think this had ever been heard
by the vet before and he was going to get more details from the

They changed his pain medication from hydro morphone (I think that's what he
said, maybe it's morphine) and kept him on the fentinel patch.  They said
he's somewhat more alert now and they felt they may have had him
over-medicated.  He ate a slice of cheese from me the other day but other
than that has not been eating (very unusual for Hugo).

The surgeon admitted that he did not make a notation of fenestration during
the April surgery but that because it is his habit to do the fenestration he
believes he did.  I appreciated his honesty.

I will visit him tomorrow and it looks like he'll come home Saturday (but
not able to walk or stand yet).  I recall last time that he did not seem
comfortable with Torbutrol and wonder what the best pain medication for him
might be.  He has tolerated Rimadyl quite well, but will that be enough?
Last time they told us we could use Benedryl to help him sleep at night,
which did help.  If you have thoughts, please email me at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] as I'm on digest.

Donna and Hugo, SoCal

Hugo update (had second disc surgery last Saturday)

2002-12-18 Thread iguanalove
I really appreciate the kind letters of support from everyone.  I spoke to
the head surgeon who did the April disc surgery and he said in 16 years of
practice, he's never seen a second disc go out on a large breed dog.  So the
other younger surgeon didn't realize it was only dachshunds who are known to
have a potential for reoccurrence (15%).   But here is the difficult part.
I asked him if he fenestrated the disc in question at the April surgery and
he thought he probably did but couldn't access the records at the moment.
Today I got the records and there's no mention of it that I can see, whereas
I can clearly see that this younger surgeon Saturday did fenestrate the next
disc over to avoid having this occur again.

To explain this a little for anyone who is interested -- when one neck disc
ruptures (the first was between c6-c7), there is the danger that later the
next one (between c5-c6) will be affected by the pressure so they make a
small hole in it as an escape valve.  On Saturday the younger surgeon worked
on c5-c6 and then fenestrated c4-c5.  But last April, there's nothing in the
chart to show that the head surgeon (who is quite good) fenestrated c5-c6.
That is disappointing because it raises the question if he had, perhaps we
would not be putting Hugo through this second surgery 8 months later.

Boy, I know more about this stuff than I ever wanted to know!

Hugo is still in the hospital there.  Not much appetite (very unusual for
him).  He'll sit up in a sternum position but not stand yet.  Our house is
very lonely and quiet without him.

Donna and Hugo, SoCal