RE: snow story

2003-02-22 Thread Robin Disler
Hi Jim  List - 

I have the exact opposite situation with Juniper.  The bigger the
snow mountain the more he wants to climb!  We live in a corner
house so all the snow from 2 roads is currently on my front and
side lawn - we got a total of 28 not counting the drifts - very
big mountains!!  

Juniper usually makes it up the mountains and stops on top where he
proceeds to sink into the snow!  He really has no concept how heavy
he is!  Thank goodness he is strong and hasn't gotten stuck yet...

We have just had the best time with all this snow!  Now this rain
is another story!!! 

Robin  Juniper
Berryville, VA

Benny has been so timid about climbing on the snow since this
past weekend when the snow got over 2 feet tall - he's afraid of
falling in and would only walk where we've shoveled (unless I
walked in front to test the snowpile first).  

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snow story

2003-02-21 Thread Jill
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puppies experience their first snow - kind of long and a bit melodramatic

2003-01-28 Thread Mark Mohapp
I was going to take a break from this list for a while.  I have had positive
and negative experiences on this list as what we all experience in life in
general.  However, this evening I had such a pleasant experience - I wanted
to share it with fellow Berner lovers and so I thought - ah go a head.

I have my first litter of Bernese Mountain Dog pups that are now almost 7
weeks old.  It was not easy getting to this point and I won't elaborate on
the negatives because I do not want to ruin the moment.  (My only brief
comment would be for those who fear to express on here - never let anyone's
opinions or comments prevent you from expressing your self.)

I live in Wisconsin and today we had several inches of snow.  I broke the
routine of my pups and took them all outside to see and feel snow.  I have
six of them.  The dam and my other adult female berner who by all purposes
is their aunt and godmother joined us.

What a pleasure to watch these pups explore snow.  I can not tell you how
beautiful it was to see the interaction between mom and aunt of these pups
who were having their first experience with winter and snow.  I marveled at
watching them investigate and some of them being braver than others.  I also
marveled at the joy the adult dogs had in interacting and playing with all
of them in the snow.

The adults played and ran after each other, playfully growled at the pups,
and then both just stopped and observed how the pups were taking to the
environment.  What a joy and pleasant experience for me to forget about our
rush world, work, deadlines and just enjoy the innocence of these new babes
to the world.  I take pride in their mom and their patient aunt who had to
take a sideline while I devoted more time to the pups and less time to her.

I had struggles and doubts. I had horrible criticism on this list and with
my local club.  I found some beautiful supportive folks also.

I hope I do not get in trouble for the plug but my mentor Lynn Griffin and
the owner of the sire of my pups - Laura Carprara have been so instrumental
in helping me get to this point.  I can not thank each of them enough.  My
pups are being evaluated this weekend for conformation and I look forward to
learning.  However, I know that I produced great pups that are healthy and a
true asset to the breed of Bernese Mountain Dogs.  No one can take that from
me or these wonderful pups.

I have a roommate who is aware of the politics, the rumors, the scuttle but
and negative comments I endured.  He told me that he had no idea if any of
these pups were show potential but if there was an award for the best care
for pups in the world - this litter would win.  I had the added compliment
of my veterinarian telling me that he would refer professional dog breeders
to me because of my instinct and thoroughness in the breeding and raising of
this litter.

I overcame obstacles!  Laura Caprara with her Ch.  Spencer and my mentor
Lynn Griffin were tremendous support systems.  Also, and if I may pat myself
on the back, my perseverance, my instinct of animals and my dog, and my
ability to be assertive to well meaning and not so well meaning individuals
who attempted to misrepresent me paid off.   Any one who has one of these
pups will be truly blessed.

I would do it over again and I know that I am in this breed for the long

But - back to my point - the beauty in seeing a litter of  pups that you
helped bring in to this world and especially - Bernese Mountain Dogs play in
the snow for the first time - is such a heart warming and peaceful
experience.  If only all of us could slow down in this chaotic world and
capture such moments

Thanks for listening to me brag, expound, vent, or just share.  To my
friends and supporters - thank you.  To those who are still learning how not
to be so critical of me I know that you will just have to come around.

Mark Mohapp
Lake Geneva, WI

Chloe  5 1/2
Mora 4 with six beautiful seven week old babes

puppy paws and snow HELP

2003-01-05 Thread Joseph Spada
I am about to get a puppy in a week.  I live in New England.  We just
received a lot of snow.  I would prefer to housebreak directly outside ...
but am concerned about puppy feet and the snow.  also concerned how to
socialize the puppy if he can't go out in the snow/cold.  I have read a ton
of books and thought I was prepared - I will Barf diet, minimal vaccines,
clicker train ... I don't know if it's my cold feet or the pups but how do
people train in winter?

Re: puppy paws and snow HELP

2003-01-05 Thread Eileen Morgan

- Original Message -
From: Joseph Spada [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I am about to get a puppy in a week.  I live in New England.  We just
 received a lot of snow.  I would prefer to housebreak directly outside ...
 but am concerned about puppy feet and the snow.  also concerned how to
 socialize the puppy if he can't go out in the snow/cold.  I have read a
 of books and thought I was prepared - I will Barf diet, minimal vaccines,
 clicker train ... I don't know if it's my cold feet or the pups but how do
 people train in winter?

Mic the Berner boy was housebroken during a PA winter. We went right on out
into the snow, which he loved to play in. Lliira the Pyr girl was also a
winter puppy. I have wonderful memories of her doing head rolls into the
snow drifts. They are good winter dogs, and as long as you don't keep them
out for hours on end, a healthy Berner should be perfectly fine playing in
the cold and snow during potty breaks and outside play time. Just be careful
about traction with ice! You don't want the puppy falling!

Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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Re: puppy paws and snow HELP

2003-01-05 Thread Tom Jaskiewicz
Many years ago, we got our first Berner (Kibo) in early April.  As luck 
would have it, a late winter storm had given us an inch or two of snow, 
so on our first morning with him I went out and shoveled a patch of 
grass to use.

Kibo really appreciated my efforts.  The first thing he did was climb to 
the top of my pile of snow and lay down on it.  He loved it!

Joe, it's your cold feet!  The hardest thing about getting a puppy this 
time of year is that you should really go outside with him to praise him 
when he does the right thing.

A Berner who doesn't like snow is probably defective.

--Tom Jaskiewicz   From New Hampshire, where the bitches are
 ( Gita  Kepler)strong, the dogs are good looking, and all
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]the puppies are above average.


2002-12-04 Thread zanned
  We got our first snow here in North Carolina today.  School got out
early, so I was glad to get home and take the dogs out in it.  Socrates, at
9, has begun to slow down and limp pretty regularly from arthritis.  No
sign of either today.  He ran and chased and played with Bagley through the
huge fluffy flakes.  We walked down through the woods.  So peaceful. 
Wonderful sound of snow falling on dry leaves all around.  At one point the
dogs both stopped and stood at attention with their fronts on a small rise,
sniffing the air.  Looking like the dog on the top of the mountain.  It was
one of those moments that takes your breath away.

After we got back in the yard, I had several chores to do and Socrates lay
there in the snow, eating snow, and simply enjoying being out in it.  By
the time we were all ready to come in, he was completely covered.  Had to
sweep him off before he could come in the house.  They both flaked out in
the bedroom, and I haven't seen either one for several hours. 

Shortly after we came in it all turned to freezing rain and is still going.
We may be here for a while.  Glad we got out to enjoy it while we could.

Suzanne Deering
High Point NC 

Another Berner in the Snow

2002-12-04 Thread chellotchr
Yes, folks, it is SNOWING in southeastern Virginia.  I don't remember having
snow this early here for many years.  My 20.5 month old Berner went out and
stared at the sky, trying to figure out what this hard stuff was, pelting
him in the head!!!  As you may remember, Klarsson is a rescue that I
adopted in August.  He is adjusting well and I've been reading him the
emails from you folks up North about the snow and the Berners.  I have
noticed that on the mornings that it is really cold outside, I have a hard
time getting him to come back in the house.  He goes out, does his thing,
and then lays down on the cold concrete.  My Sheltie, on the other hand,
wants to run back into the warm house because she is shivering (she has
blown all her coat)...  Anyway, Klarsson's first family lived near
Greenville, SC so I don't know if he has ever really seen snow (read falling
ice) before.  He is pretty cute!!!

So, maybe it'll snow a lot (about an inch) here so things will shut down and
then I can take the dogs to my parents to romp (they have an acre and a half
of yard) so he can REALLY get the snow experience.

Wendy Keene, Klarsson (let it snow!!!) and Lilah (I'm freezing my Sheltie
behind off!)
Hampton, VA

Berners and Snow

2002-12-02 Thread Kelly
Well it has finally happened. After all the cold weather we have had with no
snow in sight, the white stuff is finally here! Hope is having the time of
her life laying in it and shoveling it with her nose while walking calmly
through it. Geez it is so hard keeping her calm with this first real snow
fall, but she loves it just the same. However I am sure she would love to
run in it and do all the things that her berner friends do in the snow.

Enjoy the winter, stay warm and don't let your dogs eat yellow snow!!

Kelly Weir and Hope