Re: [Bioc-devel] reacVcf(remoteFile, "hg19", region) fails in VariantAnnotation 1.39.0 (and friends), works with 1.38.0

2021-07-13 Thread Martin Morgan
This 'worked for me' on my macOS and on the Bioconductor docker image after 

The relevant packages are Rsamtools and Rhtslib, but these have gone through 
very little change.

The shortest way to get to the call is through Rsamtools

  url = ";
  b = open(BcfFile(url))

This goes immediately into C code and (the quite old now) htslib. I looked at 
the C code briefly, and there is no easy way to extract more information about 
the reason for failure.

I don't really have any great insight to offer here; superficially it sounds 
like the server is sometimes rejecting connections, and these have happened to 
line up with OS.

Martin Morgan

On 7/12/21, 8:46 PM, "Bioc-devel on behalf of Paul Shannon" 

The problem is described in full here, with 4 lines of code to reproduce. 

James MacDonald pointed out that my initial analysis is wrong. (Thank you, 
Jim!)  I claimed this works on macOS, fails on linux, and he shows in the 
support thread that readVcf(remoteFile) worked find for him on linux.

So maybe, as Jim suggests, there is a problem with the latest version of 
VariantAnnotation or packages it depends upon:?

Jim’s linux run, and my MacOD run, both used VariantAnnotation_1.38.0, 
My docker (Docker devel) has VariantAnnotation_1.39.0.

However, I installed  1.38.0 on the docker image, and the problem 
persisted.  Leading me to think that the problem may be one of the packages 
(zlib, httr?) which VariantAnnotation uses?

One strategy we could employ is to expand the error message to tell us 
more.  It currently reports

*[E::hts_open_format] Failed to open file
Error in open.BcfFile(BcfFile(file, character(0), ...)) :
  ‘open'  VCF/BCF failed

Maybe  more information is available at the point of failure which, if 
reported, might clarify the problem?

 - Paul

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Re: [Bioc-devel] Getting ready for package submission, running into a couple of errors/warnings that I can't figure out

2021-07-13 Thread Vincent Carey
On Mon, Jul 12, 2021 at 5:58 PM Wight, Andrew E. <> wrote:

> Good evening all - I'm getting my first package ready for submission to
> Bioconductor, and I'm running into a couple of errors/warnings when I run R
> CMD CHECK or BiocCheck. All of my current troubleshooting on these errors
> has come up blank, so I'm hoping someone here can point me in the right
> direction.
> I'm running R4.1 on Ubuntu 20.04, Bioconductor 3.13, and BiocCheck 1.28

Hi, you should be using Bioconductor 3.14 to develop a new contribution at
this time -- see

>   1.  R CMD check warning: ‘qpdf’ is needed for checks on size reduction
> of PDFs
> I am getting this warning with R CMD check despite the fact that I have
> installed qpdf and it is visible to my R session. Stack Exchange suggested
> a couple of fixes in .Renviron, none of which helped. This seems like a new
> problem in R4.x, and possibly is only a problem with packages intended for
> CRAN, but I wanted to make sure it wouldn't cause headaches during review.

see 1.6.1 of

You may be able to diagnose your problem (which may involve the way in
which R was built for your linux system)
by building with --compact-vignettes

This condition should not stop you from submitting.

>   1.  BiocCheck error: Maintainer must register at the support site; visit
> I am registered on the support site as,
> which is the same email address as listed in my package's DESCRIPTION, so
> I'm not sure what else to do here. I've been registered on the support site
> for 7 months now and have a verified email address.
Just proceed

>   1.  BiocCheckGitClone error: System Files found that should not be git
> tracked:
> flowGate.Rproj
> .Rhistory
> I accidentally tracked these two files ages past, but have long since
> added them to .gitignore and deleted them with git rm --cached .
> I can confirm that they are gone with git ls-files and git ls-files
> --cache; they appear in neither of these lists when I run the command. To
> be certain, I made a fresh clone of the repo on a new computer and ran
> BiocCheckGitClone, but still got this error despite neither of these files
> showing up anywhere in the git as far as I can tell.
Did you provide the repo name, perhaps I can check too.  I see that Nitesh
has given additional advice.

Once you have minimized R CMD and BiocCheck checking warnings, submit the
package.  The Single Package
Builder and review process will be informative about mandatory
modifications.  We are working to help developers
have the ability to fully emulate our build/check processes but are not
there yet.

> My apologies for what seem like basic problems - these look like they
> should be straightforward fixes (install qpdf, register for the site, and
> remove the offending files), but none of those fixes worked and I'm not
> sure where to go from here. Any insight anyone can give on how to fix these
> errors is greatly appreciated!
> Thanks,
> -Andrew
> The information in this e-mail is intended only for th...{{dropped:26}}

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