Re: [bitcoin-dev] Exploring alternative activation mechanisms: decreasing threshold

2021-03-01 Thread Anthony Towns via bitcoin-dev
On Sat, Feb 27, 2021 at 05:55:00PM +, Luke Dashjr via bitcoin-dev wrote:

[on the topic of non-signalled activation; ie "it doesn't matter what
miners do or signal, the rules are active as of height X"]

> This has the same problems BIP149 did: since there is no signalling, it is 
> ambiguous whether the softfork has activated at all. Both anti-SF and pro-SF 
> nodes will remain on the same chain, with conflicting perceptions of the 
> rules, and resolution (if ever) will be chaotic. Absent resolution, however, 
> there is a strong incentive not to rely on the rules, and thus it may never 
> get used, and therefore also never resolved.

I think this might be a bit abstract, and less convincing than it might
otherwise be.

To give a more explicit hypothetical: imagine that instead of making it
impossible to use an optimisation when mining (as segwit did to ASICBoost,
for which a patent had been applied for), a future soft-fork made it
possible/easier to use some mining optimisation, and further that the
optimisation is already patented, and that the patent wasn't widely known,
and the owners of the patent have put everyone that they can under NDA.

Obviously mining optimisations are great for manufacturers -- it means
a new generation of hardware is more efficient, which means miners
want to upgrade to it; but patented mining optimisations are bad for
decentralisation, because the're no competition in who can sell the new
generation of mining hardware, so the patent holder is able to choose
who is able to mine, and because miners control transaction selection,
they could insist that the only people they'll sell to must censor
transactions, and attempt to render miners that don't censor

So the incentives there are:

 - the patent holder wants the soft-fork to activate ASAP, and
   does not want to reveal the patent until after it's permanently
   locked in

 - people who want decentralisation/competition and know about the
   patent want to stop the soft-fork from activation, or hard-fork it
   out after it's activated; but they can't talk about the patent because
   of NDA (or other bribes/threats intended to keep them silent)

Suppose further that the anti-patent folks either directly control 20%
of hashpower, or are otherwise able to block the easy consensus path,
and that the patent holder isn't able to get over 50% of hashpower to
commit to orphaning non-signalling blocks to ensure early activation
despite that. (Or, alternatively, that an approach like Matt suggests in
"Straight Flag Day (Height)" is used, and there is no early-activation
via hashpower supermajority option)

So under that scenario you reach the timeout, but without activation
occurring. You also don't have any "reasonable, directed objection":
everyone who could provide a reasonable objection is under NDA.

What's the scenario look like if you say "signalling doesn't matter,
the software enforces the consensus rules"?

I think it'll be obvious there'll be two sets of software out there and
supported and following a single chain; one set that enforces the new
rules, and one set that doesn't, just as we had Bitcoin Unlimited back
in the day. For at least a while, it will be safe to do spends protected
by the new rules, because one set of nodes will enforce them, and any
miners running the other software won't want see it in their mempool,
and won't want to risk manually mining non-compliant transactions in case
it turns out they're in the minority -- just as Bitcoin Unlimited miners
didn't actually attempt to mine big blocks on mainnet back in the day.

So for a while, we have two divergent sets of maintained node software
following the same chain, with advocates of both claiming that they're the
majority. Some people will beleive the people claiming the new rules are
safe, and commit funds to them, and as those funds are demonstrably not
stolen, the number of people thinking it's safe will gradually increase
-- presumably the new rules have some benefit other than to the patent
holder, after all.

Eventually the patent gets revealed, though, just as covert ASICBoost
did. Either NDA's expire, something violates them, someone rediscovers
or reverse-engineers the idea, or the patent holder decides it's time
to start either suing competitors or advertising.

What happens at that point? We have two sets of node software that both
claim to have been in the majority, and one of which is clearly better
for decentralisation.

But if we all just switch to that two things happen: we allow miners to
steal the funds that users entrusted to the new rules, and anyone who
was enforcing the new rules but is not following the day-to-day drama
has a hard-fork event and can no longer follow the main chain until the
find new software to run.

Alternatively, do we all switch to software that protects users funds
and avoids hard-fork events, even though that software is bad for
decentralisation, and do we do that precisely when the people 

Re: [bitcoin-dev] Exploring alternative activation mechanisms: decreasing threshold

2021-02-28 Thread Ryan Grant via bitcoin-dev
On Sat, Feb 27, 2021 at 5:55 PM Luke Dashjr via bitcoin-dev
> This has the same problems BIP149 did: since there is no signalling, it is
> ambiguous whether the softfork has activated at all.

You only need to see one block in the heaviest valid chain to dissolve
that ambiguity.  There are a lot of volunteers in this space who would
(collectively) commit a few block's worth of hashrate, to know.

> Additionally, it loses the flexibility of BIP 8 to, after the initial
> deployment, move the timeoutheight sooner.

It doesn't interfere with concurrent UASFs using any combination of
bitcoin-dev mailing list

Re: [bitcoin-dev] Exploring alternative activation mechanisms: decreasing threshold

2021-02-27 Thread Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Forced-signaling, or any form of signaling, does not materially change whether a soft fork can be seen to be safe to 
use. Pieter wrote a great post[1] some time ago that goes into depth about the security of soft forks, but, while miners 
can help to avoid the risk of forks, they aren't the determining factor in whether use of a fork should be considered 
safe (ie the fork "has activated").

Not only that, but the signaling methods used in BIP 8/9 (ie the version field in the block header) do not imply 
anything about whether mining pools are running full nodes which enforce the soft fork at all, only whether the pool has 
configured their stratum software to signal or not.

Ultimately, forced-signaling, or signaling period, are not a substitute for having a broad set of upgraded nodes across 
the network, including an overwhelming majority of economically-active nodes, enforcing the rules of a new fork. As this 
can be difficult to measure, waiting some time after a fork and examining upgrade patterns across the network is important.



On 2/27/21 12:55, Luke Dashjr via bitcoin-dev wrote:

This has the same problems BIP149 did: since there is no signalling, it is
ambiguous whether the softfork has activated at all. Both anti-SF and pro-SF
nodes will remain on the same chain, with conflicting perceptions of the
rules, and resolution (if ever) will be chaotic. Absent resolution, however,
there is a strong incentive not to rely on the rules, and thus it may never
get used, and therefore also never resolved.

Additionally, it loses the flexibility of BIP 8 to, after the initial
deployment, move the timeoutheight sooner.


On Thursday 25 February 2021 22:33:25 Gregorio Guidi via bitcoin-dev wrote:


I followed the debate on LOT=false / LOT=true trying to get a grasp of
the balance of risks and advantages. The summary by Aaron van Wirdum [1]
explains well the difficulties to find a good equilibrium... it
concludes that "perhaps, a new possibility will present itself".

Thinking about such a "new possibility" that overcomes the
LOT=true/false dichotomy, I would like to offer the following proposal.
It could be called "decreasing threshold activation".

Decreasing threshold activation works similarly to BIP8, with the
difference that the threshold that triggers the STARTED -> LOCKED_IN
transition starts at 100% for the first retargeting period, and then is
gradually reduced on each period in steps of 24 blocks (~1,2%). More

On the 1st period (starting on start_height): if 2016 out of 2016 blocks
signal, the state is changed to LOCKED_IN on the next period (otherwise
stays STARTED)
On the 2nd period: if 1992 out of 2016 blocks signal (~98.8%), the state
transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period
On the 3rd period: if 1968 out of 2016 blocks signal (~97.6%), the state
transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period
On the 14th period (~6 months): if 1704 out of 2016 blocks signal
(~84.5%), the state transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period
On the 27th period (~12 months): if 1392 out of 2016 blocks signal
(~69.0%), the state transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period
On the 40th period (~18 months): if 1080 out of 2016 blocks signal
(~53.6%), the state transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period
On the 53th period (~24 months): if 768 out of 2016 blocks signal
(~38.1%), the state transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period
On the 66th period (~30 months): if 456 out of 2016 blocks signal
(~22.6%), the state transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period
On the 79th period (~36 months): if 144 out of 2016 blocks signal
(~7.1%), the state transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period
On the 84th and final period (~39 months): if 24 out of 2016 blocks
signal (~1.2%), the state transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period,
otherwise goes to FAILED

(For reference, I include below a snippet of pseudocode for the
decreasing thresholds in the style of BIP8 and BIP9.)

Here are the main features and advantages of this approach:

1. It is relatively conservative at the beginning: for activation to
happen in the first year, it requires a clear majority of signaling
hashrate, indicating that the activation is relatively safe. Only later
the threshold starts to move towards "unsafe" territory, accepting the
tradeoff of less support from existing hashrate in exchange for ensuring
that the activation eventually happens.

2. Like LOT=true, the activation will always occur in the end (except in
the negligible case where less than 1.2% of hashrate supports it).

3. This approach is quite easy to implement, in particular it avoids the
extra code to deal with the MUST_SIGNAL period.

4. There are no parameters to set (except startheight). I am a KISS fan,
so this is a plus for me, making the activation mechanism robust and
predictable with less chance for users to shoot themselves in the foot

Re: [bitcoin-dev] Exploring alternative activation mechanisms: decreasing threshold

2021-02-27 Thread Gregorio Guidi via bitcoin-dev

On 2/27/21 6:55 PM, Luke Dashjr wrote:

This has the same problems BIP149 did: since there is no signalling, it is
ambiguous whether the softfork has activated at all. Both anti-SF and pro-SF
nodes will remain on the same chain, with conflicting perceptions of the
rules, and resolution (if ever) will be chaotic. Absent resolution, however,
there is a strong incentive not to rely on the rules, and thus it may never
get used, and therefore also never resolved.

Additionally, it loses the flexibility of BIP 8 to, after the initial
deployment, move the timeoutheight sooner.


I see the point about possible problems of not having immediate 
resolution in the case of a contentious activation. I guess in such 
cases a certain amount of chaos is unavoidable... I see the alternatives 
of BIP8(lot=true) and Decresing Thresholds as a choice between having 
the chaos earlier (BIP8), or leaving it dormant with the possibility of 
having it later (Decreasing Thresholds). You might be right: there is a 
cost in pushing forward the resolution, but overall I think the risks 
are roughly comparable.

Trying to see this scenario from a more general perspective (at this 
point the debate is more theoretical than practical, forgive me for 
that): let's we are say in the soft-fork situation where Core is at 
version X and a new version Y is released with new consensus rules to be 
activated. The risk that nodes at version X do not upgrade and start 
following an invalid chain (invalid for Y) cannot be completely avoided. 
So there is a basic choice to make as a first step:

 * Option 1 (only safe soft-fork activation): Core decides that 
activating the soft fork can only be done with a strong guarantee that 
most of the hashrate follows version Y. This gives assurance that an 
invalid chain, if it appears, will be short-lived. That is: only 
lot=false is allowed for BIP8.

 * Option 2 (possibly unsafe soft-fork activation): Core accepts the 
risk that the activation occurs even when there is no guarantee that 
most of the hashrate (or even a majority of the hashrate) follows Y, 
because the advantages of activation outweigh the risks. That is: Core 
will consider activation mechanisms stronger than BIP8(lot=false).

This is a difficult choice, and honestly I wouldn't blame at all the 
Core devs if they go for option 1, as it is the safest on paper. But 
here we are considering what happens under option 2...

Under option 2, the risk can be mitigated in various ways, with the key 
factors being these assumption:

 * Assumption A1: there is strong evidence (gathered before and during 
the development of the soft-fork) that version Y will be adopted by the 
"economic majority", meaning that miners that mine a block invalid for Y 
are very likely to not have the value of the block recognized by the 
counterparties with which they normally transact. In other words: mining 
invalid blocks likely leads to an economic loss.

 * Assumption A2: enough lead time is given before a possibly unsafe 
activation, so that during this period it is possible to diffuse widely 
and loudly the message on the risks associated to not upgrading to Y. 
Given enough time, most economic agents will have made up their mind and 
acted accordingly (by upgrading, or possibly by forking themselves off 
from the Y chain in a safe manner, creating a forked coin).

I think both BIP8(lot=true) and Decreasing Threshold work decently under 
these assumptions. But in the worst case bip8(lot=true) forces 
resolution immediately upon activation, forcing an economic loss 
immediately on non-upgraded miners, while Decreasing Threshold keeps the 
issue lingering a bit more but is more lenient, forcing the economic 
loss on the miners only at the moment that they mine an invalid block. 
In addition, it gives more time for upgrading (and better fulfilling 
assumption A2) before and after activation.

About the final point on BIP8 flexibility, I can say that sometimes not 
having to take a difficult choice can be an advantage... :)

Thanks for your insight and for your work, cheers,


On Thursday 25 February 2021 22:33:25 Gregorio Guidi via bitcoin-dev wrote:


I followed the debate on LOT=false / LOT=true trying to get a grasp of
the balance of risks and advantages. The summary by Aaron van Wirdum [1]
explains well the difficulties to find a good equilibrium... it
concludes that "perhaps, a new possibility will present itself".

Thinking about such a "new possibility" that overcomes the
LOT=true/false dichotomy, I would like to offer the following proposal.
It could be called "decreasing threshold activation".

Decreasing threshold activation works similarly to BIP8, with the
difference that the threshold that triggers the STARTED -> LOCKED_IN
transition starts at 100% for the first retargeting period, and then is
gradually reduced on each period in steps of 24 blocks (~1,2%). More

On the 1st period (starting on start_height): 

Re: [bitcoin-dev] Exploring alternative activation mechanisms: decreasing threshold

2021-02-27 Thread Luke Dashjr via bitcoin-dev
This has the same problems BIP149 did: since there is no signalling, it is 
ambiguous whether the softfork has activated at all. Both anti-SF and pro-SF 
nodes will remain on the same chain, with conflicting perceptions of the 
rules, and resolution (if ever) will be chaotic. Absent resolution, however, 
there is a strong incentive not to rely on the rules, and thus it may never 
get used, and therefore also never resolved.

Additionally, it loses the flexibility of BIP 8 to, after the initial 
deployment, move the timeoutheight sooner.


On Thursday 25 February 2021 22:33:25 Gregorio Guidi via bitcoin-dev wrote:
> Hello,
> I followed the debate on LOT=false / LOT=true trying to get a grasp of
> the balance of risks and advantages. The summary by Aaron van Wirdum [1]
> explains well the difficulties to find a good equilibrium... it
> concludes that "perhaps, a new possibility will present itself".
> Thinking about such a "new possibility" that overcomes the
> LOT=true/false dichotomy, I would like to offer the following proposal.
> It could be called "decreasing threshold activation".
> Decreasing threshold activation works similarly to BIP8, with the
> difference that the threshold that triggers the STARTED -> LOCKED_IN
> transition starts at 100% for the first retargeting period, and then is
> gradually reduced on each period in steps of 24 blocks (~1,2%). More
> precisely:
> On the 1st period (starting on start_height): if 2016 out of 2016 blocks
> signal, the state is changed to LOCKED_IN on the next period (otherwise
> stays STARTED)
> On the 2nd period: if 1992 out of 2016 blocks signal (~98.8%), the state
> transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period
> On the 3rd period: if 1968 out of 2016 blocks signal (~97.6%), the state
> transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period
> ...
> On the 14th period (~6 months): if 1704 out of 2016 blocks signal
> (~84.5%), the state transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period
> ...
> On the 27th period (~12 months): if 1392 out of 2016 blocks signal
> (~69.0%), the state transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period
> ...
> On the 40th period (~18 months): if 1080 out of 2016 blocks signal
> (~53.6%), the state transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period
> ...
> On the 53th period (~24 months): if 768 out of 2016 blocks signal
> (~38.1%), the state transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period
> ...
> On the 66th period (~30 months): if 456 out of 2016 blocks signal
> (~22.6%), the state transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period
> ...
> On the 79th period (~36 months): if 144 out of 2016 blocks signal
> (~7.1%), the state transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period
> ...
> On the 84th and final period (~39 months): if 24 out of 2016 blocks
> signal (~1.2%), the state transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period,
> otherwise goes to FAILED
> (For reference, I include below a snippet of pseudocode for the
> decreasing thresholds in the style of BIP8 and BIP9.)
> Here are the main features and advantages of this approach:
> 1. It is relatively conservative at the beginning: for activation to
> happen in the first year, it requires a clear majority of signaling
> hashrate, indicating that the activation is relatively safe. Only later
> the threshold starts to move towards "unsafe" territory, accepting the
> tradeoff of less support from existing hashrate in exchange for ensuring
> that the activation eventually happens.
> 2. Like LOT=true, the activation will always occur in the end (except in
> the negligible case where less than 1.2% of hashrate supports it).
> 3. This approach is quite easy to implement, in particular it avoids the
> extra code to deal with the MUST_SIGNAL period.
> 4. There are no parameters to set (except startheight). I am a KISS fan,
> so this is a plus for me, making the activation mechanism robust and
> predictable with less chance for users to shoot themselves in the foot.
> It is also a plus for me that - if adopted as the default mechanism - it
> would require very little discussion on how to activate future
> soft-forks. In fact I think it would be a winning move for Core to
> commit to such a scheme, to avoid getting lost in game-theoretic rabbit
> holes.
> 5. Since there is no MUST_SIGNAL period, no automatic chain split occurs
> around activation when not all miners have upgraded (so activation is
> generally as benign as a MASF). A chain split will occur only when/if an
> invalid block is created (and this requires dedicated effort! it can
> only happen by circumventing the normal policy rules [2]). This
> mitigates the risk of reorgs and involuntary forks around activation,
> even with low miner signaling.
> 6. It removes motivation to create UASF clients that force activation.
> While individual nodes could still try to force a quicker activation,
> the motivation to do so is reduced since the same result is obtained
> just by waiting a little more.
> 7. Compared to LOT=true, activation is cleaner and quicker

Re: [bitcoin-dev] Exploring alternative activation mechanisms: decreasing threshold

2021-02-26 Thread Ryan Grant via bitcoin-dev
I like the mechanism.

I like the honesty that once a feature with high demand and safety is
ready, activation pressure will keep increasing.

The gradual march of time in this Decreasing Threshold proposal is
predictable and incremental in ways that help avoid brinkmanship.

Avoiding the hard fork dynamic (that LOT=true requires) prevents some
chain splits, but activation under political opposition may then still
depend on a UASF.  If I thought the time had come to line up a UASF
for a feature, I'd first want to have nodes out there running this
softer Decreasing Threshold activation (maybe before it fails).

It's also not as unresponsive to miner wisdom as LOT=true.
Conceptually, it asks miners to arbitrate both version adoption as
well as whether nodes which haven't upgraded face risks in an early
activation.  Should miners find themselves in dramatic unanimity, they
even have enough influence to technically fail any activation.
bitcoin-dev mailing list

[bitcoin-dev] Exploring alternative activation mechanisms: decreasing threshold

2021-02-25 Thread Gregorio Guidi via bitcoin-dev


I followed the debate on LOT=false / LOT=true trying to get a grasp of 
the balance of risks and advantages. The summary by Aaron van Wirdum [1] 
explains well the difficulties to find a good equilibrium... it 
concludes that "perhaps, a new possibility will present itself".

Thinking about such a "new possibility" that overcomes the 
LOT=true/false dichotomy, I would like to offer the following proposal. 
It could be called "decreasing threshold activation".

Decreasing threshold activation works similarly to BIP8, with the 
difference that the threshold that triggers the STARTED -> LOCKED_IN 
transition starts at 100% for the first retargeting period, and then is 
gradually reduced on each period in steps of 24 blocks (~1,2%). More 

On the 1st period (starting on start_height): if 2016 out of 2016 blocks 
signal, the state is changed to LOCKED_IN on the next period (otherwise 
stays STARTED)
On the 2nd period: if 1992 out of 2016 blocks signal (~98.8%), the state 
transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period
On the 3rd period: if 1968 out of 2016 blocks signal (~97.6%), the state 
transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period

On the 14th period (~6 months): if 1704 out of 2016 blocks signal 
(~84.5%), the state transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period

On the 27th period (~12 months): if 1392 out of 2016 blocks signal 
(~69.0%), the state transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period

On the 40th period (~18 months): if 1080 out of 2016 blocks signal 
(~53.6%), the state transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period

On the 53th period (~24 months): if 768 out of 2016 blocks signal 
(~38.1%), the state transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period

On the 66th period (~30 months): if 456 out of 2016 blocks signal 
(~22.6%), the state transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period

On the 79th period (~36 months): if 144 out of 2016 blocks signal 
(~7.1%), the state transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period

On the 84th and final period (~39 months): if 24 out of 2016 blocks 
signal (~1.2%), the state transitions to LOCKED_IN on the next period, 
otherwise goes to FAILED

(For reference, I include below a snippet of pseudocode for the 
decreasing thresholds in the style of BIP8 and BIP9.)

Here are the main features and advantages of this approach:

1. It is relatively conservative at the beginning: for activation to 
happen in the first year, it requires a clear majority of signaling 
hashrate, indicating that the activation is relatively safe. Only later 
the threshold starts to move towards "unsafe" territory, accepting the 
tradeoff of less support from existing hashrate in exchange for ensuring 
that the activation eventually happens.

2. Like LOT=true, the activation will always occur in the end (except in 
the negligible case where less than 1.2% of hashrate supports it).

3. This approach is quite easy to implement, in particular it avoids the 
extra code to deal with the MUST_SIGNAL period.

4. There are no parameters to set (except startheight). I am a KISS fan, 
so this is a plus for me, making the activation mechanism robust and 
predictable with less chance for users to shoot themselves in the foot. 
It is also a plus for me that - if adopted as the default mechanism - it 
would require very little discussion on how to activate future 
soft-forks. In fact I think it would be a winning move for Core to 
commit to such a scheme, to avoid getting lost in game-theoretic rabbit 

5. Since there is no MUST_SIGNAL period, no automatic chain split occurs 
around activation when not all miners have upgraded (so activation is 
generally as benign as a MASF). A chain split will occur only when/if an 
invalid block is created (and this requires dedicated effort! it can 
only happen by circumventing the normal policy rules [2]). This 
mitigates the risk of reorgs and involuntary forks around activation, 
even with low miner signaling.

6. It removes motivation to create UASF clients that force activation. 
While individual nodes could still try to force a quicker activation, 
the motivation to do so is reduced since the same result is obtained 
just by waiting a little more.

7. Compared to LOT=true, activation is cleaner and quicker when it is 
relatively safe to do so (when the signaling hashrate is - let's say - 
in the 70%-80% range). On the other hand, activation is pushed further 
and further in time when it is less safe (when signaling hashrate is 
<50%, meaning that there is a serious risk that users/miners that did 
not upgrade start following an alternative chain). This gives everyone 
time to prepare properly for such a potentially disruptive event.

8. If a significant number of users and miners consciously decide (for 
whatever reasons) that they don't want to upgrade and want to fork 
themselves off from the chain followed by Core (as is their 
prerogative), they will have time to do so safely.

9. Compared to the strategy of doi