Re:Re:Re:Re:Brin Book Analysis - But Which Book?

2003-07-01 Thread Ibrahim Dughlas-gani

An aye for the Uplift War

- Original Message -
From: Bryon Daly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, July 1, 2003 5:34 am
Subject: Re:Re:Re:Brin Book Analysis - But Which Book?

> >From: Jeroen van Baardwijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >Now, about that in-depth analysis of Brin books I proposed earlier...
> >
> >I went through my list archive to tally the votes. As it turns 
> out, we have 
> >a tie.
> >
> >Three Brin books have received votes: _The Uplift War_, _The 
> Practice 
> >Effect_ and _Kiln People_. There was one vote for _The Practice 
> Effect_, 
> >which was later withdrawn. The other two titles both received 
> three votes.
> >
> >That means that we'll now have to vote again to choose between 
> _The Uplift 
> >War_ and _Kiln People_. Votes that have already been cast for 
> either of 
> >these titles still count, so if you've already voted for one of 
> them, you 
> >won't have to repeat it.
> >
> >The voting booth will be open till the end of the weekend. On 
> Monday I'll 
> >again tally the votes and announce the winner. If it's a tie 
> again, I'll 
> >make the final decision myself.
> >
> >Meanwhile, you may want to start thinking about who will do the 
> initial 
> >reading and summarising of each chapter. IMHO, that should be 
> someone who 
> >voted for that particular book in the first round. You know, 
> something like 
> >"you do the crime, you do the time".   :-)
> I vote for Kiln People - I have it sitting on my shelf waiting to 
> be read,
> so here's my chance.
> _
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Re:Re:Re:Re:It's not just Bowie, or is it?

2003-07-01 Thread Ibrahim Dughlas-gani

> None of these possible reasons sound plausible. In fact, such 
> statements 
> come across as rather aggressive and insulting. Now, I'm sure you 
> didn't 
> mean to come across as aggressive and insulting, and maybe it 
> wouldn't be 
> considered aggressive and insulting by other Americans, but when 
> engaging 
> in discussions with non-Americans you must keep in mind that non-
> Americans 
> have different values and a different cultural background. What 
> may be 
> considered an entire harmless statement in the US may be 
> considered a grave 
> insult elsewhere.

In 2000, during the Sydney Olympics, a number of broadsheets back home in Oz reprinted 
articles from the US, written by American sports journalists in Sydney for the 
Olympics, who were shocked at the fact Australians weren't desperately and completely 
in love with the US (and that many even were strongly anti-American).  Quite humorous 
in a sense, and interesting to boot, given the similiar history Australia and the US 
partially share in common.

Australians can be very self-centered, and have a very blinkered view of the world in 
many ways, but are light-years ahead of Americans, in my opinion, in terms of how they 
viewed the world.


Ibrahim Underwood

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Re:Re:It's not just Bowie, or is it?

2003-06-29 Thread Ibrahim Dughlas-gani

- Original Message -
From: Steve Sloan II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, June 29, 2003 10:54 am
Subject: Re:It's not just Bowie, or is it?

> Jeroen van Baardwijk wrote:
> > I think it's rather odd that you have such mistrust of your
> > government. After all, the people in your government are
> > there because you *elected* them into those positions. Why
> > do you vote for people you don't trust?
> Because otherwise, we wouldn't have *any* government. You
> can't trust *anybody* to always be a valuable public servant.
> Power corrupts, so it's possible for even the nicest, most
> heroic politician to become corrupt or power-hungry. We
> need safeguards in place to keep it from causing too much
> damage, when it happens.

While I agree with you here (but find the US political model questionable on a number 
of counts), how on topic is all this?  Is this list going to a slightly more toned 
down version of the original list?

On a Brinnish topic, has anyone ever considered the role that Brin casts humanity in 
in his Uplift series?  Especially his second series (mind you, i've only read 
brightness reef so far).  I feel that he uses his space opera collection of races to 
represent his interpretation of different aspects of humanity, and the human race as 
the ideal.  This seems to be especially true in Brightness Reef, where a genuinely 
cosmopolitan mix is proposed in a round about way as an alternative to the universe of 
the Precursors.


Ibrahim Underwood


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Re:Re:Re:Brin Book Analysis - But Which Book?

2003-06-24 Thread Ibrahim Dughlas-gani

Another Aye for the Uplift War.  Just finished Brightness Reef today (1st book to be 
read in 6 months, sadly, because of teaching load).  A key element to Brin's novels is 
his ability to simply tell a good _tale_.  Very enjoyable.

Ibrahim Underwood

- Original Message -
From: Jorpho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, June 20, 2003 3:54 am
Subject: Re:Re:Brin Book Analysis - But Which Book?

> I'm still all for The Uplift War, myself.
> (Is there any other science fiction book that features Frank Zappa 
> lyrics?)
> -J
>  - Original Message - 
>  From: Jim D 
>  To: David Brin Mailing List 
>  Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 7:51 AM
>  Subject: Re:Brin Book Analysis - But Which Book?
>  Jeroen wrote:
>  >For examples of what things will look like, follow the links 
> given below. 
>  >I've put the material from the discussions (over on That Other 
> List) of the 
>  >first chapter of both _The Practice Effect_ and _Glory Season_ 
> on my 
>  >website. Please keep in mind that those are only drafts, not 
> final versions.
>  Martin M wrote:
>  >As I've said before, I think it's a good idea to analyse a 
> book. However,
>  >perhaps we should look beyond David Brin.
>  Adding my 2 cents.
>  I would pick _The Practice Effect_ first.  Although I really 
> like _Glory Season_, I think starting with a shorter book would be 
> best.  Once we get reactions from everyone on the process we could 
> move on to another Brin work, or another author as suggested.  
> I've read all of Brin and it would be fun to do another author I 
> have not read.
>  Jim

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Re:Re:Brin Book Analysis

2003-06-06 Thread Ibrahim Dughlas-gani

Sounds like an excellent idea i think, provided that a sufficient time frame is 
allowed for a chapter.

ibrahim underwood

- Original Message -
From: Jeroen van Baardwijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, June 6, 2003 9:07 pm
Subject: Re:Brin Book Analysis

> At Stardate 20030604.2251, Martin Malmkvist wrote:
> >Sounds like a great idea. Only problem is, I only read the 
> Startide Rising 
> >trilogy, so I'm not much fun in such a debate.
> That's not what I meant. The idea behind the proposed analysis is 
> this:
> 1. We decide which book to tackle.
> 2. We all read the first chapter.
> 3. One of us writes and posts an extensive chapter summary.
> 4. We discuss the summary into every nitty-gritty detail.
> 5. We repeat steps #3 and #4 for all other chapters as well.
> 6. Someone rewrites the various summaries into one big summary.
> For convenient access, all material (chapter summaries and ensuing 
> dicussions) will be made available on-line at Once 
> the 
> complete book summary has been finished, previously posted 
> material will be 
> replaced with the final summary.
> To give you some idea of what I'm talking about, I've put the 
> material from 
> the discussions of the first chapter of both _The Practice Effect_ 
> and 
> _Glory Season_ on my website. Please keep in mind that those are 
> only 
> drafts, not final versions.
> The Practice Effect:
> Glory Season:
> Quote from the first one: "We review the style, the content, the 
> ideas and 
> the technology. Try and identify the in-jokes, figure out the 
> occasional 
> infuriatingly obtuse word the Brin throws in. See what it all 
> means and why 
> he done it. Finally understand what-in-hell the chapter titles 
> mean, that 
> sort of stuff. Maybe even get the author to justify ers."
> The biggest problem will be discipline: this kind of work takes 
> TIME, and 
> lots of it, especially for whoever writes the initial summary of a 
> chapter. 
> In fact, the discussion of _Glory Season_ was never finished 
> because the 
> person who had volunteered to write those initial summaries didn't 
> keep up 
> his end of the agreement.
> So you see, Martin, it's not a problem if you haven't read a 
> particular 
> book -- now you have a good excuse to read it!   :-)
> Jeroen van Baardwijk
> _
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Re:Re:Brin Book Analysis

2003-06-05 Thread Ibrahim Dughlas-gani

- Original Message -
From: Jorpho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, June 5, 2003 9:02 am
Subject: Re:Brin Book Analysis

> Mmm?  The Practice Effect was such a nice, light, romping 
> adventure.  It
> doesn't seem quite right to subject it to rigorous analysis.
> Glory Season is too long, and Earth is a little too literal..

I found Earth to a fairly brilliant novel, and found the green worldview he created to 
be fantastic (not to mention the issues with privacy vs. IT).

However, the last part of the novel i found to be a bit too much.  the deux ex machina 
was too much, and was a bit too sudden for a good conclusion.

Though when you compare Brin's Earth to Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy, i 
certainly think Earth stands ahead in terms of near-futurism.  KSR's Red Mars was very 
solid, but his Blue and Green Mars followed a similiar path to the latter Gaia part of 
Earth.  Fantastic drivel.


Ibrahim Underwood
Singapore (ex-Brisbane)

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Re:Re:Introductions (Was Re:Hi)

2003-05-27 Thread Ibrahim Dughlas-gani

Hi all,

I'm Ibrahim Underwood, and I live in Singapore (though originally from 
Ipswich/Brisbane, Australia).  I'm a history teacher in a public secondary school 
(modern world history, and urr... very [sort of] PC-ish Singaporean history).  Aside 
from my singularity of a profession, i try ;) to read a fair bit of history, 
philosophy, hard SF and lovecraftian horror.  I'm currently also trying to find time 
to prepare for a masters degree on muslim minoritisation (i think).

My first encounter with Brin was Startide Rising, and all those talking monkeys and 
dolphins.  My second was his clever, and slightly humorous comparisons of Star Wars 
and Star Trek (as part of a dismal paper during my brief foray into English Lit at 


Ibrahim Underwood

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new member

2003-05-27 Thread Ibrahim Dughlas-gani

Test (apologies)

Ibrahim Underwood

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