Re:Introductions (Was Re:Hi)

2003-05-30 Thread Steve Sloan II
Jeroen van Baardwijk wrote:

 OUCH! That must have hurt a certain author!

 I haven't read _Titan_, but I guess now I'll just
 have to. I mean, if a book gets a review like *that*...
It's a well-written book, with a lot of cool ideas, but
it's also just about the most depressing SF book I've
ever read.
Steve Sloan . Huntsville, Alabama = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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2003-05-30 Thread Reggie Bautista
Kristin A. Ruhle wrote:
I used to be on the old list before it turned into nothing but political
issues and sports scores (and that was before the Iraqi war set the USA so
apart from many other nations.)
What I miss from before is discussion of not only sf works but science and
philosophy. Also how about the works of the other Killer Bees?
Hi Kristin, I don't think I was very active over there before you left.  The 
other list still discusses (or again discusses?) science and philosophy, and 
there's even a discussion of _Earth_ that's supposed to start this weekend.  
But there are *definitely* lots of political issues still discussed, 
although not so much sports anymore.

Reggie Bautista

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Re:Introductions (Was Re:Hi)

2003-05-29 Thread Robert Powell
Ok, introductions...

I used to lurk on the old Brin-L, but only ever posted on subjects related 
to Brin's stuff,
and that only a couple times.  I did get chided by Brin himself once for 
asking too many
questions about how the Kiqui got on board Streaker in Infinity's shore.  I 
will not participate in online political discussions, which is why I just 
gave up on that
mailing list years ago.

I'm 34, a software engineer, married with two girls ages 3 and 5, and live 
near Boston,
Massachussetts, USA.

I've read pretty widely in science fiction, and Brin has been my favorite 
for a long time now.
It is not that I think he is perfect, or better than all the rest in any 
pure sense, but I find I think like
he does.  Not in opinion necessarily (but often yes), but mostly in how he 
a multi-threaded tail such as Earth or any of the uplift books.  I also 
enjoy the
balance of optimism and pessimism that he presents his ideas with.  I once 
Steven Baxter's Titan, and I just didn't like it.  It wasn't badly written, 
and the ideas
weren't all that bad, but it was so negative on the potential of humanity 
that I don't
really want to read it again.  When Brin puts forth an idea, he lets the 
good and the bad
effects just spin off it and get hopelessly tangled.  Writers who 
oversimplify, or worse who
deliberately take things to an extreme to make the particular point they 
want to make tend
to bore me.

Anyhow.  Never put that into words before, but I figured it would be 
helpful in introducing


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Re:Introductions (Was Re:Hi)

2003-05-29 Thread Jeroen van Baardwijk
At Stardate 20030529.0352, Bryon Daly wrote:

Hello.  I'm a regular over on the other brin-l and thought I'd stop by to 
say hi and check out
Jeroen's new list.  With 3 children under 3 (including a new infant) I'm 
really not sure I have the time to follow two lists regularly, but here I 
am, for now anyway.
Welcome!   :-)

I'm 34, a software engineer, married with two girls ages 3 and 5, and 
live near Boston, Massachussetts, USA.
Funny - that goes for me also, except for 3 kids instead of 2: I'm 34, 
software eng,
Boston area.
Hm. So many similarities. Are you *absolutely sure* that Robert Powell 
isn't just your alter ego?   GRIN

At first, with the mention of the negativity about humanity, I thought you 
meant John Varley's Titan/Wizard/Demon trilogy, which I'd describe in a 
very similar way.
(I found it quite depressing.)  Then I checked online, and found this 
funny review excerpt
for Baxter's Titan:

BTW, folks would better off dipping their heads in a bucket of liquid N2 
and battering them against a tree very very hard than reading Baxter's 
Titan. It would not surprise me if reading that book causes birth defects.
This is the sort of book that justifies fatwahs. If WWIII occured right 
now, we could die happy knowing Baxter would never write again. If a 
dinosaur killing asteroid was headed for Earth and I knew Baxter had 
another book coming up, I would campaign for letting the rock hit, since 
it is obviously the work of a benovelent deity trying to save us from 
another Titan.
-- James Nicoll, rec.arts.sf.written, 1998
OUCH! That must have hurt a certain author!

I haven't read _Titan_, but I guess now I'll just have to. I mean, if a 
book gets a review like *that*...

Jeroen van Baardwijk

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