Re: Interpreting language (was RE: A friendly request JVB)

2003-06-16 Thread Ronn!Blankenship
At 03:43 PM 6/15/03 -0700, Jan Coffey wrote:

--- Ronn!Blankenship [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 01:08 PM 6/15/03 -0700, Jan Coffey wrote:

 You still don't get that form jeroen (and other's) perspecitve what was
 done to him did appear to be abusive.

 Did you read the copies of his messages I sent you off-list?  Do I need to
 send you copies of the rest of the messages he sent to the list in which he
 made threats against Nick, Julia, John, and others?

Yes in fact I referenced this in my message. Obviously this list ment quite a
bit to him. His actions at that point were intolerable, but I do not believe
that what I read necisarily constitutes a direct threat of the sort one would
need to be physicaly conserned about.

Those named obviously disagreed, and I do not think that they are the kind 
of people who would overreact to an obviously empty threat.  And the 
threats did not seem entirely empty, based on what had already transpired.


They were clearly the words of someone
who had been deeply hurt and was lashing out in response. While I do not
condone this, and while I find these particular actions in and of themsleves
compleatly dispicable, I also wonder what kind of response you were
expecting. There are allways more than one way to deal with a situation, and
the response in question was compleatly forseable. Therefore if you choose to
take the action and you know what the response will be, how can you then
speak of that response as if it were proof that the action you took was

By that point, the situation had gone too far for a less drastic solution 
to be effective.  Besides, numerous less drastic solutions had been tried 
without resulting in a lasting change in Jeroen's behavior.  Had I been in 
Nick's place when Jeroen tried to hack his server, I would most likely have 
permanently banned him then and there with no discussion or reprieve, and 
contacted his ISP and perhaps his employer because what he did could be 
considered a criminal offense.  Nick and the rest of the list showed a 
level of patience which makes Job look like he was on speed.


While I think that what JvB did was absolutly wrong, while I think that his
wall of Shame is dispicable, while I disagree with his actions that put
this conflict in place, I also disagree with the actions which exaserbated
the conflict, the intolerance that prolongs it.
While every person must be responsible for their own actions, and while it is
sometimes necisary to simply allow others who are more skilled at phrasology
and spin to manipulate a situation, while it may be better to simply let
another win an argumant than start an incident, it certainly is also
dispicable for someone who is fully skilled at such manipulations to push
someone who isn't's buttons when they know full well what they will get as a

You are correct that this was due at least in part to teasing by others on 
the list.  IIRC, during a political discussion, JDG made some claim with 
which JvB did not agree.  Jeroen asked John for documentation of his claim, 
and when John did not provide it immediately, Jeroen started responding to 
every message John posted (no matter to who or about what) by saying 
something along the lines Why are you posting anything to the list before 
you have answered my question?  After a few dozen of those messages, some 
other members weighed in to ask Jeroen to stop it, and a few started 
teasing him for what he was doing.  Things escalated from there.

FWIW, I tried tactfully to point out that I have learned in the school of 
hard knocks that some people get enjoyment by teasing others, and as long 
as the victim keeps responding, the tormentor continues to get his jollies 
and keeps on doing it, so sometimes the only way to stop teasing is to stop 
responding to it.  Jeroen responded that he felt that the only way was to 
stand up to the tormentor and fight back until the tormentor backed 
down.  With all due respect, it was clear then and is clear now that at 
least in this particular situation fighting back only caused the situation 
to escalate.

At that time, Jeroen was co-listowner.  Numerous people expressed concern 
(privately in many cases) that his behavior suggested that he was becoming 
unsuited to that position.  The event which caused him to be removed as 
co-listowner was when he published a list of the e-mail addresses of all 
the subscribers to the list, which caused several people who did not want 
their e-mail addresses published publicly where they could be harvested by 
spambots, etc., to complain.

This happened just before the list had to be moved from the Cornell 
listserver because Eileen Tan was leaving Cornell.  After some discussion 
about where the list could be moved to, Nick offered to host the list on 
his own server which he uses for his business, with Julia continuing to act 
as co-listowner for administrative purposes.  For whatever reason, Jeroen 

Re: Music (Was: New toy (was :just a dumb guy))

2003-06-16 Thread G. D. Akin
Deborah Harrell wrote:

 --- G. D. Akin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I get all the diversity I need from my
  collection of 250 or so
  CDs.  Also, my friend downloaded the Billboard Top
  100 songs (actually only
  top 50 in the early years) from 1956 to 2002.  I
  have editted that set of
  music (extensively) and so have all my favorite
  oldies.  I have every Jethro
  Tull Album, all the Beatles, all Bob Dylan, all
  Moody Blues, etc.  So you
  can see where my likes are tho' I also have all of
  Enya, Simon and Garfunkle, and Vanessa Mae.

 The music from Hair and The Sound of Music.
 Oh, Yes.  KebMo.  Soundtracks galore.  Sarah
 Give-away: what's my favorite Jethro Tull album?  :D

 But Celtic Music Ruulz! Maru


I have Water from the Well by the Chieftains.  I like Celtic, want more .
. . suggestions

As for Tull, I'd be inclined to say your favorite is Aqualung and that is
probably the album (CD?) that I think of first.  But, if I'm really honest,
my favorite by a nose is Songs From The Wood.

George A


Re: Interpreting language (was RE: A friendly request JVB)

2003-06-16 Thread Ray Ludenia
Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

 The current spate of multiple copies of multiple messages to the private
 accounts of everyone on the list started after _one_ mention of Jeroen in a
 list message.  Is it realistic to expect that no one will ever mention his
 name again, even in a neutral or even positive context?

I certainly wish this would happen. The guy has been removed from the list
after literally gazillions of electrons have been wasted discussing his

Suggestion to Nick: Set up a filter that automatically rejects any message
with that particular keyword in it. Probably reduce list traffic by half,
but would remove an awful lot of aggravation as new people to the list who
have not been through all the hoohah take up the cudgels on his behalf. When
will we (me included) learn?

Regards, Ray.


Re: Interpreting language (was RE: A friendly request JVB)

2003-06-16 Thread Ray Ludenia
Ray Ludenia wrote:
 Suggestion to Nick: Set up a filter that automatically rejects any message
 with that particular keyword in it.

I mean any message to the list, not to Nick personally.

 Probably reduce list traffic by half,
 but would remove an awful lot of aggravation as new people to the list who
 have not been through all the hoohah take up the cudgels on his behalf. When
 will we (me included) learn?

 Regards, Ray.


Re: Interpreting language (was RE: A friendly request JVB)

2003-06-16 Thread Erik Reuter
On Mon, Jun 16, 2003 at 10:26:56PM +1000, Ray Ludenia wrote:

 Suggestion to Nick: Set up a filter that automatically rejects any
 message with that particular keyword in it. Probably reduce list
 traffic by half,

Nick, I am against this. We shouldn't restrict what people can say in
their messages.


Re: Interpreting language (was RE: A friendly request JVB)

2003-06-16 Thread Ray Ludenia
Erik Reuter wrote:

 On Mon, Jun 16, 2003 at 10:26:56PM +1000, Ray Ludenia wrote:
 Suggestion to Nick: Set up a filter that automatically rejects any
 message with that particular keyword in it. Probably reduce list
 traffic by half,
 Nick, I am against this.

Me too!

Regards, Ray.


Re: Interpreting language (was RE: A friendly request ...

2003-06-16 Thread Ronn!Blankenship
At 12:13 AM 6/17/03 +1000, Ray Ludenia wrote:
Erik Reuter wrote:

 On Mon, Jun 16, 2003 at 10:26:56PM +1000, Ray Ludenia wrote:

 Suggestion to Nick: Set up a filter that automatically rejects any
 message with that particular keyword in it. Probably reduce list
 traffic by half,

 Nick, I am against this.
Me too!

Regards, Ray.

Ya know, if everyone here was able to recognize satire when they read it, 
this list would be a lot more peaceful . . .


Perhaps Duller, But At Least More Peaceful Maru

-- Ronn! :)

God bless America,
Land that I love!
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foamÂ…
God bless America!
My home, sweet home.
-- Irving Berlin (1888-1989)
