Re: Wealthy couples travel to U.S. to choose baby's sex

2006-07-27 Thread Matt Grimaldi
]]If  Biological Law is the survival of the more fit, then we
]]don't obey this  Law. Sometimes, what happens is the survival of
]]the _less_  fit.
]Biologic laws are not like the laws of physics (at least not  superficially). 

I've heard of one that *is* like the laws of physics:  it states that
the pile of solid waste that an animal might leave behind cannot
taller than, well, um, its behind.  :-)

-- Matt


Re: Wealthy couples travel to U.S. to choose baby's sex

2006-07-27 Thread Ronn!Blankenship

At 02:34 AM Thursday 7/27/2006, Matt Grimaldi wrote:

Biologic laws are not like the laws of physics (at least 
not  superficially).

I've heard of one that *is* like the laws of physics:  it states that
the pile of solid waste that an animal might leave behind cannot
taller than, well, um, its behind.  :-)

A visit to Washington D.C. might convince you otherwise . . .

-- Ronn!  :)

Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of 
Congress. But I repeat myself.

- Mark Twain, a Biography


Re: Wealthy couples travel to U.S. to choose baby's sex

2006-07-27 Thread Charlie Bell

On 27/07/2006, at 7:00 PM, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

At 02:34 AM Thursday 7/27/2006, Matt Grimaldi wrote:

Biologic laws are not like the laws of physics (at least not   

I've heard of one that *is* like the laws of physics:  it states that
the pile of solid waste that an animal might leave behind cannot
taller than, well, um, its behind.  :-)

A visit to Washington D.C. might convince you otherwise . . .

that's 'cause the digestive flow tends to be reversed in DC.


Re: Wealthy couples travel to U.S. to choose baby's sex

2006-07-27 Thread jdiebremse
 The definition I gave (interbreding

Doesn't this definition fail to account for species that reproduce



Re: Wealthy couples travel to U.S. to choose baby's sex

2006-07-27 Thread Charlie Bell

On 27/07/2006, at 9:23 PM, jdiebremse wrote:


The definition I gave (interbreding

Doesn't this definition fail to account for species that reproduce

Somebody needs to read ahead before replying... ;-)


Part 4 of The Seven Most Common Thinking Errors ...

2006-07-27 Thread Julia Thompson

If anyone needs a tinyurl, holler.



Interesting blog

2006-07-27 Thread Julia Thompson
A surgeon started a blog recently.  I found this entry particularly 

(If that entry name doesn't capture someone's attention here, I don't 
know what will.  :D  )


The Paracast

2006-07-27 Thread Gibson Jonathan
If it's Thursday, your already late downloading the latest podcast.

I've enjoyed this weekly podcast centered around the scientifically 
weird and mystically rational constructs we encounter trying to sort 
out the awkwardly tangible from the merely impossible.  Launched about 
half a year ago most of the discussions hover around UFO's and psychic 
phenom.  Hosts Gene Steinberg  David Biedny are a thoughtful duo 
intent on divining the Truth {I know, I know, it's Out There - 
somewhere} by inspecting odd reports, the folklore  stories we pass 
around and the often dubious evidence presented to the public.  One is 
a believer in UFO's, but hasn't seen one, while the other had a clear 
childhood experience, but remains the hard-boiled skeptic.

This is a show for Those Who Want To Believe - but Can't.

I've found the shows interesting and some of them more than intriguing 
with aspects that intrude into daily life unbidden.  The shows are 
usually 90 minutes long with a goodly hour for their guest of the week 
sandwiched between prolog and debriefing.  Have you wondered if the new 
DVD Dan Akroyd Unplugged on UFO's was worth the rental fee and your 
evening of time?  I found the recent Mexican Air Force FLIR footage 
alone of value.  Take a few minutes to look over Paracast topics and 
download a few to scratch-n-sniff.  The only irksome production issue I 
have is the advertising placement easy-slides into the conversation 
without bumper music or announcement making for some mental 
frame-shifting, but the ads are minimal and over quickly.

This weeks show is with founder Dr Steven 
Greer  I caught 
the National Press Club briefing he gave a few years ago via C-SPAN 
where he announced and presented credible witness testimony that the US 
Gov is concealing detailed knowledge of UFO's - which I hadn't thought 
about much for many years.  In this Paracast interview he presents a 
fascinating poli-sci milspec take on the nebulous forces of our 
most-uppercrusted of society and why they are not keen to find clean 
new power generation technologies the admission of UFO's would ipso 
facto.  Dr Greer asserts a relatively few controlling families  groups 
seek to thwart contact with industry-shaking aliens who could easily 
upset such dino-fart peddling apple carts as the petroleum  auto 
industries - for example.  These global would-be kings certainly have 
the vast means and motivation to keep people in the dark and the 
parallels with my own discoveries about WTC/9-11 conspiracy forces 
prompted me to add this to our Brin-L conversation as a worthy tangent.
Dr Greer's expanding list of military servicemen and cultivation of 
ex-government witnesses and informants is remarkable for the 
notoriously tight-lipped and toe-the-line crew-cut crowd not known for 
crazy talk.  For those who enjoy the Brin-L discussion group for the 
political side  plausible musings on where humanity is going should 
find this an interesting interview.If some significant portion of 
this comes true it would surely shake up Brin's galactic Uplift 
scenario, but wouldn't shut it down - unlike a huge swath of the sci-fi 
genre that would need major rewriting.

I particularly enjoyed:
- The interview with physicist Stanton Friedman,
- Host David and his brother Barry relay their childhood encounter in 
downtown Caracas, Venezuela,
- If you relish a good debate and thorough trouncing of hoaxers, then 
dial back a few weeks and follow the 
debunking of the Billy Miers' cult and the rather vicious attacks by 
their official spokesman, which followed.  I immediately found this 
fellow, Michael Horn, suspicious based on his speaking tactics and 
overt topic misdirections and over the following weeks the discussion 
board and follow up counter-interview confirmed these 
feelings.  For the scientific minded David provides a lucid explanation 
{if short} of some photo fakery Miers' promulgates as well as the 
images and the artifacts that give away their falsehood.

But you decide.  I thought it all worth passing along.

Caveat: David is an old and dear friend who used his early sighting to 
explore photography and visual effects to the point where he became a 
world-class adept sought after by LucasArts and Industrial Light  
Magic.  For many years he wrote books on Adobe Photoshop / After 
Effects and ran image manipulation training seminars with illustrator 
Burt Monroy.  The dot-gone ebb tide has left many talented folk unable 
to find a purchase on the barren rocky shores of our neo-Dickens 
economy and now even luminaries like David turn from the anemic 
computer sector to see if data-casting media can net the golden fishes.

Re: Wealthy couples travel to U.S. to choose baby's sex

2006-07-27 Thread Bemmzim
In a message dated 7/26/2006 10:27:48 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Anyway,  the Biological Species Concept, as with every single other  
way of  defining species, has weaknesses. With this one, it's that it   
assumes sexual reproduction, so asexual organisms are hard to   
classify using it. Ultimately, in defining species, biologists use a   
combination of the various methods, tailored to the  situation.

Another problem is that members of a species may never have an opportunity  
to interbreed. A ring species where there are variations in a geographically  
continuous members who can interbreed with their next door neighbor but not  
with individuals at the other end of the ring (be it around the world or around 
 a geographic barrier.) 

Re: Wealthy couples travel to U.S. to choose baby's sex

2006-07-27 Thread Bemmzim
In a message dated 7/27/2006 7:33:32 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Doesn't  this definition fail to account for species that reproduce

Very few plant and animal species reproduce asexually of course. Some  
reproduce asexually some of the time but very few higher creators  completely 
abstain from sex 

Re: Wealthy couples travel to U.S. to choose baby's sex

2006-07-27 Thread Charlie Bell

On 28/07/2006, at 10:26 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Another problem is that members of a species may never have an  

to interbreed.

That's not so much of a problem - if there are two distinct breeding  
groups that are separated, they can be considered separate species  
even if they could successfully reproduce if mingled. But yes, it  
does show another grey area that must be considered when deciding on  
species status.

A ring species where there are variations in a geographically
continuous members who can interbreed with their next door  
neighbor but not
with individuals at the other end of the ring (be it around the  
world or around

 a geographic barrier.)

For everyone else, in case you're not aware, the classic example is  
usually given as various gulls around the Arctic Circle. The Lesser  
Black-Backed Gull and the Herring Gull are two common gulls seen in  
the UK, two very distinct species. But the Herring Gull could  
interbreed with the American Herring Gull, and the Black-Backed with  
its Russian cousins. And those relatives interbreed with others  
further round, and *those* breed with each other. So it shows that  
small variations that characterise only sub-species or close species  
relationships can lead to a wide gulf across a long geographic range.

Of course, science being science, it's recently been shown that while  
the concept is sound, the classic example might not actually be a  
true ring species as the Herring Gull and American Herring Gull's  
ranges are distinct, and they both evolved from a common ancestor.  
D'oh. :) But it also seems like the range of the Lesser Black-Backed  
is expanding across the Atlantic, so the ring may yet be closed...

