Re: fires, quakes and tornadoes...

2007-11-07 Thread Ronn! Blankenship
At 07:36 PM Wednesday 11/7/2007, jon louis mann wrote:
>i think i will have a seismic cutoff valve installed after 
>all  these stories.  every once in while  you hear a story of a 
>flying  cow landing in a tree...
>   jon
>They make a seismic cutoff valve for cows?  Or just the ones in the 
>Archer Farms commercial?
>   -- Ronn!  :)
>   in the event of a flying cow i would need a heavy dooty umbrella...

. . . to ward off the heavy doody.

Little Birdie In The Sky/Why'd You Do That In My Eye/Little Birdie 
Flying High/I'm Just Glad That Cows Don't Fly Maru

-- Ronn!  :)


RE: UN Sanctions

2007-11-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Original Message:
From: jon louis mann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2007 17:25:43 -0800 (PST)
Subject: UN Sanctions

>And who decides whether or not it's a good idea?  The interfering country
will probably >think it's an excellent idea in most cases.  The
interfered-with country will probably >not.

>  I absolutely agree, julia, which is why i said it should be a coalition
formed under >united nation auspices, and used darfur as an example.

Given that, the logical conclusion, as far as I see it, is that we have to
accept the fact that there will only be intervention when Russia and China
think it is in their self interest.  With respect to Darfur in particular,
it has been made very clear that the UN will not do anything meaningful to
stop the genocide until the government of the Sudan decides it is in their
interest to stop it, or other outside forces ended it (as happened Rwanda
and the Balkins). Indeed, Sudan served on the Human Rights Commission while
the genocide was taking place.

Now, we agree that GWB's foreign policy have been a nightmare.  Even among
my rather conservative Houston friends, I don't get much in the way of
defense of his actions (especially when I explicitly seperate GWB's actions
from their own beliefs).  So, I'd like to review this policy in terms of
Clinton's and Bush Senior's actions.

Clinton's most notable action in this regard was his illegal ending of the
Balkins genocide.  The UN's peacekeeping activities were deliberately
hamstrung by the Russians, who supported the Serbs.  They ensured that the
UN would do nothing effective.  The Dutchbat report on the actions of UN
Peackeepers during the that time gives good insight into this (I really
don't fault the Dutch troops, they were set up to fail by the nature of the
restrictions on UN action).  

The second is the no-fly zone set up by Bush Sr. and continued by Clinton
(with the British and with the French until '98). This stopped the
atrocities against the Kurds in the North and decreased the atrocities
against the Shiites in the South.  This was not explictly authorized by the
UN, it was justified by an interpretation of a previous resolution. 

The third is the bombing of Iraqi military targets by Clinton after Hussein
ruled large facilities off limits to the inspectors.

The fourth is the threat by Clinton to bomb N. Korean nuclear facilities
when they were building reactors that would provide enough plutonium for 50
A-bombs per year.  As a result of these threats, a deal was made to freeze
production in exchange for aid.  This is, as far as I can tell, the same
deal Bush accepted after rejecting it as appeasment in 2001.

None of these actions were under the auspices of the UN.  If memory serves
me, the only two times that the UN authorized the use of more than minimal
force were Korea and Gulf War I. So, if we limit ourselves to UN
authorizations, we would agree that intervention would be extrodinarily

Now, I'm not arguing that you favor continuing the genocide in Danfur, or
N. Korea having hundreds of A-bombs by now, or the Balkins still being in
flames, etc.  I think I know your position well enough now to know you
think all of those things are horrid, and are happy they didn't happen. 
What I don't know is whether you think that the US acting alone, or with
one ally, or even with NATO without UN authorization is inherenly so risky
that it would actually be better to allow those things to happen than for
the US to have acted outside the scope international law in those cases.

Dan M. 

Dan M.

mail2web LIVE – Free email based on Microsoft® Exchange technology -


fires, quakes and tornadoes...

2007-11-07 Thread jon louis mann
i think i will have a seismic cutoff valve installed after all  these stories.  
every once in while  you hear a story of a flying  cow landing in a tree...

They make a seismic cutoff valve for cows?  Or just the ones in the Archer 
Farms commercial?
  -- Ronn!  :)

  in the event of a flying cow i would need a heavy dooty umbrella...  the gas 
cutoff valve would be for earthquakes.

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Osama - yo' mama

2007-11-07 Thread jon louis mann
Osama - Yo' Mama
(You In A Heap O' Trouble Boy)  Ray Stevens
Written by Ray Stevens and C.W. Kalb, Jr.   
FEATURED ON  Osama-Yo'mama.
Also includes "United We Stand." 

 Osama-Yo Mama / United We Stand Single


All-Time Greatest Comic Hits

 All-Time Greatest Hits
 The Country Hits Collection
 Gretest Hits
 Golden Classics 

Osama - yo' mama didn't raise you right
When you were young she must have wrapped yo' turban too tight
She should have kept you home on those arabian nights
It's plain to see - you need some therapy

Osama - yo' mama could have done a lot better
Though I bet every day you did somethin' to upset her
By the way, we got an answer to your anthrax letter
New York City's where it's from - it's called a smart bomb

And I can hear yo' mama sayin' now, "You in a heap o' trouble son
Now just look what you've done
Saw you on TV with yo' gun
Mercy sakes, I can't do a thing wit'cha, told ya dubyah's gonna git'cha"

And I can just hear dubyah sayin', "You in a heap 'o trouble boy
And I don't think you will enjoy
Our game of search and destroy
We got your terror right here, and we gon' run it up yo' rear"

Osama - yo' mama didn't teach you how to act
You've crossed the line too far this time, there ain't no turnin' back
You're startin' to remind us of another maniac
Yeah, you know who - he started World War II

Osama - yo' mama didn't teach you to behave
Now they say you're hangin' with the bats in a cave
Well, pullin' off that sneak attack was not too brave
Kinda makes us remember - the 7th of December

And I can hear yo' mama sayin' now, "You in a heap o' trouble son
Now just look what you've done
Saw you on TV with yo' gun
Mercy sakes, I can't do a thing wit'cha, told ya dubyah's gonna git'cha"

And I can just hear dubyah sayin', "You in a heap 'o trouble boy
And I don't think you will enjoy
Our game of search and destroy
We got your terror right here, and we gon' run it up yo' rear"

Tag Lines 
  Osama yo' karma's really got you in a jam
But that's just what you get - when you mess with Uncle Sam

Osama the Taliban is history
Nobody wants to see you startin' World War Three

Osama you know the al-Qaida won't last
Osama, just like you, it's future's in the past

Osama you should've read your Nostradamus
Now all your friends are sayin' "Please don't bomb us"
  Visit Ray Stevens Home Page

  Osama - Yo' Mama
(You In A Heap O' Trouble Boy)  Ray Stevens
Written by Ray Stevens and C.W. Kalb, Jr.   
FEATURED ON  Osama-Yo'mama.
Also includes "United We Stand." 

 Osama-Yo Mama / United We Stand Single


All-Time Greatest Comic Hits

 All-Time Greatest Hits
 The Country Hits Collection
 Gretest Hits
 Golden Classics 

Osama - yo' mama didn't raise you right
When you were young she must have wrapped yo' turban too tight
She should have kept you home on those arabian nights
It's plain to see - you need some therapy

Osama - yo' mama could have done a lot better
Though I bet every day you did somethin' to upset her
By the way, we got an answer to your anthrax letter
New York City's where it's from - it's called a smart bomb

And I can hear yo' mama sayin' now, "You in a heap o' trouble son
Now just look what you've done
Saw you on TV with yo' gun
Mercy sakes, I can't do a thing wit'cha, told ya dubyah's gonna git'cha"

And I can just hear dubyah sayin', "You in a heap 'o trouble boy
And I don't think you will enjoy
Our game of search and destroy
We got your terror right here, and we gon' run it up yo' rear"

Osama - yo' mama didn't teach you how to act
You've crossed the line too far this time, there ain't no turnin' back
You're startin' to remind us of another maniac
Yeah, you know who - he started World War II

Osama - yo' mama didn't teach you to behave
Now they say you're hangin' with the bats in a cave
Well, pullin' off that sneak attack was not too brave
Kinda makes us remember - the 7th of December

And I can hear yo' mama sayin' now, "You in a heap o' trouble son
Now just look what you've done
Saw you on TV with yo' gun
Mercy sakes, I can't do a thing wit'cha, told ya dubyah's gonna git'cha"

And I can just hear dubyah sayin', "You in a heap 'o trouble boy
And I don't think you will enjoy
Our game of search and destroy
We got your terror right here, and we gon' run it up yo' rear"

Tag Lines 
  Osama yo' karma's really got you in a jam
But that's just what you get - when you mess with Uncle Sam

Osama the Taliban is history
Nobody wants to see you startin' World War Three

Osama you know the al-Qaida won't last
Osama, just like you, it's future's in the past

Osama you should've read your Nostradamus
Now all your friends are sayin' "Please don't bomb us"
  Visit Ray Stevens Home Page

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UN Sanctions

2007-11-07 Thread jon louis mann
And who decides whether or not it's a good idea?  The interfering country will 
probably think it's an excellent idea in most cases.  The interfered-with 
country will probably not.

  I absolutely agree, julia, which is why i said it should be a coalition 
formed under united nation auspices, and used darfur as an example.

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That Greatness Of Spirit

2007-11-07 Thread Robert Seeberger

Covering the story of this Medal of Honor recipient is doing much more 
than a profile of a heroic American. This is the reunion of two old 
friends, both of them foot-soldiers from the U.S. Army, and both 
decorated with the highest military honors this county bestows.

I am working with Col. Jack Jacobs (on the left), a recipient of the 
Medal of Honor for his service in Vietnam. Jack was here in Orange 
County, California to interview another Medal of Honor soldier, 78 
year-old Tibor Rubin (on the right), who served in Korea. Rubin had 
spent almost three years in a Nazi concentration camp before he was 
liberated by Gen. George Patton's troops. It was then he vowed to 
"become a GI Joe, 'cause that is what we call the American Army."

As Jack Jacobs asks Rubin about his time in combat, the tone is very 
matter-of-fact. These men take no pleasure in remembering similar 
shared experiences of escaping death while friends and fellow soldiers 
lost their lives.

It's fascinating to hear Rubin describe times in combat: defending a 
hill in Korea, for example, as his unit retreats. His Staff Sergeant 
had ordered him to defend the hill alone. The sergeant had called Ted 
a "stupid son-of-a-bitch Jew" but promised to come back and get the 
corporal in two days. It was Rubin's first combat mission, and here is 
how it is described by the Medal of Honor Foundation:

"Rubin single-handedly defended the hill for over 24 hours. He 
incapacitated or killed a staggering number of Korean troops, and 
slowed the remaining force to a standstill. His regiment made a 
successful retreat, but his sergeant never came to relieve him."

It was that kind of war for Rubin. A sergeant who assigned him to the 
most dangerous missions, and never processed the paperwork from the 
commanding officers who recommended the young Hungarian immigrant for 
Silver Stars and the Medal of Honor.

The day before this video shoot, when Jacobs and I were talking about 
the upcoming interview, Jack told me that decorated combat veterans 
often do not elaborate much on their time under fire. He was right. 
When Jacobs asked Rubin several times how he was able to persevere 
against such difficult odds, Rubin had two basic replies, "I was young 
and strong and somehow I made it, I don't know how," and, "You know, I 
never want to be a hero, I don't know what really a hero means."

I got a good idea of what being a hero is during my visit with Ted 
Rubin. To quote again from the Medal of Honor Foundation:

"The sergeant continued to send Rubin on impossible missions. Each 
time he not only survived, he fought brilliantly, and each time the 
sergeant deliberately withheld his commendation."

On another hill without a name near the border with North Korea, Ted 
Rubin's days in combat ended. He ran through enemy fire to fill in for 
a machine-gunner and his mate who had been killed. Rubin was wounded 
in the leg, arm and chest but kept firing the machine gun until he ran 
out of ammunition. He was taken prisoner. He was held for two and a 
half years in a POW camp where the Red Cross was not allowed to visit. 
Food was scarce, water was dirty and infected, and there was no 
medicine. It's a time Rubin doesn't like to talk about.

Here's the exchange between Rubin and Jacobs about how the young 
corporal would break out of prison camp - not to escape, but to steal.

"I try to steal everything I can."

"You stole? You stole from who? From the Chinese and the North Kor.."

"From the Chinese."

"..and you stole what, food?

"Corn. Barley. Millett, ah vegetables, whatever I can."

"And then what did you do?"

"I come back.. and then I give it to all the rest of the guys, because 
they was my brothers that needed.. that didn't have food."

Here, Rubin pauses a moment.

"It was very hard."

That Rubin, a survivor of the Nazi death camps, had to deal with 
anti-Semitism in the Army, even as he served with honor, is a deep 
injustice. It took 55 years for the Army and the leadership in the 
Pentagon to recognize his heroism. When President George Bush 
presented Rubin the Medal of Honor in 2005, there was only one brief 
reference by the president to the long wait: "By awarding the medal of 
Honor to Corporal Rubin, the United States acknowledges a debt that 
time has not diminished."

The last photo-op of the day was snapshots of the two Medal of Honor 
recipients. I got to take the picture, which I hope will take it's 
place among the many of a truly remarkable life. Jacobs and Rubin wore 
their medals, and the smiles of men who have performed at the highest 
level in the worst of circumstances.

I am in awe of this man.


Aspire Maru


Re: Br*n: Uplift at Star Trek

2007-11-07 Thread Lance A. Brown
Deborah Harrell wrote:
> Andre Norton wrote a children's book called _Star Cat_
> IIRC, about a race of telepathic
> interstellar-travelling cats...hmm, maybe we've
> mentioned that here previously.

Oh my.   I own a copy of that book. :-)


 Celebrate The Circle
 Carolina Spirit Quest
 My LiveJournal
 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Internet Privacy and "Earth"

2007-11-07 Thread Lance A. Brown
Here's an interesting interview about privacy in the age of Facebook and
other social networking sites.  Immediately reminded me of the net and
the anti-secrecy viewpoints in "Earth".


 Celebrate The Circle
 Carolina Spirit Quest
 My LiveJournal
 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Ghostpost...synthetic biology and security

2007-11-07 Thread Dave Land
On Nov 6, 2007, at 5:27 PM, Dan M wrote:

>> When he's not shilling for the Bush administration's kill-
>> em-all-let-God-sort-em-out approach to global politics, his
>> obvious intelligence shines through.
> Sigh, you know this reinforces my understanding of what the  
> internet is
> doing for public discourse.  Instead of discussions in stable
> neighborhoods, which often have a diversity of opinion in them, there
> are enough people on the net to find small sub-sets of opinion that do
> not threaten one's own.

Calling Gautam a "shill for ... Bush ..." was possibly inaccurate, and
certainly "shrill".

Forgive my pedantry, but "shill" -- literally, someone allied with the
"house" who places bets to attract customers and figuratively, someone
associated with a "seller" (of products or politics) who pretends to be
independent while selling their wares -- is quite a different word from

> Gautam was on record here as rating Bush as a D- president, and  
> weighing
> whether to vote for Bush or Kerry.  That put him pretty well in the
> middle of the country. He was very well respected by liberal Harvard
> luminaries in political science, like Stanley Hoffman.  How in the  
> world
> is that possible if he were no more than a Bush shrill?

He is evidently much more than a Bush shill, but I perceived him as
being too caught up in the administration's world-view. The perception
may have been wrong.

> He has strong differences with many on this list, including me, on  
> a number
> of subjects...but that's no more accurate than calling your position
> "America is always wrong".

It has been said. I shrug it off the best I can, but sometimes, I take
it personally and respond inappropriately in ways that do not move a
friendly conversation forward.

Ah, well... IAAFMOAFH: I am a faulty member of a flawed humanity.

> What I still don't understand is why people don't want to know the  
> actual
> viewpoints of folks they don't agree with.

Do you really not understand that, Dan? You are a bright, articulate
guy, and I think you understand human nature better than that statement

People resist the subtleties of others' viewpoints because they dig in
in an argument, and seriously considering the others' point of view  
weaken their position.

Call it weakness, call it efficiency, call it what you will, it is human
nature, and it is difficult to overcome.




Re: Religiosity correlates with poverty

2007-11-07 Thread Dave Land

On Nov 7, 2007, at 9:20 AM, William T Goodall wrote:

> On 7 Nov 2007, at 14:17, Julia Thompson wrote:
>> On Wed, 7 Nov 2007, William T Goodall wrote:
>>> On 7 Nov 2007, at 01:32, Dan M wrote:
> Not about invading other countries in the name of the Lord, Allah
> or any athropomorphic deity...

 Just to be clear, is it the consensus here that no country should
 ever interfere with the internal affairs of another?
>>> Clearly this should only be done if it's a good idea.
>> And who decides whether or not it's a good idea?  The interfering
>> country will probably think it's an excellent idea in most cases.
>> The interfered-with country will probably not.
> It's OK if the interfering country is righteous but not if they're
> wrongeous.
> Droll Maru

Drollitude is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose.

In answer to Dan's question, "yes, I have stopped beating my wife."



Re: Br*n: Uplift at Star Trek

2007-11-07 Thread Deborah Harrell
> Ronn! Blankenship wrote:
> > 10/4/2007, Deborah Harrell wrote:
> >Not to underplay Himself's importance or
> brilliance,
> >but genetic engineering of 'lower' animals to get
> >intelligent servants/companions is not His
> invention:
> >the book I just referenced, _Breed To Come_ is
> >about gengineered cats

> Do you think cats would see being made more like
> humans as an improvement?

> At Least They Could Use The Can Opener Maru

And wouldn't Lihleete be delighted to do that herself?
 But of course all us'n cat-owned know th' answer to
yer qwery: *MMMrroewNO!**  It would be a major step
downward from their current multidimentional

Andre Norton wrote a children's book called _Star Cat_
IIRC, about a race of telepathic
interstellar-travelling cats...hmm, maybe we've
mentioned that here previously.

who shockingly remembers enough organic chemistry
(from 'way back in 1979 I think!) to help tutor a
younger friend today...alkane, alkadiene,

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Re: Cat free London?

2007-11-07 Thread Deborah Harrell
> Ronn! Blankenship wrote:
> > 10/4/2007, Deborah Harrell wrote:
> >And Of Course King Of The Wind!
> I've heard that Beano can help with that . . .

Do you have any idea *how much* Beano it'd take to cut
down on an equid's flatulence?!  (Well, actually, I
don't think they'd survive the experience, since their
guts are essentially big bags of fermenting...stuff.

It Lives! Maru

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Weekly Chat Reminder

2007-11-07 Thread William T Goodall

As Steve said,

"The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over six
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time.

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:

..And you can connect directly from William's new web

My instruction page tells you how to log on, and how to talk
when you get in:

It also gives a list of commands to use when you're in there.
In addition, it tells you how to connect through a MUD client,
which is more complicated to set up initially, but easier and
more reliable than the web interface once you do get it set up."

William T Goodall
Web  :
Blog :

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."

Re: Ghostpost...synthetic biology and security

2007-11-07 Thread William T Goodall

On 7 Nov 2007, at 13:56, Dan M wrote:

>> -Original Message-
>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:brin-l- 
>> Behalf Of William T Goodall
>> Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2007 4:57 AM
>> To: Killer Bs Discussion
>> Subject: Re: Ghostpost...synthetic biology and security
>> On 7 Nov 2007, at 01:27, Dan M wrote:
>>> What I still don't understand is why people don't want to know the
>>> actual
>>> viewpoints of folks they don't agree with.
>> So how do you explain your propensity for straw man arguments?
> ??
> I was responding to a post calling Gautam a shrill for a non-existent
> policy.  I've seen that type of argument repeatedly, here and  
> elsewhere.
> Where's the straw man?

I was responding to that particular sentence which is why I snipped  
away the rest.

Clarity Maru

William T Goodall
Web  :
Blog :

"You are coming to a sad realization. Cancel or Allow?"


Re: Religiosity correlates with poverty

2007-11-07 Thread William T Goodall

On 7 Nov 2007, at 14:17, Julia Thompson wrote:

> On Wed, 7 Nov 2007, William T Goodall wrote:
>> On 7 Nov 2007, at 01:32, Dan M wrote:

 Not about invading other countries in the name of the Lord, Allah
 or any >
 athropomorphic deity...
>>> Just to be clear, is it the consensus here that no country should  
>>> ever
>>> interfere with the internal affairs of another?
>> Clearly this should only be done if it's a good idea.
> And who decides whether or not it's a good idea?  The interfering  
> country
> will probably think it's an excellent idea in most cases.  The
> interfered-with country will probably not.

It's OK if the interfering country is righteous but not if they're   

Droll Maru
William T Goodall
Web  :
Blog :

Theists cannot be trusted as they believe that right and wrong are the  
arbitrary proclamations of invisible demons.


RE: Ghostpost...synthetic biology and security

2007-11-07 Thread Horn, John
> Dan M wrote
> He has strong differences with many on this list, including 
> me, on a number of subjects...but that's no more accurate 
> than calling your position "America is always wrong". 

I've said it before, the list is a poorer place without people like
Gautam on it.  While I didn't always agree with him, his arguments were
always well thought out and well explained.  Some of them were good
enough to (gasp) change my thoughts on certain issues.  That's why I
subscribed to Brin-L in the first place -- for the different views on
subjects that I wasn't getting anywhere else.

(I feel the same about JDG though in his case I agreed with, well, about

 - jmh

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Re: Religiosity correlates with poverty

2007-11-07 Thread Julia Thompson

On Wed, 7 Nov 2007, William T Goodall wrote:

> On 7 Nov 2007, at 01:32, Dan M wrote:
>>> Not about invading other countries in the name of the Lord, Allah
>>> or any >
>>> athropomorphic deity...
>> Just to be clear, is it the consensus here that no country should ever
>> interfere with the internal affairs of another?
> Clearly this should only be done if it's a good idea.

And who decides whether or not it's a good idea?  The interfering country 
will probably think it's an excellent idea in most cases.  The 
interfered-with country will probably not.



RE: Ghostpost...synthetic biology and security

2007-11-07 Thread Dan M

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of William T Goodall
> Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2007 4:57 AM
> To: Killer Bs Discussion
> Subject: Re: Ghostpost...synthetic biology and security
> On 7 Nov 2007, at 01:27, Dan M wrote:
> > What I still don't understand is why people don't want to know the
> > actual
> > viewpoints of folks they don't agree with.
> >
> So how do you explain your propensity for straw man arguments?


I was responding to a post calling Gautam a shrill for a non-existent
policy.  I've seen that type of argument repeatedly, here and elsewhere.
Where's the straw man?

Dan M.


Re: Religiosity correlates with poverty

2007-11-07 Thread Charlie Bell

On 07/11/2007, at 8:18 PM, Ronn! Blankenship wrote:
> I take it that "conservatism" has about as much
> relation to being truly conservative as
> "religiosity" has to actual religious belief and
> how those who believe should live their lives and relate to others?

Yep, that's I'd probably agree with.


Re: Ghostpost...synthetic biology and security

2007-11-07 Thread William T Goodall

On 7 Nov 2007, at 01:27, Dan M wrote:

> What I still don't understand is why people don't want to know the  
> actual
> viewpoints of folks they don't agree with.

So how do you explain your propensity for straw man arguments?

William T Goodall
Web  :
Blog :

"There's no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant  
market share. No chance" - Steve Ballmer


Re: Religiosity correlates with poverty

2007-11-07 Thread William T Goodall

On 7 Nov 2007, at 01:32, Dan M wrote:

>> Not about invading other countries in the name of the Lord, Allah  
>> or any >
>> athropomorphic deity...
> Just to be clear, is it the consensus here that no country should ever
> interfere with the internal affairs of another?

Clearly this should only be done if it's a good idea.

William T Goodall
Web  :
Blog :

"There's no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant  
market share. No chance" - Steve Ballmer


Re: Religiosity correlates with poverty

2007-11-07 Thread Charlie Bell

On 07/11/2007, at 12:32 PM, Dan M wrote:

>> Not about invading other countries in the name of the Lord, Allah  
>> or any >
>> athropomorphic deity...
> Just to be clear, is it the consensus here that no country should ever
> interfere with the internal affairs of another?

Yet again, a Dan Strawman. Nice. Translating disagreeing with this  
administration now into a generalisation across all countries ever is  
just lazy. But then. black and white is easier than shades of grey,  
isn't it.


RE: Religiosity correlates with poverty

2007-11-07 Thread Alberto Monteiro

Dan M wrote:
> Just to be clear, is it the consensus here that no country should 
> ever interfere with the internal affairs of another?
Probably yes - which is another way of saying "no" :-)

Alberto Monteiro


Re: Religiosity correlates with poverty

2007-11-07 Thread Ronn! Blankenship
At 12:18 AM Tuesday 11/6/2007, Charlie Bell wrote:

>Sure. Got a Temple of Pan in the back garden...

Is that a darkroom where you develop B&W film?

If At First You Don't Succeed Tri-X Again Maru

-- Ronn!  :)


Re: Religiosity correlates with poverty

2007-11-07 Thread Charlie Bell

On 07/11/2007, at 8:24 PM, Ronn! Blankenship wrote:
> Would jesus wear a Rolex
> Would Jesus wear a Rolex
> On His television show-ooh-ooh?

You see the face on the tv screen
Coming at you every sunday
See that face on the billboard
That man is me

On the cover of the magazine
Theres no question why Im smiling
You buy a piece of paradise
You buy a piece of me

Ill get you everything you wanted
Ill get you everything you need
Dont need to believe in hereafter
Just believe in me

Cos jesus he knows me
And he knows Im right
Ive been talking to jesus all my life
Oh yes he knows me
And he knows Im right
And hes been telling me
Everything is alright

I believe in the family
With my ever loving wife beside me
But she dont know about my girlfriend
Or the man I met last night

Do you believe in god
Cos thats what Im selling
And if you wanna get to heaven
Ill see you right

You wont even have to leave your house
Or get outta your chair
You dont even have to touch that dial
Cos Im everywhere

And jesus he knows me
And he knows Im right
Ive been talking to jesus all my life
Oh yes he knows me
And he knows Im right
Well hes been telling me
Everythings gonna be alright

Wont find me practising what Im preaching
Wont find me making no sacrifice
But I can get you a pocketful of miracles
If you promise to be good, try to be nice
God will take good care of you
Just do as I say, dont do as I do

Im counting my blessings,
Ive found true happiness
Cos Im getting richer, day by day
You can find me in the phone book,
Just call my toll free number
You can do it anyway you want
Just do it right away

Therell be no doubt in your mind
Youll believe everything Im saying
If you wanna get closer to him
Get on your knees and start paying

Cos jesus he knows me
And he knows Im right
Ive been talking to jesus all my life
Oh yes he knows me
And he knows Im right
Well hes been telling me
Everythings gonna be alright, alright

Jesus he knows me
Jesus he knows me, you know...

Re: Religiosity correlates with poverty

2007-11-07 Thread Ronn! Blankenship
At 12:15 AM Tuesday 11/6/2007, Charlie Bell wrote:

>On 06/11/2007, at 12:51 PM, Dave Land wrote:
> >
> > I have called myself a Christian, but I despise the disease that
> > crawls among us and advertises itself by that name.
>As Gandhi said when asked what he thought of Western Civilization: "It
>would be a good idea..." and that's how I see modern religion,
>especially Christianity.
> > I do not believe that Christianity is mainly 
> about morality. I believe that plenty of people
> > over the centuries have tried to portray it as such, but the "morality"
> > of Jesus was something that most self-proclaimed moralists would decry
> > as bleeding-heart liberalism today.
> > Make no mistake about it: Jesus would be just as unpopular with most
> > people who call themselves Good Christians™ today as he was among
> > those who called themselves Good Jews™ back then.
>Certainly he would be unpopular. He'd certainly not recognise his
>teachings in the megachurches or the hatred of the Right as espoused
>by Coulter or Falwell or whatever. And the greed and shortsightedness
>of conservatism,

I take it that "conservatism" has about as much 
relation to being truly conservative as 
"religiosity" has to actual religious belief and 
how those who believe should live their lives and relate to others?

Terminology Maru

-- Ronn!  :)


Re: Religiosity correlates with poverty

2007-11-07 Thread Ronn! Blankenship
At 08:29 PM Monday 11/5/2007, jon louis mann wrote:
>I have called myself a Christian, but I despise the disease that crawls
>among us and advertises itself by that name. I do not believe that
>Christianity is mainly about morality. I believe that plenty of people
>over the centuries have tried to portray it as such, but the "morality"
>of Jesus was something that most self-proclaimed moralists would decry
>as bleeding-heart liberalism today.
>Make no mistake about it: Jesus would be just as unpopular with most
>people who call themselves Good Christians™ today as he was among
>those who called themselves Good Jews™ back then.
>What would the Jesus do if he were alive today?

Woke up this mornin', turned on the t.v. set.
there in livin' color, was somethin' I can't forget.
This man was preachin' at me, yeah, layin' on the charm
askin' me for twenty, with ten-thousand on his arm.
He wore designer clothes, and a big smile on his face
tellin' me salvation while they sang Amazin' Grace.
Askin' me for money, when he had all the signs of wealth.
I almost wrote a check out, yeah, then I asked myself


Would He wear a pinky ring, would He drive a fancy car?
Would His wife wear furs and diamonds, would His dressin' room have a star?
If He came back tomorrow, well there's somethin' I'd like to know
Could ya tell me, Would Jesus wear a Rolex on His television show?

Would Jesus be political if He came back to earth?
Have His second home in Palm Springs, yeah, a try to hide His worth?
Take money, from those poor folks, when He comes back again,
and admit He's talked to all them preachers who say they been a talkin' to Him?


Just ask ya' self, Would He wear a pinky ring,
Would He drive a fancy car?
Would His wife wear furs and diamonds, would His dressing room have a star?
If He came back tomorrow, well there's somethin' I'd like to know:
Could ya tell me, would Jesus wear a Rolex,
Would jesus wear a Rolex
Would Jesus wear a Rolex
On His television show-ooh-ooh?

Ray Stevens Maru

-- Ronn!  :)


Re: Religiosity correlates with poverty

2007-11-07 Thread Ronn! Blankenship
At 09:10 AM Tuesday 11/6/2007, William T Goodall wrote:

>On 6 Nov 2007, at 14:47, Julia Thompson wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Mon, 5 Nov 2007, Doug wrote:
> >
> >> Ronn! wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>> So what would most folks think of someone who professed a belief in
> >>> God and spent his evenings and weekends drinking and carousing?
> >>
> >>
> >> Wouldn't that depend on what particular brand of God this person
> >> believed
> >> in and which particular folks were making the observation?
> >>
> >> Doug
> >
> > Yeah.  I mean, wouldn't that be appropriate for a follower of
> > Dionysus?
> >
>Are there many megachurches of Dionysus in the USA?

Aren't they called "professional sports stadiums"?

Free Beer Night With Souvenir Bats To The First 1000 Fans Maru

-- Ronn!  :)


RE: Ghostpost...synthetic biology and security

2007-11-07 Thread Ronn! Blankenship
At 07:27 PM Tuesday 11/6/2007, Dan M wrote:

>What I still don't understand is why people don't want to know the actual
>viewpoints of folks they don't agree with.

'Cuz it's so much easier than the alternative, and saves time as well?

:P Maru

-- Ronn!  :)


Re: fires, quakes and tornadoes...

2007-11-07 Thread Ronn! Blankenship
At 09:48 PM Tuesday 11/6/2007, jon louis mann wrote:
>   i think i will have a seismic cutoff valve installed after all 
> these stories.  every once in a while  you hear a story of a flying 
> cow landing in a tree,

They make a seismic cutoff valve for cows?  Or just the ones in the 
Archer Farms commercial?

-- Ronn!  :)
