Re: Looking to the future (was Re: Light weight support for JSON)

2022-08-28 Thread Oğuz İsmail Uysal

On 8/29/22 5:48 AM, Martin D Kealey wrote:

The Shell persists because it has one killer feature: it does double duty
as a scripting language and as an interactive command language. But we're
kidding ourselves if we think that no other language could fill that gap:
Python has a respectable interactive mode, though its focus is on objects
rather than processes and files; the interactive "debugger" console inside
Firefox speaks Javascript; and even "perl -d" is almost usable.

So, neither of those could fill that gap. What could then?

As for the future, I believe that if we don't move towards making the POSIX
sh behaviour a truly optional part of an otherwise-more-sane language, we
condemn Bash to continued obscurity and eventual extinction.

Nah. I think Bash already has too many features over POSIX; anything 
beyond indexed arrays, indirect expansions, and 
`${parameter/string/replacement}' is bloat.

Besides, who is going to evolve Bash into this "more-sane language"?

Re: Bash Coding style - Adopting C99 declarations

2022-08-28 Thread Martin D Kealey
On Mon, 29 Aug 2022 at 09:14, Dmitry Goncharov 

> On Sunday, August 28, 2022, Andreas Schwab  wrote:
> > Note that the next revision of the C standard removes support for K
> > declarations
> The code will continue to compile, won't it?

I expect "gcc -std=c23" will reject such code.

Of course, compilers are unlikely to remove their compatibility modes any
time soon, but I would hate to be stuck in a position of requiring "gcc
-std=gnu23" to get both new *and* obsolete features at the same time.


Looking to the future (was Re: Light weight support for JSON)

2022-08-28 Thread Martin D Kealey
Not that I fundamentally disagree with this (JSON) proposal, but I'd rather
see the effort put into support for nested arrays (like ksh has), and
generally having a more forward-looking view of Bash as an evolving

I would see this proceeding somewhat like the transition from Perl4 to
Perl5, where "everything is a string" gets replaced by a functioning
polymorphic type system that by default provides what look like the same
strings as before, but under the hood uses direct references rather than
symbolic indirection. (Yes, that would finally fix "local -n".)

Then emitting JSON or YAML becomes simply a matter of defining an output
formatter for a structured variable, which could even be set as its default
"stringize" function with a suitable "declare" statement.

It used to be that POSIX sh and AWK were the only common languages that
could be assumed to be present on all systems. Somewhere along the way AWK
fell out of common awareness, leaving just the shell, with its
arcane-to-the-point-of-intentionally-harmful misfeatures.

Since 1990, we've moved on. Systems have - quite literally - a million
times more storage than when POSIX documented the state of play in 1987.

In POSIX-like systems, tools like Python, Ruby, Perl & PHP have become
ubiquitous. Moreover, packaging systems allow a script to declare its
prerequisites, including its interpreter, so it's no longer necessary to
target one "universal" language.

Even embedded systems have many gigabytes of storage and generally include
a range of tools such as Perl and/or Python, or at least can install them.
(Those that don't generally also lack the ability to install *anything*,
including shell scripts, which makes the question of "which scripting
language" entirely moot.)

Supporting new features on *really* older devices is hard to justify, as
such devices are being replaced *just to reduce their power consumption*.

The Shell persists because it has one killer feature: it does double duty
as a scripting language and as an interactive command language. But we're
kidding ourselves if we think that no other language could fill that gap:
Python has a respectable interactive mode, though its focus is on objects
rather than processes and files; the interactive "debugger" console inside
Firefox speaks Javascript; and even "perl -d" is almost usable.

As for the future, I believe that if we don't move towards making the POSIX
sh behaviour a truly optional part of an otherwise-more-sane language, we
condemn Bash to continued obscurity and eventual extinction.

Existing shell scripts aren't going to curl up and die any time soon, but
we're at a crossroads: either we admit that Bash has had its day, and stop
adding ANY new features, or we make a decision to let it evolve in ways
that will still run existing scripts, provide an effective command
language, *and* allow new scripts to be written without needing to
constantly work around misfeatures that are 35 years past their use-by date.

Which is it to be?


PS: top of my list of most-hated misfeatures isn't any of the POSIX
malapropisms, but rather the fact that we can't write "shopt compatXX" with
the XX being the newest Bash version, and be sure that when person A
eventually installs a future version of Bash to get its new whiz-bang
interactive features, it won't break a script written by person B.

I've been told that "shopt compat" is a "short term measure until the
script gets fixed".
Implicit in that is the assumption that either the author of a Bash script
is supposed provide eternal on-going preemptive updates (even to users who
didn't even get the original from them), or that people who install a
script must necessarily be capable of diagnosing the weird broken behaviour
that emerges when they install a new version of Bash.
Yes, both of those are as crazy as they sound, and so is the "short term

Re: Light weight support for JSON

2022-08-28 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Sun, Aug 28, 2022 at 08:47:24PM -0400, Dale R. Worley wrote:
> The "obvious" way to support Json in Bash would be a utility that parses
> Json and produces e.g. a Bash associative array, and conversely a
> utility that reads a Bash associative array and produces Json.  The real
> limitation is that it's difficult to have a subprocess set Bash's
> variables.  As far as I know, there's no good idiom for that.

The standard idiom for this sort of thing is

eval "$(external-tool)"

This means you need to *trust* the external-tool to produce safe code.

Re: Light weight support for JSON

2022-08-28 Thread Dennis Williamson
On Sun, Aug 28, 2022 at 7:47 PM Dale R. Worley  wrote:

> The "obvious" way to support Json in Bash would be a utility that parses
> Json and produces e.g. a Bash associative array, and conversely a
> utility that reads a Bash associative array and produces Json.  The real
> limitation is that it's difficult to have a subprocess set Bash's
> variables.  As far as I know, there's no good idiom for that.
> Dale
If your json_util outputs a Bash declare -A statement then you could just
eval it to get your associative array.

The utility would need to guarantee against code injection in its output.
Another issue is that JSON can express things that Bash associative arrays
can't and so then you get into a rat's nest of workarounds.

Visit to get your system administration questions answered.

Re: Light weight support for JSON

2022-08-28 Thread Dale R. Worley
The "obvious" way to support Json in Bash would be a utility that parses
Json and produces e.g. a Bash associative array, and conversely a
utility that reads a Bash associative array and produces Json.  The real
limitation is that it's difficult to have a subprocess set Bash's
variables.  As far as I know, there's no good idiom for that.


Re: Bash Coding style - Adopting C99 declarations

2022-08-28 Thread Dmitry Goncharov
On Sunday, August 28, 2022, Andreas Schwab  wrote:

> On Aug 28 2022, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > On Sun, Aug 28, 2022 at 10:47:38AM -0400, Yair Lenga wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I've noticed Bash code uses "old-style" C89 declarations:
> >> * Parameters are separated from the prototype
> >> * Variables declared only at the beginning of the function
> >> * No mixed declaration/statements
> >> * No block local variables
> >>
> >> intmax_t
> >> evalexp (expr, flags, validp)
> >>  char *expr;
> >>  int flags;
> >>  int *validp;
> >> {
> >>   intmax_t val;
> >>   int c;
> >>   procenv_t oevalbuf;
> >>
> >>   val = 0;
> >>   noeval = 0;
> >>   already_expanded = (flags_EXPANDED);
> >
> > You're mistaken.  What you're seeing is the "K" coding style, which
> > predates C89.

This was not really a coding style. This was the c language syntax of
defining parameters.

> Note that the next revision of the C standard removes support for K
> declarations

> The code will continue to compile, won't it?
Regards, Dmitry

> --
> Andreas Schwab,
> GPG Key fingerprint = 7578 EB47 D4E5 4D69 2510  2552 DF73 E780 A9DA AEC1
> "And now for something completely different."

Re: Light weight support for JSON

2022-08-28 Thread Yair Lenga
First, thanks for taking the time to read and provide your thoughts. This
is the real value of the discussion/

Second: I'm NOT trying to argue that there isn't valid use for
combining bash/curl/jq, Nor do I suggest adding JSON as first class object
to bash (Python/node/Perl/Groovy are way ahead  ...).

I hope to get feedback from other readers for the news group that may find
this approach useful.

I'll take the very common use case of using AWS CLI, which does produces
JSON response for most calls. Processing the response, while possible with
JQ, it is challenging to many junior (and intermediate) developers. In many
cases, they fall into the traps that I mentioned above - performance
(excessive forking or fork/exec), or code that is hard to read (I've seen
really bad code - combining pipes of JQ/awk/sed). I'm trying to address
those cases. Almost always they fail to properly handle objects with while
space, new-lines, etc.

To be practical, I'll try to follow the loadable extension path, and see
how much I can get thru that path. Possibly will make sense to continue
discussion with a concrete implementation. I believe the necessary commands

json_read -a data-array -m meta-array -r root-obj
Parse the stdin input and into data-array with the items (as described
above), and the meta-array with helper information (length, prop list under
each node) - to help iterating.

json_write -v variable -a data-array -m meta-array -r root
The reverse - generate the JSON for associated array following '.' naming

json_add -a data-array [-m meta-array] [-r root] key1=value1 key2=value2
Helper to add items into associative array representing JSON object,
Autodetect type, with the ability to force stringfication using format

On Sun, Aug 28, 2022 at 3:22 PM John Passaro 

> interfacing with an external tool absolutely seems like the correct answer
> to me. a fact worth mentioning to back that up is that `jq` exists. billed
> as a sed/awk for json, it fills all the functions you'd expect such an
> external tool to have and many many more. interfacing from curl to jq to
> bash is something i do on a near daily basis.
> On Sun, Aug 28, 2022, 09:25 Yair Lenga  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Over the last few years, JSON data becomes a integral part of processing.
>> In many cases, I find myself having to automate tasks that require
>> inspection of JSON response, and in few cases, construction of JSON. So
>> far, I've taken one of two approaches:
>> * For simple parsing, using 'jq' to extract elements of the JSON
>> * For more complex tasks, switching to python or Javascript.
>> Wanted to get feedback about the following "extensions" to bash that will
>> make it easier to work with simple JSON object. To emphasize, the goal is
>> NOT to "compete" with Python/Javascript (and other full scale language) -
>> just to make it easier to build bash scripts that cover the very common
>> use
>> case of submitting REST requests with curl (checking results, etc), and to
>> perform simple processing of JSON files.
>> Proposal:
>> * Minimal - Lightweight "json parser" that will convert JSON files to bash
>> associative array (see below)
>> * Convert bash associative array to JSON
>> To the extent possible, prefer to borrow from jsonpath syntax.
>> Parsing JSON into an associative array.
>> Consider the following, showing all possible JSON values (boolean, number,
>> string, object and array).
>> {
>> "b": false,
>> "n": 10.2,
>> "s: "foobar",
>>  x: null,
>> "o" : { "n": 10.2,  "s: "xyz" },
>>  "a": [
>>  { "n": 10.2,  "s: "abc", x: false },
>>  {  "n": 10.2,  "s": "def" x: true},
>>  ],
>> }
>> This should be converted into the following array:
>> -
>> # Top level
>> [_length] = 6# Number of keys in object/array
>> [_keys] = b n s x o a# Direct keys
>> [b] = false
>> [n] = 10.2
>> [s] = foobar
>> [x] = null
>> # This is object 'o'
>> [o._length] = 2
>> [o._keys] = n s
>> [o.n] = 10.2
>> [o.s] = xyz
>> # Array 'a'
>> [a._count] =  2   # Number of elements in array
>> # Element a[0] (object)
>> [a.0._length] = 3
>> [a.0._keys] = n s x
>> [a.0.n] = 10.2
>> [a.0.s] = abc
>> [a.0_x] = false
>> -
>> I hope that example above is sufficient. There are few other items that
>> are
>> worth exploring - e.g., how to store the type (specifically, separate the
>> quoted strings vs value so that "5.2" is different than 5.2, and "null" is
>> different from null.
>> I will leave the second part to a different post, once I have some
>> feedback. I have some prototype that i've written in python - POC - that
>> make it possible to write things like
>> declare -a foo
>> curl | readjson foo
>> printf "temperature(F) : %.1f 

Re: Light weight support for JSON

2022-08-28 Thread Saint Michael
He has a point, though. To have some of the functionality of jq inside Bash
may be very useful.
If he can supply a patch, why not?
Philip Orleans

On Sun, Aug 28, 2022, 3:22 PM John Passaro  wrote:

> interfacing with an external tool absolutely seems like the correct answer
> to me. a fact worth mentioning to back that up is that `jq` exists. billed
> as a sed/awk for json, it fills all the functions you'd expect such an
> external tool to have and many many more. interfacing from curl to jq to
> bash is something i do on a near daily basis.
> On Sun, Aug 28, 2022, 09:25 Yair Lenga  wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Over the last few years, JSON data becomes a integral part of processing.
> > In many cases, I find myself having to automate tasks that require
> > inspection of JSON response, and in few cases, construction of JSON. So
> > far, I've taken one of two approaches:
> > * For simple parsing, using 'jq' to extract elements of the JSON
> > * For more complex tasks, switching to python or Javascript.
> >
> > Wanted to get feedback about the following "extensions" to bash that will
> > make it easier to work with simple JSON object. To emphasize, the goal is
> > NOT to "compete" with Python/Javascript (and other full scale language) -
> > just to make it easier to build bash scripts that cover the very common
> use
> > case of submitting REST requests with curl (checking results, etc), and
> to
> > perform simple processing of JSON files.
> >
> > Proposal:
> > * Minimal - Lightweight "json parser" that will convert JSON files to
> bash
> > associative array (see below)
> > * Convert bash associative array to JSON
> >
> > To the extent possible, prefer to borrow from jsonpath syntax.
> >
> > Parsing JSON into an associative array.
> >
> > Consider the following, showing all possible JSON values (boolean,
> number,
> > string, object and array).
> > {
> > "b": false,
> > "n": 10.2,
> > "s: "foobar",
> >  x: null,
> > "o" : { "n": 10.2,  "s: "xyz" },
> >  "a": [
> >  { "n": 10.2,  "s: "abc", x: false },
> >  {  "n": 10.2,  "s": "def" x: true},
> >  ],
> > }
> >
> > This should be converted into the following array:
> >
> > -
> >
> > # Top level
> > [_length] = 6# Number of keys in object/array
> > [_keys] = b n s x o a# Direct keys
> > [b] = false
> > [n] = 10.2
> > [s] = foobar
> > [x] = null
> >
> > # This is object 'o'
> > [o._length] = 2
> > [o._keys] = n s
> > [o.n] = 10.2
> > [o.s] = xyz
> >
> > # Array 'a'
> > [a._count] =  2   # Number of elements in array
> >
> > # Element a[0] (object)
> > [a.0._length] = 3
> > [a.0._keys] = n s x
> > [a.0.n] = 10.2
> > [a.0.s] = abc
> > [a.0_x] = false
> >
> > -
> >
> > I hope that example above is sufficient. There are few other items that
> are
> > worth exploring - e.g., how to store the type (specifically, separate the
> > quoted strings vs value so that "5.2" is different than 5.2, and "null"
> is
> > different from null.
> >
> > I will leave the second part to a different post, once I have some
> > feedback. I have some prototype that i've written in python - POC - that
> > make it possible to write things like
> >
> > declare -a foo
> > curl | readjson foo
> >
> > printf "temperature(F) : %.1f Wind(MPH)=%d" ${foo[temp_f]}, ${foo[wind]}
> >
> > Yair
> >

Re: Light weight support for JSON

2022-08-28 Thread Lawrence Velázquez
On Sun, Aug 28, 2022, at 9:24 AM, Yair Lenga wrote:
> Wanted to get feedback about the following "extensions" to bash that will
> make it easier to work with simple JSON object.

It occurred to me to provide references for previous discussion
along these lines, but it turns out there isn't very much of it.
This is the most concrete example I found:


Re: Light weight support for JSON

2022-08-28 Thread Lawrence Velázquez
On Sun, Aug 28, 2022, at 4:05 PM, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> At 2022-08-28T15:52:55-0400, Lawrence Velázquez wrote:
>> On Sun, Aug 28, 2022, at 2:56 PM, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
>> > How about next July, when JSON is as exactly old as the Bourne shell
>> > was when JSON was deployed?
>> I do not find "well *actually* JSON is old too!!!" to be particularly
>> persuasive, either.
> It's a perfectly valid rejoinder to a claim that the format is too novel
> to be seriously considered.  That you don't regard it as persuasive is
> consistent with your protest not being a rational one in the first
> place

Agree to disagree.


Re: Light weight support for JSON

2022-08-28 Thread G. Branden Robinson
At 2022-08-28T15:52:55-0400, Lawrence Velázquez wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 28, 2022, at 2:56 PM, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> > How about next July, when JSON is as exactly old as the Bourne shell
> > was when JSON was deployed?
> I do not find "well *actually* JSON is old too!!!" to be particularly
> persuasive, either.

It's a perfectly valid rejoinder to a claim that the format is too novel
to be seriously considered.  That you don't regard it as persuasive is
consistent with your protest not being a rational one in the first
place; one doesn't get reasoned out of what one wasn't reasoned into.

> I should have foreseen that the offhand "of the month" jab would
> get undue attention compared to my actual objection, which is against
> giving one data format uniquely first-class support.  That's on me.

That's right.  Don't pad your brief with makeweight objections,
particularly when their ultimate weight is feeble.

> Sick burn, pal.  Excuse me while I take out my dentures or whatever.

Fortunately for you, I reckon that even with mushmouthed enunciation,
the kids wont't have any trouble understanding that you want them to get
off your lawn.

Why stomp on the newbies' ideas with two feet when one will do?


Description: PGP signature

Re: Light weight support for JSON

2022-08-28 Thread Lawrence Velázquez
On Sun, Aug 28, 2022, at 2:56 PM, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> At 2022-08-28T14:11:25-0400, Lawrence Velázquez wrote:
>> I do not think bash needs to sprout functionality to support every
>> data-exchange format of the month.
> This sentiment is illustrative of the logarithmic memory scale of
> grognards.  The Bourne shell was first released as part of Version 7
> Unix in January 1979.[1]  22 years and three months later, in April
> 2001, Douglas Crockford and Chip Morningstar sent the first JSON
> message.[2]
>> A loadable module might be okay, I guess.
> How about next July, when JSON is as exactly old as the Bourne shell was
> when JSON was deployed?

I do not find "well *actually* JSON is old too!!!" to be particularly
persuasive, either.

I should have foreseen that the offhand "of the month" jab would
get undue attention compared to my actual objection, which is against
giving one data format uniquely first-class support.  That's on me.

>> Why are people so allergic to just using specific utilities for
>> specific tasks, as appropriate?  (This question is rhetorical.
>> Please do not respond with an impassioned plea about why JSON is
>> so special that it deserves first-class shell support.  It's not.)
> I won't litigate this point, but your concept of novelty is distorted
> beyond any standard reasonable in the computer industry.  If we are only
> as young as we feel, you must feel geriatric in the extreme.

Sick burn, pal.  Excuse me while I take out my dentures or whatever.


Re: Light weight support for JSON

2022-08-28 Thread John Passaro
interfacing with an external tool absolutely seems like the correct answer
to me. a fact worth mentioning to back that up is that `jq` exists. billed
as a sed/awk for json, it fills all the functions you'd expect such an
external tool to have and many many more. interfacing from curl to jq to
bash is something i do on a near daily basis.

On Sun, Aug 28, 2022, 09:25 Yair Lenga  wrote:

> Hi,
> Over the last few years, JSON data becomes a integral part of processing.
> In many cases, I find myself having to automate tasks that require
> inspection of JSON response, and in few cases, construction of JSON. So
> far, I've taken one of two approaches:
> * For simple parsing, using 'jq' to extract elements of the JSON
> * For more complex tasks, switching to python or Javascript.
> Wanted to get feedback about the following "extensions" to bash that will
> make it easier to work with simple JSON object. To emphasize, the goal is
> NOT to "compete" with Python/Javascript (and other full scale language) -
> just to make it easier to build bash scripts that cover the very common use
> case of submitting REST requests with curl (checking results, etc), and to
> perform simple processing of JSON files.
> Proposal:
> * Minimal - Lightweight "json parser" that will convert JSON files to bash
> associative array (see below)
> * Convert bash associative array to JSON
> To the extent possible, prefer to borrow from jsonpath syntax.
> Parsing JSON into an associative array.
> Consider the following, showing all possible JSON values (boolean, number,
> string, object and array).
> {
> "b": false,
> "n": 10.2,
> "s: "foobar",
>  x: null,
> "o" : { "n": 10.2,  "s: "xyz" },
>  "a": [
>  { "n": 10.2,  "s: "abc", x: false },
>  {  "n": 10.2,  "s": "def" x: true},
>  ],
> }
> This should be converted into the following array:
> -
> # Top level
> [_length] = 6# Number of keys in object/array
> [_keys] = b n s x o a# Direct keys
> [b] = false
> [n] = 10.2
> [s] = foobar
> [x] = null
> # This is object 'o'
> [o._length] = 2
> [o._keys] = n s
> [o.n] = 10.2
> [o.s] = xyz
> # Array 'a'
> [a._count] =  2   # Number of elements in array
> # Element a[0] (object)
> [a.0._length] = 3
> [a.0._keys] = n s x
> [a.0.n] = 10.2
> [a.0.s] = abc
> [a.0_x] = false
> -
> I hope that example above is sufficient. There are few other items that are
> worth exploring - e.g., how to store the type (specifically, separate the
> quoted strings vs value so that "5.2" is different than 5.2, and "null" is
> different from null.
> I will leave the second part to a different post, once I have some
> feedback. I have some prototype that i've written in python - POC - that
> make it possible to write things like
> declare -a foo
> curl | readjson foo
> printf "temperature(F) : %.1f Wind(MPH)=%d" ${foo[temp_f]}, ${foo[wind]}
> Yair

Re: Light weight support for JSON

2022-08-28 Thread G. Branden Robinson
At 2022-08-28T14:11:25-0400, Lawrence Velázquez wrote:
> I do not think bash needs to sprout functionality to support every
> data-exchange format of the month.

This sentiment is illustrative of the logarithmic memory scale of
grognards.  The Bourne shell was first released as part of Version 7
Unix in January 1979.[1]  22 years and three months later, in April
2001, Douglas Crockford and Chip Morningstar sent the first JSON

> A loadable module might be okay, I guess.

How about next July, when JSON is as exactly old as the Bourne shell was
when JSON was deployed?

> Why are people so allergic to just using specific utilities for
> specific tasks, as appropriate?  (This question is rhetorical.
> Please do not respond with an impassioned plea about why JSON is
> so special that it deserves first-class shell support.  It's not.)

I won't litigate this point, but your concept of novelty is distorted
beyond any standard reasonable in the computer industry.  If we are only
as young as we feel, you must feel geriatric in the extreme.



Description: PGP signature

Re: Light weight support for JSON

2022-08-28 Thread Lawrence Velázquez
On Sun, Aug 28, 2022, at 2:29 PM, Yair Lenga wrote:
> I do not think that JSON (and REST) are "data exchange format of the
> month". Those are established formats that are here to stay. Like YAML.
> Those are "cornerstones" of cloud computing/configuration. I do not have to
> argue for them, they can speak for themselves.

You *do* have to argue why a shell should provide first-class support
for them, or for any concrete data format.  Shells exist on a much
longer time scale than anything you've been talking about and are
used in essentially every conceivable computing context.  "I think
JSON is *extra-special* important though" is not a reason why the
shell itself should give it special attention.

> As for using external utilities: two main issues:
> * Performance - Processing data in bash processes can be 100X times faster
> than using external tools. The fork/exec is expensive.

And?  Are you running jq 100,000 times in a tight loop?

> * Readability - Each tool has its own syntax, escapes, etc. The final
> result of mixing JQ and bash is not pretty (just lookup jq/bash questions
> on stack overflow)

Neither is your example.  Bash's "type system" (as it were) cannot
fully represent all JSON objects, so you're going to end up with
some sort of gross approximation regardless.

> Having them as a loadable extension seems like a good practical solution.
> They do not have to be "built-in".

The "csv" loadable provides some precedent for this.  It won't solve
the representation problem, though.


Re: Light weight support for JSON

2022-08-28 Thread Yair Lenga
I do not think that JSON (and REST) are "data exchange format of the
month". Those are established formats that are here to stay. Like YAML.
Those are "cornerstones" of cloud computing/configuration. I do not have to
argue for them, they can speak for themselves.

As for using external utilities: two main issues:
* Performance - Processing data in bash processes can be 100X times faster
than using external tools. The fork/exec is expensive. To emphasize, the
intention is not to build ETL processes with bash - those should still use
dedicated tools (or Python or frameworks).
* Readability - Each tool has its own syntax, escapes, etc. The final
result of mixing JQ and bash is not pretty (just lookup jq/bash questions
on stack overflow)
* It is not easy to construct valid (JSON) documents with bash - by
concatenating strings. Many other tools that are used for automation have
support to ensure correctness. will be nice to have the same - it will make
bash more useful for the proper use cases.

Having them as a loadable extension seems like a good practical solution.
They do not have to be "built-in".


On Sun, Aug 28, 2022 at 2:11 PM Lawrence Velázquez  wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 28, 2022, at 9:24 AM, Yair Lenga wrote:
> > Wanted to get feedback about the following "extensions" to bash that will
> > make it easier to work with simple JSON object. To emphasize, the goal is
> > NOT to "compete" with Python/Javascript (and other full scale language) -
> > just to make it easier to build bash scripts that cover the very common
> use
> > case of submitting REST requests with curl (checking results, etc), and
> to
> > perform simple processing of JSON files.
> I do not think bash needs to sprout functionality to support every
> data-exchange format of the month.  A loadable module might be okay,
> I guess.
> Why are people so allergic to just using specific utilities for
> specific tasks, as appropriate?  (This question is rhetorical.
> Please do not respond with an impassioned plea about why JSON is
> so special that it deserves first-class shell support.  It's not.)
> --
> vq

Re: bug-bash Digest, Vol 237, Issue 30

2022-08-28 Thread Lawrence Velázquez
On Sun, Aug 28, 2022, at 1:17 PM, Yair Lenga wrote:
> Yes, you are correct - (most/all of) of those examples "K".
> However, given bash's important role in modern computing - isn't it time to
> take advantage of new language features ?

Why?  What benefit would that actually provide?

> this can make code more readable,
> efficient and reliable.

In practice, there's only person who really interacts with bash
code.  If he doesn't think there's a problem with K style, then
it's not going to change.

> I doubt that
> many users are trying to install a new bash in a system that was
> built/configured 15 years ago.

You might be surprised.


Re: Light weight support for JSON

2022-08-28 Thread Lawrence Velázquez
On Sun, Aug 28, 2022, at 9:24 AM, Yair Lenga wrote:
> Wanted to get feedback about the following "extensions" to bash that will
> make it easier to work with simple JSON object. To emphasize, the goal is
> NOT to "compete" with Python/Javascript (and other full scale language) -
> just to make it easier to build bash scripts that cover the very common use
> case of submitting REST requests with curl (checking results, etc), and to
> perform simple processing of JSON files.

I do not think bash needs to sprout functionality to support every
data-exchange format of the month.  A loadable module might be okay,
I guess.

Why are people so allergic to just using specific utilities for
specific tasks, as appropriate?  (This question is rhetorical.
Please do not respond with an impassioned plea about why JSON is
so special that it deserves first-class shell support.  It's not.)


Re: bug-bash Digest, Vol 237, Issue 30

2022-08-28 Thread Yair Lenga
Yes, you are correct - (most/all of) of those examples "K".

However, given bash's important role in modern computing - isn't it time to
take advantage of new language features ? this can make code more readable,
efficient and reliable. Users who are using  old platforms are most likely
using a "snapshot" of tools - e.g., old gcc, make, ... etc. I doubt that
many users are trying to install a new bash in a system that was
built/configured 15 years ago.

Many Java/python/C++ projects that want to move forward do it as part of
the "major" release, in which they indicate Java 7 (or java java 8) support
will be phased out. Same for C++ and python.

On Sun, Aug 28, 2022 at 12:00 PM  wrote:

> Send bug-bash mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of bug-bash digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>1. Bash Coding style - Adopting C99 declarations (Yair Lenga)
>2. Re: Light weight support for JSON (Yair Lenga)
>3. Re: Bash Coding style - Adopting C99 declarations (Greg Wooledge)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2022 10:47:38 -0400
> From: Yair Lenga 
> To: bug-bash 
> Subject: Bash Coding style - Adopting C99 declarations
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Hi,
> I've noticed Bash code uses "old-style" C89 declarations:
> * Parameters are separated from the prototype
> * Variables declared only at the beginning of the function
> * No mixed declaration/statements
> * No block local variables
> intmax_t
> evalexp (expr, flags, validp)
>  char *expr;
>  int flags;
>  int *validp;
> {
>   intmax_t val;
>   int c;
>   procenv_t oevalbuf;
>   val = 0;
>   noeval = 0;
>   already_expanded = (flags_EXPANDED);
> ---
> Curious as to the motivation of sticking to this standard for new
> development/features. Specifically, is there a requirement to keep bash
> compatible with C89 ? I believe some of those practices are discouraged
> nowadays.
> Yair
> --
> Message: 2
> Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2022 10:51:33 -0400
> From: Yair Lenga 
> To: Alex fxmbsw7 Ratchev 
> Cc: bug-bash 
> Subject: Re: Light weight support for JSON
> Message-ID:
> <
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Interesting point. Using (optional) separate array can also address the
> problem of "types" - knowing which values are quoted, and which one are
> not. This can also provide enough metadata to convert modified associative
> table back to JSON.
> On Sun, Aug 28, 2022 at 9:51 AM Alex fxmbsw7 Ratchev 
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Sun, Aug 28, 2022, 15:46 Yair Lenga  wrote:
> >
> >> Sorry for not being clear. I'm looking for feedback. The solution that I
> >> have is using python to read the JSON, and generate the commands to
> build
> >> the associative array. Will have to rewrite in "C"/submit if there is
> >> positive feedback from others readers. Yair.
> >>
> >
> > ah, cool
> > i just have a suggestion, .. to store the keys in a separate array, space
> > safe
> >
> > On Sun, Aug 28, 2022 at 9:42 AM Alex fxmbsw7 Ratchev 
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On Sun, Aug 28, 2022, 15:25 Yair Lenga  wrote:
> >>>
>  Hi,
>  Over the last few years, JSON data becomes a integral part of
>  processing.
>  In many cases, I find myself having to automate tasks that require
>  inspection of JSON response, and in few cases, construction of JSON.
> So
>  far, I've taken one of two approaches:
>  * For simple parsing, using 'jq' to extract elements of the JSON
>  * For more complex tasks, switching to python or Javascript.
>  Wanted to get feedback about the following "extensions" to bash that
>  will
>  make it easier to work with simple JSON object. To emphasize, the goal
>  is
>  NOT to "compete" with Python/Javascript (and other full scale
> language)
>  -
>  just to make it easier to build bash scripts that cover the very
> common
>  use
>  case of submitting REST requests with curl (checking results, etc),
> and
>  to
>  perform simple processing of JSON files.
>  Proposal:
>  * Minimal - Lightweight "json parser" that will convert JSON files to
>  bash
>  associative array (see below)
>  * Convert bash associative array to JSON
>  To the extent possible, prefer to borrow from jsonpath syntax.
>  Parsing JSON into an 

Re: Bash Coding style - Adopting C99 declarations

2022-08-28 Thread Andreas Schwab
On Aug 28 2022, Greg Wooledge wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 28, 2022 at 10:47:38AM -0400, Yair Lenga wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've noticed Bash code uses "old-style" C89 declarations:
>> * Parameters are separated from the prototype
>> * Variables declared only at the beginning of the function
>> * No mixed declaration/statements
>> * No block local variables
>> intmax_t
>> evalexp (expr, flags, validp)
>>  char *expr;
>>  int flags;
>>  int *validp;
>> {
>>   intmax_t val;
>>   int c;
>>   procenv_t oevalbuf;
>>   val = 0;
>>   noeval = 0;
>>   already_expanded = (flags_EXPANDED);
> You're mistaken.  What you're seeing is the "K" coding style, which
> predates C89.

Note that the next revision of the C standard removes support for K

Andreas Schwab,
GPG Key fingerprint = 7578 EB47 D4E5 4D69 2510  2552 DF73 E780 A9DA AEC1
"And now for something completely different."

Re: Bash Coding style - Adopting C99 declarations

2022-08-28 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Sun, Aug 28, 2022 at 10:47:38AM -0400, Yair Lenga wrote:
> Hi,
> I've noticed Bash code uses "old-style" C89 declarations:
> * Parameters are separated from the prototype
> * Variables declared only at the beginning of the function
> * No mixed declaration/statements
> * No block local variables
> intmax_t
> evalexp (expr, flags, validp)
>  char *expr;
>  int flags;
>  int *validp;
> {
>   intmax_t val;
>   int c;
>   procenv_t oevalbuf;
>   val = 0;
>   noeval = 0;
>   already_expanded = (flags_EXPANDED);

You're mistaken.  What you're seeing is the "K" coding style, which
predates C89.

I'm pretty sure that the decision to continue in this style well past
the widespread adoption of C89 was because of a desire to use bash on
systems that still had a K C compiler.  A lot of the oldest GNU projects
followed this idea, in order to increase the number of commercial Unix
systems on which they could be used.

Re: Light weight support for JSON

2022-08-28 Thread Yair Lenga
Interesting point. Using (optional) separate array can also address the
problem of "types" - knowing which values are quoted, and which one are
not. This can also provide enough metadata to convert modified associative
table back to JSON.

On Sun, Aug 28, 2022 at 9:51 AM Alex fxmbsw7 Ratchev 

> On Sun, Aug 28, 2022, 15:46 Yair Lenga  wrote:
>> Sorry for not being clear. I'm looking for feedback. The solution that I
>> have is using python to read the JSON, and generate the commands to build
>> the associative array. Will have to rewrite in "C"/submit if there is
>> positive feedback from others readers. Yair.
> ah, cool
> i just have a suggestion, .. to store the keys in a separate array, space
> safe
> On Sun, Aug 28, 2022 at 9:42 AM Alex fxmbsw7 Ratchev 
>> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Aug 28, 2022, 15:25 Yair Lenga  wrote:

 Over the last few years, JSON data becomes a integral part of
 In many cases, I find myself having to automate tasks that require
 inspection of JSON response, and in few cases, construction of JSON. So
 far, I've taken one of two approaches:
 * For simple parsing, using 'jq' to extract elements of the JSON
 * For more complex tasks, switching to python or Javascript.

 Wanted to get feedback about the following "extensions" to bash that
 make it easier to work with simple JSON object. To emphasize, the goal
 NOT to "compete" with Python/Javascript (and other full scale language)
 just to make it easier to build bash scripts that cover the very common
 case of submitting REST requests with curl (checking results, etc), and
 perform simple processing of JSON files.

 * Minimal - Lightweight "json parser" that will convert JSON files to
 associative array (see below)
 * Convert bash associative array to JSON

 To the extent possible, prefer to borrow from jsonpath syntax.

 Parsing JSON into an associative array.

 Consider the following, showing all possible JSON values (boolean,
 string, object and array).
 "b": false,
 "n": 10.2,
 "s: "foobar",
  x: null,
 "o" : { "n": 10.2,  "s: "xyz" },
  "a": [
  { "n": 10.2,  "s: "abc", x: false },
  {  "n": 10.2,  "s": "def" x: true},

 This should be converted into the following array:


 # Top level
 [_length] = 6# Number of keys in
 [_keys] = b n s x o a# Direct keys
 [b] = false
 [n] = 10.2
 [s] = foobar
 [x] = null

 # This is object 'o'
 [o._length] = 2
 [o._keys] = n s
 [o.n] = 10.2
 [o.s] = xyz

 # Array 'a'
 [a._count] =  2   # Number of elements in array

 # Element a[0] (object)
 [a.0._length] = 3
 [a.0._keys] = n s x
 [a.0.n] = 10.2
 [a.0.s] = abc
 [a.0_x] = false


 I hope that example above is sufficient. There are few other items that
 worth exploring - e.g., how to store the type (specifically, separate
 quoted strings vs value so that "5.2" is different than 5.2, and "null"
 different from null.

>>> did you forget to send the script along ? or am i completly loss
>>> a small thing i saw, a flat _keys doesnt do the job..
>>> I will leave the second part to a different post, once I have some
 feedback. I have some prototype that i've written in python - POC - that
 make it possible to write things like

 declare -a foo
 curl | readjson foo

 printf "temperature(F) : %.1f Wind(MPH)=%d" ${foo[temp_f]}, ${foo[wind]}



Bash Coding style - Adopting C99 declarations

2022-08-28 Thread Yair Lenga

I've noticed Bash code uses "old-style" C89 declarations:
* Parameters are separated from the prototype
* Variables declared only at the beginning of the function
* No mixed declaration/statements
* No block local variables

evalexp (expr, flags, validp)
 char *expr;
 int flags;
 int *validp;
  intmax_t val;
  int c;
  procenv_t oevalbuf;

  val = 0;
  noeval = 0;
  already_expanded = (flags_EXPANDED);

Curious as to the motivation of sticking to this standard for new
development/features. Specifically, is there a requirement to keep bash
compatible with C89 ? I believe some of those practices are discouraged


Re: Light weight support for JSON

2022-08-28 Thread Alex fxmbsw7 Ratchev
On Sun, Aug 28, 2022, 15:46 Yair Lenga  wrote:

> Sorry for not being clear. I'm looking for feedback. The solution that I
> have is using python to read the JSON, and generate the commands to build
> the associative array. Will have to rewrite in "C"/submit if there is
> positive feedback from others readers. Yair.

ah, cool
i just have a suggestion, .. to store the keys in a separate array, space

On Sun, Aug 28, 2022 at 9:42 AM Alex fxmbsw7 Ratchev 
> wrote:
>> On Sun, Aug 28, 2022, 15:25 Yair Lenga  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Over the last few years, JSON data becomes a integral part of processing.
>>> In many cases, I find myself having to automate tasks that require
>>> inspection of JSON response, and in few cases, construction of JSON. So
>>> far, I've taken one of two approaches:
>>> * For simple parsing, using 'jq' to extract elements of the JSON
>>> * For more complex tasks, switching to python or Javascript.
>>> Wanted to get feedback about the following "extensions" to bash that will
>>> make it easier to work with simple JSON object. To emphasize, the goal is
>>> NOT to "compete" with Python/Javascript (and other full scale language) -
>>> just to make it easier to build bash scripts that cover the very common
>>> use
>>> case of submitting REST requests with curl (checking results, etc), and
>>> to
>>> perform simple processing of JSON files.
>>> Proposal:
>>> * Minimal - Lightweight "json parser" that will convert JSON files to
>>> bash
>>> associative array (see below)
>>> * Convert bash associative array to JSON
>>> To the extent possible, prefer to borrow from jsonpath syntax.
>>> Parsing JSON into an associative array.
>>> Consider the following, showing all possible JSON values (boolean,
>>> number,
>>> string, object and array).
>>> {
>>> "b": false,
>>> "n": 10.2,
>>> "s: "foobar",
>>>  x: null,
>>> "o" : { "n": 10.2,  "s: "xyz" },
>>>  "a": [
>>>  { "n": 10.2,  "s: "abc", x: false },
>>>  {  "n": 10.2,  "s": "def" x: true},
>>>  ],
>>> }
>>> This should be converted into the following array:
>>> -
>>> # Top level
>>> [_length] = 6# Number of keys in object/array
>>> [_keys] = b n s x o a# Direct keys
>>> [b] = false
>>> [n] = 10.2
>>> [s] = foobar
>>> [x] = null
>>> # This is object 'o'
>>> [o._length] = 2
>>> [o._keys] = n s
>>> [o.n] = 10.2
>>> [o.s] = xyz
>>> # Array 'a'
>>> [a._count] =  2   # Number of elements in array
>>> # Element a[0] (object)
>>> [a.0._length] = 3
>>> [a.0._keys] = n s x
>>> [a.0.n] = 10.2
>>> [a.0.s] = abc
>>> [a.0_x] = false
>>> -
>>> I hope that example above is sufficient. There are few other items that
>>> are
>>> worth exploring - e.g., how to store the type (specifically, separate the
>>> quoted strings vs value so that "5.2" is different than 5.2, and "null"
>>> is
>>> different from null.
>> did you forget to send the script along ? or am i completly loss
>> a small thing i saw, a flat _keys doesnt do the job..
>> I will leave the second part to a different post, once I have some
>>> feedback. I have some prototype that i've written in python - POC - that
>>> make it possible to write things like
>>> declare -a foo
>>> curl | readjson foo
>>> printf "temperature(F) : %.1f Wind(MPH)=%d" ${foo[temp_f]}, ${foo[wind]}
>>> Yair

Re: Light weight support for JSON

2022-08-28 Thread Yair Lenga
Sorry for not being clear. I'm looking for feedback. The solution that I
have is using python to read the JSON, and generate the commands to build
the associative array. Will have to rewrite in "C"/submit if there is
positive feedback from others readers. Yair.

On Sun, Aug 28, 2022 at 9:42 AM Alex fxmbsw7 Ratchev 

> On Sun, Aug 28, 2022, 15:25 Yair Lenga  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Over the last few years, JSON data becomes a integral part of processing.
>> In many cases, I find myself having to automate tasks that require
>> inspection of JSON response, and in few cases, construction of JSON. So
>> far, I've taken one of two approaches:
>> * For simple parsing, using 'jq' to extract elements of the JSON
>> * For more complex tasks, switching to python or Javascript.
>> Wanted to get feedback about the following "extensions" to bash that will
>> make it easier to work with simple JSON object. To emphasize, the goal is
>> NOT to "compete" with Python/Javascript (and other full scale language) -
>> just to make it easier to build bash scripts that cover the very common
>> use
>> case of submitting REST requests with curl (checking results, etc), and to
>> perform simple processing of JSON files.
>> Proposal:
>> * Minimal - Lightweight "json parser" that will convert JSON files to bash
>> associative array (see below)
>> * Convert bash associative array to JSON
>> To the extent possible, prefer to borrow from jsonpath syntax.
>> Parsing JSON into an associative array.
>> Consider the following, showing all possible JSON values (boolean, number,
>> string, object and array).
>> {
>> "b": false,
>> "n": 10.2,
>> "s: "foobar",
>>  x: null,
>> "o" : { "n": 10.2,  "s: "xyz" },
>>  "a": [
>>  { "n": 10.2,  "s: "abc", x: false },
>>  {  "n": 10.2,  "s": "def" x: true},
>>  ],
>> }
>> This should be converted into the following array:
>> -
>> # Top level
>> [_length] = 6# Number of keys in object/array
>> [_keys] = b n s x o a# Direct keys
>> [b] = false
>> [n] = 10.2
>> [s] = foobar
>> [x] = null
>> # This is object 'o'
>> [o._length] = 2
>> [o._keys] = n s
>> [o.n] = 10.2
>> [o.s] = xyz
>> # Array 'a'
>> [a._count] =  2   # Number of elements in array
>> # Element a[0] (object)
>> [a.0._length] = 3
>> [a.0._keys] = n s x
>> [a.0.n] = 10.2
>> [a.0.s] = abc
>> [a.0_x] = false
>> -
>> I hope that example above is sufficient. There are few other items that
>> are
>> worth exploring - e.g., how to store the type (specifically, separate the
>> quoted strings vs value so that "5.2" is different than 5.2, and "null" is
>> different from null.
> did you forget to send the script along ? or am i completly loss
> a small thing i saw, a flat _keys doesnt do the job..
> I will leave the second part to a different post, once I have some
>> feedback. I have some prototype that i've written in python - POC - that
>> make it possible to write things like
>> declare -a foo
>> curl | readjson foo
>> printf "temperature(F) : %.1f Wind(MPH)=%d" ${foo[temp_f]}, ${foo[wind]}
>> Yair

Re: Light weight support for JSON

2022-08-28 Thread Alex fxmbsw7 Ratchev
On Sun, Aug 28, 2022, 15:25 Yair Lenga  wrote:

> Hi,
> Over the last few years, JSON data becomes a integral part of processing.
> In many cases, I find myself having to automate tasks that require
> inspection of JSON response, and in few cases, construction of JSON. So
> far, I've taken one of two approaches:
> * For simple parsing, using 'jq' to extract elements of the JSON
> * For more complex tasks, switching to python or Javascript.
> Wanted to get feedback about the following "extensions" to bash that will
> make it easier to work with simple JSON object. To emphasize, the goal is
> NOT to "compete" with Python/Javascript (and other full scale language) -
> just to make it easier to build bash scripts that cover the very common use
> case of submitting REST requests with curl (checking results, etc), and to
> perform simple processing of JSON files.
> Proposal:
> * Minimal - Lightweight "json parser" that will convert JSON files to bash
> associative array (see below)
> * Convert bash associative array to JSON
> To the extent possible, prefer to borrow from jsonpath syntax.
> Parsing JSON into an associative array.
> Consider the following, showing all possible JSON values (boolean, number,
> string, object and array).
> {
> "b": false,
> "n": 10.2,
> "s: "foobar",
>  x: null,
> "o" : { "n": 10.2,  "s: "xyz" },
>  "a": [
>  { "n": 10.2,  "s: "abc", x: false },
>  {  "n": 10.2,  "s": "def" x: true},
>  ],
> }
> This should be converted into the following array:
> -
> # Top level
> [_length] = 6# Number of keys in object/array
> [_keys] = b n s x o a# Direct keys
> [b] = false
> [n] = 10.2
> [s] = foobar
> [x] = null
> # This is object 'o'
> [o._length] = 2
> [o._keys] = n s
> [o.n] = 10.2
> [o.s] = xyz
> # Array 'a'
> [a._count] =  2   # Number of elements in array
> # Element a[0] (object)
> [a.0._length] = 3
> [a.0._keys] = n s x
> [a.0.n] = 10.2
> [a.0.s] = abc
> [a.0_x] = false
> -
> I hope that example above is sufficient. There are few other items that are
> worth exploring - e.g., how to store the type (specifically, separate the
> quoted strings vs value so that "5.2" is different than 5.2, and "null" is
> different from null.

did you forget to send the script along ? or am i completly loss

a small thing i saw, a flat _keys doesnt do the job..

I will leave the second part to a different post, once I have some
> feedback. I have some prototype that i've written in python - POC - that
> make it possible to write things like
> declare -a foo
> curl | readjson foo
> printf "temperature(F) : %.1f Wind(MPH)=%d" ${foo[temp_f]}, ${foo[wind]}
> Yair

Light weight support for JSON

2022-08-28 Thread Yair Lenga

Over the last few years, JSON data becomes a integral part of processing.
In many cases, I find myself having to automate tasks that require
inspection of JSON response, and in few cases, construction of JSON. So
far, I've taken one of two approaches:
* For simple parsing, using 'jq' to extract elements of the JSON
* For more complex tasks, switching to python or Javascript.

Wanted to get feedback about the following "extensions" to bash that will
make it easier to work with simple JSON object. To emphasize, the goal is
NOT to "compete" with Python/Javascript (and other full scale language) -
just to make it easier to build bash scripts that cover the very common use
case of submitting REST requests with curl (checking results, etc), and to
perform simple processing of JSON files.

* Minimal - Lightweight "json parser" that will convert JSON files to bash
associative array (see below)
* Convert bash associative array to JSON

To the extent possible, prefer to borrow from jsonpath syntax.

Parsing JSON into an associative array.

Consider the following, showing all possible JSON values (boolean, number,
string, object and array).
"b": false,
"n": 10.2,
"s: "foobar",
 x: null,
"o" : { "n": 10.2,  "s: "xyz" },
 "a": [
 { "n": 10.2,  "s: "abc", x: false },
 {  "n": 10.2,  "s": "def" x: true},

This should be converted into the following array:


# Top level
[_length] = 6# Number of keys in object/array
[_keys] = b n s x o a# Direct keys
[b] = false
[n] = 10.2
[s] = foobar
[x] = null

# This is object 'o'
[o._length] = 2
[o._keys] = n s
[o.n] = 10.2
[o.s] = xyz

# Array 'a'
[a._count] =  2   # Number of elements in array

# Element a[0] (object)
[a.0._length] = 3
[a.0._keys] = n s x
[a.0.n] = 10.2
[a.0.s] = abc
[a.0_x] = false


I hope that example above is sufficient. There are few other items that are
worth exploring - e.g., how to store the type (specifically, separate the
quoted strings vs value so that "5.2" is different than 5.2, and "null" is
different from null.

I will leave the second part to a different post, once I have some
feedback. I have some prototype that i've written in python - POC - that
make it possible to write things like

declare -a foo
curl | readjson foo

printf "temperature(F) : %.1f Wind(MPH)=%d" ${foo[temp_f]}, ${foo[wind]}
