Re: [Caml-list] ocamlfind + sexplib + bin_io

2012-04-28 Thread Markus Mottl
On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 14:12, Matej Košík wrote:
 On 04/27/2012 08:29 PM, Markus Mottl wrote:

 even the following should work if everything is installed correctly:

   ocamlfind ocamlc -linkpkg -package sexplib.syntax,bin_prot.syntax
 -syntax camlp4o

 If I try this command, I get the same error:

        Camlp4: Uncaught exception: Not_found

        File, line 1, characters 0-1:
        Error: Preprocessor error

 Now, I am not sure what should be the conclusion.

Well, the conclusion would be that there is something wrong with the
installation ;-)

 I hesitate to claim that versions of (sexplib+bin_prot) libraries
 published in GODI are faulty---if I do not use ocamlfind, I can use
 those libraries just fine.

It could be that there is more than one installation of these
libraries on your system and that they are in conflict.  E.g. if you
ever installed type_conv outside of Godi.

 Do not you think that camlp4 is never expected (for any kind of input)
 throw an exception? Are we sure that the reported steps do not simply
 trigger a camlp4 bug?

There is surely a reason for this exception.  It might indeed be due
to incompatible preprocessing modules.

To make sure that things compile, please delete any potential other
installations of the above libraries from your system.  One problem
that seems to have happened for some people is that they previously
installed type-conv and bin-prot.  These packages have been renamed to
type_conv and bin_prot (complex reason).  If they have been previously
installed, you may now have both packages on your system.  It seems
Godi cannot determine renamed packages and will leave old ones in
place.  Please make sure to manually delete all files and directories
in your Godi installation that match *type-conv* or *bin-prot*.
If in doubt, just completely reinstall Godi.  I've just tested the
current release, and it works for me.


Markus Mottl

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Re: [Caml-list] ocamlfind + sexplib + bin_io

2012-04-27 Thread Markus Mottl

even the following should work if everything is installed correctly:

  ocamlfind ocamlc -linkpkg -package sexplib.syntax,bin_prot.syntax
-syntax camlp4o

The currently best supported versions of type_conv, sexplib, and
bin_prot can be found in my fork of Jane Street's Core library here:

Installation is fairly easy: it only requires uninstalling all Jane
Street Godi packages, type_conv, bin_prot, and sexplib, installing
Oasis 0.3, and running one script build-and-install, which will
install ocamlfind packages for all libraries.

It may unfortunately still take a little while before Jane Street will
release their latest version of Core, which should integrate the above
and also finally into Godi.  Until then people who want to use Core or
any of type_conv, sexplib, and bin_prot are probably well-advised to
not use the Godi packages.


On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 14:37, Matej Košík wrote:
 On 04/27/2012 07:24 PM, David Allsopp wrote:
 Try adding -verbose to the call - ocamlfind will display the commands it is 
 executing which may help refine the problem.

 With this:

 ocamlfind ocamlc -verbose -linkpkg -package
 sexplib,sexplib.syntax,bin_prot,bin_prot.syntax -syntax camlp4o

 I get the following output:

 Effective set of preprocessor predicates: preprocessor,syntax,camlp4o
 Effective set of compiler predicates:
 + ocamlc.opt -verbose -I /home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/num -I
 /home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/std-lib/camlp4 -I
 /home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/type_conv -I
 /home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/sexplib -I
 /home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/type-conv -I
 /home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/bin_prot -pp camlp4 '-I'
 '/home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/std-lib/camlp4' '-I'
 '/home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/type_conv' '-I'
 '/home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/std-lib' '-I'
 '/home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/std-lib' '-I'
 '/home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/std-lib' '-I'
 '/home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/num' '-I'
 '/home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/sexplib' '-I'
 '/home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/sexplib' '-I'
 '/home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/type-conv' '-I'
 '/home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/bin_prot' '-I'
 '/home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/bin_prot' '-parser' 'o'
 '-parser' 'op' '-printer' 'p' 'pa_type_conv.cma' 'unix.cma'
 'bigarray.cma' 'nums.cma' 'sexplib.cma' 'pa_sexp_conv.cma'
 'pa_type_conv.cma' 'bin_prot.cma' 'pa_bin_prot.cma' 
 + camlp4 '-I' '/home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/std-lib/camlp4' '-I'
 '/home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/type_conv' '-I'
 '/home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/std-lib' '-I'
 '/home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/std-lib' '-I'
 '/home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/std-lib' '-I'
 '/home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/num' '-I'
 '/home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/sexplib' '-I'
 '/home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/sexplib' '-I'
 '/home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/type-conv' '-I'
 '/home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/bin_prot' '-I'
 '/home/mkosik/lib/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/bin_prot' '-parser' 'o'
 '-parser' 'op' '-printer' 'p' 'pa_type_conv.cma' 'unix.cma'
 'bigarray.cma' 'nums.cma' 'sexplib.cma' 'pa_sexp_conv.cma'
 'pa_type_conv.cma' 'bin_prot.cma' 'pa_bin_prot.cma'  '' 
 Camlp4: Uncaught exception: Not_found

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Markus Mottl

Caml-list mailing list.  Subscription management and archives:
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Re: GADT examples: composable functions list (Was: Re: [Caml-list] Wanted: GADT examples: string length, counting module x)

2012-03-22 Thread Markus Mottl
 of 'b

  val left : ('a, 'b) t - (('a, 'c) either, ('b, 'c) either) t
  (* [left af] @return computation that applies computation [af] to
 [l] if the input is [Left l], returning [Left result] and otherwise
 passes [Right r] through unchanged. *)

  val right : ('a, 'b) t - (('c, 'a) either, ('c, 'b) either) t
  (* [right af] is the dual of [left]. *)

  val (+) : ('a, 'c) t - ('b, 'd) t - (('a, 'b) either, ('c, 'd) either) t
  (* [af + ag] @return a computation that either performs [af] or
 [ag] depending on its input, returning either [Left res_af] or
 [Right res_ag] respectively. *)

  val (|||) : ('a, 'c) t - ('b, 'c) t - (('a, 'b) either, 'c) t
  (* [af ||| ag] @return a computation that either performs [af] or [ag]
 depending on input. *)

  val test : ('a, bool) t - ('a, ('a, 'a) either) t
  (* [test acond] @return a computation that tests its input with [acond]
 and returns either [Left res] if the predicate is true or [Right res]
 otherwise. *)

(* Functor from simple arrows with apply to fully-featured arrows *)
module MkArrow (SA : SIMPLE_ARROW)
  : ARROW with type ('a, 'b) t = ('a, 'b) SA.t =
  include SA

  let swap (x, y) = y, x
  let first af = arr (fun (a, c) - af  arr (fun b - b, c), a)  app ()
  let second af = arr swap  first af  arr swap
  let ( *** ) af ag = first af  second ag
  let (  ) af ag = arr (fun x - x, x)  af *** ag
  let liftA2 f af ag = af  ag  arr (fun (b, c) - f b c)

  type ('a, 'b) either = Left of 'a | Right of 'b

  let left af =
arr (function
  | Left l - arr (fun () - l)  af  arr (fun x - Left x), ()
  | Right _ as right - arr (fun () - right), ())
 app ()

  let mirror = function Left x - Right x | Right x - Left x
  let right af = arr mirror  left af  arr mirror
  let (+) af ag = left af  right ag
  let (|||) af ag = af + ag  arr (function Left x | Right x - x)

  let test acond =
acond  arr id  arr (fun (b, x) - if b then Left x else Right x)

(* Instantiations of fully-featured arrows *)
module Arrow = MkArrow (SimpleArrow)
module ContArrow = MkArrow (SimpleContArrow)
module DataContArrow = MkArrow (SimpleDataContArrow)

(* Some silly fun with Kleisli categories *)

(* Monad specification *)
module type MONAD = sig
  type 'a t

  val return : 'a - 'a t
  val (=) : 'a t - ('a - 'b t) - 'b t

  val run : 'a t - 'a

(* Functor from arrow with apply operator to monad *)
module MkArrowMonad (SA : SIMPLE_ARROW)
  : MONAD with type 'a t = (unit, 'a) SA.t =
  open SA

  type 'a t = (unit, 'a) SA.t

  let return x = arr (fun () - x)
  let (=) af g = af  arr (fun x - g x, ())  app ()
  let run af = af ()

(* Functor from monads to their Kleisli category *)
module MkKleisli (M : MONAD) : ARROW with type ('a, 'b) t = 'a - 'b M.t =
  MkArrow (struct
open M

type ('a, 'b) t = 'a - 'b M.t

let arr f x = return (f x)
let () f g x = f x = g
let app () (f, x) = f x
let run f x = (f x)

(* Example instantiation of a monad made from DataContArrows *)
module MonadFromArrow = MkArrowMonad (DataContArrow)

(* And now going back from monads to arrows *)
module ArrowFromMonad = MkKleisli (MonadFromArrow)

(* Some test code *)

open DataContArrow

let bump = arr succ

let bump_n_times n =
  let rec loop n arrow =
if n = 0 then arrow
else loop (n - 1) (arrow  bump)
  loop n (arr id)

let () =
  let n = 424242 in
  let arrow = bump_n_times n in
  let result = run arrow 0 in
  Printf.printf %d\n result


Markus Mottl

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Re: [Caml-list] concerning using of `deriving' syntactic plugin

2012-03-07 Thread Markus Mottl
On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 11:44, Matej Košík wrote:
 I have found one (I guess unnecessary) disadvantage over `deriving'.
 If you process your *.ml file with sexplib/bin_prot preprocessor, you
 have to append with ... suffix to every type definition, otherwise you
 will get a an error report from the preprocessor. `Deriving' does not
 force you to do that. You can annotate only those type definitions,
 which for you makes sense to annotate.

I'm not sure what the perceived problem is, but there should be no
need to annotate all type definitions.  It should suffice to annotate
those for which converters are needed.  This, of course, means that
any types that a type definition is referring to will also need
annotations (or hand-written conversion functions).


Markus Mottl

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Re: [Caml-list] concerning using of `deriving' syntactic plugin

2012-03-07 Thread Markus Mottl
On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 12:28, Matej Košík wrote:
 If you remove any of the with sexp clauses, you will get a
 preprocessor error:

  File, line 4, characters 18-23:
  Parse error: with expected after [type_declaration] (in [str_item])
  File, line 1, characters 0-1:

Till's fix suggestion should work, you'll have to use camlp4o as preprocessor.

Btw., you also may want to open Sexplib.Std instead of
Sexplib.Conv, which is the standard way.


Markus Mottl

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Re: [Caml-list] Sexplib bug report

2012-02-16 Thread Markus Mottl
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 20:55, bob zhang wrote:

 Is it possible to separate the syntax extension from the code
 generation part? syntax extension is always  fragile, code generation
 API is still pretty useful. In my opinion, the main meat lies in code
 generation part.

Not sure, but even if, I guess it would not be easy.

 :sexp type t = bla bla  maybe more robust, but it requires
 camlp4of as the basic preprocessor instead of camlp4o

If there were only one preprocessor (sexplib) this would work, but having
more than one (e.g. also bin-prot) does not seem straightforward.  It's not
clear how multiple and independently developed code generators can be
composed, especially safely without interfering with each other.


Markus Mottl

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Re: [Caml-list] [ANN] Vim plugin

2012-01-31 Thread Markus Mottl
Hi Pierre,

thanks a lot for your contribution, I have updated the OCaml ftplugin
file on my site and will submit it to Bram for inclusion in a future
Vim release.


On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 16:29, Pierre Vittet wrote:
 [English version below]

 Je ne sais pas si beaucoup d'entre vous utilise Vim pour coder en OCaml.
 J'ai eu besoin de faire quelques modifications sur le greffon officiel pour
 pouvoir utiliser pleinement les annotations. Je partage donc mes
 modifications pour le cas ou elles soient utiles à d'autres:

 J'ai corrigé 2 bogues et rajouté une fonctionnalité permettant d'utiliser
 les annotations avec l'ensemble des fichiers .ml ouverts. Jusqu'à présent il
 semble que les annotations ne fonctionnaient que sur le premier fichier

 J'utilise ma version modifiée depuis plusieurs semaines sans problème.
 Si vous essayez mon greffon, je vous remercie de me faire un retour (sur les
 bogues ou leur absence).

 Pierre Vittet


 I don't know if many of you use Vim to write OCaml code. I had to make some
 change on the official plugin in order to use the annotation as I wanted. I
 share my modifications in the hope that they can be useful to others :

 I corrected 2 bugs and add a functionnality allowing to use annotations on
 every .ml file opened in the editor. Until now, it looks like previously
 annotation were working only on the first opened OCaml file.

 I use my modified version without any problem for several weeks. If you try
 my plugin, please, keep me informed of the eventual bugs.

 Pierre Vittet

Markus Mottl

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Re: [Caml-list] Let-less syntax for coreML

2012-01-04 Thread Markus Mottl
On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 07:18, Yaron Minsky wrote:
 I think the biggest thing the community can do to improve OCaml is not to
 tweak around with language design.  It's to improve the library packaging
 situation.  Oasis seems to be the effort in this direction that has the most
 momentum, so I think pushing Oasis to become every bit as good as Hackage
 and Cabal is really the place to get maximum leverage.

I would say that Jane Street is in a unique position to make a
difference here.  Having by far the largest OCaml team in the world,
nobody else is as likely to benefit from and to achieve the goal of
improving the library packaging situation.  Just being able to attract
more people to OCaml and hence potential employees would seem well
worth the cost of specifically dedicating resources and pushing this
project through.  It is not very likely that individuals or small
companies will be able or willing to support this project in the long
term, and the OCaml team/INRIA understandably has other priorities (=


Markus Mottl

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Re: [Caml-list] RFC: basename, dirname, PR#4549

2011-12-27 Thread Markus Mottl

I think the difference will mostly matter for code only that requires
human input of paths, whether in a prompt or through a configuration
file, and even there it would be rather unlikely to encounter such
paths.  Big deal, users can change their input easily.  Having done my
fair share of path mangling, I guess most applications that generate
paths internally only, e.g. to walk through a directory hierarchy, are
safe.  It would seem highly unusual that anybody added an extra slash
in code accessing files within a program.  I personally prefer
standard conformance.


On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 11:29, Damien Doligez wrote:

 I would like to get some comments from the OCaml community at large about
 the problem raised in

 In a nutshell, the problem is that our version of basename and dirname
 are not exactly the same as the Open Group's definition.

 We can easily implement the standard behaviour for basename and dirname,
 and it seems desirable, but there is a catch: we will have to change
 the specification of the standard library slightly.

 Currently, we specify this:

   [concat (dirname name) (basename name)] returns a file name
   which is equivalent to [name]. Moreover, after setting the
   current directory to [dirname name] (with {!Sys.chdir}),
   references to [basename name] (which is a relative file name)
   designate the same file as [name] before the call to {!Sys.chdir}.

 With the Open Group basename and dirname, this becomes false for
 names that include some trailing slashes, because such slashes
 are removed by basename.  This means that a name foo/bar/
 becomes foo/bar when put through
  [concat (dirname name) (basename name)]
 and opening foo/bar may succeed if it is a file, while
 opening foo/bar/ would fail.

 I would like to know if anyone relies on the precise behaviour
 documented in the standard library, and for everyone else, would
 you prefer the old behaviour or the new (standard) behaviour?

 -- Damien

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Markus Mottl

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Re: [Caml-list] Fatal error: exception Pcre.Error(0)

2011-12-22 Thread Markus Mottl
Please read the pcre man page on partial matching: man pcrepartial.
The reason why e.g. hsgshsn gives you a partial match is that it
ends in n, and the pattern starts with n.  This means that the
subject string might match the pattern node if it were extended


On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 20:21, oliver wrote:

 Here is what I get in examples:

 let _ =

  let pattern = node in

  let doc     = httpsdjshdjshdjnodeshdsden in   (* true *)
  let doc     = skjdfjjeroiurt//lkj in          (* false *)
  let doc     = skjdf in                        (* false *)
  let doc     = skjdfg in                       (* false *)
  let doc     = hsgshsn in                      (* ~flags:[`PARTIAL] =  
 Fatal error: exception Pcre.Error(0) *)
  let doc     = http://spnnden in   (* ~flags:[`PARTIAL] =  
 Fatal error: exception Pcre.Error(0) *)

  if Pcre.pmatch ~pat:pattern ~flags:[`PARTIAL]  doc then print_endline true 
 else print_endline false

 Rather looks like a true pcre-problem, not one of ocaml-pcre... ?!


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Markus Mottl

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Re: [Caml-list] PV-GADTs

2011-12-14 Thread Markus Mottl
On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 21:56, Jacques Garrigue wrote:
 In your example, how do you know in a pattern-matching that `Foo comes from 
 Type inference could be used, but I'm afraid it would be very fragile,
 and  not easy to use.
 So at this point there is no plan to add GADT PVs.

 An alternative design would be to have extensible GADTs, where you would be 
 to add new cases, like for exn.
 I think this would be useful, and cover some uses that are not
 possible even with PVs.

I really like using PVs for defining extensible, recursive DSLs.  If
it were possible to use GADTs in a similar way, that would be an
awesome feature.  But I wonder how this could be done cleanly.  I
agree that type inference would be impractical when combining PVs and
GADTs, since PV constructors are not tied to a specific type.

It seems you have something in particular in mind when you speak of
extensible GADTs.  Wouldn't such a feature require that GADTs have the
same runtime representation as PVs, i.e. using the hash value of the
variant name?  Not sure what the GADT representation is right now
anyway, but maybe this should be determined carefully before the next
release if we want to add extensibility later.


Markus Mottl

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Re: [Caml-list] Newest Sexplib and Hashtbl

2011-09-18 Thread Markus Mottl

There have been some changes to the newest release of Sexplib.  It is
now required to open Sexplib.Std to see the default converters for
the standard OCaml types.  The same is true for bin-prot.

The code automatically generated by the preprocessor used to hard-code
the converters by explicitly referring to the functions in Sexplib.
But this prevented users from overriding them, motivating Jane Street
to propose this change.

Sorry, it seems that this change hasn't been mentioned in the docs.
This will be fixed in future documentation releases.  Please let me
know if there are any other issues.


On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 14:41, Dario Teixeira wrote:
 I've updated to the latest version of Sexplib, and the support for hashtable
 seems broken or at least changed.  I was accustomed to using the syntax
 for convenient declaration of (de)serialisers, and this worked too for the
 Hashtbl module.
 For example:

 type dict_t = (key_t, value_t) Hashtbl.t with sexp
 But with Sexplib 7.0.4 this produces an error:

 Error: Unbound value Hashtbl.t_of_sexp
 Is this a bug, or must the (de)serialisers be declared manually with the
 newer versions
 of Sexplib?
 Thanks in advance for your time!
 Best regards,
 Dario Teixeira

Markus Mottl

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