Re: [Caml-list] Camlp4/p5 type reflection [was: OCaml maintenance status / community fork (again)]

2011-12-11 Thread Fabrice Le Fessant
On 12/11/2011 12:34 AM, Gabriel Scherer wrote:
 A summary to this lengthy mail:
 (1) Why type-enriched Camlp4 is an unreasonable idea
 (2) We should extract the typedtree; why it's hard
 (3) A fictional narrative of the camlp4/camlp5 history
 (4) Why you don't want to become Camlp4 maintainer
 (5) How we could try not to use Camlp4 in the future
 (6) Syntax extension survival advices

Sorry, it's too long to read entirely for a sunday morning, so I reply
just after reading points (1) and (2):

(1) many extensions in Camlp4 are used to manipulate types (most of them
based on type-conv). So, having the compiler knowledge of types at a
point where you want to expanse a macro is actually very interesting for
them. I wrote a patch to 3.12.0 a long time ago called ocaml-template
that would exactly do that: it would call a plugin function at some
points in the program, giving the function both the string to parse and
the typing environment, so that it is possible (to some extend, since
typing might only be partial at the point where it is called) to know
the type of an identifier, and the complete description of the type.

Here is the link to the patch:

It is not documented much, but there are some simple examples of plugins
and uses.

(2) exporting the typedtree is not really a problem. The main problem is
to add enough information in the typedtree for all the tools that could
use it (so that ocamlspotter and refactoring tools can use it). We are
currently in the process of polishing our final patch to submit it for
integration, now that we have tested it with enough tools.

 # (1) Why type-enriched Camlp4 is an unreasonable idea
 Wojciech, your idea of having type information at the Camlp4 level is
 absolutely unreasonable. You are not speaking about a minor change
 here, but a major rewrite that would affect the compiler internals as
 well. It would really be a new (and interesting) project.
 Camlp4 is, and I guess will remain, a syntax-level preprocessing
 tool. You have to accept the fact that you can't use type information
 at this level (but you can certainly interact in some way with the
 type system by producing/transforming pieces of code in a way that you
 know will have interesting typing effects; for example, you may want
 to generate code that is purposedly ill-typed in some cases, to
 disallow certain uses of your syntax extension).  I'm not even sure
 what it would mean to access type information at the camlp4 level, as
 you're producing and transforming untyped AST; would you want
 partially typed ASTs? How is the typer supposed to work on the part
 that you haven't transformed yet, and therefore are not valid OCaml
 syntax? I suppose you could have a preprocessing and transformation
 tool at the typedtree level, but that would be a different tool with
 different uses, distinct from the syntactic preprocessing part (though
 you may develop extensions that act on both fronts).
 I'm not aware of so much Camlp4 situations that would really require
 typing information. I would be interested in good examples if you have
 some. One problem that I have had with Camlp4 is that you don't have
 identifier resolution information (eg. you don't know if the
 identifier (@) you're seeing is really list concatenation, or has
 been redefined/shadowed in the context); this makes uses of Camlp4 for
 inlining, for example, quirky and fragile. That's still a simpler
 problem than type information.
 # (2) We should extract the typedtree; why it's hard
 If you really want to play with type information and scope-resolved
 identifiers, AST-manipulating tools is probably not the way to go: you
 indeed want full access to the typedtree. Currently this is only
 possible by hacking the compiler, and this is what for example Jun
 Furuse's Ocamlspotter project does. Those kind of tools could be made
 less intrusive if it was possible to pass typedtree-like information
 in and out of the compiler.
 I remember reading that some people (OcamlPro, I suppose) have this on
 their target list. The problem however is that the current internal
 compiler's typedtree representation is not at all adapted for external
 communication. If you want a kind of tool that is robust and
 future-proof in any sense (you could probably get something working by
 just marshalling the current typedtree, but then it could break
 awfully after minor language changes, make the compiler choke, etc.;
 I certainly wouldn't want to use that), you have to design a clean and
 efficient representation for OCaml programs after the type inference
 phase. Having a solid proposal on this topic wil be an awful lot of work.
 (3) A fictional narrative of the camlp4/camlp5 history
 Jérémie Dimino wrote:
 But there is something I don't understand here. Why is there camlp4 and
 camlp5 ? These two projects do exactly the same thing and are
 incompatible. So i don't see 

Re: [Caml-list] Camlp4/p5 type reflection [was: OCaml maintenance status / community fork (again)]

2011-12-11 Thread Gabriel Scherer
 And Xavier's mail suggests that camlp4 is a maintenance burden for the OCaml 
 Why is it such a bad idea to drop camlp4 out of the distribution, and
 just let camlp5 live?

First of all, I don't have a strong opinion here: I just voiced
doubt. My reasoning for going so goes along two lines of argument:

1. I'm not exactly sure how Camlp4 being in or out of the distribution
   will change the maintainance burden. The main maintainance
   difficulty with camlp{4,5} is that it needs to evolve its own
   parser in parallel with the 'official' one (that's by design), with
   changes to the language syntax. You need to change Camlp{4,5} when
   Ocaml 3.N+1 introduces a new syntax, or it won't be usable on OCaml
   3.N+1 code.

   There are already users relying on Camlp{4,5}, and those user
   generally wish to use the new, exciting features of the next
   version. If they can't, they will complex, regardless of whether
   their preprocessor is in or out the distribution. That means that
   when the OCaml team is about to release a new version with
   syntactic changes, they have to worry about the preprocessor
   anyway, or make users unhappy.

   So there is a preprocessor burden on the OCaml team, independently
   of where the code is maintained and located. If the change means
   make it easier to distribute camlp4 fixes without bumping OCaml's
   version number, why not. If it means now we won't care about
   Camlp4 state before releasing a new versions, this may mean
   a degradation in the life of Camlp4 users. I doubt that's the idea.

   Being in or out the distribution also wouldn't change much, I think,
   the possibility of external contributions. In my experience Nicolas
   Pouillard and now Xavier Clerc have a good track record of
   integrating external contributions (I have sent one or two bugfixes
   on the tracker), and I'm confident they would be able to work with
   Jérémie Dimino if he wished to contribute to camlp4's evolution more

2. I suppose -- purely personal guess -- the intention being the
   consortium's suggestion is to try to move away slowly from
   Camlp{4,5}, towards alternatives such as Alain Frisch's
   annotations proposal. As I said previously, I would personally
   welcome such a move, but I don't see said alternatives released
   yet. I haven't had the opportunity to play with alternate tools,
   have an idea of how a transition would work out, see if the
   documentation is reasonably complete, etc.

   It would make more sense, in my opinion, to downplay camlp{4,5}
   *once* we have played with alternatives and are confident that they
   are mature enough to make a transition.

   Please also remember that the consortium members represent
   relatively large, well-educated, experienced players in the OCaml
   community. It probably wouldn't bother them much if, say,
   ocamlbuild, ocamldoc, or ocamldbg where taken out of the official
   distribution. They have important tooling in place and would adapt
   relatively easily. The end user or OCaml beginner may not adapt to
   such changes that easily. Now this is a matter where distributions,
   such as Debian, can be of great help, by providing complete
   packages regardless of what is or isn't in the official
   distribution. However, I have handled just enough users reports
   wondering why they didn't have camlp4o available, or
   graphics.cma, or whatever, to know that this can also be a barrier
   to use and adoption.

Again, no strong opinion. I will welcome any change that strenghten
the OCaml language. If you think distributing camlp4 out of the
distribution would ease the live of OCaml developpers and maintainers,
at no cost to the users, nor complicating the distribution side, then
all is good. I just feel that it may be a bit too soon.

On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 10:04 AM, Stéphane Glondu wrote:
 Le 11/12/2011 00:34, Gabriel Scherer a écrit :
 The original Camlp4 tool was mostly developped by Daniel de
 (I'm thinking of
 eg. Martin Jambon, which had extensive Camlp4 extensions, and the Coq
 team which has user-defined notations using Camlp4 and, huh, I really
 don't want to know the details); basically they didn't upgrade to
 3.10 -- instead of porting the extensions, as was originally hoped.
 Daniel, which apparently did not agree with some of the changes made,
 relatively suddenly restarted developpment of his branch of Camlp4,
 taken from the old sources, before refactoring. This was done as
 a separate project, outside the OCaml distribution (apparently Daniel
 and the OCaml team prefer not to work together).
 Camlp4 is a piece of devil beauty. It does incredibly clever things,
 and is incredibly complex inside: Daniel is clearly a remarkable
 hacker, but his code is not easy to understand. I know that
 maintaining the whole thing is very hard; and that is the reason why
 Camlp4 tends to have problems to bump from one version to 

Re: [Caml-list] Camlp4/p5 type reflection [

2011-12-11 Thread Gabriel Scherer
 I agree would be a serious changes, and I was thinking even of experimenting
 a bit with this kind of strictly typed meta programming. It's perfectly
 viable, as I've seen some good examples in my life. (and Template
 Haskell does it AFAIR).

I'm not familiar with Template Haskell at all, but I don't think it
does what you say. From what I understood of it, it was quite close
from Camlp4, if maybe integrated to GHC in a tighter way (Camlp4 is
really a separate source-to-source preprocessing phase). In
particular, you can write and use an extension even if is produces
ill-typed code in some circumstances (I mean type-checking the
extension doesn't give you that the expansions will themselves be
well-typed), and I haven't heard of getting type feedback at
extension-writing time. I would welcome any pointer about this.

 Of course worth to point out MetaOCaml and MetaML. They do runtime
 type safe staged meta programming.

Staged metaprogramming is indeed interesting but it is also very
different from Camlp4. It is not a separate processing pass but really
program generation at runtime. I don't think it would make much sense
to try to integrate it into Camlp4, but I would indeed support such an
addition to the OCaml language.

Btw., there is an olg bugtracker entry about it, which I follow as a
sign of support (maybe there would be a market for I support feature
request #0004608 stickers). It hasn't evolved much as I suppose
nobody has time to work on it, and getting this to work reliably in
both ocamlc and ocamlopt would certainly be an awful lot of work, but
that's one case where community has helped bug triaging by
expressing interest.

 Good example would be:
 let t = (1,2,3,4) in
 map_tuple t (fun x - x*2)

I'm not sure this example works in MetaOCaml, or at least that
map_tuple could be used on tuples of any width (of course you could
have a map_tuple function only taking care of 4-uplets).

I understand that you want a type-dependent metaprogramming layer to
expression transformations that couldn't be typed in the source
language. I think Alain Frisch dynamic type information injection
proposal, plus in-language runtime computation, could be simpler for
about the same expressive power. If you throw in MetaOCaml quotations,
you can even remove the runtime interpretive costs. But who's going to
work on that? I think that's orthogonal to syntactic processing

 - syntax extension allows you to do certain things that are not available
 in a normal way, to enumerate: list comprehensions, pa_lwt, pa_where,
 pa_monad, pa_js. So they are clearly very useful in some cases

If we had no Camlp4, we should push for some of these things to be
integrated in the language.
A reasonable but solid mixfix syntax could replace pa_monad, the
##-syntax of pa_js, and some aspects of pa_lwt.
jsnew and list comprehensions could perfectly be handled as quotations.

I'm honored you mention mention pa_where (being one of the original
authors, I'm happy to know that it brings happiness to your home in
those Christmas times). I think that's also a good example of the
dangers of Camlp4. The precedence rules for such a syntax extension
are absolutely horrible to define and to get right; we have been
bitten by countless bug writing it, and I still don't think it's safe
for all uses. We would be better with either a solid version of it
entering the language (... but it's hard to convince people that it's
worth it, especially if you introduce new ambiguities opportunities),
or maybe just forgetting the idea.

 - combinators in particular monads allow certain syntactical
 abstractions, however there are runtime costs because of constructing
 closures and evaluating them later

I personally dislike uses of Camlp4 to optimize code by rewriting some
known expressions (eg. (... = (fun x - ...)) into a more efficient
form. It is fragile precisely because you can't get accurate points-to
information so are unsure the operators you're manipulating really
have the semantics corresponding to your rewrite. I think those things
should be done in a different layer (not Camlp4), or not at all.
Evidently other people have a different opinion, and that's fine.

On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 1:47 AM, Wojciech Meyer wrote:
 Gabriel Scherer writes:

 A summary to this lengthy mail:
 (1) Why type-enriched Camlp4 is an unreasonable idea
 (2) We should extract the typedtree; why it's hard
 (3) A fictional narrative of the camlp4/camlp5 history
 (4) Why you don't want to become Camlp4 maintainer
 (5) How we could try not to use Camlp4 in the future
 (6) Syntax extension survival advices

 # (1) Why type-enriched Camlp4 is an unreasonable idea

 Wojciech, your idea of having type information at the Camlp4 level is
 absolutely unreasonable. You are not speaking about a minor change
 here, but a major rewrite that would affect the compiler 

Re: [Caml-list] Camlp4/p5 type reflection [was: OCaml maintenance status / community fork (again)]

2011-12-11 Thread Gerd Stolpmann
Many people are still frustrated with the camlp4/p5 situation. IMHO, we
should give up on camlp4 inside the distribution, and only implement a
few of its features in the regular parser:

- Antiquotation syntax (i.e.   expressions) because this makes it
  very easy to incorporate foreign syntax elements. Of course, we
  would also need the ability to recursively invoke the ocaml parser
  for parts of the antiquoted expression (this would also open the
  door for transformations of the AST).

- A simple macro language (ifdef at least), for the cases antiquotations
  would be too complex.

That means we would give up on arbitrary syntax extensions in the core
distribution. There could be still camlp4 or p5 as a separate add-on,
but it will be a second-class citizen, and it would be clear that it is
a bit behind with the newest syntactical features. Also, it could be
developed outside the core team.


Am Sonntag, den 11.12.2011, 11:29 +0100 schrieb Gabriel Scherer:
  And Xavier's mail suggests that camlp4 is a maintenance burden for the 
  OCaml team.
  Why is it such a bad idea to drop camlp4 out of the distribution, and
  just let camlp5 live?
 First of all, I don't have a strong opinion here: I just voiced
 doubt. My reasoning for going so goes along two lines of argument:
 1. I'm not exactly sure how Camlp4 being in or out of the distribution
will change the maintainance burden. The main maintainance
difficulty with camlp{4,5} is that it needs to evolve its own
parser in parallel with the 'official' one (that's by design), with
changes to the language syntax. You need to change Camlp{4,5} when
Ocaml 3.N+1 introduces a new syntax, or it won't be usable on OCaml
3.N+1 code.
There are already users relying on Camlp{4,5}, and those user
generally wish to use the new, exciting features of the next
version. If they can't, they will complex, regardless of whether
their preprocessor is in or out the distribution. That means that
when the OCaml team is about to release a new version with
syntactic changes, they have to worry about the preprocessor
anyway, or make users unhappy.
So there is a preprocessor burden on the OCaml team, independently
of where the code is maintained and located. If the change means
make it easier to distribute camlp4 fixes without bumping OCaml's
version number, why not. If it means now we won't care about
Camlp4 state before releasing a new versions, this may mean
a degradation in the life of Camlp4 users. I doubt that's the idea.
Being in or out the distribution also wouldn't change much, I think,
the possibility of external contributions. In my experience Nicolas
Pouillard and now Xavier Clerc have a good track record of
integrating external contributions (I have sent one or two bugfixes
on the tracker), and I'm confident they would be able to work with
Jérémie Dimino if he wished to contribute to camlp4's evolution more
 2. I suppose -- purely personal guess -- the intention being the
consortium's suggestion is to try to move away slowly from
Camlp{4,5}, towards alternatives such as Alain Frisch's
annotations proposal. As I said previously, I would personally
welcome such a move, but I don't see said alternatives released
yet. I haven't had the opportunity to play with alternate tools,
have an idea of how a transition would work out, see if the
documentation is reasonably complete, etc.
It would make more sense, in my opinion, to downplay camlp{4,5}
*once* we have played with alternatives and are confident that they
are mature enough to make a transition.
Please also remember that the consortium members represent
relatively large, well-educated, experienced players in the OCaml
community. It probably wouldn't bother them much if, say,
ocamlbuild, ocamldoc, or ocamldbg where taken out of the official
distribution. They have important tooling in place and would adapt
relatively easily. The end user or OCaml beginner may not adapt to
such changes that easily. Now this is a matter where distributions,
such as Debian, can be of great help, by providing complete
packages regardless of what is or isn't in the official
distribution. However, I have handled just enough users reports
wondering why they didn't have camlp4o available, or
graphics.cma, or whatever, to know that this can also be a barrier
to use and adoption.
 Again, no strong opinion. I will welcome any change that strenghten
 the OCaml language. If you think distributing camlp4 out of the
 distribution would ease the live of OCaml developpers and maintainers,
 at no cost to the users, nor complicating the distribution side, then
 all is good. I just feel that it may be a bit too soon.
 On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 10:04 AM, Stéphane Glondu wrote:
  Le 11/12/2011 00:34, Gabriel Scherer 

Re: [Caml-list] Camlp4/p5 type reflection [was: OCaml maintenance status / community fork (again)]

2011-12-11 Thread Gabriel Scherer
Gerd, you are summing up in a few paragraphs what I tried to say in a few pages.

There are other parts of Camlp4 that I would also welcome:
- the OCaml quotation parsers that reads quoted OCaml expression (and
patterns) and translate them to their ASTs (as an OCaml expression);
this makes generating OCaml code easy
- controlled extension points such as 'type-conv' and 'deriving',
hopefully generalized to most AST nodes; this goes in the direction of
Alain's annotation proposal

 There could be still camlp4 or p5 as a separate add-on,
 but it will be a second-class citizen, and it would be clear that it is
 a bit behind with the newest syntactical features.

It's not a big problem if the second-class extensions have trouble
processing and producing pieces of OCaml AST using the newest
syntactical features (eg. the OCaml quotations don't have sugar for
them). But it's a problem if they simply can't be run on files using
those features, forcing their users to keep older versions of OCaml.
It's not a *new* problem as it already appears at version transitions,
but it also won't go away as long as people use a preprocessor that
insists on understanding the whole AST, whether those tools are first-
or second-class.

On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 12:23 PM, Gerd Stolpmann wrote:
 Many people are still frustrated with the camlp4/p5 situation. IMHO, we
 should give up on camlp4 inside the distribution, and only implement a
 few of its features in the regular parser:

 - Antiquotation syntax (i.e.   expressions) because this makes it
  very easy to incorporate foreign syntax elements. Of course, we
  would also need the ability to recursively invoke the ocaml parser
  for parts of the antiquoted expression (this would also open the
  door for transformations of the AST).

 - A simple macro language (ifdef at least), for the cases antiquotations
  would be too complex.

 That means we would give up on arbitrary syntax extensions in the core
 distribution. There could be still camlp4 or p5 as a separate add-on,
 but it will be a second-class citizen, and it would be clear that it is
 a bit behind with the newest syntactical features. Also, it could be
 developed outside the core team.


 Am Sonntag, den 11.12.2011, 11:29 +0100 schrieb Gabriel Scherer:
  And Xavier's mail suggests that camlp4 is a maintenance burden for the 
  OCaml team.
  Why is it such a bad idea to drop camlp4 out of the distribution, and
  just let camlp5 live?

 First of all, I don't have a strong opinion here: I just voiced
 doubt. My reasoning for going so goes along two lines of argument:

 1. I'm not exactly sure how Camlp4 being in or out of the distribution
    will change the maintainance burden. The main maintainance
    difficulty with camlp{4,5} is that it needs to evolve its own
    parser in parallel with the 'official' one (that's by design), with
    changes to the language syntax. You need to change Camlp{4,5} when
    Ocaml 3.N+1 introduces a new syntax, or it won't be usable on OCaml
    3.N+1 code.

    There are already users relying on Camlp{4,5}, and those user
    generally wish to use the new, exciting features of the next
    version. If they can't, they will complex, regardless of whether
    their preprocessor is in or out the distribution. That means that
    when the OCaml team is about to release a new version with
    syntactic changes, they have to worry about the preprocessor
    anyway, or make users unhappy.

    So there is a preprocessor burden on the OCaml team, independently
    of where the code is maintained and located. If the change means
    make it easier to distribute camlp4 fixes without bumping OCaml's
    version number, why not. If it means now we won't care about
    Camlp4 state before releasing a new versions, this may mean
    a degradation in the life of Camlp4 users. I doubt that's the idea.

    Being in or out the distribution also wouldn't change much, I think,
    the possibility of external contributions. In my experience Nicolas
    Pouillard and now Xavier Clerc have a good track record of
    integrating external contributions (I have sent one or two bugfixes
    on the tracker), and I'm confident they would be able to work with
    Jérémie Dimino if he wished to contribute to camlp4's evolution more

 2. I suppose -- purely personal guess -- the intention being the
    consortium's suggestion is to try to move away slowly from
    Camlp{4,5}, towards alternatives such as Alain Frisch's
    annotations proposal. As I said previously, I would personally
    welcome such a move, but I don't see said alternatives released
    yet. I haven't had the opportunity to play with alternate tools,
    have an idea of how a transition would work out, see if the
    documentation is reasonably complete, etc.

    It would make more sense, in my opinion, to downplay camlp{4,5}
    *once* we have played with alternatives and are confident that they

Re: [Caml-list] Camlp4/p5 type reflection [was: OCaml maintenance status / community fork (again)]

2011-12-11 Thread Alain Frisch

On 12/11/2011 12:34 AM, Gabriel Scherer wrote:

the Coq
team which has user-defined notations using Camlp4 and, huh, I really
don't want to know the details

My understanding (please correct me if I'm wrong) is that Coq uses 
camlp{4,5} only as an extensible parser library in order to parse its 
own language (which can be extended with user-defined notations). In 
particular, Coq does not use the following camlp{4,5} features:

  - the revised OCaml syntax
  - the alternative representation of OCaml AST
  - the Camlp4 grammar definitions for OCaml syntax(es)
  - quotations/antiquotations to produce fragments of the OCaml AST
  - OCaml syntax extensions to define grammar entries
  - custom OCaml syntax extension for the Coq source code itself
(or maybe only very simple one, like macro/conditional compilation?)

I wonder how much energy it would take to create a stand-alone 
extensible parser library, implemented in pure OCaml (normal syntax), 
and following a similar API and semantics as camlp{4,5}, on which Coq 
parsing could be built. The same library could be used as a foundation 
for future versions of camlp{4,5}.  It would be a simple library, with 
no external dependency (in particular, no dependency to the OCaml 
internals), and very little maintenance burden.

My guess is: this would not take so much energy. After all, the 
representation of extensible grammars and the top-down parsing 
technology are not so complex. But I would be interested to hear from 
people who know Coq and camlp{4,5} better.

-- Alain

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Re: [Caml-list] Camlp4/p5 type reflection [was: OCaml maintenance status / community fork (again)]

2011-12-11 Thread Stéphane Glondu
Le 11/12/2011 14:27, Alain Frisch a écrit :
 My understanding (please correct me if I'm wrong) is that Coq uses
 camlp{4,5} only as an extensible parser library in order to parse its
 own language (which can be extended with user-defined notations). In
 particular, Coq does not use the following camlp{4,5} features:
  [1] the revised OCaml syntax
  [2] the alternative representation of OCaml AST
  [3] the Camlp4 grammar definitions for OCaml syntax(es)
  [4] quotations/antiquotations to produce fragments of the OCaml AST
  [5] OCaml syntax extensions to define grammar entries
  [6] custom OCaml syntax extension for the Coq source code itself
 (or maybe only very simple one, like macro/conditional compilation?)

As far as I know, Coq uses:

  [1,2,3] not at all
  [4] a bit (e.g. tactics/tauto.ml4)
  [5] a lot (e.g. most of *.ml4 files)
  [6] for macros and conditional compilation indeed

 I wonder how much energy it would take to create a stand-alone
 extensible parser library, implemented in pure OCaml (normal syntax),
 and following a similar API and semantics as camlp{4,5}, on which Coq
 parsing could be built. The same library could be used as a foundation
 for future versions of camlp{4,5}.  It would be a simple library, with
 no external dependency (in particular, no dependency to the OCaml
 internals), and very little maintenance burden.

I've heard of some attempts to port Coq to dypgen, but since no public
announcement was made, I guess this is quite difficult...

Are there other such libraries? It's not really Coq's business to create
a new one...



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Re: [Caml-list] Camlp4/p5 type reflection [

2011-12-11 Thread Jérémie Dimino
Le dimanche 11 décembre 2011 à 12:19 +0100, Gabriel Scherer a écrit :
 If we had no Camlp4, we should push for some of these things to be
 integrated in the language.
 A reasonable but solid mixfix syntax could replace pa_monad, the
 ##-syntax of pa_js, and some aspects of pa_lwt.
 jsnew and list comprehensions could perfectly be handled as quotations.

I don't think it is possible to do pa_lwt via mixfix syntax. For example
pa_lwt does this kind of transformation:

  lwt x = f () and y = g () and z = h () in
  return (x + y + z)


  let t1 = f () and t2 = g () and t3 = h () in
  Lwt.bind t1 (fun x - Lwt.bind t2 (fun y - Lwt.bind t3 (fun z - return (x + 
y + z

The first form is much more readable. And it has another big advantage:
it adds backtrace support. Because as soon as you use monads in ocaml,
backtraces are unusable. And you just can't seriously ask the user to
write that kind of code: (try raise End_of_file with exn - exn)

So unless we have better support for monads in OCaml itself, i think
Camlp4 is still required.

That said, i am not either a big fan of extending the syntax since it
makes code harder to understand for those who don't know the extensions.


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Re: [Caml-list] Camlp4/p5 type reflection [was: OCaml maintenance status / community fork (again)]

2011-12-10 Thread Wojciech Meyer
Jérémie Dimino writes:

 Le samedi 10 décembre 2011 à 19:10 +, Wojciech Meyer a écrit :
 I'm aware that these are huge changes to Camlp4, but it would make
 meta programming more powerful and push Camlp4 to the next level.

 Sure. But it seems that the next version of OCaml will have runtime
 types, see , so maybe it is not
 needed to add this to camlp4.

It's interesting and I didn't know about it. However, the problem is
slightly different, I would like to know the typing of a freshly
generated piece of code by Camlp4 in the previous phase. Then, have
pattern matching against these meta types in annotated AST and produce
another AST, which in turn have most likely another typing and pass to
the next phase etc. I would say that Camlp4 is fine for the simpler
syntax extensions and majority of small DSLs but when you start composing
syntax extensions and macros it quickly becomes a problem.

 Also they are problems that i don't know how to solve with the camlp4
 approach. For example consider:

   let x = 1
   type int = A
   let y = A

 The typer knows that x has the type (int, 1) and y has the type (int,
 42). But what you send to ocaml is a parse tree, and you cannot make
 this difference in the parse tree.

Yes, you would need a type information in the parse tree as mentioned
before, so you want to feed up the compiler with AST start unrolling
macros top-down and then follow up with the inferred types bottom-up.


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Re: [Caml-list] Camlp4/p5 type reflection [was: OCaml maintenance status / community fork (again)]

2011-12-10 Thread Gabriel Scherer
A summary to this lengthy mail:
(1) Why type-enriched Camlp4 is an unreasonable idea
(2) We should extract the typedtree; why it's hard
(3) A fictional narrative of the camlp4/camlp5 history
(4) Why you don't want to become Camlp4 maintainer
(5) How we could try not to use Camlp4 in the future
(6) Syntax extension survival advices

# (1) Why type-enriched Camlp4 is an unreasonable idea

Wojciech, your idea of having type information at the Camlp4 level is
absolutely unreasonable. You are not speaking about a minor change
here, but a major rewrite that would affect the compiler internals as
well. It would really be a new (and interesting) project.

Camlp4 is, and I guess will remain, a syntax-level preprocessing
tool. You have to accept the fact that you can't use type information
at this level (but you can certainly interact in some way with the
type system by producing/transforming pieces of code in a way that you
know will have interesting typing effects; for example, you may want
to generate code that is purposedly ill-typed in some cases, to
disallow certain uses of your syntax extension).  I'm not even sure
what it would mean to access type information at the camlp4 level, as
you're producing and transforming untyped AST; would you want
partially typed ASTs? How is the typer supposed to work on the part
that you haven't transformed yet, and therefore are not valid OCaml
syntax? I suppose you could have a preprocessing and transformation
tool at the typedtree level, but that would be a different tool with
different uses, distinct from the syntactic preprocessing part (though
you may develop extensions that act on both fronts).

I'm not aware of so much Camlp4 situations that would really require
typing information. I would be interested in good examples if you have
some. One problem that I have had with Camlp4 is that you don't have
identifier resolution information (eg. you don't know if the
identifier (@) you're seeing is really list concatenation, or has
been redefined/shadowed in the context); this makes uses of Camlp4 for
inlining, for example, quirky and fragile. That's still a simpler
problem than type information.

# (2) We should extract the typedtree; why it's hard

If you really want to play with type information and scope-resolved
identifiers, AST-manipulating tools is probably not the way to go: you
indeed want full access to the typedtree. Currently this is only
possible by hacking the compiler, and this is what for example Jun
Furuse's Ocamlspotter project does. Those kind of tools could be made
less intrusive if it was possible to pass typedtree-like information
in and out of the compiler.

I remember reading that some people (OcamlPro, I suppose) have this on
their target list. The problem however is that the current internal
compiler's typedtree representation is not at all adapted for external
communication. If you want a kind of tool that is robust and
future-proof in any sense (you could probably get something working by
just marshalling the current typedtree, but then it could break
awfully after minor language changes, make the compiler choke, etc.;
I certainly wouldn't want to use that), you have to design a clean and
efficient representation for OCaml programs after the type inference
phase. Having a solid proposal on this topic wil be an awful lot of work.

(3) A fictional narrative of the camlp4/camlp5 history

Jérémie Dimino wrote:
 But there is something I don't understand here. Why is there camlp4 and
 camlp5 ? These two projects do exactly the same thing and are
 incompatible. So i don't see the point of maintaining them both. We
 should at least deprecate one.

Let me repeat the story as I know it (with possible mistakes, I was
still a caml baby in the 3.10 times) in a hopefully compact form for
those on the list who have no idea about it. DISCLAIMER: this is only
a fictional storytelling, meant to give a reasonable idea (or at least
my vision) of the situation. I may be wrong about the events
chronology, people name, hard facts, and of course english spelling
and grammar. The story is complicated and I don't know the gory
If you know a better story, feel free to add important precisions,
correct the obvious mistakes, etc. I also welcome suggestions to make
it a funny, entertaining read; finally, a few romantic details could
clearly turn it into a blockbuster.

The original Camlp4 tool was mostly developped by Daniel de
Rauglaudre. Apparently, personal relations between Daniel and the
OCaml team were not easy, and Camlp4 was gradually becoming more and
more external to the OCaml distribution (in the past, the stream
syntax was available as part of the core language, but it was moved to
Camlp4; the Oreilly book was written before that move) and its
maintainance status incertain.

In the 3.09/3.10 transition, Nicolas Pouillard started working on
a refactoring of the Camlp4 codebase (which was mostly a silent,
non-moving animal at that time) to make it more 

Re: [Caml-list] Camlp4/p5 type reflection [

2011-12-10 Thread Wojciech Meyer
Gabriel Scherer writes:

 A summary to this lengthy mail:
 (1) Why type-enriched Camlp4 is an unreasonable idea
 (2) We should extract the typedtree; why it's hard
 (3) A fictional narrative of the camlp4/camlp5 history
 (4) Why you don't want to become Camlp4 maintainer
 (5) How we could try not to use Camlp4 in the future
 (6) Syntax extension survival advices

 # (1) Why type-enriched Camlp4 is an unreasonable idea

 Wojciech, your idea of having type information at the Camlp4 level is
 absolutely unreasonable. You are not speaking about a minor change
 here, but a major rewrite that would affect the compiler internals as
 well. It would really be a new (and interesting) project.

Hello Gabriel,

I agree would be a serious changes, and I was thinking even of experimenting
a bit with this kind of strictly typed meta programming. It's perfectly
viable, as I've seen some good examples in my life. (and Template
Haskell does it AFAIR).

 Camlp4 is, and I guess will remain, a syntax-level preprocessing
 tool. You have to accept the fact that you can't use type information
 at this level (but you can certainly interact in some way with the
 type system by producing/transforming pieces of code in a way that you
 know will have interesting typing effects; for example, you may want
 to generate code that is purposedly ill-typed in some cases, to
 disallow certain uses of your syntax extension).  I'm not even sure
 what it would mean to access type information at the camlp4 level, as
 you're producing and transforming untyped AST; would you want
 partially typed ASTs? How is the typer supposed to work on the part
 that you haven't transformed yet, and therefore are not valid OCaml
 syntax? I suppose you could have a preprocessing and transformation
 tool at the typedtree level, but that would be a different tool with
 different uses, distinct from the syntactic preprocessing part (though
 you may develop extensions that act on both fronts).

 I'm not aware of so much Camlp4 situations that would really require
 typing information. I would be interested in good examples if you have
 some. One problem that I have had with Camlp4 is that you don't have
 identifier resolution information (eg. you don't know if the
 identifier (@) you're seeing is really list concatenation, or has
 been redefined/shadowed in the context); this makes uses of Camlp4 for
 inlining, for example, quirky and fragile. That's still a simpler
 problem than type information.

Of course worth to point out MetaOCaml and MetaML. They do runtime
type safe staged meta programming.

Good example would be:
let t = (1,2,3,4) in
map_tuple t (fun x - x*2)

(at this point I deliberately chosen closure and not additional syntax
extension because you can pass closures and you can't pass code easily
in Camlp4, because of the mentioned single stage meta programming).

of course it's possible with dependent types and lists, but with meta
programming you could just expand map_tuple to the code you want, *but*
only when the type information is available. (or you can infer the type
yourself, in the simplest case if the tuple was expression passed
directly to map_tuple).

Currently I believe that DSLs are the best way of achieving higher level
abstractions, because you are no longer bound to the language
syntax. And you can stay distant from the semantics of your target

 # (6) Syntax extension survival advices

 To the reader considering use of a new syntax extension in his next project:

 - don't

Personally I disagree with this statement, because:

- syntax extension allows you to do certain things that are not available
in a normal way, to enumerate: list comprehensions, pa_lwt, pa_where,
pa_monad, pa_js. So they are clearly very useful in some cases.

- combinators in particular monads allow certain syntactical
abstractions, however there are runtime costs because of constructing
closures and evaluating them later. These runtime costs can easily
trimmed to some level with some compiler optimisations for instance
good inlining (that we don't have as mentioned before in the thread) and
efficiency of runtime (we do have a very good gc).

- compilation is much easier than interpretation. You see the code
generated and the code generated is restricted semantically by the
target language. Handling environment is way lower level than just
generating some let bindings in a quotation.


 - if you really must, try to make sure that your code is also
   reasonable to use *without* a syntax extension (eg. by producing
   a library with a clean interface, making your extension desugar to
   uses of it, but also making sure that it can be used by the human

 - if you really must, try to get it in the form of a quotation; the
   rest is fragile

I agree that quotations are the best part of Camlp4. Right now I use
them to generate a lot of ML code (more than hundreds of KLOC) out of data
oriented DSL that parsing is detached