Re: [Caml-list] OCamlJit 2.0

2010-11-19 Thread Dario Teixeira

 What would be really nice is to make a JIT for a language that really
 need one, like PHP! There are lots of companies out there (Yahoo,
 Facebook, wikimedia) that spend hundreds of millions of dollars on
 machines that run PHP bytecode interpreters implemented by people who
 are not Xavier Leroy.

Actually, Facebook has a compiler that transforms PHP source code into C++ [1],
and they claim a 50% reduction in CPU usage.  It's an interesting approach,
though I suspect that even as we speak a new circle of hell is being warmed
up especially for those who are enabling PHP's continued existence thanks
to gimmicks such as this one...

Dario Teixeira


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Re: [Caml-list] Merging object signatures

2010-11-05 Thread Dario Teixeira

 Can't you make foo_t and bar_t class types and foobar_t inherits them

Thanks for the reply.  Yes, in the toy example I posted that would indeed
be an alternative.  Still, I'm wondering about the most general case;
suppose I had a function that took an object satisfying both foo_t and bar_t:

val do_something:  foo_t; bar_t; ..  - bool

This is what I'm wondering if it's possible to express.

Best regards,
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Re: [Caml-list] Merging object signatures

2010-11-05 Thread Dario Teixeira

   class type foobar_t = object inherit foo_t inherit bar_t end
   val do_something : #foobar_t - bool
 I agree that this is rather verbose. I thought a few times of adding the
 syntax you propose, but was always stopped by the fact you can already do
 it in a verbose way.

Actually, I was unaware that the '#' syntax could also be used for objects,
though in retrospect it does make sense given how its used with polymorphic
variants.  And verboseness notwithstanding, the code above does solve my
problem nicely -- thanks!

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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[Caml-list] Merging object signatures

2010-11-04 Thread Dario Teixeira

Similarly to polymorphic variants, is there a way for object signatures to
be merged by type name?  Consider the example at the end; I'm wondering if
it is possible for the declaration of 'foobar' to be something along the
lines of 'val foobar: int - int -  foo_t; bar_t ' instead of needing to
explicitly list all the methods in foo_t and bar_t.

Thanks in advance for your help!
Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

module Test:
type foo_t =  a: int 
type bar_t =  b: int 

val foobar: int - int -  a:int; b: int 

(* val foobar: int - int -  foo_t; bar_t  *)
end =
type foo_t =  a: int 
type bar_t =  b: int 

class foo a = object method a: int = a end
class bar b = object method b: int = b end

let foobar a b =
inherit foo a
inherit bar b

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Re: [Caml-list] Re: type inference problem with Printf.sprintf ?

2010-11-03 Thread Dario Teixeira

 core's ( Date.t and TZ.t
 also contain lots of functions that help dealing with dates.

One feature that Core supports and that is sorely missed in Calendar
is native handling of the timezone database present in Unix systems.
Sure, Calendar does have some rudimentary knowledge of timezones, but
I've come across situations where it's not enough, forcing me to write
C stubs to directly access the Libc timezone handling functions (which
are not pretty).

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Re: [Caml-list] Re: Generalized Algebraic Datatypes

2010-10-31 Thread Dario Teixeira

 If I misunderstood you, then I still misunderstand you: the App
 constructor you quoted took only 1 argument (a pair), so you can't
 partially apply it, and that's from the type declaration.
 IOW the type declaration you quoted is *not* curried.

Now I get what you mean, and there's definitely been a misunderstanding.
First, I wasn't referring to constructor App in particular, nor confusing
a tuple argument with a curried form.  I may be abusing the term, but
I used partial application in the most general sense, ie, including
an application with zero arguments (in other words, a first-class value).

Suppose I had the following type declaration:

  val f: int - int - int - int

I could do a partial application with 2 arguments:

  let f2 = f 1 2

A partial application with 1 argument:

  let f1 = f 1

And generalising, a partial application with 0 arguments, which
is simply referring to f itself:

  let f0 = 0

Now, going back to the GADTs example, a declaration such as the one
below hints that the constructors may be used as first-class values
(a zero-arg partial application), when in fact they cannot.  That
is why I find this syntax to be inconsistent with the rest of the

type _ t =
  | IntLit : int - int t
  | BoolLit : bool - bool t

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] Re: Generalized Algebraic Datatypes

2010-10-30 Thread Dario Teixeira

  While this does make sense in Haskell, in Ocaml it feels a bit
  out of place, because you cannot, for example, partially apply
  a type constructor.
 The types above don't allow partial applications either.  They use the
 OCaml/SML style of constructors were partial application is not possible
 because the various arguments are not provided in a curried way.

That was precisely my point (I think you may have misunderstood what I said).
In Ocaml, whenever you see a curried type declaration you can safely assume
that the constructors may be partially applied.  The GADT syntax under
discussion breaks this assumption; hence my reticence.

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Re: [Caml-list] Re: Generalized Algebraic Datatypes

2010-10-30 Thread Dario Teixeira

 If the risk of confusion with constructors-as-functions is deemed
 problematic, a syntax like
    App of ('a - 'b) t * 'a t : 'b t
 seems OK too.
 Actually this would have the advantage of allowing the scope of
 existential variables to be explicit. I.e. one could write
   App of 'a. ('a - 'b) t * 'a t : 'b t

I find this new syntax preferable too.  As I just mentioned in my reply to
Stefan Monnier, my main criticism to the currently implemented GADT syntax
is that type constructors are declared in a curried way, despite the fact
that they cannot actually be partially applied.  This breaks an assumption
that is otherwise consistent throughout the language, and I think we can
all agree that adding caveats and exceptions to a language specification
is something that should be avoided as much as possible (and is often the
symptom of a bad specification).

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] Generalized Algebraic Datatypes

2010-10-29 Thread Dario Teixeira

 Don't take the syntax from my 2008 CUG talk too seriously, it was just
 a mock-up for the purpose of the talk.  Besides, it's too early for a
 syntax war :-)

Indeed.  There's just something about syntax that tickles the more
primitive parts of the programmer's brain... :-)

 This said, Coq could be another source of syntactic inspiration: it
 has several equivalent syntaxes for inductive type declarations (a
 superset of GADTs), one Haskell-like, others more Caml-like.

I think we can all agree that ultimately the chosen syntax should be
one that is unambiguous and coherent.  Nevertheless, all other factors
being equal, it would be preferable to have a Camlish syntax that feels
right at home within the broader language.

My initial reticence to Jacques proposal syntax was based solely on it
having provoked a context-switch in my brain: the declarations only
made intuitive sense when I tried reading them as if they were Haskell.
In contrast, the CUG 2008 syntax made immediate sense, even if it
may require serious massaging before it can be deemed suitable.

But anyway, this syntax talk is all small potatoes.  The important thing
is that Ocaml is getting yet another killer feature...

Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] Generalized Algebraic Datatypes

2010-10-25 Thread Dario Teixeira

 I am pleased to announce an experimental branch of the O'Caml compiler:
 O'Caml extended with Generalized Algebraic Datatypes. You can find more
 information on this webpage:

More in depth feedback will come after proper digestion; for now let me
just say these are great news!  And I'm sure there are other Ocaml users
out there who will be glad to finally get rid of some of the Obj.magic
blemishes in their code...

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] Asynchronous IO programming in OCaml

2010-10-24 Thread Dario Teixeira

 Is there a tutorial on using something like LWT for asynchronous
 programming in OCaml? I'm looking for an example like an echo server
 that handles clients concurrently without blocking threads, so it can
 handle thousands of clients without significant performance degradation.

Lwt comes with a manual, which should be enough to get you started.
If you are looking for real-world examples, then the source of the
Ocsigen server is the most obvious place to look.

(Lwt was my first exposure to the monadic style of programming; this
caused some head-scratching in the beginning, but after a while it
became second nature.  I reckon this experience might be common to
other Lwt users).

Hope that helps,
Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] Asynchronous IO programming in OCaml

2010-10-24 Thread Dario Teixeira

 Can you recommend papers on monadic programming?
 Or how did you mastered it?

Mastered it might be too strong a word... :-)  Anyway, my recommendation
is to simply start using it and let practice do its thing.  (In my case
practice came from developing Ocsigen/Eliom apps).

As for books or tutorials, I would suggest taking a look at material for
learning Haskell.  Recently, some well-publicised Haskell books targeted
at beginners have come out [1,2].  No introduction to Haskell is really
complete without also discussing monads. (Reading Haskell is fairly
straightforward for those familiar with Ocaml, btw).

Dario Teixeira


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Re: [Caml-list] [ANN] oasis v0.2.0: Architecture for building OCaml libraries and applications

2010-10-22 Thread Dario Teixeira

 OASIS generates a full configure, build and install system for your
 application. It starts with a simple `_oasis` file at the toplevel of your
 project and creates everything required.

Do you have plans to make GODI packages for Oasis and its dependencies?
(I don't mean using Oasis to automate the generation of GODI packages;
I mean GODI packages for Oasis itself).  It's a little step that makes
trying out new software all the more convenient...

Dario Teixeira


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Re: [Caml-list] my own exceptions from ocamlyacc?

2010-10-11 Thread Dario Teixeira

 Hmhh, a while ago I tried around with menhir, but did not really used it.
 I have that in mind for cases, when ocamlyacc would become too annoying,
 but at least at the moment I'm fine with ocamlyacc.
 I thought menhir is necessary for more complex grammars;
 don't know if it helps me here.

I find that Menhir's advantages over Ocamlyacc go beyond accepting a
superset of grammars.  For instance, Menhir allows the use EBNF notation,
which makes the grammar productions much simpler and easier to read.
Moreover, Menhir facilities for debugging and 'explaining' the grammar
make it a much friendlier tool for beginners and experts alike.

Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] web server interface for Ocaml ( like rack, wsgi, ...)?

2010-09-16 Thread Dario Teixeira

 My dream is *really* Eliom over Ocamlnet.

Could you expand on the reasoning a little?  I mean, what is for you
the advantage of running Eliom over Ocamlnet as opposed to over the
Ocsigen server?

Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] Re: ANN: ocamljs 0.3

2010-08-27 Thread Dario Teixeira

 What are the differences between:
 - OBrowser (
 - Js_of_OCaml (
 - OcamlJS

These three projects have one goal in common -- running Ocaml code
inside a browser -- but approach it differently:

  - O'Browser implements in Javascript an interpreter of Ocaml bytecode
(the code produced by ocamlc).

  - js_of_ocaml compiles Ocaml bytecode into Javascript.

  - ocamljs is a new backend for the Ocaml compiler that translates
Ocaml's intermediate representation (the lambda representation)
into Javascript.

Hope that clarifies things a bit,
Dario Teixeira

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[Caml-list] Emulating width subtyping with 1st-class modules

2010-08-05 Thread Dario Teixeira

I have a problem where some form of width subtyping for records would be
useful.  At the present I'm taking advantage of the structural subtyping nature
of Ocaml's object system to emulate the width subtyping.  This works and is
reasonably compact, but I'm still open to other approaches.  It has occurred
to me that 3.12's modules-as-first-class-values provide yet another solution:

module type BRIEF =
val a: int
val b: string

module type FULL =
include BRIEF
val c: float

let print_brief m =
let module M = (val m: BRIEF) in
Printf.printf A: %d, B: %s\n M.a M.b

let print_full m =
let module M = (val m: FULL) in
Printf.printf A: %d, B: %s, C: %f\n M.a M.b M.c

module Full =
let a = 1
let b = full
let c = 0.5

module Brief =
let a = 0
let b = short

let () =
print_brief (module Brief : BRIEF);
print_brief (module Full : BRIEF);
print_full (module Full : FULL)

While this approach seems awfully verbose, I reckon it could be made much
more palatable via some Camlp4 sugaring.  Nevertheless, I have a question:
just how heavy would this approach be when compared to the object one?
And how would it fare in comparison to regular records?

Thanks for your attention!
Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] Emulating width subtyping with 1st-class modules

2010-08-05 Thread Dario Teixeira

 It depends on what you call heavy. For the syntactic
 aspects, as you say, Camlp4 can be helpful. One could also
 imagine future extensions in the compiler itself, e.g.:

I meant heavy performance-wise, which you've also clarified -- thanks!

Incidentally, has the Ocaml team ever entertained adding native support
for a record type with width subtyping?  From my type-theory-non-expert
point of view, what strikes me about width subtyping is how closely related
it seems to the structural subtyping found in the object system and in
polymorphic variants.  It would therefore fit very nicely along those
features.  Perhaps it could even leverage the same row variable mechanism.

While 1st-class-modules add yet another user-space solution to the width
subtyping problem (the other prominent approaches being the object system
and Jacques Garrigue's Polymap [1]), these user-space solutions always
imply some -- albeit small -- price to pay performance-wise.

Dario Teixeira


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Re: [Caml-list] Re: scalable web apps

2010-07-26 Thread Dario Teixeira

 I am creating an application with ocsigen that requires to serve a lot
 of .tar.gz as static contents. 
 Do you think the no Unix supports non-blocking mode will cause problem
 in this case?

I presume that application is related to the Oasis-DB initiative, right?
I wouldn't worry too much in that case.  First, because the Ocaml community
is not that big (yet) as to cause such heavy traffic.  Second, because
the set of tar.gz files is not that great (a few hundred, max?) and those
files will tend to be small.  If your server has enough memory, there's a
good chance many of the file blocks requested will eventually be buffered
in memory by the kernel, thus minimising expensive disc I/O.

Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] scalable web apps

2010-07-26 Thread Dario Teixeira

  How does Ocsigen handle database operations?
 I thought it was using PG'OCaml, but maybe I'm wrong.

Ocsigen itself does not use PG'OCaml.  The two are frequently associated
because the latest versions of PG'OCaml are Lwt-friendly and therefore
a good choice for Ocsigen apps.  (Note that internally, Ocsigen uses
either Dbm or Sqlite to store session data).

Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] scalable web apps

2010-07-26 Thread Dario Teixeira

 BTW it is planed to add some kind of asynchronous file I/O support in
 Lwt by using mmap and mincore.

Excellent!  When that arrives I suspect a naked Ocsigen server will also
be able to handle a large load of static-file requests, thus eliminating
the need for Nginx  Co.

Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] Re: scalable web apps

2010-07-26 Thread Dario Teixeira

 Why would you use ocsigen to serve static files?

Simplicity.  A single server takes care of dynamic and static content,
making it easy to develop and administer.

 For we put all the files in amazon s3 and we just generate
 on the fly the url to retrieve them (adding the timestamp, signing the
 get parameters etc). 

Yes, S3 is awesome, but I reckon it would be overkill for what Sylvain has
in mind.  Moreover, it does represent an extra -- albeit small -- cost.

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Re: [Caml-list] scalable web apps

2010-07-25 Thread Dario Teixeira

 How do you build scalable web apps with OCaml?
 Do you use Apache with mod_caml? Naked Ocsigen?
 Do you put Ocsigen behind Nginx?

Your question is quite open-ended.  There are several scalability crisis
that an web app is expected to confront as it grows from handling at most
a handfull of requests per second to dealing with tens or even hundreds of
thousands of requests per second.  Are we talking about surviving a mere
Slashdot effect (not as scary nowadays as it once was), or about competing
with Facebook?

Naked Ocsigen -- particularly naked native-code Ocsigen -- should serve
you a long way in the initial stage of the growth path.  In fact, I suspect
you'll run into scalability problems with the database backend much sooner
than you'll find them on the Ocsigen side.  (For caching DB requests, I
reckon that Ocsigen's Ocsigen_cache module should be sufficient for this
early stage, single Ocsigen server situations).

The only circumstance where I would be cautious on relying solely on a
naked Ocsigen is if you are also required to serve plenty of static content
(images, etc).  Even though Ocsigen includes an extension for serving static
pages, for hysterical reasons no Unix supports non-blocking mode for regular
files, which of course causes problems for Lwt-apps (see the Lwt manual for
more information on this).  Therefore, in this context you may get better
results by having another server (like Nginx) dedicated to static content.

As Sylvain mentioned, in my talk I discussed that Ocaml's single-coredness is 
in no way an obstacle to scaling an web app beyond a single Ocsigen server.
However, at this stage of growth you'll also have to consider using a
distributed caching mechanism, such as Memcached or Wink's Cache [1] (the
later developed in Ocaml by Gerd Stolpmann et al).

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira


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Re: [Caml-list] scalable web apps

2010-07-25 Thread Dario Teixeira

 I would ask that question again, but miss out the with OCaml part,
 because really the choice of language doesn't matter very much.

Indeed.  Note, however, that more than once have people raised the issue
of Ocaml's non-concurrent GC on Ocsigen's mailing-list.  The doubt is
always whether this makes any Ocaml-based framework unsuitable for
scalable web applications.  I think it's important to assuage those fears
once and for all: in no meaningful way does Ocaml's single-coredness
constitute an impediment towards scalability in the web domain.

 Or if you prefer think of it this way: People are using really
 unsuitable languages (PHP) and really slow languages (Ruby, PHP,
 Python, Perl) on some massive websites out there.

Yeap.  Personally, I find Ocsigen's greatest advantage to be the safety
and expressiveness that it brings to backend programming (and soon also
to the frontend).  The fact that it's also fast is just icing on the cake...

Dario Teixeira


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Re: [Caml-list] scalable web apps

2010-07-25 Thread Dario Teixeira

 How does Ocsigen handle database operations?
 I assume they need to be asynchronous because of
 lightweight threads (Lwt).

Ocsigen itself is agnostic on DB matters.  However, your assumption
concerning the Lwt-friendliness of the DB layer is correct.  There's
basically two solutions to this problem: 1) Use whatever DB bindings
you prefer, but wrap them under Lwt_preemptive; 2) Use Lwt-aware DB
bindings.  For the latter the usual recommendation is PG'OCaml [1],
which in its current incarnation can be used in a monadic fashion
(with Lwt, for example).  If you want to interact with the DB at
an even higher level there's also Macaque [2], which is part of
the Ocsigen project (note that Macaque relies on PG'OCaml for the
low-level work).

When using PG'OCaml with Lwt, pretty soon you'll come across the
problem of connection pooling.  This is the moment you'll want to
look into Lwt_pool, which makes this task a breeze.

Finally, if you're looking for a concrete example of all this stuff
put together I suggest taking a look at the Lambdium's
module [3] (you can find it under 'backend/src/data/').

Hope that's enough to get you going...
Dario Teixeira


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Re: [Caml-list] Re: Cryptokit and HMAC-SHA256

2010-07-22 Thread Dario Teixeira

 Well in fact, HMAC-SHA256 and  HMAC-RIPEMD160 has been implemented in
 the source code, but never released. So no patching involved.

Indeed...  In fact, I had looked into the project's WebSVN before,
but since the last trunk commit was dated from 3 years ago, I assumed
th current release was up-to-date and didn't investigate further.

Anyway, a new release is definitely welcome!



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[Caml-list] Cryptokit and HMAC-SHA256

2010-07-21 Thread Dario Teixeira

I need a keyed hash function (HMAC) based on SHA256.  I looked at Cryptokit's
support for HMAC, and though it has built-in support for HMAC-MD5 and HMAC-SHA1,
it seems HMAC-SHA256 is not directly supported, despite Cryptokit implementing
the SHA256 algorithm.

While RFC 2104 seems straightforward enough and there's always the option
of adapting Cryptokit's HMAC-SHA1 code, I wonder if someone else out there
either a) has already done this, or b) knows of an alternative library
implementing HMAC-SHA256.

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] Re: Cryptokit and HMAC-SHA256

2010-07-21 Thread Dario Teixeira

 If you decide to code the solution and provide the patch, I will be
 happy to apply it to cryptokit (if the main author of cryptokit accepts
 it, of course).

I'm attaching the patches adding support for HMAC-SHA256 and HMAC-RIPEMD160
(I don't need the latter, but for the sake of completeness it seemed silly
not to support it as well).  Note that these are *very* straightforward
patches -- kudos to Xavier for making Cryptokit so easy to extend.

The caveat is that I'm not a cryptographer.  I did, however, verify that
these new HMACs pass all the test cases listed in RFC4231 (for HMAC-SHA256)
and RFC2286 (for HMAC-RIPEMD160).

Thanks for your attention!
Dario Teixeira

  --- cryptokit.mli.old	2010-07-21 22:10:37.0 +0100
+++ cryptokit.mli	2010-07-21 22:13:09.0 +0100
@@ -483,6 +483,16 @@
 applied to SHA-1.  The returned hash values are 160 bits (20 bytes)
 long.  The [key] argument is the MAC key; it can have any length,
 but a minimal length of 20 bytes is recommended. *)
+  val hmac_sha256: string - hash
+(** [hmac_sha256 key] returns a MAC based on the HMAC construction (RFC2104)
+applied to SHA-256.  The returned hash values are 256 bits (32 bytes)
+long.  The [key] argument is the MAC key; it can have any length,
+but a minimal length of 32 bytes is recommended. *)
+  val hmac_ripemd160: string - hash
+(** [hmac_ripemd160 key] returns a MAC based on the HMAC construction (RFC2104)
+applied to RIPEMD-160.  The returned hash values are 160 bits (20 bytes)
+long.  The [key] argument is the MAC key; it can have any length,
+but a minimal length of 20 bytes is recommended. *)
   val hmac_md5: string - hash
 (** [hmac_md5 key] returns a MAC based on the HMAC construction (RFC2104)
 applied to MD5.  The returned hash values are 128 bits (16 bytes)
---	2010-07-21 19:33:24.0 +0100
+++	2010-07-21 22:03:48.0 +0100
@@ -947,9 +947,13 @@
 module MAC = struct
 module HMAC_SHA1 = HMAC(struct class h = Hash.sha1  let blocksize = 64 end)
+module HMAC_SHA256 = HMAC(struct class h = Hash.sha256  let blocksize = 64 end)
+module HMAC_RIPEMD160 = HMAC(struct class h = Hash.ripemd160  let blocksize = 64 end)
 module HMAC_MD5  = HMAC(struct class h = Hash.md5  let blocksize = 64 end)
 let hmac_sha1 key = new HMAC_SHA1.hmac key
+let hmac_sha256 key = new HMAC_SHA256.hmac key
+let hmac_ripemd160 key = new HMAC_RIPEMD160.hmac key
 let hmac_md5 key = new HMAC_MD5.hmac key
 let aes ?iv ?pad key =
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RE: [Caml-list] Converting variants with only constant constructors to integers

2010-06-08 Thread Dario Teixeira

  The compiler does not convert the above code to 'hashtable lookup'.
 Is there a point where the compiler does do a table lookup
 for matches rather than jumps or have I clearly just dreamt that? :o)

I think Luc's objection was to the use of the word hash in hashtable.
Using the word hashtable for an indexed lookup table is technically
correct if you consider the trivial hash function (the identity function);
this may be what David meant.  Nevertheless, in most people's minds an
hashtable conjures images of a non-trivial mapping, which I'm quite sure
is not what the compiler generates...

Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] Questions concerning modules as first-class values

2010-06-02 Thread Dario Teixeira

 I disagree with your terminology. Below is the one I use:

 |          | 0-arity     | n-arity (n0) |
 | Value    | constant    | function      |
 |          |             |           |
 | Module   | structure   | functor       |

This terminology is indeed better.  But note that since modules are now
first-class values, the word value itself becomes ambiguous.  I'm not
trying to be picky; I think that having clear, unambiguous terminology is
essential to properly convey a message, particularly to beginners.

 If I well understood what Alain Frisch and Xavier Leroy explained,
 modules (including both structures and functors) become first class
 value: structures may be converted to records and functors to functions;
 and conversely. But I let more informed person confirm this.

I am not sure about the implementation details, but at least syntax-wise
I did not get the impression that structures would be converted to records.
What do you mean, exactly?

Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] Static exception analysis or alternative to using exceptions

2010-05-27 Thread Dario Teixeira

 Personally I've found that you should only throw those exceptions
 which can be caught in a single place in the program.  By this I mean
 that an exception such as Not_found shouldn't be thrown, and instead
 it would be better to use an option type (for stdlib functions which
 throw Not_found, you have to be _very_ careful that the exception
 cannot escape).

Yes, I agree.  As an illustration, dictionary lookup functions such as
Map.find should return an option type, but use exceptions for truly
exceptional circumstances that no sane programmer should have to watch
for at every single invocation (say, raise Dictionary_eaten_by_bears).

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Re: [Caml-list] Static exception analysis or alternative to using exceptions

2010-05-26 Thread Dario Teixeira

 What experience does people have to using alternatives to exceptions,
 such as option types or exception monads? Does use of third part
 libraries that still throws exceptions make such approaches hard to use?
 Performance wise it seems to be comparable to catching exceptions or
 matching for options, so I guess the difference be might a question of
 programming style?

Partly yes, though I would say that in Ocaml it is tempting to use
exceptions beyond what is reasonable, because they are so cheap and
convenient.  As you noted, this can lead to trouble at runtime, which
is why some libraries discourage the exceptional style, preferring
option types and forcing users to invoke functions suffixed by _exc
if they really want to use the exception-based version.

Personally, I think the litmus test hinges on whether the supposedly
exceptional situation is truly worthy of the name.  If it's a common
occurrence, perhaps one should reconsider the use of an exception.
Without meaning to start an holy war, let me just add that even on
the Stdlib there are functions (such as Map.S.find) that raise an
exception but which should perhaps return an option type.

Btw, you didn't mention it explicitly in your message, but I trust you
are familiar with Catch me if you can? [1]

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira



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Re: [Caml-list] Generating random generators

2010-05-11 Thread Dario Teixeira

 However, random numbers are tricky, and I'm suspicious of just
 adding a new operation ad hoc when I don't understand how the
 underlying PRNG works. Hence, I'd appreciate if anyone could
 offer some insight on whether the above approach has any hidden
 pitfalls (i.e. some sort of regularity that might appear when the
 values from two generated streams are combined in a particular
 fashion), or if there is a faster way of generating new generators
 robustly. Random.State.make invokes Digest.string for every int of
 the seed, so it seems like overkill.

Have you considered using Cryptokit's Random module?  It offers
many generators, one of which meets your determinism criteria.

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Re: [Caml-list] Subtyping structurally-equivalent records, or something like it?

2010-05-01 Thread Dario Teixeira

  type kinematic = { lin: Vec.t; ang: Vec.t }

 Which I've been using to represent a medley of physical attributes (force,  
 momentum, velocity, etc.).

I second Stéphane's suggestion of using phantom types; moreover,
I recommend you read an article that discusses them to some detail
and covers their use for precisely this sort of problem:

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Re: [Caml-list] Unicode solutions

2010-04-12 Thread Dario Teixeira

 It seems like ulex + dypgen works for the front-end
 part.  Back-end?
 [It's not clear to me that ulex + menhir works]

I can confirm that at least with a recent Menhir, you can use whichever lexer
you want, even Ulex.  In fact, I have used the Ulex+Menhir combination in a
couple of my own projects, and their source-code is available if you want
to check out how it's done:

Hope that helps,
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[Caml-list] Forced linking and Ocamlbuild

2010-04-05 Thread Dario Teixeira

I'm using Ocamlbuild with the findlib plugin listed on the Wiki.
In this setting, how does one force a given module to always be
linked into the final executable, even if it's not referenced
anywhere?  (I realise there's always the option of adding a
dummy reference, but I'm looking for a cleaner solution).

Note that the package is of course listed under true in the
top-level _tags file, but it's being pruned out from the actual
invocation of ocamlfind.  Normally this is a sensible approach,
but in this case I want to force linking.  Also, I've searched
into the (long) list of built-in tags, but couldn't find anything
resembling this purpose.

While I can of course explicitly change the myocamlbuild plugin
so that invocations of the compiler always append the module I
want to link, I wonder if there's not already a cleaner, more
general solution that I may have missed.

Thanks in advance!
Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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[Caml-list] Structural subtyping problem

2010-03-28 Thread Dario Teixeira

I'm using the structural subtyping aspects of Ocaml's object system to emulate 
subtyping.  I've come across a problem which does not type-check, though 
it seems correct.  I reckon that the compiler may need some help in the form of 
annotations and/or coercions, though their exact shape elludes me.

A simple nonsensical example that illustrates the problem is listed below; the
type-checking error occurs in function step1, where the optional parameter 
is used as an object of type  title:string; .. .  In function step3, this
parameter story is actually instantiated with objects of type  title:string 

and  title:string; count:int .

Anyway, am I correct in assuming this should be feasible?  And if so, what 
are required to make this compile?

Thanks in advance!
Best regards,
Dario Teixeira


let rec step1 ?story () = match story with
| Some s - step2 s#title
| None   - step2 title1

and step2 title =
let story =
method title = title
method count = 0
in step3 ~story

and step3 ~story = match story#count with
| 0 -
step1 ~story ()
| 1 -
let story =
method title = title2
in step1 ~story ()
| _ -


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Re: [Caml-list] Structural subtyping problem

2010-03-28 Thread Dario Teixeira

 I'm using the structural subtyping aspects of Ocaml's object system to 
 emulate width
 subtyping.  I've come across a problem which does not type-check, though 
 it seems correct.  I reckon that the compiler may need some help in the form 
 of type
 annotations and/or coercions, though their exact shape elludes me.

Thank you all for your assistance.  In the real-world code, the solution
based on coercion is the most straightforward to implement.  And it looks
obvious now...

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RE: [Caml-list] Lazy modules

2010-03-17 Thread Dario Teixeira

 AFAIK local modules is a syntax extension not a compiler
 extension - I expect (not looked at it) that the syntax
 extension simply alpha renames all the local module
 declarations to make them unique and puts them globally... a
 very useful extension but no expressive power added.

But if that were true, wouldn't the functor instantiation happen at
initialisation time, thus preventing the delayed instantiation that
is key for this solution to work?

 I believe that the module system due for OCaml 3.12.0 will
 allow this kind of runtime application of functors as
 modules are first class values.

Again, I'm under the impression that functor application can already
(with 3.11 at least) occur at runtime when local modules are used.
(Or are you talking about different things?).  For example:

# module Foo (S: sig end) = struct let () = print_endline foo! end;;
module Foo : functor (S : sig  end) - sig  end

# let hello () = let module F = Foo (struct end) in ();;
val hello : unit - unit = fun

# hello ();;
- : unit = ()

 Hope that's helpful - the inability to do what you're
 wanting to do is one of the reasons that I've never delved
 deeply into the module system - powerful as it may be, it
 didn't seem to be able to help performing a simple task
 (similar to yours) that I wanted it to do (I have also in
 the past wanted to exactly what you're doing - i.e. a module
 of loaded configuration values).

Yep, Alain confirmed that modules as first-class values are indeed
coming for 3.12.  Ocaml's module system just got more interesting...

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Re: [Caml-list] [ANN] CCSS 1.0

2010-03-12 Thread Dario Teixeira

In the meantime I've released version 1.1, which includes the requested
unit conversion feature.  It works as I described in a previous email,
but is not activated by default.  If you really need this feature, simply
provide option '--convert' (short version '-c') upon command line invocation.

For more information:

Hope you find it useful!
Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] [ANN] CCSS 1.0

2010-03-11 Thread Dario Teixeira

 Unit aware is good but the classes should be broader. I find it
 disappointing that it won't allow you to add mm to cm correctly, since
 it's supposed to be unit aware.

It's unit-aware in the sense that it knows that numeric values may have
this thing called units attached, and they impose some constraints on
arithmetic, but it knows nothing about the semantics and relation between

I understand why you may see this as a bug, but for me it's a feature.
Personal experience tells me that mixing units -- even if they belong
to the same system, as cm and mm -- is asking for trouble (never mind
mixing units from metric and imperial -- ask NASA).

While CCSS has no intention of being a CSS-lint, it does enforce a couple
of good-practices constraints.  Forbidding unit mixing is one of them;
another is ensuring each property declaration is terminated by a semicolon,
even if it's the last one: again, experience tells me that omitting it
is asking for trouble.

 From a user perspective, it makes it much easier to copy paste
 snippets from here and there without having to bother to normalize
 every length to a single unit.

That will be a good point if CCSS ever becomes popular and you wish
to copy'n'paste CSS fragments augmented with its syntax.  But presently
that's a moot point, since the CSS fragments you find in the wild are not
augmented with variable declarations and/or arithmetic.

But anyway, if you really think unit conversion is a must-have feature,
I can add it to the next release (it's actually simple to implement).
However, personally I remain sceptical about its real-world usefulness.

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] Re: Being aware of memory overuse

2010-02-10 Thread Dario Teixeira

 I always wanted to have kernel spport for this. Some way for aplication
 to tell the kernel about freeable memory and for the kernel to request
 some memory to be freeed instead of swapping it out.

If I recall correctly, there was an article reporting a lkml
(the Linux kernel mailing list) discussion on that subject.  One of
the proposals was for the kernel to send processes a signal (SIGFREE?)
requesting they free up memory (by running a major GC, for example)
whenever memory was running low.  In theory this could in some cases
avoid the invocation of the draconian OOM killer.

Question: just how effective such a feature would be in the Ocaml case?

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira


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Re: [Caml-list] GPL with linking exception?

2010-01-17 Thread Dario Teixeira

 I've been looking around on the net to see if I could find
 a GPL3 + linking exception copyright notice lying around. I
 only found LGPL + linking exception.
 Does anyone know what to write for GPL3 + linking
 exception? Is it even possible, or is only LGPL + linking
 exception possible?

IANALNDIPOOTV (I am neither a lawyer nor do I play one on TV), but I'm
under the impression that the  linking exception only makes sense to
appease the requirements of LGPL.  The LGPL requires that the main binary
may be used with an updated version of the LGPL library, which in most
cases implies some form of dynamic linking.  However, this conflicts
with the most common way of building Ocaml programs, where all Ocaml
libraries are statically linked into the main executable.  Hence the
need for a linking exception, which relaxes the LGPL requirement.  If,
on the other hand, the library is GPL, then all source code is available
(library + main), which renders this point moot.

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] Batteries Included 1.0.0

2010-01-17 Thread Dario Teixeira

 The Batteries Included project has
 come under new management since David Teller moved on. The
 project has gone through a process of reorganization and is
 finally ready for a release. We've rethought a lot of the
 structure decisions of the old codebase to make it easier to
 use and develop.

A big thanks to you and the entire Batteries team is definitely in order!
I do have a couple of questions/suggestions:

- What is the relation between the development of ExtLib and AAA Batteries?
  A first glance at the AAA Batteries API suggests it to be a superset of
  ExtLib's.  If both development teams are on board, I would suggest an
  explicit deprecation of ExtLib in favour of AAA Batteries.

- Is AAA Batteries definitely the new Batteries?

- Please provide also a GODI package.

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] GPL with linking exception?

2010-01-17 Thread Dario Teixeira

 My question about GPL is mostly the following: Can you
 distribute GPL bytecode files? Do you have any issues when
 'linking' the runtime with the GPL bytecode?
 Or are there other issues preventing from releasing GPL OCaml code?

If you want a waterproof lawyerly response you should consider contacting
an organisation like the Software Freedom Law Center [1].  Nevertheless,
IMHO I see no obstacle in using the GPL with Ocaml code, and there are
in fact plenty of Ocaml projects using this license.  Could you elaborate
on why you feel that the GPL could in theory prevent the release of Ocaml

Dario Teixeira


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Re: [Caml-list] general question, was Re: OCaml is broken

2009-12-21 Thread Dario Teixeira

 i dont want to go into a which-programming-language-is-best-for-what
 discussion (as this will never end), but at this point i wanted to know
 if ocaml is still alive, i.e. if you can still easily download and
 install it on a variety of OS, and if it will be supported in the future.

The fact that the compiler's source code is (a) available, and (b)
straightforward enough for mere mortals to understand should give you
some assurances that Ocaml can never die by fiat.  Moreover, there's
a vibrant community around it, both in industry and in the open-source
world.  (Ocaml support in Debian and Fedora is top-notch, for example).
Last but not least, Ocaml plays a central role in multiple INRIA
projects, which means its creators have all the reason to continue
maintaining it and improving it for the foreseeable future (and there's
some interesting goodies in the upcoming 3.12 release, for example).

Though I am grateful and acknowledge Jon Harrop's help in the beginner's
list, you should take his prognostications with a grain of salt.  Every
now and again he proclaims that Ocaml is doomed! We're all gonna die!.
It has almost become a comedy catchphrase of sorts in this list...

So yes, do choose Ocaml for your project.  You won't regret it.

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] Re: multicore wish

2009-12-21 Thread Dario Teixeira

 I am beginning using Ocsigen, for a growing web project:
 Is multicore support useless for scaling on Ocsigen?

Categorically, yes.  In fact, I would say that the model used by Ocsigen
is close to being optimal performance-wise as far as web applications are
concerned.  The Ocsigen server and Eliom applications use Lwt for concurrency,
ensuring that the CPU is always busy and will not idle waiting for I/O.
Moreover, the green threads offered by Lwt are much lighter than system
threads, and avoid the context switching penalty incurred by the latter.

And what about those multiple cores?  Simple, if you have n cores, then
simply fire up n instances of the Ocsigen server, and put a dispatching
server like HAProxy or Ocsigen itself as frontend (there are some simple
tricks to ensure that the same client is always directed to same server).
This solution takes advantage of the fact that serving web requests from
multiple clients is embarrasingly parallel from the web application
standpoint. (Sure, you'll have contention on the database side, but
most DBMSs handle that reasonably well).

(And yes, I am aware that Lwt's performance could be improved further
by using syscalls like epoll/kqeueue/etc instead of select.  That is
however an implementation issue, not an architectural flaw).

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] Re: OCaml is broken

2009-12-20 Thread Dario Teixeira

 It's too bad that INRIA is not interested in fixing this bug. No
 matter what people say I consider this a bug. Two cores is standard by
 now, I'm used to 8, next year 32 and so on. OCaml will only become
 more and more irrelevant. I hate to see that happening.

This is a perennial topic in this list.  Without meaning to dwell too
long on old arguments, I simply ask you to consider the following:

- Do you really think a concurrent GC with shared memory will scale neatly
  to those 32 cores?

- Will memory access remain homogeneous for all cores as soon as we get into
  the dozens of cores?

- Have you considered that many Ocaml users prefer a GC that offers maximum
  single core performance, because their application is parallelised via
  multiple processes communicating via message passing?  In this context,
  your bug is actually a feature.

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] The lexer hack

2009-11-14 Thread Dario Teixeira

 if the lexer cannot decide it on the tokens seen, a packrat
 parser (like Aurochs) may be a better choice, since in a PEG
 there is no seperate lexer, it's all one grammar, so you don't
 have this problem.

But does Aurochs also handle UTF8 streams?

In the meantime I've implemented the parser using Ulex/Menhir
with the dummy action trick I mentioned before.  It allowed
me to simplify the tokenizer tremendously, though it's still

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Re: [Caml-list] Re: The lexer hack

2009-11-14 Thread Dario Teixeira

 If the lexer to use can be determined by only one token
 (BEGIN_VERB), I think you can change the state in the lexer
 like this:

Unfortunately the language features some verbatim-like environments
where choosing the right scanner entails knowing more about the
context than what is available to the lexer.  As an example, in
the command \link{url}{text}, the url should be interpreted
verbatim, whereas the text portion uses the general scanner.
The parser is fully aware of the context, of course, which is
why the dummy action solution worked fine.

(And yes, I thought of having different delimiters for different
scanning contexts, but in many ways it would make the language
more cumbersome for the user).

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Re: [Caml-list] ocamllex and yyless, putting back chars in lexbuf

2009-11-12 Thread Dario Teixeira

 Is there a way in ocamllex to put back certain characters
 in the buffer. In flex you can do that

It is also possible with Ulex, using Ulexing.rollback.

Even if you don't need the UTF8 features, I suggest you take a
look at Ulex anyway; the approach used (it's a syntax extension)
provides greater flexibility.  Moreover, it also handles latin1
streams fine.

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[Caml-list] The lexer hack

2009-11-10 Thread Dario Teixeira

I'm creating a parser for a LaTeX-ish language that features verbatim blocks.
To handle them I want to switch lexers on-the-fly, depending on the parsing
context.  Therefore, I need the state from the (Menhir generated) parser
to influence the lexing process (I believe this is called the lexer hack
in compiler lore).

Presently I am doing this by placing a module between the lexer and the
parser, listening in on the flow of tokens, and using a crude state machine
to figure out the parsing context.  This solution is however error-prone
and a bit wasteful, since I'm reimplementing by hand stuff that should be
the sole competence of the parser generator.

Anyway, since I'm sure this problem pops up often, does someone have any
alternative suggestions?  I would preferably keep Menhir, but I'll switch
if some other generator offers a better approach(*).

Thanks + best regards,
Dario Teixeira

(*) I've looked into Dypgen, and its partial actions may offer a way out.
Does someone have any experience with those and with real-world usage
of Dypgen in general?  (In other words, is it stable enough for
production use?)

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RE: [Caml-list] The lexer hack

2009-11-10 Thread Dario Teixeira

 Out of interest, how LaTeX-ish do you mean? I would hazard
 a guess that it's impossible to parse an unrestricted TeX
 file using an LR grammar (or at least no more clear than a
 hand-coded automaton) because you have to execute the macro
 expander in order to parse the file *completely* correctly.
 However, if you only mean LaTeX-ish in syntax (i.e. the
 files aren't actually TeX files) then you don't have to
 worry about TeX's elegant (by which I mean terrifying)
 \catcode mechanism and macro language!

I developed the language's syntax in tandem with the parser/lexer
so I made sure it was LR-friendly and Ulex-friendly (the verbatim
environments are the only parsing-unfriendly features).  The language
looks and feels like LaTeX, but without the hairy stuff...

Incidentally, the dummy token/action trick seems to be working
fine with Menhir.  Since the parser will look ahead one token,
I just have a tokenizer sitting between the lexer and the parser,
and inserting a DUMMY token into the stream after any token that
precedes a dummy action:

  | (...)
  | BEGIN_VERBATIM enter_verb DUMMY RAW exit_verb END_VERBATIM {...}
  | (...)

enter_verb: /*empty*/ {Global.context := Global.Verbatim}
exit_verb: /*empty*/  {Global.context := Global.General}

It's not the prettiest thing in the world (and I suspect I might
still find some problem with it), but as far as lexer hacks go
it's not bad and a lot better than building a state machine.

Dario Teixeira

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[Caml-list] Ocamlbuild directory inclusion problem

2009-10-24 Thread Dario Teixeira

I've come across another issue with Ocamlbuild, and I'm not sure if this one
is a bug or a feature.  Consider the project tree below; note that everything
under lib/ is supposed to produce a foo.cma library, while cmd/ is a command
line application that uses foo.cma (and which can be safely ignored for now).

|-- _tags
|-- lib/
|   |-- _tags
|   |-- foo.mllib
|   |-- foo_core.mlpack
|   |-- foo_core/
|   |   |-- (...)
|   |
|   |-- foo_ext.mlpack
|   |-- foo_ext/
|   |-- (...)
|-- cmd/
|-- (...)

The file lib/_tags just contains foo_core or foo_ext: include.  If I issue
ocamlbuild foo.cma inside the lib/ directory, then foo.cma gets built as 
However, if I move to the parent directory and issue ocamlbuild lib/foo.cma,
I get an error:

ocamlc -pack lib/foo_ext/beta.cmo lib/foo_ext/alpha.cmo -o lib/foo_ext.cmo
File _none_, line 1, characters 0-1:
Error: The implementation (obtained by packing)
   does not match the interface lib/foo_ext.mli:
   Modules do not match:
 sig val num : int end
   is not included in
   Unbound module type Foo_core.Zero.S
Command exited with code 2.

The problem is of course that -I lib should be added to the invocation of 
For this purpose I've created a in the root directory, with the
following contents:

let () = dispatch begin function
| After_rules -
Pathname.define_context lib/foo_ext [lib];
| _ - ()

However, this doesn't work as expected.  Perhaps I've misunderstood the purpose
of Pathname.define_context?  In any case, I would expect a simple example like
this one to work even without the need for a plugin.  So, what
is missing here?

Thanks in advance!
Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] xpath or alternatives

2009-09-30 Thread Dario Teixeira

Ocamlduce has been mentioned before in this thread, but I didn't catch
the reason why it has been discarded as a solution.  Is it because you
don't want to carry the extra (large) dependency, or is there some other

And on the subject of simple XML parsers for Ocaml, there's also the
aptly named Simplexmlparser from the Ocsigen project [1].  It's about
as spartan as one can conceive, yet sufficient for a large subset of
XML extraction tasks.

Dario Teixeira


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Re: [Caml-list] OC4MC : OCaml for Multicore architectures

2009-09-24 Thread Dario Teixeira

Cheers for the work you guys put into this project!  And I'd like to join
the crowd that has questions, if I may:

a) If I understand correctly, part of prerequisites for implementing the
   new GC was cleaning up the excessive use of imperative constructs in
   the compiler's tree.  Will the new tree be also more amenable to the
   implementation of new language constructs such as GADTs?

b) Could you quantify the performance penalty (if any) of using the new GC
   in a single-thread context?  And should this penalty be significant, are
   there provisions for a compile-time choice of which GC to use?

c) Is there an understanding between you and the folks at INRIA concerning
   the eventual merging of this code into the mainline tree?

Thanks a lot for your time!
Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] OC4MC : OCaml for Multicore architectures

2009-09-24 Thread Dario Teixeira

 Very few programs that are not written with multicore in mind would
 not be penalized. I mean our GC is much much dumber than INRIA OCaml's
 one. Our goal was to show it was possible to have good performance with
 multicores for OCaml.  Maybe someday we'll find some time to optimize
 the GC, but it's likely not very soon.

Thanks for the clarification.  While not detracting from your work (which
I think is very interesting and valuable), for me single-thread performance
is still paramount.  I am working in a domain (doing backend web application
programming using the Ocsigen framework) where multi-threaded parallelism
is a bit silly, since you can get much better performance and design
simplicity by running multiple independent servers (one for each core).
Each server runs multiple concurrent Lwt-threads (a cooperative form of
green threads) to make sure the CPU is always busy and not waiting on I/O.

This solution has the advantage of requiring no process context-switching
within each server, while still maximising CPU utilisation.  And I suspect
there are many other fields where a similar approach could be used 
instead of thread-based parallelism.

 I guess that if INRIA decides to implement parallel threads capability,
 they will have to make the runtime library ready (clean up some global
 variables, tidy the code like remove compatibility.h and such stuff)
 before thinking about the GC. This could take some time, because it's
 not good to break everything at once. Then, if they have finished this
 step, I would be confident that they could integrate an awesome GC.
 But that's only my personal opinion...

Again, it's a question of whether the cost justifies the benefits.
Personally, I'm in the camp that would rather see improvements to
the type system (like native GADTS!)...

Anyway, keep us appraised of your work.  It's very welcome.

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira


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Re: [Caml-list] Cache algorithms: implementation or library available?

2009-09-23 Thread Dario Teixeira

 I would like to know if anyone has or knows of an Ocaml
 library or open-source code implementation of some cache
 algorithms (example: least recently used).

The Ocsigen folks have also developed a caching module for Ocsimore.
It may be interesting to you if your app uses Lwt..  The module is
called 'Cache':

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Re: [Caml-list] Ocamlbuild for project with C portion

2009-09-22 Thread Dario Teixeira

 The key is to create a file with the extension .clib that contains
 the list of .o files that should be compiled from your C stubs. Ocamlbuild
 will then build these into a libary (foo.clib will result in foo.a).  You
 then add rules in that define tags for depending on and
 linking with that library, and add these to your _tags file.

Thanks for your reply.  In the end I managed to solve the problem, though
not using clib (which seems tangential to this problem).  All that was
required was the following

open Ocamlbuild_plugin
open Command

let _ = dispatch begin function
| After_rules -
flag [ocaml; byte; link] (S[A-custom]);
dep [ocaml; link] [foobar.o]
| _ - ()

Though it still strikes me as odd that Ocamlbuild's manual won't cover
such basic examples...

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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[Caml-list] Ocamlbuild for project with C portion

2009-09-21 Thread Dario Teixeira

The Ocamlbuild manual begins by stating that the tool has builtin support
for projects with C stubs, but unfortunately is subsequently mute on the
subject.  So, I have a module that declares an external function
stuff which is defined in foobar_lowlevel.c.  What is the Ocamlbuild
tagging wizardry that allows this programme to compile?

Thanks in advance for your time!
Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

P.S. Does someone who groks it have plans to write a more complete manual
 for Ocamlbuild?  It's a tool whose great potential goes unfulfilled
 due to deficient documentation.

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Re: [Caml-list] Why don't you use batteries?

2009-09-03 Thread Dario Teixeira

 It seems like batteries' adoption isn't quite as thorough as expected.
 We in the batteries devel team would love to know why you don't use
 batteries.  Here's some of our guesses:

Batteries is a great project, and you guys shouldn't feel discouraged
if it doesn't take over the world overnight.  There's unfamiliarity and
inertia to overcome, and that takes time.  Personally, I've installed
Batteries and played with it, but I'm not using it (yet) on my projects.
Going back to your list, here's why:
 2) It's not 1.0 yet, I'll try it then

That's indeed a factor.

 3) It makes my executables too big

This used to be a bigger problem.  Previous versions of Batteries would
pack everything into a module, disabling the linker's ability to link
only effectively used code.  Thankfully newer versions are going towards
a flatter hierarchy.

 4) It's too hard to install (dependencies, godi failures)

Never ran into this problem.

 5) It's difficult to compile against

Not an issue.

 6) It doesn't work on my platform

Not an issue.

 7) It uses camlp4

Not an issue for me.  There's this thing called a build system that
should handle all that transparently, so I couldn't care less if it
required carrier pigeons to compile my programs.  But yes, I admit
it may be an issue for more constrained platforms.

 8) Other (please explain)

a) Lack of exposure to the advantages of Batteries.  It borrows lots of
   cool ideas from Haskell, but that may not be immediately apparent.
   You guys should take advantage of the Ocaml Planet to run a publicity
   campaign: you can make a number of tutorial posts showing the old
   way versus the Batteries way.  There's more to Batteries than just
   a collection of APIs, and that message may not be getting through.

b) I'm already using Extlib extensively, and that reduces the advantage
   for Batteries.  (Same way the Minitel slowed down Internet adoption
   in France in the mid-nineties?)

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] Storing UTF-8 in plain strings

2009-08-13 Thread Dario Teixeira

 I'm using Ulex + Menhir to parse UTF-8 encoded source code, and I'm relying
 on plain strings for processing and storing data.  I *think* I can get away
 with using only the String module to handle this variable-length encoding
 as long as I am careful with the way I treat these strings.  Here are the
 assumptions I am making:

Thank you all for your comments.  Ulex has caught all the intentionally
malformed code points I've inserted in the stream, so I'm fairly confident
it's up to the task.  But if I find a problem I'll keep Netconversion's
and Extlib's validation functions in mind...

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] Storing UTF-8 in plain strings

2009-08-13 Thread Dario Teixeira

 Thank you all for your comments.  Ulex has caught all the intentionally
 malformed code points I've inserted in the stream, so I'm fairly confident
 it's up to the task.  But if I find a problem I'll keep Netconversion's
 and Extlib's validation functions in mind...

By the way, I just noticed that the 'validate' function in Extlib's UTF8
module accepts 5-byte and 6-byte sequences.  Though these were part of
UTF-8's original specification, they have been deprecated by RFC 3629.
Perhaps adding a 'Deprecated_code' exception for these cases is in order?
(Or just raise the existing 'Malformed_code' exception).  Note that Ulex
correctly raises an exception if any of these deprecated sequences are

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[Caml-list] Storing UTF-8 in plain strings

2009-08-12 Thread Dario Teixeira

I'm using Ulex + Menhir to parse UTF-8 encoded source code, and I'm relying
on plain strings for processing and storing data.  I *think* I can get away
with using only the String module to handle this variable-length encoding
as long as I am careful with the way I treat these strings.  Here are the
assumptions I am making:

- If the source is invalid UTF-8 in any way, Ulex will raise Utf8.MalFormed.
  I can therefore assume in subsequent steps that the source is compliant.

- It is forbidden to use String.get, String.sub, String.length, or other
  functions where awareness of variable-length encoding is required.

- String concatenation is allowed.

- Using Extlib's String.nsplit is okay if the separator is a newline (0x0a),
  because in a multi-byte sequence all bytes have a value  127.  There is
  therefore no chance of splitting a multi-byte sequence down the middle.

So, can someone find any problems with this reasoning?  (Thanks in advance!)

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

P.S. And yes, I am aware that there are excellent libraries for handling
 UTF-8 (like the Rope module in Batteries).

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Re: [Caml-list] GADTs in OCaml

2009-07-12 Thread Dario Teixeira


 We present a simple, pure, magic-free implementation of a form of
 GADTs in OCaml that is sufficient for the common applications of GADTs
 such as data structures with embedded invariants, typed printf/scanf,
 tagless interpreters. (...)

Very interesting -- clever, yet so simple!  But note that as far as the
link-nodes-shall-not-be-ancestors-of-their-kind problem is concerned, there
is one problem with the presented implementation.  Consider the following

let t1 = text ola
let t2 = href http
let t3 = bold [t1; t2]
let t4 = mref http [t1]

This causes an error upon t4.  The reason is that because of t3, t1 was
unified as node_link node_t, whereas t4 requires it to be node_nolink 
node_t.  I think the solution is to revert to using polymorphic variants
for the phantom type, and take advantage of their open-ended nature.
(Though I'm guessing some extra massaging will be required -- it's Sunday
and I don't have much time to look into this).

Anyway, perhaps the Batteries folks will consider including both versions
of the Eq module?  It will certainly prove useful for many people. (Am I
correct in assuming you are releasing the code into the public domain or
at least some open-source friendly license?)

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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[Caml-list] Linking order with Ocamlbuild

2009-07-07 Thread Dario Teixeira


I am using the custom for ocamlfind support that is listed
in the Ocamlbuild wiki [1].  I would like to separate the list of packages
used for compilation and for linking; and in the latter case I would like
to provide an explicit linking order.  This is what I'm currently listing
in _tags:

**/main.native: pkg_a, pkg_b, pkg_c
**/*.ml: pkg_b, pkg_c

Which is neither particularly pretty nor actually working.  Namely, during
the linking stage, ocamlbuild is invoking -package b -package a.  This is
in the wrong order, and different from the one I specified.  Is there any
straightforward way to fix it?

Thanks for your thoughts!


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[Caml-list] Virtual packages in findlib

2009-07-07 Thread Dario Teixeira


(This is somewhat related to my previous question; having an order-preserving
Ocamlbuild would be moot if findlib supported some sort of virtual packages).

Suppose that for successful linking you need a package B to appear after
package A1.  However, A1 is only one particular instantiation of A-ness.
You could replace A1 with A2 or A3, and the program would also link and run.

Is there a way of expressing this sort of dependency with findlib?  Something
like requires = A1 | A2 | A3.  Or even better, allowing packages A1, A2,
and A3 to provide a virtual package A, and make B depend on that.  (The
Debian folks will recognise this pattern).

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] file mapped bigarray and Unix.unlink

2009-07-02 Thread Dario Teixeira


  The strategy I adopted is to spawn a recursive thread that
  periodically try to erase the file until success.
 That seems the wrong solution to me. The unlink syscall should work
 immediately or you have another reason why it only works after a
 certain time.

I second David's discomfort.  Have you considered issuing a sync after
the unlink?  For efficiency reasons the OS may not actually be deleting
the file immediately after the unlink; the sync should force it to do it.

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Re: [Caml-list] Width subtyping

2009-06-01 Thread Dario Teixeira


 If you're willing to give up some of the syntactic
 niceties of records (and the ability to pattern-match) you
 can get what you want using an abstract type.

Thanks -- that is also an interesting solution.  I'm guessing it will
be faster, though it might consume more memory in cases where only one
field is actually used.  I'll have to try it side-by-side with the object
based solution to see how they compare in the real world with my actual

 Here, we've chosen to use a default value for fields
 that we don't fill in.  We could just as well have used
 options here.  The performance of the above will be roughly
 the same as the performance of a simple record.  Obviously,
 all of the different subtypes have the full
 record stored at a physical level.

Which might turn out to be not that big a deal.  After all, the object
based solution also adds some default overhead per object created, right?

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RE: [Caml-list] Width subtyping

2009-05-31 Thread Dario Teixeira


  Heavier in terms of efficiency, or syntax?

 My concern is the former. The extra two fields per record and the heavier
 runtime calls make them so systemically slower that (to me, at least) it
 just feels wrong to use objects just to achieve a little syntactic clarity
 and a small reduction in the amount of code written. Polymorphic variants
 (which use only slightly more memory than regular variant values) otherwise
 perform at the same speed as their normal counterparts.

I also meant heavier in terms of efficiency.  And like David said, it does
feel wrong to carry the performance penalty of the object system solely because
I need the structural subtyping features.  Ideally, what I should be using
is record subtyping: something along the lines of the Polymap extension
(which I advise everyone to take a look at), but with compile-time checking.

However, my guess is that proper record subtyping cannot be tacked onto the
language by means of Camlp4, and it probably needs to be a builtin feature
(though I would gladly be proven wrong).  Which leads to the obvious question:
is there any theoretical reason why record subtyping is not available in Ocaml?
Or is the answer simply just use the object system; it's not as heavy as you
think it is?...

Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] Width subtyping

2009-05-30 Thread Dario Teixeira


 There must be something that escapes me This seems to be an
 example where ocaml objects really shine because of the structural
 typing (i.e. an object is defined by the its structure):

You are right.  I was probably too fixated on the OOP way of doing this,
translating record fields into object fields and the functions acting on
records into object methods.  Your solution, where record fields become object
methods and external functions act on objects that match a certain structure,
does solve the inconveniences I mentioned before.  But objects are still
a somewhat heavier solution, right?

In the meantime I also investigated Polymap, and it is close to being the
ideal solution.  It has one huge drawback, though: type inconsistencies
cannot be detected at compile-time, producing instead runtime exceptions.
The example below illustrates this; note that function printx should accept
both m1 and m2, but not m3.  However, the mistake in 'foobar' is not reported
until runtime:  (In fairness, there's probably no easy technical fix for this.)

let printx m = Printf.printf X is %d and Y is %s\n m.`x m.`y

let m1 = `{x=1; y=foo}
let m2 = `{x=2; y=bar; z=true}
let m3 = `{y=ola; z=false}

let foobar =
printx m1;
printx m2;
printx m3


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[Caml-list] Width subtyping

2009-05-29 Thread Dario Teixeira


Though it is probably been-there-done-that material for the veterans in this 
for the sake of the not-so-veterans I have to ask: how do you guys typically 
width subtyping in Ocaml?   Consider for example three record types that share 
of their fields:

type t1 = {a: int; b: int; c: int;}
type t2 = {a: int; b: int; c: int; d: int;}
type t3 = {b: int; c: int; d: int;}

In some circumstances, the object system can be put to good use for this kind 
of problem.
Not always though, so I'm curious about other approaches people use.  One 
I've considered is to create a superset record where each field is an optional 
and then creating constructors/getters for each valid subset.  Unfortunately 
solution feels a bit kludgy, even if it reduces code duplication.  For safety 
I'm therefore currently just declaring each record type independently (concerns 
duplication be damned).

In other words, polymorphic variants provide a very elegant solution for 
with sum types.  Is there some brilliant idea that could do the same for 
product types?

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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RE: [Caml-list] Width subtyping

2009-05-29 Thread Dario Teixeira


 This way you're always dealing with the same product type,
 but the sum type tells you which fields are actually valid.
 Of course, it relies on there being an obvious sentinel
 value for unused fields (otherwise you just end up with 'a
 option everywhere) and I still don't think it's that neat as
 you can still match against fields which aren't valid but at
 least the type system prevents you from being handed an
 illegal value. The benefit is that you don't need special
 get functions (just a match on type t to extract the t'
 value from each constructor). I can't get my head around how
 private polymorphic variants work to see if they can refine
 this further...

This is indeed a reasonable solution for many classes of problems.
However, the need for a sentinel value for unused fields makes it
somewhat heavyweight for those record variants where just one field
is valid.  Moreover, this solution requires outside functions that
should only operate on T1 (for example) to voluntarily check by
pattern matching that the t they are getting is indeed a T1 (and
presumably raise failure otherwise).  The object-based solution can
at least automatically take care of this (though it has other problems).


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Re: [Caml-list] Width subtyping

2009-05-29 Thread Dario Teixeira


 The dual of sums is products.  Open (labelled) sums
 are polymorphic variants.  Their duals are open
 (labelled) products are rows (which O'Caml already
 supports, through its objects).

Yes, as I mentioned, for some classes of this particular problem the object
system can be put to good use -- when there is a clear tree for inheritance,
for example.  Unfortunately that is always not the case; there are problems
where you would end up with a tangled web of multiple inheritances just for
the sake of avoiding duplicating methods.


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Re: [Caml-list] Width subtyping

2009-05-29 Thread Dario Teixeira


 I've very tired at the moment, but I think that Garrigue's
 polymap syntax extension does what you want:
 If not, just ignore me!

I should have suspected this discussion would eventually lead
to something out of Jacques Garrigue's magic hat! :-)

But on a first glance, yes, it does look like it might be of interest.
I'll explore it further, thanks!


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[Caml-list] Ocamlfind query

2009-04-23 Thread Dario Teixeira


I would like to get the name of the cma associated a findlib package.
I expect this to be available via the query command, but running
ocamlfind query -l pkg_name  always lists the archive as empty.
Is there some other option?

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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[Caml-list] Trouble with Ocamldoc + Ocamlbuild

2009-02-27 Thread Dario Teixeira


I'm having some trouble getting Ocamlbuild to produce API documentation via
Ocamldoc in a project that uses packed modules.  The project has two main
directories, modA and modB, each contanining a couple of modules, as follows:

  |- Foo
  |- Bar

  |- Glu
  |- Bah

I placed the modA.mlpack and modB.mlpack files at the top-level, listing the
modules in the respective directories.  The main target itself is to build
the library mylib.cma, containing the packed modules modA.cmo and modB.cmo.
Therefore, also at the top level directory is the file mylib.mllib, whose
contents are modA and modB in separate lines.

Now, building the library with ocamlbuild mylib.cma works fine.  But how
can I tell Ocamlbuild to build the API doc with Ocamldoc?  I reckon I have
to create a mylib.odocl file at the top-level, but what should its contents
be? I have tried modA and modB, but it doesn't work.  Neither does a
fully qualified specification, such as modA.Foo, etc.  Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance!
Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

P.S. The caml-list seems to be cloning posts today.  Sorry if you get this
 message multiple times.

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Re: [Caml-list] Trouble with Ocamldoc + Ocamlbuild

2009-02-27 Thread Dario Teixeira


 You should take a look at Batteries', we're solving this
 issue and it's messy (it involves generating the .mli for each .mlpack).

Thanks!  But what does your expect that it be placed in
the various files (namely *.odocl) in order to generate the API doc for
a project like the one I described?

Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] The new OCaml book (Objective Caml Programming Language by Tim Rentsch)

2009-02-27 Thread Dario Teixeira


 Oh dear. Then I am very sorry to tell you that Tim Rentsch's book is
 virtually identical to your own, having been tweaked just enough to
 evade copyright.

Should this be confirmed (namely by Jason Hickey himself), the comments
section at Amazon and other online stores may prove useful in pointing
people to Jason's book instead (once it comes out)...

Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] Unusual type declaration and Sexplib

2009-02-23 Thread Dario Teixeira


 You program below is exactly equivalent to the following,
 without as. Or is your real code something different?

You're right, the formulation without 'as' is simpler, and Sexplib handles
it just fine.  The real code adds a phantom type variable to t, and the
advantage of using 'as' was making the phantomness obvious:

type +'a t = private [ 'b node_t ] as 'b


type +'a t = private [ 'a t node_t ]

But in this case, 'as' does raise more trouble than it's worth...
Anyway, issue solved -- thanks!

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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[Caml-list] Unusual type declaration and Sexplib

2009-02-22 Thread Dario Teixeira


I'm having some trouble serialising via Sexplib a data structure defined
recursively.  Consider module M defined below; note how type foobar_t includes
a with sexp declaration, telling the Sexplib syntax extension to create
(de)serialisers automatically.  However, type t cannot rely on that automatism,
because type declarations with the as operator are not fully supported.
Therefore, I need to create the (de)serialisers for this type manually.

module M:
type 'a foobar_t =
[ `Foo of int
| `Bar of 'a list
] with sexp

type t = private [ 'a foobar_t ] as 'a

val foo: int - t
val bar: t list - t
end =
type 'a foobar_t =
[ `Foo of int
| `Bar of 'a list
] with sexp

type t = 'a foobar_t as 'a

let foo x = `Foo x
let bar x = `Bar x

So basically the problem is creating the functions with the following 

val sexp_of_t: t - Sexplib.Sexp.t
val t_of_sexp: Sexplib.Sexp.t - t

Using as base the automatically created functions whose signatures are as 

val sexp_of_foobar_t: ('a - Sexplib.Sexp.t) - 'a foobar_t - Sexplib.Sexp.t
val foobar_t_of_sexp: (Sexplib.Sexp.t - 'a) - Sexplib.Sexp.t - 'a foobar_t

But in practice, I'm having trouble seeing how these later functions can
be used.  The problem lies in their recursive definition: how would I
break it?  (And yes, I realise that the definition of type t is unusual,
but it's extremely convenient for avoiding a lot of explicit annotations
and coercions [1]).

Thanks for your help!
Best regards,
Dario Teixeira


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Re: [Caml-list] Union of type variables

2009-02-02 Thread Dario Teixeira

 Obviously I would like to get rid of this kludge.  The signature and
 implementation for union should be something like the (syntactically
 incorrect) code below.  But is it at all possible to declare an union
 of type variables?  (which presupposes they are polymorphic variants)
 val union: 'x t - 'y t - [ 'x |
 'y ] t
 let union x y = Union (x, y)

In the meantime I realised what the problem was.  I neglected to take
into account the open nature of polymorphic variants, meaning that as
long as the phantom type variable is open, then the following code is
enough to do what I want:

val union: 'a t - 'a t - 'a t
let union x y = Union (x, y)

Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] Re: [ANN] OCaml Meeting 2009 -- dinner, schedule for talks

2009-01-30 Thread Dario Teixeira

 No, I mean Monday. I need to call the restaurant before midday on
 Tuesday, so I need to have the list on Monday (or Tuesday before midday,
 but Monday is better). The dinner, I am speaking of, is on Tuesday.

Yeah, English grammar is ambiguous that way...  I would phrase the
statement as We need to know on Monday how many people are coming
to the dinner (on Tuesday) to book the restaurant.

An alternative is start learning Lojban:


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Re: [Caml-list] Private types in 3.11, again

2009-01-26 Thread Dario Teixeira

And once more, thanks for your very informative reply.  I spent the last
few days exploring these issues (there's quite some info on the Haskell
wiki) and weighting in the pros/cons of each solution.

I've decided for an approach similar to that taken by the Ocsigen guys.
That is, acknowledge that a proper modeling of this problem requires GADTs,
and that since Ocaml does not have them (yet), this is one of those cases
where the use of Obj.magic is justified.  Yes, I know Obj.magic is evil
and all that, but it does allow me to model the problem in a way that is
not too contrived and that is easily ported to a GADT solution once it
does become available in Ocaml.  In the end it's about choosing the lesser
of two evils, and so I've made my peace with having to use Obj.magic.

 In your first example, you want to simultaneously deconstruct a
 value, a reconstruct a new value with the same polymorphic type.
 For this, you need the expressive power of GADTs, i.e. the ability
 to instanciate type variables differently inside different branches
 of a pattern-matching. Since they are not available in ocaml,

Thanks for the explanation.  So there is indeed an expression deficit
that GADTs fix.  Also, note that this little link-node example is not
the only instance in my current project where GADTs would be useful.
(I'm guessing that eventually reaching the limits of the type system
is part of the journey for an Ocaml programmer!...)

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] Private types in 3.11, again

2009-01-21 Thread Dario Teixeira

Thank you very much for your help, Jacques!  It's always enlightening to
see an Ocaml ninja in action, though I'm still digesting the finer points
of your message.  Anyway, I have implemented all three solutions you suggested:

a) Using a private row and PV
b) Using a private abbreviation and PV
c) Using the mapper + object system with regular variants

Solution a) is by far the most convenient, though I'm still having some trouble
with it (more below).  Which brings me to a crucial point where I'm still
fuzzy.  My initial model for the link-nodes-shall-not-be-ancestors-of-their-kin
problem did indeed rely on what I now realise are GADTs.  I ran into a
limitation of the type system and so I recast the model using phantom types
because I hoped they could provide a workaround.  So my question is whether it
is at all possible to emulate GADTs using only PV + phantom types, or if on the
contrary one needs to use the object system in these cases, as exemplified by
solution c).  In other words, is solution a) futile, or did you use the object
system in solution c) simply because you were also using regular variants?

As for the problem with solution a), it shows up when I implement outside
of module Node any non-trivial function operating on 'a Node.t.  Function
capitalise_node, for example:

module Node:
type 'a node_t =
[ `Text of string
| `Bold of 'a list
| `Href of string
| `Mref of string * 'a list

type +'a t = private [ 'b node_t ] as 'b

val text: string - [ `Nonlink ] t
val bold: 'a t list - 'a t
val href: string - [ `Link ] t
val mref: string - [ `Nonlink ] t list - [ `Link ] t
end =
type 'a node_t =
[ `Text of string
| `Bold of 'a list
| `Href of string
| `Mref of string * 'a list

type +'a t = 'b node_t as 'b

let text txt = `Text txt
let bold seq = `Bold seq
let href lnk = `Href lnk
let mref lnk seq = `Mref (lnk, seq)

module Foobar:
val capitalise_node: 'a Node.t - 'a Node.t
end =
let capitalise_node node =
let rec capitalise_node_aux forbid_link node = match 
(forbid_link, node) with
| (_, `Text txt)- Node.text 
(String.capitalize txt)
| (x, `Bold seq)- Node.bold ( 
(capitalise_node_aux x) seq)
| (false, `Href lnk)- Node.href lnk
| (false, `Mref (lnk, seq)) - Node.mref lnk 
( (capitalise_node_aux true) seq)
| _ - failwith this 
shouldn't happen
in capitalise_node_aux false node

The code above produces the compiler error below (though remember that this
same function works fine inside the Node module):

Error: This expression has type ([ `Link | `Nonlink ] as 'a) Node.t list
   but is here used with type ([ `Nonlink ] as 'b) Node.t list
 'a Node.t =
   [ `Bold of 'a Node.t list
| `Href of string
| `Mref of string * 'a Node.t list
| `Text of string ]
   is not compatible with type
 'b Node.t =
   [ `Bold of 'b Node.t list
| `Href of string
| `Mref of string * 'b Node.t list
| `Text of string ]
   The first variant type does not allow tag(s) `Link

Thanks again for all your time!
Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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[Caml-list] GADTs in Ocaml (was: Private types in 3.11, again)

2009-01-21 Thread Dario Teixeira

 I didn't followed the thread closely, but did you have a look
 at Ocsigen's way to implement params_type?

Thanks for the suggestion.  Actually, there's an Ocsigen connection with
what I'm doing.  The Node module we've been discussing is a simplification;
the real problem is for a data type that can be converted into the XHTML.M
data used in Ocsigen.  (As was discussed some time ago in the Ocsigen mailing
list, the XHTML.M module does not strictly enforce the nested link nodes
rule of the W3C.  Nevertheless I have been looking for a solution that does
enforce this rule).

Anyway, I took a brief look at the code you mentioned, and re-read the
relevant section in the Rapport Ocsigen you wrote a while ago (when
I first read that report I had no idea what GADTs were!).  It does seem
that we're all just cooking up workarounds to the lack of GADTs in
Ocaml.  Now, I recall Xavier Leroy mentioning this topic at the user
meeting last year.  It seems the theory is ready, but the compiler
needs some work done before it can accommodate this new feature.  Are
there news on that front?

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] Private types in 3.11, again

2009-01-20 Thread Dario Teixeira
Hi again,

I ditched the regular variants in favour of polymorphic variants, hoping
the coercion trick described by Jacques Garrigue would help [1].  I've also
simplified the formulation as much as possible.  Anyway, I'm still stuck
with the same problem: while function 'sprint' works alright inside the
Node module, its clone 'sprint2' fails to compile when placed outside.
Is this a case where no amount of explicit annotations and coercions will
work or am I missing something obvious?

Thanks in advance!
Dario Teixeira


module Node:
type elem_t = [ `Text of string | `Bold of elem_t list ]
type +'a t = private elem_t

val text: string - [ `Basic ] t
val bold: 'a t list - [ `Complex ] t
val sprint: 'a t - string
end =
type elem_t = [ `Text of string | `Bold of elem_t list ]
type +'a t = elem_t

let text str = `Text str
let bold seq = `Bold seq
let rec sprint = function
| `Text str - Printf.sprintf (Text %s) str
| `Bold seq - Printf.sprintf (Bold %s) (List.fold_left 
(^)  ( sprint seq))

module Foobar:
val sprint2: 'a Node.t - string
end =
let rec sprint2 node = match (node : _ Node.t : [ ]) with
| `Text str - Printf.sprintf (Text %s) str
| `Bold seq - Printf.sprintf (Bold %s) (List.fold_left 
(^)  ( sprint2 (seq : _ Node.t list : [] list)))

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Re: [Caml-list] Private types in 3.11, again

2009-01-20 Thread Dario Teixeira

 Hmmm, a variant of your code may be exhibiting a bug in ocaml 3.11.0.

Thanks for the reply.  I'm kind of hoping it is indeed a bug, because
those are fixable and it would mean what I intend to do is feasible...

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] Private types in 3.11, again

2009-01-19 Thread Dario Teixeira

 So my question is how can I make the Foobar code behave as if it were
 defined inside Node.  Based on a previous thread [1], I'm guessing there
 is a solution, but I've been unable to hit on its exact formulation.

There have been no replies yet to my question, but I'm still stuck with
this little problem.  The offending code is below; though it doesn't
compile, I reckon that all it needs is a suitable type annotation.  I'm
guessing this because the function capitalise_node function will compile
fine if placed inside the Node module.  Any ideas on how to solve this?

Thanks in advance!
Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

module Node:
type node_t =
| Text of string
| Bold of node_t list
| Href of string
| Mref of string * node_t list

type +'a t = private node_t

val text: string - [ `Nonlink ] t
val bold: 'a t list - 'a t
val href: string - [ `Link ] t
val mref: string - [ `Nonlink ] t list - [ `Link ] t
end =
type node_t =
| Text of string
| Bold of node_t list
| Href of string
| Mref of string * node_t list

type +'a t = node_t

let text txt = Text txt
let bold seq = Bold seq
let href lnk = Href lnk
let mref lnk seq = Mref (lnk, seq)

module Foobar:
open Node
val capitalise_node: 'a t - 'a t
end =
open Node
let capitalise_node node =
let rec capitalise_node_aux forbid_link node = match 
(forbid_link, node) with
| (_, Text txt) - text 
(String.capitalize txt)
| (x, Bold seq) - bold ( 
(capitalise_node_aux x) seq)
| (false, Href lnk) - href lnk
| (false, Mref (lnk, seq))  - mref lnk ( 
(capitalise_node_aux true) seq)
| _ - failwith oops
in capitalise_node_aux false node

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[Caml-list] Private types in 3.11, again

2009-01-15 Thread Dario Teixeira

(Note: this problem is similar to one I've posted before; there are however
differences.  Also, my apologies for the problem requiring a long introduction
before actually being presented).

Consider a sequence of nodes such as those present in an inline context in
XHTML.  Some of these nodes are leaf nodes (Text and Href), while others are
built from a list of existing nodes (Bold and Mref).  Moreover, some nodes
create hyperlinks (Href and Mref).  A straightforward Ocaml representation
could be as follows:

type node_t =
| Text of string
| Bold of node_t list   (* recursive! *)
| Href of string
| Mref of string * node_t list  (* recursive! *)

There is furthermore an important restriction: a link node may not be the
ancestor of another link node, no matter how deep the ancestry level (in
similarity with the W3C rules for XHTML).  While this restriction could be
enforced by runtime checking, I very much prefer to represent nodes in such
a way that the type system itself would ensure the impossibility of creating
illegal values.

Below is the best solution I could come up with so far (note that this code
requires 3.11).  It uses a phantom type to taint link nodes, making them
unsuitable to be descendants of other link nodes.  Also, note the use of
'private' to allow pattern-matching by external code without breaking the
phantom type restrictions.

module Node:
type node_t =
| Text of string
| Bold of node_t list
| Href of string
| Mref of string * node_t list

type +'a t = private node_t

val text: string - [ `Nonlink ] t
val bold: 'a t list - 'a t
val href: string - [ `Link ] t
val mref: string - [ `Nonlink ] t list - [ `Link ] t
end =
type node_t =
| Text of string
| Bold of node_t list
| Href of string
| Mref of string * node_t list

type +'a t = node_t

let text txt = Text txt
let bold seq = Bold seq
let href lnk = Href lnk
let mref lnk seq = Mref (lnk, seq)

So far so good.  Now consider a function that takes a node and returns
another node, in all identical except that all occurrences of Text (either
in the parent or in all descendants if the node is defined recursively)
are replaced by the capitalised version.  Moreover, I want to place this
function in a different module, called Foobar:

module Foobar:
open M
val capitalise_node: 'a t - 'a t
end =
open M
let capitalise_node node =
let rec capitalise_node_aux forbid_link node = match 
(forbid_link, node) with
| (_, Text txt) - text 
(String.capitalize txt)
| (x, Bold seq) - bold ( 
(capitalise_node_aux x) seq)
| (false, Href lnk) - href lnk
| (false, Mref (lnk, seq))  - mref lnk ( 
(capitalise_node_aux true) seq)
| _ - failwith oops
in capitalise_node_aux false node

Unfortunately, the code above fails to compile, producing this error:

Error: This expression has type [ `Link | `Nonlink ] M.t list
   but is here used with type [ `Nonlink ] M.t list
   The second variant type does not allow tag(s) `Link

For the Foobar module to work, I have to remove the 'private' declaration in
module Node, which of course breaks the phantom type.  Note that the function
above will also compile fine if it is defined inside Node instead of Foobar
(but which is useless to me).

So my question is how can I make the Foobar code behave as if it were defined
inside Node.  Based on a previous thread [1], I'm guessing there is a solution,
but I've been unable to hit on its exact formulation.

Thanks in advance for any light you may shed on this issue.  It is much

Kind regards,
Dario Teixeira


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Re: [Caml-list] What is a future of ocaml?

2009-01-14 Thread Dario Teixeira

 I understand that there's no manpower to push the core
 compiler forward faster. But it would be a solace to know
 that there are at least some optimistic plans with a broader

Speaking of which, there's something that's been on my mind for quite
some time: what's the holdup preventing INRIA from having more manpower
dedicated to Ocaml?  The language already has a sizable community, a
fair industrial usage, and a visible presence among the academia.  I'm
sure that given the language advantages that we all know, if it had
more widespread usage there would be a positive multiplier effect on the
French economy and beyond (think of productivity losses resulting
from crappy language choices).  Should we write a letter to monsieur
le président telling him that a well-supported Ocaml language would
do a lot more pour la gloire de la France than supermodel wives?

 Is there any hope for a grand 'OCaml 4' release that would iron out
 the last ugly spots left in the language with some breaking changes?

Backwards compatibility is overrated in an open-source environment.
However, to avoid alienating users with large code bases in legacy
code, the best solution would be to keep 3.x being updated for bugfixes
for the foreseeable future (would that require all that much manpower?),
while simultaneously developing a version 4.0 not hindered by backwards

Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] More cores

2008-12-19 Thread Dario Teixeira

 Is it time to start rethinking concurrency in OCaml?

That's a recurrent topic in this list.  I'll summarise the arguments
and save us all some time:

i) Someone raises the issue that it's time for Ocaml to go multicore.

ii) A few voices go yeah! and state that with a concurrent GC,
Ocaml can take over the world.  Their argument is as follows:

1) Ocaml gets a concurrent GC;
2) ...
3) Profit!

iii) A voice of reason notes that the devil is in step 2) above.
 If your programming paradigm for concurrency is Threads+Mutexes,
 then you are exposing yourself to a world of pain in race
 conditions.  At this point someone usually links to Xavier's
 standard speech on concurrency (which is a few years old, but
 as poignant now as it was then).

iv) The voices from step ii) retort that they're über-programmers
and that they can make perfectly scalable and race condition-free
programmes with Threads+Mutexes if only they had a concurrent GC.

v) The voice of reason remarks that one of the main reasons we all chose
   Ocaml is because the language ensures safe, resilient programmes.
   In a way it's the humble recognition that we are human, and that
   we make mistakes.  Choosing the Threads+Mutexes path would be
   hubris and an abandonment of fundamental reasons why we chose
   Ocaml in the first place.

While I tend to agree with viewpoints iii) and v), I do think a healthy
discussion on the subject of multicore is in order.  Though I suggest
we focus the discussion on concurrency models that will allow us to
take advantage of those multicores in a safe, sane manner:

a) Could Jocaml be the future of Ocaml?

b) How do we handle the global mutability issue?

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] The Axis of Eval (was: More cores)

2008-12-19 Thread Dario Teixeira
Hi again,

 I can imagine a spawn statement in a concurrent Caml that expects
 that the function passed as parameter be pure.  And of course a function
 would only be pure if it did not modify global state and only invoked
 pure functions itself.

Incidentally, it is of course possible for a function to invoke impure
functions while still being pure itself (ie, it ensures the impurity
does not leak out).  One question to those more familiar with current
language research: any recommended resources out there about this topic?

Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] Computing with big numbers?

2008-12-01 Thread Dario Teixeira

 In preparation for a talk I'm going to give, I wanted
 to estimate how good 128 bits MD5 hashes were: how many
 hashes must be taken before the probability for a collision
 become non negligible? (I'm assuming equi-probability of
 every hash.)

I reckon that by saying how good 128 bits MD5 hashes were
you are aware of the recent attacks that make MD5's effective
security less than 128-bit.  The Wikipedia has a good summary:

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[Caml-list] Issues with Sexplib (#1)

2008-11-29 Thread Dario Teixeira

I have found a couple of issues with Sexplib/Type-conv.  I am not sure they
are bugs or features, but to me they come across as unexpected, regardless.
In this message I'll report the first one;  the second follows momentarily.

Consider the Foobar module defined below.  It uses a phantom type to annotate
values of type Foobar.t, defined recursively.  The idea is that constructors
A and C are deemed basic while B and D are complex.  Functions make_basic
and make_complex are used to freeze the structure.  Because the complex
phantom value propagates across a structure, one cannot apply make_basic to
a structure that uses any of the complex constructors.  On the other hand,
make_complex can be applied to any structure.

module Foobar:
type foobar_t =
| A
| B
| C of foobar_t
| D of foobar_t
with sexp

type basic_t = [ `Basic ] with sexp
type complex_t = [ `Complex ] with sexp

type 'a t with sexp

val make_a: unit - [ `Basic ] t
val make_b: unit - [ `Complex ] t
val make_c: 'a t - 'a t
val make_d: 'a t - [ `Complex ] t

val make_basic: [ `Basic ] t - [ `Basic ] t
val make_complex: [ `Basic | `Complex ] t - [ `Complex ] t
end =
type foobar_t =
| A
| B
| C of foobar_t
| D of foobar_t
with sexp

type basic_t = [ `Basic ] with sexp
type complex_t = [`Complex ] with sexp

type 'a t = foobar_t with sexp

let make_a () = A
let make_b () = B
let make_c foobar = C foobar
let make_d foobar = D foobar

let make_basic x = x
let make_complex x = x

So far so good; now consider the code below, which serialises and then
unserialises a value of type Foobar.t.  Note how a complex structure
can be unserialised as basic without any consequences.  Therefore, the
(de)serialisation process can be used to circumvent the restrictions imposed
by the phantom type.

open Foobar

let foobar = make_complex (make_c (make_b ()))

let doc =
 let sexp = sexp_of_t sexp_of_complex_t foobar in
 let str = Sexplib.Sexp.to_string_hum sexp
 in print_endline str;
 let sexp2 = Sexplib.Sexp.of_string str in
 let doc = t_of_sexp basic_t_of_sexp sexp2
 in doc

The resulting types are:

val foobar : Document.Foobar.complex_t Document.Foobar.t(* Complex *)
val doc : Document.Foobar.basic_t Document.Foobar.t (* Basic *)

I understand that phantom types have only a compile-time significance,
with no runtime expression at all (hence their name).  Therefore, it's not
altogether surprising that the S-expression builder would simply ignore them.
Still, is there a way to make them explicit in the serialised data, such
that the unserialiser would cause a runtime error in the above example?
Note that the serialiser is already passed sexp_of_complex_t though it
doesn't seem to put it into any actual use.

Thanks for your time!
Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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[Caml-list] Issues with Sexplib (#2)

2008-11-29 Thread Dario Teixeira
Hi again,

The second issue is a bit more straightforward, though I reckon it may
actually be in Type-conv (used by Sexplib).  Consider the following code:

(* TYPE_CONV_PATH Order *)

module Order =
type ordinal_t = [ `Ordinal of int ] (* with sexp *)
type hierarchical_t = [ `Hierarchical of int list ] (* with sexp *)
type appendix_t = [ `Appendix of int list ] (* with sexp *)
type 'a scheme_t = 'a constraint 'a = [ ordinal_t | hierarchical_t | 
appendix_t ] (* with sexp *)

type 'a auto_t = [ `Auto of 'a scheme_t ] (* with sexp *)
type 'a user_t = [ `User of 'a scheme_t ] (* with sexp *)
type none_t = [ `None ] (* with sexp *)
type ('a, 'b) given_t = 'b constraint 'b = [ 'a auto_t | 'a user_t | 
none_t ] (* with sexp *)

type body_sectional_order_t = (hierarchical_t as 'a, ['a auto_t | 'a user_t 
| none_t ]) given_t (* with sexp *)
type appendix_sectional_order_t = (appendix_t as 'a, ['a auto_t | 'a user_t 
| none_t ]) given_t (* with sexp *)
type preset_sectional_order_t = (hierarchical_t, none_t) given_t (* with 
sexp *)
type wrapper_order_t = (ordinal_t as 'a, ['a auto_t | 'a user_t]) given_t 
(* with sexp *)
type ghost_order_t = (ordinal_t as 'a, 'a auto_t) given_t (* with sexp *)

It compiles fine.  Now uncomment the (* with sexp *) parts, such that it
makes use of the Sexplib syntax extension.  The compilation fails on the
definition of body_sectional_order_t, with an error type_is_recursive:
unknown type construct.  Is this a known limitation in Type-conv/Sexplib?

One last note to the authors of Sexplib: for each reporting of an issue with
Sexplib there are tons of unreported happy cases.  It is such a great tool
that I find myself using it everywhere, hence the inevitability of every
now and then running into problems...

Thanks again for your attention.
Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] Issues with Sexplib (#1)

2008-11-29 Thread Dario Teixeira

 This is not really a bug; I'd qualify this as an undesirable
 feature: sexplib erases type information; for instance the
 representation of None* will always be the same and therefore
 will be desexpable to any other option type. You may also note
 that some other type have compatible representations. In
 practice it would be really hard for a camlp4 extension to keep
 track of types. In you case you could use custom converters and
 save the phantom type in the sexp.

Yes, I figured as much (see the last paragraph of my original
message).  I was just wondering if there was already a canned
solution to this sort of problem (or one in the works), before
I wrote a custom converter.

Dario Teixeira

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Re: [Caml-list] Native dynlink on 3.11: a request for packagers

2008-11-25 Thread Dario Teixeira

 To make it easy to do this for a module or a library would
 it be possible to add a new default %.cmxs target in
 ocamlbuild before 3.11 is released (or is it already too
 late) ?

Good point.  It shouldn't be too late, since the changes are
minimal and 3.11 is only at RC1 status...


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[Caml-list] Native dynlink on 3.11: a request for packagers

2008-11-21 Thread Dario Teixeira

As you are probably aware, the upcoming 3.11 release includes
Alain Frisch's native dynlink patches.  AFAIK, you cannot
directly dynlink a cmxa or cmx file like you would do in
bytecode with cma or cmo files.  Beforehand, a native code
binary must be made into a plugin via ocamlopt's -shared
option.  The suggested convention [1] is to give these
plugins a cmxs extension:

ocamlopt -shared -linkall -o foobar.cmxs foobar.cmxa

These native code plugins are a prerequisite if one intends
to run Ocsigen in native mode.  Therefore, the life of Ocsigen
users would be greatly simplified if library writers and
packagers (GODI, Debian, Fedora, etc) would add this little
extra step of generating cmxs for each cmxa.  This request
only makes sense for 3.11, of course.

Complementary, META files should also include extra directives
for plugins.  For example:

archive(byte) = foobar.cma
archive(native) = foobar.cmxa
archive(plugin,byte) = foobar.cma
archive(plugin,native) = foobar.cmxs

This request can of course become an OSR.  My question is if the
herein contained instructions will still be valid verbatim for
3.11 final.  Will they?  Also, please check the Ocsigen Wiki for
more info on this subject [2].

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira


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Re: [Caml-list] Native dynlink on 3.11: a request for packagers

2008-11-21 Thread Dario Teixeira

 Does ocamlfind support any of this?  Since I'm now also
 cross-compiling OCaml, I've certainly come to appreciate
 findlib more than ever.

Indeed it does.  The current version of Ocsigen already
makes use of this feature.  However, because very few
(none, actually, other than Ocsigen's) packages currently
ship with cmxs files, an Ocsigen user who wants to play
with native code is forced to manually generate them.
(What impelled me to write the request was precisely
having just gone through the process of producing the
cmxs for a bunch of Ocamlnet and PXP libraries...)


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