Hi Ian,

The parameters that are being set in the mask script are not for the
delay_bram per se, but for the counter blocks underneath the delay_bram.
 The delay_bram's parameters would be set by a mask above it, or by hand.

Could you attach the error message you're getting so we can have a crack at


On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 3:38 PM, O'Dwyer, Ian J (382G) <
ian.j.o'dw...@jpl.nasa.gov <ian.j.o%27dw...@jpl.nasa.gov>> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am getting an error with a couple of blocks when trying to simulate a new
> design.  This is using version 10.1.  It seems like there is some problem
> with the initialization commands/mask.  For example in one block delay_bram
> there appear to be only 3 variables that are in the mask,   delay_len,
> bram_latency and use_dsp48.
> However, the mask initialization looks like this
> if (DelayLen <= bram_latency)
> error('delay value must be greater than BRAM Latency');
> end
> BitWidth = max(ceil(log2(DelayLen)), 2);
> if strcmp(use_dsp48,'on'),
> set_param([gcb,'/Counter'], 'use_behavioral_HDL', 'off', ...
> 'use_rpm', 'on', 'implementation', 'DSP48');
> else, %default counter settings
> set_param([gcb,'/Counter'], 'use_behavioral_HDL', 'off', ...
> 'use_rpm', 'off', 'implementation', 'Fabric');
> end
> I am not an expert on masks at all,  but it seems like it is trying to set
> values for variables (use_behavioral_hdl, implementation and use_rpm) that
> do not exist in delay_bram's mask and I think that's what the simulator is
> trying to tell me with its error message.  Does this look familiar to
> anyone
> at all?  Any suggestions?
> Many thanks
> Ian O'Dwyer

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